1 Page Essay Samples

What makes an advertisement effective

The target audience should be able to capture the intent and objective of an advert to make it effective. The time that should take for the audience to be attracted to an advert is limited to a few seconds.

Supply, demand and equilibrium price of motor vehicles

An increase in income or an increase in the size of the family can change the demand and taste of the consumer which in turn raises both demand and supply. On the other hand if consumer's income is reduced then demand for motor vehicles, especially higher-priced vehicles, is reduced; as a result, the price and โ†’

Haverwood furniture inc. essay sample

Therefore, increase on exposing the quality and styling to the buying public is the key. Since furniture comes in sets and clients expressed that the same style is essential for them.

Walmarts everyday low pricing strategy

The Wallmarts everyday pricing strategy was reported to be a successful pricing strategy and was adopted by numerous businesses in the United States. It has been discovered that Wallmarts everyday low pricing strategy may detriment its operations.

Marketing executive summary

The focus of the ad campaign Is to keep the entertainment going and to keep serving the best coffee. Furthermore I choose the billboard so when people are driving on the highway they will see this ad and start to think about delicious coffee and how tired they are.

Free admission essay on mobile

I find travel exciting, seek out new places to visit and new people to meet, and I adapt to my surroundings. I have worked in Boston for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection where I was able to work on creative projects and implement internal marketing research.

Marketing reflection

The most used strategy is known as marketing mix and comprises of 4 variables referred to as the 4Ps of marketing which include; Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Place is the location of the business and involves distribution, location together with other techniques of delivering the product to the consumer.


There is a range of toothpastes to meet different needs of the consumer: Sensory Rapid Relief: Sensory Rapid Relief provides clinically proven rapid relief for sensitive teeth- works in 60 seconds to relieve tooth sensitivity when directly applied with a fingertip for one minute. Sensory provides products that are highly recognized and recommended by dentists โ†’


The motto of the company is thereby based on the same lines of " We take pride in making a perfect pizza and providing courteous and helpful service on time, all the time. Pizza hut as a brand and company has also aimed at expanding its presence through the usage and incorporation of digital technology โ†’

Marketing plan for kuala lumpur kepong berhad

The objective of the marketing plan is aimed to achieve 100% growth in revenue which impacted by the aftermath of the 2008 global financial meltdown. Global and national view of the industry for palm oil and rubber in 2012 has been presented in industry outlook.

Summary of journal international marketing tool: the internet

Even if, the Internet can make marketersdreamscome true, it can cause harmful consequences for firms which are not aware of the challenges that the Internet creates. Companies should decide to how they use the Internet as a marketing tool.

A vertical marketing system

Moreover, in a company VMS, one associate of the distribution channel possesses the other associates. However, in an ordered VMS, one associate of the channel is significant and influential ample to organize the actions of the other associates deprived of an ownership stake.

Adiyat marketing and distribution ltd

Data Marketing and Distribution is also the agent of Kimberly Clark which is the owner of the brand Kleenex, Data is also the agents of Dream, Dolente in which it distribute it food products, Data also is the agent of Hail Sated business Group which is one of the known Groups in the region for โ†’

Advertising makes you buy things you do not need!

Aim of this paper is to discuss the question whether advertising manipulates us to buy things we do not actually need. This paper will argue the manipulation via marketing exists and the advertisement is making us to buy things we do not actually need.

Marketing research โ€“ short outline

Research Design Exploratory research: understanding the nature of a problem Conclusive research: answering research questions 2. 4 Anticipating the Results = Making a plan about how the marketing research and the final report will be designed 3.

Smart goals

Setting the time period of graduating in four years is also is also my time bound goal in finishing college. SMART Goals also helped me to get back on track of my goal when I am being sidelined by distractions in college.

Fast-food advertising deceives americans to obesity

It is theresponsibilityof every individual to educate themselves about the food they are eating as they are making a conscious decision when purchasing and consuming the fast-food meals. The responsibility of a company to the society at large is such that they do not harm their customers.

Telecommuting and posters

The charts and diagrams helped facilitated the understanding of the study. Despite the use of charts, colors, and diagrams, one will still struggle to understand the terms in the infographic.

