Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

European exploration and overseas expansion

European exploration and overseas expansion The period from 1400 to 1800 was significant to the Europeans in terms of exploration and expansion. This paper will try to identify and discuss the factors responsible for the European exploration and overseas expansion between 1400 and 1800.

Outline course delivery

Once the online course delivery is initiated for prospective shelter animal adoption, majority of participants will be families wishing to adopt pets and other animal shelter agents wishing to sell these animals to potential pet owners. Keeping in mind that potential animal adopters will include children or young adults apart from adults, the instructional setting β†’


There are 3 subtypes of PPARs which bind to the promoter region of genes and induce fat metabolism. To overcome these diseases, the food industry has started production of fat-free foods which are basically fat substitute foods such as fat substitutes that are carbohydrate based, fat substitutes that are protein based substitutes and fat based β†’

Onion model

The second utmost layer of the model includes the heroes, which pertain to people who can benefit the company. In contrast, people who use time synchronically would multitask to control the recurrence of the past to the present and future.

Metanarratives works in postmodernism

Postmodernism of Metanarratives Work The postmodern condition of Metanarratives work is most attributed to Jean-Francois Lyotard as the pioneer of post modernism. A summary of a number of points from his work and an emphasis on the postmodern condition will prove essential to understanding the trouble behind Metanarratives according to Lyotard.


On the other hand, it has also been proved, the European people with their white skin emerged from African populations under the influence of the different environmental conditions and a number of different population groups with specific genetic characteristics existed in between these two groups. In this manner genetic data generated from Africa has given β†’

Assignment example

The United s Dollar has been in decline over the past year when compared to many of the other major currencies in the world. Much of this weakness in the dollar can be attributed to the trade deficit that the United States has and to the Federal deficit that the government is currently running.

A business plan

FINANSOL BUSINESS PLAN By Business The of the School The and where it is located The FINANSOL BUSINESS PLAN Introduction Finansol will be created in Bolivia as a result of the support of ACCION. The bank is also meant to compete favorably with the other banks in the business.

Experimental writing

The description by the poet is intriguingly described in parts that a picture can be formed in one's head. Secondly, the psalm is one is a simple way of expressing one's feeling.

Principles of ethical dilemma

Scott Thompson offered his services to the company, and subsequently managed the firm in a way that company growth and development was induced and subsequently realized. While it was unethical for the CEO to use fake documents for his employment at the company, the fact that the CEO successfully managed the firm cannot be refuted.

Professional organization

As a technologist, I would appreciate if I was given a chance to attend this conference since it will bring together diverse people and discuss ways in which learning can be improved, mostly in the area of technology. This is a an exceptional occasion that will bring practitioners, policy-makers, and researchers together to explore the β†’

Culture shock

To illustrate, the norms in a culture decide how to greet people, how to dress, how to and when to accept and refuse invitations, and what is a joke and what is an insult. On the other hand, a commoner who goes to a foreign culture and lives there for a considerable period of time, β†’

Supply chain management

Japan's tsunami effect on Global supply chain management To begin with, the recent tsunami and earthquake that shook Japan have just not affected the economy and peace of the " Land of the Rising Sun" but also had impacts in various aspects, " The global supply chain management" being one among them. This in turn β†’

Bussiness plan of photography

Start-up costs of the business include the licensing fees for obtaining the studio open space; marketing expenses in order to promote the business and rental fees for the studio. Most of all, the business is seeking quality and excellence in its work.

Framework for k-12 science education

Grove, Dixon, and Pop are of the view that much needs to be done in terms of exploration of the effect of RET practices amongst teachers. RET programs support realistic scientific practices and exploration aimed at motivating the teachers and invoking a passion in them for new scientific inquiry in their students to improve the β†’

Ipo underpricing

Finding the P/E ratios of a company high, investors foresee the possibility of overpricing of the company's stock. This reduces the investors' confidence in the company and becomes the cause of abandonment of the share purchase plan.

