Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Earth: tragedy of the commons

However, these steps have added to costs of doing business, which in turn pushed up the cost of living. Nevertheless, the general view of the economists is that fossil fuels are a tragedy of commons because due to its usage the natural resources become extinct.

The concept of structural adjustment

It is worthy of noticing the fact that the concept of structural adjustment is quite closely related to the issue of debt as it is viewed as an influential international actor. It is also considered as one of the ways to overturn the fall as well as marginalization of these states as globalization of the β†’

Sex at dawn by ch.ryan and casilda jetha

The book suggests that monogamy is not and has never been part of human nature, but sexual promiscuity is. The authors use different examples of human sexual behavior to show how promiscuity is a normal human behavior and monogamy is not.

Chinese income

The United States also gets something out of the deal in that it consumers get to purchase goods at lower costs than if those goods were made in America. Trade between China and America is currently strong because each party can gain something out of the deal. If the conditions of trade change, such as β†’

The price system

Increase 8. Increase 9.

Final assignment

Final Assignment Dangerous Minds is a movie that is pertinent in my generation and to me individually. This movie is pertinent to my generation because of the socioeconomic issues that continually plague the pursuit of dreams, ambitions, and purpose in life.

What does it mean to lead an authentic existence is it possible to lead an authentic existence and be a member of society

With reference to this text, this essay considers the nature of authentic existence and whether it is possible to live an authentic existence and remain a member of society. In conclusion, it's clear that the question of authentic existence in society is a complex question.

Principles of communication-111

This practice can be performed more by the supervisors who are responsible to train new young workers and provide them with adequate information and orientation on the on the job. Secondly, the employers owe the employees the obligation of consulting with them concerning the decisions that are made relating to the normal chores in the β†’

Article critique

A reflection on the article helps in having an opinion on various arguments made by the author. According to Daniel Bergner , human sexual response is directly related to that of apes as they mate and the kind of sounds produced by the female counterparts during the act are related. Individuals subjected to the β†’

Women and child abuse

This research will begin with the statement that child abuse is a source of concern to me and to others; it is particularly painful when the perpetrators are women. By allowing these women to have children, the fate of the children will be determined even before they are born.

Multiplier-accelerator models

The Acceleration principle also outlines that there will be an increase in the output level with the increase in investment and there will be an additional investment when output increases. Model introduced by Paul Samuelson outlines that the consumption is the function of past income and is described by following relationship: Ct = c0 + β†’

Define a job-seekers reservation wage and its relevance to the expectations-augmented phillips curve

Jobseekers Reservation Wage and Phillips Curve by + Jobseekers Reservation Wage and Phillips Curve Unemployed individuals seeking jobs usually have wage expectations relative to the existing wage rate in the labor market and play a significant role in determining whether they will accept a job offer. Hence, the job search models indicate that optimal β†’

Economic effects of the easy money concept

Easy Money: Too Much of a Good Thing The nation's top selling newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, is the starting point of America's business. The journal releases the most recent updates in the political and business arena.


Prostate cancer is regarded as one of the top ten causes of death in the US. At a later age of 45, the risk for prostate cancer begins to rise substantially.

Case-in-point analysis

Hurricane Katrina of Institute Hurricane Katrina Introduction In 2005, one of the deadliest and devastating hurricanes hit the American Gulf Coast causing immeasurable damage to the New Orleans city and the surrounding coastal cities. Due to the growth of the city, individuals settled on the delta wetlands which had been drained and filled in.these wetlands β†’

Social discrimination

Social Discrimination Social Discrimination Social discrimination can be defined as the prejudicial or unfair treatment of an individual, group or a minority section of the population based on their perceived or actual characteristics that make them belong to a particular group. Social discrimination acts as a barrier to mutual coexistence of individuals from different backgrounds β†’

Assertive communication

Assertiveness is the ability to communicate in a tactical and persuasive manner. There are times when in our personal life's we fail to be assertive in our communication. It may be attributed to lack of assertive communication skills or the prevailing situations at the time of our communication.

