10 Pages Essay Samples

Second earl of rochester

The use of the word Dildo in the title is clever and appropriate because a dildo is a simulation of the male penis that women use for masturbation. With a sense of pride and satisfaction, he managed to extinguish the fire in three minutes.

Person centred counselling case study examples

The setting of the session as a training tool may also have influenced both the counsellor Dr Berenson and Rose as the client, making them very self aware, and not providing a comfortable and safe environment conducive to meaningful communication. The counsellor does not present as a distant expert, but is right there in the β†’

Spread of islam essay

The Muslims, as the believers of Islam are called has five main obligations, namely, to bear witness to the unity between Allah and the Prophet Muhammad; to fast during the Ramadan; to observe the recommended prayer; to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca and to pay the Zakat. The Muslims The believers in the one β†’

Is the digital divide closing sociology essay

With several definitions of ' digital divide' a simplistic one is provided ' The digital divide is the inequality of access to computers and the internet'. However, the term ' digital divide' fosters several facets with the actual physical aspect to the divide; can all countries across the world actually afford to purchase the hardware β†’

The us acid rain program environmental sciences essay

The Acid Rain plan was initiated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the 1990s to cut down the degree of S dioxide and N oxides, the chief causes of acerb rain. The chief purpose of the Acid Rain plan was to cut down the degree of sulfur dioxide in the environment by 10 β†’

Benefits of ict in early childhood education

According to the study materials, Gross motor skills can be enhanced when children use the white board to record things, as they stretch and touch various parts of the white board and also using larger pens to write on the screen. Increase in world knowledge Children have to appreciate that modern technology is around to β†’

Green walls: benefits in the contemporary city

The living, organic systems characterized by green walls, are integrated with the inorganic and lifeless structures are dominating modern architecture and holds the promise of a new type of ' living' architecture. Living walls can be installed on the exterior of a building in full sun, shade, and interior of a building.

University finally i would like to express

BACKGROUND Growth monitoring, a process of regular weighing and measuring the heightand comparing the results with a standard for the identification of subgroups of the childpopulation that are at increased risk of faltered growth, impaired mentaldevelopment, and death. Encouraging the involvement of thecaregivers in the growth monitoring and promotion services.11.

The impact of global media on identity

Creation of the Global Media The time after the 1980's led to major changes in terms of new communication technologies, digitalization of information and increase in deregulations and privatization in different sectors, including media. Global Media and Homogenization of Culture The discourse of cultural homogenization presents globalization as ' synchronization to the demands of a β†’

How working life offers new challenges and opportunities

In order for this to work and go on, persons have to be freshly flexible and have a different attitude towards work. In this field of work the labour turnover is comparatively high this could be due to low rewards or the on the job conditions of the environment; the type of work in this β†’

Case study ikea invades america marketing essay

Due to the sheer size and layout of the stores, the ability for consumers to quickly locate and select a small number of products and vacate the premises is very difficult. In addition to this, the scarcity of store locations limits the ability of the consumer who is ordering from a catalog to physically experience β†’

An analysis of eliot’s adam bede

She returns to where she left the baby where a farm laborer and the Stoniton constable discover her and the take her into custody for the murder of her child. Adam does not think Dinah is as physically attractive as Hetty but he is drawn to her love and mission to aid the people surrounding β†’

Research methods: critics of a qualitative and quantitative paper on pressure sore ulcer

In order to examine the strength and weakness of the articles, the author of this essay will use a set of tools using a methodological analysis. According to Cormack et al, it is imperative to make title and aims explicit as it will draw the reader attention to the precise area of the study.

Management control system of the university

In order to gain control over the allocation of resources throughout the university and also to balance the monies being distributed amongst the revenue centres a system of participation/subvention was used by the university administrators. The success of RCM depends mainly on the size and complexity of the institution, its organizational culture, and the propensity β†’

Reverse logistics as an integral part of supply chain management. 18442

In addition to managing outbound goods, they also are responsible for reverse logistics - the flow of returned goods and packaging, including customer service and final disposition of returned items. The tax, finance, and credit implications of the program is an area that may not be very visible to logistics managers, but it is one β†’

The american international group

It was established in china in 1949 and is the largest insurance company in china, enjoying quite a large market share. They are exposed to trends of loss thus enjoying a favourable state in the market as opposed to their competitors.

