Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Personal reflexion

I performed all the steps required and checked the hernia and I presented the diagnosis that it was a case of direct inguinal hernia. I will always be very careful during my foundation training not to repeat any such mistake and be careful enough to perform the complete examination and carry out all the important β†’


The case of James Alderson, an accountant who blew the whistle on the hospital that he worked in, is a wonderful example of a man who knew the odds and yet was determined to do what was right. The principle of accurate and correct disclosure was being violated at the hospital, where the managers asked β†’

Contemporary film

This paper seeks to discuss the synopsis of the television series, and to illustrate the family genogram to show the interrelationships among them, and identify the functions, aligned with resilience and strengths of the family system.2. Realization always comes at the end of every pace and George's relationship with his family is a paragon that β†’

The first amendment to the constitution of the united states

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United s The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United s imparts to every citizen, the right to freedom of religion and worship. This First Amendment right was later supplemented in the case of Native Americans through the passage of legislation such as the American Indian β†’

The traditional staple food for ghanaians

Cassava is used to prepare different king of dishes which include Apple which is fermented cassava and corn dough, fufu which is a pounded cassava and Konkonte which is primarily dried peeled cassava powder. Cassava has very low fats and protein content than in cereals and pulses Young tender cassava leaves are a rich source β†’

Las vegas marriage: mockery of a sacred union

The author thinks that marriages in Las Vegas have made a mockery of the sacredness of the institution of marriage. The author thinks that the Las Vegas marriages are absurd as they lack depth, seriousness and above all, the sacredness involved in the act of marriage.

Reflection g.i. jane (1997)

In this way, discrimination and oppression of homosexuals in the US military forces is also addressed in the film. The number of women in military is still small and there are many issues like rapes in military camps or gendered attitude to female officers.

Current elections

Obama's and Romney's acceptance speeches During his acceptance speech at the convention for Republicans, Mitt Romney's speech mainly focused on what Obama administration had failed to deliver. At the Democrats' convention, Barack Obama promised to reduce the national deficit and to reform the tax codes so that the wealthiest people would be the ones to β†’

My strengths and weakness

In my community, I have carried out extensive social responsibilities such as the provision of food, clothing, and mentorship to poor, afflicted and needy in the society. I am working on this through the formulation of diaries to guiding me in the right procedures and techniques in effective time management.

Nickel cadmium rechargeable battery and nickelmetal hydride battery

The paper " Nickel Cadmium Rechargeable Battery And Nickel-metal Hydride Battery" is a perfect example of a technology essay. Nickel Cadmium and Nickel-metal Hydride batteries are some of the rechargeable batteries presently used in the market.

The staff development paper

In line with this matter, several academic journals will be gathered to examine the impact of the following towards the development of an effective professional staff development programs: the importance of developing partnership with the local business, industry, and educational institutions; mandated training programs and workshops for school teachers; and the importance of improving the β†’

Unit 4/db – hypothesis testing and variance

In reference to Lynch and Addington, many of the crime victims regard the crime as of little importance and fear payback. The Creation of the Uniform Crime Report.

Math is hard but ace it anyway

By boosting her confidence and telling her that she could do it, I actually changed her self-concept from being pessimistic to optimistic in terms of developing a ' can do' attitude, especially in solving math problems. I would like to continue being a Math tutor because I want to help children in need.

Professional for graduate school

It is for the same reason that I am applying to undertake my graduate studies at the university's school of psychology. I therefore am applying for the graduate program so as to further widen my understanding of psychology and society in order to better serve and positively influence lives.

Judicial activism

On the other hand, one may view the constitution as a self-fulfilled set of guidelines to govern any the event that there are no ambiguous or the clarity of the provisions is spot on, the judges are expected to strictly apply the exact meaning in the ruling. One of the issues that arise with β†’

Hope by lisel mueller

Lisel Mueller's " Hope" is a strong poem, which describes the meaning of hope and where it is possible to find it in this world. In the final line, the author shows that this poem is just another evidence of hope.

The leadership temperament

The Leadership Temperament The researcher contributes to the current group's success. The researcher leads the group members to ensure the cooperative stance continues to prevail within the group.

Television comercials

The theory's application is to study the effect of Television programs on the attitude and behaviors of the general American public. The Television commercials affect the opinions and attitudes of the public, a fact that influences their judgments of the products they will purchase and consume.

A graphical picture of process output

The strength of the relationship is determined by the variability of the cluster of points relative to a mathematical expression describing the association. Thus, a control chart tests the statistical stability of the process.

