Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Ap english language and composition-timed writting

The respondents of the study that challenged the benefit of DST were only confined in Indiana while the benefits of DST in terms of reducing electricity consumption is already established not only in the United States but also in other countries. In addition, the speculated sleep disruption is not life threatening compared to the safety β†’

Reflection 7

This essay answers the questions whether food consumers value their employees and what are they doing to ensure safety of the labor force. They also inspect the working conditions of the employees to ensure that they are safe.

Process analysis

This paper explores the process of applying to overseas universities. The application process begins by conducting a research, a comprehensive and explorative one, before a decision on an application. The student should then research on the chosen university's application method, choose his or her preferred college, and apply according to the university's approved method. Research β†’

Position review

s Position Review The intended audience are those who provide services to the children with disabilities, and it is evident from the introduction that most parents seem not to understand the acronyms thus this leads into confusion and side of the strategies that can be used to make the discussion more engaging, is by β†’

Wallet and your identity

Wallet and Identity The contents of a wallet say a great deal about someone's identity because the items in someone's wallet are of extreme importance to them. People may think that I am a shopaholic, but I would not consider myself to be so.

Hazardous materials handling policy

While little spots of sullying may be cleaned in the lab, horribly sullied protective outer layers might need to be discarded as dry risky waste. SPILL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES. Quick measures must be accessible to keep the conceivable spread of sullying in the occasion of a little spill of an Particularly perilous substance. At the point β†’

Research paper

Web 25 Oct.2012. It explores the worthiness of taking studies abroad. The Benefits of Study Abroad.

Biography of emiliano zapata

He was born in a peasant family on August 8, 1879 in the village of Anenecuilco, in the southern state of Morelos. As Zapata persisted in agitating for rural land reforms and for the rights of the campesin, he was drafted into the Mexican army.


Each example first presents the original work, followed by text that a student wrote and handed in for an essay assignment. Decide if the student's work constitutes plagiarism or not. If the student's work is plagiarism, identify it as one of the 5 types described on the handout, " Plagiarism: What It Is and How β†’

What does true friendship require

In the thank you M'am, true friendship is giving to the poor as demonstrated by Mrs. In ' The Hobbit', true friendship is helping the ones in need such as the case in the book in which Gollum helps Bilbo to escape from the tunnel.

Summary of malcolm x

This new freedom was difficult for Malcolm X to obtain, but he was diligent in his studies. Malcolm X said that he had a difficult time understanding books because so many of the words were unknown to him. He also said that his handwriting improved greatly while doing these exercises. As a result of this β†’


Though their disillusion with the government hugely influences their active participation into the voting process they are not totally disinterested as shown in 2012 election where two-third had backed Obama! It is not as though the young people do not take part in the political activities or have strong opinion about burning social issues. Even β†’

Credit cards can be a blessing and curse

Credit cards are a basic source of consumer credit and they have become one of the common causes of personal finance problems as they allow individuals to borrow beyond their ability to pay. However, the use of the credit card is also a blessing as it is convent to use; instead of carrying a large β†’

The effects of global warming

The Effects of Global Warming The issue of global warming poses damaging effects that could threaten not only the sustainability of the environment but also all aspects of human life. Furthermore, human health and safety are also likely to be affected with the detrimental effects of global warming.

Living in a house versus living in an apt

The kind of autonomy and comfort a house provides cannot be matched by an apartment. There are many similarities between living in an apartment and living in a house. A comparison and contrast of living experience between an apartment and a house leads to the conclusion that living in a house is generally more autonomous, β†’


However, in the tram ' Maria' is also displayed in a situation where young generation is giving up traditional etiquettes for elderly, like giving up one's seat for them due to their age and respectable position in society. Many of the critics believe that since ' Clay' is an Irish story therefore, the author interweaved β†’

Vincennce university should build more parking lots

Lack of enough accommodation is also one of the contributing factors for an increase in demand for the parking spots; majority of the students drive to school. It will be crucial for the school's management to consider building more parking lots for the residents in order to save the students time. For many years, the β†’

Question 7

Communication on this platform is not guided by the conventional stipulations, but it bases communication on personal relationships of the parties involved- as such borrowing from this style impacts formal communication. What steps will you take to prevent this from occurring? In order to prevent this influence adequate preparation should be carried before indulging in β†’

Why do some people or institutions say they doubt the data about climate change

This paper aims to discuss the reasons regarding the doubts about climate change facts. Skeptics believe that climate change is a truth in itself that a bunch of scientist cannot predict. This means that the direct observation of the scientists regarding the climate change is incomplete.

