10 Pages Essay Samples

A cloud-based smart traffic management in the internet-of-things (iot) environment

As the data passes to cloud, the vehicle density at various roads can be processed effectively to provide proper signal on roads. The advances in cloud computing and internet of things have provided a promising opportunity to address the increasing transportation issues, such as heavy traffic, congestion, and vehicle safety. In each road, →

What is the impact of road safety on the design and management of road networks?

On the basis of the foregoing, when one is building a safe road, every factor of safety should be taken into consideration and at every stage of the process, including design. The main objective of this report is to show the impact of road safety considerations in the design of roads and the management of →

Executive increase the overall long-term sustainability of the

Japan's Economic Profile Post World War II 1 1.2. Japan in the Global Economy.3 1.2.1. ' Abenomics' & Japan.3 2. Wakatabe, M., 2017. Why The Fear Of A Fiscal Crisis In Japan Is Overblown.

Concept of quality of work life management essay

Introduction The range of this assignment is to investigate and understand of how work procedure is ordered, at the same time comprehending the emerging issues of work organization and the nature of working life or which is more familiar to be called as quality of work life. While quality of work life referred →

Work motivation

Work Motivation Theory and Research at The Dawn Of The Twenty-First Century Based on this journal, the writers examine progress made in theory and research on needs, traits, values, cognition, and affect as well as three bodies of literature dealing with the context of motivation: national culture, job design, and models of person environment →

Global warming and corporate social responsibility engineering essay

Corporate SocialResponsibilityis the uninterrupted committedness by concern to act ethically and lend to economic development while still assisting the quality of life of their milieus such as the local community and the society.( Mallen Baker, BusinessRespect, [ Online ] , Avaliable: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.mallenbaker.net/csr/definition.php [ 2010 ] ) This essay will discourse the →

The history about authentic leadership management essay

Leadership is considered as a critical constituent in the beginning and accomplishment of the transformations in associations. In the piece, the notion of authentic follower-ship, arguing that it reflectors the developmental methods of authentic leadership and is differentiated by heightened degrees of followers' self-awareness and self-regulation premier to affirmative follower development and deductions.

Performance apprisal management-assignment

Such programs normally include a set of goals or objectives the employee must accomplish within the review period as well as the standards or criteria for determining whether the defined goals have been accomplished. Effective performance management include the following features: * Linking individual goals to the corporate and work unit business →

Example of experiences from hs1 impact hs2 report

The objective of this paper is to present a discussion on whether the lessons learned by the organizations and project management personnel who played significant roles, regardless of the size, on the construction of the High Speed I Project and its early operations, should be carried over to the proposed construction of a similar project, →

Medicines management – an introduction to non-medical prescribing 2000 word case study

MEDICINES MANAGEMENT Medicines management can be defined as; "...a system of processes and behaviours that determines how medicines are used by the NHS and patients". (National prescribing centre, 2002, P1). According to Dr Michael Dixon chair of the NHS alliance, Medicines management services are the processes for designing, implementing, delivering and monitoring patient-focused care, based on →

The wal-mart’s organizational culture essay sample

Because of the intense level of competition facing the company globally, the critical success factor for the company is to enhance the effectiveness of target marketing. This will enable the company to widen its market appeal to additional segments of the market. In this respect some of the recommended action plans for the company →

Human resource management

Turning to HRM, it is definite as ' the science and the practice that deals with the nature of the employment relationship and all of the decisions, actions, and issues that relate to the relationship' (Ferris, Rosen & Barnum, 1995, p.1). Performance-based pay is used in most of the cases. It is usually based on →

Microsoft windows course introduction

Week Two: Implementation of the Case Management Process Describe the role and practice framework of case management. Identify the differences and similarities of case management in the community setting and in the managed careenvironment.

