10 Pages Essay Samples

Soviet navy captain nikolai artamonov history essay

The defection of a high-ranking Soviet Navy captain was a boon for them and provided a valuable source of clear and accurate information about the latest news in the Soviet fleet. It was quite possible that Shadrin was indeed a KGB agent and Kochnov's ploy was meant to trick the Americans into believing he was β†’

Shopping malls an american cultural phenomenon essay sample

Farrel's statement implies the idea that shopping malls are byproducts of American culture in the same way that the need to work hard, save and aspire to achieve the American Dream is part of American culture. It can also be said that the development of malls is not due to the interaction of cultural factors β†’

Impact of giorgio armani on fashion

Giorgio Armani, the sole share holder, Chief Executive Officer, President and chief designer of Giorgio Armani SpA which is one of the most profitable fashion houses, is quite qualified for the interlocking work of design, management and marketing. The Design Revolution Giorgio Armani brought Giorgio Armani's Unique Marketing Strategy Conclusion Design Revolutionary Giorgio Armani, one β†’

Talasari movement in western india history essay

A large number of tribals who took advantage of the reduced rate of assessment to become independent ryots had to rely on the local money-lender both for seed capital and consumption loans; the right of alienation legalised the transfer of land to the moneylender, who in a short period of time acquired the status of β†’

Information about russia the vastest country history essay

This thesis will cover the expansion of the Russian frontier, the breaches and breaking upon the USSR and the overall effect of each of these events on the Russian people. In the east of the country, the Cossacks were hunting for the ivory and valuable fur in the regions of Siberia.

Psychology: nervous system and william james

In thinking about psychology and consciousness, the idea that the mind and the body are separate entities that interact makes a lot of sense to you. The development of drugs that helped control the symptoms of severe psychological disorders and development of techniques to study the human brain contributed to the importance of _____ psychology β†’

Health psychology assignment

The studies examining the capability of the T BP usually address only a specific health behavior and majority of the research ball the theory of planned behavior do not considers the importance of performing a health behavior on a long-term basis, however health behaviors are not immediately observable, health behaviors have to be performed repeatedly β†’

Telescope technologies

His seminal work " Venus in Sole Visa" became the cornerstone of the " New Astronomy" and Horrocks was seen as one of the inspirations for the creation of the Royal Greenwich Observatory. There is also great benefit in being able to analyse the static and dynamic performance of the telescope because the strength and β†’

Comparison of ageing policies: australia and canada

The requirement for backing from the group and base which is age-accommodating and the Australians to empower to stay joined and take part in the general public. Comparing the policies with the policies of Canada and Australia The service delivery policies in Canada focuses on the social life of the people with disability.

Mis exam 2

Promoting the organization s products or services is a responsibility of the ________ functionsales and marketing Checking for product quality is an activity associated with the ________ functionmanufacturing and production Which of the following is a cross-functional business process? Which of the following is an example of a key force in a firm s broader, β†’

New ub group product launch: mist soft drink

The rates of the beer in various parts of the country are affected by the taxes and duties applied by the Govt. But, as 75% of the Indian market is covered by two players, there has not been a reduction in the margins of the manufacturers.

Ethical perspectives on drones in warfare

The commanders who are handing down the orders to the piolets would be considered a major stakeholder in this case as their command ultimately is what will trigger whether the piolet shoots or not, and where the drone should move. Some commanders may also feel very passionately about the cause, especially considering that one of β†’

The history of gender equality education essay

Focused specially on the racism in the US, the author argued that African Americans often are trapped in a " cycle of poverty" that may eventually lead to the development of unwanted stereotypes and bias. Most of the parents, who live under the poverty line, are uneducated themselves and they may not be able to β†’

Analysis of quality improvement initiative

With reference to the practice development literature, critically discuss the principles informing a quality improvement initiative in your area of practice as a Community Registered General Nurse Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyse a quality improvement initiative, namely the updating of care plans and other documentation within the student's area of β†’

Challenges toward ngos in poverty alleviation politics essay

In order to better comprehend the evidences that researcher will later submit as critical challenges facing the works of Non-Governmental Organizations in the fight against poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, it will be academically prudent to attempt an explanation of the concept of NGOs vis-a-vis the various forms of interpretations it may take, though it should β†’

Effect of arab spring on arab countries

The discovery of oil in Persia in 1908 subsequently in Saudi Arabia in 1938 has been one of the significant development in the Arab world. The departure of the army from the helm of the affairs also brings to an end to the era of ruler-army nexus in Egypt.