An event that is a part of your experience

I was driven by the fact that my parents clearly instructed me not to feed the dog. As I walked to our backyard my heart started to beat harder and harder, my stomach grumbled, my legs felt weak almost not able to walk, my hands felt like they could not carry the few pounds of β†’

My son the fanatic by hanif kureishi

This paper analyzes the story focusing on the ' power of art' and the actual message conveyed to the reader. Ali gets in and Pervez and Benetta try to convince him to which he reacts furiously.

Problems and solutions for alcohol

20 July, Alcohol Problems and Solutions Employees in all industries are affected by the problems of alcohol, whether it is the information technology sector or a hospital. Alcohol consumption has been the root cause of distortion of a lot of families in the past and has also been one of the driving forces of violence β†’

Reading log (summary+respond)

The writings of Davis reflect on the body language, the cultural differences and the perception of maintaining the required distances between the two people as they chat with each other. An example of interpreting the conversation would mean many Arabs liking to remain within a breath's distance from each other as they aim at building β†’

Women with guns

The three reasons why women should carry a firearm are for self-protection, protection of their families protection, and also for self-independence.reasons why most women should carry guns. Women use guns for self-protection now more than ever. The reason that a woman should carry a gun for self-independence is because they should not have to feel β†’

Gay couples

Your full November 25, Persuasive Essay Since nurture part of the nature vs.nurture debate holds a great importance, it cannot be said that same sex couples are not able to raise children having normal sex orientation." There is no proof that children who are parented by same sex couples turn out to be homosexuals in β†’

Fall of usher’s house

of the English of the Teacher 14 December The fall of the House of Usher The most noticeable thing in the story, The fall ofthe House of Usher is that the narrator never tries to contrive a clear understanding of things. The primary objective of the narrator in this story is not to construct rational β†’


This is however, not true because a third alternative, that is a fusion of all the good qualities of town and country, exist and is the very solution that will pull people from the congested towns. The three magnets Consider the town and country as two magnets each striving to attract people. Town-country is β†’

The overall process involved in writing the

I used a narrative essay style, which I included a personal narrative of what transpired in Kuwait to explain the cause of problems in the ecosystem. The rationale for choosing a narrative style is to illustrate the extent to which human activity can largely affect the ecosystem using a related personal experience during childhood. The β†’

What is your most recent act of generosity

So after a couple of tries, I abandoned the idea of baking them at home. Since I want at least two brownies a day with tea, it becomes very inconvenient for me to purchase them daily from the bakery. So my most recent act of generosity was sharing the brownies I had purchased for myself β†’

My english skills

In my bid to increase my knowledge in English, I strived to get acquainted with all necessary skills that will propel me to the heights of English language. I was a good team player in all assignments that required group participation. My enthusiasm and determination fueled my capability to soar in great heights of communicating β†’

Fundamentals of digital image processing

The old man behind the cows is maybe waiving or raising his left hand a coincidence with the child touching the cow with the left hand. This leads to speculation that the animals comes from the same family with the children or the old man behind the cows owns them as well as the children. β†’

The day that changed my life

I walked to my room very slowly because I did not want to do the homework. I started to do my homework.

Should the government impose stricter guidelines on how much students can borrow in student loans

In addition, it will enhance the understanding of benefits of loans to the students. Lucas, Deborah. This book will be important in understanding how the gaps in laws are making it hard for the student and the government to recover from the loans.

