11 Pages Essay Samples

Example of case study on reflective journal 4: leadership and charisma

I am interested in the leadership style and traits of Steve Jobs because he is one of the most widely acknowledged good leaders of the current age, and there is a possible reason for the tutors, scholars, and professionals to place confidence in Steve Jobs's leadership style because he was the person who took Apple β†’

Mother dairy company and their production

OBJECTIVE TO UNDERSTAND MILK PROCESSING LINE TO CHECK THE QUALITY OF MILK OBJECTIVE 1- To understand the MILK processing line Milk Processing Milk was processed through BVM. In Mother Dairy, the raw milk is first processed in the standard conditions to reach the final processed milk.

Samsung marketing analysis essay sample

Vision Samsung companies vision is to i " Inspire the world, create the future"." This new vision reflects Samsung electronics commitments which is to inspiring its communities by adopting three key strategies which are New technology, innovative products and, creating a creative solution" Mission Samsung Company mission is to " To experience the joy of β†’

Report on bhp-billiton

The later theory explains that BHP Billiton Company while is able to take advantage of the labor or the availability of a certain product produced in one of this country and maximize its production. The second way in which the corporate governance of this company is defined is the memorandum and articles.

Principles of consolidated financial statement acc to ifrs thesis examples

As opposed to gauging the financial position of one company, consolidated financial statements would gauge the financial position of the entire group of companies. The measuring is done from the time the parent company made the acquisition up to the time of preparing the consolidated financial statement.

Example of strategic management essay

The head office of Nokia is located in Kelaniemi, Espoo in Helsinki the Capital of Finland. The analysis of the external factors provides information regarding to the products and services in demand, the level of competition and the government policies.

Marketing analysis of red bull in uk

To make a complete report on the efforts taken by the company, in strengthening its distribution processes and brand building as a part of the its marketing strategy To present a critical analysis of the superiority of the strategies for marketing that is being followed by ' Red Bull.' The objects of this study are β†’

Good essay about lan, man and wan

LAN and WAN are mentioned below: - 1) The size of the network lies between the size of the other two and MAN mainly covers the distance from 5 to 50 km of diameter. MAN is often used to facilitate a joint connection with other network with the help of WAN link.- WAN The largest β†’

Good example of report on emirates airline marketing report

Europe and America are some of the locations that the airline is currently targeting because of the mass populations that visit the UAE occasionally. The location of the firm and the infrastructure that allows for the distribution of products and services is the essence of place as a marketing mix.

Good example of marketing individual report

The concept of marketing is one of the major parts of the marketing management and tool that associated with the financial position of the organizations particularly. Due to high competition in the market, the level of marketing and its related management is increasing heavily in all over the world, and they are giving the things β†’

Good when setting up a business, owners must take into account the following: report example

Abstract When it comes to setting up a business, it is important to gain a thorough understanding of what needs to be done in order to guarantee the success of the endeavor. When one of the incorporators decides to leave the company, the result is the dissolution of the corporation itself, although the other members β†’

Triangle shirtwaist company’s fire

As the company hired the immigrants through contractors, company did not have knowledge about the actual number of immigrants working for them and the payroll of the company was issued in the name of the contractors. The ten stories building which housed the company, there was just three ways of escape for the employees which β†’

Sample essay on marketing examination 2

If one of the brands of P&G is compared with a brand from a certain rival, then data are reviewed to see the stand or focus of the brand team that impact on the perception of the market. The data are forwarded to the branding team in every country providing enviable level of monitoring in β†’

Report on a strategic analysis of starbucks

The capacity of the buyers to manipulate the prices is quite limited since specialty coffee is consumed individually and cannot be controlled as a horde. A huge capital and proper management of it is necessary to sustain the kind of development Starbucks has reached while maintaining quality of product and service.

Leadership theory and practices research paper

The objective of the paper is to analyse the leadership approach of a chosen leader based on key leadership theories that provide insights for an effective leader. This section of the paper attempts to understand the leadership approach of Steve Jobs with the help of theories and practices of leadership approach, on various dimensions.