Comparison of the atlantic slave trade

Also under the code slaves were not to be educated in either religion or a trade since the attitude of the master was the slaves were inferior and not capable of learning. Africa and Slavery Although the majority of slaves that came to America were from Africa, there was a vast contrast in how slaves β†’

Barriers to higher education in nursing

Key words used for the literature search included barriers to higher education and nursing, challenges to higher education in nursing, deterrents to higher education and nursing, importance of higher education and nursing, and higher education in nursing. Nurses, Inc: expansion and commercialization of nursing education in the Philippines.

Human rights and prisoner rights

Such rights to be given to prisoners, regardless of whatever it is they have been accused of, create an understanding society that has the ability to forgive as well as the ability to understand why a person has ended up in prison. Finally I have discussed what the society has done for prisoners in regards β†’

Is hong kong a preferable travel destination?

Hong Kong the full name is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. It is located in the Pearl River estuary, the South China Sea on the Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula, connected to the mainland China, and the New Territories.

Managing complex care in deteriorating situations

These are that the person has a disorder of the mind and that the disorder can only be treated in the hospital and also that there is risk to their health, safety of the patient or risk to others. Her concern was that she was verbally and physically aggressive towards her boyfriend and that she β†’

Artificial nature and natural art: spenser’s “the faerie queene” and marvell’s “upon appleton house”

Even though Marvell's " Upon Appleton House" is not a " continued allegory" it is filled with allegories referring to England and with a deep relation to the scriptures." In the poem's rich symbolism, biblical events Eden, the first temptation, the Fall, the wilderness experience of the Israelites find echoes in the experience of the β†’

Business opportunities: sme

The following paper is a discussion which proves the statement that " Converting an idea into a business opportunity is the key element of the process of business creation". From this perspective, the decision to grow can also be thought of as a punctuation and the information system as a deep structure that may change β†’

Koyo jeans

Mainly analyze internal and external of KOYO, Macro and MicroEnvironmentanalysis, industry lifecycle analysis, evaluate themotivationof nationalization, use of porter diamond analysis of the competitive advantage, and the analysis of the market entry mode. Britain is the birthplace of the creative industries in the world, with a strong design capability and a large number of the β†’

Dante inferno essay sample

Thesis statement: In Dante's Inferno, the first part of the Divine Comedy, Dante develops many themes throughout the adventures of the travelers. The basis of Dante's opinion of God's divine justice in The Inferno relies on the idea of contrapasso, the idea of a punishment that fits the sin committed.

National child abuse and neglect data system law medical essay

This condition is the result of a lack of oxygen in the body, and eventually leads to a loss of consciousness and death. A death scene can also sometimes hold the clues as to what led up to the death of the child and who committed the crime, it is important for the scene be β†’

Ethical issues in photojournalism media essay

Personally, I think it is in the public interest to let the public know the realities of violent conflict, however, I do not think this photo is appropriate. I think it is safe to say that the journalist, who took this picture, does give ' a best strike a balance between good taste' and the β†’

Personal financial wellness and workers job productivity psychology essay

Important areas of research are identification of the characteristics of financial problems and financial wellness, examination of financial difficulties of various groups, and development of financial management education. As a result the positive effects of the workplace financial education will enhance the outcome referring to the workers financial behavior and absenteeism, the relationship between personal β†’

Union revitalisation

The discussion for this essay is based on that unions have some tact on how to react to their shifting environments, It leads to the following questions that need to be answered: What type of actions are unions taking in different countries in order to deal with the issues they face? It helps unions to β†’

Technology in helping the problem of resource scarcity

Much of economics runs around this one basic problem of resource scarcity and the aim of this paper is to emphasize on how human beings have created technologies or developed innovative methods to meet the challenges of limited resources available. Market responses to natural-resource scarcity automatically induce endogenous technological change that leads to resource conservation β†’

Advantages of sole trader ship business essay

In order to analyzed the strategic goals of the GSK it has been identified and explained the mission, vision and objectives as well as core purpose of the GSK and values. In partnership each person shares directly in the organization's profits and shares control of the business operation.

German support for syrian refugees essay

In this context sustainability refers to the ability of the German government to continue with the current polices at the same level. The association with the short term situation of refugees, arriving with little, reliant on the goodwill of the state, is frequently assumed to continue.

