12 Pages Essay Samples

History of advertising assignment

In England, line advertisements in newspapers were very popular in the second half of the seventeenth century, often announcing the publication of a new book, or the opening of a new play. The Great Fire of London in 1666 was a boost to this type of advertisement, as people used newspapers in the aftermath of β†’

The recent developments to criminalise forced marriage law family essay

According to the Crown Prosecution Service's legal guidance, forced marriage is " a marriage without consent of one or both parties and where duress is a factor".[1]Whereas, the Home Office opines that forced marriage is an " appalling and indefensible practice" and a " serious abuse of human rights".[2]On the other hand, by s4 of β†’

Gays rights in russia & usa

The gay community in Russia does not have the same rights as those in the United States. Allowing same-sex couples to adopt has also been a big conflict in the Unites States of America.

Tian tai and hua yan theology religion

And with the aid of new interlingual renditions of Bibles and the reaching of Indian Buddhist missionaries, they created their ain religious orders and systems, after sorting the traditions and philosophical inclinations from the North and the South within China in earlier periods. In this historical and spiritual context, from the ulterior half of the β†’

Does multi channel retailing have more impact

Multi Channel Retailing: Multi Channel Retailing is a concept in which product are selling to the customers by more then one channel. After they select their product and the shop who's offer is best they move to shop and purchase from that store or they can order online or by phone as well.

Influences on the consumer decision process sony playstation marketing essay

Sony Entertainment Inc.is the business unit that is responsible for the production, distribution and marketing of its video games consoles including the Sony PlayStation. Sony launched the long awaited PlayStation 3 in the USA in 2006, just two days before the launch of the Wii from Nintendo.

Can identity be self-created?: characterization in β€˜the alchemist’ and β€˜marriage-a-la-mode’

Identity is dual: it is our personal identity, what we fundamentally are and cannot be detached from how we appear in society, our social identity.[1]By considering the concept of identity's dual characteristics, its multiplicity and relative stableness as well as its social implications, I will present the extent of control we have over creating our β†’

Bacardi limited: competitive position

It will include a description, competitive analysis of the company, analysis based on choice of potential market and product to enter with into the market with decision making on the choice of mode of entry. Global Alcoholic Drinks: Buying and Winning Share in Global Spirits 2008 25 p Mission of Bacardi is distribution its portfolio β†’

Hampshire company cost-volume analysis

The operating leverage is showing the break-even point by total variable cost, fixed cost, and the sales of the company. The cost-volume will analyze the relationship between fixed cost and variable cost, that will allow The Hamphsire Company to reach profit and the targeted income.

Customer satifaction essay

And it is this tried and tested formula of delivering great-tasting food, adherence to world class operating standards and the universal appeal of the family values the brand represents that are driving the expansion of Jollibee both locally and in the overseas market. Null Hypothesis The study shows that there is no relevance between the β†’

Cause and impact of 2008 recession economics essay

The mortgage and banking crisis had begun around the early 2007, then the equity market reaction occurred in July/August 2007 and then the collapse started in September 2008 with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the bailout of AIG. The concentration should not only be on the causes of financial crisis but also on the β†’

Theories for decision making

According to Zajonc's cockroaches experiment which explain the behaviour of a group of cockroaches in tacking different level of tasks, in order to point out the changes of human behaviours during group processing. In the discussion, if the leaders or boss point out that they expect people to perform the particular results and decision, most β†’

Interconversion of petroleum distillation curves

The main part of the Mathcad worksheet with the API method for estimation of TBP curve from ASTM distillation curve is reproduced in Fig.1. Area of worksheet with the Mathcad version of the reversed API procedure, for conversion of the TBP curve into ASTM distillation curve The use of the same Mathcad version of the β†’

Li and fung case study

He further stated that in a supply chain network it is very important that the organization is in constant touch with the upstream which includes the suppliers and the manufacturers and with the downstream which includes the wholesalers, retailers and the customers. Furthermore, it can be deducted that technology can help the supply chain to β†’

The tata group is well known industry management essay

The success of the steel industry lies in the strategy. The mission of Tata steel is to be an employer choice.