Making management decsions

If scrap value of the company is 200, 000, this is the amount that would be valued if the company were to decide the discontinuing of the pursuit of production of the products. This is a plan of investing an additional 8 million in order to facilitate the continuation of the operation of the company.

The chrysanthemums by (john steinbeck)

The Chrysanthemums In the short story The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck, the diversifies in his nature of literature. His style is effective as it indicate the nature of the author to transform a given scene and to portray the main theme of the story.

The personal and professional development of students

The university is renowned for its personalized and excellent academic programs that significantly contribute to the personal and professional development of students. I sincerely believe that the degree programs would be the right choice for me and help me realize my dreams and meet the challenges of time with great success.

Paraphrasing 2

This damage is as a result, of a pressure wave from the rapid expansion of the emitted vapor and flying fragments of the vessel and piping; if the material is combustible a hazard takes place. The hazard brought about by a BLEVE of a container containing flammable liquid is a fireball, a major fire, and β†’

The merchant’s tale from canterbury tales

The old man who was a knight, despite the well meaning advice of his friends takes a wife in his old age certain that it will prove to be a happy one. The story of an old man who seeks the pleasures of a young bride, and the young girl who in her time probably β†’

Ethical issues of ewe v. cloth

From an ethical perspective what Dr Cloth has done can be seen as utilitarianism, " The doctrine that virtue is founded in utility, or that virtue is defined and enforced by its tendency to promote the highest happiness of the universe.- J.S. Another reason why it can be said that Dr Cloth adopted the ultilitarianism β†’

The features of sony reader prs t2

The Features of Sony Reader PRS T2 Kim Leister Gomez Introduction An E-reader is one of the most useful technologies today because of its design and features, particularly in its capacity to make information portable. In going over the specific features of the matte black model of Sony Reader PRS-T2, one can say that β†’

U.s.’s tactics to persude north korea to abandon its development of a nuclear weapons program

China relations, in spite of the fact the two countries have engaged in cold war politics since China's revolution in 1949 and China provided military support to North Korea during the U.S. So the U.S.seems to rely on engaging in a primarily soft power approach to relations with China and Pakistan although these are clearly β†’

An act of kindness that you did for someone

I told her to take it and, along with the donations of my parents, take the boy to a specialist for a second opinion. I felt like I had done something nice for my fellow man and the reward it gave me was a sense of happiness that I could not have achieved even if β†’

Foriegn intelligence services

Most of the time the Mossad's interests are allied with the U.S. However, a few occasions of the Mossad spying on the U.S.and the Mossad's policy on abductions and assassinations have threatened the U.S.

Business week 4

In many organizations employees are hesitant in communicating with each other because of the perception that everyone is out there to get each other and they do not trust each other. To address this issue I will have to create an air of confidence and mutual trust in the organization.

Careers in psychology by kendra van wagner

You can learn more in this article: Earnings and Salaries of Psychologists What are the Educational and Training Requirements for Psychologists: The required preparation for a career in psychology depends largely on which specialty area you are interested in. You can learn more about training requirements in this article: Training and Qualifications of Psychologists What β†’

12 years a slave

12 Years A Slave The book, " Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race and Being" by Shawn Copeland and the movie " Twelve Years of Slave" looks at the toil of Black people to gain freedom and acceptance among European race in 19th century. So it can be said that factually, Copeland is referring to persons like β†’

Good will hunting and cognitive therapy

He tells Will that his lonely life and painful past affects him and the inferior complex that he has about his personal life keeps him from making new friends. Sean says that Will is avoiding getting close to the girl not because he thinks the girls is boring but because he thinks that if she β†’

Psychology – science of education

Principles of Psychology As They Apply To Learning and Education Principles of Psychology As They Apply To Learning and Education One can describe educational psychology as a process of teaching and learning. The first principle of psychology in education and learning is the need to comprehend the meaning of education and teaching.

Higher education in pharmacy

I want to go back to my roots and show them that education is a strong tool for becoming a successful person and professional. I want to become a successful pharmacist and show my people that hard work and education are important to achieve goals in life.

Impact of environment and communication on aging

Impact of Environment and Communication on Aging The present proposal aims on addressing the problem that encompass government interventions to promote health and implement health policies, medical claim policy that covers major ailments, risk coverage, cash less treatment, hospital expenses, medical bills etc.which provide a relief to the elderly group and minimize their financial burden. β†’

The misrepresentation of police on the tv

In real life, the source of skepticism is, for the most part, related to the experience of various forms of contact with the police. The most important is that television does not portray realistic images of police exaggerating their positive and negative qualities and features.