What factors in your life had led you to your current choice of major or career path

The latter have vindicated my belief and I truly look forward to the opportunity to pursue a course of study in medicine. As such, this experience served to fortify my conviction that my future expertise would be in the field of medicine.


The consumer goods should be in such a condition that they will be as described in the contract and that the whole of the goods will be the same as to the sample or model shown. The federal law also requires that express warranties for consumer goods be available for the buyer to read even β†’

Ethical issues in business db

Behaviors that are consistent with a culture are for example considered ethical in the culture while those sets of behavior that contradicts cultural orientations are perceived to be unethical in the given society. Taking part in corruption in an international transaction may therefore be ethical or unethical, depending on a person's culture.

International finance

In a case where the interest rates are constant, the forward rates will increase hence impacting the market players to move forward. Such a decision will lead to some of the market pressure to be diverted to pound and yen spots markets as well as to the rest of the pound and yen forward markets.

Organ donation

Running Head: ORGAN DONATION Organ Donation 2 July, Need for Organ Donation Organ donation is the act of donating abody organ or a biological tissue to a recipient, who needs the part to survive. To sum up the arguments, the practice of organ donation is selfless, and one of the greatest act of service that β†’

Leaders in my field of education

Leaders in my field of education The leader that exemplfies social change to me is our middle school principal; He has leadership qualities that makethe middle schoolers respect him and follow the rules. He is very polite to the students and is easy to approach for all kinds of issues.

Healthcare finance

Bank loan = 50% Equity = 50% Therefore ROE = $250000/$1500000 = 16. What is the net present value for project Y?

Comparing short stories

Lantin" and " The Bet" tell separate stories that display the misconception of the importance and happinessof money and wealth during the literary realism era in France. Through the use of plot, tone, and irony, the authors were able to convey that during the realism era of France people were separated by the concepts of β†’

Explain your reasons for wanting to become a doctor of ostepathic medicine

It was at this defining moment that medicine became the cornerstone of my career ambitions, both to improve the health care system in my native country and to give me the skills necessary to make a difference in promoting better health through medicine domestically and internationally. I believe the role of a competent and qualified β†’

From your perspective: what do you consider good and what do you consider view as evil

In this article, am going to cite two stories; " the good Samaritan", and " a good man is hard to find" in order to exemplify what I believe to be good and evil. Every good deed makes the world a paradise to live in while evil deeds demoralizes and makes life hard for the β†’


However, to serve simplified organizational goals that are specifically identified by smaller organizations, the need to design and establish a workable R & D that could address the mission and goals of the organization and within an identified budget would suffice. Likewise, by being aware and recognizing which R & D expenses could qualify for β†’

Reading report of “the tale of genji” or “genji monogatari”

READING REPORT OF THE TALE OF GENJI AND GENJI MONOGATARI Reading Report of The Tale of Genji and Genji Monogatari The catchy work by Shikibu is one that encompasses numerous themes that deepen the readers' audience understanding of the Japanese culture and society in the times. The issue of rape and its relation in to β†’

Complaint-push model and data-pull model

To improve the effectiveness of the complaint-push model, health care providers should create awareness and adopt advanced communication methods like emails, websites, social media, and blogs that can allow patients to reach the health care providers with ease and enable the health care providers to respond to the complaints with speed and relevance. On the β†’

A meeting with my professor

On leaving the meeting I was well assured that I had gotten that very help that I was looking for since he did not only give me the three possible strategy that I can use to pass my exams but he also boosted my academic confidence by telling me how much he believes in me. β†’

Punishment compare btween islamic law and american law

CIVIL PUNISHMENT AND FINANCIAL PUNISHMENT IN ISLAMIC AND AMERICAN LAW 4th, October, Outline on Civil Punishment and Financial Punishment in Islamic and American Law Thesis: There are different forms of civil and financial punishment that apply in Islamic and American law. Under Islamic law, civil and financial punishment refers to punishment on civil offences and β†’