Single tier company income tax system

Chart: The Single Tier Company Income Tax System The company Company shareholders Income from the Income Profits business operations from investments in the company Tax on company profits The profits after taxes Profits after tax Net dividend aid out as dividends 2. As a comparison to previous imputation system, the income tax payment by company β†’

Free essay on leading and changing organizations

The major root cause of the high employee turnover at Walmart is due to the poor working conditions of the employees, prevailing leadership crisis, and low levels of motivation amongst the employees. The organization needs to facilitate the employee to gain a sense of ownership in the organization.

Samsung vs sony

It was the ' wanted' product of the decade, cementing the Sony brand in the mind of consumers as the name in electronics. The lawsuit was on the lack of awareness to its customers of a possible security breach, which is a violation of the PCI Compliance the digital security standard for the Payment Card β†’

Overview of rove automation & installation works llc, lighting and access control system

The company was founded in 1997, and for more than 2 decades, it has been a pillar of assistance and support to a large number of engineering industries, serving to bridge the gap between the producer and the consumer. Lighting control System is the capability of the light to monitor and control the level and β†’

Example of determinants of the annual income of truck drivers in the us research paper

Data regarding truck drivers ID, the gender of truck drivers, the number of jobs assigned in a year to truck drivers, number of days spent by a driver in a year and their respective incomes was collected from a sample of 30 truck drivers in the US. The claim by trucking companies, that the annual β†’

Search engine company in correlation

The introduction in the case study states that " Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". Google was able to uphold a $300 million credit to the Time Warner products so that the Time Warner corporate could advertising its items on the Google website.

The social network movie review essay sample

Firstly, during the start of the movie, Mark is busy drinking in with his girlfriend Rooney Mara where he explains the significance of being a member of the prestigious clubs in Campus claiming that they were exclusive. On the other hand, Mara's opposition to joining of the club is a cinematic technique to show that β†’

Essay on marketing management

[Institution's Name] Marketing is a term used to present the products of the company in front of the end users, and it is known as one of the most important aspects from the standpoint of a company on that the entire branch of marketing would be depending upon in particular. Every case study has some β†’

Mcdonald’s and obesity

McDonald's Response For the last few years, McDonald's has reacted to the obesity issues in several ways in the U.K.and other countries Concerned about consumer reaction to the film Super Size Me, McDonald's Corp.broke a U. The market position and market stature of McDonald's in the U.K.is not nearly as strong as it is in β†’

Good report on brand equity management

A brand speaks to the pith of the clients' keenness of the hotel, its items and administrations. The measurement and determinants of brand equity.

Project stakeholder management assignment

It was not until the industrial revolution of the 19th and 20th century that management theory was transformed and lead to some of the great advances in the field. Overall the economic theories of Smith and the pioneering discoveries of Watt formed the foundational basis of the industrialisation of Britain and Europe, laying fertile ground β†’

Technology management in military intelligence

It will be argued that the attack fails to account for the promotion in apprehension of how the life universe really works when considered from the point of view of complex adaptative systems; engineering as cognition. The information will be interpreted in order to reply the purpose and aims of the research.

The right to freedom of expression and religion

The Right to Freedom of Expression and Religion This chapter includes two rights: a) the freedom of opinion and expression and b) the freedom of conscience and religion. The world has seen a continuing struggle for the freedom of expression, including the freedom of speech and freedom of the press, often going hand in hand β†’

Essay on soft skills in management

Now, a brief examination of some of the soft skills will be made which a manager needs to acquire in order to have an honorable position both inside workplace and outside the organization. This not only gives him a brief insight of the process and the departmental level technicalities, but also gives him a lot β†’

Managerial stakeholder theory

The definition of stakeholder and its relationship with management; purpose of the organization and its behavior towards the stakeholders; role of the managers towards the stakeholders; these things have got changed over the time and are very confusing. The descriptive approach of the stakeholder theory deals with the actual behavior of the managers and stakeholders β†’

Example of thesis on organizational culture

The organizational culture refers to the shared behavioral norms, values and beliefs that dictate the code of conduct and mode of operation in an organization. Thus, it is easier to adopt and implement the organizational culture.