Thesis guidelines assignment

The title page presents the title, the full name of the writer, and the submission statement, which includes the faculty or school, and the institution, the degree sought, and the month and year in which the degree is to be granted. The approval sheet provides space for the signatures of the Thesis Coordinator and Academic β†’

The history of tata nano marketing essay

The more rapid increase in disposable income in China, combined with an aging population and a historical preference for larger vehicles, lead to the conclusion that India and the rest of Asia will be the most promising ultra-low-cost car markets, accounting for perhaps 60 percent of the estimated global market potential. Tata Motors developed and β†’

A market report on rice in the kingdom of saudi arabia

Consulate General of India Commercial Section JED/COM/201/7/2006 A Market Report on Rice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia MARKET OVERVIEW Rice is the most important staple food for about one-half of the world population and provides over 20 percent of the global calorie intake. However, due to rise in number of pilgrims for Haj and β†’

International human resrouces assignment

The benefits of having PC employees for the airport would be the familiarity with the airport's goals, policies and objectives, managerial and technical competence and effective communication and liaison with the airport's personnel and greater control over the subsidiary activities. The benefits of having HCI to the airport would be the familiarity with the PESTLE β†’

What is the pathophysiology of eclampsia?

4 The main goal for management of pre-eclampsia is ultimately to protect the safety of the mother and prevent progression to eclampsia and then the delivery of a healthy newborn. 16 Due to improvements in antenatal care in the UK, syndrome of eclampsia and development of HELLP syndrome is now rare.

The society of jesus the jesuits religion essay

From the day of its inception in the basement of a Paris church of Saint Denis till today the Jesuits have always been more progressive than the rest of the Catholic Church. They presented themselves to the Pope and petitioned to form the new order The Society of Jesus.

Why and how vladimir putin is trying to regain control over russia media essay sample

The greatest challenge then for the Russian media was the fact that the law for the on media was based o European Media laws and did not necessarily reflect the emerging events in Russia. The media chose to downplay the destruction of villages and towns leading to refugee crisis and the brutality meted out to β†’

Structural foundation for the conduct of research education

Shih farther expands this thought by naming four cardinal countries for consideration when make up one's minding on a research method: the research doctrine and aims of the research, the nature of the phenomenon and subject-matter, the degree and nature of the research inquiries, practical considerations related to the research scene, and the efficient usage β†’

Strategic business management and planning for amazon

Strategic management can be defined as " the set of decisions and actions that result in the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve a company's objective" This essay is based on the study of Amazon.com. Then I moved on to the strategic thinking of the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, and the strategies β†’

What is the role of visual skills in learning to read?

Phonological awareness and visual skills in learning to read Chinese and English. The role of phonological awareness and visual-orthographic skills in Chinese reading acquisition.Dev.

The sense of an ending essay sample

The revaluation of Tony's life depicts the philosophy of existentialism, especially in part one, who lives by the mindset of Eros and Thanatos and is a reoccurring theme throughout the novel bringing the novel much weight. The unreliability of Tony's narration is a microcosm of the post-modern movement which breaks the conventions of truthful accounts β†’

Social discrimination

As in the story, Ah Bor, a seventeen year old young lady, is sold as a slave to the wealthy house of the Grandmother, and being so she is owned both in body and soul by her. At the same time, the characters of the Half Uncle, the husband of the half sister and Ah β†’

Enlistment system

The proponents come up with this study to determine the acceptability of the society on the Online Enlistment System and also to find out the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed system. To determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the Online Enlistment System Statement of the problem The study sought to determine the acceptability of β†’

L’oreal and the cosmetic industry essay

Then, the report will determine the key strategic issues and the critical success factors facing the cosmetics industry and L'Oreal in the next five years. Key strategic issues in the cosmetics industryThis second part of the report will analyse the driving of change and the growth of the future in the cosmetics industry.