Message in the music paper this train don’t stop by elton john

In the song Elton as the source of the song appears to get to terms with the realities of growing older and the challenges that abound courtesy of that gradual progression into adulthood. The receiver of the information in this case are the fans to whom the song is meant to reach so that the β†’

Case study example

The third one is that there is very limited competition in the market and this is very valuable piece of the picture as this provides clear cut proof that the business has potential to cover that portion of the market that has been sidelined and is therefore untapped. A very strong argument that supports the β†’

China241 – chiense language analysis (homework)

Number: Lecturer: Q1: Why there is lack of salient gender differentiation among male and female employees in owned enterprises and a sharp gender differentiation in the Waiqi group. As such, asymmetry is inherent function in unequal representation and positioning of women and men in different status.

Leadership philosophy

In the view of Ashley, " A leadership philosophy is a set of beliefs and principles that strongly influence how we perceive ourselves within an organization and those that we lead". If these values are backed by workable strategic management, there is no denying the fact that my leadership will be a cooperative one with β†’


The company had doubts whether the office staff would like the coffee made from the coffee machine and its flavor, whether the staff would be in a position to operate the coffee machine and on to top all this, whether the office managers will agree to pay a premium for such coffee prepared by the β†’


As Carl is still highly obsessed by the past and as everything ranging from beer bottles, teenagers and the river takes him back to the memories of the past, one gets the feeling that the character is highly static in nature. The first is between man and destiny and the second is between man and β†’

Competition among organisms in the ecosystem

A shorter plant under these tall trees might then fail to survive since light is vital for the generation of food to the plants. Ecologists have deduced the interaction of plants as being that which all plants in the forest are in competition or something.

Reaction to karen pykes article

21 October 2006 Reaction to Karen Pyke's Article In Karen Pyke's research en d " The Normal AmericanFamily as an Interpretive Structure of Family Life among Grown Children of Korean and Vietnamese" exposes the perception of the aforementioned foreigners on their families based on their growing up experiences and their plans of filial care. Their β†’

Social responsibility and strategy

The link between ethics, social responsibility, and strategy rests within the converging influences of power shift and globalization, which outlines the nature and extent of the ethical and societal expectations. The organization must redraft the social treaty of work to mirror the new labor force and increase both the loyalty and effectiveness of personnel and β†’


Many people have had their faith in the American dream shattered by the crisis and the loss of their home. We need to have a new era of hope and faith in order for people to begin to believe in the American dream again.

Film report

In this case, Astrid watches in disbelieve as her mother breaks her self-imposed principles as she indulges in the love affair. Normally, it would be expected of a child to do anything that the parent asks of this case, Astrid shows cognitive anatomy when she demands some declarations from the mother.

Japan -earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis in international business perspective

The influence of the earthquake and the tsunami in the nuclear strategies of countries worldwide is examined in this paper. Timeline of events The earthquake in Japan caused a severe nuclear crisis, because of the damages caused to the country's nuclear units, cited in the coastal areas of the Northern coasts of Japan.

World war ii 20th century

The categorization of what makes it momentous for the century is how it has affected the lives of people from the moment it happened and transcended from a fleeting instant to one that would ultimately change the course of history and human life as we know it. In these fields which have seen tremendous development β†’

What athe fundamentals of a case control study, give details presetn the stregths and weakness of the approach. debate with two peers and debate the peers rationale

The study then makes a retrospective analysis to compare the frequency of the presence of risk factor exposure in each group to establish the relationship that subsists between the disease and the risk factor. The main aim is always to analyze a disease to determine the exposure of the risk factor from the two groups β†’

Reflection paper media

Sexiness is the selling point of perfumes, and most people look beyond the smell of perfumes to the sexual appeal the perfumes offer. Perfume advertisements influence the behavior and interactions of men and women in the American society a lot.

Qualitative study dis wk 9

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods During formulation of hypothesis, qualitative analysis applies inactive process relating to its inherent hypothesis. Research methods for everyday life: Blending qualitative and quantitative approaches.