Introduction to management

This topic will help us to understand the application of standard operating policy and procedure in the business or organisation and how it works and how it can contributes to the success of the organization by considering the methodology set by Henri Fayol and Henry Mintzberg. The importance of being aware about the company's missions β†’

Case instructions – alpen bank

From the brief history and description, it is evident that the magnitude and scope of Alpen Bank can allow it to establish a credit card department in Romania and enjoy economies of scale that come with investing at such high levels. The introduction of the credit card in Romania will be readily accepted as a β†’

Transition to department of homeland security essay

According to Bush, the rationale behind the creation of such agency is the need for an agency to be the source of information dissemination action especially if the information concerns the presence or risk of a terrorist attack or terrorist threat to Federal authority, state authority or even to the local authorities, as well as β†’

Constraints management

The constraints will determine the output of the system whether they are acknowledged and managed or not so management should be so unconscious about such constraints in the organization if they are to achieve the goal of makingmoneynow and In the future. Browser, posits that tackling policy and culture constraints is similar to slaughtering sacred β†’

Free literature review about human resource management: leadership and its influence on innovation in business

According to Obeidat, organizational leadership, as well as leaders in the area of human resource management have come to recognize the importance of finding effective ways to enhance the efficiency and capabilities of a workforce that is spread out across nations and across the globe. According to much of the most recent literature, the prominence β†’

Critical business ethics in global workplace human relations essay samples

However, now that the existence of the practice is in the spotlight, and apparently has come to an end, it raises the pertinent question involving business and ethics, namely why were neither the employees nor the managers of the Swiss banks concerned with the ongoing model of business which clearly flouted the international workplace human β†’

Free research methods online discussions research paper sample

The brain of a young child is almost one quarter of the size of an adult; however, the development of brain is restricted to the function of stimulation, resulted from retrieved information and environmental factors. The purpose of the investigation is to measure the impact of parent's occupational engagement on child care and development activities β†’

Term paper on global human research management

As a well-established theory, network analysis is used in a number of situations in the literature business and at the same moment the aspects of strategic human resource in the creation and maintainace of network processes and global organizations. Another form of Global Human research management is " Ethnography" this involves the use of qualitative β†’

The awareness of knowledge management management essay

This will satisfy the most suitable methods of investigation, the nature of the research instruments, the sampling plan and the types of data, i.e.quantitative or qualitative. This method is used to describe the nature of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the causes of particular a phenomenon.

Cross cultural recruiting and training management essay

This study is essential as it serves to provide information to businesses not only in China but in other parts of the world regarding the best way to offer cross-cultural training to reap the benefits of the presence of diverse cultures in a business environment. Cross-cultural training is a phrase commonly used to define a β†’

Stress and stress management research paper examples

The paper will also analyze on the various stress symptoms that we should look at in order to detect the stress and ways of preventing stress in our life. The choice that we have is using the situations of stress to or advantage or becoming the slaves to the situations of stress.

Total quality management: a case of barclays bank

The paper focuses on Barclays bank; it outlines and analyses how the banking organisation has introduced and developed a comprehensive system of total quality management in addition to the impacts of the implementation. Quality Service and H R Management Barclays bank acknowledges the significance of the human factor as a major determinant in the successful β†’

Motivation and job satisfaction levels of sports managers assignment

Problem Statement Within the sports department of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University there is a perceived lack of motivation amongst the various sports managers that translates to a lack of performance of the various sports clubs within the University over the past two years. The alignment between the personal goals of the staff and that β†’

Organisational change management

It involves three steps:" an unfreezing of the first attitude, i.e.a recognition that it may possibly be wrong a forming and shaping of the new attitude a freezing of the new attitude, i.e.a commitment to it" According to this model, the first and foremost step towards successful change management is to unfreeze the attitudes of β†’

Theoretical perspective of csr management essay

However with time, the definition of the theory of stakeholder changed and in one of his latest definitions Freeman defined stakeholders as " those groups who are vital to the survival and success of the corporation". The idea which underlined the shareholder perspective is that the only responsibility of managers is to serve the interests β†’

The data gathered the chi square management essay

This chapter will also consist of information regarding the participants including the population chosen, the sample unit and sample size; followed by the instruments used to conduct the surveys including the questionnaire used and the research validity and representativeness; finalizing with a conclusion. The sampling frame used in conducting this research was a the list β†’

Assignments for international business management

Assignments for International Business Management Assignment 1: The TATA case Tata Cars, India, has become the focus of public attention, and has caught the beady eyes of competitors in the automobile industry since it announced it would put the cheapest car ever on the market first in India, but eventually also in the rest of β†’

Hooters restaurant essay examples

The style of and quality of service is known regardless of the location of the restaurant be it in the USA or abroad. The Hooters girls in the restaurant are very attractive as is the tradition with this chain of restaurants.