The discourse of the rural idyll masks poverty and social exclusion

In the UK, representations of the ' rural idyll' are frequently portrayed in numerous media formats such as magazines and television shows like ' Country Life' and ' Escape to the Country', ensuring that the imagery of the rural idyll is allowed to dominate popular discourse. In contrast, social exclusion is seen as a more β†’

Modernity/post-modernity: has is brought more harm than good on institutions like the family?

According to Marshall Berman, modernity is a mode of vital experience of space and time, of the self and others, of life's possibilities and perils-that is shared by men and women all over the world today. Human beings would understand their true destiny and be able to enjoy it to the full only as they β†’

Catcher in the rye: close reading

Prior to the scene with the prostitute, Holden spends time in a Greenwich Village nightclub, as he drinks scotch and soda, unintentionally listening to the conversations that surround him, which Holden views as depressing and " phony." The scene begins as Holden checks into a hotel after a long walk back to his hotel after β†’

Principles of wound management in the clinical environment

Jones with the location of his wound, mobility and elimination? Emphasized to Mr Jones the importance of adequate nutrition and fluids will help with wound healing.

Gladiator media assignment

This shows that the main focus of the poster is the caption, not the title. This develops the feeling of Roman times, as that is the era the movie is set in.

Editorial: role of inner ear in self and environment perception

Editorial on the Research Topic Role of Inner Ear in Self and Environment Perception Otoneurology and vestibular neuroscience recently advanced with a better understanding of the vestibular contributions to perceptual and cognitive functions, reaching far beyond balance, and eye-movement control. An important function of the vestibular system is the perception of the visual vertical, which β†’

Crystal structure, optical and electrical characteristics of rutile

XRD spectrum depicted that the main phase in the sample with x = 0 is a tetragonal one of the rutile - type with P42/mnm space group and increasing in GeO2 ratio leads to appearance and rise of another orthorhombic phase Ge4Ti5 with Pnma space group. The main aim of the present work is to β†’

Care models for dementia

Strength-based assessment is defined as the measurement of those emotional and behavioral skills, competencies, and characteristics that create a sense of personal accomplishment; contribute to satisfying relationships with family members, peers, and adults; enhance one's ability to deal with adversity and stress; and promote one's personal, social, and academic development. It reduces the power and β†’

Social and health inequalities in new zealand

DEMOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATIONS According to the statistics of New Zealand, 86% of the entire population are settling in the Urban Areas which are further categorized into 72% living in the main urban area, 6% in the secondary urban area and the remaining 8% in the minor urban area, while, 14% of the country's population β†’

Issues for german emperors 1300-1500

The document outlined that the territories belonging to the lay electors were to become hereditary, and that the vote was now attached to the possession of these land, which were never to be divided. The new electoral body remained at seven which included the archbishops of Cologne, Mainz, and Trier, the Saxon vote was given β†’

The a gap between poor people and middle

This creates a huge imbalance in the economical growth of India which in turn gives rise to corruption and crime in the country In India not only politicians are corrupted but chief officers, judges, bureaucrats and government servants are corrupted. Because of this behavior of people, corrupt people began to think that corruption is a β†’

Company that change the world media essay

With constant determination to inspire Malaysian to read more and to uphold Malay language, now Karangkraf is one of the biggest publishing groups in Malaysia and it is the largest Malay language publisher. With that kind of special attentions were given to a novel, Alaf 21 has reprinted the novel to fulfil the demand and β†’

An essay on loss and grief

Choose one event on loss and construct an academic essay supported by relevant academic sources This essay explores my experience of loss and grief after the death of my father in 1997 and how my grieving process relates to theories put forward to explain and deal with bereavement. In view of this it can be β†’

Is retailing really necessary in a country marketing essay

For the purpose of the full illustration of the role of the retailing in the serving of the country and the whole society, there would be a huge investigation about the main issues that had been dealt with and problems that had been solved by the presence of the retailing in the country. Then merits β†’

Entrepreneurs typically learn from failure business essay

The following table shows the internal and external factors contributing to failure of a business: One of the major internal cause of failure is poor management an event that occurs as a lack of entrepreneurial or managerial attention or focus. Following the understanding of the reasons for failure and how they learn from failure, it β†’

