Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Car accidents in saudi arabia

These figures show that traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia are a real tragedy. Research Question: owing to this alarmingly high rate of traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia, the pertinent question is, what is the main cause of road accidents in Saudi Arabia and how can the tragedy of road accidents in Saudi Arabia be overcome? β†’

Social cognitive theory

To enhance compliance with periodontal evaluations and treatment at the public dental health clinic, it is important for the female dentist to design interventions that increase the self-efficacy and self-confidence of African Americans and Asian Americans senior citizens to perform the behavior of visiting the clinic on a regular basis according to the tenets of β†’

Federal regulations and federal agencies

This suggest that even in the absence of legal factors, social factors such as moral principles can regulate organizations and I believe that in such an environment, pharmaceuticals would consider ethical manners for quality service delivery and for competitive advantage. The pharmaceutical industry identifies intense competition and its companies ensure measures for competitive advantage. The β†’

History of hologram

The laser, producing a high level of the coherent light source, was used in 1962 in Gabor's experiment, and the scientists, Emmett Leith, and Juris Upatnieks produced a transmission hologram with a bird and toy train. Benton produced a transmission hologram which could be viewed in ordinary light like that of a bulb.

Analysis of an animals place article by michael pollan

In a profound investigation of the arguments of people who plead for animal liberation, the author maintains that the most difficult animal rights challenge is posed by the killing of animals for meat and clothing. Strictly speaking, this is true of other humans, too, but since humans are all basically wired the same way, we β†’

Week 12: environmental and socio-economic issues

He also discussed the socio-economic pathway to healthy impacts, the listed categories of impacts, and the concept of life cycle attribute assessment. Citing an example of non-point impacts, he explained that extracting clay from the earth has no environmental significance for the earth per se and hence will not figure in any of 18 impact β†’

Week 4

The various versions so present differ on account of the manner in which the basic principles of this theory may be incorporated but all together the function and motive of each is the same- making the world a peaceful place to live in. While one of the version calls for absolute use of the peaceful β†’


The movie is a remake of remake of the 1960 Rat Pack movie of the similar name. Nevertheless $10000 was set for the widow of the electrician and the rest hidden in the coffin.

Violence in films and video games

However, this argument does not prove to be a good one when one looks at the negative impacts. I believe that violent media arrives with concerns relating to addiction, anxiety, dejection, brutality, and aggression that develop in young minds. My neighbor's son is being treated for anger management thanks to the violent films and games β†’

Polsky’s “presidency at war”

Presidency at War The thesis ment of Andrew Polsky's " Presidency at War" is the role of the congress, judiciary, andpublic, in relation to presidential decision-making concerning military intervention. Polsky criticizes the " two presidency thesis" that separates presidential decisions on domestic and foreign policy. A careful scrutiny of historical wartime events shows that the β†’

The importance of identity

In fact, people of a certain race may be discriminated against by people of a different race especially where racism is prominent. Identity is also argued to be one's beliefs and personality. For example, in leadership, the belief of integrity in leadership may portray a picture of what one stands for, and this is what β†’

The life of an outsider in new york

The paradox of the situation is that while the poor people make the wealth for the rich people, the wealth is retained by a smaller part of the population. It is essential to highlight that immigrants usually provides the highest population of workers.

Political science

Subordinates have the liability to determine any course of action and leaders get along with their ideas and plans. Innovative leaders are quick to change and adapt new ideas, their teams are in a constant process of progressing and changing.

Policy debate: secrecy and openness in the war on terrorism

It becomes a delicate balancing act for the government because on one side, access to information may be used against the people it is supposed to protect, and limited access may directly or indirectly infringe on the peoples rights. Conclusion Many people will argue that bureaucracies are necessary for ensuring quality provision of services β†’

United nations

Here, several countries have come together to combat and find solutions to common global world problems, for instance, preserving security and peace. Even though multilateralism has been viewed as a valuable tool in diplomacy for the US, it has faced various challenges at the UN due to divergent schools of thought derailing some of its β†’

