Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

The change in male and female roles before & today

Some of the preconceived ideas of male and female roles in relationships would be the fact that when a woman fancies a guy, all that she should give are signals while males are to do the first move. When it comes to male and female responsibilities, males are not the only ones expected to bring β†’

Big elephant phenomenon

This has led to the rise of very effective and internationally competitive software and IT, together with the influx of multinational corporations like Starbucks and MacDonald's, which have several branches in these two countries, thus elevating the country from the crisis of 77% living on 2$ a day. These two countries have embraced the fact β†’

Impacts of alternative energy sources on the environment in jamaica

Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Over centuries, ensuring environmental sustainability has been a major concern to all. Stimulation and implementation of the use of alternative energy sources in the country necessitates more viability and profitability.

Inappropriate levels of competition amongst both buyers and sellers

Inappropriate levels of competition amongst both buyers and sellers Competition is the act of firms trying to do better than others in the market through various activities in the sale of goods and services. Competitiveness is the ability of a business to fight for market share, make profit, and increase volume of sales, among other β†’

Real life negotiation analysis

This degree means a lot to me as I want to extend my knowledge, excel my related field and establish my business based on the implementation of all the theoretical knowledge that I gained. My interest was to establish my own business where I have the ability to do things my own way without the β†’

Obama’s full 2013 state of the union address

War on terror will be ended in soon and America will take only a supporting role in future in Afghanistan. Description of the economic principles Obama seems to be particular about the development of manufacturing sector as a measure to boost America's economic progress. Obama seems to believe in the economic principle of produce β†’


It should be noted that some of the established social networks like Orkut is currently in trouble because of the dominance of Facebook. However, Facebook gained enormous popularity and advertisers and marketers started to place ads in front of the facebook users.

International economic relations

Prosperity and Economic Growth in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea Economies Taiwan experiences a capitalist economy with little attention and guidelines on foreign trade and investments. This provides a liberalized ground for privatization of financial institutions and industries resulting in exports surplus and big foreign reserves.

Portfolio assignment

Appendix 2 shows the value of the portfolio as at 19th November 2012. Appendix 1 WEELKY SHARE PRICES FROM 20th SEPT 2012 TO19th NOV 2012 Date APPLE MASTER CARD Target Corp. Eli Lilly & Co. Tesla Motors, Inc. 19-Nov-12 565. 92 12-Nov-12 527.

Macroeconomics theory

S government uses the G t as a way of solving the threats that might lead its economy towards recession. a) The new AD curve with the use of the established government spending equation and its subsequent slope. The aggregate demand will lead to an increase in the country's output after the change β†’

Personal statement example

However, once I grew up and it was almost time to start thinking about my career path as well as the course I wanted to take in the university, my eyes opened about the different careers. The inspiration to do a Bachelor's of Arts in Management Studies and taking the marketing option was purely accidental. β†’

Transvestism in modern world

According to American history, charity girls were young females who had sex with men who were mostly soldiers in exchange for food or money (Smith: " In a Teenager's Plight, the Forgotten History of the " Charity Girls'). As a whole, the pursuit of prostitution of the charity girls and yellow cabs are relatable; however, β†’

Can we talk

Indeed the role of communication can never be underestimated; it does play a very big role in marriage. Self-disclosure is very important and in fact directly related to contentment and satisfaction in relationships (Can We Talk?

Federal reserve

Demand for non-financial services was also reported to have strengthened including transportation and professional services. By the beginning of March 2012, the US economy was reported to continue flourishing at a modest to moderate pace and economic activities rose at a faster rate in various states. Positive findings were also reported by a similar study β†’

Social media has shown to be more about sociology and psychology than technology

Social Media Has Shown to Be More About Sociology and Psychology than Technology To a large extent, social media can be said to be dominated more by sociology and psychology than technology. The popularity of social media has resulted from the psychological and sociological aspects of behavior and interaction, which accompany social media.

Discussion surge pricing is connected with Uber Company

For instance, Uber Company charges four times the typical charge and sometimes up to nine times the normal charge. There are many examples given here about people that were found in such situations and then forced to pay more than the regular charge. He was very furious, but the condition of the wife left him β†’

Assignment example

The value of an NGO manifests in the social impact in creates on society. These privileged children are able to connect with the emotions of other children experiencing problems in other parts of the world.

