Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Linear algebra

Give an example of a possible third row for A. This is a null row representation that the results become zero due to the figures of R which are equivalent to zero. Determine the values of a and b. {1, 2, 5, 1} {b} = {1, 2, 0, 3} {4, 1, 17, -22} {a} = {0, β†’

Fair shares

The amount of each fair share is different as each bidder has put a different amount on the collection according to his or her valuation of the item. Q4, How much money is owed to each of the two people who do not win the collection of frogs? Soln. We calculate the amount that Abraham β†’

A personal goals statement

ment Of Personal Goals I am applying for the degree in teaching Mathematics with the in order to develop the required knowledge, skills and abilities required acquiring and transferring the knowledge of mathematics. The purpose of attaining a degree in teaching Mathematics are that I am very much interested in teaching β†’

Two- variable inequalities

Through the point-slope formula, the value of the slope as well as the coordinates of one of the points may be plugged into y - y1 = m to give y - 330 = -3 which in the form y = mx + b becomes y = -3x + 330. Between β†’

Business process re-engineering: implementation and outcome

Business Process Re-engineering: Implementation and Outcome Business process re-engineering is an improvement of the current systems in place in an organization to better service the needs of the company, and more importantly the customer. The customer is at the front and heart of any business and therefore their needs have to be looked into in β†’

Project management – organization and communication (u5db)

Project Management Organization and Communication Effective Listening Miscommunication is one of the most common reasons for project confusion andfailure, but it can be avoided through the practice of effective listening. It is also important that back-up reports be kept in a safe place and that a draft is provided to the project supervisor for review β†’

Operation management

In Europe it is considered the largest consumer electronics retailer, and the second in the whole world. Renovation, research and development, and quality assurance is the foundation of success for Media Markt Saturn.

Air pollution problems

Global warming caused the melting of polar caps and possible extinction of some animal species. Since humans caused air pollution and have recognized the danger it presents to life and the environment, they should slowly minimize the application and use of technology or engage in activities that contribute to air pollution. Besides the traditional alternative β†’

Perspective on conflict, conflict interests and goals, and interpersonal negotiation

Sometimes, it gets hard to manage these conflicts due to which mediation becomes necessary. Conflict Goals Parties enter into conflicts because their objectives are not being met and they want to achieve their goals in all cases. Interpersonal negotiation requires the mediator to have such skills with which he is able to bring all β†’

Food and agriculture

Man has put immense attempt in supplying sufficient amount of food on his table using various methods such as giving animals particular hormones and chemicals that make them huge and overweight. Countless children have developed allergies to the genetically modified food both in America and worldwide.


The decision making process is, therefore, two tier in the sense that while the manufacturers have to find the appropriate segment to supply with the prescription, the customers have to check if they want to use metabical. The customers have to identify the BMI before employing the use of the prescription. How should Print up β†’


Their usage of technology and the media is the greatest, bearing in mind that Benetton's main tool of advertisement is the media; it will be easy to sell the Group's products to them. Improve Positioning in Asia and Reduce Expenses in Europe In order to maintain Benetton's competitive edge, the company has to make β†’

Indonesia – language, culture and customs

Hence, it is important to understand the culture, language, population, and needs of a certain country when it comes to the introduction of new products. The country is also ranked first in terms of the Muslim population in the world (Portal Nasional Republik Indonesia 1).

Promotional strategy

The paper " Promotional Strategy" is a marvelous example of a marketing essay. Promotion is normally regarded as the best way to create awareness for the customer about certain products in the market. The correct choice of promotional media, which is cost effective and at the same time reaches a good number of targeted audience, β†’


This research takes a deeper look on what can be done to reduce this cultural divide and create an organizational environment that is favorable for the advancement of an organization. Education of staff is one strategy that is solving this problem. It involves tabling the divergence between many cultures, and asking employees to accommodate each β†’

Persuasive message

Persuasive Message MARCUS-FORTUNE CLEANING AGENCY, 1200, WESLEY HALL, STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 100001 February 28th, Dear Esteemed Customers, We wish to bring to your knowledge the introduction of a new company Marcus-Fortune Cleaning Agency, and the unleashing of a range of services in the market as well. Our core values are; professionalism, reliability and affordability. β†’