Chapter 5

Nordstrom's success largely comes from its customer service focus, but as shoppers move to a more virtual shopping experience, Nordstrom's advantage in this area will be negated somewhat. This way, Tesco can gain a customer early in life and will have a lifetime of spending habits from which to work from.

Camp happy valley

CAMP HAPPY VALLEY Summary Situated in London, the Camp happy Valley had a disappointing season in the 2001 summer, resulting to complaints from campers, staff and parents. Camping was advantageous to many residents in Ontario with the greatest advantage going to the smaller communities residing in the province.

The marketing of osteoporosis

For the value perceived by customers who aim to purchase drugs for osteoporosis, the value is the relief, the cure, the improved health condition that is to be received upon the use of the product. Focusing on this product feature would ensure that the customers would be satisfied with the drug, and would essentially purchase โ†’

Ikea in the usa

Moreover, IKEA's designs and variety were superb and the company always had the ability to adapt to the local environment. IKEA's target market segment in the U.S.is the middle-class people who aspire to be stylish and cool.

Alta gracia

Because of that, Alta Gracia is going after the right target market, one that identifies with the values of the company.5. No, it is not ethical because it is taking advantage of economies that are less developed by offering work that is worth far more in the United States.

Marketing and new communications technologies

For examples, physical needs forfood, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for belonging and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression. Outstanding marketing companies go to great lengths to learn about and understand their customers' needs, wants, and demands.

Marketing analysis of famous amos (singapore)

Famous Amos Cookies are also recognized as the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Famous Amos is also widely distributed in the island.

Example of law in public policy and administration article review

Thus, the proposal alone harms the city's budget and is not resolving the problem unless the initiative is supported widely and the problem of obesity is accepted by the public. The lack of the businesses' social responsibility in their efforts to challenge the ban is supporting the need for limiting the market by the regulations โ†’


Product Analysis of Athletic Shoes for ZIP 94545 Analysis of the most common segments of the zip 94545 critical insights Population by age 21-34 is the highest. Out of the most common segments for the selected zip code, segment 04 Young Digerati belongs to wealthy young family mix.

Marketing and cosmetics limited-time sale

JIMMIE Is the first also the largest cosmetics limited-time sale store In China. Putting JIMMIE store on line.[Pit] Research of CLIME market share [pick] SUZIE: According to the art of: whoever Is first In the field and awaits the coming of the enemy.

Am making a family business website

Since Mike Salom and Ali Salom established the Saolm Company in 1972, we have made a considerable expansion in our services both within UAE and abroad. In addition to the traded, construction and leasing, we also offer services in the maintenance.


I would describe proper socially responsible behavior as behavior that takes into consideration the various ramifications of not adhering to the social values embodied by the global consumer society. I would also argue that companies should not hide behind the " fine print" in their marketing campaigns and practice proper legal responsibility for the benefit โ†’

Coca-cola company’s marketing communications

Coca Cola has earned a number of satisfied customers already in the past, millions in the past as a result of its marketing communications campaign and satisfaction from its product. Its goal with its marketing communications now is to retain these customers through loyalty programs such as the Facebook fan page as well as the โ†’


One of the major culprits of this had to do with the fact that the slaves that worked on plantations came from a variety of different backgrounds; some originally from Africa, some born in the United States. Naturally, the indirect impact of this document and stance was that slaves began to question their innate rights โ†’

Reflective analysis

It is important for a writer to give their readers a clear picture of what is being talked about. The University's green space is slowly being encroached by housing projects to accommodate more students and staff members.

Short answer

A Passage from " My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke: An Analysis The passage describes the manifested actions of the narrator's father while supposedly depicting a waltz. The figurative languages of the passage are as follows: ' The hand that held my wrist' obviously relates to the boy's father's hand that was clasping on his โ†’


The regular class room environment is least restrictive for Rhonda because she had the ability to compete with the rest of the students verbally. On the same note, I would advocate for Rhonda's total interaction with students in the regular classroom setting.