Fundamentals of reporting

During an interview, Peter Sanchez said, ' Access to and obtaining information has increasingly been simplified by the use of search engines and social media like Google and Facebook respectively'. Social media serve various purposes for different people. In her response Stephanie Santana highlighted that messaging, voice communication and viewing of videos are the key β†’

Middle childhood development

Will smith as a character tries to make the son feel at home and lead a normal life even after the abandonment by the wife, though, he faces a lot of challenges even after being evicted from their home. Reflection The son is portrayed as so understanding when he ask his father if it β†’

Information technology and the canadian economy

The economy of 90's majored on microeconomics, while in the current economic world; governments considered the approach of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Role in the Economy In microeconomic, the entrepreneur has a role of determining a profitable function of production, as he assumes the risk which associates the realization of a new product and acting as β†’

Solution of problems – math problem example

This means that it will take $25000 to bring A from where it now stands to where it would be if the contract had not been repudiated. Reliance damages No reliance damage in this case since A did not rely materially on upon. Expectation damages: A would have gained $80000 In this β†’

Earthcare: packaging

The other view is the religious view that revolves around spirituality, and the believers are of the view that any environmental problem is a spiritual one and requires a spiritual approach. Despite the different views on the environmental crisis, a viable solution to any of the problems must be found to lower further problems from β†’


Nevertheless, the speaker himself accepts this fact and expresses his feelings on the way of life in America. Dinaw Mengestu asserts that he came a long way to become an American. However, for the speaker it has progressively turned into an account of individuals who have lost something vital to who they are and need β†’

Risk assessment

Malathion Risk Assessment Malathion Risk Assessment This report assesses the risk to Genericville regarding the application of Malathion as a preventative and precautionary measure to control the mosquito population; and , therefore, control the spread of West Nile Virus. Given the low levels of malathion used to control mosquito-borne diseases, ATSDR finds this assessment reasonable".Exposure β†’

Film log- (politics of representation)considering the debates about feminism on film offered by smelik and ciecko, discuss orlando(sally potter 1992)and offer a concise critical analysis based on two readings provided

In terms of visualization, Orlando unfolds by " showing the gendered body and transforming Orlando into having a real woman image". The focus of the British film industry has in the recent past history shifted to considering it as constructing meaning, rather than reflecting meaning." the notion of viewing film as a reflection of meaning β†’

Companies financials

The company captured 69 billion dollars of new orders in the course of the year. In 2009, the total revenue of the company was 28, 087 million pounds.

Krumboltzs theory – journal critique

The best examples of these include, work habits, perceptual and cognitive processes. In the articles that have been presented, it is clear that the authors have used Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory to assess the students and the plan is based on this assessment. The authors have used the theory suggested by Krumboltz and have based β†’

The concept of peak oil has been devised to reflect scarcity associated with oil supplies. but surely the price of oil would be a more efficient indication of its scarcity

In contrast to the peak oil concept, global oil production showed a decline from its peak point at 74 mb/d in 2005; however, after a short decline the figures rebounded, and in 2011 there were higher production of oil than 2005 (US energy information and administration, 2011). Peak oil is ascertained by taking into account β†’

Btex in an urban setting

Furthermore, the chemicals are also widely used in the urban setting for several purposes. The components of BTEX have effects on both human and environment. This is because even small quantities of the chemicals are harmful to human health. Furthermore, toluene causes fatigue and drowsiness.

Public relations

Public Relations Rex Harlow is one of the early contributors in public relations. Harlow encouraged the application of sociological and psychological research in public relations.

Economic indicator forecast

This is same as the figure given by the office of economic analysis 4. The rising cost of energy is among the factors that will influence this trend Table 1. Indicator % change IMF Office of economic analysis Real GDP 3.

Macroeconomic aspect of thomas gregory toles cartoon

The expressional expertise and the socio-economic understanding of Thomas Gregory Toles, the editorial cartoonist of the Washington Post has been very well reflected in this work, as it catches the attention of the viewer with a ready to go deliverance of the critical analysis. The primary feature of attention in the cartoon is a blasting β†’

Supply and demand ii

DEMAND AND SUPLLY 11 By of the of the School Imagine you are the of a book who gets a royalty payment of 10% of the total receipts (the number sold multiplied by the price) from the sale of the book. Use the following table showing the relationship between quantity demanded, quantity supplied, and price β†’

Stratton’s snow making

In the winter " Stratton's secrets of Snow Making" Rinella notes that the stream was anything but roaring; the ski area often sucked it down to a trickle. That pond and a nearby lake supply Stratton with 222 million gallons of water during the ski season." That's enough to cover every trail at the resort β†’

Reading response

Reading Response The movie discusses the place of women in the society. I realized that women could use their womanhood to achieve anything in the world.