Chart henri fayol and weber max essay

Taylor himself " associated" the encounter with the " beginning of scientific management." In this incident, Taylor sought to increase the productivity of the workers, a focus of most of his theory. Basically, these functions and principles show that Fayol wanted to streamline the organization and operation of the management arm of the business in β†’

Motivated and enthusiastic child psychologist influences

Of particular importance to clinical child and adolescent psychologists is a scientific understanding of the basic psychological needs of children and adolescents and how the family and other social contexts influence socio-emotional adjustment, cognitive development, behavioral adaptation and health status of children and adolescents. A part of the challenge is that having inadequate resources to β†’

Nazi “jewish question”, as well as a

The establishment of extermination camps therefore became the " Final Solution" to the " Jewish Question", as well as a way to alleviate the mental trauma that grappled the minds of Nazi soldiers. The following essay will examine various primary and secondary sources to better illuminate the creation, evolution, practices and perpetrators of the extermination β†’

Ethical vision and practices of starbucks

Ethical vision and practices of Starbucks Quality of products From the beginning of Starbucks, the management believed that, better quality is not only good for the customers, but also good the long term prospect of business. In most of the developing countries, the suppliers try to take the advantage of the need of workers or β†’

Renaissance art of leonardo da vinci assignment

By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his own certainly with Veronica, and he becomes a member of the painters' guild in 1472. He was also one of the most famous people of his time and a great leader of the Italian β†’

Factors affecting management success

In a rapid and globalized world, management success is often associated with a plethora of carefully applied strategies that accentuate both the results and the processes utilized to attain a certain goal. However, although we wish to know answers to the question of what factors affect successful management, most individuals have neither the time to β†’

Role of rda in economic development of bangladesh assignment

The major objectives of the Academy are to offer training to the personnel of different nation building departments and agencies involve in rural development works; conduct research and action research or pilot experiments in different aspects of rural development; and offer consultancy services to different national and international agencies as well as Nags on various β†’

The marketing communication process

The process is an interdependent series of marketing efforts that require companies and marketers to take stock of the attributes and shortcomings of their product or service to construct a plan that achieves successful outcomes. This is due to the complexity of choices in terms of product types where explaining and establishing a rapport with β†’

Multiple sclerosis (ms): pathophysiology and management

It is thought by many that gender is a contributing factor to the initiation and course of MS and that underlying mechanisms of the disease can be linked to sex hormones. The onset of MS in males is linked with the beginning of the decline in bioavailability of testosterone in healthy men.

Demographics of argentina geography health essay

The capital of the country is Buenos Aires which is also the largest city of Argentina. The Argentine Northwest, which is in the North of the country.

Applications of semiconductor lasers

They are supposed to be " the laser of the future", because of their compactness in size, easy integration, more output power, optical pumps for solid-state lasers and their rapid improvement. 2 gives a comprehensive view of the semiconductor lasers and their application in a specific network type as an optical transmitter.

Importance of the shopping mall construction essay

Approval of Board of InvestmentNowadays the government of Sri Lanka gives more priority to the infrastructure development of the country to increase the economic growth of the country. Here the proposed Shopping mall project is one of the infrastructure developments of this country, so the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka will give the approval β†’

Understanding the main principles of cognitive psychology: sheep-goat effect, generational cohort theory and cognitive bias

The paranormal belief was higher to the people who have a lower level of education, while people who have a higher level of education tend not believe to this supernatural phenomenon because of their heightened knowledge regarding higher levels of cognition, controlled emotions, and knowledge to the outcomes of the social behaviors that others act. β†’

Earthquakes & subduction zones lab report

The three key features associated with a subduction zone are a deep ocean trench, a volcanic arc on the overriding plate parallel to the trench, and a plane of earthquakes, shallow near the trench and descending beneath and beyond the volcanic arc. Form a hypothesis about the relative ages of the East Pacific Rise material β†’

Marketing analysis for meantime brewery assignment

4% Hienkien Molson Coors 21 inBev Carlsberg Others Financial stability of any nation can be reflected by inflation and taxes; the beer industry in the UK has many challenges, as the external environment is very competitive and Meantime need to consider other competitors in the market well to be able to break the boundaries and β†’

The changing relationship between frank and rita essay sample

Although the comic value of the two frequently misunderstanding each other's remarks is constructive to the play, it seems Russell's real aim is to illustrate Frank and Rita's perception of education and the differences in both their backgrounds. Rita is a twenty-six year old woman belonging to the ' working class', yet unlike most of β†’

The management of innovation in firms

It involves tackling the originative thoughts of an organisation 's employees and using it to convey a steady grapevine of profitable new inventions to the market place, rapidly and expeditiously. The hereafter rests in those willing and able to make so." A " new " thought is a combination of old elements.