Website analysis

There are specifications for formation of a website that is there must be the domain name of the website, web host and finally the topic to be in the website. All the above goals are in achievement as the site has offered the opportunity to make the goals come true. The writings on the website β†’

Cyber crime

Key Words: Cyber Crime, Data Privacy, Internet, Malicious, Non-Malicious Attacks Summary of Article The article " Cyber Threats and Data Privacy" by Birchfield simply provides information about the occurrences and the effects of cyber crime in US and especially in New Zealand. In addition, the author has also tried to give some examples of cyber β†’

Data description

Data on Diabetes Diabetes is basically a group of diseases which is marked by significant increase in the level of blood glucose that results either from deficiency in production of insulin or insulin action or even both. Hence, Diabetes is a curable disease that can be managed properly if self-care techniques are implemented effectively. Work β†’

Get caught plagiarizing by bill savage

Plagiarism One of the serious challenges encountered in s of learning is the pervasive problem of plagiarism. Secondly, the student can opt to paraphrase the words of an original author and consequently provide a citation.

Does globalization threaten cultural diversity

Internalization of education is a growing phenomenon and as such, colleges as well as universities in the world are forced to provide a competition in the world's capitalistic market. Due to globalization, the identity of cultural diversity as well as environments that are multicultural, are presumably lost.

Nursing research

Importantly, I ensure that the instrument that I will use for data collection during my research is the most reliable and valid in order to ensure that the data collected answered the research questions. Thereafter, I have to establish the time to collect the data and seek permission from the relevant authority before engaging in β†’

A simple surgery checklist saves lives

Based on the four flow charts, the system has much duplication of activities or redundancies in time especially on the number of times the patient has to give his consent. The patient consent is required in more in six scenarios in the system, from the holding room, anesthesiologist to surgeon. The patient has three separate β†’

Business opportunities

A scalable plan should describe the industry of operation of the business and identify a niche that the competitors cannot fill. The health care has also focused on application of the technology in the improvement of the business operations and dissemination of the health information related to health.

Ethical considerations of the advanced practice nurse – dissertation example

Even though the Nuremberg Code of Ethics stipulates ethical considerations, health care practitioners should follow and implement research, it is apparent seeking consent of participants is a major ethical violation common in clinical research. According to the Nuremburg Code of ethics, using human subjects in clinical research is ethical as long as clinical researchers adhere β†’

Frankie and alice

Frankie and Alice Frankie and Alice The movie Frankie and Alice begins in Georgia in 1957, showing a girl in a car accident and stars Halle Berry as Francine Murdoch , a lady suffering from multiple personality disorder. This paper will write a personal plan to promote re-integration of egos in a case such β†’


Unfortunately, they also found it hard to research on the causes of the variation because of racism ideas that were to crop from. To justify their opinion that Europeans have high brain power, Cochran and Harpending decided to carry out research. Additionally, it is evident that their study only involved young children who were to β†’

Ponds aquatic ecosystem

Ideally, the presence of standing water characterizes ponds as well as the wetlands around the pond. The wetlands provide the site for the growth of algae which in turn acts as food for the insects and minnows that live in this ecosystem.

What is life

In the development of objectives on a given research, science gives the outlines of the facts that could form the basis of the research and thus the development of the hypotheses. The Chemical Reactions of Life : From Metabolism to Photosynthesis.

Analysis of the crash

Analysis of the Movie Crash Racism has been a menace to the American society since time memorial and still poses a big threat to peaceful coexistence and societal harmony in a country with the global highest racial diversity. Finally, racism is a killer of morality in the society.

Read read instructions

And I think that's what we can say about John Vanderlyn's portrait of Aaron Burr. Retrieved 9 August from: Vanderlyn , John." Portrait of Aaron Burr", 1802.