Brother juniper’s research: science v. faith

Three tragic happenings in her life brought about the changes; these being her little boy Jaime's illness, her own suffering of smallpox, and the fall of the bridge, with the loss this inflicted upon her. Though not believing that Dona Maria had a heart, she was willing to sacrifice a young girl to get the β†’

The creation of the oau

Alpha Omar Konare, President of the Republic of Mali at the time and Chairmen of The Economic Community of Western African States suggested the use of the AU as a replacement for the OAU because the mission of OAU African liberation from the hold of colonialism had been realized. This led to the genesis of β†’

Firearms on college campus essay sample

With the proper training and education on firearms, students and professors would have the ability to neutralize a potential threat and have the ability to protect themselves and those around them. Because most college students over the age of twenty-one live off campus, allowing concealed carry on college campuses would have very little impact on β†’

Hydrographic comparison of estuary and fjord essay

These areas of transition between the land and the sea are tidally driven, like the sea, but sheltered from the full force of ocean wind and waves, more like a river. A defining feature of a fjord is a sill of shallow water at the mouth, which serves to isolate the deeper waters of the β†’

Classics of social and political thought (aristotle’s β€˜politics’): who should rule the city?

Aristotle is convinced that the good citizen can so be defined only in relation to the constitution he is an element of: ' The excellence of the citizen must be an excellence relative to the constitution.' The good man on the other hand, ' is a man so called in virtue of a single absolute β†’

Inventory background

This includes the availability of materials; the ability of the developers, the company that the system will be implementing, etc together with this is the most significant of all, which trigger us to work for the system. The concept of the system is slightly similar to the Employees information system.

Pmap 3011 syllabus

Variances to the schedule as well as the guest speaker list will occur as deemed in the best interest of the students and instruction.** There will be a change in Dr. The students will recognize the contributions of the social sciences to the interdisciplinary field of urban studies.2.

Global marketing assignment

The MIS-reporting of oil reserves by the management of Shell lead to the slipping of the company's rating of triple A to AAA plus. This was a serious threat to the company's sustainability as it also brought down the reserves of the company, increasing the overall risk of the company.

Comparison: budget travel and luxury travel

However, some people choose to travel in a luxury way to enjoy a trip to the fullest. In addition, budget travel and luxury travel do have differences in terms of the food and drinks.

Hindustan unilever business analysis

They are varied according to the needs of the customers which enhances its growth and maintain it be a market leader in FMCG products. With ITC gaining momentum in each of these businesses, it is turning into a consumer monolith, and hence, the greatest threat to HLL's Business.

The advantage and disadvantages of ifrs essay sample

According to the situation of lots of companies begun to convert their financial reporting standards from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to International Financial Reporting Standards, so the impact of IFRS became the focus of investors. The IFRS for SMEs used to meet the needs and competence of small and medium-sized companies and it accounts for β†’

How does the drop height of the marble affect the size of the crater in sand? essay sample

Here are two examples of craters: In this experiment it is more likely that the shape of the crater will resemble the top diagram as the shape of the marble is circle and so it will form a simple crater. Below is a diagram showing all the energy conversions involved: Some important factors that affect β†’

Frontiers of chemical engineering engineering essay

This is primarily due to the fact that it is based upon capturing the energy of the sun; which is effectively unlimited providing close to 1000W/m2 of power to the Earth's surface in clear conditions.[1]Several researchers have demonstrated that rust has the potential to harness solar energy with efficiencies of around 4-5%.[2]Although currently lower than β†’

Indira gandhi negative positive

By virtue of being the Prime Minister of India, the largest democracy in the world, shewas able to make a significant contribution to the practice of inter-national relations. She made a mark in the world as an unrivalled leader and a champion of the Third World.

A study on unethical behavior in sport sport essay

Can we be sure that the winner is really the best, not just the one who paid off the referees, or the one who has taken performance enhancing drugs? Television and the radio are also to be blamed for unethical behavior in sport.

