Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples


Google I believe that Google has core competencies because it was able to make a breakthrough in the Internet business by transforming its technological tool into a profitable business, by relating its core competence with an innovative way to generate revenue flows and structuring its business with the correct mix of technology and innovation. Google's β†’

Acquiring academic education in the field of psychology

Actually, my math teachers never strived to find out the root cause of my poor performance, rather they readily and ignorantly labeled me with ADD while constantly pressuring me psychologically due to which I earned the reputation of a good-for-nothing student, though I have always got straight A's and B's in other subjects. It all β†’

U08a1 project

Health Care Introduction: This paper examines the issues regarding lowered care of record of injuries occurred for the employees of the Tufts Medical Center. Improvement in the Health Care Delivery Systems for Care Providers: Perhaps, it is necessary to take a good look at the present system of archiving and recording proceedings relating to injuries β†’

My greatest achievement

My first life-changing experience is when i participated in the campaign organized by the Red Cross Group of my home district, with the aim of providing a free health check to impoverished people in my home town. Learning needs of the folks in my place and having my evaluation on possible solutions and aid that β†’

Who were the hippies and how did they influence the culture of the 1960s

They challenged the traditional ways of living by taking over a practice of cultural dissent from the bohemians and the beatniks. Perfect Enemies: The Religious Right, the Gay Movement, and the Politics of the 1990s.

Checklist for the purchase of legal software

Purchasing legal software to aid the management of the two aspects should account for the following checklist: Purpose of the software Managing calendaring and accounting practices are the main purposes of the required software. Cost of the software The law firm intending to purchase the legal software should be well aware of the costs to β†’

Jornal assignment

For the issue of partying, there is not much to do that could change young people's attitudes because of the particular stage where they are at in their lives. The first way to encourage young people to vote is by providing education about the voting system and what their votes mean to the well-being of β†’

Muhammad prophet for our time by karen armstrong

Book Review: " Muhammad Prophet for Our Time: by Karen Armstrong Karen Armstrong's " Muhammad: A prophet for our Time" is a biographical representation of Muhammad that shows how the majority of Muslims understand his life and the Islamic faith. The book indicates that the terrorists misunderstand the Islamic faith by selectively misinterpreting the teachings β†’

Debunking the myth of ngos (non-government organizations)

The reason for this is found by Choudry in the fact that even the Left NGOs are unable to acknowledge the existing element of colonialism in Canada, and hence, they adopt a ' White progressive economic nationalist' position. However, the NGOs, and the Left in general, think that the struggle by the indigenous peoples for β†’

Hp’s strategic choices

To enable the company become competitive in the global markets, the management at Hewlett-Packard is constantly observing the importance of cost cutting strategies to the success of the business. Retrieved August 25, 2008, from Carly Fiorina, the embattled leader of Hewlett-Packard, stepped down as chairman and CEO on Wednesday as HP tries to redefine itself β†’

Toyota – the market

It is one of the leading car producers in the world having ambitions to capture the 15% of the world market share by 2010. Of the most important brands in the market, Toyota is considered as number one brand in the world followed by General Motors, Volkswagen, Ford, Honda, PSA as well as Nissan.

Substance abuse and the elderly population

According to the results of the study, aging people used the drug according to personal choice in accordance with the effects and availability of drugs and substances. As a social worker, the study will help me in dealing with the aging population and advise them on various activities they can engage in instead of substance β†’

Cain and abel after eden,fugitives and pilgrims, a house divided

This chapter explains the history and the destinies of the earthly city and the heavenly city. Book 19 describes the end of the earthly city and the heavenly city.

Philosophy – introduction to ethics

The act, carried out by doing a moral duty, is an expression of the maxim. Wherever it occurs, according to Kant, is the domain of Hypothetical Imperative.

Nature of the organization. apple inc

Apple Inc is, by market capitalization, the leader in the field of technology and the highest publicly traded IT company, greater than its close competitor Microsoft. One of the biggest HR issues for Apple was the illness and subsequent death of Jobs in late 2011.

Response paper

The Norwegian government took the stand in the matter, as it observed there are better educated women in the country who were merely discriminated by the male parties. In a few years we will be able to see the full prospective of women who will rise to the occasion and be successive.

Two stories

The significance of the theme within can be clearly read in the passage that goes: Somehow I have to keep and hold the rapture of being 17. She knows that there is a part of the life she has now that she will miss in the future because of the way that her life will β†’

Analysis case: coca-cola company

Significant equity method investments entail investments in companies that Coca-Cola Company does not control and account for; at either the fair value or the cost method. The procedure for applying for equity method investments, by the Coca-Cola Company, entails equity investments at fair value.