Challenges for advancing telehealth

BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION Telehealth is the use of electronic and telecommunications technology to deliver healthcare and medical services to support patients remotely connected and to provide professional healthcare education, public health and health administration. These advancements have led to the creation of a rich tapestry of popular telemedicine applications that the world is coming to β†’

Principles of nazi propaganda under the third reich history essay

Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to survey the various principles of Nazi propaganda used from the inception of the Ministry of Propaganda to the end of the Second World War. He fears the growing problem of the " Marxist weapon of Jewry" and that no one should be surprised if among the β†’

Phillip morris–kraft case study

6 million USD; in 1988 the company intended to establish itself as the second largest company in the food market through the acquisition of Kraft, Inc. In short, " the acquisition of Kraft would have made Philip Morris the world's largest food company, and it would have been a major step in the firm's strategy β†’

Auditing special assignment

This particular standard is closely related to General Standard 3: The auditor must exercise due professional care in the performance of the audit and the preparation of the report. Standard 3 Evidence The standard defines evidence as comprising " all information that supports the auditor's opinion on the financial statements." It also " stresses the β†’

Leaving home

India as I last remembered it, was freezing in the morning, and boiling in the afternoon, pretty smelly, the people were scared to talk to me and my brother, and we did not really want to say anything to them. The one thing that thrilled me when we were boarding the plane was that the β†’

Agricultural climate adaptation: pakistan wheat industry

2 Agriculture among the various sector of the economy of Pakistan is considered to be the most fragile sector to the unexpected changes in the climate that not only affect the amount of its production and quality but also put pressure on the availability of natural resources needed for the development of agriculture sector. 0Adaptation β†’

The portrait of ed students pronunciation education essay

Major purposes: The major purposes are 1).to describe the portrait of ED students' pronunciation, 2).to find out the implication of students' pronunciation portrait towards the teaching and learning of English; 2. Minor purposes: The minor purposes are 1).to investigate the way ED students learn pronunciation, 2).to analyze whether the students' mother tongue affect students' pronunciation β†’

Normative development essay

The revolutionary thinking of Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalytic approach of the early 1900's challenged existing human nature and development and inspired offshoot theories that continue to be applicable to healthy development in modern day society. Education for example, embraces the concept of assimilation and accommodation by pitching programmes to a child's level of understanding, β†’

Linear variable differential transformer and strain gauge transducer

A cylindrical ferromagnetic core, attached to the object whose position is to be measured, slides along the axis of the tube, the figure below shows the construction of the LVDT. The magnitude of the output voltage is proportional to the distance moved by the core, which is why the device is described as " linear".

Two different concepts of power and authority

If the CEO of a company says that his proposal is going to change, in the mind of the employee, they agree to change theirs as well. One important factor within power and leadership is the distribution of power.

Comparison of pastoral care models

Pastor is Greek for shepherd The metaphor of the shepherd and his sheep can be poignant: " The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing".".....we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care"."...and I lay down my life for the sheep" The metaphor demonstrates our relationship with God through our faith in β†’

General swot analysis for victorias secret marketing essay

Today, Victoria's secret is considered to be the leading lingerie retailer in the world with turnover in excess of $5bn, and operating income in excess of $1bn reported in 2006. S also enjoys a great deal of economies of scale and has a lot of bargaining power since it is a monopoly in the lingerie β†’

Richard wagner essay

What Is The Market: The markets blue label will be working within are the independent vinyl/CD pressing market and the independent distribution market. Other companies will do these services individually, but not all of them together and with the knowledge and expertise in the urban' music world and our large number of contacts will enable β†’

Introductioni will die5, 6. when one buys cut

As the concentration of sucrose in the solution increases so will the longevity of the flowers, however after a certain concentration the flowers will die faster as the higher the concentration of sucrose the more susceptible the solution is to bacteria. The molarity of the solution can be measured using the weighing mass to calculate β†’

Luxury brand goods and counterfeiting marketing essay

As Nia and Zaichkowsky stated that luxury brands shows prestige and they are rarity, while counterfeits are negatively affect the brand image and philosophy because the low cost and high production, the uniqueness and rarity instead by the massive copied edition. Price-quality reference It is believed that in price-quality reference, the higher the price the β†’

Evaluating the importance of honest communication in nursing nursing essay

There is a need for regular meetings between the doctor and nurse to hand over details of the patient's progress, drug changes, and any important communications between the professional and the patient or family. To gain Mr Jones's attention and to maintain his concentration throughout the conversation, the use of touch is essential.

Endosymbiotic theory in eukaryotic cells

The hypothesis of endosymbiosis is at present the most widely accepted theory on the evolution of the eukaryotic cell. In the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell, the DNA is organised into chromosomes, which is surrounded by a membrane.

