10 Pages Essay Samples

Health education through social marketing

In social marketing, two concepts are important the exchange theory and the four P's of marketing namely the product, the price, the place and the promotion. Promotion is the combination of advertising, media relations, promotional events and entertainment to communicate with the target audience about the product The choice of a tool for health education β†’

Nebulized l-epinephrine in post -bronchoscopy croup

This study was designed for tow purposes of: ascertaining the effectiveness of L-epinephrine in the management of croup and weezy chest post bronchoscpy in children or not; and comparing the efficacy of a nebulized L-epinephrine at the dose of 0. 5mL/kg in the treatment of croup and post bronchoscopy in children.

Plan and strategy for product re launch

The marketing plan cover a whole lot of analysis ranging from company and customer analysis giving incite to us who are customer and competitors are in the market, it also involve the use of PESTASL and SWOT analysis to help us analyse our strength and weakness, as well as our competitive advantage in the market, β†’

Advantages of diversity in the workplace

DeSimone In the workplace, valuing diversity means creating a workplace that respects and includes differences, recognizing the unique contributions that individuals with many types of differences can make, and creating a work environment that maximizes the potential of all employees. The way that the workforce being diverse directly helps in making a product successful is β†’

Gender & play – childhood influences assignment

A report done by the American Psychological Association in the Mail and Telegraph newspaper reports the strong influences of media on young children and how " The consequence of the sexualisation of girls in media today are very real and are likely to be a negative influence on girls' healthy development". Media plays a big β†’

Tort law: stella liebeck report

Juror Richard Anglada said the jury was trying to deliver a message to the fast-food industry." The coffee's too hot out there," she said." This happened to be McDonald's." Tracy McGee, McDonald's attorney, said the company would appeal. Last month's jury award in Albuquerque of $2.million in punitive damages to a woman scalded by McDonald's β†’

The new emerging field of behavioral economics economics essay

This was a decisive paper in the field of behavioral economics as states that the actual value of alternatives was all that mattered and not the mode of their presentation or in other words " framing", this it did by its rigorous equations that were able to pierce the core assumption of the standard model. β†’

Understanding sarah fuller’s analysis of guillame de machaut’s de toutes flours

As mentioned previously, the elements that are present in Guillaume de Machaut's De Toutes Flours may not exactly be considered acceptable or highly remarkable; punctuated by long notations, the erratic rise and voice in the tone of the tenor's line, the changing and often unpredictable notes of the contratenor line, and the distinct yet volatile β†’

The magic of walt disney

Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination.632.[ 25 ]. The Disney Version The Life, Times, Art, and Commerce of alt Disney.72.[ 37 ].

Does the prison serve its purpose

By analyzing figure 1, the visiting room comes across as a very stressful environment for the reason that it is a narrow room that was often over crowded with prisoners, the prisoner's guests and the prison guards, therefor excessive stimulation and arousal occurred in the space, with all the ranges of emotions and excitement. All β†’

Financial performance analysis of amazon

BN and Ebay are engaged in the similar industry as Amazon, which is online business and catalogue retailing of single and diversified product lines In terms of market capitalisation, Amazon has the highest at $59. As at 2008, Amazon's ROE is equivalent to the competitors and is expected to be in line with the competitors β†’

Treating nausea and vomiting in pregnancy with ginger

In the article, the author first introduced the history of ginger as a traditional remedy in some eastern countries, then discussed the potential risk of several different forms of ginger that were available in the UK market. Comparing ginger and vitamin B6 for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: A randomised controlled trial.

The intelligence and definition of led policing

The Intelligence needs to be collected and the analysts need to interpret the information and Influence the decision makers, the decision makers then need to act on the given information. In the model that Ratcliffe suggests, the arrow represents the flow of data and it runs from the intelligence analysis unit to the criminal environment.


The brain is the most complex organ in the human body and an imbalance of the brain's chemical system has been suspected as the main cause of schizophrenia for a long time. The area of the brain thought to be affected in most cases of schizophrenia is the limbic system.

The natural father

I remember, across the toddler in the backseat, my daughter and I held eyes hard and long, for the first time. And against the predictable wallpaper of family life?" and through the joy and pain and delight and grief Sam, the natural father of our daughter, travelled with us.