Culture, technology and education

Moreover, the future of technology in education will be argued. The characteristics of culture state that culture is learned and not biologically present, it is shared and not a concept regarding the unique qualities of an individual, it is passed from one generation to another and it is based on the human ability to adapt. β†’

Substance abuse in youth

It has been observed that substance abuse and other psycho-social problems have peaked within them in recent years. OUTLINE Youth gangs and substance abuse have long been identified as prejudicial to both youth and to societal progress and prosperity. In the pursuit of putting an end to these social evils, immediate steps and efforts β†’

Comparison between united arab emirates vs other coutnries in the middle east.political issues

This implies that the country's socio-political welfare is hinged on oil prices' evolution. Comparative Analysis One of the key differences between the UAE and Saudi Arabia is that the former is a federation, whereas the latter is a monarchy. A Comparative Analysis of Oil Production Sectors in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Corporate social responsibility theories: mapping the territory

Corporate Social Responsibility Theories: Mapping the Territory Summary Most CSR theories take into consideration 4 practical aspects: 1) Businesses are meant to produce profits, 2) Corporate power and its rational use, 3) Businesses and their social responsibilities, 4) Businesses as profit makers working within ethical domains. Based on the above concept, the theories can be β†’

Geico car insurance company

Customers are thus pinned strongly to such companies that recognize and appreciate the existence of their customers. Firms thus benefit from increased customer loyalty as such customers suggest that particular Company to their friends and relatives and such chain is extended leading to a greater pool of loyal customers resulting into competitive advantage accompanied by β†’

The social media advantage

Argumentative essay about social media With the introduction of the computer age and the internet, the need for man to connect over the internet drove the search for the development of social media platforms. In this essay, the advantages of social media will be examined in details here. First of all, social media β†’

Disadvantages of smoking

The paper " Disadvantages of Smoking" is a wonderful example of an essay on social science. Tobacco or cigarette smoke has ingredients that are chemically active. The risk of a stroke in smoking men is increased by 40% in men and 60% in women.

Life lessons

Teachers are spiritual parents and it is their obligation to provide the students with all the trust they need to grow up into happy and healthy citizens. This trusting relationship helps the students to cross the barrier and be friends with their teachers.

Hans rosling’s paradox – despite access to numerous sources of information, people tend to prejudice on many issues

In warning policymakers about the dangers of using ' averaged' data as opposed to a contextualized understanding, Rosling also demonstrates that even within countries, there are differences in, for example, child survival rates : the outliers within the country, the 20% richest and the 20% poorest, in Niger, Uganda, and South Africa have markedly β†’

Women’s political and social thought

Women sought relatively greater appeal only is they were quiet, withdrawn and adhere to the wishes of the underlying men in both the tales. There is a close relationship in the manner men and women were depicted in The Art of Courtly Love and corresponding The Tale of Genji, The Lays, and The Wife of β†’

Mapping an argumetnt

According to them, this law is not useful to the society since it has no value to add to the workers, labor unions, small-scale traders, middle class and the political economy. However, McElroy concludes by acknowledging that, as a victim of this crisis, autism really exists and even if CDC denies it, it will eventually β†’

Basic human needs

However, from the knowledge that I had gained over the years has taught me that despite the differences in culture and upbringing the basic human needs of a person will always remain the same. Over the many years of observation and interaction, I have come to the conclusion that culture does in no way change β†’

Fathers and their families

Absence of father from home affects families' social and economic welfare. a) When fathers are not at home, the economic welfare of the family is adversely affected because mothers bear all the family financial burdens. b) Fathers are usually a sense of security to their families, thus their absence exposes the family to potential risks β†’

Mexico economy

Based on this classification, the Mexican current situation demonstrates an undershot expectation with a fairly positive and difficult economic environment for economic competitiveness and economic growth. Looking out over the next year, what is the key issue to watch? The key issues to be watched out for the next year by the Mexican economists are β†’

Refusal for a future life-sustaining treatment

The symptoms of Huntington's disease are evident for patients in their 30's or 40's. The only thing that they can do for now is to avail for genetic counseling to ease their level of discomfort and anxiety. John is a lawyer in his 30's.