Assignment 4

88148 Observations 26 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 3842. 209904 0 0.

How community ecology can improve our understanding of cholera dynamics

What this means is that human beings should be very careful about how they use the water in the aquatic environment in order to reduce the chances of them getting the diseases and infections. A critique of the way the science is treated in the article: does the author present the science correctly? The role β†’

Strategic management

MGT499 - Strategic Management Module 3 SLP- Internal Analysis and SWOT Introduction Toyota is a Japanese parent company of the Toyota group, and it is among the largest manufacturers of automobile manufacturers in the world. Lesson learned Toyota Motor Corporation is the largest manufacturing and sales company in Japan.

Business to business marketing

As a result the strategies applied in marketing for B2B has to be different. The Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest organizations in the world. The fundamentals of business-to-business sales & marketing.

Learning reflection

In addition, I chose to buy a Samsung phone because of the features of the phone. Therefore, I became more familiar with the Samsung S III, compared to other brands, and this is what finally drove me to buy the phone.

Guest speaker paper

MARKETING IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY The speaker explores the existing marketing strategies in the hospitality industry. Marketing in the Hospitality Industry.

Influencing buyers behavior

As a matter of fact, many business analysts suggest that accurate identification of the consumer preferences is among the major factors that have given Coca-Cola a competitive edge in the beverage industry. Liu, Denizci Guillet, Xiao and Law , suggest that consumer preferences are influenced by numerous factors numerous factors such as the geographical β†’

Video analysis 3

Schaecher, the Senior VP of Operations explains their business undertaking as not just simple acquisition of merchandise for the purpose of resale, but it is the purchase of all kinds of equipment from the basic office supplies to the complex equipment. This can also be considered as formulating the bases of a competitive advantage in β†’

Advertising targeting children

Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing, Limited. Advertising targeting children have always raised an alarm due to the content and the regulation governing advertisement and the rights of children. The construction of fun in food advertisements targeting children.

Marketing communication: the sainsburys strategy

But the group still lags behind the rival Asda, which also declared expansion plans this week. Apart from the Ripon store, all the outlets acquired by Sainsbury are former Safeway supermarkets, part of a package of stores which, Morrisons is obliged to sell in order to gain approval for its takeover of Safeway. Sainsbury's recent β†’

Personal marketing plan

Personal Marketing plan Personal Information WALEED ALHARBI Phone number Email Personal address Country: Saudi Arabia PersonalObjective To get out and work with a lot of commitment and innovative ideas so that I can make money Preferred duties To work in the Information Systems Industry and business sector as manager of the Information β†’

Jp morgan chase and bank one merger

Morgan Chase and Bank One Merger The J.P. Dimon was brought in as the head of the company and this is when the JPMorgan completed the acquisition of Bank One. The results of the mega-merger The mega-merger was a success because JPMorgan Chase & one of the largest and best-known financial institutions in β†’

Answer questions

Thus though Japanese electronics have been the forerunner in many technological advancements ranging from smartphones, televisions and other similar gadgets, they have lost out in the marketing strategy and in meeting the requirements of their local and international consumers. Which environmental forces have strongly influenced Japanese firms such as Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, β†’

What is rfid technology in what ways can it improve supply chain functioning

To get rid of these problems, companies are taking the global chain supply chain management more seriously and are eliminating informational and procedural bottlenecks to ensure increased efficacy in their timing of orders and making of inventory decisions. This paper discusses one of the most efficient and trusted method of ensuring inventory efficiency is attained, β†’

Marketing – sunshine foods, inc

Lack of diversified expertise in the staff is one of the major problems in Sunshine Food Inc as most of its staff was from its parent company. Recommendations to improve the situation include strategic changes in different aspects of the business; this should include changes in corporate strategy, marketing and sales methods, research, and human β†’

Marketing junk food to children

One of the best measures is for everyone to take part in the condemnation of junk food. Additionally, it is crucial for the parents to inform their children on the negative effects of junk foods so that they can avoid consuming them in their absence.