A disunited society: the disturbing depiction of muhammad in the divine comedy

Drawing from the works of Dante historians and my own interpretation of the text, I will argue that Dante's criticism of Muhammad is not tied to the prophet's race or religion, but rather to the consequences of his actions. Muhammad, one of the bolgia's residents, explains to Dante and Virgil that the souls in the β†’

The effects of hoodia gordonii on weight loss

The strengths of this case report had the ability to focus on one individuals diagnosis, symptoms, and treatments, however, the limitations of this study was that the subject ultimately did not choose to take Hoodia as a treatment to help with weight loss which led to inconclusive results in this case report. Blom et al.conducted β†’

Introduction of taxonomic sciences

Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing and classifying organisms and includes all plants, animals and microorganisms of the world by using morphological, behavioural, genetic and biochemical observations, taxonomists identify, describe and arrange species into classifications, including those that are new to science. Biological classification is a crucial step in the taxonomic process, as it β†’

Looking at tax knowledge psychology essay

From the results generated, he found that there is a significant relationship between the tax knowledge and the tax compliance behavior of the individual taxpayers. The past study has shown that the tax knowledge, attitudes, and social norms will affect the tax compliance behavior of individual taxpayers.

Processes of water treatment

Stating the water supply Regulations 2001, " trueness also referred to as the systematic error is the calculated difference between the true value and the main value of the large number of repeated measurements". Practically, it is defined as " the closeness of agreement between the mean of the result of a measurements of a β†’

Introduction faced by such problems as market

Capital adequacy has been defined in the finance glossary as the " measure of the financial strength of a bank or a securities firm and usually expressed as the ratio of its capital to that of its assets" Financial regulators have always tried to ensure that existing commercial banks have enough capital and enable them β†’

The role and responsibilities of an assessor essay

It is critical to the continued success of both learners and organisations and can promote progress and ensure competence by continuingly obtaining feedback from all interested parties and acting on this where appropriate Progression the progression of the learner should always be taken into account i.e.what are they going to do in the future and β†’

Labor market for university graduates economics essay

Those distortions highlights the need to understand the status and imbalances in the university graduates labor markets and identify appropriate strategies to reduce unemployment and improve the well being and opportunities of the university graduates. The Paradox of Education and Unemployment in Egypt Working.

Analysis of the theory of unbalanced growth

With the adoption of this strategy, there emerges new opportunities to distribute the fruits of development more evenly throughout the society and to cure the plights of inequality, inflation and unemployment of resources. It has been seen, that despite the weaknesses of theunbalanced growth strategyas illustrated in the beginning of the report, the technique has β†’

Benefits of islamic banking methods

The principles that underpin Islamic banking methods are considerably different from the ones traditional banking methods are based on, however, the former adhere to the teachings of Islam, which the majority of consumers are not familiar with. Provided that all of the respondents are familiar with the services offered by Islamic banks, it was possible β†’

Cultivation theory

Cultivation Theory also, states that the more a person is exposed to a message provided by the media, the more likely that person is to believe the message is real. Gerbner argues, " Television is the source of the most broadly-shared images and messages in history"." It is the mainstream of the common symbolic environment β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of importing and exporting

The technological advancement and change in the communication and transportation facilities has surged the international trade in the 20th century. International equities are the assets of the country in which the country transact with the other country.

Impact of capitalism on global development

Harris claims that in ' examining the general character of the process of capitalist development as it has appeared historically across many different countries over a long period of time, one of its most striking characteristics is the phenomenon of uneven development.' However we choose to define the terms ' development' and ' capitalism', it β†’

Coca cola and pepsi sustainability report

The report is to evaluate the sustainable report of the two companies and compare the company approaches on social accounting. Social accounting is same as the sustainability report to identify and measure the social contribution of the company, determine the company strategies on the communities and social segments provide relevant information of firms goal, polices β†’

What is sustainable development in tourism?

