12 Pages Essay Samples

Domino theory

Did the domino theory encourage the United State to participate in the Cold War or was it obvious that US could still engage in the Cold War? The theory was applied by the administrations of the United States during the Cold War to explain the requirement for American intervention around the world.

Sexual excess of the eithteenth century essay

These verse forms serve as a reminder of the huge sums of titillating art and literature that were produced in the eighteenth Century, and the century ' s subsequent repute; as that of an ' age of sexual surplus '. In fact, the focal point on this century as ' The Century of Sex ' β†’

Britain has become a multicultural society social work essay

Williams cited in Allott and Robb argues that the phrase communities were originally used to refer to the common individuals, as opposed to those of rank, or to a state or organised society. TTF volunteers support individuals by directing them to additional services to help to change lives and break the cycle of poverty ) β†’

Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder

Child-Onset CD is defined by the onset of one criterion characteristic of CD before the age of 10-years old, whilst Adolescent-Onset CD is defined by the absence of characteristics of CD prior to 10-years old. One of the limitations of the research evidence thus far informing the diagnostic criteria for ODD and CD is a β†’

Aids and your essay

In this situation, one is infected with theAIDS virus and one's immune system is compromised, but not somuch so that one gets the cancers orpneumonias of the AIDS disease. This is on the basis of the fact that antibodies to the AIDSvirus are found in their blood.

Middle range theories on nursing

Application to Nursing Practice In the delivery of care it is important to put into consideration the background of the individual. The patient and also the family of the patient have certain preferences which they are willing to share if the practitioner shows care and understanding.

Changes and force field analysis management essay

Senior executives of the bank convinced that it was the right time to bring the change for the benefaction of the bank. This is the main reason of the failure of the change.

Social capital and societys social interactions

To use the construct of societal capital as a pattern and operational degree in action, it can be broken down into 5 cardinal dimensions: Groups and webs The aggregations of persons that can advance and protect personal relationships which betterment in public assistance in society ' s economic; Trust and Solidarity The elements of interpersonal β†’

America by jean baudrillard

His use of metaphor and linguistic style may not be so common to everybody but reading his lines altogether and understanding his motives will bring you to conclusion that he was really an observer and a critic with extra-ordinary perception on events Most part of the book talk about some of the states he visited β†’

Cousin kate by christina rossetti and the seduction by eileen mcauley

In " The Seduction", a teenage girl attends a party, gets very drunk and believes she is in love with the male in this poem, but it is really the influence of the alcohol making her think this." Cousin Kate" was set in the nineteenth century and " The Seduction" was set in the twentieth; β†’

Compare how tension is conveyed in “the red room” and “farthing house”

The backgrounds of the characters: one was an old man, referred to as the man with the withered arm; the old lady and the man with the shade were the other characters. It creates the feeling of secrecy and shows that it is isolated from the rest of the castle.

A globalizing world: the advent of multinational corporations and their impact on research paper

The advantages and disadvantages, with a focus on the labor and human rights impact of MNCs in developing countries, will also be covered. As international laws and regulations regarding the operations of MNCs in developing nations are reviewed and revised, companies need to formulate strategies that are in keeping with existing laws and are capable β†’

Global business plan for yankee candle company

The Yankee Candle Company continues to build on the passion and creativity of Mike Skittered; driven by a mission to warm hearth and home with the fragrances of life through excellence, innovation, and passion. The Yankee Company has decided to expand their markets and head out to the Country of Greece.

Toyota motor manufacturing essay sample

Furthermore, lack of process synchronization and poor production planning delay the company to produce the best productivity and quality. Alternative A: Producing Seats by TMM itself In order to ensure the supply and the quality of seats, TMM should choose a location to produce seats by itself and continue the sequential pull system.

How tesla will accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy

It is known to be the largest democracy in the world and also one the most influential and powerful country in the world today. The EV market in India is ripe but it is yet to grow and has a lot of potential as the shift of India to EVs is inevitable.

Research paper on frank lorenzo

The recessions of the 1970s and the liability crises of the 1980s subjecting aircraft manufacturers to lawsuits, in addition to several major regulatory reforms offered the airline companies with innumerable opportunities together with innumerable new challenges. Lorenzo was determined to have a major stake of the airline industry and was focused on more acquisitions.