Good research paper on a critique of research-based articles

Overall, the article's literature review is organized and systematic in its structure, tackling points that are necessary in the purpose of the study. The review of related literature also entailed a review of theories regarding leadership. This is all thanks to the article's use of graphs that demonstrate the various trends of both effective and →

Employee resourcing and development essay sample

The focal objective of this essay is to show how psychometric testing and assessment centres help to make the selection process more effective in providing evidence of whether an applicant has the necessary skills and competencies needed to perform, by critically analysing existing literature on the topic. The essay is structured into various sections, →

An assessment of the department of the navy information technology progress towards research paper examples

In addition, there is also the commandant of the Marine Corps and the Naval Chief of Operation who are the highest ranked officers of the military within the department. The composition of the department of the navy consists of the entire US Marine Corps and the US navy. For the second indicator, the main aim →

Management critically endangered in 2008 by the

Hand rearing is the last resort and is not encouraged due to infantsneeding to bond with their mother and the rest of the group, however sometimeshand-rearing is the only option for the health and safety of the infant. Hand-rearingtakes a lot of time and the infant needs to be reintroduced to the family assoon as →

Free essay on commercial cookery: looking at management of physical assets

In addition, the fact that it will be facing the main street junction will give it an upper hand over the other nearby hotels. The target market for the hotel will be particularly the locals and tourists. We will also target the clients who are after good food and in need of a fascinating atmosphere. →

Selected companies in mumbai city management essay

To study the impact of planning on effectiveness of training by Bharti Airtel and Idea Cellular. Importance of TrainingPlanning for trainingKnowledge and skills required for trainingQuality of training ANALYSIS OF DATA: Telecom companies: Information from employees of the leading telecom companies is collected.

Influence of management style on creative firms

Since creative industries are becoming more and more critical in a mature economy, it is fascinating to figure out what essential factors can lead creative firms to be successful. As a result, I decided to evaluate the factors that influence the management style for a creative firm since I am interested in →

Leadership and conflict management in project-structured telecommuting business environments

These drawbacks multiply when the business is operational across several time zones, diverse cultures and with a project-structured approach which requires multiple collaborations within and among different project teams. This review seeks to find out the role of leadership and establish its effect on conflict management in telecommuting businesses; where accomplishment of tasks is heavily →

Strategic management assignment

It is the job of top managements to make sure that the organization is well directed to achieve their goals by designing the organization for suppose changing environment. Honda's direction is to create a sense of joy when dealing with Honda. According to Walter in 1996 " strategic management is that part →

Human resource management business plan example

On the contrary to Antonacopoulou , the study of Fenwick did not reveal any inconsistencies connected with organizing learning process within the organizations. In the organizational context of Cardexx, the work-based learning of promotion of the products will help increase selling skills of the employees and improve knowledge of the products thus →

Delegation: management and work

Perhaps the most important benefit for the company is a higher quality of work. Delegation can improve quality of work by allowing the employees who have direct knowledge of products and services to make decisions and complete tasks. The importance of confirming/clarifying the work required of the team with your manager and →

Human resource management ethics assignment

The marks of 2 best class tests/quizzes be considered out of 3 class tests/quizzes) The semester report and/or assignment will be submitted by the students to the teachers concerned, by a date fixed by the Head of the Department of Management Studies. After valuation of the semester report and/or assignment , the →

Canada, the united states and the cold war essay

The Cold War was the most subtle war in history, but the world came very close to a nuclear war that had the potential to inevitably wipe out mankind. The two main opponents in this war were the Soviet Union and the United States. This conflict took place over a course of fourteen days, and →

Good effective management of project and systems essay example

In this regard, the report has discussed several models and theories which support the project and process management system of business and describe how process or project management can help business to increase its productivity. One of the frameworks that are used in project management process is EDRM project management framework. The two models are →

Operations management in southwest airlines

This is because of the effective operations management techniques and strategies of the Southwest Airlines. Seating arrangement in the Southwest Airlines is done in such a way as to increase the number of seats in the plane.

Indexing & developing hris in mostafa group of industries essay sample

The new system can be designed by outsourcing it to an external firm. The task from designing to implementation to monitoring will reside with IT department head & he will be helped by one executive from each department who will be responsible for filing their own department. With the development of central filing →

Accounting essay questions two articles essay examples

Schaltegger. Describe the core argument of the article. The core argument of the article Sustainability accounting and Reporting: fad or trend by Burritt and Schaltegger is whether management decision making or the critical approach is better for the development of sustainability accounting. Another significant finding is that the authors outlined the role of both critical →

Business law assignment

This means the offer is not made by the seller to sell, the offer is made by the buyer to buy. The case which is similar to this was the case of The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists Limited. The outcome of this case was that the goods on →

The power of the human mind management essay

Powers such as reward, coercive and legitimate power are categorized in the formal power and the expert and referent power are categorized in personal power. Below are the different types of power a leader may have. This five power has also been categorized in two parts namely Formal power and personal power. Formal →