Sample report on hotel design

According to Roqq, guest room of the luxury hotel should have fixed furniture, fixture, and equipment. The research goes ahead to give the different types of colors that can be used in guest rooms.

Text analysis of “arms and the man” george bernard shaw essay sample

To be able to accomplish such a huge task, this play will be divided into two main parts: the first part will concentrate on the themes that pervade the play; the second part will be dedicated on the discussion of the conflict, climax, and the resolution of the play. As regards the second theme of β†’

Human alienation

In the phycological segment it is the urging of society that wants a ' normal' way of life that causes alienation of those who do not conform. It seems that alienation is impossible to eradicate as it is human nature to compete against one another - in the end it is ' survival of the β†’

Indias import potential for plastics to increase dramatically economics essay

Due to the implementation of different five year plans, there has been significant change in the structure of the import of India. Due to Green Revolution is agricultural sector and establishment of different industries, the importance of food grains and consumer goods has declined in the import structure of India.

Meaning and importance of intellectual property philosophy essay

The term of intellectual property is not very old and it has come to the surface in the 19th century itself. The importance of intellectual property and their rights varies in different parts of the world.

Importance of organization behaviour in todays context

Following are the chief characteristics of the organisation behaviour Organization behaviour analysing the relationship between organisation, single and the group. It analyses the factors influence the public presentation of a organisation and depict the manner of better the public presentation.

The advantages and disadvantages during the simulation

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Strategies we used Overall Result At the first period, the Red Team faced to the problems of the high cost of non-quality, low competitive advantage in the next period, low EBIT, low value of share price comparing with competitors, high rate of stocks, and low percentages of employee morale. High β†’

Corporate social responsibility and business ethics assignment

Today, where the know-how of internet has become immensely popular and easily available, added as a subject for studies in educational institution in every society all over the globe, being used by corporations and governments, hospitals, military, and by almost all individuals and organizations in the world. Due to the anonymous nature of the internet, β†’

Ethical dilemma during community nursing

I felt that in order to ensure Bob's rights were protected and to give him the opportunity to be involved in his own plan of care he should be informed of the outcome of the tests. My feelings were that Robert had a right to know the truth about his diagnosis, this is identified by β†’

Case study on observations of a child

To respect the rights of the carers and child A's parent, consent was acquired. According to Freud, the language and thought development can be accounted for by the " egocentric" nature of a child.

The euro currency and european union economics essay

" The Euro Currency has been a resounding success and is poised to replace the Dollar as the strongest currency in the world. The potential long-term advantages for business make it inevitable that the UK, Sweden & Denmark will have to adopt the European Single Currency shortly or risk damaging their long-term prosperity by staying β†’

Case study of shrm

In this case, Walter Company is obviously taking the cost leadership strategy, that is to say, it aims to become the low-cost leader in the retail industry. In the above part we have put great emphasis in identifying and analyzing the primary contingency factor of Walter's corporate strategy, so in the following part we will β†’

Comparative mythology. ugaritic myths of anat and baal critical essay

Since it was believed that Anat had extra-ordinary powers in matters related to reproduction, war, and harvest, the town of Zoan was expanded and the sanctuary of Anat was renamed as the City of Ramses. At the temple of Yahu, meaning the temple of Yahweh, Anat was worshiped as one of the goddesses in charge β†’

The ring of the phone made my head pound

I covered my ears as I walked towards the phone in a fragile manner. I opened the door and I was greeted by Will.

Art or vandalism? essay sample

Is it vandalism when it is placed on the side of a building or a car and art when it is on a canvas on someone's wall or in a gallery- what is the difference? The objective of this essay is to explain how graffiti art overcomes the concerns of illegality and vandalism and can β†’

Business culture in japan

How would business negotiations between delegations from the two countries be affected, and how would you advise a UK team to prepare for the negotiations? " Nihonjinron", literally " the Theory of the Japanese", has been of fascination for both Japanese and foreigners alike, and the industrialised world seems acutely aware that the Japanese are β†’

The topic of applied management project education essay

Thus, I tried to manage my notes from the start of my research to the editing of the final version of the project. In order to boost my performance and to deliver the report on time, management of my time was of a great importance.