Advertising: formula 1 racing would be impossible without it

Summary of Advertising; formula racing would be impossible without it. Advertising; formula 1 racing would be impossible without it.


Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster This event is d as " the most serious nuclear accident in history" by Disasters Channel. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster has startled the entire world and terrified all the Europe in that time.

Response paper

The Life of Samuel Johnson Boswell uses provoking imagery to contrast the techniques used by the two to deliver their messages; he comments on the influence the two authors have on their readers. He recognizes that Addison does not have Johnson's " Strength and energy", but the ease in which he writes makes his readers โ†’

Three words to describe a person

However, if forced to do so, I would say I am an optimistic, hard-working, and curious person. I love to read and learn new things.

Louis pasture

In 1865, Louis Pasteur began his work on the cause of the given disease in silkworms. Pasteur died in 1895 and buried at a crypt of Pasteur Institute.

Deferent between men and women in media in american culture

Task: Difference between men and women in media in American culture Introduction It is important to acknowledge that men and women are portrayed differently during the advertising process. Body 1 The first difference between men and women during the advertising process is the communication procedure.

‘between living and dreaming there is a third thing. guess it.’

The third state of mind that a man gets caught in between these two aspects is a very poignant and refined balance which is actually the spot where a man is able to feel spiritual peace. The movie Inception did a great job with reflecting this idea, that once we are in a dream it โ†’

Event proposal

Communication Skills 10: 17-11: 00 am Tim Breithaupt 4. Leadership skills 11: 00-11: 45 am Tim Breithaupt 5.

How to protect the earth

How to Protect the Earth We can all play a critical part in protecting the Earth by recycling the cans and bottles we use as opposed to throwing them away. As opposed to littering the environment around the school and homes with trash, dispose trash in the correctly in waste bins.

The latest status update on facebook

You are simply pissing me off...so it's better for you to leave right away" Joe said to her in front of his friends; which was quite unusual and humiliating. If he wanted a breakup he had other options that he did not even consider, so the only thing left was that Joe was already planning โ†’

Informative synthesis

The motivation for this sort of study was derived from the fact that these children are in a state of misery and life is already difficult for them, let alone acquiring education and reading books. In short, the speed-breaker on the road to academic success for these intellectually challenged and visually impaired children, is never โ†’

A cultural approach to communication

This is, of course, through the eye, that nothing new is necessarily learned but that a certain view of the world is portrayed or confirmed. For instance, men are known to exist in a community in lieu of the things, which they might have in common stand and communication, whether active or virtual.


Following the outbreak of riots in the fourth century, the empires became devastated by the war and the eastern capital; changed its name from Byzantium to Constantinople. The doctrines that became centrepieces of Christianity were the writings of Augustine and Boethius, both of the early times.

Post 10

For instance, in my own understanding I can claim that it is easier for a person from a different race like me to be stopped or remain unattended to because of not being White. Furthermore, I can accept in class that White Privilege is evident everywhere in the United States.

I need an abstract for this and conclusion

This report will focus on a study conducted to specifically determine the effects of time of the quality of services of EMS service providers. The results indicate that, indeed working in shorter time frame is a major contributor of quality service provision.


Asian American Actors and Filmmakers In the past one decade, Asian American actors have gained some ground in Hollywood. Therefore, the Asian and Asian American filmmakers are playing a significant role in complicating and enriching the changing dimension of the America on film.

Difficulties with the language in america

I completed my English courses, and I took the IELTS test for the first time and I did not succeed. I worked hard to develop my language and I succeed.

Critical thinking

The acquring of education, its expansion to the commoners is an agent of the development and objectives of the society as a whole. The best educational policy is the set of goals, actions and parameters that will allow for promoting education to the common people without any considerations and difference in terms of being the โ†’

Group minds by doris lessing (summarize)

According to Doris, it is very difficult for a person to stand against the idea or opinion of the majority of a group even if the idea or the opinion of the majority of the group is illogical or does not make sense. According to Doris, this behavior is often natural and unnoticeable, which could โ†’


English Censorship Censorship is a term used to refer to the act of suppression of freedom of being able to freely express oneself. The main reason due to which Canada is failing to attract more tourists is that it has failed to position itself and market itself in a proper manner.