A letter of intent from non-native american

To achieve professional excellence matching the standards of Global scenario had been the matter of motivation behind my plan to join the The changing demands of the industry tend towards the requirement of resource persons with technical expertise and professional exposure to the differing industrial scenarios across the globe. I will be able to contribute β†’

Jesus film

This is a " sacrifice" aspect of the film, where Jesus, being the son of God, left the glory in heaven in order to come down to save human kind. What is the significance of the Bible for understanding who Jesus is?

Catcher in the rye

The main character in the novel is a young guy by the name of Holden Caulfield, who seemingly revels in the role of social rebel. The Catcher in The Rye features a main character by the name of Holden Caulfield, who is a young man on a journey of self and the world around him.

What it takes to become a motocross racer

The word Motocross attracts the immediate attention of the people and it is combination of two words namely Motorcycle and cross country. Popularity grew in Japan and Suzuki made the most of it 1.

Macroeconomic situation

It has been found that the economy of the United States has rescued itself from the recession and has begun to rise since the second half of the year 2009. It was expected that the economy of the United States in the year 2010 would grow by 2.

Key constitutional concepts

The first video enlightens why the leader of the nation created the Constitution. In the second video, the documentary talks about the protecting individual rights by emphasizing the Supreme Court case of Gideon v.

Indian boarding school experience

I can see that the major problem with the Indian boarding schools lies in the fact that they were designed to eliminate the original culture of their students. As it was put by the founder of the first such boarding school, it should kill the Indian and save the man.

Herbal body care

Dong Quai body wash: +20 Dong Quai body wash After the age of 30, the human body's hormones and immunities decrease, and this not only darkens the skin and turns it yellowish, causing dryness, roughness, and hypoesthesia. The +20 Dong Quai body wash is a cleanser that is developed to prevent aging and it rejuvenates β†’


The result is that the office has a backlog of close to a million pending applications that they have to handle annually. From a personal perspective, it was crucial for the court to fine Samsung as part of its role to protect patent rights.

Abnormal psychology

Bozie had gone a milestone ahead to manage his condition but there was more to his cause of the condition that forced him to keep on going back to alcohol abuse. This was to test his kind of dependence on the substance.

Reflection paper 2-1

The EFCA reform is also in line with Maslow's hierarchy of needs in that it will satisfy both the security and social needs of a person. The above reforms suggested for the U.S.labor law will lead to the improvement of the welfare of the American labor force.

Chocolate cake and diet

So I quickly picked up my fork and took the first bite of my cake the moist and soggy chocolate cake melted like butter in my mouth, along with the sticky chocolate fudge frosting. For a moment I forgot where I was and what I was doing, sabotaging my diet plan and deceiving myself, all β†’

From a name to a number – a holocaust survivor’s autobiography by alter wiener

From a Name to a Number - A holocaust Survivor's Autobiography by Alter Wiener This book is a genuine and appalling narration of Alter Wiener who was the lucky one to have survived the Holocaust. It is a firsthand account of the brutal events of the history which we sometimes do not even want β†’

Interoffice memorandum

Forest, President RE Advertising Work and Human Resources Problems at Roanoke, Virginia DATE: 11 April 2011 Please be advised that significant concerns on the quality of advertising work and human resources problems were brought to my attention at our Roanoke, Virginia branch. Forest emphasized that the clients served from the Roanoke branch are vital to β†’

Existence of god

We as Trinitarians believe God is one in essence with three members of the Godhead, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The evidence of separate roles in the Godhead can be seen in " The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son".