Consulate general of india

Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Foreign equity in such Indian companies can be up to 100% depending on the requirements of the investor, subject to equity caps in respe ct of the area of activities under the Foreign Direct Investment policy. Arrange for the drafting of the Memorandum and Articles of Association by the solicitors, vetting of β†’

Distribution of power in b2b networks literature reviews example

The business to business communication and negotiation between retailers and suppliers shows the distribution of power between the buyer and the seller, wherein the seller benefits of various advantages for influencing the seller's activity. Summarizing Kumar's study Fernie and Sparks note that the relationship between suppliers and retailers can be categorized in different dependency levels, β†’

Human resource management in context reports examples

Through detailed market research by examining some of the external factors likely to affect the development of the company, Cenlow can avert some of the loopholes or factors likely to lower the performance of the company into the global market based on the set targets. The fact that the company is witnessing competition in the β†’

Corporate governance in coca cola corporation commerce essay

The Board is designated by the stockholders to oversee their concentration in the enduring strength and the mostly achievement of the production and its economic power. The Corporate Governance scheme, all along with the contracts of the all of the Board committee and the solution readying of the Board afford the construction for communal domination β†’

Solent solution and bellevue hotel report examples

In the year 2005, one of the founding team of the company's employees Yvonne Gillespie was promoted to carry out the role of Director of Organisational Development and her task was to develop the of " working hard and playing hard". The organizational structure is supposed to facilitate the processes in an organization and should β†’

Apple inc. is nasdaq listed, an american multinational corporation

In this technique of sales promotion, exposure to a product enables a consumer to register the name in the mindset and later when customer visits a store, the particular brand name would be recalled, which clearly indicates that in the agenda of mind, product and brand are stored in the memory of customer through this β†’

Leadership vs entrepreneurship essay

The topic of the research is of great interest because of much attention paid by scholars and publicity to the issues of leadership qualities and their influence on career and personal development. The aim of the current project is to analyze the differences between leadership and entrepreneurship, make appropriate conclusions and reflect on the leadership β†’

Good report about project management

Migration of data on file servers should be undertaken with a plan for consolidation of the file servers or replacement of those that are outdated with new servers as well as migration of applications in existence as well as related data to new servers. Data mapping elements would also be involved in the design phase β†’

Coca cola’s micro and macro environment essay sample

It help identify marketers of their customers, less growth of married couple in town shows that there is an increase in unmarried people and civil partnerships and usually it is seen that unmarried couple in different regions of the world tends less attracted of having children, eventually can be summarises that less married people, less β†’

Essay on asia pacific business

The purpose of this research is to identify the similarities and differences in business policies between China and Japan and how they compare with each other under their own political and economic systems that govern their respective practices. Li, X.& Putterill, M.

A legitimate tax plan that minimizes a multinational technology companys taxes research paper sample

This paper, which is essentially a tax plan which will instruct a multinational technology corporation on how to reduce its taxes, will be created with the assumption that such a company holds intellectual property rights in the United States. Consequently, it is the purpose of this paper to show how tax avoidance strategies such as β†’

Example of essay on global management

A leader with a global mindset is able to understand incoming facts and information and apply it to the needs of the company. But there is another half to the global mindset and that is the ability to translate the information to the company personnel so they can understand and take appropriate action.

Business plan on market segmentation

Given the present business potential and the rapid rate of growth, it makes sense for companies to tap into this opportunity to provide ICT services out of India by taking advantage of the various factors such as the positive attitude towards foreign investment in the IT industry, the talent pool of trained and experienced software β†’

Hard rock caf strategic review report

Recent developments of the company s activities into related sectors of the industry, such as casino and casino resorts, places emphases on the analysis of its diversification strategy and allows putting into perspective the challenges and opportunities that the company will face in near and long-term future. The involvement of the Hard Rock Group in β†’

Marketing channels and logistics: a case study of pepsi international

With Cola Cola entering the market, Pepsi needs to redefine and redesign its supply-chain strategy to meet the challenges faced in the market and sustain its position in the country. It is the result of the high level of interdependence in the supply chain between different parties and channels and the lack of power and β†’

Free essay about dark leadership & normative control

The nature of the organizational behavior study is to investigative to identify or establish the cause and effect These theories are further integral to an organizational leadership as they describe how the management exerts control over the organization. The ethical guidelines are some of the core tools an organization uses to control the feelings and β†’

Starbucks coffee restaurant essay sample

BODY Business Starbucks Coffee Restaurant is advertised in the tri -media its specialty in the coffee, beverage and generally in the food industry. The company policy is that it is not just the coffee but everything else that matters in catapulting Starbucks Coffee Restaurant to its current pedestal in the restaurant business.

