Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Organizational support for creativity part ii

This is because when I compare the support for creativity in my organization to yours, I find that some of the very things that come in play as the weaknesses in my organization are the strengths in yours and vice versa. Taking inspiration from what Laureate Education noted about the impact of the size of β†’

Career plan for the prospective the engineering manager

In my two years left in college, I can achieve this goal by attending to all my classes in every semester, by listening attentively to my professor's lecture and by studying in advance so that I will have the upper hand advantage in class. I will also do my best and show my potential in β†’

Type of cultures

of the Sociology of the Teacher 15 February work An introduction to the types of cultures did bring in a heightened awareness as to how I perceived, made sense of and interpreted social situations and constructs. The videos helped my understand the varied topics like high culture, popular culture and sub-cultures, which I earlier knew β†’

Education lectures

For example, the checkmarks can be used to conduct a quick poll and the hand icon can beused to raise your hand to ask a question. The tool marked T for example, can be used to type text on the eBoard, Import allows the user to import an image, picture or graphic, and Enable allows β†’

The learning and growth perspective slp

Productivity expected = and Real productivity = Targets of the objectives a) The employees should be effective in their line of duty for the achievement of the organizational goals.b) Improvement of productivity through the development and nurturing of strategic skills.c) Efficiency to be attained in the organization through the use of information and ease of β†’

Crocodile tear by anthony horowitz

This novel is very amazing I really liked how writer plots how Alex Rider being in Scotland and went to the Greenfields trip then he goes of the film studio and at the end he goes to Kenya; Alex suffered alot in this story. Alex makes a tough journey to the dam and saved himself β†’

Bio-terrorism and anthrax as wmd

The sampling process is the first phase of anthrax detection, and it is the one that is the most difficult to control because of variants in sampling environments and in personnel responsible for attaining samples. In the lab, anthrax, like other bioagents, must be cultured in order to provide enough anthrax for isolation from other β†’

Personal statement

For the four years, I spent undertaking my undergraduate studies; I was exposed to a variety of intriguing things and features relating to my peoples past events and territories. This enabled me to use my talent and pass information to others in the society in order to improve their understanding and conceptualization of ideas and β†’

The euro: blessing or curse for european firms discuss

This essay will discuss some of the disadvantages as well as advantages for the European firms, and is beneficial to note that the overall advantages outweighs the disadvantages therefore, the euro is a blessing to the European firms. Disadvantages of the euro to the European firms Baldwin and Wyplosz lamented that the problems associated with β†’

Animals in american history

Further, slideshow 4: 3 demonstrates a free dog in the middle of a crowd. In the gilded age is characterized by championing the rights of children and animals in the society.

Peter browning and continental white cap case study

The management team needs to put up a strategic plan with a tight link to identification and management of a competitive and success oriented design to the organization. Making sense of change management a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change.

Discussion question

The drug increases the chemical's content in the brain. The agonist tricks the brain by bridging the gap of the missing chemicals for it to communicate through nerve impulse.

Sage 50 construction accounting 2014

The latest and the best leading accounting software are Sage 50 Construction Accounting Software 2014. Sage accounting software also enables the company manage construction activities, manage accounting by use of invoicing, flexible bookkeeping tools and smoothly run the day to day activities.

Effect of temperature on larvae growth – lab report example

For a time period of about three days, the evidence obtained from the insects that are associated with the body is found to be very accurate and in some cases, it may be the only that can be used in the determination elapsed time since the occurrence of death or when the body was put β†’


' The Old Chief Mshlanga' In the short story ' The Old Chief Mshlanga', Doris Lessing portrays a young girl d Nkosikaas, the protagonist who matures to learn about the valuable aspects in life. She understands the pain the blacks undergo in the hands of the whites.


A well-organized and developed writing should be given to students to help them in evaluation before writing. Therefore, the above activities should be taken into consideration for a learner in this grade to have better grammar and writing skills.


The Relationship between Emotional and Episodic Memory for Four Discrete Emotions in an Elderly Population The paper proposes a research to investigate the relationship and its intensity between episodic and emotional memory in elderly patients. Two hypotheses are framed that correlate the four emotions to hierarchical effects on recall accuracy and vividness.

Charles fredric worth creation model

There was more realism in his paintings, in terms of wrinkles and skin hair with feathers. Charles Frederick design was Moari in society; this made people think it was his way of art.