Sampling assignment

The student were hand-picked to constitute a team of 20 students without condition or any other consideration (be it a student of any level, of any particular gender or age). The list of the first sample is: Student Days ID Absent 10 21 33 41 51 64 β†’


They can in fact balance themselves to make it a workable and realistic ethical guideline that could be useful in our lives. For example, we can balance virtue ethics with utilitarianism. Being good and finding its good use will surely make a good pair of ethics. Moreover when we add deontological ethics to utilitarianism and β†’

Challenges in the path to self-actualization

I can relate to her difficulties of feeling isolated, while striving to attain self-actualization; furthermore, Abeel helps me become a more sensitive and responsive teacher in the classroom. Abeel is a gifted student, but because of her learning disability, she is filled with panic and anxiety; but through her determination and social support, she deals β†’

About helping others

I have realized teaching French in the primary school will help many children to understand other cultures and enable them to communicate with others effectively. This means that the children will be in capable hands, as I will work effectively to ensure that they obtain a quality education.

The arab israel

It is because of this reason that there are a total of 5 million Palestinian refugees in the world. I would like to agree that the Palestinian refugees in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza Strip and the West Bank have a right to be allowed by the Israeli government to return to their original home and β†’

Renewable and nonrenewable energy sources

The alternative, renewable energy sources serve as a great source of energy; however, they also bear challenges in their usage. One serious challenge facing the wind as a form of energy source is its lack of adequate power to turn the turbines.

Hooks law – lab report example

We will determine the spring constant, k , (K which is the stiffness of the spring), for an individual spring using both Hookes Law and the properties of an oscillating spring system. Apparatus 2 Extension Springs Compression spring Load to be used for long springs 2 Long Screws 2 β†’

Elastic collisions – lab report example

The momentum must be conserved for each axis. This means that kinetic energy is also conserved Energy is a scalar factor and therefore there is no need to break the express down into its components. Objective The objective of this experiment is to study the conservation of total linear momentum and the conservation β†’

Intelligent life

This means that the artifact must contain a code of any three colors, and Earth should hope that the aliens can perceive it and can perceive our need for this artifact to be perceived. Thus, firstly, based on all the aforementioned ideas regarding human and extraterrestrial communication, the artifact should be something like a piece β†’

Dating the rocks of the grand canyon (old-earth vs. young-earth)

Before we begin analyzing the Grand Canyon rocks to explain and estimate the age of the earth, we will begin by looking at the various types of rocks forming the earth's surface and which are the major types of rocks forming the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon and the dating of the earth The Grand β†’

Lab report example

These concepts makes it possible for astronomers to estimate how big objects are, therefore, the purpose of this report was to carry out the apparent measurement of the angular size of the moon using the concept of angular diameter. Procedure: Materials A ruler Two index cards A pencil A paper for β†’

Itm 501 mgt informatio systems: session long project 3 ‘the social system: user, managers, and it professionals’

It is essential to note that the use of the digital media and the increase and rise in the use of the Internet has led to a great increase in a number of aspects which include the improvements of the overall businesses and the working of many different organizations from several different industries. With the β†’

Towards the understanding of nature of groups and teams

The distinction between groups and teams is that while groups demand a lot of control, planning, and direction in its leadership, are guided by a series of well-established goals and objectives, reward members depending on performance , and used when executing specific functional tasks in an organization, teams demand collaborative relationships among members, are β†’

Summary on ‘quality process’

In the garment industry the objective of the quality control system is to come up with " a satisfactory design of the fabric or garment in relation to the level of choice in design, styles, colours, suitability of components and fitness of product for the market" (Alagulakshmi & Vanitha, n.d., p.1). Why Chosen: This article β†’

Human resource information systems

The other problem, which as the HR consultant needed to address, was the introduction of a modern payroll system, which will reduce the use of paperwork and embrace the use the modern technology. HRIS type and HRIS Vendor choice Being the leading consultant company in California State and after doing extensive research on the β†’

Hong kong’s ocean park target market

The upcoming opening of the Polar adventure park experience, which is scheduled for April or May this year, seeks to serve as an entertainment, attraction, conservational and educational facility. The park thus targets people from all walks of life, with its community initiatives.