The mfmea results of tbm hydraulic system engineering essay

The application of an appropriate preventive maintenance is expected to reduce the likelihood number from 8 to 5 and the RPN from 93 to 40. The application of these preventive actions is expected to reduce the RPN of this failure from 172 to 40.

Merger of jp morgan chase & co

It argues that the experience of Banking industry in the US is unique and also the impact of the merger in JP Morgan Chase &Co. The paper talks about the merger of JP Morgan Chase & Co.using The Porter's The Fishbone Model.

Introduction to business law

Lets see when there is a duty of care? what are the pre- requisites? what are the salient features of a duty of care There are three prerequisites for an action in negligence which are Duty of care, Breach of the duty of care and Damage. Reasonable foreseeability- but not only foreseeability Foreseeability alone is β†’

Thomas dequincey – opium eater assignment

While he suffered the effects of addiction on his body and his life, the public sought his writings and provided him with a way to keep his addiction going. The opium was very important to his life and he found the effects to reward him with visions that he regarded as " glimpses of a β†’

Chinese education and australia education

These changes including the expansion of education scale and system, the gradual elimination of education inequality, and nurturing of many engineers and scientists were tightly linked to the national education policies' adjustment and shifts. For the past few years, the Chinese government has input huge efforts to the multi-level education system, which contained the nine-year β†’

Different approaches to pareto principle economics essay

For example a Pareto efficient solution could be the one in the bottom left corner of the box. Regarding the issue of distribution Pareto Efficiency is unable to distribute the common goods and any inept allocation will be perpetuated An other failure of Pareto efficiency is the allocation of scarce resources.

Transferability of simple sequence repeat (ssr) markers

Leaves from 8 populations of T.fragiferum, 12 populations of T.tumens, 1 population of T.physodes, 11 populations of T.resupinatum, 6 populations of T.bullatum, 3 populations of T.clusii, 14 populations of T.tomentosum and 2 populations of T.spumosum were sampled to test transferability of primers previously developed in red clover. Data analysis The results for the 20 loci β†’

The implication for users of financial statements accounting essay

Variable elements of financial reports such as the ratio of current debt to equity ratio is vital in making a decision on the amount of long run capital that needs to be available; 2)employees form the second group of internal users of financial statements. External users include: 1) institutional investors who use the financial reports β†’

Origin and resolution in white teeth and autobiography of my mother.

It is the decision to relinquish claims on the bloodline of her culture, to become a free agent, the way Xuela is, and the way Irie's daughter will be. In White Teeth, it is not the cultural influence of the dominant culture, nor the stubborn persistence of the subjugated culture that causes conflict in the β†’

The new oil: castrol

And because linguistically, Vietnam largely differs from Castrol's native home, Britain, as such; Castrol had to overcome the language barriers in their business negotiations with Vietnamese who prefer to have an interpreter even though if the Vietnamese can converse in the foreign language that was used. Castrol had entered Vietnam pre-government policy, as such the β†’

Mp3 vs cd college essay

The digital era versus the institutions of analog; the format war in relation to the music industry The intent of this essay is to look at the ongoing battle known as the format war, I will begin by looking at the history of vinyl. Given that the subject in question is such a broad subject β†’

Optically active pharmaceutical compounds biology essay

The carbon atom is the stereogenic or the asymmetric centre of the molecule. That is, the membrane helps in the separation of the product from the substrate on the basis of their chemical properties like solubility.

Role of government in encouraging innovation assignment

In 1958 Indian Government passed a " Scientific Policy Resolution 1958", which stated: " The key to national prosperity, apart from the spirit of the people, lies, in the modern age, in the effective combination of three factors, technology, raw materials and capital, of which the first is perhaps the most important, since the creation β†’

Editorial: undergraduate education for public health in the united states

Griffin, DiFulvio, and Gerber describe the use of undergraduate public health peer advisers for a fast-growing undergraduate public health program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Progress in the articulation of undergraduate and graduate public health?