Running head: regulation of deviance: drug and alcohol use

Running head: REGULATION OF DEVIANCE: DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE Regulation of Deviance: Drug and Alcohol Use among Adolescents and Young Adults Nikkee L Payne University of Nebraska at Lincoln Abstract This paper explores the overall affects that peers, family members, and religious affiliations have among adolescents and young adults when it comes to the →

Symbol of the prison and the rose bush in the scarlet letter

The only sense of beauty in this chapter is from the wild rose bush rooted at the threshold of the prison door, which brought the residents and prisoners of Boston a feeling of wishful hope. Hester Prynne, the first character revealed in the Scarlet Letter, stumbles and struggles through a crowd, attempting to reach a →

Abstract and conclusion for my critical communication event in recent history

In fact, the rude attitude of Orto led him to be refused to board the plane. The event caught the attention of many newspaper and news agencies, where most of the reporters have the view that it was the impolite attitude of Orto that made the authorities to deny him from boarding the plane. As →

The tragedy of romeo and juliet with alternate endings essay

The plague was a devastating blow to the lovers, and they did not even know about it. Had the plague not come to Verona, Friar John would have been able to deliver the message to Romeo and both of the young lives would have been spared. Romeo respectfully explains that the last time he was →

Sample essay on swot analysis paper

In addition, social cooperation is significant between the management and the staff members to ensure that there is a smooth in terms of switching from paper medical records to electronic medical records. According to Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, " democratic leaders invite team members to contribute to the decision making process (Healthcare Information →

How risky is risk

Risk is a very interesting thing; people normally tend not to realize the real effect that risk takes in their lives. There are many kinds of risk, we want to focus on studying the financial risk, the perception of it, the effect that it has on the private banking behavior, their clients, and →

Critique of theories essay examples

The coherence and conceptual clarity of the developmental perspective to social work must therefore stay within the frame of strengths-based development, as it molds social workers to both fulfill the needs of, and empower clients. Testability and Evidence of Empirical Support Government policies on social work in South Africa has provide the impetus within →

To be in the world but not of the world: aye, there’s the rub

When the Ghost of his father comes to tell him to avenge his death, he is dressed in his military garb. Othello is too free and generous with his affections; he needs Iago to protect him from the abuse of others.

Censorship in todayr’s world

In Ray Bradburyr's Fahrenheit 451, and in the world today, censorship works on the perception that some ideas are dangerous and must be stopped; however, the ideal is to have the decision left to the individual and not the government. To begin, there are different ways to ban books or online content. The article cites →

Death of a saleman – happy loman

Happy shares none of the poetry that erupts from Biff which is buried in Willy he is the stunted version of Willy's worst qualities and the personification of the lie of the happy American Dream. Willy's inconsistent behavior is the result of his inability to accept reality and his tendency to manipulate or re-create →

Water consumption research

On the other hand, irrational consumers just buy a product out of pulse and some of them are not aware of the forces that drive them to buy the product. For these consumers the meaning of this bottled water is far beyond Marx's use-value is more concerned with the benefits sought from using a particular →

Financial services provided by indian banks in india

The strengthening of banking system took place after the establishment of reserve bank of India, 1939 as it empowers to regulate the banking money, inspection of mergers and acquisition in terms of Banking Companies Act 1949 which later came to be known as Banking Regulation Act 1949. Functions of Banks: →

Good pit bulls are a misunderstood breed research paper example

Today, the dog breed that is widely feared and alleged to be dangerous is the pit bull. The pit bull is actually an umbrella term that encompasses dogs of a certain appearance. The pit bull's physical stature and its dangerous reputation are commonly cited by supporters of dog breed bans as evidence of the need →

Good essay about the position marijuana taxation

The economists wrote and signed a letter to the governors, the congress, State legislature and the president on the legalization of marijuana. This is because the revenue collected from marijuana is used to solve the problems caused by the drug. Marijuana is one of the controversial drugs in the world today.