Analysis of the market research data

Whereas, according to the market research results, it can be noted that the selection of products was not much good in the year 2007 as compared to the year 2006. With regard to question number 5, it has been viewed that a major portion i.e.87. However, in the year 2007, the attractiveness of the merchandise β†’

Linkedin profile building for a vacancy

LinkedIn Profile building for a vacancy Having worked in my current organization for a few years and managing to be involved in some of the key strategies developed by the organization, I possess the necessary skills required in the strategic management process from formulation to implementation. I also possess excellent drawing and design abilities, and β†’

Pestle analysis of hmv

HMV could perhaps be adapting to this new environment late. Political and legal factors The political environment in the UK is known to be run under a constitutional monarchy (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology 2004). The British are known to be conscious of their benefit in purchases including quality, price, environment and brand.

Individual ethics and product consumption paper

The company has a global reputation in having the finest coffee, adhering to strict ethical principles in acting ethically, upholding the highest degree of integrality and honesty, and adhering to the letter and spirit of the law, all which have been the driving force behind the company's success. Honesty The company is honest to the β†’

Db marketing 10

Sales Manager Sales Manager The main responsibility of a sales manager is to plan, organize, motivate and direct the sales force of a particular organization in order to attain the aims and objectives of the organization. In order to become a sales manager an individual requires both education and experience in the field of sales.

Discussion unit-6

Sales Promotion This is the most widely used promotional mix strategy by McDonalds. The newspaper articles on McDonalds carry its good image. 5.

Brief interpretation and analysis of the advertisement

A positive point about the advertisement is that it is very relevant to the times. This same target market is being addressed to in the advertisement.

Target population needs at jhuson primary care clinic

On the other hand, the components of the SWOT analysis will include the identification of the need for the service as strength. In this regard, the neighborhood will feel safe in the hands of specialists. Another external opportunity related to JHUSON's business plan concerns the use of health information technology.

Research paper example

The interaction mannerism of the company and the patients dictates the willingness of more patients to take the practice. The blog for the practices of the company includes procedures so as to draw the attention of patients in the social media.

W 4 marketing

How Technology Affects the Quality of Service in Healthcare How Technology Affects the Quality of Service in Healthcare In everydaylife, people expect to receive good and quality healthcare service that necessary to maintain their ability to function. Moreover, the technological linking of both private and public institutions enhances value benefits amongst all the medical stakeholders β†’

Marketing mix

All these will be done after carrying out a market analysis and ascertaining the prevailing conditions in the market, our clients' needs and the level of competition in the market. With the high level of obese cases in the country, there is a high demand of healthy foods. Meaning, they will not buy food from β†’

Current strengths and weaknesses of the microsoft company

This highly promotes competitive advantage and standardization. The organization can attract the best brains due to the top rating status from Fortune as the best company to work for. The operating systems from the organization such as Windows 95, 98 and the 2000 series enjoy a market share of over 88% across the world. Weaknesses β†’

About lululemon

While these prices have been criticized in some cases, Lulu Lemon has continued attracting a wide range of clients in various parts of the globe. Pricing Strategies Applied by the Company Creating a Perception of Scarcity This strategy has received criticism from the Wall Street Journal. In addition, the company has a strict β†’

Lowe’s: category potential among female shoopers

Lowe's have a wide parking area which attracts men to the store because they consider area to park a problem at Home depot and, therefore, their preference to shop at Lowe's. Though the attitude of both men and women differ they will still shop at Lowe's which still a respected store in town.

U.s. foreign corrupt practices act

Fisk opined the clients will choose the products on the basis of the benefits of the products. Indeed, The U.S.