Free problems/pressing concerns of the indoor skydiving industry research proposal sample

Indoor skydiving can be a way to tap the thrill seekers in the cities that have busy schedules due to the proximity of the indoor skydiving centers. Such is detrimental to the growth of the industry as the professional skydivers can train the young enthusiasts and influence younger individuals to like the sport which can β†’

Degree of globalisation of ford motor company

The global scope of both lead firms and the largest suppliers was enhanced by a wave of mergers and acquisitions, and equity-based alliances in the 1990s. The first one is that, the advancements in industrialization led to significant increase in the growth and production of the Japanese and German automotive markets.

Spirituality at twilight wish foundation essays examples

In the modern society, with increased internationalization and globalization concept across the world that has developed human interaction in many aspects and fields such as education, business, employment and religious interactions among others, has contributed to the shift achieved in many business organizations and companies that tries to incorporate elements of spiritual growth and development β†’

6 drivers in relationship selling of the coca-cola company

With the above fascinating phenomenon, the questions emerged: how can the company achieve and keep so huge success and what is the selling and sales management that Coca-Cola Company applied to support such kind of success? In the early years, the company hoped the brand available, affordable and acceptable to build that is instantly recognizable β†’

Essay on fedex corporation

Under the value chain techniques we also have the support activities and in FedEx Corporation the activities include the procurement department that makes all the purchases of the company. FedEx Corporation was given permission to provide its services to the whole of the United States in the year 1983 and thus its maturity phase started β†’

Understanding and improving work behaviour management essay

This is a modern approach to management and includes the system approach, that view an organization as a system, which is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole and the contingency approach that indicates that individual organizations, employees and situations are different and require different way β†’

A case study on team dynamics management essay

The first section will critically analyze the team dynamics and formation of Electron with the relevant theories and concepts on team norms, team development, team context, structure and team cohesion; the second section will access the impacts of team size, social loafing and emotional on team performance; in the next section of the report, based β†’

Strategic contigencies model of power assignment

The exercise of power may be witnessed through the influence of a sub-unit of the organization in its control of policies, scarce resources, choice assignments, favorable positions, and most significantly, the processing of strategic information. It is through the determination of strategic decisions and the enactment of the firm's priority policies that those with power β†’

Facility layout essay sample

The location, design, and layout of an organization' facilities are central to maximizing the efficiency of the overall operations system. Materials: The layout of the productive equipment will depend on the characteristics of the product to be managed at the facility, as well as the different parts and materials to work on.

An analysis on cirque du soleil from a management perspective

They contribute to both the success and the downs of the organization as theirenvironmenthas changes over the years. The passion, the attitude, beliefs, language of art, and the customs and standards of these people can be the fountain for the culture that is being acquired today by the present employees.

Final examination

While the forty five years old which belong to the ageing stage where in most of them pass the mid-career crisis period this is the stage where the employees become more loyal to the company and are needed to be trained to catch up with the new and younger employees who is more technology advance.3. β†’

Good example of context-aware middleware for mobile social networking research paper

SAMOA basically focuses on the user that is the visibility of the physical location of the user and features of that location. The second role is the clients, who are users within the locality of the manager and qualify to become part of the social network of the manager.

Oee calculation for ssf management essay

In this second part of the assignment I will come to analyse the strategy requirement needed to satisfy the production's strategy at Sizzling stir fries and also outline how SSF must ensure that, adequate provision and procedures are put into place to ensure that all employees are aware of the potential food safety and risks β†’

Soft thinking and intellectual capital assignment

To evaluate the benefits of Soft Systems Thinking in promoting an organisational intellectual capital it is necessary to understand the concept of Soft Systems Methodology and how this methodology can be used to foster teamwork, communities of practice and social learning, and whether these learning outcomes adds knowledge to employees, and leads to improved professional β†’

Security manager – working with and leading people

One of the most important responsibilities of a security manager is to monitor the security operations in the collegeenvironment. I have demonstrated the skills of listening to others and considering their point of view regarding important stages of the completion of the project.