First analysis

This has made the true sense and meaning of CSR which is for the social welfare be watered down to a few act which indicate charity and social welfare but which in the real sense also make a profit for the company in question. According to the article in order for the corporate sector to β†’

Even dogs need angels

Mary Lou Alvarez, the head of the Pet Clinic, and though I was prepared to have her sign my termination paperwork, I would first ask to be allowed to work in the business office. I threw in the standard clichs' from the latest Donald Trump book that I had just read and advised her that β†’

Personal statement about telecommunication and networks engineering

To make the ideas a reality, mankind has struggled very hard to find ways that may lead to the answers and also be helpful in devising new and better ways for living. I am looking ahead with immense eagerness to the challenges that lay ahead for me in the degree of telecommunication and networking


This research is an effort to see how Primark has been able to apply its HR policies towards satisfying its customers and motivating the workforce. Research Questions and Objectives The main intention of the study is to develop an understanding of the concepts of Human Resources Management in general and how the established theories and β†’

Business law

Employees having long vacation will obviously leave the business understaffed and a business who is not used to being undermanned may have hard time adjusting and this may affect the company's competitiveness. It is only recent that companies have recovered from the crisis and most companies may not yet that have deep reservoir of resources β†’


Management Management The Job Characteristics Model of Hackman and Oldham in 1980 is one of the essential modelson job redesign as a way of motivating job performance and increasing job satisfaction. As a Manager, before I can increase the motivating potential of a job, I must first be able to evaluate the job on hand.

Health care reform: rational alternatives to the congressional leadership bills

The Health Care Partnership through Creative Federalism Act This would encourage bold liberal and conservative health policy experiment in the states. Improving health care for all Americans Act This would create new pooling mechanisms the allow group insurance to be offered by individual members and by employers.

Article analysis

The article is an excerpt from " Time Driven Activity Based Costing" published by the Harvard Business Review in 2004. Thus, the article is informing the reader on how to use Time Driven Activity Based Costing.

Summary of health article

The suits, stemming from claims by doctors to have been underpaid for out-of-network services, blame Hatford-based Aetna and Cigna for cheating on both the patients and the doctors by corrupting the database from which the calculation of " usual and customary" rates for care received outside their networks are based. District Court for the District β†’

Reflection of gender differences in non-verbal communication

In instances where the interaction is between people of the opposite sex, non-verbal communication helps in communicating the level of intimacy among the people as well as defining the kind of relationship that exist. On the same note, smiling is highly depicted in instances where people of opposite sex are interacting as compared to people β†’

Overall goals of public health

Health Canada, Population and Public Health Branch, Policy Directorate indicates that population health is the focus on the overall factors that affect the health of individuals. Population health also focuses on the occurrence of variations in health care and the possible policies that may be applied to improve the health of individuals.


Among the key activities concluded is the study of various clan systems, their way of life and also how they lived in the past. The indigenous peoples were referred to as the aboriginal.

Fdt response 1 week 2

For me, border security is more than just a way to protect the people from imminent harm, but above all, it is a way to optimize the possibility of having equal access to the privilege of living a life that is not suppressed from experiencing the ultimate freedom. These things are threats to the citizen' β†’

Young children as global citizens

Recommendations: The research indirectly recommends teachers to convey realistic knowledge about real-world justice issues to the children when they are too young for such knowledge so that their concepts start to build up from a very early age and mature as they grow into adults. Application to young children: The research is fundamentally about young β†’

Student action plans

Due to this, I think that the maintenance of ecological integrity is moral and necessary for the survival of all living organisms. Thus, everyone has to contribute to the sustenance or renewal of ecological integrity in the world.

National assemblies of kuwait

The National Assembly of 1967-1971 saw the removal of major opposition nationalists, including al-Khatib, and was marred by widespread alleged fraud, which made it unpopular but compliant with the wishes of the government. The subsequent National Assembly election was conduct in 1971, and it also produced an assembly that was deemed compliant with the wishes β†’


The Rogue Trader is film about a broker Nick Leeson and the fall of the Baring Bank. Instead of reporting the loss caused by other employees, he covered the loss in order to protect the employees and maintain the bank's good reputation in the bank.C.

Biomedical science – lab report example

Count of PBMC's in logs and the toxoids conc in Ug/ml Figure 1. The proliferation of antigen-specific is a specific CD4 T cell immunity hallmark.

From a decision making point of view, why are some costs relevant and others irrelevant give a detailed example of each

If the company eliminates this product line, the corporation officers will continuously receive similar salaries as before such that the expenses for the central office will not change. Considering this same product line scenario, salaries linked to the officers are not relevant for decision-making.