Listing property

This one does have 4 bedrooms, as opposed to 3 in home on Seton, but the total square footage of the home is nearly the same. In addition, the Seton home is a new listing, while the other two mentioned in this case study have been on the market for more than a month and β†’

A christmas memory

The story started with a scene in the kitchen, as Buddy was having breakfast and Sook was excitedly planning activities for making fruitcakes. Anxiety was felt due to the feeling that I would like to know until when will I be blindfolded and led and be fully depended on the assistance of a friend.

Minimising the emission of co2

Minimising the emission of CO2 To control and assess CO2 emissions, information on energy used for heating and hot water is taken and added to a calculation to estimate the energy consumption from lights and appliances. 3 to 50 percent of heating energy is saved depending on the amount of wall or window area affected β†’

Design for manufacturer

According to Evans & Lindsay, surface hardness is the measure of how a material is resistant to changepermanently in shapewhenapplied a compressive force. Optical reflectivity of a material is themeasure of its effectiveness to reflectradiantheatandlight.

Risk and uncertainty in project management decision-making by karolina koleczko

In this article, the author attempts to differentiate between risk and uncertainty in project management, and also focuses on how this difference affects decision making in project management. According to the author, the risk is a measure of the probability and the effect of failing to achieve a project goal.

Supply in health care

Physician Services Physician Services as a submarket is an important component of the healthcare industry and, up to a certain degree, is sold and bought in the market within the conventional supply and demand principle. As part of the healthcare industry such as health plans and insurance, physician services have unique characteristics that distinguish it β†’

Sustainable business development

The production of fossil fuels resulting in air and water pollution is through oil spills, dumping of the waste materials into water sources and emission of toxic gases into the environment. Fossil fuel is a non-renewable source of energy, and the reserves are finite.

History (lindeberg, david c. 2007. the beginnings of western science. 2nd ed. university of chicago press

Romans had a strong relationship with Greece and the Greek medicines, especially the Hippocratic, were popular among Romans as well Hippocratic Medicine Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician is considered as the father of medicine and still all the medical students in the world take the Hippocratic Oath as a matter of respect to this greatest β†’

Article 5

" Earnings Wizardry" Summary This article on the Wall Street journal which is based on a study conducted by Ilia Dichev and Shiva Rajgopal of Emory University and John Graham of Duke University discusses the roles which Chief Financial Officers of companies play in making the quarterly earnings of the company seem attractive. When the β†’

The hunger games

The girl who was on fire": the author uses this epithet as a metaphor to describe Katniss more than it appears in the designs by Cinna. Her dresses and the epithet are among the examples of figurative speeches used by the author to depict Katniss as an epic hero.

Conceptual map

Running head: Data quality and integration Introduction The main concern is to explore and optimize the available data quality and data integration issues for use by Customer Relationship Management system. Healthcare information management: the integration of patients' data.

Organisational psychology

Organizational Psychology Learning Leadership Firstly, I would like to admit, that such characters as Richard Brandson can be main heroes in a movie or in a book just as Harry Potter's type leaders are. Harry Potter teaches that leader must be supported and directed on a way, so such a leader can continue some eternal β†’

Two reading report ngo-industrial complexand is globalization reducing poverty and inequality

Specifically the article written by Gereffi, Garcia-Johnson and Sasser discussed and analyzed whether or not the process of corporate governance is beneficial on the part of the workers and environment rather than weakening the government policy on international business activities. Even though there has been a continuous promotion of corporate governance in the global markets, β†’

Unit 2 part 2

Controlling Process and Strategic Management Affiliation Controlling and strategic planning The controlling function of management entails four steps. The entire standards are calculated with reference to the outputs.

An account of the battle of trenton

It was 3 in the morning of the 26th when finally all of us, including the artillery, crossed. Just then we heard the boom of guns and knew that General Sullivan had arrived with the artillery.Lt.

Is the us government acting ethically towards detainees with regards to confinement, access to legal representation, torture methods

The widespread cases of in-house torture and in-human treatment of wartime prisoners and civilian detainees have brought to the fore the need for more effective measures of ethical paradigms and human rights. The post 9/11 scenario has seen a marked paradigm shift in the outlook of the racial and religious background of the people and β†’

Class teaching plan for nurse students

Learners need to have a basic understanding of HIV/AIDS and how it effects the individual. The title of the class will be Understanding HIV/AIDS.B.