Where will russia be in the year 2050

Despite the past up and down economic fluctuations, recently, Russia has become one of the leading economies in the world. 9% in 2010 indicates the strength of the country's economic policies.

Unemployment in mexico and usa and comparison between them

The following graphs present the overall analysis of unemployment level Unemployment level in United States and Mexico also increased drastically after recession. Statistical tools will be applied to analyze the unemployment level and fluctuations in unemployment level, in these countries. References ILO..

Critique of globalization and aesthetic surgery in south korea

The author's intend at providing a more profound explanation to the simplistic view of why there is rising need for aesthetic surgery in Korea. To support their argument, the authors employ a variety of existing secondary sources national cosmetic practices in the country. The authors' use of this array of secondary sources helps to provide β†’

Managerial communications

I will be calm and maintain the same degree of coolness and the body communication. Focusing more on the current and the subsequent questions may help mitigate the effect of giving the wrong answer. To hold the anger, I need to know that anger is a usual and healthy feeling, which aids us impulsively detect β†’

How the worlds largest and most profitable automaker drove into a pr disaster

Finally, the discussion would also reflect on identifying and analyzing pros and cons of using cost-benefit analysis in terms of measuring safety of the products and how it can be implemented for meeting ethical considerations of a business. DISCUSSION 1) The practice of ethics in business operations can be simply defined as the process β†’

Influence of language on communication

The paper " Influence of Language on Communication" is an excellent example of an essay on journalism and communication. Language transmits information through writing, reading, spoken, listening, sign language or/ and body language. ConclusionIf a good argument is to be developed, it is proper to evaluate the arguments of others and perhaps demand excellent use β†’

Pollution prevention strategy for a new sugar manufacturing industry

This evolution of the sugar industry was aided by considerably huge stakeholders such as the Sugar Corporation from the 1930s. Pollution Prevention In order to ensure minimal pollution from the sugar factory, there is great need for the implementation of waste reduction techniques. By separating the waste one can put to use some of β†’

Gender inequality

According to the 2000 of the EMMUS report, 30 percent of the women who participated reported having faced violence by their partners/spouse since age 1. It is possible to see that the prevalence of the domestic violence has been on the decline over the years.

Feudalism in europe

With the introduction of the system, there were notable changes in the institutions that were in existence initiating a considerable mismatch and disharmony in economic activities. The changes that occurred from the early to late systems reformed the methods of resource allocation. The system discouraged a unified system of governance.

Summery and response

According to him, to say that the environment should have rights does not mean it should have every right imaginable or even the same body of rights as human beings. According the environment some rights would mean we as the human race have taken environmental protection and conservation to a whole new level and made β†’

Dont expect job data alone to persuade fed on rates

The author reminds that the Federal Reserve, about a year back, justified maintaining the low interest rates until the unemployment rate continues to hover above 6. 7 percent and it is quite likely that the targeted unemployment rate of 6.

Popular music, culture & politics

Popular Music, Culture and Politics Popular Music, Culture and Politics The article chosen for critical analysis is d " Japanese Popular Music: Culture, Authenticity, and Power" authored by David Morris. Morris's article begins by denoting the explorative nature of Japanese music, associated business practices in modern Japan, advancement of media technology in the country, as β†’


The three interrelated essays of the work trace the various episodes in the evolution of moral concepts, and the " Second Essay" advances Nietzsche's theory concerning the origin of the institution of punishment. On the Genealogy of Morality.P 58.

International and intercultural communication

Hofstedes cultural dimensions help in the comparison between Albania and Angola in terms of their culture. Similarity of Albania and Angola in terms of Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Power Distance Power distance depicts the extent to which the less powerful individuals of organizations within a country expect that power is distributed inequitably. Rules β†’

European sovereign debt crisis

Task European Sovereign Debt Crisis The European Union's inability to handle the debt crisis in Greece is shaking the financial markets across the entire continent. The impacts of the debt crisis are being felt across the money, valuing of capital and derivatives.