Study case

The ultimate objective of this training is to enhance employee happiness. The supervisor is in a better position to assess and evaluate his/her subordinate's performance relative to happiness or unhappiness.

Smoking tobacco

Across the world, the consumption of tobacco and related products exhibits diverse and dynamic practices that are relevant to the global trade system. Parker's text explores international practices and perspectives that surround the buying and selling of tobacco and related products.


FOMO FOMO is the desire to be part of what is going on in the social media streams. On the samenote, FOMO denotes the drive to connect with a friend or drop that update that will spur a series of comments and likes on a social media site.

Mla citation

MLA Citation The review by Dopp of the works of Davis, explains about the great move in the 20th century that brought about the alliance of arts withmusic. He equates fashion to music and painting which was adopted in the early days of France modernisation, Dopp.


Restlessness causes a lack of focus in the individual. Irrespective of the age, depressed people are most likely to wake up dumbfounded in the middle of the night from a dreadful dream that mostly is based upon the factors causing depression.

Example of my writing process essay

I choose a few elements of the brainstorm results to concentrate on and draft an order for the information or ideas to be put into the piece of writing. This course contains a large amount of reading and writing, and it is through these mediums that I have been able to improve my English skills โ†’

Rhetorically analyzing a bumper sticker

The bumper sticker " I should not have to press 1 for English" succeeds in some ways and fails in others as a rhetorical device. Bumper sticker succeeds in that it draws the viewers attention to a great number of connected ideas that this person probably also believes things about language rights.


Experiment Experiment The initial step of the experiment involved the transformation of Escherichia coli cells using pGLO plasmid to yield adequate quantity of GFP to help in purification and analysis. Evidently, the molecular weight of the jellyfish GFP ranging between 27-30 kDa was lower than the values 41.


Summary of a Video The video shows an ordinary happening in the commuter station - a taxi parking near the entrance and a passenger, a woman, going out of the taxi. And then the next scene shows the taxi driver going out of the car and opening the compartment to place something inside it.

Written business communication ( #4b)

We would like the pleasure of your company aboard Diamond Princess for the voyage that suits your preferences at a 50% discount. For that, we would like to compensate you for the discomfort and distress caused due to the circumstances that had forced rescheduling of the voyage itinerary and a 50% discount on any future โ†’

Middele east night

Last year, I attended the event of The Bouncing Souls in the Middle East during the night. The Bouncing Souls referred to the albums as contenders within a match of boxing, and entertained the whole crowd with their wonderful numbers during the night.

Is cheating wrong

Cheating as a Violation of Objectivity School Cheating has always been considered as some concept that describes objective dishonesty and unfair actions towards others, that's why conclusion about cheating can be the one: that it is a bad thing. If we consider cheating in different aspects and how it may be applied to the different โ†’

Professional communication

Smith, I am submitting my resume in order to apply for the position of Communication Supervisor, as you informed me the position was available. However, in addition to the skills I have learned in my coursework, and the knowledge of communication I showed in my presentation, I also have some experience supervising people.

The grade i deserve in this course

The Grade I deserve in this In order to have a high grade, it is important to work hard. That is what I did during this First, am interested in the course.

Pharmacy school challenges

I would like to go to pharmacy school, but I understand there are a number of challenges. I am devoted to my studies and the steps that I have to take to obtain a future in this field.

Definition of the profession

Managers may not be considered a profession due to the fact that the discipline lacks a body that accredits and licenses it members. Despite the fact that management is not a profession does not mean that the job does not entail a lot preparation and experience to master the craft.

10 weeks of college

I learned a great deal during this while as well as gathered some good moments with people whom I can call as my friends now. I would not forget how I simply loved the idea of cooking during this while which was something of an idealistic routine.

What we know about human language

Why? No, the sentence is not descriptively correct because it does not make sense in the way the words are ordered. Is the sentence prescriptively correct?

Grammar and writing

On the issue of sentence fragments, I found that the original sentence read like this " Working hard into the night in an effort to save his little boat". A correct sentence would read as this " Peter worked hard into the night in an effort to save his little boat".