Regulation of energy drinks and caffeine in india

According to the new rules, drinks containing more than 150 mg per litre of caffeine will be required to label the quantity of caffeine such as " High Caffeine Content" and the amount of caffeine used in the same field as the name of the product. To recommend the limit of caffeine in energy drinks β†’

Water supply policies and difficulties environmental sciences essay

Ensure to improve water quality and to improve the recycling and re- use of water. There should be water zoning of the country and the economic activities should be directed and controlled.

A two port network biology essay

In a two-port network, often port 1 is considered the input port and port 2 is considered the output port. We are aiming to investigate the relationships between the individual parameters and the parameters of two-port networks in cascade and parallel.

The battle of hampton roads

As the Union found it necessary for a blockade of the main ports to weaken the Confederate economy and win the war with as little bloodshed as possible, the Confederate had to find a way to prevent Union domination of the coastlines. The Lincoln administration and the North states, on the other hand, refused to β†’

Tata consultancy services (tcs): organisation culture

Culture of TCS relevant from the employees' perspective: The Culture of TCS is observed to be highly ethical as is the case with most TATA Group Companies. The other is the project specific work culture, as there are different client, the project culture varies according to the client and the work needs.

The new orleans saints: taking their city back

And the New Orleans Saints were helped by the inability by the Colts to, and were simply lucky to, recover the ball after the on-side kick, just as the people of New Orleans needed help and a little bit of luck to recover from one of the worst natural disasters ever to hit the United β†’

Aids in africa essay

South Africa is the eye of the storm in terms of the AIDS epidemic. One of the most serious modes in South Africa is the mother to child transmission.

Using internet and blog to support learning writing

In fact, larding often, over the years, become the sole examiner of learners writing that the lack of feedback and Interaction In the process of writing it. For example, a teacher must have a basic competence in the management and regulation to create a climate conducive to teaching and learning to enable the implementation of β†’

The history of unions in america

The Knights of Labor was the first major union in America, attracting nearly 750, 000 members at the height of its popularity but did not have the lasting power to remain relevant in the American labor movement With the formation of the American Federation of Labor by Samuel Gompers in 1886, the American worker now β†’

Elections are a major institutional pillar politics essay

The functioning of democracy demands " maximum involvement and participation of the masses in democratic process of the country".[4]These are " the central democratic procedure for selecting and controlling leaders".[5]Elections are episodes of political action during which the preferences of citizens and the conduct of politicians, based on their past agency record and their prospective β†’

An analysis of the asean regional forum politics essay

Moreover, the rapidly rising power of China was extremely worrisome and there was still a trust deficit that existed among the ASEAN countries and Japan- a hangover of Second World War ASEAN saw the ARF as a way to keep the US in, and China and Japan down. This was a signal that the ARF β†’

The aims of al qaeda politics essay

Establishing the rule of god on earth Attaining martyrdom in the cause of god Purification of the ranks of Islam from the elements of depravity This is one of the reasons for Al Qaeda creating alliances with other Islamic groups, for it to establish itself as the moral guardian and director of Jihad, using its β†’

Sustainable design for interior design construction essay

Therefore, it ' s the function of the interior decorator to inform the client of the amplitude of the sustainable field. It should be the end of the interior interior decorator to to the full understand this new position and educate the client on how utilizing environmentally friendly merchandises is non an immediate nexus to β†’

Budget information problem based in metroline travel engineering accounting essay

The project also includes the 4 P's within the marketing mix, limitations of incremental budgeting, 10 criteria which are proposed for good-quality information and a financial analysis of the logistical function overtime cost. This information is important to management and stakeholders alike in assessing the activities and performance of an organisation, illustrated in Figure 3.

Vivian gonzalez mr. martinez-ramos a.p. united sta essay

It really did not matter if they had nothing to do with the strikes, in their minds anything that went wrong in the perfect society of the United States was the work of the Communist. And so it was that in the 1950s a revival of the Red Scare appeared.