Article review and response (read full directions)

Moreover, in markets outside the US, Adidas may have enough marketing programs in place to compensate for the loss of traction from leaving the NBA. On the other hand, it may be that losing the NBA sponsorship will further erode Adidas' already dwindling market share and prospects in the United States. Only time will tell β†’

Ethical marketing in a consumer-oriented world: appraisal and challenges

These suits seem to cater for the needs of the society and at the same time consider the developments in the modern fashion trends. It caters for the society by creating awareness and catering for their fashion needs in relation to change in trend.

Social behavioral change of sugery drinks

An attitude towards water and juice being healthy is that they have low sugar and calories content and are good for the body development and health. The perception on the importance to the community is that the issue affects the community and is very important because of the rampant effects of obesity and diabetes in β†’

Nature of the retailer and their target customers

The targeted customers of the Topshop retailer store being young women, according to the store has to maintain the relevance of the store by always providing quality clothes, shoes and makeups. The vision of the store is to have stores in all the countries in the world.

Answer one question

The third homeowner is someone who is not the husband or the wife. The other target market is composed of all homes with no rat infestation.

Imc factors influencing for foreign decision making towards thailand: phuket

This type of strategy can assist tourists in deciding if Thailand is a safe tourist destination. Integrated marketing communication tools are very important for every business, especially the tourism industry. The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of IMC in Thai tourist firms.

Video analysis 4

The company sustained with its activities within telecommunication sector directing to development of a transport, and hand portable phones that served as the foundation for what the company reaps, even at the current time. At the commencement of 1990s, the company digressed from its dealings with other services and concentrated on telecommunications. The mission that β†’

Marketing case study

In case the sales are observed to be lower than the anticipated increase then, survey will be assessed to determine the areas responsible for the poor performance. Online survey for both customers and sellers Since customers' feedback is essential, there will be a continuation of the administration of the online surveys to maintain the β†’

Communication – team leardership

This article is a worthwhile read because it focuses on current trends in team leadership and looks forward to what the future will look like in this area. It is not beneficial to an organization to simply give a task to the team and then provide no direction.

Human is by dick

Human Is From the reading ' Human Is' by Dick, I get to understand more of the essence of being human. From the reading, I get to understand how kindness is a fundamental part of human life.

Dominant characteristics of the best inaugural speech

An effective inaugural speech must be brief but concise and is capable of captivating the attention of the audience by starting with a powerful opening statement that makes them want to hear more. The message of the speech is not well structured and does not focus on a unified theme.

Evaluating source material

The authors have also supported their point using a citation that recognizes the authors who argued that for the development of mutual relationship between the society and businesses. Question 3 What I would Ask the Authors I would like to ask the authors to identify the model of business ethics that they promised to β†’

Pr 10 krikorian & danticat

An enemy of the state is any individual or party that feels like the United States has not respected their doctrines or principles through the implementation of any of its policies and thus acts negatively upon the citizens, or government officials. Safety through immigration control debates the United States of America is a country that β†’

Role of strong woman

In this regard, this essay will discuss the role of strong women in the family based on short story " Shiloh", by Bobbie Ann Mason. To start with, strong women in the society present certain characteristics that are universal among them. In such cases, strong women are supposed to guide their husbands for the benefit β†’

Angel response

As time progress we find Gurov confusion and his selected chauvinism being replaced with mature understanding and a deeper view of not only Anna but also, all the women he slept with previously. " In his appearance, in his character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive and elusive which allured women and disposed them β†’

English composition

Instead, the objective of arguments should be to make clear the issues and weigh the pros and cons of the considerations presented by the participants. Moreover, they also get the chance to improve their verbal communication and develop new strategies in articulating their arguments and counterarguments. The statements above describe an ideal scholarly argument but β†’

Review questions 9

An offer lapses when the time for acceptance expires; if the offer is withdrawn prior the receipt; or subsequently a reasonable time in the circumstances (typically the bigger the value of the contract, the lengthier the life of the offer Acceptance Just what is offered can be accepted. It is regardless of who β†’