Belonging relate text

The film " Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" directed by Kenneth Branagh examines rejection and alienation of Victor's creature from society due its shocking appearance; similarly the picture book " Refugees" by David Miller uses ducks to represent the experience of refugees who have been alienated from a place. In the advertisement " How →

Introduction to emotional intelligence. however, at present,

That is thereason that the notion of emotional intelligence is mostly examined in thisparticular area, as to perceive the various distinct emotions and strength aperson obtains and the different means to deal with them so as to succeed. In the last 20 years companies observed aradical change in management techniques. Emotional intelligence is the key →

My perception of william shakespeare’s “othello”

The way I percieve the character of Othello and what concerns me, is that Othello is able to make such a quick transition from love to hate of Desdemona. In Act 3, Scene 3, Othello states, " If she be false, O, then heaven mocks itself! Othello needs to trust people; it is his nature; →

International human resource management essay

The US Society for Human Resource, in a research paper concluded that talent management is the coordination between the labour force of your company and the strategicgoalsof the company which leads to higher profits and increase in shareholder's wealth. After the Second World War there was a shortage of skilled labour as →

Job motivation

This immediate reinforcement leaves no confusion in the mind of the performer, as to what the reward is for. The way it is today, everything you do has to be done " in a New York minute".

Example of medical marijuana and legalization research paper

' Medical Marijuana' is the term used to contrast the use of marijuana as a pharmaceutical to the recreational use of marijuana; it is marijuana which is used as a pharmaceutical. The hypothesis is that legalizing medical marijuana offers many advantages that make a federal change in the categorization of marijuana a necessity. States Rights →

Effective human resource management

Three challenges faced by nations and companies in 19th century are shown in Curtis " The Century of the Self" Part 1 are sustainability, technology, andglobalization. Curtis Sustainabilityis the potential for long-term maintenance of wellbeing, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions. Globalizationrequires attention to " more than conducting business across →

The hurdles of obtaining a medical certificate essay

The next part of the exam is an initial review where the doctor will go over the form that was filled out and make sure everything is correct and up to par. The next part is the actual physical; this part takes the longest and is the most extensive. This condition is generally quite easy →

Credit creation

The money supply is considered an important instrument for controlling inflation by those economists who say that growth in money supply will only lead to inflation if money demand is stable. In order to control the money supply, regulators have to decide which particular measure of the money supply to target. The M1 is a →

Transformation of the soviet union under stalin between 1928-1941 essay sample

Peasants were no longer forced to surrender a large part of their surplus income to the state, as they had been during tsarist times, in order to finance the government's industrialization program; and they lived better and consumed a greater part of their own agricultural production than ever before. The main roles of collectivisation were →

Disclaimers in hr communications: literature review sample

The job advertisement released to find a suitable candidate, the contract document which defines the boundaries and the other terms and conditions of the job, the policies which come into prominence on various occasions during an employee's stay in the organization and finally the end of the contract which could be through retirement, a resignation →

the bad effects of the internet on the teenagers essay sample

Indeed, the Internet seriously takes away the socializing time of teenagers and makes them do not have any social skills to communicate with the people in the real world. Following what is thought to be the biggest review of existing studies into internet use and young people, the researchers suggest that, in future, clinical assessments →

Example of the pros and cons of minimum wage critical thinking

The reasons for and against minimum wage increases seem to be the same anywhere. In 2009, when a proposed minimum wage hike was being discussed in the US government, the Wall Street Journal raised the alarm about the dangers of the plan. It forces companies to maintain certain standards in the employment of people and →

Research paper on sweatshop labor in the 21st century

Since most of these workers are immigrants, women and children, the governments are somehow lenient in upholding the right labor practices. The globalization of economies, especially of the retail industry makes it conducive for foreign clothing companies to take sweatshop labor. The Indian children were forced to work in hazardous and filthy conditions. It was →

Eharmony examination

For direct, there are small positive effects (as a man, you want enough men on your side to attract women on the other side), but primarily negative effects (the more people on your side, the more competition you will have finding a match). For cross-sided, there are positive effects (the more of the opposite sex →


She is also the one who gave many information about the company because of the questions she asked during the interview from the resource person. | Charisse Marie Paywan| She is the leader of the group. In addition, this person is responsible for encoding of data transfer to the system and the system will send the →

Traffic jam in dhaka city

Banks 'profitability depends on the results of some parameters and among them Bank b Return on Equity, Market Size, Market Concentration Index, and Bank RiskMeasure are widely used and the same are investigated in the Bangladesh Banking Industry in this study for a period of the last six years. The analysisfinds that market concentration and →