Leadership and management persuasive essay

Understanding theCommunicationProcess in the Workplace Assessment Criteria: Explain the importance of effective communication in the workplace Question 1: Explain the importance of effective communication in the workplace If communication in the workplace is bad it can have several effects such as decreased productivity, low morale and mistakes made. Assessment Criteria: Describe the stages in the β†’

Sample research paper on synthesis

The understanding of the ideal means of alignment of the information infrastructure with the organizational structure aids in the implementation of an ideal infrastructure for the organization's technological needs. In addition to this, information infrastructure also entails the alignment of information technology plans to the organization's plans and objectives, the information technology architecture and the β†’

Final strategic plan essay sample

Riordan's Manufacturing History and Leadership Overview Profile/History Riordan Manufacturing is a state-of-the-art plastic industrial company that specializes in plastic injection molding and innovative designs of plastic products and packaging. It is the responsibility of Riordan Manufacturing to take advantage of this opportunity.

Task 1

As a guide to how you should gauge your response consider the following: Strongly agree I have a wide range of experience in this area and have been commended by a tutor or employer for my efforts in this area Agree I am comfortable with this aspect and have been able to demonstrate my ability β†’

A stakeholder mapping approach management essay

In the primary phases of a project, project manager must analyses and identify all the people and organization which might represent possible threats or influence to the project, as well as all the other ones that might be impacted by the project. For example, the project owner and the final users of the project are β†’

Workplace training plan essay

The workplace training plan will discuss certain key elements to include the process used in determining the employee's training needs, the purpose of the training, the people to be involved in the training, the resources needed for the training exercise. The work place training will entail the use of several resources the first one is β†’

Management and operations

Al & Fun 's services provided to customers, In addition to product- centric responsible for the work, including market research, product design and development, raw materials procurement, choice of supplier and production monitoring, but also a series of import and export regulatory clearance and logistics arrangements, and financing for potential suppliers of raw materials, factories, β†’

Free report on hr management in work

The overall objectives of this report is to help them in adapting a concrete methodology that is applicable in project management in the form of organizing change that allows the employees to engage in a form of empowerment in the manufacturing cells and through the identification of the requirements that facilitate the self-directed concept implementation β†’

Medical knowledge management: research proposal examples

This highlights the importance of knowledge management in the field of medicine where knowledge management is defined as " the system and managerial approach to the gathering, management, use, analysis, sharing, and discovery of knowledge in an organization or a community in order to maximize performance". Healthcare knowledge management: The art of the possible.In D.

Risk management business plan examples

Speaking of industry, the source of this risk is the competition associated with the industry, as well as the market forces associated with the industry. The source of the risk in this case is the loophole in the financial structure of the business.

An issue of performance management

The point of this article from the start, and how it will be used in the proposed research project, is in regards to the very definition of performance. With this in mind and for the purpose of this research project, the financial approach to performance management will be operationally defined as focusing performance reviews on β†’

Theory of fiedler s contingency model management essay

The topics to be first covered are the leadership concepts, distinction between managers and leaders, leadership styles, leadership models and lastly about global leadership. The drawbacks of this leadership style could be that subordinates would get frustrated by the dictatorial ways of decision-making, and that a given decision may not be as successful without the β†’

Role of internal auditor assignment

The board's responsibility for internal controls Through working with a broad range of organisations in Hong Kong and internationally, KPMG has identified a number of best practices in relation to the role played by the board audit and/or risk management committees.s Recent events have highlighted the critical role of boards of directors in s s β†’

Ritz – carlton

The essence of the Ritz Carlton experience lies in the quality of the service provided by the company which is also the intangible product the company is selling. To create the same policy in every of the Ritz- Carlton hotels, the top manager has to follow the same policy and stick to the same standards β†’

The creation of europol was mainly political essay

The Creation of EUROPOL was Mainly PoliticalIntroductionPolicing in Europe has obviously been undergoing tremendous transformations following the creation of the European Police Office EUROPOL- and the recent modifications of the Treaty creating it, to allow it some operational powers1. While Woodward 3 argue that the idea of creating a police force with intelligence and operational β†’