A time that you communicated well

This made the two of us approach communication from a view of wanting to exchange ideas and reach a mutual understanding. I made listening activity important in our conversation as I received information about the university he was representing. It was a sign that I was listening and had an interest in his contribution to β†’

Response and analysis

Totalitarian regimes are obsessed with the idea of possible revolution and overthrow that is why the Capitol aims to ensure its power by reminding people their place and their worth: " Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch this is the Capitol's way of reminding us how totally β†’


The aspect of essay writing that proved to be a challenge was getting started of what to write in the opening sentence and then the opening paragraph. How did these comments on your work affect your thinking and writing of your essay? I believe this question relates to the other question of having a feeling β†’

Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in india

Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in ancient China Families in ancient China expected their daughters to do labor for the family and provide for the family. Families in ancient China expected their women to take measures to enhance their beauty and prestige and most of the women thus voluntarily engaged in β†’

Kill ’em crush ’em eat ’em raw

Eat Em Raw Other Similarities between War and Football Other similarities between war and football that McMurtry did not include in his essay are: first the two bring two groups of people together, who will do anything to defeat the other. On the other hand, after each event, war and football, there is suffering of β†’

English 1010

The matter is that I have noticed that there are several categories of those who work out there. In addition to this, there are newbies who observe others, listen carefully to their instructors , and ask a lot of questions.


s Asian in the United s Immigration has always been a controversial issue in the United States, but according to Lisa Lowe, it is important to develop a sound understanding of the subject to help gain insight into the stratified economic and political dynamics of the contemporary American society. Despite the rising number of immigrants, β†’

Do violent video games cause behaviour problems

People say that they are an excellent form of entertainment, can be enjoyed from the comfort of home and are a perfect way to kill time. However, the recent slew of video games which have been launched, like Counterstrike, Black Ops etc.are extremely violent in their make and nature. Also, the game makers at large β†’

I dont know

To be specific, from driving a car, I learned to be the part of the mainstream society and it changed my attitude towards the U. I consider my education in the a unique opportunity to be self-reliant.

What is your experience with writing, both in english and in your first language

Effective and precise communication in writing is affected by various factors that include the mastery of the components of the language and the articulation of both the tenses and the vocabulary. With that, there is a laxity in the perfecting the first language and making it useful for official communication.

Sport clothing

Use of technology in sports involves application of knowledge in using specialized equipment and tools and making use of the available improved technologies to perform tasks more effectively and efficiently. The Role Of Technology In Sports.Web.

Food customs in saudi arabia and differences in the u.s

Food Customs in Saudi Arabia and Differences in the U. The paper seeks to analyze food customs in Saudi Arabia and differences in the United States. Saudi food customs are unique in nature.

What are three differences between medical diagnoses and nursing diagnoses

Medical and Nursing Diagnoses A medical diagnosis is formulated by physicians to identify a client's specific disease, whereas a nursing diagnosis is made by a nurse to note how he responses to the condition. In the dominance of the medical model in healthcare, nursing is sometimes seen by society as subordinate to medicine.

Nola penders health promotion model as the theoretical framework

Specifically, the clinical question is " in women over 20 years of age identified as at risk according to the AHA's classification of CVD risk in women , how will diet modifications and physical activity compare to the physical activity alone in changing classification to Optimal Risk over β†’

What is the role of graduate education in preparing nurses to meet the needs of our society

Graduate education in particular play a significant role in preparing nurses to meet the needs of society. As mentioned above, graduate education in nursing equips nurses with research skills and hence their ability to learn the prevailing health issues in the society (American Nurses' Association, 1965).

Objective toward somali immigrants in the healthcare setting

Health is one important component of culture that define the structure and development of particular people. The Somali are a group of people from the Somalia origin and belong to the Islam religion. I believe that in as much as it aims to maintain their cultural heritage, the Somali should give up some of their β†’

Future of nursing

The Future of Nursing The Future of Nursing According to IOM, nurses should have the chance to practice their full potential and extent according to their education levels. This will add to the number of highly qualified nurses who can provide health care services in hospitals and homes.