The affects of social network on the modern business environment

[TYPE THE COMPANY NAME] The affects of social network on the modern business environment Business By Masoud Sadeghizadeh Spring quarter 2010 Final paper by Doctor Paul Contents Abstract P 3 Introduction P 3 Definition of social networks P 4 The effect of social networks within business environment P 5 Business risks of social networking →

Critical analysis of a pr campaign

Appealing directly to the exotic nature of the offered job by placing appealing phrases including ' Clean the Pool and Collect the Fish' to describe the duties involved in the jobs, served to stir the imagination of the target population. This capacity to evoke a wish in the minds of the consumer seems to be →

Marketing analysis of melting pot

Melting Pot, as part of the casual dining sector, will be affected by changes in consumer tastes and dietary habits, the level of consumer acceptance of restaurant concepts andhealthconcerns. With the unpredictable rising cost of electricity and gasoline, and the Philippines' worsening economy, guests may have lower disposable income and reduce the →

City marketing in europe

Eric Bran's article conveys why a city must have a strong brand image in order to appeases all of its stakeholders. He explains the toughness of the task " Creating a distinctive brand whilst incorporating the input of relevant stakeholders presents one of the main halogens of city branding today." This depicts, the →

E-commerce research paper essay sample

It provides a great advantage because most consumer sellers are not backed up by a huge organization; therefore, social media is a great tool to take advantage of. M-Commerce, the method of e-commerce on a Smartphone or tablet has been continuously on the rise the more technology becomes advanced and thus easier to use. →

Sony xperia – consumer behaviour

It was concluded that Sony should target the career crazies as well as use celebrity endorsements to promote the Xperia smartphone. Introduction The purpose of this report is to develop a market segmentation for the Sony Xperia and profile four consumer group, who will be targeted when advertising →

Marketing strategy analysis: dove milk chocolate

Each cover color of the dove milk chocolate depends on the flavor. For darker chocolate, the color is darker, but the animal in terms of the lay out of the paint. Most people acknowledge the existence of Dove Milk Chocolate, but they do not comprehend the advantages of using the new product leading →

Example of on the same question of another industry expert has a more succinct perspective thesis

I like to go to a live and see them perform in order to observe what characteristics the artist already has and what is missing how the audience reacts to the artist, etc.to evaluate whether to sign the artist or not.(Ten, Personal Interview 28 November 2014) Daniel offers his →

Adam smith fiscal policy research paper example

Most economists converge in the understanding that the " invisible hand of the market" is required to be supplemented by the " visible hand of the state". Underestimation of the economic role of the state, his ouster from the economic life of society, as evidenced by the experience of the →

Marketing plan project: from bags to riches danette faulkner dr. neil southern marketing

Our products will remain the same regardless of the amount of produced; therefore, it will be a fixed cost. We will need to estimate the demand by finding out how much of our product does our customer want and how will this change if prices go up or down? We will typically →


DEVELOPING MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PLANS SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths * Omore ice cream is a brand of Engro foods which is a well renowned FMCG company in Pakistan.* Engro is also a world renowned company and working in the Fertilizer, IT and Chemicals business.* Omore ice cream is made from fresh milk and cream as compared →

Financial issues in sports management research paper examples

Examples provided also include the promises and pitfalls of how and why politics affect the integrity of sports franchises and where management fails to keep the true concepts of sports causing strikes and loss of fan support, with critical statements and their sources about formulating a qualified team franchise is the most extensive. The most →

Marketing plan for langkawi

Setting marketing objectives, confirm target markets, use marketing strategies to develop a marketing plan for Langkawi is the focal point of this article. Introduction Langkawi, " The Island of Legend" is located 108 kilometers northwest of Peninsular Malaysia, the border of Malaysia and Thailand. In order to improve the Langkawi's position as →

Apple marketing project

Introduction: To begin with, the investigation will be made in this research to know about the product which produced from Apple in e- business market and how well they create anenvironmentto make their products more superior from their competing rivalries. The reason behind selecting this company is because the way they produced or manufactured their →

Bcg matrix

In 2001 the portable music players industry was revolutionized by the advent of an Apple's product called the iPod; this came as a breath of fresh air for music lovers all over the world and was an instant hit. The success of it can be determined by →

One intelligence is a means through which computers,

This is an aspect that has played a crucial role in the evolution and development of human beings. However, according to the belief of most, the technological advancement that has been experienced over the last few years is capable of creating superintelligence that can threaten the existence of human beings. The difference between the two →