The design change control construction essay

During the life of the Atlantic Corridor undertaking alterations to the undertaking range, agenda, and resources may originate. It is considered compulsory by Howard Holdings to include this and is to incorporate the undermentioned information: Beginning of alteration LocationDecision made by Cost alteration assessmentDecision mage day of the month Type of alterationLead Manager Depiction of β†’

An innovation/creative audit of an organisation essay sample

The flow of exciting new products and ideas continued throughout the 1970s, resulting in the inventions of the LaserVision optical disc, the Compact Disc and optical telecommunication systems. Philips looks for with its candidates the capacity to work in team, the enthusiasm and the creativity, the spirit of method and organization, the opening for the β†’

Human resource management: the role of vocational education and training in skill development

The discussion will focus on vocational education and training being one of the crucial responsibilities of employers and employees and on the part to be played by the state in facilitating such occupational programs with reference to the implications of different VET systems on skill development. This section is intended to provide an extensive analysis β†’

Overview of the indian banking sector essay sample

This paper provides an overview of the banking sector in India, including its various categories of financial institutions and their respective functions.th 2 History The earliest banks in the banking history were The General Bank of India, started in 1786, and the Bank of Hindustan, started in 1790, both of which no longer exist today. β†’

Sample essay on food and beverage

Food Habits of the Customers The food habits of the Customers of the should be the main criterion in this case. So have the cuisines to be special in compliance to the changing menu of the time of the year.

Analysis of “mid-term break” by seamus heaney essay sample

It may therefore be of benefit to us to look at the biographical context, as this could help us to gain a better understanding of the poet and therefore of the mood, meaning and connotations within the poem. However, Heaney uses a number of conceits to build a feeling of unease in the reader, a β†’

The monstrosity: a common trait in shakespeare’s macbeth and shelley’s frankenstein

Moreover, Both Lady Macbeth and the three witches imply their satanic traits by influencing Macbeth to become the monstrous king that he is while Victor become influence by both his place in time which is the Romantic Era and by the monster himself. This is comparable to the sufferings of Victor and Elizabeth because of β†’

Family dynamics essay sample

Family dynamics are influenced by things like the structure of the family- the number of children and adults and how they are related- the personalities of each family member, cultural background, values, and personal or family experience. Variations of the family structure and its inherent dynamics over the following sections: The Nuclear Family The Nuclear β†’

A brief analysis of subprime crisis

A Brief Analysis of Subprime Crisis Introduction The US subprime mortgage crisis was one of the first indicators of the late-2000s financial crisis, characterized by a rise in subprime mortgage holes and foreclosures, and the resulting decline of securities backing mortgages. 1 Boom and bust in the housing market The housing bubble in the United β†’

Essay on dialogue

David: Because it's illegal as it is a drug and can also lead to people trying other drugs David: Yes that's what I am saying. I agree to your point, since you are saying it, but do not you think that it is still a gateway drug?

Eva smith’s diary essay sample

It was unavoidable that I was to become his mistress, and it seemed to me that we both enjoyed the time together. I had all of the symptoms of pregnancy, but I could not admit it even to myself.

Example of research paper on cannabis and cancer

There are arguments provided in favor of cannabis stimulating the growth and proliferation of cancer and counterarguments, claiming that not only has marijuana consumption no negative impact on human health, but it also has the potential of being used for medical purposes for treating brain, breast, lung, prostate, blood, oral, liver, and pancreatic cancer inasmuch β†’

World bank report concept of water security environmental sciences essay

Union Ministry of H2O resources has estimated the states H2O demands to be around 1093 BCM for the twelvemonth 2025 and 1447 BCM for the twelvemonth 2050. Global clime alteration is likely to increase the complexness and costs of guaranting H2O security.

Business case study sample

The United States Congress tightened restrictions on unions in Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of the year 1959 that regulates the affairs of unions in the private sector through providing the minimum standards for internal disciplinary proceedings of the unions, the unions elections for their own officers and the use of union funds by β†’

Good example of tuberculosis term paper

Although most TB cases are pulmonary TB, few of the active cases occur outside the lungs, leading to other forms of TB. In case the immune system is unable to control the tubercle bacilli, the pathogen continues to with the multiplication process leading to the development of TB disease.