English 1010

The paper records all my experience in the gym ranging from my experiences of the people who are practising in the gym to the cardio equipment in the gym and the other exercise facilities in the gym. Secondly, there are some people in the gym whose main preoccupation seems to be taking photos in the β†’

Salary and benefits of becoming a financial manager

Salary and Benefits of Becoming a Financial Manager Serving any establishment in the capa of a financial manager is relatively challenging given that the individual will be tasked with the responsibility of monitoring the finances of the organization, thereby ensuring that the firm has the financial muscle to accomplish its objectives. Retrieved from: Pay β†’

Performance appraisal memo

These accomplishments made the group build a Jamba Juice in the San Antonio Airport in time, efficiently and effectively. Still, there were some problems within the group that need some improvements. This led to the group's successful completion in building a Jamba Juice Company in the San Antonio Airport. References Perron, K., & Dembecki, β†’

Dram job

Besides, I have many friends back in Saudi Arabia who are very competent as far as marketing of fashion products is concerned and in this respect, their input will give my business a head start. Before I embark into any business or profession for that matter, I have to ensure that I successfully pursue and β†’

Animal farm

Animal Farm In the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Napoleon uses intimidation and propaganda to keep the other animals in line at the onset of the Rebellion. Throughout the novel, Napoleon is able to persuade the animals to follow his rules. Manipulation is one of the tactics utilized by Napoleon to rule the farm.

It takes all kinds

Of all these, the best way to classify people remains that of economic classes. In the past, people were classified as either rich or poor. Arrival of automobiles added a new feature to this classification where the middle-class was born.

How has my writing changed in this semester why

As a result, I have learned how to organize my papers, express my thoughts in written form and structure all ideas in order to be understood by other people. When I started the class I could not do many things; I could not write analysis essay, my grammar was not the best and I had β†’

Part of a proposal

In addition to this, Willow Run Airport manages approximately above 70, 000 operations annually and about 200 million pounds of cargo are handled at the airport in every year. This thereby, makes it the 3rd largest airport in the entire Michigan State. To investigate these underlying factors that has led to the damaging of operations β†’

What are swifts aims in a modest proposal and how does he achieve them what are joyces aims in araby how does she achieve them

Comparison contrast of Swifts A Modest Proposal and Joyces Araby In A Modest Proposal written by Swift, a deep seated situation that had been in the hearts of many Ireland's is brought out in this story through the author. Describing every sense and environment in which the boy lived, the author managed to bring out β†’

Emergency letter from dr in eyes to the son of the patient that he can get leave of absence from the compagny so he will be able to help his mother during and after the surgery

Your valued presence will improve the chances of recovery for my patient along with giving her a sense of security that she must feel with you besides her. In the light of the matter I would request you to obtain a leave of absence from your company to be besides your aging mother in these β†’

Fairy tales re-telling

He knew if he had to succeed he had to travel to the foreign lands to show his skills and talents to the world. He packed almost a 100 caps, picked up food supplies for the journey and took all the money he had saved from his previous sales and started the journey into the β†’

Fences by august wilson

The structure of this game is a key reference in the construction of the story. Therefore, the assertions of Birdwell are valid according to the nature of events in the Wilson's play. Some of the fences outlined in the paly are realistic.

Analysis of kate chopins short stories the feminist analysis

Full The Social Issue of Feminism The Story of an Hour tells the story of Louise, a woman whose husband was mistakenly reported as among the dead in a railroad disaster. Louise was never free to assert herself in the presence of her husband so that she almost considered herself a prisoner.