A chain of stores

Between 2002 and 2010 GAP has implemented multiple schemes to suit alterations in engineering and the economic system that have driven the schemes of all of the major rivals in the family-clothing-store industry. The transportation of investing from less economically efficient shops to more economically efficient shops is a powerful chance and should be adopted β†’

Nutrition behaviour in attraction to wellness programme

Health care costs associated with overweight and obesity were predicted to double every decade by the year 2030, and account for 16 to 18 percent of total health care related costs in the U.S. Effectiveness of WHPP in improving nutrition, eating behaviours and cost benefits to organisations Improving nutrition: Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of β†’

Self essay

Some changes may be for the better and can greatly increase the person's quality of life and their outlook on the rest of the world. In the beginning of the novel, Young Dorian was introduced to a man named Lord Henry by the artist who gave him the painting, and regrettably, the two became very β†’

Operational decision making

The final step is to total the weighted scores for each location and the plant that has the highest total should be the site selected to build the Lexus RX 330. In regards to this, the U.S.would rank a 4 and Canada a 2.

Mature marketing a winning formula for assignment

In order to derive the " winning formula" for mature markets, we sought to map the DNA of these markets by analyzing three questions: What currently drives growth in the telecoms sector, both for the market overall and for selected operators? Our analysis shows that regulatory conditions in particular, the number of Moos for mobile β†’

Are the two genders converging? are we witnessing the dawning of a new era of androgyny?

My argument, will then be based on the extent to which I can relate to the essay question on my opinion regarding the relationship and connectedness between the two gender in our today's world.there are significant instances where by we can see that gender or gender roles are coming together, because of the awareness, there β†’


The centre aims to bring together technical, organisational and legal expertise and research activities in the area of cybercrime in order to produce up-to-date scientific output and evaluations and advice.1. The exchange and handling of digital evidence in the whole chain of criminal prosecution, including the preservation of digital evidence; The organisational and legal aspects β†’

Nursing questions essay

Nursing theory provides information on various aspects of nursing which include the definition of nursing proactive, the principles on which the practice is based on and the goals and roles of nursing. Further, the theory is made simple by the fact that there is coherence of logic from the definition of self care, to self-care β†’

Logged in as jolie cizewski, instructor

ANSWER: from the electron toward the electron out of the page into the page Part C Find the magnitude of the magnetic field that the electron produces at the location of the nucleus. ANSWER: into the page out of the page Direction of the Magnetic Field due to a Wire Conceptual Question Find the direction β†’

Rising from recession market strategies of cisco systems

This allowed Cisco employees to contact anyone in the company without having to go through a chain of command. Employees are empowered to do right by Cisco and the customer.

Japan and south korea economic developments

The success of industrialization and export-promotion policies was closely linked to the efficient mobilization and allocation of capital by managing savings and investments. Economic development policies emphasized intensive industrialization and promotion of export as the basis of economic growth.


If instead of the current voting system, the United States switched to approval voting, the changed role of third party candidates would strengthen democracy in America. However, under the approval system candidate Y is elected and a much larger percentage of voters are satisfied with the outcome of the election because a candidate with a β†’

A case study into the different aspects of curriculum

This paper will concentrate on the Australian Curriculum and will try to turn to issues such as the assorted definitions of the course of study, the intent or end of the course of study, how the course of study is developed, the construction of the course of study, how the course of study is influenced β†’

Synthesis of fe doped tio2 nanoparticles

And the energy level of the Fe4+/Fe3+ couple is only just greater than the titania conduction band and the energy level of the Fe3+/ Fe2+ couple is just above the valance band This useful electronic states of iron ions in titania results in formation of efficient trapping sites for electrons and holes. And the adsorption β†’

Brain tissue oxygen reactivity: clinical implications and pathophysiology

Simultaneous elevations of PbO 2 and PbO 2 / PaO 2 values reflect the imbalance between the oxygen delivery and consumption. This is a result of a mismatch between the rCBF and existing cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen, which leads to accumulation of CO 2, converted by erythrocyte carboanhydrase into HCO 3 and H + β†’

Poverty the other factors that provide supplementary information

It has to bedefined in relation to average living standards in a society and the socialnorms and the customs acceptable to it at a point of time. To identify the determinantsof poverty at macro and micro levels To analyze the trends in incidence of poverty Karnataka and all India.