Elements of pastoral literary mode in alan hollinghurst’s the swimming-pool library

This essay, therefore, is meant to determine whether and, if so, how the pastoral traditions are made use of, in the process of re-establishing the technique of pastoral presentation to serve the needs of gay writing at the end of the twenty-first century. Considering the tendencies of literary devices as regards their transformation and reformulation β†’

Report on indian telecom industry essay

RCOM, with the aim of riding the wave of change, is looking not only at the domestic but the international market. Now is the time to take advantage of the expected future reforms and the Indian growth story to capitalize on the goodwill of the parent company and the existing infrastructure.

Within unenforceable by the court and has thus

Public Interest Litigation has meant a change in the traditional function of the Supreme Court PIL has enabled the Supreme Court to exercise affirmative action to vindicate those socio-economic rights traditional considered unenforceable by the court and has thus enlarged the scope of article 32 of the Constitution. Bhagwati of the Supreme Court: Public Interest β†’

Overview of domestic violence in the uk

It is from this premise that efforts have been made in the recent past both at national and international level to strengthen the law on traditional patterns of violence and to expand the scope of the law to cover new forms of violence. While the problem often encountered in this process at national level is β†’

Case study total quality management education essay

Juran pointed out the importance of both technical and managerial aspects, and identified the three basic functions of the quality management process: planning, organization and control, as the stages for quality improvement; he indicated that the aim of the management is to reduce the cost of mistakes, reaching a point where the total costs of β†’

The brave one essay sample

Eventually, she managed to push herself to go to the police station to follow up on their case but since she did not get the outcome she desired because she was given a spiel to wait in the lounge and an officer will attend to her just like what was said to the others who β†’

Comunication in nursing assignment

One of the most important forms of communication is the therapeutic communication a Nurse has with her patient the human element the Nurse can bring her compassion and empathy to the Nurse patient relationship which proves positive and effective in the patient's recovery. It is important that the Nurse has a therapeutic relationship with the β†’

Strategic human resources management of hcl technologies

It is required in order to remove psychological and social work environment problem which hinders the growth of the employees. 22% of respondents are in the age group of 26-40 Years, and 5.

Supervise work-based learning

1 Obtain and convey workplace information and the evidences of current competencies, the trainer will be able to identify what the training needs of the prospective trainee are. All you have to do is to fill in the column " Task Required and " Date Accomplished with all the activities in accordance with the training β†’

Simon birch

The theme of socialization and what it does to a child could not be more prevalent than in the transition from the limitations Simon started his life with, the growing struggles that surrounded himself and Joe, and finally his ability to override the looking-glass self that his small town had bestowed upon him. With the β†’

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease nursing assessment approach

It will locate the point of the trajectory of the disease, as well as the care environment the assessment takes place with, and why these are important in relation to the relevance of the chosen assessment. This essay will focus on the group of the patients in a hospital environment which suffer from the chronic β†’

Unmanned aerial vehicle of bits pilani

To tap these features and advance the applications and versatility of the quadrotor is the aim of the team.1. Pitch, in a square configuration, is achieved by reducing the speeds of two propellers and increasing the speeds of the two propellers, this pitches the quadrotor in the direction of A and B.

Strategy formulation and processes | new balance

Since the days of selling arch supports to police officers and waiters, New Balance has been a brand concerned with meeting the needs of the everyday athlete. All New Balance, Dunham, Aravon and PF Flyers footwear are made without the use of PVC, a substance considered to be harmful to the environment.

The anatomy of the female reproductive system essay

Antidiuretic endocrine stops the loss of H2O from the organic structure when it increases the resorption of H2O in the kidneys and decreases the flow of blood to the perspiration secretory organs. It is found in the pelvic organic structure pit to the dorsum or the urinary vesica and to the forepart of the rectum.

The doctrine of β€˜personality rights’ in the uk

Misleading the public by giving a false impression of endorsement of a product by a celebrity has been to commit the tort of passing off for over a decade.[2] The tort of passing off was traditionally defined as ' nobody has the right to represent his goods as the goods of someone else'.[3] The ' β†’

Cloud computing and modelling of cash flows essay sample

In addition to NPV modelling, the paper also examines the fraction of the total product /solutions options that can be moved to the cloud today from the total universe of IT assets by running a statistical analysis of data collected from a vendor sample space. In addition to NPV modelling, the paper also determines the β†’

U s custom border protection are we secure criminology essay

This involved absorbing employees from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Border Patrol, the Customs Service, and the Department Of Agriculture. Afterward treasury secretary authorized to employ the special agents for the purpose of examining the account and books of the collectors of customs.