No child left behind act

The No Child Left Behind Act of November 14, The No Child Left Behind Act The No Child Left behind Act is the most vital policy that attends to the developmental and learning requirements of elementary and secondary students. The NCLB act was put into legislation on January 8, 2008 and signed by President George β†’

Case study assignment

Google, Inc Case Analysis al Affiliation Alternative Strategies and Recommendations The aim of the strategy: " to convince the market that Google could handle the balancing act between commerce and conscience and, in the process, re-establish their company as the innovative leader with a soul that it had in the past". 1. Final Recommendation for β†’

Compare my ometown wich is saudi arabia to the city i live in now wich is murfreesboro tn

This paper will show the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law between Saudi Arabia and Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and why I would love to reside in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I would love to live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee than Saudi Arabia because of the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law. Everything has β†’

Talking back

The book is comprised of a number of essays that describe the author's feelings about being black and the entire concept of feminism in the United States. In an interesting manner, Hooks narrates her own experiences. She grew up to become a prominent writer. Deep in the book, Hooks dedicates some of the essay towards β†’

House prices between newcastle and birmingham

Birmingham is famous by its big and beautiful theatre the Birmingham Hippodrome. For this project I collected secondary data by websites and I looked at 30 houses prices and the difference between two different cities Property prices in Birmingham Properties in Birmingham Type of house Bedrooms Price 1 β†’

Quaility management

Assistance Available to Organizations Seeking to Improve Quality It is every organization's dream to offer an excellent service and at the same time be able to satisfy the customers. Employee can be used to review the quality of nay service before it is released to the consumer as what happen internally to an organization affects β†’


The author of the book, David Anderson, clearly believes that Wolfe characterizes the sentiments of Stout. Since the research deals with the government abuse of power while Hoover was in the FBI as described by Stout in The Doorbell Rang, this book would help in explaining the character of the said director. Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri.

Activist letter

Cutting down of trees has the immediate impact on the climate and puts agricultural and human activities at risk. One has to bear in mind that forest cool the air above it by turning water that comes from the soil into moisture. Charcoal and firewood is mostly used by people in most part of the β†’

Golden lines from robert ray’s thematic paradigm

He states, " The movies traded on one opposition in particular, American culture's traditional dichotomy of individual and community that had generated the most significant pair of competing myths: the outlaw hero and the official hero,". The second part I would like to acknowledge is his division of these hero-official oppositions. This quotation can be β†’

Sonnys blues or to build a fire

The narrator is the older brother who relates the struggles of his younger brother, Sonny, to overcome drug addiction and find his identity and place in the world. However, the story is not only about Sonny: the narrator also gives the reader a glimpse into his own struggle to come to terms with Sonny's drug β†’

Peer review for 3

It starts with: " In contrast, globalization has both negative and positive affect on our life..". The author explains the weaknesses of each argument in the next paragraph, although the connections are not clearly stated. It responds to privacy concerns, but it is not clearly connected to paragraph 3. The second counter-argument to the thesis β†’

Driven to explore (portfolio#3)

Artists find a way to show their internalized feelings though sometimes tragic. Many of these artists start out struggling but then through the practice of creating their art and in combination of their religious traditions, they are able to move on and create and eventually become well known. It is through embarking on their journey β†’

How are conjoined twins typically viewed by society according to dreger, how do reactions to conjoined twins relate to fears and anxieties about conjoined sexuality what does this seem to prove for dreger

Conjoined Twins: A Critical Analysis The book written by Dreger en d " One of Us" proffered pertinent issues of conjoined twins from diverse perspectives: that of the twins' views and those viewed by society. One Of Us: Conjoined Twins and the future of Normal.

What is happiness

In the spring, it is walking in the park, hearing the babies' laughter, and smelling the aroma from the roses. In the winter, I feel the crispness of the air on your face and hearing the crunch of snow under your feet.