Pulp fiction film analysis

Tarantino's use of narrative is perhaps the most important element in the film's success, and it is key to the film's larger message, which is that, in the end crime and violence do not pay. While Tarantino's movie deals with a number of social issues, including racism and sexuality, it is in his treatment of β†’

Paris – gertrude stein’s salon

Gertrude Stein's Parisian Salon Modernism was the of a movement within the arts that emerged in the late 19th century and continued on into theearly years of the 20th century. She was also a student of both psychology and medicine, but on her move to Paris intended to become an art critic. Her greatest and β†’

Why kids attract towards animation and 3d animated films

Kids form the main market for animations and 3d animated films since they are highly attracted to them because of their appeal and visualizations, amongst other reasons. Bentrancourt and Chassot highlight that the fundamental reason why kids are attracted towards animated films is due to the visualizations they create, which helps in overall β†’

Forrest gump

Forrest is no longer an invalid, but open to the world child, child who does not look for meaning of life, benefit and gain, just except it all, living for the day, enjoying it. Forrest is pretended to be a normal boy. Although he lives a decent life and his mother, his beloved and even β†’

Art apprecition ip week four

Baroque is an art movement of the seventeenth century, one of the products of the clashes between the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation. The work is considered Baroque because of the realism with the dramatic use of light and shadows. Rubens is arguably one of the most central Flemish painters of the 17th century.

Film analysis – bringing up baby

Body language: The director of the film Howard Hawks has seemingly employed the performers in the film that were exactly needed for the characters. On the other hand, the body language or the gestures of Katherine in the film have allowed the character of a wife who is smart to be understood.

A long history of racism: bamboozled

Also, there is much violence in the film because it is to suggest how aggressively racism is still prevalent in our society. There is this horrible shootout between the police and the rap group who is there to perform.

Film analysis

This paper is about how the Japanese-Americans transformed and abandoned the World War II concentration camp, which was a place of shame, to a place of empowerment with a symbol of solidarity and retrospection. Despite his parents being in the film industry, Nakamura had not explored the field until his days in college. He spent β†’

Explain the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics using examples of both to help illustrate your explanation

This essay seeks to examine the differences that exist between the two statistics methodologies: descriptive and inferential statistics. As a point of departure, the descriptive methodology entails specific functions of the sample data, which are fundamentally fascinating in offering description of some characteristics of the whole data. This follows that for the cases of descriptive β†’

Theoretcial framework

In other words, the use of a mnemonic tool such as the " seed to tree" growth process could be targeted by today's designers, marketers, researchers, and brand supervisors for planning, strategizing and aligning new or existing organizational goals without all the complex approaches to brand planning from the conceptual framework to launching stage. The β†’

Pd film

The film in question in this case is Fearless, which stars Jeff Bridges. In this case, one of the primary settings is aboard a plane, which is on a crash course. In this case, the fear, which is in question, is the fear of flying.

Need a pitch for thump drums

He is also the owner of the Thump Drums company, this company mainly specializes in making a fiberglass drums. Andrew also worked at a company called Patagonia where he gained the acquaintance on how to gather fiberglass drums. As a beginner in this job he faced many challenges until at some point he felt like β†’

Cataleya from the film columbiana

By this act, she portrayed a hero's characteristic of undergoing trials and tests to test her courage, the knowledge, and the capacity to survive. To Cataleya, her parents, who meant everything to her, were brutally murdered and this was the basis of her revenge mission. A hero, according to Campbell performs a courageous β†’

Looking at movies: by richard barsam & dan monahan, ny: w. w. norton & company 2009. 3rd edition

Since then movie and film, industry has grown thanks to technological advances and government incentives. At the dawn of 1960s, movie industry saw major innovations like invention of projectors to project movies to appeal to big audience. In the movie Kleingeld, background music and color together with setting help to show the theme of poverty β†’

The music of south india

We saw different kinds of pictures of the instruments used in Indian music and also saw the Indian composers in the pictures. Raga is a very old musical kind of the Indian music.

The music industry association of america protecting intellectual property and the rights of original sources of performers

The music industry association of America is a membership association of music recording companies as well as trade associations that represent the recording industry in the United States. The manuscript will also discuss the pros and cons of such a law, the reaction of the technology industry, and the implementation of the proposed β†’

Financial aid from parents’ perspective

It is in this regard that we seek financial assistance to support the educational pursuit of my eldest daughter, who is currently in the United States, taking up a degree in music, focusing particularly on harnessing her musical skills in playing the flute. The global financial crisis still reverberates in vast parts of the world β†’