African masks assignment

In this essay I am going to look at the Makishi Masquerades and the Transmission of knowledge among the Chokwe and related people together with the Pwo mask, the Bambara tribe of Mali and the Chi Wara antelope mask, and also at the role that the Holo mask plays in the Ngidi and Makanda initiation β†’

Diversity management in tesco and asda

A Case Study of Managing Diversity in Tesco and Asda As organizations increasingly become global in their operations and business activities, there appears to be a need to come to terms with the issue of having to deal with a diverse workforce. Millmore et al, suggested that diversity management borders on the need to take β†’

Media in the game of cricket in india

These critics believe that owing to the rich tradition and history of the game in India, cricket should not be confined within the spheres of entertainment but instead be used to document the progress and development of the nation. Firstly, the liberalization of the Indian economy and the widespread effects of the media, meant that β†’

Casefile method – answer to casefile 1.1 assignment

Likely outcome It is likely that the court will find that Crest breached the employment contract with Collins by hiring an unapproved member to his team of chefs, effectively converting Collins from a top-tier chef into just another cook in the kitchen. Thus, if Collins cannot show that Crest breached the contract first, he is β†’

Hottie hawgs bbq case study

Hottie Hawg's Smokin BBQ was presented with an opportunity for tremendous growth early on in the life of the company that would test the limits of HHBBQ's ability to raise capital, produce the quantity of food required and maintain the quality of the product while protecting the brand name and mark they had worked to β†’

Export planning guidelines and strategies economics essay

The research reveals that it is a favourable country to do business and aims to take the benefit of the free trade agreement with the target country. In the process extreme care will be taken that the quality of wine is nowhere compromised and it reaches in the premium state on the tables of the β†’

If god is male, then the male is god

The first religions of mankind, which arose during the early Paleolithic, possessed an intriguing quality not only that they did not show a preference for male over female, but treated the genders as interchangeable in the sphere of divinity, thus making the images of the God and the Goddess equally important. The lack of equality β†’

Euthanasia in australia: arguments for and against

As a result, recognizing the autonomy that lead to make critical choices and decisions relating to poor illnesses are often crucial during the course of care for both physicians and the patients. Therefore, patients who are undergoing extreme sufferings to the extent of desiring for euthanasia deserve consented death, and it is physicians' legal obligation β†’

Three significant shifts geography global economic activity economics essay

A possible reason for the growth of these countries could be in the decolonisation prior to the 1960's and after World War 2. The most recent and potentially biggest change in East Asian economy is the huge growth of China:" Since shifting to a policy of reform and door opening in the late 1970's, China β†’

Kill bill as a feminist statement assignment

In order to analyses the film from the feminist point of view, It Is necessary to mention the term of " the male gaze", Introduced by feminist film theory. All is right in the Jungle." To summaries, " Kill Bill" has all the features of a feminists statement.

Challenges in fatty acid and lipid physiology

Taken together, a number of proteins are involved in the transport of fatty acids and lipids throughout the body, and in this way determine their availability and functioning. New insights into the roles of proteins and lipids in membrane transport of fatty acids.

Sylvia plath research

It was easy for the loss of a loved one like this to bring back the lonely memories of her late father, and Sylvia fell back into a deep depression. Ted and Sylvia Hughs continued to write in the nine months of her pregnancy and Plath even published a book.

Importance of companion animals in human societies

Health benefits are associated with animal companionship when the animal being cared for does not pose a burden to the person and the animals behaviour is acceptable to the person. The basis of their relationship is that humans decide to keep animals.

Child development essay sample essay

It is my understanding that Victoria's female parent is the primary parent in the place; puting and implementing the regulations.has the duty of the bed clip modus operandi.doing all repasts.bathing Victoria.and being a really active parent.slightly over reflecting Victoria's male parent. Harmonizing to a recent survey it is said that " with the current focal β†’

Economical and political overview of peru

The countries bordering Peru are Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Bolivia and Brazil to the east and Chile to the south. Quechua, the language of the Inca empire, is the second most common language in the country, spoken by about 13% of the population, mainly in the central and southern highland regions of Peru.

The luxury goods industry

The demand for luxury goods in emerging markets continue to grow specifically in countries such as China and India due to the growth of the middle class. One of the competitive forces that have a great effect on industry attractiveness is the threat of new entrants and how hard it is to build up a β†’

Julian assange versus the world media essay

When looking at the controversy raised all around the world by Time Magazine's decision of awarding Zuckerberg with the Man of the Year Award over Assange in December 2010, one would suggest finding out whether the Wikileaks founder would have been a better choice than Facebook's CEO, since he has exposed news and information that β†’

Strain controlled triaxial test- geotechnical engineering

The dynamic triaxial test is the most effective method to arrive the static and dynamic properties of soil like cyclic deformation, damping ratio, liquefaction strength etc. HISTORY One of the first pieces of equipment designed to test cyclic triaxial loading was the pendulum loading apparatus by Casagrande and Shannon in 1949.