Teenage rebellion

The only way to deal with rebellious teenagers is to avoid confrontation and recognize the fact that most teenagers will pass through this stage and return to the normal lifestyle. It is important to understand that rebellion is not the way of life for teens, and that they will not always ignore the family moral β†’

Money: bank and funds

To sum up, the function of financial intermediation has arisen out of the need on the part of savers to reach the investors and the inability of investors to find savers. The risk factor arises in the first place out of the need for the availability of information and in the second place the need β†’

Chance, accident and coincidence in the mayor of casterbridge essay sample

All in all, in the matter of love, it is to choose either to love or not that determines the rise and fall of a character in Hardy's novel. All in all, Hardy is very deterministic on Hardy's sorrowful end and practices an excessive use of chance to maintain it the placing of the cage, β†’

Example of essay on employment relations in singapore

This is where the National Trades Union Congress comes to the rescue of all the vulnerable in the contemporary Singapore's job market. The Labor movement achieves this through the strengthening of the companies and unions in the industry to advocate for increased production, innovation, and competition.

The case of restructure at bunga raya bank essay sample

In this case, Mr Yusuf is a directive leader, he quietly and without any input from anyone, Yusuf has spent the month analyzing Bunga Raya Bank's financial position and has come to the conclusion that in order to increase profits further, there is no choice but to downsize and completely close several branches. One of β†’

Good example of the economic effects of legalization of marijuana research paper

Legalization of marijuana translates to the fact that; there would be an increased excitement on the usage of this drug. Secondly, prohibition of this drug will decrease the consumption level of the consumer, due to the fear of the possible penalty that a consumer can be subjected to in case one is found guilty.

Winning bassanio

Among the many and varied plotlines interwoven throughout Shakespeare's comedy, The Merchant of Venice, the story of Bassanio's rivalled affections for his friend Antonio and for his eventual wife Portia is one of the more significant. Bassanio begins in the story firmly in the affections and influence of his friend, Antonio, the Venetian merchant who β†’

Introduction to market research essay sample

Who provides market research and the importance of the market research industry. These reasons include the budget available for research, support for market research in the organization, and the research skills of the market researchers.

International marketing peugeot

In order to take the right decisions, the company will have to select the most adapted way to penetrate the green vehicles market; the acquisition method, the direct investment, the licensing, Joint venture technique or simply exportation. Actually, if Peugeot chooses the exportation way to penetrate the market, the production would be in Euros and β†’

Marketing managementdr bandara

As the fourth largest tea producer and perhaps the second largest exporter in the world, we are in the forefront of tea exports to the world market. Sir Lankan is the largest producer and the exporter of orthodox tea with the ability to produce tea throughout the year.

A man of innovation: sam walton

In the 1950's and 1960's the great migration from the inner cities and from the rural areas to the suburbs had begun. Sam made a point to be in the store as much as he could, unlike many managers of today.

Marketing mix of 5 brands assignment

Elements of the marketing mix are often referred to as the " Four ' P's", a phrase used since the 1960's * Product It is a tangible good or an intangible service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units. To retain its competitiveness in the market, β†’

The overview of pakistan textile industry marketing essay

Textile sector of Pakistan is the 8th largest exporter in Asia of textile products. The Textile industry of Pakistan has been growing immensely and sharply after the restructure of trade restrictions and sanctions of the Multi Fibre agreement and World Trade Organization.

It pays to fly full-service: managerial marketing

Delta'sadvertisementcampaign will be directed toward business class travelers, and will need to effectively communicate the value of choosing full-serve oppose to low-cost. The implemented marketing plan will be centered on Delta taking an analyzer strategy to defend and differentiation - with efficient and superior business quality travel.

Airasia consumer behaviour assignment

This is what Eurasia realized, they created the tagging " now everyone can fly', hence reading the awareness to the people, and also created the motivation that now air travel is no longer considered in the ' esteem' hierarchy of needs, people can travel just to fulfill their Love/Belonging needs, whether people travel to seek β†’

Essay on international marketing management

The key issues to take into consideration in the acquisition process are the structure of the deal and price of the acquisition. Business format franchising is name for the format in which a franchisor lays down a complete plan of action for the franchisee as to how to manage and operate the business.

Information technology case study sample

Since the establishment and the increasingly availability of information systems and the internet, there has been few limitations of technological barriers. There is the need for efficiency in the global market, and upgrading of the systems.