Individual projects- movie review or consumption journal

David Suzuki, geneticist/biologist who expounds on his theories of the importance of understanding all of mankinds needs in terms of living systems, while the iconic mathematician-scientist Stephen Hawkins delivers warnings on a myriad of ways in which we might destroy ourselves, and predicts the necessity of colonization of other planets as the only means to β†’

Analyze a business case study. provide an analysis with an application of at least two theories relating to ethics. they also will recommend what action should be taken

For giving a room to Liz Borden, Paige Lewis violated the duty-based ethics or deontological ethics, which was premised on " the right motive is " to do the right thing", " to do one's duty", " to respect the moral law". Paige Lewis has full knowledge that it is her responsibility to abide by β†’

Values for business administration

General administration support for private banking team will be the most interesting part of the role because it will optimize my potential towards the company's efficiency and profitability objectives and because I am experienced in its scope. Meeting and event participation will, however, be the most challenging because of time constraints but I will manage β†’

House prices

Does the price of the house depend on the age of the house? c. Does the price of the house depend on the buyer's preference for Apple Valley School District?

Tragic flaws in school funding

School Funding's Tragic Flaws The reflection essay aims to initially read the article en d School Funding's Tragic Flaws written by Kevin Carey and Marguerite Roza and to address the following concerns: to present a description of the article's major points and questions that arise from the material; the main argument or message that the β†’

Marital relationship of stanley and stella in streetcar named desire (film)

Street Car d Desire: Marital Relationship of Stanley and Stella In the film Street Car d Desire, s of the love relationship between Stanley and Stella can be drawn from the main themes of the story line. Evidence can be sought in the play in that, firstly, Stanley opts to stun the evil approaches from β†’

Reaction paper

The argument that Africa provided cheap labor was not true because the cost of hiring slaves from the agencies was extremely high because they had to compensate for those who died during the shipping process. Bibliography Brion, David " Sugar and Slavery from the Old to the New World".Ed.


The newspaper also showed how the other world learned of the disaster, borne by a scout who attained on the action with Gibbon after the war and measured the carnage on the war field. On the other hand, they repudiated the right to testify and attend in the panel of adjudicators in the state militia β†’

Effectiveness in writing

The course in Effectiveness in Writing provided students with appropriate tools which assisted me and encouraged me to hone my talents and apply the concepts I learned through various actual writing projects and essays. Writing, to be effective has to consider other factors such as the audience or the reader, the writing process itself, and β†’

Rule of the road

How Homeland Security favors Small Aircraft businesses How Homeland Security favors Small Aircraft businesses The Department of Homeland Security is a department of the federal government of the US and was created as a response to the September 11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the pentagon in America. Some of the divisions β†’

Kant philosophy

In contrast, inclinations and obligations define the role and responsibility that one has towards the society and their friends. Even so, while the society cannot hold a person accountable for moral obligations or inclinations, they are accountable for their goodwill, because it is often under a person's control.

Science and culture – an uneasy partnership

However, the Native Americans demanded to have the remains of Kennewick man returned to them for a proper burial. Science aims to protect cultural property by ensuring that knowledge on the past generation is uncovered and disseminated to the rest of the people.

Preceptor scenario

Preceptor Scenario This essay aims to address a two-fold-objective to wit to describe the preceptor scenario and identify ways on how the manager will handle the situation, to delineate ways on how to prevent the same scenario to the unit in the future. The case of preceptorship is like meeting two strangers and by having β†’

Accounting risk and return

Thus there exist a linear relationship between risks and returns in the sense that investments with a higher standard of deviations and a high coefficient of variation tend to provide higher returns. Similarly, by bringing some equilibrium through a correlation between positive and negative returns of assets, it is possible in a portfolio of investment β†’

On the slum by alusio azevedo b)trace the development of the slum from a neighborhood to a place that is not desirable to live in. what are the indicators that the slum is changing and what are the factors influencing that change

The Beginning and Development of a Slum The increasing demand for housing among immigrants has impelled Joao Romao to build a bustling and huge slum. Azevedo depicted slum as a collective entity that is swarmed with life and the constant threat of death.

Review chapter 8( ethical autonomy and dealing with unethical superiors ) from the book (the responsible administrator…) and chose any article and make relation

Review chapter 8 from the book The book, The Responsible Administrator has all along disc used the importance of playing by the set standards while delivering services to the public. Lastly, according to this article professional autonomy has been linked to relational autonomy in the nursing profession.