Critical issue in global health ( water and sanitation in poor countries )

Water and Sanitation in Poor Countries Aside from poverty, two of the most pressing problems in poor countries are access to water and sanitation. The same problem persists throughout the world because governments of poor countries lack the resources to build infrastructure and implement programs that would finally address the dilemma. When one looks at β†’

Water consumption research

On the other hand, irrational consumers just buy a product out of pulse and some of them are not aware of the forces that drive them to buy the product. For these consumers the meaning of this bottled water is far beyond Marx's use-value is more concerned with the benefits sought from using a particular β†’


In the attached article on the influence of coal on production of electricity, it is evident that the National thermal power corporation has shown trends of high increase in its Plant Availability Factor. The steady supply of coal to meet demand will be facilitated by the signed agreement with India, to supply coal which will β†’

Interpersonal conflict in film

Responding to Interpersonal Conflicts Full Rick Cabot, the district attorney and his wife, Jean in the movie Crash directed byPaul Haggis, were carjacked at gunpoint by two black teenagers and the interpersonal conflict begins that would not only involve the couple but the people who represented the carjackers in Jean's mind. She let her steam β†’


I have always envisioned a career in Media and Communication for myself and taking this course, in addition to Sociology, would ensure that I am a step closer to achieving my career goals. I believe that because of my interest in the various aspects related to the course, I would do very well in Media β†’

What is polanyis central thesis in the great transformation define double move- ment

The book captures the social and political revolutions that happened in England in the wake of vigorous expansion of the country's market economy and its integration in the EU and the global. In his thesis, Polanyi argues that the contemporary market economy and the political establishment of the then societies should be examined not on β†’

Question – lab report example

Therefore, in relation to sustainability, there is the need for Economics to emphasise on the need for environmental and natural capital to be identified and treated differently and separately from other forms of capital. This new approach must provide metrics and processes for the measurement of environmental footprints of businesses and corporate entities. And this β†’

Income determination

Surprisingly, unearthing the variety of macroeconomic and microeconomic factors to be incorporated in the computation of income, stands erected as the major stumbling block despite the recent research benchmarked against much effort and focus peddled to weed out this phenomenon. Research Question Difficulty to determine the essential macroeconomic and microeconomic elements to be included β†’


What are some of the ways in which politically correct language and doublespeak are different and some of the ways in which they are similar? With the increasing need for observing gender and political sensitivity, choice of words becomes necessary. According to Lutz , grain-consuming animals, organoleptic, and economically non-affluent are some of the β†’

Toxicant scavenger hunt

Acetone Chlorine Uranium Lead-210 butane Classification of toxicant Volatile Organic Compound Harmful solvent Heavy metal Heavy metal Harmful solvent also, VOC Source Best Value Nail Polish Remover Clorox Bleach Antique glazed pottery Cigarette smoke Oust Air β†’

Causes and effects of earthquakes

By definition, an Earthquake is but a tremor/vibration of the Earths crust as a result of the frictional movement of the lithospheric plates underneath the earth's surface. As alluded to in the definition, the immediate cause of earthquakes is the sudden release of huge amounts of pent-up energy as a result of cracks in the β†’

Economics project

The choices made by them are often influenced by these principles and this increases the scope of economics." Economics is the study of allocation of scarce resources, choices, and opportunity costs" (Department of Economics: Description and Mission of Department par.1). The major economic principles that influence the choice of a society with the view point β†’


The box becomes some sort of a prison for them that they feel they cannot escape, which gives limitations to their ideas on solving this assignment. They may be assuming that, to solve the problem, they have to maintain the cleanliness of being inside the box.

Lab 4

The concentration of chemicals is lower in the base of the food chain pyramid, but increases as the chain progress upwards. The osprey consumes all the chemicals consumed by all the primary producers. The pyramid of energy flow above establishes energy distribution within the food chain.

Sustainable engineering: green sustainable materials

Emission produced by sugarcane ethanol per BTUs of energy is about 37Kg /BTU. Emission produced by switchgrass ethanol per BTUs of energy is about 29Kg /BTU.