The responsibility of britain foreign policies in 1870-1914 leading to world war i

At last, Germany was the loser and " Big Three " which were America, Britain and France forced her to bear most of the responsibilities for the war and signed the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Also, to defend the involvement of Britain in war because of the alliance system, Germany used the Schlieffen plan β†’

Muslim ummah at crossroads theology religion essay

The present state of affairs of the Ummah that is full of slaughters and strivings is known to all. Rulers of the Muslims states are besides urged to fear Allah and endeavor to reform the conditions of their peoples in the visible radiation of Islamic injunctions.

Respryn and the cornish country-side

In the background we would hear the faint cry of an owl but the main sound was the rumbling and roaring of the cars passing by on the nearby main road. The excitement would start to generate as we got closer to Respryn and as we went through the field at the bottom of the β†’

Small arms proliferation in northern kenya history essay

According to The UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, the proliferation of small arms can be attributed to hindering development, undermining human rights and restrict good government across the world. A research by suggests that the high presence of β†’

Impact of ict on rural development

Communication is the emission of a message from a person to someone else through a communication channel which could be called the channel, the civilization has experimented several channels like the caverns drawing by ancient people, the carrier pigeons or letters and passing to the telegrams even in the sending of the emails with the β†’

Case study of fdi practice in nepal

Hence, in order to accelerate the volume of FDI, the government needs to facilitate investment-friendly environment and develop attractive policies in the country. This constitutes a debit in the current account of the balance of payments; this might weaken the external position and might even lead to a deficit in the current account, making further β†’

Why is there unequal division of household labour in most of the society?

With the evidence of previous researches, the situation of division of household labour is explored and evaluated in terms of its degree of gender inequality as manifested. It is this benefit for the capitalist help keeping the division of domestic labour in a way that trapped women in the domestic sphere by decreasing women from β†’

Chapter 5 security practice exams

Which of the following is the best protection to implement to address your concerns? As you walk around their facility, you note the following:-When you enter the facility, a receptionist greets you and escorts you through a locked door to the work area where the office manager sits.-The office manager informs you that the organization's β†’

Influence of music on culture and the individual

This is because of the large influence and sense of importance that young people place in music. This evidence suggests that the explicit and negative messages within the lyrics of popular music can have a negative impact on the minds of those that listen to it.

The effect of spanish reconquista in history

From the Celts and Visigoths that originated from the north to the Africans and Arabs from the south to the Romans from the East, empires, kingdoms, and tribes all over the world have acknowledged and attempted to take benefit of the advantages of Spain. The Visigoth kingdom of Spain was no match for the a β†’

Heart diseases and stem cell transplantation

This will be argued by looking at the ways in which the stem cells used are obtained and transplanted as well as keeping in mind the natural behavior and purpose of the different classes of stem cells. Use of plasmid DNA vectors in early studies showed low efficiency in terms of transduction and time interval β†’

Research paper on culture & inequality

Considering that occupational segregation based on gender is among the factors that shapes the differences in occupational choice between men and women, researchers have since the 1960s been involved in studying the implication of gender segregation in the job market. London: UCL Press.

Nicaragua research paper

Nicaragua in Focus: a Guide to the People, Politics and Culture. Nicaragua in Focus: a Guide to the People, Politics and Culture.

Etiology of childhood apraxia of speech

Etiology of Childhood Apraxia of Speech Abstract This paper explores many aspects of the etiology of childhood apraxia of speech including specific characteristics, cause of pathology, impact on subsystems and an overview of a full assessment. Keywords: childhood apraxia of speech, CAS, pediatrics, speech sound disorders, motor-based speech sound disorder Etiology of Childhood Apraxia of β†’

Accounting and marketing relationship

It is however since the nineties that the cost price relationship has been hogging the limelight in the accounting and marketing interface. The profitability analysis of the marketing segment helps to determine the effect of costing and pricing decisions in the profit.