Tourism destination

This year? growth in visitor numbers is expected to fall? as a result of the combined effects of the global recession and the 30% inflation that rocked the country early in the year, coupled with massive hikes in the price of fuel resulting in higher tour and accommodation prices. National Tourism Year with the theme β†’

Rice export hit a record high in volume economics essay

The fact was that, many traditional partners of Thailand approached Vietnam's exporters at the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012, even Thai exporters purchased rice from Vietnam to re-export for differences. In 2012, China was a top buyer of Vietnam's rice.

Acquisition law and oral contracts

Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code Section 2-204 Formation in General specifies the standards in forming a contract: " A contract for sale of goods may be made in any manner sufficient to show agreement, including offer and acceptance, conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract, the interaction of electronic β†’

Daisy’s ghost: a feminist reading of “daisy miller”

In the the novel Daisy Miller, Daisy's death acts as an example of societies inability to recognize and understand feminism, and is made evident through character development, symbolism, and the conflict throughout. Although the focus of the novel is on Daisy, Winterbourne is the consciousness through which we perceive Daisy, and therefore the conflict.

Nursing care plans

Short term: After 2 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will be able to indicate an understanding of the communication problem and the importance of establishing a method of communication. After the rotation and nursing intervention the significant other of the patient will: a.

Infant vs believers baptism theology religion essay

At the same time, John administered a " repentance-baptism for the forgiveness of sins" in anticipation of the baptism of Spirit and the fire that the Messiah would exercise. According to the Dictionary of New Testament Theology baptism is administered " in the name of Jesus Christ"; it is " for the forgiveness of sins" β†’

Compare and contrast the 1990 gulf war to the 2003 iraq invasion essay sample

The Gulf War in 1990 and the invasion of Iraq in 2003 both had a profound impact not just on the countries directly involved primarily Iraq and the United States but also on the geo-politics of the world. It argues that the military outcomes were very much the same and that western intelligence essentially continued β†’

Research paper on why people dream and what the dreams mean

Therefore, according to Sigmund Freud theory of the Id, the ego and the superego, people dream as a result of the failure of the ego to balance both super ego and Id parts of the brain. An individual's perception of the world results in dreams.

Bisleri company profile

In the Natural water category, which is a niche segment where the brand Himalayan water has been a leader has now entered into the Indian market, after being overtaken by the Tata group. Context: Because of the scarcity of water in most parts of the country and also the increasing health consciousness among the people β†’

Comparison of joint family and nuclear family

The term nuclear family developed in the western world to distinguish the family group and is considered as the simplest type of a family which consist of a married man and a woman with their offspring '. Nuclear Family can also be referred to as a conjugal family because of the accent is of the β†’

Behavioral duality in an integrated agent

However, one of the characteristics of these decisions is the lack of voluntary control, what is a problem considering this system is responsible of many of the decisions and judgments we make. Although some authors question a sharp neuroanatomical basis of Kahneman's Systems 1 and 2, our train of thought in this manuscript suggests that β†’

Negative effects of social media

TOO MUCH SOCIALIZING ONLINE Internet facility nowadays has made social networking site is the most frequent visit either, indeed the use of the internet to socialize provides many benefits to the community. However, too much socializing online will lead to various cons, isolation that occurs will cause various disasters to users addicted to the use β†’

How climate change affects misc berhad

As one of the biggest houses in Malaysia, MISC has a repute to keep as non merely as one of the longest transportation companies established, but besides one of the largest transportation company in the universe. As the clime differs from clip to clip, MISC Berhad would necessitate to fix itself for the menaces faced β†’

Social media strategy for fnh

Also, the objectives of the communication strategy will be to cultivate the public; s perception towards FnH. FnH hopes to be viewed as the first choice healthy food restaurant by the residents of Preston and the surrounding regions; In the food industry, many stakeholders will interact with FnH during its operations.