Annotated bibliography example

The five important components of usability are: Learnability: how quickly the users get used to, to the design of the website. Efficiency: how easy it is to perform the tasks on the website. Memorability: how easy it is for users to memorize the design if they visit the website after a long period. Errors: what β†’

Personal statement

A Masters in Biotechnology will enable me to gain the knowledge and skills that I will need in this pursuit. I see my future to be devoted to research. But I hope in the future to be able to pursue more of the things I am passionate about. I am creative and I have substantial β†’

Spend the money

Receiving one million dollars opened countless doors of opportunities to fulfill the desires and dreams that were left untouched because of financial restrictions. The first thing I would like to do with my money is to build a dream house where I can live with my family. Moreover, I want to be a part of β†’

Definition of morality

Your Full Your The 15 January Definition of Morality Lots of scientific definitions are given to the word " morality" but, speaking in general, it is well formulated by Adam Smith: "[Rules of morality] are ultimately founded upon experience of what, in particular instances, our moral faculties, our natural sense of merit and property, approve, β†’


Journal Entry: How not to be Alone al affiliation Journal Entry: How not to be Alone Summary The article " How not to be Alone" by Jonathan Safran Foer tells the impacts of technology in getting the world further from peoples' hearts yet bringing getting the world at peoples' fingertips. I saw myself in Foer's β†’

Strong arguments in dispute

Although Prothero uses a negative tone in his book, he is able to win his argument because of the mass amounts of evidence that he uses based on polls taken. Then to cement his argument and to magnify the claim he provides the shocking results in a language that is critical and phrased excellently. The β†’

Annotated bibliography example

This is a fiction story which provides a helping hand in understanding the notion of a butterfly effect. The source is relevant for us as Bradbury includes the idea of butterfly effect into analyzing story. Iftekharuddin, Farhat." Speaking of the short story".

The lady with the toy dog

The story ends with the two of them preparing to take on the beginning of their mysterious relationship. The relationship that Gomov was trying to create with Anna was similar to the relationship he had built up with his wife. Gomov was looking for something new, but the ending of the story, which is no β†’

This paper needs have 3 fully developed paragraphs. will upload more details

He points out how a new piece of legislation (passed around the time of publication of the essay in 1997) in Louisiana that allowed for something called a ' covenant marriage' wherein getting divorce would be a more difficult proposition than usual, was not really reflective of traditional American values but the opposite. But just β†’

Article summary

number Summary The article Fast-Food Workers Seeking $15 Wage Are Planning Civil Disobedience was written by StevenGreenhouse and published by NYTimes on the 1st of September describes the protest campaign, launched by fast-food workers fighting for a $15 hourly wage. The protest emerged in the USA not so long ago. Very soon the campaign is β†’

Reflection 9

Some of such possible ways out were offered by Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States, and Dhruv Khullar, M.D., in the articles to which I refer in the current essay. In my opinion, two main ideas raised in both articles, are the necessity to boost peoples awareness regarding the issue and apply β†’

Influence of modern idea

He bases the development of mental illness with the repression of those thoughts and lack of a safe way to express them. Freud enabled the modern-day scientist to appreciate the importance of dreams in showing the state of mental health of a patient and its role in treatment of mental conditions. Freud instigates that every β†’

Literary works

The story is given in two forms with the fist forms occurring in the form of a monologue or what is referred to as the underground man's diary where the unnamed narrator is attacking the Western philosophy that is emerging. Notes from the Underground serves as a good representation of realism with the novella capturing β†’

Critical reflection

Matthew Hodgert 100A Khuu English Topic Critical Reflection after reading Lives on the Boundary: A Moving Account of the Struggles and Achievements of America's Educationally Underprepared by Mike Rose The Essay As the title of the book, Lives on the Boundary:...suggests, Mike Rose explores the experience he has had of students with learning β†’


I asked the faculty member about his experiences during his student life and how he managed to reach this position. However, he made sure to concentrate on his studies as well. Beside studies, the faculty member said that a student should try and implement his coursework in real life to give a taste of how β†’

Capital punishment

The opponents of the death penalty believe that the right of living for all people, even convicts and killers, is the basic human right that should be respected and so the death penalty should be replaced by other forms of punishments, such as life imprisonment. Although the right of living for all people is the β†’

Results of dressing style: a true revelation of the personality

Paper Prewriting Results of Dressing Style: A True Revelation of the Personality Introduction The idea of good dressing is quite prevalent in humans and this essay is being written in order to highlight and clarify the importance of professional dressing in the corporate world. The width and length of the neckties vary according to the β†’

The novel frankenstein by mary shelley

The scientist does not know the purpose for which he created the monster and the monster is not aware of the purpose of its existence. Victor pays for his transgression, with a series of tragedies that he encounters. Who is the real monster in Frankenstein?