Is black cohosh a safe and effective substitute for hormone replacement therapy

She tries to evaluate if black cohosh is an effective and safe substitute for hormone replacement therapy. According to the facts presented in the editorial, it is rather palpable that approximately 85% of women in the world experience night sweats and hot flashes, which are closely associated with menopause. Research asserts that black cohosh is β†’

Nursing research

Nonetheless, careful planning of the research methodology ensures that the effects of unanticipated variables do not influence the findings of a research study. In order to establish the validity and reliability of the instruments of research, it is important to carry out reliability and validity tests.

Policy making

In this regard, this paper concentrates on the US healthcare arrangement and other developed countries. Compare and contrast the United States healthcare system with Canada's healthcare system Provision of healthcare services remains critical for citizens' wellbeing. Conversely, privately run healthcare systems in the US substantially injure the effective delivery of services for citizens. According β†’

Ethical dillema

In the culture that she belongs to, it is believed that the males in the family have the right to take all the decisions regarding the family members. Moreover, the patient can succumb to the pressure from the males in the family and decide to say that her health is improving even if she does β†’

Ethical dilema

Schiavo's parents sentiments are also shared by Arabjanov who argues that death should only take place after a natural calamity takes place, and that human life should be respected. For the case of Dax Cowart, he wishes to die as opposed to going through painful experiences in the hospitals. Dax's case brings a β†’

Occupational health nursing

This exposure renewed my interest in this field and since then I have never looked back. In the realm of nursing, I have contributed significantly to the development of health in acute settings. Putting this challenge aside, nursing is something that I loved and had plans to study this same course to the end. Due β†’

Open system theory in nursing

Application of Open System Theory in Nursing of the The open system is a theory that seeks to explain the dynamics involved in the running of an organization. The system in the case study is the hospital and the subsystems are the various departments.

Public health report

Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter al Affiliation Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter Introduction Prior to Senate Bill 2, the search of a location for homeless shelter was a daunting task. With Senate Bill 2, location identification is easier as is in β†’

Clinical immunology

These intellectual and practical considerations have created a pathway to establishment of new discipline called clinical immunology. DISEASES OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM The diseases which cause malfunctioning of the immune system fall into two subtypes which are the autoimmune diseases and the immunodeficiency diseases. To study these diseases a branch of immunology called clinical β†’

Energy in your life appliances and electronics

The use of insulation is helpful to primarily reduce the conduction of heat throughout the home. 10. The collectors capture and store the sunlight energy and when hot water is needed then the water is pumped through the heating elements to achieve hot water (Live Green Live Smart Institute). 20.


Thus oxytocin causes rhythmic contractions of the strong uterine muscles and helping in easy birth of the birth and prevents chances of post-partum hemorrhage (Odent, 1998. Milk production after the birth of the child is initiated by another hormone called prolactin. Blanks, A and Thornton, 2003." The role of oxytocin in parturition", BJOG: An International β†’

Plant and fungus

Plants and Fungus Introduction Plants and fungi are organisms that play a significant role in the development of individuals in mostsettings. Variably, fungi that include mushroom and yeast contribute in the preparation of beverages and are of medical value. Personal interaction with plants and fungi, how I use them and their impact Notably, my β†’

Discuss the mechanism of replication

DNA polymerase is capable of catalyzing the chain growth in the 5 to 3 direction as a result the DNA formed in one strand is continuous and is called leading strand while in other strand DNA is formed as fragments called Okazaki fragments and this strand is called lagging strand. This protects the lagging strand β†’

Modeling cancer biology

The article points out that the mathematicians' works are rarely referred to or put to use by the biologists and stresses the need for collaborative work between them in the light of the benefits revealed by the cases cited. Natalia Komaroa models the inactivation of APC tumour suppressor gene, the initiating event in colon cancer, β†’

Oxygenation in paediatrics

This oxygen is obtained from the environment and through the respiratory system and the blood help to deliver the inhaled oxygen to the tissues and cells of the body. This is a simple visual inspection and involves checking for signs of reducing cyanosis on the tongue and extremities such as the palms and soles of β†’