Impact of adolescent anxiety disorders on education

Considering the possible reasons and causes of school refusal and the impacts school refusal can have on educational, social and lifelong outcomes. The Department of Education offers brief definitions of anxiety and the types of anxiety disorders experienced in childhood and adolescents.

Impediments to attract fdi in pakistan essay

The main purpose of our research study is to analyze the factors which are the determinants of FED inflows in any country. What are the determinants of FED inflows in any country and what impediments countries face to attract investment and how economy, law and order and political instability effect FED inflows trends in countries.

Finance in the hospitality industry

Banks make sure you are able to cover losses in the event of default within the business not risking to seize your assets so you can pay the loan.Www. The aim is to reach that level of awareness of the brand, positive view of the company.

Children in the children center observation

4: 55- She jumps down from the bench and stands put her left palm on the side of the bench and looks back. He looks at his mother and sits down on the bench.

Problems with use of pesticides an environmental sciences essay

Since more than 4 million years and insects found on the surface of the earth attack humans and damage it to occur to him directly and indirectly, and they began trying to get rid of these insects, consider how to exterminate them and get rid of the harm caused was trying to get rid of β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of tourism essay

Tourism is a critical source of income for many countries and it generates income through the consumption of goods and services by tourists, the taxes levied on businesses in the tourism industry, and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. Tourism is very important for many countries, due to the income β†’

The business environment is changing faster marketing essay

What is strategy? " Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations". Sometimes it is possible to identify multinational firms that find themselves in the fortunate position of being β†’

Identification of potential workplace exposures engineering essay

Following, dosemeters were placed on the carryalls, and the merchandise was exposed to the radiation field. To guarantee the safe and efficient operation of the irradiation cell, a Programmable Logic Controller system would be used throughout the procedure.

Sony – organizational behaviour

It can be concluded that Sony's management and business strategies affect its organisational structure as it was the drop in profits that had the shareholders to pressurize the change of top management. Sony did a mass of changes to adapt to the market changes; unfortunately, the pace of the latter was overtaking the management's expectations.

A psychotherapeutic approach recognizing body movement as the main instrument of expression and communication

Literature review Following the title of the research, three themes are dominant: The stigma around mental health in Lebanon, dance in Lebanon, and Dance Movement Psychotherapy in Lebanon. But it would also benefit the practice of dance movement psychotherapy in Lebanon, to see where it stands and how it can be beneficial when working with β†’

Social networking phenomenon in e-business

In particular, a critical exploration of the social networking phenomenon is presented and an evaluation of the impact on e-commerce and e-business is discussed. One more Social Networking aspect that should be considered in order to provide a deeper evaluation of the Social Networking impact in e-business is the one introduced Overstock in Auctions.

Globalization and organization design

The economies of scale refer to reduction in the cost per unit by increasing the scale of output. In the first stage, the Domestic stage, the company has to focus on domestic market which is limited and is their home country.

The effects of facebook on secondary school students education essay

In fact, there are already lots of researches trying to find the relationship of using Facebook and the academic performance or how Facebook can be used to improve the academic performance. Moreover, two main constructs are built to estimate the effects of Facebook on the academic performance, which are ' Balance of time' and ' β†’

Smoking rates and cessation strategies in hong kong

So that, we know that the prevalence and the times of smoking per day On the other hand, our one of objectiveis to know the reason why of smoking among teens. For the risk of smoking and passive smoking both would affect respiratory and cardiovascular system in the body.

Chemistry flashcard

If the molecular formula of the compound is the same as the empirical formula, draw two possible structures of the compound. Name the process involved and give the name of the mechanism occurring.

The emasculation of males in society

Males are said to find it difficult to resist the use of what is referred to as physical force and that is why aggression has been considered natural to male as in their reptilian brain. This is so because females are taking on the roles or jobs of males in the modern society a fact β†’

Why do the firms pursue strategic alliances marketing essay

We can see how an alliance can be classified in the below spectrum Types of Strategic Alliances According to the above spectrum, we can see that on the left hand side of the spectrum we can see that the company will have greater independence, but as we go on through the spectrum we can see β†’

The proximity to customers economics essay

The total revenue and costs are directly related to the location, the optimal placement of facilities is very important to minimize the operating costs, reduce transportation costs, overcome the competition, provide proper service to customers, etc. Business Climate A favorable business climate can include the presence of similar-sized businesses, the presence of companies in the β†’