Global warming & climate change

Global Warming Global Warming The article Global Warming & Climate Change is the contribution of Steen Ulrik Johannessen throughwhich he tries to explain the effects of the global warming. As Johannessen note, it is true that carbon dioxide is a threat of increasing global warming and they can be released into the atmosphere naturally and β†’

Translation and culture history

This experience had one distinct lesson, in order for one to understand a culture, they have to look at the history of that culture to fully understand and appreciate the customs of the given culture that makes it unique from the rest. The course explored the adventures of Christopher Columbus that led to the discovery β†’

Realationship between sexuality and freedom

Relationship between sexuality and freedom The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille is one of the more influential and disturbing works of French literature. The truth is that the story illustrates the relationship between sexuality and freedom in a manner that has not been seen since the work of De Sade.

Federal energy incentives/disincentives

The critics could be right, considering the level of control that the government exercises over the energy sector. Hydroelectric power has been at the center of the economic development of the United States for the longest time. Energy Policy in the U.S.: Politics, Challenges and Prospects for Change.

Testiong prior to marriage

Importance of Blood Testing Prior to Marriage: It is important for a couple to conduct medical testing prior to marriage to protect themselves from the possible threat of STDs, AIDS and other life threatening diseases. Some people misunderstand the importance of blood testing prior to marriage and associate it with checking the blood groups of β†’

Mobile phones and economic development in africa by aker, jenny and isaac mbiti

Summary of Article Mobile Phones and Economic Development in Africa" Proliferation of mobile phone usage in Africa has recorded significant growth especially in the past decade. It has been noted that rate of mobile phone adoption and usage has a strong correlation with cost of handsets and calling rates perhaps because of the low economic β†’

What are the factor causing the record low of 0.3% inflation and what are the consequnces

3% INFLATION A fall in inflation level can emerge from a number of factors; all of which stem from a shift in the supply curve. 3% inflation level is mainly factored by the fall in prices of widely consumed products and services. References BBC NEWS.

Nuclear proliferation: if more states acquire nuclear weapons, will the world be more or less peaceful and stable

Identification and of the Debate Kenneth Waltz's Peace, Stability and Nuclear Weapons and Scott Sagan's The Perils of Proliferation in South Asia both detail the discussion of how best to assess the proliferation of nuclear weapons, especially in regimes that are emerging, unstable, or " third-world". With the exception of this last point, I will β†’

Critical analysis of commanding heights by daniel yergin and joseph stanislaw

The book explores the different issues revolving around the balance of power shifts across the globe in different nations, governments and markets which include the risks, opportunities, and the effects of different factors such as globalization specifically for the 21st century. The main thesis of the book is the exposition of the transition of the β†’

Comments: queer critiques of gay marriage

However, in the opinion of the author, constant advocacy for equality in marriages has been perceived as a misconceived idea as it diverts attention from real issues that need to be addressed. I would like to agree with the author for exclaiming that marriage equality should be upheld in the society. Once the gays are β†’

Bicycle thieves

The movie is based on a novel written by Luigi Bartoni and was adopted for screenplay by Cesare Zavattini The movie is regarded as one of the best films of Italian neo-realism, a movement which began in 1945 to give a new degree to realism in Italian cinematography. The movie ends when Antonio β†’

Opportunity costs

The car is the next-best alternative given up when the individual pays for the mortgage. In a firm's context, the firm may want to maximize shareholders' wealth and at the same time retain significant profits for firm operations. The choice to finance healthcare makes military equipment acquisition the next-best alternative. References Douma, S.W.& Schreuder, β†’

Gender pattern observation

GENDER PATTERN OBSERVATION affiliation Gender arguments regarding who is who between men and women to me is like a violent world created and extended by a group of men in authority. The gender patterns in the modern families have seen men and women share their duties and responsibilities which to me is a very good β†’

Hiv and communicable diseases

In the contemporary health care practices, techniques for AIDS treatment have not just helped the foundation to be stronger but also develop a prevention society for AIDS patient. The efforts that it takes to diagnose an individual with HIV and further its treatment are relatively higher for which a great deal of time is needed. β†’