Introduction Sustainability as a goal of tourism is a complicated question and as to goal of tourism in developing countries, one needs to understand the broader social, economic and political circumstances relevant to country itself in terms of broader tourism considerations. Achieving voluntary reductions in the carbon footprint of tourism and climate change.

Cognitive view of depressive disorders

In order to understand how Freud's theories and ideas are helpful for the identification of the personality in different life stages, it is necessary to understand the new way introduced by him in making analysis of the human behavior. The another example supporting the statement of the Dostoevsky is the act of fasting that is β†’

Operations management at bmw

In the first part this report talks of the dominant transformation process of the plant, the important operational objective of the car produced in the plant, the operational strategies of the plant and the difference between the operations in the service industry to the operations of this plant. Transformation process of BMW automobile production in β†’

Precautionary principle in biodiversity conservation

Precautionary approach can be defined as the alternative approach or methodology that can be adopted or is developed if the conventional technology poses a threat to the well being of the society and is a potential agent of disturbing the balance of the ecosystem, thereby disturbing the biodiversity. According to the principle, if a technology β†’

Global warming assignment

II Basic Workings of the Greenhouse Effect The cause of the warming of the earth's average temperature is called " greenhouse effect. As the positions of the developed countries varied considerably, the negotiations were " long and grueling Unlike the European Union, which " proposed a 15 per cent cut; 29] of carbon dioxide by β†’

Kargil war

Role of Media in Kargil Anshu Bhatia PGP2- 18012 Table of Contents Abstract2 Introduction3 Literature Review3 Discussion of the case5 Analysis and conclusion6 Bibliography7 Abstract This paper attempts at evaluating the role of media in the Kargil war, which broke out in the summer of 1999, at a time when the Indian media was equipped β†’

B case study the imperial notes

This activity reinforces the ' story of The Imperial to students, helping them to be more familiar with the key events and the people involved In the case study. He was the founder of the Imperial hotel at Mambas, Kenya in 1906.2.

Bronchial asthma: case study presentation

The relationship between peak flow values and clinical symptoms is variable because of patient's perceptions to different changes in the airways patency. A lot of patients not familiar with the importance and the use of the peak flow, for example; in United Arab emirates only 17.

Retaining employees newly appointed and existing business essay

As the HR ' function is non merely enroll the new employee, but besides taking attention and developing the employee like a female parent does, determining the employee to accomplish organizational end every bit good the staff 's personal end. In this article, I will critically discourse the function for the strategic human resource direction β†’

International human rights norms

He argues that there are states such as most of the African and Asian countries which did not actually participate in the formulation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948[5]and even though they did participate in the formulation of the subsequent instruments they did so on the basis of an establish framework and philosophical β†’

Project report on himalaya products

The United States of America has one of the largest medical and healthcare industries in the world, followed by Switzerland and Germany. There are various factors, which govern the growth of the medical and healthcare industry.

Medium of defamation in the cyberspace media essay

A communication is defamatory if it " tends so to harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of the community or to deter third persons from associating or dealing with him".[3] With the aim to injure the reputation of the victim and in particular to cause him to be regarded β†’

Study on development of education in the uae

However, how far such progression is, or when it matter to the reality surrounding the development of education in UAE is still subjected to debate, which this paper and the attempt made herein is to identify the pros and cons of the development of education in UAE today, and in particular how the educational machinery β†’

Nursing perspectives: reflecting history and informal coercion in de-escalation strategies

In order to avoid coercive measures through de-escalation strategies, health professionals need to have specialized training and be aware not only of the use of informal coercion but also of the importance of a respectful and empathetic attitude and ward climate, a positive admission process, as well as debriefing strategies after coercive measures. Leadership is β†’

Degendering of the problem but a gendering of the blame: domestic abuse and rape

Degendering of the problem of domestic violence and gendering of the blame: According to an article by Nancy Berns, " political discourse on domestic violence obscures men's violence while placing the burden of responsibility on women". The arguments that favor the men's viewpoint are based on " normalization of intimate violence, cultural and structural factors β†’