Research proposal example

10 Jun.2015. " Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders". 10 Jun.2015. " Human Rights Defenders: Protecting the Right to Defend Human Rights".

Characteristics of paragraph

The topic sentence denotes the focus of a paragraph. For an adequate presentation of ideas in a paragraph, the topic sentence should be the anchoring sentence of a paragraph.

Vancouver, canada

It helps the people gain a deeper understanding of the location and a sense of the life that people in the area experience. The paper critically assesses Vancouver, and offers a general view of the area and gives a description of the area for tourists who would like to visit the area and enjoy the β†’

Compare short stories

Compare Short Stories Introduction Krebs's rejection of his community values and Sammy's relationship to his supermarket job display a striking resemblance and both characters appears to be promoting notions that are contradictory to the prevailing realities of their surroundings. It appears that the authors of both stories have intentionally created situations in which the main β†’

The day the baby brother was born

We could not hide the excitement as we waited in the lobby where my brother and I had Cheetos for breakfast. I have never been able to describe the feeling that I had as I held Hayden Joe in my arms.

It can be about anything

The real thesis of this article however is not just the current protests that are happening, but the likelihood that they will continue to happen up through the presidential election in 2012. Many protesters on the West Coast are starting to form a general game plan that protesters on the East Coast have not done. β†’

Presentation 1

The authors explain the effectiveness of social media in product promotion as a result of the relationship created between consumers and companies 2. Social media marketing is one of the trends in business, and the model demonstrated in the article is an important progress in marketing.


Research Related to Method of Education or Education in General The role of teachers in education cannot be overlookedbecause they play a fundamental role in defining the future of academic institutions. This has been evidenced in the case of Mussoorie International School where extra research assistants and instructors are needed to improve the quality of β†’

Effects of fast food

Excess consumption fast food leads to increase in the level of calories in the body. Other lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure require financial assistance, a problem many victims experience. Conclusively, fast food products remain the leading cause of obesity and other health related problems.

Jane eyre

She is the antagonist of the childhood of Jane and through her Jane develops hatred against injustice. She believes the story of Jane and offers her seed cake and tea together with Helen.

Letters to editor

Letters to the Editor This paper evaluates the letters to the sports editor of the New York Times as published on October 4, 2014. To make reference to the publications, the writers of the letters give the titles of the publications and the dates they appeared on the newspaper, similar to referencing in academic writing.

Death in hamlet

To my mind, a spirit of decadence of the Middle Ages is a strong background for developments of theme of death in Hamlet. Death of his father and betrayal of his mother were greatest impact on his psycho and Hamlet thought that the only way to solve his problems was to find a salvation in β†’

Of purpose: for a master of arts in public affairs. about 150 words

I also believe that my background in law, combined with my ethnic background and experiences, will enable me to contribute to the classroom experience of my peers at the University. My Masters degree in Public Affairs will be the start of my voyage to make a difference to my country.

About audience

The specific audience here is the teenagers and the message focused is about the importance of education in a person's life. The nature of audience The category of audience here is the teenagers, who belong to the age range of 14 to 18 years. Along with it they can also get acknowledged with the β†’


The Earth has been alive for many billions of years and to understand how it formed could have many advantages to society. This takes the efforts of professionals who know about animal biology and how to help in keeping their organs working properly.


The of the article being summarized, Gerard Jones brings his own perspective to the debate over whether we should let children soak in comics and stories that feature violence or instead cocoon our kids from violent comics and stories and insulate them from the " real world". In the process of describing his " coming β†’

Film psycho

It will take the power of the power of the viewers' imaginations to fill in the blanks of the film. The film's black and white photography is a perfect one for its mood and tone. The characters of the film contribute to the plot development through scene-to-scene margin.