Case 5

It is part of the stress response system with the principle effect of changing the behavior of an organism for the purpose of increasing the survival chances of an organism while undergoing a stressful situation. The HPA, being part of the stress response system creates the effect of changing the organism's behavior for the reason β†’

Are you destined to become a parent

What values and morals would you like to pass on to your children? Parents should consider that parenthood must be all about extreme consideration of responsibilities and commitment, and so the lack of commitment and responsibilities will lead to a relationship that will not last long.


The designer of the image adopted the use of the ' arch' and integration of the Doric and Ionic columns. The other important thing is about the use of light and color.

Are two sets of gaap really needed for colleges and universities

In the past both public universities and private institution used similar model and style in financial reporting before adoption of the " not for profit agenda" by the FASB. This has led to difference in the comparability of the financial statements where to institutions uses different rules and procedures in financial reporting.

Radiography skills

This view involves projecting x-rays through the wrist while rotating the x-ray source around the patient. Which one is placed next to the IR?

Assignment 3:voyeurism or narcissism

Social networking has become one of the most important things to be studied in the science of sociology it is an emergent field of human interaction that acts in entirely novel and interesting ways. The most apparent thing about Facebook is that it allows for, or even encourages, voyeuristic behavior based on its structure." To β†’

Assignment 3

This is also explained by the nature versus nurture debate which juxtaposes the two concepts of nature and upbringing and their contribution in the development and makeup of personalities. Similarly, Wood and Eagly studied cross-cultural difference of men and women in non-industrial societies, and found that they showed different attitudes towards " the economic and β†’

Savage inequalities

The author claims that the amounts of funds that are provided to a particular school are dependent on the value of property around them. Due to this disparity in the funds being allotted to schools, the schools that receive fewer funds have buildings that are wearing out.

Two articles review

The first article tested the validity in the adult population with mood disorders and questionnaires about mood disorders were formulated in a psychiatric outpatient research study. Validity of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire: a General Population Study.

Malcolm x and gandhi: a philosophical comparison of their leadership as shown in the movies in their names

The paper " Leadership of Malcolm X and Gandhi as Shown in the Movies" is an engrossing version of an essay on biographies. In showing this, the movie makes good use of real footage from Malcolm X's pilgrimage to Makkah and meetings with other Muslim political leaders.

How to save money while saving the environment

This shortage has been caused due to increase in the number of people who use this energy and due to the appliances that operate on this energy. They can change their lifestyle, purchase up-to-date appliances and decrease the amount of energy usage to save the environment and to save money simultaneously.

Sir francis drake

Sir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake The great Sir Francis Drake was given birth in the region of Devon during the period of 1540 andat a very early age he became a member of the sea1. Sir Drake's successful life came to an end during the period of 1596 as a result of dysentery.

On a short story

As such, the first theme presented in the story is that of the power of money, where it is portrayed by Mrs Sommers who comes across some money, which to her becomes a large amount as per her perception, but not the reality of life. With this, she considers the possibilities of what the money β†’


Developing a firm's corporate charts of accounts Corporate charts of account refer to a list of all accounts that are generated an s a result of the normal day to day firms operations. The accounts are critically prepared with the underlying objective of maintaining the firm's funds while segregating the revenue, equity, assets and liabilities β†’

My outgoing personality and my experiences

While I was there, I picked up a number of Spanish phrases from the locals, and I quite enjoy practicing my Spanish whenever I get the chance. I prefer to be humble and open to anything that may improve my understanding about the world.

Social institutions

For instance, in a family, the father has to work for the needs of the family, the mother takes care of the house, provides love and care to the other members of the family, and children has to do their role to attend school to meet their goal and to abide by their parent's rules. β†’


This topic depicts the grit of the original residents, the Indians in America, to fight against the cruel, heavily armed colonists. The Franciscans wished to retain their presence, when the economic agenda of the Spanish authorities failed to deliver the results.