Avon: the of andrea jung

Jung's efforts to modernize Avon and its product line to make its traditional sales model more appealing to contemporary women, as well as her work to internationalize the company, has led to an expansion of profits and increased respect for her role as a visionary corporate leader in the competitive field of women's cosmetics and β†’

El’s analysis

The changes included increasing the activities of the group and opening up store in new markets such as Asia and increasing the exposure in Europe (Richard Ivey School of Business, 2012). The advantages One main advantages of implementing the new strategies is the fact that the group increased its competitive advantage. This was observable β†’

The metrics that will make your cmo love you

The paper " The Metrics that Will Make Your CMO Love You" is a good example of a marketing article review. The article, " The metrics that will make your CMO love you", has highlighted initiatives used by marketing officers to ensure higher returns by attracting more customers. A marketer has to balance the three β†’

Aid for trade is beneficial for developing countries but disadvantageous for firms in the developed world

Moreover, it has often been observed that there is a lot of talent found within developing countries which is undiscovered due to financial and other resource based constraints, therefore proving people of such country with aid for trade would enable their talent to flourish and help them lead a good lifestyle. It has also been β†’


Based on this information, McVitie's saw the need to capitalize on the brand's strength, hence the reason for the repositioning. With this information, McVitie's focused on repositioning the brand's marketing to the new age group without abandoning the original market.

Product launch

Research on the market of this product had been underway for years and it was proven that the people of Canada were more than willing to install this radiant heating process in their homes so this will be a huge success due to the availability of a ready market. The competition from competitors is low β†’

Sport marketing assignment

In order to ensure that the Company had won at the 2010 World Cup, a number of key strategic pillars were put in place. To begin with, Nike invested significant amounts of time and money into researching, testing and tinkering with new footwear designs to ensure its products delivered performance based innovation to the consumers. β†’

Marketing transportation homework

INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS: Logistics is the combined approach of transportation, warehousing and inventory management with supporting activities that is required for effective and efficient forward and reverse flows of storage of products and services or related information needed to meet customer needs, wants and demands. There must be a letter of instruction to the shipper and β†’

Customers revenge

Explain your answer. Atida should turn their unhappy customers into advocates and view customer complaints as an opportunity to personally engage with them and not as a bother that needs to be removed from the queue of their call centers. At present, Atida's customer service mindset is not aligned to a customer-centric policy but rather β†’

The student loans

Failure to forgive the student loan debts might have some effects on the economy. To start with, most of those people who fail to pay their university loans tend to less likely start businesses of their own. There is a study that shows areas having higher growth in the student debt, depicting lower development in β†’

Packaging analysis

Type the document [Type the document sub [Pick the [Type the company The chocolate is wrapped in aluminum foil which is covered on the outside by a layer of brown paper. The package aids in promotion of the product since the makers are always inclined towards making something that works; the packaging is old and β†’

Current event synopsis 2 page

Ron Lieber highlights the extent to which customers suffer after their card information falls on rogue hands. The primary effect of debit card fraud is the realization of a sour relationship between providers of financial services and their customers. This is because fraud affects customer trust, loyalty, and general satisfaction with the companies caught up β†’

Marketing concepts & strategies

Through the marketing programs that aid in increasing sales, the financial controller can monitor the trends of sales and expense trends in the business. The financial controller can also measure the marketing departments to adhere to the limits in budgets and the efficiency of the budgets that the marketing department has used. Some of the β†’

If industrial robots get cheap enough, they may replace almost all unskilled factory worker in the future. discuss the benefits and costs of this to society

Robots have been the focal point of many Hollywood stories and recently, many news stories as well, thus increasing the widespread concern about robots that within the few decades, they would take over the industrial sectors thus creating a new wave of unemployment, poverty, and hunger that would only lead to destruction and chaos. There β†’

Experiments in democracy and globalization

The two concepts also differ in the individuals that they benefit because while free trade benefits established traders in the global market such as multinational corporations, fair trade benefits marginalized economic players, especially in less developed countries. While liberalization such as lowering of tariffs and elimination of trade barriers characterize free trade, fair trade identifies β†’

New product plan

New Product Plan PESTLE PESTLE is an instrument of analysis that will be used by the company to evaluate its immediate market and come up with the necessary actions that are necessary for the markets. Political Canki is a new product in the market that should be aware of the government regulations that are β†’

Buying decision assignment

26th September Buying decision Some of the notable economic needs that my recent purchase of a Toshiba Laptop was to be efficient, have a clear record of all my assets as well as financial transactions that I was undertaking with my creditors and debtors. As a new technology that is adopted my individuals and organizations, β†’

Practice week

This paper present an outline of the best practice for preparation and delivery of a professional presentation to LBC and the partners on data of physical inactivity problems. The evaluation and designing of data gathering tools has resulted in the collection of the following data on the problem of physical inactivity among the youths. 29 β†’

The copy platform selling strategy

Undeniably, selling strategies and related techniques depend on the nature of the marketing environment, the nature of products and most significantly the niche group or the target market. In order to create a brand for the fruit juices and smoothies, both hard and soft selling techniques will be employed.