Resp. aircraft operator security threats

In this case, therefore, it was unethical for the airline baggage handler to give the phone directly to the passenger, and he should have handed it to the relevant authorities who include security officials, so that they would hand it to the passenger. Scenario two This involves the transportation of prisoners by law enforcement β†’

Interview questionnaire

This is because my best friend always claims that I could never be in trouble in any country and fail to find someone to help me out because of the vast number of friends I have from across the world. Where do you see yourself in the future and on the long term? I have β†’

Reading respond

This refutes the anti-federalists' claims that federation would lead to the emergence of a dictatorial regime and strip Americans of their individual rights. Thus, it would result into a strong and much powerful nationalgovernment. In conclusion, I am strongly in support of the federalists.

The subject is international relations : un simulation . focus on germany only

One of the most admired and praised convention and meeting in the world is the United Nation's convention where different dignitaries ranging from the head of nations, delegations meet. ARKOSI, ODIPOS, and GAPSI: Experiences with Three Simulation Games in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Create a moral compass for characters of the apprenticeship of duddy kravitz

Lennie is closer to being evil, as he flees and betrays his friends and people close to him. Max is an experienced man who is described as a real good teacher, and his pieces of advice are useful for Duddy.

Moral and religious censorship, family and religious values

Censorship has been given a large amount of attention in the past decades, due to the increase of pornography and the use of foul language. Lack of modesty and the forgetting of religious teachings are the factors that lead to the increase of obscene views on public beaches, hotels and on the world wide web.

While it is traditionally held that marx and engels were against capitalism and thus the industrial revolution

An argument on how Marx and Engels believed that Industrialization was a positive development It is a known fact that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelsfully opposed the ideals of capitalism and the Industrial revolution, but the fact remains that they believed that industrialization was a positive development and this fact will be established in this β†’

Scientific revolution burke vs merchant

Precisely, the rules define the structure and the outcome, and hence it becomes a supposed reality. The scientific revolution was nothing but acceptance of technology from East that West declined to accept in the first instance. But the change came by itself, only by the interaction of one factor with another. Merchant described the scientific β†’

Analysis of film – china: a century of revolution – the mao years, 1949-1976

The transformation began with the proclamation of the People's Republic in 1949, marking the onset of a revolution that sought to make the people of China politically and economically equal, such that the people would be the masters of the country.. Told from the stories and recollections of the people who experienced the revolution, the β†’

Narrative comparison in scientific and ecological revolutions

In both Burkes and Merchants narratives, emergency of the scientific revolution as a means of upward progression by humans that could witness them gain power in order to control, rule, and manage the earth while searching the lost Garden of Eden. In both narratives, the scientific revolution brings scientific inventions, technological advancements, as well as β†’

Egypt: before and after the revolution

Annotated Bibliography: Egypt: Before and After the Revolution Topic: Egypt's Revolution Thesis: The Egyptian Revolution is not a product of overnight mobilization, but of decades of political repression and socio-economic problems, and so after it, the country continues to grapple with various social, economic, and political issues. al-Bishri, Tariq." Understanding Egypts Revolution". I will also β†’

The american colonization, on the eve of revolution

27 August 2007 The American Colonization, on the Eve of Revolution What do you think the greatest social and political tensions were in the thirteen colonies on the eve of the American Revolution? The first of the series of events that caused the American Revolution was the passage of the Stamp Act by the British β†’

The clients specific areas of strength and growth

Coaching a) describe the client's specific areas of strength and specific areas for growth The areas of strength for Joe are the following Experience 2. For the business course, Joe will attend a high profile marketing and management institute. Determine incentives for Attaining Process and the Final Goal At the beginning of the β†’

Human resources

The article just simply tries to show someone the importance of integrating the concept of managing human resources, most importantly in the event of expansion of the firm which specifically would include alignment and substantial change in the process. Workday sells cloud-based software for human resources and financial programs and is seeking to follow the β†’

Identify time management techniques

In addition, one needs to incorporate a motivational factors within the goal setting activity that would enable the generation of a rewards for fulfilling or accomplishing the goals that were set within the identified time frame. One affirms that by looking forward to availing of a benefit or reward, the achievement of goals are facilitated β†’