Discussion question

Discussion question Introduction This is a discussion paper analyzing capitalism as one of the key topics in this To discussion the question, ' Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal' by Ayn Rand and ' Capitalism and Freedom' by Milton Friedman are essential references. This can be affirmed by claim of Rand that the foundations of capitalism tattered β†’

Reading in the esol classroom: a technique for teaching syntactic meaning by wilson

The article entitled " Reading in the ESOL Classroom: A Technique for Teaching Syntactic Meaning" written by Wilson and published in the TESOL Quarterly proffered pertinent issues relative to a technique that is specifically used for reading classes in the ESOL classroom setting. These patterns are beneficial for teachers in determining the effective approach for β†’

Offer a critical assessment of the current business environments(nestle), selecting industry examples based on your chosen pathway

The huge potential of MICE has increasing become the driving force for the success of the tourism industry. Thus, critical assessment of Porter's five forces helps MICE and tourism firms to gain competitive advantage in the cut-throat global business environment.

How will we love

Love and marriage The documentary shows how different generations view love, marriage, sex, and commitment in different ways. The culture in North America has shifted as younger people maintain a romantic view of marriage.

Life situations represented through graphs

Monthly Electricity Bill amount paid in the House for the last 10 months The graph shows the monthly cost of using electricity in the house from August 2010 to May 2011. The total amount paid in electricity bills for the last 10 months was $384, meaning that The average amount of electricity bill per month β†’

Cellular pathology

Based on my laboratory science background and experience I obtained from King Abdul Aziz Hospital, I have confidence that I possess the necessary skills that form the basis for a career in medical diagnostics specifically cellular pathology. What motivates me to study at the West of England University is the availability of modern technology in β†’

Requirements of engineering

This diverts the attention of the main issues which are: activities to be included in requirements engineering, what institutes a requirement, and issue that need more attention. The main objective of requirements engineering is to narrow the gap between research and practice.

Summary and critique of a journal from journal of marriage and family or journal of counseling and development

Although group family therapy has proven to be an interesting and progressive approach to this population as well, the report of Wickman and Campbell continues to focus on the ways in which humanistic approaches can be assimilated into a foundation of group therapy, since the age range preferred by structural family therapy tends to be β†’

Psy2000 perspectives on free-speech zones on college campuses

It refers to a designated place enacted by the government to control or to limit the action of the angry noisy protestors and even to minimize the damages that may result from the same. He says these undermines the students' right to freedom of expression and is not in support of freedom of speech in β†’

Rules and policies of the national curriculum in the united kingdom

The rules and policies of the national curriculum in the United Kingdom are constituted to offer guidelines on the activities carried out within the educational sector. Activities Linked to Rules and policies of the National Curriculum at Ladybarn Primary SchoolIn a bid to support the pupils, the school has come up with a document that β†’


Facilities should be diverse and consistent with the diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds of the tourists, catering for the needs of the elite as well as the middle and lower-middle class of the tourists. Therefore, diversifying the tourism industry culturally as well as making it affordable for tourists of all economic statuses are some ways β†’

United states vs. afghanistan

The population of Afghanistan is roughly 10% the size of the US population. The United States with a real gross domestic product per capita of $46, 000 has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

The person who impact me

The demand and supply concept in economics is utilized to predict the future, for instance if the demand of a product is more than the supply, the suppliers conclude that they must supply that particular product to meet the demand of the people and this way this concept is utilized to measure the demand and β†’

Discipline policy in elementary schools

It enables a student in a group to appreciate the point raised by another student in the group, and not to only be in favor of the point that he/she has raised. In case a student goes out of line, then the teacher should get the student's parents and they should both talk to the β†’

Allied health, information and informed consent

Effective multidisciplinary care entails the improved coordination of the services, great opportunities for participation in clinical trials, improvement in treatment planning and outcomes, improvement in information sharing between the multidisciplinary team members, enhanced management and detection of the patients psychological and emotional needs, and the improved functioning of the team. Patients should be informed about β†’

Prostitution as a critical social issue

The research paper will be about prostitution, which is one of the most critical social issues. It is very important to know the viewpoints of different feminist groups in order to get a clear picture of the issue of prostitution.

D. l. woodside sunshine snacks

For as long as he has the drive, Woodside can show the management of Sunshine Snacks that he deserves the position through his development of innovative products. The understanding of this theory is helpful to Woodside in such a way that it can slowly put an end to the resistance of his co-employees and subordinates β†’

Free will

28 May Free Will A human being is the most intelligent life form on the planet capable of taking rational decisions on the basis of intelligence and knowledge, which in turn are dependent upon the level of education, religious indoctrination, and the social and economic factors prevalent in the immediate environment.' Free will' is the β†’

Statistical analysis system (sas) software

Most of the advantages of working for SAS emanate from the manner in which the company recognizes the great role played by employees in the organization and subsequently ensures that they deliver to their maximum. Some of these advantages include; The casual dress code in the organization It is quite interesting in the manner the β†’