Market Rating and Reactions A fairly large proportion to the tune of 93% of the visitors declared their visit as very enjoyable. Report on a Survey of Visitors to Spitalfields Saturday Style Market.

Health care marketing

The similarities between the two include that both are healthcare measures, and may appeal to people of all socio-economic statuses, but not all can afford them. Prudent and effective designing of the marketing materials for the two requires the marketers to consider the factors that appeal to the audience belonging to the high and the β†’

The collection and delivery of letters and packages, by a document and parcel delivery / logistics company

The collection and delivery of letters and packages, by a document and parcel delivery / logistics company Collection and delivery of letters and packages by a document and parcel company The company provides expedited movement of letters, documents, and packages to a different point. The company maintains control over the shipment throughout the β†’

Public relations

PUBLIC RELATIONS IN ACTION of PUBLIC RELATIONS IN ACTION The role of public relations in a traditional marketing plan or campaign is to enhance an organization's standing in the eyes of the general public. In this regard, public relations is part of top management's function which undertakes to evaluate, measure, and influence the β†’

Cadburys gorilla advertisement

This commercial would be used to describe the following key communications/public relations elements (target audience, research, analysis, communications planning, and evaluation) that one believes the company may have discussed and why. Key Public Relations Elements Target Audience: All chocolate lovers whose lives are touched and enlivened by the elation associated with eating chocolates. Research: β†’


A comparison of fares for three different time periods has been done to investigate this variation. Flight from Dubai to Singapore: Dates Departure Time Arrival Time Fare Departure Tue 6th March 2012 Return Tue 13th March 2012 7: 45 9: 35 21: 05 13: 00 $ β†’

Marketing management

MARKETING MANAGEMENT and Marketing Management Methods Used By Banks to Develop Ongoing Relationships with Their Personal Customers Companies in all industries understand that customers remain the most valuable assets in the business. Multiple communication systems between the clients and the banks help in creating openness between the customer and the banks. Example Barclays β†’

Assignment #4:

Assignment #4 Summary of Idea Marketing Agency Idea Marketing is a multicultural marketing agency based in Denver. The Marketing Agency has specialized knowledge in the Latino Market (Xcelente Marketing and Advertising, 2012).

W7 discusion mareting

The importance of customers to any business opening is seen in the fact that the financial inputs that customers make to the business by way of patronizing products and services acts as one of the largest means of revenue and thus profits for the business (Campbell, Whitehead and Finkelstein, 2009). This point is highly justified β†’


In this instance the alternative hypothesis is that irrespective of the addition of a new brand of breakfast bread into the market, many consumers stay loyal and prefer to purchase LIDL and Kellogg breakfast breads. The scenario can be presented as follows: H0: new breakfast bread is preferred to LIDL breakfast bread and Kellogg breakfast β†’

The greek island crete

The Greek Island Crete The island of Crete located at the of eastern Mediterranean is the largest of Greek islands measuring about 260 km length and a width of 60km. The Island covers eight square kilometers and contains a high mountain range formed by three mountains relating to; the White Mountains to the west, mountain β†’

Committing the best mistakes in life

As I did not have sufficient time and money to experiment on both customers and the sales team, I took a crucial decision by depending only on the sales force. The product was launched and after a week I got the first email and that was not encouraging.