Swot analysis on walmart assignment

The strength of the company is the supply chain system where the company has products in a locked place until needed in a certain branch. This criticism affects the relationships between suppliers and the company that talks of this fact effects outputs in the supply chain of the company.

Company background essay example

The mission and vision of the company is to become the best airline of the world. Education about life and skills does not end with the finish of a course and therefore, in order to keep up the process of personal development one has to learn from the environment he is in, from his workplace β†’

The hr profession map essay sample

According to the membership band if the HR professional has to relate with a client, he/she would deliver the fundamentals within the band 1, be a strategy adviser and problem solver for the band 2, work as consultant or co-operative partner to set and guide the strategies within the band 3 and be the client β†’

Guide to an effective classroom management essay sample

The other strategy I am using is at our school we have a feeding scheem so learners during lunch they quee up and receive food so I made deal with learnersin our school that the top five learners in every class of all the classes in our school get a ticket to gaet the food β†’

Project management problems

As stated in the Civil Code 960, ' A contract is an understanding or an agreement between two or more individuals by which an duty is created, regulated, or dissolved.' This means that if the Project Manager is contracted by the Client, and in bend the Project Manager contracts 3rd parties, the Project Manager straight β†’

When some cities tend to modernize and others tend to conserve traditionalism?

The mediation system and the legal system were developed together after the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Moreover, the fast-growing economic developments, the modernization and the Westernization have led to the apparition of new cities which advocate the ideas of individualism, competition and private space, ideas totally at the opposite of β†’

Vigilance assignment

In this case since the coordination to each core members are limited, the process stopped and only dependent to the taste of the project manager. And eventually lead to disharmony, disunity and scattered focus of the attention of the team members leading to underachievement, low productivity and low morale of the team members.

Free budgeting projects essay example

The Norristown high school was established in the year 1870 in the Borough of Norristown and in the year 1972, this school relocated to West Norrition Township. This school has one auditorium and the total capacity of this school is 1774.- Enrolment The current enrolment of this school is 500 to 550 student grade and β†’

A study on public key cryptography computer science essay

It besides provides the confidentiality and intergrity of the message by utilizing public key encoding which encrypts the message utilizing the public key, but it can be decrypted utilizing merely the private key. The two chief parts of the public key cryptanalysis are: Public cardinal encoding: the message which is encrypted by the receipient public β†’

Hrm reflective writing

After learning that this is one of the best and easy ways to change oneself, I have stated using the reflective writing tool every time I wanted to develop the way I work and think. As part of the self-development, I would like to develop a skill to converse a message in a soft way β†’

Centre energy petroleum and mineral law management essay

A number of ways to use corporate reputation and RRM to benefit the oil sector involves the use of social responsibilities, stakeholder management and regulatory compliance however getting the management wrong may lead to crisis which can damage an organization's image, lead to disconnection of consumers and result to business relation disruption. The third part β†’

Business decision making

Drawing from the foundations established by Day, leadership development needs to be considered beyond hierarchical notions of manager subordinate relationships, as the responsibility of both members of the dyad, and with allowance for more variability in what is considered a high-quality, or effective, relationship. They found that the quality of LMX of the linking-pin incumbent β†’

Free case study about engineering development

The complaint was forwarded by the Maori with the intention of gaining the sovereignty and authority of the river. The bond that exists between the community and the river compel them to have a strong urge to ensure the protection of the river for the benefit and well-being of the generations to come.