3-5 minute speech outline (any topic)

SMEs are a proficient player in foreign trade and in the labor sectors. This further shows the importance of SMEs in trade and the economy.

Early childhood academic article for rattler

From my experience in working in a preschool as a teacher, I have learned that it is the experiences that the children are having and the various relationships that will help them in the future. All the education that I have been part of during our life as a teacher is really about sharing and β†’

Phillips matsuhisha case analysis

One of the strengths of SWOT lies in the fact that it is easier to use and provides a comprehensive analysis of the key drivers of changes that organizations must take into account to deal with the emerging changes. 1 Similarly, HSBC's US operations also suffered huge losses due to market conditions and inability of β†’

Social inclusion, empowerment and health

In this situation, empowerment was provided in the form of social support and funds. In an argument by Lord & Hutchison empowerment and advocacy has led to the notion where a community becomes responsible for its problems.

Letter from the pope to de las casas

Letter of His Holiness The Pope De Las Casas The Aftermath of Columbus Expedition on the Taino Dear Brother, Greetings and may the peace and joy of the Lord, whom we serve, be with you. I am writing to air my reaction about the report on your observations while there, as well as giving the β†’

Discussion question

The thing I like about the executive summary is that it gives details yet what I dislike about it is the fact that too much is written right in the beginning which is not a good sign for the eventual business plan. Also the executive summary must be to the point and not as detailed β†’

High stakes testing programs by finbarr sloane

In regards to the motivation and morale of students, the article states that these assessment tests allow students to understand what the level of their knowledge is. Schools need to stick to the curriculum so that when it is time for students to take the assessments, they are ready and knowledgeable in what the test β†’

Answer phd application questions

I am privileged to have graduated with a degree in Master of Sciences of Management on January 2010 at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, United States of America where leadership courses focusing on contemporary theories and applications in leadership in organizations were highlighted. Being a recipient of a full scholarship from King Abdullah β†’

A lifetime lesson from failed business

Indeed, the history of humankind is marked by times of success and major failures, which have shaped the world as we see it today. I learned the importance of education in life.

What major , professional or academic obstacles must you overcome to be successful in school what are some ways you might work around these challenges

Client's 2 November To be successful in school it is very important to have the right attitude, it is also very important to be attentive in class. Keeping your nose to the grindstone is also very important for every student, working hard in school would better prepare a student for the challenges that lie ahead.

Nonprofit sector: written assignment 3

Continuity and stability is guaranteed through the efficiency of such boards. In some instances, board members have to secure finances for the operation of the organization.

What nurses know and must communicate to the public

In fact, going by the various policies that were reviewed through NUR 654, it is blatant that Nursing is at the mercies of the Public Policies. I find this a weakness in the making of public policies.

Current event

Running head: BRITAIN IS GOING TO DEVELOP THE CYBER-WEAPON Britain Is Going to Develop the Cyber-weapon University Date UK is closely engaged in the development program to create a cyber-weapon, capable not only to counter any cyber threats, but also make a counterattack. The Minister stressed that the cyber-weapon will not replace traditional weapons, but β†’

Max weber in from max weber part2: power vii: class, status, 180-194

In fact, Marx's and Durkheim's exclusive reliance on labor and wealth as the sole factors of social class have failed them to explain the distribution of power, a term which Weber uses to refer to the " chance of a man or a number of men to realize their will in a communal action even β†’

Raw #4

RAW 4: Constitutive Communities Phil 484: Global Business Ethics, Spring Text: Daniel Bell, Communitarianism and its Critics, Act III The main concept introduced and explained in this text is the ' constitutive community.' Briefly, Bell argues that certain communities are constitutive of our personal identity. Highly dependent It is important for the contemporary people to β†’

Diversity website

Running head: DIVERSITY WEBSITE Diversity Website is a website of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. However, learning institutions no longer solely rely on the website for information on diversity owing to the online gush of diversity information on other diversity websites.

Criminal justice

If the woman or the man has a history of depression, it is likely that he/she will take it to their new home. The history of criminality of any of the partners is another factor that can help to predict whether there will be a spousal abuse.

Soc crtq 2 – lab report example

The third category is defined in the 'pluralism' theory that the general public controls the government through the voting and electing of governmental candidates. The author argues that the people running the corporate community and the growth coalition are the actual power dominators and describes them as the social elite.

The family has a responsabilittyof socializing children to basic understanding of social norm. when that socialinzation fails , the parents should be held responsible

Family responsibility in socializing of children Family responsibility in the socializing of children At the time of birth, a child will only be a raw material. This paper briefly discusses the responsibility of a family and parents in socializing of children.