Qatar airways swot analyses

Page SWOT Analysis: Qatar Airways Positive Negative Internal Strengths: It links more than 120 destinations from its base. Winner of several prestigious awards over the last three year. Offers highest levels of service excellence. It is ranked " Five Star" by the independent aviation monitoring agency " Skytrax". It flies to 120 destinations β†’

Change the formula

Safety/risk of the service Question 2: In regards to the practice of total quality management and improving organization-wide performance, explain the importance and relationship of the value chain, quality, and satisfied customers. In other words, be thorough and offer a " scholarly" response and not just your opinion. Selected Answer: With reference to excellence, β†’

The north texas cotton cooperative

However, in the case of AirTex and the take over of Frank and Ted, a new control system is necessary because the latter seemed to have great expectations not just on the entire company but to be specific this included the management and control system. In this regard, it is important to consider the management β†’

Development planning in nursing

The confidence gained will pave way for me to expand my professional network in the second year. Thus, I will enroll for a part-time postgraduate diploma course specializing in adult nursing which will take me two years, up to the third year of my development plan.

Create a job selection matrix

The ranking may range from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest. The figure below gives an example of a job selection matrix. Date: Position Title: Selection Criteria a. Jane Doe 4 2 3 2 3 The selection criteria may however vary with respect to the job β†’

Phy 155 assignment

The usage of the product remained limited to personal computers although many units were manufactured and heavily used in the company offices and several universities. The increased usage and increased population is expected to increase the pressure on internet connections necessitating upgrades within short periods. References Nielsen, J..

Testing old cathodic protection on ohio bridge decks

It is also not known whether the method affects the durability of the bridges. Metal and Environmental Problem The metal in question is reinforced steel. Three of the bridges that are tested are polarized at more than 100 mV indicating that the method is effective.

Flow instability in an alumina precipitator fitted with a draft tube circulator

Using the Reynolds averaging the following equations are derived Continuity equation = 0 Momentum equation DP/ Dt= Pij+Dij- ij+ ij+ Where Rij is the transport term by convection, Pij is the rate of production, Dij is the transport by diffusion, it is the rate of diffusion, it β†’

Measuring the concentration of carbon monoxide using gas detection tube – lab report example

Measuring the Concentration of Carbon Monoxide Using Gas Detection Tube The paper " Measuring the Concentration of Carbon Monoxide Using Gas Detection Tube" is a perfect example of a lab report on chemistry. The main objective of this experiment was to use a gas detection tube which is a portable CO β†’

Atomic weight of magnesium – lab report example

By measuring the amount of gas produced, the molecular weight of Magnesium was calculated. Upon doing the experiment, it was verified that the use of balanced equations can accurately calculate for the molecular weight of Magnesium, which is 24. After measuring the amount of Hydrogen produced, the molecular weight of Magnesium was calculated. β†’

Acid-base equilibria – lab report example

87 10 TITRATION #2 NaOH VINEGAR 0 0 45. 257 mmol H3O+ The concentration of acetic acid in vinegar therefore: 8.

The bio-oil over the catalysts of ni-cnts

Upon the process of reformation of the bio-oil over the catalysts of Ni-CNTs, the authors studied the reforming temperature influences, the molar ratio between the steam and carbon fed , as well as the current conducted by the catalyst with the help of the carrier gas of stream inside the β†’

Batch distillation

46 0. 46 0.

The elements, chemical reactions, water and solution – thesis proposal example

The Elements, Chemical Reactions, Water and Solution The paper " The Elements, Chemical Reactions, Water and Solution" is an excellent example of an essay on chemistry. The research paper will detail the elements that makeup water, the importance of water in chemical reactions and the formation of a solution in chemical reactions.

Bank failure in jamaica

The factors that led to the failures of these banks included factors that influenced the failures of these banks and those that influenced the resolution of these banks. According to Jenifer Daley, the banking industry in Jamaica relied on foreign-owned banks. The changes in the banking sector in 1990s showed these fragilities in the arrangement β†’

The history of the stained glass windows in early churches

This gothic style of construction is an art that grew during the early and the very late medieval times, it gradually developed from the Romanesque construction technique which descended from the Roman society and the style was used widely in the middle medieval time that had characteristics of semi-circular arches. The style mainly emphasizes on β†’

Project description

For this reason, the towpath tends to be busy at peak times of the day. While commencing the site analysis, I decided to begin with the canal itself. In essence, the water is pumped from the canal into pipes using a pressure pump, which then pumps to the roof of the building.