Summary Summary A researcher is supposed to use the concluding chapter of a thesis/dissertation as a brief summary of what has been discussed in the paper (Joyner, Rouse & Glatthorn, 2013). It should contain things such as recommendations and conclusions. Readers normally review the last chapter of a thesis first, which prompts the writer to β†’

Reading response

June 27, The Insanity of the Killings in Juarez: Beauty Brands and the Ugliness of Gender s The murder of hundreds of young women in Ciudad Juarez since 1993 is not new to me, as I have read and watched past news about it. In the case of disappearing and raped women in Juarez, their β†’

Communication behavior report

I also ensured that I used good and polite choice of words that helped me to respond clearly to the questions I was being asked. I used various signals and gestures to ensure that presented my argument clearly in the conversation.

Some thoughts of the article

Whereby, macro economics refers to a branch of economics that deals with the study of aggregate behavior of an entire economy. On the contrary, fiscal policies tool entails application of taxes as well as control of government expenditure to achieve certain economic goals. On the contrary, Micro economics refers to a branch of economics that β†’

In greed we trust by john schumaker

Greed is described as the sole motivation of a consumer economy but is destructive to the modern economy He, on the other hand, thinks positively of the same as he quotes several authors who insist that greed is the cause of economic stability. He also uses authors and philosophers to prove claims. However, his β†’

Prediction number 2

It will be interesting to know if physical attractiveness that can be measured through facial symmetry is correlated with indirect aggression. It is possible that attractive women may practice more indirect aggression than less attractive ones because of the evolutionary need to promote their reputation to men and to deny competitors of access to men β†’

The antitrust movement amidst a fragmented federal state

Government Intervention and the Formation of a Political Economy It is interesting that prior to the 18th century, there was lack of federal government intervention in economic activities. It is interesting how interests of the political class manifest itself in the fact that federal regulations came at a time of supposedly corrupt congress.

Economic geography: oryx energy company

Therefore, they begun to provide value added services. The unification of the Emirates states to form the United Arab Emirates opened the region up to investment opportunities in the different economic sectors. Located in the UAE, the company provides other services to companies looking to invest in Qatar. Oryx mainly concentrates on organizations β†’

In the movie dr. strangelove, crazed u.s. general jack ripper orders his b-52 bomber wing to launch a preemptive nuclear attack on the soviet union. general ripper believes the payoffs for a u.s. first strike to be as follow:

The proposed Doomsday machine threatens the existence and the superiority of the Soviet Union and, therefore they could not take chances in the US military superiority. How does the construction of Doomsday machine change this? Construction of Doomsday machine gave confidence to the USSR premier that a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union could not β†’

Which, if any of the 4ps : power, principle, peace and prosperity – is most important for american foreign policy and why

However, the foreign affairs and international relations experts are doubtful about the future of USA as they have started debating the rise of great China and its possible emergence as the future Super Power. Indeed, the grappling with the adversaries, rebellions and terrorists that could possibly harm U.S.interests and underlying agenda within and outside USA β†’

Water pollution that is prevalent in the water bodies of west virginia by katie fallon

Katie Fallon is of the opinion that the environment of West Virginia has become so polluted that there is a need to re-setup the whole place. Since she is the inhabitant of that place her concerns for the upcoming generations of West Virginia are understandable.

Islam cultural

Islamic culture " And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge"." Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim ". According to the verse from Holy Quran, Allah wants us to seek knowledge and keep increasing it. He made it is obligatory for a Muslim to seek knowledge no matter the person is male or β†’

Economy of any country in the world

The topic is of importance as it addresses serious concerns and a significant setback to the development and economic independence of Germany. The consistent rise in pension to the ageing population results in higher taxes affects the nation's contribution to the European and NATO defense activities. That represents an underperformance in the GDP of Germany β†’

Persuasive communication class – online discussion

The reason for this censorship is that the companies claim that the messages of hip hop music delve on the social, economic and political problems of the Black people. The " Golden Rule" is a perspective which is universal among most of the religions in the world; therefore, it is clearly viewed as ethical.

Current event summary

After the nation's dollar has had weak spells, it has eventually emerged as the preferred currency by investors. The dollar has gained 3. S is in constant growth and the rest of the world stays stagnant the dollar will remain strong.