Threat of new entrants

Threat of new Entrants Threat of new Entrants The risks posed by new entrants are always imminent and the main players in a specified industry cannot control this risk in spite of the fact that they can establish response strategies. As a leader in the field of medicine, this is how I would assess the β†’

Ecosystem services

The preservation of biodiversity and the production of ecosystem goods largely depend on these services. While the importance of the fundamental life-support services provided by the ecosystem may seem obvious from the definition above, the nature and value of placed on these systems have largely been ignored by the human race until their loss highlights β†’

Determination of fan satisfaction in nfl by rodney, wachsman, and weinbach

The paper under consideration is named " The Role of The Uncertainty of the Outcome and the Scoring in the Determination of Fan Satisfaction in NFL". The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of the uncertainty of the outcome of the game on the fan ratings and the final scores of the β†’

The miracle of life – lab report example

It oozes out of the ovary, to the end of the fallopian tube, and to the uterus. Tentacles capture the egg and pull it inside due to the muscular contraction of the tube and the constant swaying of the cilia.

Forensic psychology professionals and racial profiling

Presently, law enforcement agencies rely on racial profiling to hasten and ease the investigation process. Retrieved from information OConner, T.

Wireless technologies proposal

Many wireless technologies evolved from the wired communication and have the similar features as that of the wired communication technologies. The data could be in the form of voice that a Bluetooth enabled speaker system that can play the voice directly or can be utilized for the conversation between the two persons.

Approach to addiction – imaging receptor changes in human drug abusers by cosgrove

The article also relates to the article I chose by Mark Joslin which rules out the effectiveness of the treatment provided in rehabilitation centers. Prior to the information provided in the article, one believed in the effectiveness of the treatment provided in rehabilitation centers.

Effect of psychosocial data on health

Bearing this in mind, the health of Jersey City is good as the majority is between 25 and 34 years. Education is also a key determinant of health and bearing in mind that majority of the people, 84.

Educational reform in the antebellum period

During the initial years of the antebellum period, education had been privatized to the extent that poor children did not have accessibility to education. As a learner in the 21st century, the impact these ideas have had on me is that I can access quality education that has expanded my thinking and reasoning capacity to β†’

Love and hate relationship with reading

I can relate to her story, because I once hated reading too, until I found that one great book, or rather story, of my life. I only learned to love reading, after I read " The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.

Describe the empirical and rationalistic arguments for the existence of god

Describe the empirical and rationalistic arguments for the existence of God: Rationalists and Empiricists have both argued in their own fashion in supporting the existence of God. The regularity of natural phenomena such as the rising of the Sun, the waxing and waning of the moon, the presence of other life-forms on earth, are all β†’

Us airways group – going global

US Airways operates in an industry that is tailored made to transfer the service the firm offers from the domestic to the global market. In order to transfer the operation to the global marketplace the company simply has to create new routes in a foreign market.

Comparing and contrasting definitions of religion

In other words, every human is blessed with the presence of the sacred powers in the form of conscience, which urges him perform virtuous deeds and abstain from the profane and desecrated ones. On the contrary, it is actually sheer feelings of gratitude towards the Lord for His countless bounties that urge the humans to β†’

Ferment in the middle east: the rise of islam

Ferment in the Middle East: The Rise of Islam Chapter 7, " Ferment in the Middle East: The Rise of Islam", of the article, " World History: Comprehensive Volume, 3rd Edition" written by Spielvogel, talk about Islam tenet, it comparison to Christianity and Judaism, give an explanation why the Arab underwent rapid expansion in the β†’

Radio coverage comparisons

According to a document obtained from WIBA, Madison's radio station, "...if Senate Democrats refuse to return to Wisconsin and cast their votes in the next day the option to refinance a portion of the state's debt will be off the table". Where Each Radio Story is Broadcasting From As mentioned before, WTMJ is broadcasting from β†’

Gender identity

Neither they are physically fit to be classified as either of the two genders, nor they feel like having all of their traits in common with a specific gender. Eunuchs tend to identify themselves with either of the two genders of male and female and play the roles of a particular gender depending upon how β†’

Third-party behavior

Task: Introduction The issue of failure to criminalize a third party who fails to report to the ity, or prevent the crime from occurring has been on the rise. Evidently, the majority of the crimes noted in the world could not have occurred in case of the adoption of some precautionary measures, or if such β†’

Problems arising from the rising cost of health care

Here, organizations come in with the desire that each and everyone is taxed to pay the insurance premiums. The problem in many organizations is that one is forced to an insurance company.