Hrm strategy for expats assignment

An understanding of the management of these expatriates is of growing importance to new HRM strategies in the preparation and selection phase due or a number of reasons. There is evidence that many companies underestimate the complex nature of HR problems involved in international operations and that business failures in the international arena may often β†’

Coaching – hrm

Introduction One of the critical challenges faced by human resource management is the development of employees to meet the needs of the changing market and operatingenvironmentof the organization. Coaching and mentoring strategies have assumed increased significance in present business environment owing to the ease of application involved and the effectiveness of the method in transferring β†’

Transformational leadership in the case of x y insurance management essay

The University of SheffieldExecutive MBAUNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORTransactional and Transformational Leadership in the case of" X&Y INSURANCE" Vladimir [email protected] 20bExecutive Summary: In this paper we will critically evaluate and analyse the influence of transactional and transformational leadership approaches on several OB factors such as employee motivation, commitment and cohesion. Early and mid-20th century researches and studies β†’

I. overview of employee turnover

The papers discusses high turnover issues in the hospitality industry, the reasons behind the high turnover, the efforts of the human resource departments in the hospitality industry to cut attrition and the possible new moves and plans to have sustained rate of employees' retention. The paper also discusses the high turnover in the hospitality industry β†’

Electronic services literature review examples

There is the view that will be used to handle patient data, the view that will be used to manage doctor information and procedures and the view that will be handled when storing the data. The doctor account is used to manage the views of the doctor and how the doctor will use the information β†’

Human resource management and culture

Global HARM is in its embryonic stage and there is need for a paradigm shift in management practices, particularly since the majority of management literature originated in the West and reflects the culture of its origin and is found to be inadequate to meet the needs of deferent cultures. The lack of directness in conflict β†’

Examination paper: human resource management iibm institute

Halo effect is the tendency to the judge all aspects of a _____________ a. Brief Description of the Problem: The performance of the Company has not been good and the records revealed the following facts?

Syllabus and study guide essay sample

Social networking tools like Careerlink, LinkedIn, and CareerBuilder designed for companies to look for applicants' that fits their needs for a job opening that they have within the company Instead of posting a job in the newspaper and other help wanted websites and getting applications of people that does not fit their needs. Businesses have β†’

Icici bank report

With a change in the corporate structure and the budding competition in the Indian Banking industry, the management of both ICICI and ICICI Bank were of the opinion that a merger between the two entities would prove to be an essential step. The portfolio of interest in the CAPM formulation is the market portfolio that β†’

Charles dickens’ novel “great expectations” essay sample

Sociopaths generally display three of the following characteristics: callous unconcern for the feelings of others; gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and obligations; incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them; very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including β†’

Comparing the depiction of women in othello, the taming of the shrew, and death of a salesman

A study comparing and contrasting the dramatists' use and representation of women in the tragedies, Othello and Death of a Salesman, and the comedy, The Taming of the Shrew with close reference to the texts, their contexts and a selection of literary criticism. The Medieval Church imposed a system of thinking whereby, as aptly described β†’

Your name_____________________________________

Why does he change his mind and what oath does Victor make the monster swear to? What does the monster do when he sees Victor visiting the graves of his father, William, and Elizabeth?

Consumer attitude toward green marketing

According to him, Marketing is the process which begins with identifying the needs of the consumer and further includes product development, delivering products to the consumer and providing after sales service. The Masculine Mindset of Environmental Management and Green Marketing.

Report on tourism and hospitality sales and promotion

Furthermore, the research indicates the types of communication channels that are to be used for the promotional campaign along with the duration of the campaign. With the passage of time the company has developed three brands globally; Best Western, Best Western Plus and Best Western Premium, to meet the unending needs of the travelers and β†’

Police organization and administration marketing essay

Walmart, headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, is the largest majority private employer and the largest grocery retailer in the United States. Walmart is the World's largest grocery retailer and control of its empire, despite its IT advantages, could leave it weak in some areas due to the huge span of control.

At&t/cingular wireless marketing study

Although AT&T carried the most familiar brand name, a new brand, Cingular, was developed to highlight newtechnologyand services to customers of the old AT&T company who were more used to land line service and were likely to remember the demise of the old Bell telephone service providers and the " Ma Bell" monopoly which was β†’

Market report examples

Given the decreasing rate of sales that exists currently within the company, a new product must be released in the next three years to sustain the viability of our current business model; this report discusses the viability of the lowbush blueberry moisture sensor in fulfilling that role. Identification of Market Need In order to examine β†’

Topic 1

Uses electronic paper display technology, which does not rely on a backlight to illuminate its pixels Its electrophoretic displays are used in some cell phones to reduce glare on the screen, and on competitive products such as the Barnes & Noble Nook, Sony Librie, Sony Reader, and iRex iLiad e-readers It boasts a relatively long β†’