Advantages of boston university

By the time I graduate, I am sure I will have acquired the necessary skills and training that will allow me to apply my expertise in the growing hospitality industry. The School of Hospitality Administration at the University has all the resources that I will need to develop my career.

The reasons for beginning of first world war

Germany played an important role in the First World War. Germany was declared war upon by Britain on 4 August.

The importance of innovation in a business enterprise

In the formation of this company, I realized the need for consultations with my fellow investors for purposes of developing a policy that would effectively address the needs of the customers that I interviewed. This is because I managed to apply the lessons I learned from class, by forming a company.

The communist takeover of east germany/ cominform resolution on yugoslavia

The Communist Takeover of East Germany When it became clear that the Nazi army was losing its positions and the Nazi politics was disastrous for Germany, lots of people became disillusioned and this was the time of creation of strong Communist organizations in the country. Yugoslavia was the country that was trying to get rid β†’

The right to privacy

The press plays the role of communication and may in its interest or the interest of the public or groups of followers investigate information about a celebrity and publish the information. Only a reasonable breach of privacy of a celebrity who is not a public figure and breach of privacy of a public figure, if β†’

Reverse discrimination as unjustified

The writer wants to specify that the law must consider all citizens equally regardless of their wealth and talent, or ethnicity. However, the writer does not purport a specific alternative to reverse discrimination which would preserve equality and justice in their true sense.

Gents of socialization

Agents of Socialization Various agents of socialization determine socialization dis in any aspect of the society. At early stages of life, media and religion are perhaps the most influential agents of socialization.

Chapter 3 synthesis

This will allow paying more attention to immediate reactions of the students: the chapter suggests assessing the progress of students and the atmosphere in classroom with maximal frequency. In such collaborative environment, a teacher shares with students his/her expectations and his/her impressions from the process of teaching while remaining opened to the students' suggestions.

Relationships in the church of christ

Looking specifically at the Mexican Americans and African Americans, the thesis would try to define the role of Church of Christ in uniting these two cross cultural communities and study its influence in promoting leadership qualities for acculturation. It can therefore, be conclusively stated that the study would not only benefit the communities at large β†’

Umar cheema and international relations

Umar Cheema and International Relations Umar Cheema is a brave Pakistani public figure who never fails to encourage his fellow journalists to fight for a cause. His advocacy of showing to the world what is really happening in reality with the government and its administration is a way to help and aid the problems both β†’

Environment assignment

For EACH risk mentioned indicate which of these risks are voluntary and which are involuntary The risk of suffocation is voluntary The risk of contacting diseases from washing the latrine with bare hands is voluntary The risk of respiratory diseases is voluntary The risk of contacting a disease from an ill neighbor's clothes is voluntary β†’

Discipline and hard work as the fundamental values of life

I was thrust into an environment of pressing deadlines and fluctuating conditions; but I took on the challenge and cultivated excellent interpersonal relations, demonstrating my ability to work effectively with others as a team member. In the process of transition from an experienced SCM professional into a business development consultant with a holistic knowledge about β†’

Tax cuts and the economy

Running Head: Tax Cuts and the Economy Tax Cuts and the Economy [Institute's Tax Cuts and the Economy In order to revive the economy, one path that the government can take is that of an expansionary fiscal policy. According to the Keynesians, a tax cut helps stimulate the economy via the aggregate demand channel.


Cover page: Giving details of the Reading Program and the School. Statement of need: The problem that the program seeks to address and the population.

The most dangerous man in america & the pentagon papers

These monuments of human welfare validated the US as a country that prioritizes the interests of the public against those of the government. In a scenario of oppression, the makers the First Amendment realized that the press is the sole savior of the citizens and their rights.

Swot analysis

The company is sensitive to dips in the national and overseas market. The company has also started to license out some of its technology, which creates a new revenue stream.

Television 1950

The year 1950 introduced the viewers to Beulah, one of the most interesting television shows in broadcast history, which starred the first female African American to ever star in a sitcom, and the last for another 18 years. The characters were a throwback to the stereotypical images of the 1920s, at a time when America β†’


When an organization adopts a code of conduct, it aims at undertaking its practices responsibly and honestly so as to realize the best outcomes for the shareholders who mostly include the customers and the surrounding community. Therefore, maintaining high principles of conduct is the best course of action for any organization so as to achieve β†’

Ses and achiement

SES and Achievement SES and Achievement The socioeconomic status affects societies around the world in different ways. On the contrary, a mother from low SES is most likely to have dropped from school.