The importance of search engine optimization / search engine marketing for b2b marketers by paul bruemmer

The Importance of Search Engine Optimization / Search Engine Marketing for B2B Marketers by Paul Bruemmer The article that will be analyzed in this paper is The Importance of Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Marketing for B2B Marketers written by Paul Bruemmer. The position of the search engine result is very influential in β†’

Marketing strategy for the hamilton beach toaster company

Moreover, the company is going to identify competing toasters in the market and try to adjust the features of their products to a level that the competing brands do not have. By repositioning the company products, the company will be able to set a unique identity in the customer's minds.

Ikea consumer and organisational behaviour

Consumers' Level of Involvement and IKEA's Marketing Plan The perceived level of risk of consumers is high when it comes to buying furnishing products therefore, consumer involvement level is high. Perceived Risk It has affected IKEA's marketing plan in the following way. Post Purchase Evaluation at IKEA and its Impact on Marketing Plan β†’

Union square ventures raising new tech fund

The article Union Square Ventures Raising New Tech Fund discusses different aspects of the strategic approach utilized by Union Square Ventures during the last year and the current status of the industry. The problem with the goal of the company is that venture capital money is currently hard to come by in the United States.

Cooper’s industries m&a

1)Cooper's corporate strategy is a mix of diversification and complementary building by which the company diversifies into related areas that are closer to its core competence as well as build businesses around complementary strengths like the way in which it started businesses around related areas. The value that is created is by combining the β†’


As he stared at the rather sterile neighborhood environment, he was content that, for once, he could enjoy his day in peace without the regular disturbances of human aggravation. Indeed, how he hated people and their foolishness. As the man entered his home, he thought about the burden of being a teacher, having to deal β†’

Report about the federal aviation administration

The mission remains the same from the day since FAA was formed, in 1958, originally as an agency and later instated as administration, in 1966. However, the nature and scope of the responsibilities of FAA have changed with the advancement in technology and rise of new challenges.

Exploration of drug in a specific sport springing from why should allow performance enhancing drugs in sport

The negative side effects of performance enhancing drugs cannot be generalized for all, so the scientifically approved drugs should be allowed in sports as they lend many physiological and psychological benefits. Use of performance enhancing drugs lends a range of benefits in sports including increased strength, fat loss, and improved performance. 27 Oct.2014. . Hartgens, F., β†’

Gm food

This article argues against the safety of GM foods for human consumption, further casting doubt on the competence of the current safety assessments to identify such dangers and protect humans. In this article, the authors argue for safety of GM foods which they refer to as genetically engineered, GE foods.

Article review

Even in doing so, the content of the websites would be designed to increase effectiveness by adopting measures such as communication of benefits and more convincing information. Effect of the trend on the development of tourism industry The findings of this study suggest that DMOs would have to continuously evaluate the content of their β†’

How is language influenced and shaped by culture

How Culture Influences the Language Insert Insert Culture is the traditions and beliefs of people from a certain community ranging from the language, religion, and social habits. Different cultural groups use language differently. Language is important to any culture, and every culture has a language to communicate with.

Different rhetorical effects

Passage 1 is quite straightforward and presents the benefits of nuclear power plants with adequate methods to dispose of the wastes. In the third line of the same passage " Yet the number of nuclear plant" also has a discrepancy of the usage of the word " plant" instead of " plants".

Nationality and ethnic characteristics

So we often refer to him as ' mover and shaker' and like to interact with him because he gives such unique perspective to serious and non serious issues. Then he would pick a stone and ask us to throw it away.

Milton’s paradise lost

The followers of Mammon also value riches and earthly pleasures and the reason for this is that, they took after their master, Mammon, who fell from Heaven due to his greed. The love of the followers of Mammon for the things of the world affect their relationship with God due to the fact that, Mammon, β†’

Language analysis

For illustration, he utilizes emotive language to arouse the readers' emotions and make them understand what he and other refugees encountered. Yves employs the emotive language all through the article, which arouses the readers' emotions in every featured experience or event (Sanctuary Australia Foundation, 2011). Hence, being able to convey his intended message regarding the β†’

Sharing your world

People therefore, need to be tolerant of other people's cultures. Question #3 Stereotyping is the act of grouping either a race or gender together and giving a general comment about the whole group, which, according to you, applies to all the people from that group of people. It also includes the act of treating β†’