Ielts writing (250 words)

Computer is one of the most important technologies in the world and the entire global system is now dependent on computers. Still, some people are of the view that computers are more of a hindrance than a blessing in the way of human potential.

How music makes my life better

Music makes my life so much better, it comes to my rescue every now and then and most importantly it is always there to rejuvenate me when I need it the most. To conclude it is very fair to say that music is life and life, music.

No child left behind act

The No Child Left Behind Act The No Child Left Behind Act The no child left behind is an American Act of Congress that was meant for the reauthorization of the elementary and secondary education act to help the minority and the disadvantaged learners. Through the act, the bridge between the minority and the majority โ†’

Language discussion

It is my believe-or rather hope- that the experiences children pick up while at home may work toward influencing or affecting their cognitive skills positively in a bid to try and level the playing field on which every child is exposed after joining a school. This can be done if parents take up the mantle โ†’

The impact of technology on students

Technology has impacted how students research, how students collaborate and how students attend classes. Technology has changed the way students research, collaborate and attend classes.

Weekly class members responses

Although the writer has not provided details of the writing process, he/she has covered some main aspects of the process. Moreover, the writer has written about the feelings of Oprah in both letters.


The controversy in all the logos is connected to the fact that many consider them a mockery and demeaning to the larger Native Americans. There is an evident connection evident between these images or logos of the team e and to the Native American.

Respone artical

For the most part, identifying the " best" or the " most important" musical tracks from any era invariably falls prey to the musical tastes of the individual that is responsible for cataloguing and listing such tracks. Ultimately, the listing is filled with tracks that only a true conniseur of specific and not very common โ†’

Academic appeal

Therefore, I am asking that you would kindly remove my academic probation so that I can complete my degree. I consider my education to be extremely important to me.

Medical ethics

One of the major issues of in medical ethics has been the question of whether individuals in severe and life-ending pain should be able to commit euthanasia. I object entirely to the notion that individuals in such situations should not have the option of terminating their life.

Three-dimensional (3d)

I believe that it is essential to be able to write because that leaves a mark of your existence for others. I am able to write in a versatile manner.

Who’s the audience

Young audiences will tend to develop interest on issues that may not engage the interest of elderly audiences. Audiences for a paper may include people from all diversities who are particularly interested in the specific content of the paper.

Relationships shared among family and friends

However, my father is very supportive and tries to allow me to make my own decisions. Sometimes I miss my old friends due to the history and understanding we share.

The mix of a successful bumper sticker

Firstly, this bumper sticker is not particularly clear. This bumper sticker is in no way interesting.

No need for a topic

Additionally, the book discusses the ways of enhancing the success of marketing in the contemporary society in order to safeguard the profitability and longevity of businesses in the modern market place. The information in the book provides professional managers and marketers with an exceptional insight of the market thereby informing their marketing and management operations.

Module 5 discussion taca

It implies that Russell is concerned with merging both the present and the past for the essence of not only memory, but equally growing up.' Long after you have supposedly been cured of malaria, the fever can flare up, the tremors can shake you.' Therefore, the sentence is favourite to me because it reminds of โ†’

The dace/william carlos williams

The dance by William Carlos William In the poem, William talks about the kermesse. William in his poem argues that the work by Brueghel the Elder depicts the great artwork of the Italian artists, which is true.

Measure assessment

However, I need to work on my individual attributes, technical competency and technical knowledge. I will work extra hard and further employ plenty of reading and research to enrich my technical knowledge.

Summary of a book about how to prevent kids from smoking

Other than that, the author discusses some of the reasons that should assist the teenage to quit smoking including the cost of cigarettes and the antismoking policy by the government. 2 to 3 sentences about the credibility sentences-author e.g: phd or university, audience The book is credible as the author is an associate professor in โ†’

Editing and proofreading

Additionally, the resource materials underscore the need to go throw a written work and editing appropriately. The videos and the articles exhibit some similarities in the sense that they both agree on the need to proofread and edit a text as a measure of producing quality work.