The golden ratio: importance

Throughout the generations, many architects have also searched for the golden rule of design, thinking that it is that of the Golden Ratio. Since Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to the Golden Ratio, especially in the form of golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter β†’

Opec and its influence on oil prices

It also pursues ways and means of ensuring the stabilization of prices in international oil markets with a view to eliminating harmful and unnecessary fluctuations; giving due regard at all times to the interests of the producing nations and to the necessity of securing a steady income to the producing countries; an efficient and regular β†’

Law assignment for child protection

The assignment includes discussions on some of the key aspects of framework for the assessment of children in need and their families and The Children's Act 1989, in particular section 17, duty to safeguard and I will incorporate anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice. To try and establish the course of action, I will be guided by β†’

The where they would want to be in

In the book, the author presents a set of ideas that if applied, aligns one towards the attainment of success by following a guideline of habits which he notes, are universal and timeless. Covey observes that people are usually the creators of their lives and therefore they are in charge of their destiny.

Conflict-causing communication in shepard’s buried child

The secret and the child are uncovered at the play's end with the help of Shelly. After the baby is conceived, the family is no longer a normal family in pursuit of the American dream.

Palliative care in end stage congestive heart failure

CHF is an acute illness and a chronic disease in which the passage of time may cause other physical and psychological diseases that poses a threat to the health of the patient, and may be the cause of life limiting. Where the presence of family, relatives and friends around of the patient would be a β†’

Culture of the penan tribe

Moreover, in the aspect of economic for Penan native, most of the Penan are work as a hunter gatherer in forest and selling the main resource of the forest which is sago. Most of the family in Penan society is nuclear family and extended family.

Lockes effect on liberal constitutionalism and democracy politics essay

It is true that Locke is regarded as a precursor of liberal democracy, thereby he made a major and lasting contribution to liberal thought, and this contribution was mainly on his work of the two treatises of Government, especially through the second treatise. Locke tried to draft a pre-emptive constitution of the state; the states β†’

Critic the pestel analysis as model commerce essay

The analysis is the first step of the planning process, as it helps to identify issues to be removed in the development and implementation of effectiveness in the business development. The aim of the model is to analyze the industry in order to identify the level of intensity regarding the competition and attractiveness of the β†’

Managing business activities to achieve results

1 The interrelationship between the different processes and functions of the organization According to Cliffnotes an organizational process involves the tasks and work needed to accomplish the goals of the organization. The acronym DMAIC is used to map the processes of Sur Financial to their objectives and goals.

Antenatal care – paper assignment

The review of the article by peers Page 1 of 10 would have the appropriate knowledge to assess the quality of the paper prior to publication. Although the abstract does provide the reader with a description of the report it claims that the focus of the report are the opinions of the participants, which is β†’

The link between human resources and business strategy

The intent of this program is to analyze the strategic demands of the concern in footings of work force -and so to happen a manner of run intoing the require demand for labor. Harmonizing to Gratton, the function of human resources direction is; To play an active portion in the advancement, To move as a β†’

Sociology essays – occupational culture police

The following consideration of the title question concerning the meaning and importance of the police occupational culture is advanced through identification and the development of a number of themes which are inter-related: a definition of the phrase occupational culture how a distinct occupational culture and various sub-cultures are fostered generally in police services; the further β†’

Agreement made by minors are not contracts

The mortgage is not valid, therefore the plaintiff cannot recover the sum advanced to the defendant, because a minor is not competent to contract and hence the minor's contract is void. The third exception that allows a minor to enter a contract is the contract of insurance.

Ideological disagreement over the welfare state

As a system of government where the state within its social protection remit, a set of social policies, aims to guarantee a minimum level of economic and social well-being to its citizens, the contemporary welfare state is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable β†’

Firm a in the stratsim environment marketing essay

3, strategy is defined as " the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations" Therefore; for firm A to succeed and remain competent in the stratsim environment, the management team had β†’

Cultural factors and marketing management practices

The beyond development of marketing as an academic discipline requires that there must have complete examination of the soundness of the theories as well as the models in other cultural settings as to identify the level of generalization and to discover some boundary limitations and conditions. This somehow describes culture as a set of values β†’

Eleanor roosevelt essay

She not only was able to get people moving, she was able to relate to them and see their points of view and, through that, to Eleanor Roosevelt Page 2 of 8 find ways to motivate them and help them to take advantage of their own strengths and cultivate them. The depression revealed to her β†’

Relationships between vision mission and objectives commerce essay

Customers are important to Shangri-La Hotel this is because if the customers of Shangri-La Hotel is feel satisfy with the service that provided by the Hotel it means that, the customer will automatically become the promotion of the hotel. As the result, government is a good external audit to Shangri-La Hotel.