Pediatrics residency program application

After working as a clinical assistant, the realization that medical procedures, even as simple as monitoring the vital signs of patients, are all essential in improving the qualities of lives of the patients has lead me to realize the drive in me to be directly responsible for the betterment of people's lives. Now that I β†’

Partisan press and yellow journalism

This information is carried over the top at the expense of the other political parties. This is because it has over-concentrated on activities, events, and information concerning the Democratic Party.

Law7 ass1

The opinion does not suggest that a hotel may charge any rate the innkeeper wishes to as it cites the common law whereby the hotel may not take the advantage of the fact that travelers during night-time have no other option but to spend the night in the hotels and charge exorbitant or unreasonable fees β†’

Mgm330-0704a-04 business decision-making – phase 1 db

In order for some of the data to be unbiased a common method utilized to study human behavior and obtain qualitative or quantitative data is observation. At times secondary data is not available and the only way to obtain is through the creation of primary data.

Gold rush – different racial groups

Your Number 14 March 2007 Difference and Dominance For the white man heading west to California during the Gold Rush, movement was not directed solely by dreams of quick wealth, but also as part of a larger ideal of Manifest Destiny, the concept that the whole of the American continent was given to the white β†’

Discuss the factory in connection with spaces and subjects of modernity

The introduction of the factories into the modern landscape led to a fundamental shift in the fabric of society worldwide. This had the effect of bringing the prices down to the point where the cottage industries could no longer afford to stay in business and individuals were forced to come into the cities to find β†’

Woman in the 1920s

The major change in women in 1920s was witnessed in political arena. The changing role of American women in the 1920s.Web.

Crito by plato

In fact we must try to do good things to those who wrong us so that we can teach them to do the right things also. Socrates urges us to scan the situation and so that we can make objective decisions that do not worsen the situation.

Summaries of articles

Tracing back, it should be noted that the interaction of the whites and the blacks in the region has gave rise to the music that it has today. Another form of music of the white and black which came from the same origin is religious music.

A birthday piece for a great dad

Just the same, it will all depend on the scenario that naturally comes. There are the balloons, the clown, and the running around, plenty of it.

The marriage of figaro and the miser

Love, Courtship, and Marriage in The Marriage of Figaro and The Miser Freud believes that sex is an underlying motive for human actions. Moliere's The Miser and Beaumarchais's The Marriage of Figaro agree with Freud, to some extent only, because these plays also extol the virtues of true love.

Healthcare ethics and end of life decisions

Further, the essay will focus on vital ethical principles related to the case and the process of making the ethical decision by medical administrators entangled in the case. In addition, the case presented the respect for autonomy to which the boy could not make the decision on whether to live or not because of the β†’

Individual behavior in organizations

The emotions and feelings an individual has toward a given situation or object is contained in the affective component of his/her attitude. Leadership and Job Satisfaction According to a literature research conducted by Aziri, the five major job satisfaction aspects are the following: The nature of the job, Monetary compensation and related benefits, Attitudes and β†’

Michelangelo’s “last judgment”

The Last Judgment The Last Judgment is the greatest work of art of the famous Michelangelo, painted on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. In the fresco Michelangelo breaks with centuries of iconographic tradition and describes not the moment when the last judgment is being made and saints and sinners are β†’

Introduction to research: slp5: data analysis

The sampling plan is designed in a manner such that all the necessary data for conducting the research is captured and the desired objective is attained. The following are the different elements of the sampling plan for this particular research.a) Targetpopulation This refers to individuals or groups of people whom the research as at obtaining β†’

The reason i jump summary

The story follows the life events and the manner of thinking of a thirteen year old child who is motivated by the ideas of autism. The theme of the book is designed and narrate in such a way that it allows addressing and asking the questions that are often taken for granted.

Two one page orders for a discussion post – not a paper just to be done as a discussion board post

The instincts of a child should be well noticed and taken to the past in order to evaluate them and this process is very important because the instincts of a child decide more things than one. The focus of the parents must be on the psychological as well as the social side because both these β†’

Equity of opportunity, class cleavages, the role of the state, and globalization

Child Poverty and Guaranteed Income in Canada In this paper, I will examine key issues around Child Poverty in Canada and will argue for a guaranteed annual wage to be implemented for all Canadians, as a way to address the problem of Child Poverty and its effects. I will address questions of why this is β†’

Cultural relativism

Cultural Relativism Cultural relativism is generally the attitude of society's mores and ideas that is viewed within the framework of society's problem and opportunity. The major believes of the cultural relativism is not a single doctrine but several views of families who has common theme of central aspect of experience, evaluation, thought and reality which β†’

Childhood obesity in low income and color families

Other factors that affect obesity levels are family environments, feeding habits of children, and physical activities engaged by the children. In comparison to the children from affluent backgrounds, children who have Medicaid generally live in neighborhoods with insufficient outdoor and play areas, and also experience safety challenges in the neighborhoods.