Example of business plan on marketing strategy & marketing mix

The value proposition should be simple, clear and in product language that Touchstone dining tables are offering to their B2B customers in the Canadian restaurant industry. Touchstone assures audit of their messaging at every channel to assure their value proposition is clear and it is an effective way to communicate with their customers in the β†’

Toyota has adopted total quality management marketing essay

The corporate strategy is focused upon these underlying principles: A unique management systemA range of in-house committeesA system to immediately recognize the problem and bring in to the consideration of concerned departments Its operational strategy is as follow: Toyota Production SystemRe-engineeringSuperior technology and qualityHybrid vehiclesEmployee Welfare costsEmployee satisfaction The process map is as follows: C: β†’

Free research paper on impact of technology on the publishing industry

The marvelous growth of the internet remains at the core of the digital impact on the publishing industry since the internet forms the support system for much of the digitization process of print publication, from eBook readers to commercial promotional efforts to alliances with educational institutions. In order to get a clear idea of the β†’

Participation of britain in the global economy report

The success of UK in the global economy is evident from the gradual increase of the number of exporters in the country. This explains the reasons why the Governor asserted that, the weakening of the Sterling Pound since the beginning of the recently experienced economic crisis is an opportunity for Britain to rebalance its allocation β†’

Social-cultural trends in nigeria

The design of the essay is as follows: the first part is an introduction, the second part defines environmental scanning and identifies the social-cultural trends, including demographic and life style changes in Nigeria. The third part uses Guinness Nigeria Plc as a manufacturing organisation, and MTN Nigeria as a service organisation case study of how β†’

Attitudes consumer behavior assignment

According to this model the consumer's attitude toward a product or specific brands of product is a function of the presence or absence and evaluation of certain product specific beliefs and or attributes. The study found a positive relationship between attitude toward the advertisement and purchase intention for each of the advertised products; that is β†’

Keeping up with the joneses consumerism and conspicuous consumption research paper

The people of the suburb featured in The Joneses wish to further their own lifestyles, as they all have high-incomes, and therefore the desire to be the best on the block. Veblen states that " The motive that lies at the root of ownership is emulation; and the same motive of emulation continues active in β†’

Free essay about tomasi and market democracy

This is also in order to protect the basic liberties and rights of others. This is also in order to protect the basic liberties and rights of others.

Sport marketing exam review

Define the advantages and disadvantages of new media marketing Advantages Disadvantages New media is represented numerically, and it is modular, automated, variable and transferable to differing file formats and able to be customized. Refers to the use of new media marketing to fulfill the need to 'belong, which in turn fosters the development of identity.

Mkc1 study guid

What is the difference between a product line and the product mix? For example the IPod Shuffle which offers the following product mix; the device itself, the technology platform, the product line to which the product belongs and the product category to which the offerings belong.

Global issues in the hospitality industry report

It is due to this that any issue that affects the labor market is of particular interest to managers in the hospitality industry especially in their strategic planning and management. The importance of this is that the organization is able to detect trends in its human resource market and hence be able to incorporate it β†’

Chanel marketing

The brand dominates the world market with more than 30 % of the market share in the world and 80 % in the United Kingdom. Student number 1226399 3 Figure 1: Duress has a leading position in 16 countries 1-) The Marketing Macro environment of Duress: A) Demographical and cultural environment: The discovery of AIDS β†’

Customer service industry

The service industry commands a substantial share of the market though the value of the customers to the business is often overlooked. It is important to point out that the organization's success is dependant on the customers and therefore the ability of the organization to establish and retain a strong customer base plays a big β†’

What is data tea’s stance on cause marketing

The branded bus, which will be the central factor of the Hydra, will interact with the youth in every city, understand their perspectives on the Issue of corruption and Impress upon them the need for their involvement - all in a fun and relaxed manner that they would associate and respond to. From there it β†’

Vodafone/exxonmobile marketing strategies essay sample

Vodafone ensures that customer needs are at the core of all products and services and they reach out to their customers to discover their needs. Similarities in Relationship Marketing Strategies Both Vodafone and ExxonMobil understand that their customers are the reason they are in business.