An outline of the british education system

The also referred to as ' The Scottish Act', is born in 1872 and according to the on-line article ' Key Dates in Education' it is known for making ' school attendance compulsory from the age of 5 to 12 years old'. These are but a few of the negative impact of Bullying and it β†’

In and so they are usually not

Cystic lesions of the liver include Simple cysts, multiple cysts arisingin the setting of polycystic liver disease, parasitic or hydatid cysts, cystic tumors and abscesses. The basic principles are to completely remove or destroy thecyst epithelium, and to provide a mechanism for drainage of the cyst fluid.

Ethical code of conduct health and social care essay

[NAME OF STUDENT][NAME OF INSTRUCTOR][COURSE NAME AND NUMBER][DATE SUBMITTED]A strategy and a code of conduct are the need and requirement of every organization or any institution to work well. Likewise in health care organizations, which has the utmost responsibility of care and safety of human life particularly requirements of an Ethical Code of Conduct for β†’

Benefits of international trade and economic integration in sri lanka

Tea industry in Sri Lanka is one of the main business in which the country gets foreign currency and is also the main drink of ordinary Sri Lankans. Since the country is having mixed economy and also the economic system is playing vital role in the growth of the country.

Business environment of bt group

The company's operates within the in the IT sector where it serves to increase accessibility and usability of convergence of networks and services, mobile and fixed products, media and communication. BT's generic strategy is " to meet demand for IT infrastructure and solutions among global organizations and to satisfy the rapid expansion of broadband in β†’

Intelligence versus happiness in flowers for algernon by daniel keyes

This is a sign of hope for both the doctors and Charlie, as this is the first time the surgery has stuck, and the intelligence gained from it has not dissipated rapidly. In the first month of the surgery Charlie was having a hard time sleeping, the doctors realized Charlie's ability to learn is similar β†’

Effect of exclusive talent management

In the context of evaluating talent management approach for organizations and its impact to career development on individuals, this essay will first give general background of talent management and career developments, critically debate the pros and cons of inclusive and exclusive talent management and then consider the effect of exclusive talent management to career development β†’

Pharmacodynamic properties of essential oils from cymbopogon biology essay

In this survey, the pharmacodynamic belongingss of indispensable oils from Cymbopogon flexuosus and Cymbopogon nardus every bit good as the combinations of both indispensable oils were evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Table 1: The PAE value of citronella and lemon grass indispensable oils at concentration of 1xMBC, 0.

Rise of the taliban essay

Eventually, the girls were freed and the warlord killed and hung from the barrel of the tank for all to see. The wearer of the cloak is granted the title of Amir al-Mu aminin, " commander of the faithful." Ahmad and the president of Afghanistan requested the help of an old ally from the Soviet β†’

Study on gender and racial differences in emotional contagion

Abstract In the current study, a group of participants were tested on their level of emotional contagion depending on the confederates' gender and race. A Study on Gender and Racial Differences in Emotional Contagion In a world of discontinuous human contact, the vanishing art of conversation, and the increase of social media as a replacement β†’

Marketing analysis of ducth lady assignment

To develop, produce and market a broad range of reliable, natural and nutritious dairy products that contribute to well-being and vitality of life. This could provide DALI the opportunity to capture the market through target groups and segmentation of the market which will be discussed later in the other sections.

Strategy and management control system: tata motors

While, strategy is a continuing pattern of decision making for the future of an organization deliberate or unintended, that emerges due to the opportunities that arise in the organization or market An earlier perspective on this topic was provided by Anthony suggesting that, strategy is the constant given element in the organisation and management control β†’

Impact of spanish civil war on surrealism art

The fall of the crumbling Spanish Monarchy and the dissatisfying Second Republic, and the electoral success of the leftist Popular Front, a rebellion against the newly elected government erupted. The surrealist works of the Andalusian painters Dal and Picasso became signatures of the satirical content of the war, acting as world informants of the paralyzing β†’