What does architecture mean to you

The more fully engaged the senses, the greater the enjoyment and the longer the memory of a particular building or space. In this sense Architecture is a servant of society creating structures or utilising space in ways which seem relevant to the commissioning authority.

How bim technologies are beneficial for contemporary digital design

BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING Department Building Information Modelling Introduction Building InformationModelling is an architectural component that mainly covers the geometry fields, spatial relationships, information related to geography, managing a project and post construction activities of the project. The project benefits of building information modelling.

Julia morgan, architect of dreams

Thus did Julia Morgan announce her retirement from architecture and the closing of her San Francisco office in May 1951. Becoming the first woman to receive a certificate in architecture from the Ecole, Julia Morgan returned to San Francisco and began working for architect John Galen Howard.

Statement of purpose in architecture

It is a frustrated process because of the unknown and the fear of change. However, the solution as part of the change can also bring many new problems and finally take us into a death loop. For example, what I learned from the structure class in the third year is what kind of relationship exists β†’

History and evolution of shopping malls

History and Evolution of Shopping Malls This paper aims to investigate the history and evolution of shopping malls which have now gained significant position in human lives. The History and Evolution of the Shopping Mall.

The military origins of the republic

According to the authors, the role of this Continental Army was more important than that of the regular militia. The authors highlight the same point, but they say it in a different style when they make mention about the important role of the Continental Army.

Human factors in aviation safety

Human Factors in Aviation Safety Human Factors in Aviation Safety In Human Factors Analysis of Naval Aviation Maintenance Related Mishaps, the authors focus on how human factors influence the performance of aviation staff. This is what can be attributed to the causes of MRMs as recorded in the report. The errors made here clearly shows β†’

War on terrorism

War on Terrosism War on terrorism is nothing but the waste of lives and resources, all for the personal interest of the countries involved in this war, like the United States of America. The war on terrorism has done more bad than good for the world, as because of the aggression of the β†’

Intelligence analysis question 2

Moreover, the country has been on the frontline in intervening the activities of different countries and this anger the administration of the countries to a point that some intend to carry out attacks on the United States to act as revenge. Different professionals have come up with theories on the upcoming threats to the United β†’

Radical islamic terrorism

The specifics of the rise and radical Islamic interpretation and the means by which individuals engaged in this as a worldview are ultimately and inherently part and parcel of this threat that Western culture and civilization was having upon the way in which traditional Islam is practiced in and around the Gulf states. Likewise, beyond β†’

North korea and banco delta

Department of Treasury under the USA PATRIOT Act Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act provides the Director of FinCEN or The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network the authority to take actions which could be adapted to attack specific the money laundering activities and terrorist financing 3. The US intelligence force under the department of treasury β†’

How and why did european states abandon or redefine their empires in the 1950s and 1960s

The French would continue to give sovereignty to these colonies until France many colonies in Africa their independence in 1960, and then Algeria at the end of the Algerian War in 1962. The two principle reasons for the decolonization of European nations in the 1950s and 1960s was the lack of power to sustain their β†’

The moorish empire

of the History and Political Science of the Teacher March The Moorish Empire The Moorish Spain signified a golden age in Islamic civilization that had a profound influence on the European civilization in particular and the larger world civilization in general. The contributions made by the Moorish Empire to the world civilization happened to be β†’

Subjects of the sultan: culture and daily life in the ottoman empire by faroqhi suraiya

This paper will critically analyze the role of written and oral story telling in the sultan and Ottoman culture. This is a well-defined work that is derived from tales of long gone heroes. The great teachings from our history and this help us refresh our roots.

How statistics has affected my daily life

In addition, with the increasing number of people around the world suffering from heart diseases caused by cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle, I am also inclined to avoid some food and increase my activities. I also increased my food intake of those which help my heart work better to improve the flow of blood in my β†’

Statistics assignment week 6

Quiz 2 and 3 had the highest mean score showing that the students performed very highly in the two conditions. However, there is an interaction effect between the condition on of the quiz and the participation in the extra credit = 7.6, p