S.t.p analysis of ford india essay sample

INTRODUCTION OF AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY IN INDIAThe automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. By 2050, the country is expected to top the world in car volumes with approximately 611 million vehicles on the nation's roads. FORD INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED →

Marketing plan for nissan motors

Compared to Toyota, Accuracy and Honda, Ionians will demonstrate the value and quality in each vehicle produced. In an economy that is stricken by extreme fuel prices and mortgage volatility, low price is the answer to the overall success of these vehicles. Because the cars include a premium, we expect that the average →

Male gaze

She is photographed from her cleavage upwards, The model dons a gormless expression, though it is stated why she may have this expression on her face in the text accompanying the advert, ' Underneath that pocket of pencils beats the heart of a digital computer', here we are made aware the women is actually a →

Marketing to baby boomers

They grew up in a time of affluence, and this ability for choice stuck with them throughout the years. This is an interesting value to be known by marketers as they would want to appeal to this. They want that their age not be a limitation to the sense of thrill and excitement that they →

Convenience store and 7-eleven

In the beginning, to understand the position of 7-Eleven's parent company Uni-President Enterprise Corporation in Taiwan, and investigate how it influences the success of 7-Eleven. To think about the history of Taiwanese convenience stores, according to the article " The Development and Trend for Convenience Stores" from Managing Convenience Stores Theories, the Uni-President →

Marketing plan essay sample

Although they serve for the target group of teenagers and adults of the age 20 to 40, for this proposal the target market group is a special one, that of the adults in their fifties to seventies. Diversity already plays a strong role at the Bounce Fitness so we believe this group will find our →

Multiple sclerosis essay

1When respiratory infections are the cause of death in MS sufferers, the patient is unable to effectively clear the breathing passageways by moving secretions up out of the lungs, up the bronchi, and out the trachea. When urinary tract infections are the culprit, the infection has occurred due to inability of the bladder to empty →

Micro max industry analysis

The switching cost of the supplier is very less as they can sell their products to other companies like Nokia, Samsung and to the new entrants. So it is expected that with the increasing demand of mobile phones Samsung will try to retain and increase its market share.

Solar feeder essay sample

And the company also realizes the need to develop a marketing plan in order to attack the $843 million market for bird feeders, baths and nesting boxes. Although there are numerous problems in this case, the case revolves around the basic requirements that are must for the survival of a company but which are →

Jesse scannapieco

Comparative advertising is when the goods or services of a trader are compared to the goods or services of another. Even though advertising is commercial speech and is protected in the United States Constitution, it is senseless to believe an advertiser has the liberty to disparage the product or service of a competitor.

Mcdonald’s in india and promotion strategy of mcdonald’s in india

At that point Raymond Kroc came into the photo and he was a salesperson of blending machines and he saw that Mc Donald's was an outlet purchasing a considerable measure of his hardware so he went to the outlet to perceive how it works and concluded that he needed to be a piece of this →

Essay on marketing management

And the primary message of Masters Home Improvement is to change customer behaviour from other stores to Masters Home Improvement to save more. In addition, Masters Home Improvement selects the locations in the condition of distance concerned which are close to population centre. 4.

Kitty (nestle indonesia) marketing plan

We only use authentic green tea and to Just any kind of teas. It is healthy and it will be one of the healthiest snacks in Indonesia, because Kitty Green Tea can help people in dieting process as daily snacks, so they do not have to be afraid of getting fat because of →

Free research paper about ethical issues in packaging practices

This paper delineates the ethical issues in packaging practices and potential mitigation strategies adopted in the marketing. Important Elements in Packaging Practices One of the most vital goals of packaging is brand differentiation. In order to address the ethical concerns in packaging, it is very important to bring in the concept of sustainability into →

Impact of culture on the international marketing mix

Competitive advantage on the other hand is a representation that the company or its products are each doing something better than their rivalry in a way that could profit the consumer. Elements of International Marketing Mix Marketing mix refers to a set of controllable tools that →

Review of globalization and its discontents book review sample

It is believed that the book draws most of its contents from the personal experience of the author who served as the chairman of the Economic Council of Advisers under President Clinton in 1993 and as the chief economist in World Bank from the year 1997. This makes the whole process of globalization a problem →