Measuring partition coefficient

Determination of CO: The Cw was subtracted from the concentration of the buffered solution, i.e, 0. Calculation of the concentration of salicylate added to each separating funnel: The salicylic acid concentration of the sample taken = 0.2 gm.mol/Liter.

Crisis communication plan

Unfortunately, despite Starbucks signing the agreement and taking initiative to contribute to Ethiopia's economy, the conflict between Starbucks and Ethiopia continued. Ethiopia has suspended the agreement and OXFAM had in the past organized a campaign against Starbucks to sign the agreement.

Smart phone impact on career and professional development

With the help of Smartphone youngsters tend to read books in phones. When it comes in the form of helping youngsters to develop their career it is playing a vital role.

Role of the media in political conflict resolution

The main role of the researcher was to find out through this study, the role that the media can play in the process of political conflict resolution in regard to the fact that it is through the media that different political parties voice out their ideas to the public. Politics and the Media in Southern β†’

The internet – the key to win an election campaign

By discussing the advantages of the internet as a communication platform, the advantages of the internet for an election campaign, and the examples of Howard Dean and Barack Obama this paper will prove that the internet is the key to win a presidential election campaign these days.2. The new medium of the 21st century is β†’

Game mechanics in racing games

The challenge in the game is to balance and control the speed so that the player can pass through obstacles successfully. The definition explained here has been used to study and understand the game mechanics and gameplay in a variety of games mentioned in the research.

Importance of international law for climate change

This paper will discuss the severity of climate change, the action it requires in order to be averted, and the reasons it demands recognition and influence of the international community, in order to conclude that climate change is an issue of international law. For example, a recent study found that the end of human civilization β†’

The reasons to enter vietnam economics essay

Vietnam located at the eastern part of the Indochinese Peninsula and the center of South East Asia and a tropical country of the northern hemisphere. The first move of Coca-Cola into Vietnam is based on the new emerge and rapid growth of economy in Vietnam.

Why motivation at workplace business

One of the earliest can be traced back to the United States in the early 1900s with the development of ' time and gesture ' surveies, which would happen the ' one best manner ' of executing a undertaking. He was one of the first to stress the anticipation of behaviour and encouraged the usage β†’

Postmodern view of socioeconomy and politics in absurdistan

By depicting Absurdistan and other post-Soviet countries as post-modern through the eyes of Misha Vainberg and his relationships with a melange of people, Shteyngart also opens the eyes of his readers to the world of political exploitations, grave gender issues, class disparities, and influences of American in modern day Russia. As the narrator soars " β†’

A rocky 50 years – palestinian – israelie relations essay

After the war ended, President Truman recognized the support, and also felt a sense of compassion for European Jews: My purpose was then and later to help bring about the redemption of the pledge of the Balfour Declaration and the rescue of at least some of the victims of Nazism. True to the policy of β†’


In order to tackle the problem, Sainsbury has adopted the policies of operating in EU and also other parts of the globe. One of the collaboration of Sainsbury is to focus on the demands of the consumers and maintain a healthy relationship with the suppliers and other partners.

Constantine’s protection of christian rights

The Roman Revolution of Constantine.Pp. The Roman Revolution of Constantine.pp.

Challenges caused by the knowledge economy

In the context of learning, Alavi and Leidner describe knowledge management as a dynamic and continuous organisational phenomenon that involves distinct but interdependent processes of knowledge creation, knowledge retrieval, knowledge transfer, and knowledge application. As organisations grow, the level of learning and the quality of knowledge becomes more important and critical to the business inputs β†’

Energy crisis in pakistan essay sample

It usually refers to the shortage of oil, electricity, gas and other natural resources Energy is considered to be life line of any economy and most vital instrument of socioeconomic development of a country. Pakistan is in the grip of a serious energy crisis that is affecting all sectors of the economy and the various β†’

Sustainability and profits in a global situation

Clear illustrations of a figure of schools of ideas influence on the planetary policy doing steering corporations on how to near sustainability were highlighted; turn toing the importance of the integrating of the construct of profitableness with environmental, societal and economic issues, which is what sustainable discourse, revolves about. As a affair of fact, the β†’