Legislative and executive powers

The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001,"most commonly known as the USA PATRIOT ACT contains provisions that, on its face, infringes upon the civil rights and liberties of the citizens. The implications of the law violate one of the most fundamental rights of any β†’

Manufacturing process wings for formula one cars using with ribs

Below are the steps taken in the manufacture of the wings of Formula One cars; the steps in the manufacture of Formula one car wings. Step 1: This is the first step and it entails the design process of the parts of the wings.

Analysis of edward scissorhands

In general, the story of Edward Scissor Hands impeccably tells a saga of every individual who dwells in the society and is ill-treated for the indifference they possess. Therefore, the story is of compassion and love entwined with the harshness of rejection and hurt.

The american leader’s view on the partition debates in the israel war of 1948 and its aftermath

Some trace the beginning of the conflict to large-scale Jewish settlement in Palestine, especially after the establishment of the Zionist Movement which intensified with the creation of the modern State of Israel in 1948. The American government has been in support of the Israel government both economically and financially.

Personal statement ( masters of international business)

My application to be admitted to your program is the summation of all my experiences thus far, and I am positive that I will be part of your fraternity in due time. I travel to my home country twice a year and whenever I can I help my father in the family business.

Mental illness and suicide in juvenile detention facilities

Mental Illness and Suicide in Juvenile Detention Facilities Mental Illness and Suicide in Juvenile Detention Facilities The United States Surgeon General has noted that youth suicide is a major problem across the country, and indeed a public health problem that deserves serious attention. Hayes also notes that Juveniles in detention show high rates of physical, β†’

Federal tax case

Consequently, your entitlement to the payment fully accrued during April of 1992, a month in which you served in a combat zone, and the payment therefore satisfies section 112. Consequently, your entitlement to the payment fully accrued during April of 1992, a month in which you served in a combat zone, and the payment therefore β†’

Vietnam 1962-1969

1962 thus becomes the year of the beginning of the full-scale Vietnam War as we know it so far. During the next five years " the land of the free and the home of the brave" " proudly failed" to establish itself as a military superpower.

Differences in individual behavior and personality

This has evolved into a deep interest in the workings of the human mind and the observation of the markedly different ways in which individuals react to situations. I consider the primary role of a psychological counselor to be that of a facilitator in the therapeutic process.


Therefore, it is important to devise a method or strategy that can enable the organization to increase products per sale to achieve the goals. This will remind them to buy what they need and increase the sales.

How government can regulate foreign investment

The paper aims at discussing some of the policies available to state policy makers in order to attract and regulate foreign investment. Screening aids in identifying the purpose of the firm and the validity of its actions.

Reaction paper assignment

H3b: The relationship between intensity of Facebook use and bridging social capital will vary depending on the degree of a person's satisfaction with life. H4a: The relationship between intensity of Facebook use and bonding social capital will vary depending on the degree of a person's self esteem.

Two pages 10

Learning Beyond Piaget's Last Stage of Cognitive Development The myriad of opportunities available for learning is ours for the taking. All the learning that I have derived from this course is very applicable to my intended career as a psychologist.

Business, law, and ethics

Instead of playing their watchdog role, the gatekeepers failed to perform this function which led to the collapse of the company. The case of Enron also shows that the gatekeepers did not perform their obligations to monitor the operations of Enron.

The happiness

Although many people livewith an assumption about the definition of happiness, it implies a state of positive emotions. It will also consider the difference perception of men and women to happiness.

Relativism and morality

It would seem, however, that Goodman is attempting to illustrate that it would be the majority within society that would be the proverbial gatekeepers of morality and ethics, thus being the dominant force in determining the moral and ethical acceptability of such issues such as rape, murder and even terrorism. It would be the majority, β†’

Ethical systems

Sophie's Choice In the movie Sophie's Choice, Sophie has to make a painful decision wherein she has to choose one of her two children to be sent to the gas chambers in order to save the other. The right choice for Sophie would have been to fight for the lives of both children even if β†’

The effects of alcohol on metabolism of liver – lab report example

The primary metabolic pathway of alcohol in the liver is by oxidation through the alcohol dehydrogenase pathway with the resultant production of acetaldehyde. Experiments in rats and sub human primates suggest that chronic alcohol exposure to the liver results in an increase in ethanol metabolism involving the alcohol dehydrogenase pathway resulting in increased oxygen uptake β†’

Jim crow and black migration

Washington was invited by President Theodore Roosevelt to dinner at the White House for discussing issues faced by blacks in the South. President Roosevelt's dinner with Washington helped remarkably to improve the working relationship between the races.