The beliefs and traditions that I can trace to my own ancestry are related to marriage, burial and roaming out at late night. However, those, which are associated to religion such as birth of Adam and Eve and their forced departure from heaven on the basis of their disobedience cannot be considered wrong as this β†’

O’conner v. consolidated coins caterers

It is this very common sense approach of the country's apex court that led to the decision attaching more relevance to the actual age difference between the discharged employee and the replacement, in the case, and not to the age-based categorization of ADEA. The Law provides every opportunity to the petitioner for establishing the key β†’

English composition 2

[Your full full June 21, Juvenile Crimes Increased rate of juvenile crimes is one of the biggest concerns for the government of the United States of America." Juvenile crime occurs when an individual under the age of majority acts against the law". Following are some of the ways, which can be used to prevent and β†’

The importance of wearing school uniform

The basic premise of having school uniforms in the first place is that they bring to light the issue of equality within the mass cross section of students and there is no discrimination of rich and the poor amongst them. They just want to break free from the clutches of school and aspire to live β†’

Quality of life and survivorship (cancer)

In general, the quantity of research devoted to the quality of life of patients who suffered or suffer from ovarian cancer is insufficient, and they do not cover all the problems that those patients have to deal with. Most of the women who live with ovarian cancer face the problems in sexual sphere.

Grocery store visit

They have to meet certain sales targets and be available to the consumers and that is the reason why they are on the shelves. The prices are lower for the local brands because they are not that renowned and are thus bought less by the consumers.

Discussion 8

The group of people oppressed largely by the Nazis was the Jews in the country. Thomas, H.R.

Group counseling

Some of the things to considers are, the purpose and goal of the group, will the group be homogenous or heterogeneous. Another thing to consider is the size of the group, the duration, and the venue where the group would be meeting.

Cringe story

I knew it was time to get out of the room and start being gregarious, the hotel was located in the heart of the city and it was a densely populated area. He had a persona like none other, a very charming and a good looking guy was consistently trying to establish eye contact with β†’

Egyptian traditions and economy

NAFTA's establishment helped in lessening the earlier immigration rates in the US, which were due to the absence of employment in Mexico, hence boosting the economy in the southern region.b. The issue of race in our society is still evident; hence, there is no difference with Mexico.

World-class bull case study

In a reflective analysis of the case provided, I would argue that Cambridge University's Vice Chancellor Alison Richard cannot be justified for his decision to allow Dr. A profound analysis of the case of child pornographer at Cambridge University confirms that University Vice Chancellor's decision to allow Dr.

Mare parker follett

Mary Parker Follett Number and of the MARY PARKER FOLLETT Mary Parker Follett remains widely remembered for her various contributions in the field of industrial management, leadership and labor relations. Contribution to the Field of Management Mary Parker Follett pioneered a number of theories relating to organizational behavior, industrial management, organizational theory and conflict management β†’

Loan officer

One of the applicable ethical principles is the doctrine of beneficence that establishes the need of every member of the society to do well. Ethical theories such as deontology and utilitarianism are also applicable in the scope of a loans office.


However, in most of the organizational and business setups the lower level employees and especially the new entrants are scrutinized more severely on punctuality than those of the senior level managers. The management does not have to ban out of office relationship to control these legal issues rather it has to devise a mechanism of β†’

3 questions to be answered

Global events affecting healthcare organization include the actions of natural calamities such as hurricanes and floods, global financial crisis that affect the operation of the organization by reducing its ability to focus on the provision of services because of its inability to support its operation. The strain is caused by the unexpected change in the β†’

Strategic business communication

Sender designs the message on the basis of communication needs and sends message to the target audience. The communication tools, communication message, content, message design and timing of the communication are decided on the basis of target audience.

Why do atheists care about religion

If we look at the cases of terrorism around the world, the acts of destruction are all done in the name of their own religious Gods. Indeed the argument posted by the video deserves a closer look because presents the reasons why religion is nothing but a harbinger of doom in modern times.

Introduction to sociology

In a study that seems to further determine the academic impact of this discrimination of the minority, Rowley and Wright appreciate that a racially discriminative environment deters the minority from attaining the desired academic achievement. This form of racial discrimination has caused the minorities to post poor academic outcomes hence miss opportunities in life.

An exciting new addition the shoe range nike side steps

This Sales promotion will be done side-by-side an active advertising campaign. The campaign will be based around the Side Step theme.