Ecommerce federal express

From an outside-in perspective, e-commerce allows FedEx to build relationship with its FedEx brand and its customers through its website which is part of its direct marketing efforts, allowing customers to interact with the company as it provides faster access for them to avail of the services, while it also works to reinforce the brand β†’

Marketing yourself

I have used those leadership skills in the past to improve my performance in the classroom and in the workplace. I believe a lot in the value of teamwork.

Explain and evaluate hume’s ideas on causation

According to Hume, there is a need to justify and rationalize on the evidence presented in order to belief about the things of the universe especially when these evidences are unobservable presented. Hume and the Problem of Miracles: A Solution.

Second language teaching

First Number 14 September Second Language Teaching For Children through form Focused Instruction THE COGNITIVE AND LINGUISTIC LEVEL OF CHILDREN According to Gopnik and Meltzoff, children usually develop their cognitive abilities approximately after the eighteen months of their birth. From the early year, the children are required to be provided with adequate support and learning β†’

Why do you want to work for groupon(1 page) /estee lauder companies (1page)

In fact, I am well aware about the strategies of the company and its influence on the lives of people around the world as I have been observing the company for quite some time. In addition, the history of the company proves how genuine the strategies of the company are, unlike many other dot-com rockets.

Healthy and delicious food for children

Activities such as counting the ingredients, measuring the right amount and mixing the ingredient together, reading the recipe together before preparing the meal, baking the bread may be used to enhance cognitive development. Zucchini bread provides the necessary energy to manage the daily bodily processes and is abundant in nutrients.

Huckelberry finn and the war prayer by mark twain

Huckleberry Finn exposes the brutality and cruelty of the slave system and of racism not by showing brutal beatings in the manner of Roots, which would be well enough, but by humanizing Nigger Jim, making it clear that this person is a man worthy of respect. Huck's a kid, and Jim protects him from the β†’


After coming back to Denver, he worked with a supplier of remanufactured laser jet toner cartridges for 3 months till it closed down When the company closed down, he asked his parents for money, that amounted to $8500 and started selling the cartridges in his car As Harris decided of opening Optitech, a proper way β†’

Article review for benefits of offering childcare in the workplace for employees

Article Review for " Benefits of offering childcare in the workplace for employees" The explains the significance of the provision of childcare in the workplace and its effects on the employees' performance. However, there is a definite need for a summary review of the literature to provide a current context for the research which examines β†’

Managing a database administrator team

Providing training to the database administrators and retaining them effectively are two of the major responsibilities of a manager. If I would be the manager of a team of database administrators, I would provide at least two-week training to all newly employed administrators in order to improve their skills and abilities.

Global enterprise and innovation

Sony Corporation is one of the global leaders in the manufacturing and design of electronics products in the world. In order to turn their business around and achieve national growth the company needed to change.

Current event business articles relative to managerial accounting

The managerial accounting problem stated in the article is the reduced profit and shrinking market share due to its declining ratings. To increase the value of its declining stocks and revive its share price, Viacom is also borrowing to buy back stock and increase the dividend.

‘it is more damaging to be sexually abused by a woman’

It has been known for centuries that men are the main inflictors of sexual abuse, however in the current years with the help of immense research it has been known that women also, although not equally, but are responsible for the problem of sexual abuse. The individuals going through this type of sexual abuse may β†’

Does it matter assignment

As for the threat of new entrants, the costs for a competitor to switch to a similar system are quite risky since Zipcar has already a proven track-record. Because of the popular belief that more IT application is better, even smart executives fall into such a spending trap.

My passion for the people of indonesia

It is my passion to bring awareness of Indonesia to the rest of the world and bring the global community to Indonesia. In pursuing my enthusiasm for the people of Indonesia I have worked with a local foundation whose mission is to aid the underprivileged children of Indonesia.

Dell – swot analysis

SWOT ANALYSIS WALT DISNEY About the Company The Walt Disney Company was funded in 1922, and it went onto become one of the biggest s in animationand motion pictures. The customer, in this kind of an industry, is needed for the success of such a company.


According to Jens Pruessner of the Douglas Mental Health University, being born and raised in city increases the lifetime risk of certain psychiatric disorders like anxiety and mood disorders like depression and schizophrenia and this is mainly related to stress in city living. The researchers evaluated volunteers from rural and urban areas and found that β†’

Computerized accounting

The system calculates the sum of each account in special journals and posts it in the general ledger tab of the software for a given period of time. Where as, goods available for sale are the sum of beginning inventory and purchases.

International marketing, india outline

International Marketing, INDIA Outline India is one of the rapidly developing economies in the world. Because of this diversity in population and culture, the food habits of the Indian population are different.


Furthermore, the nurses should be alert throughout the interaction so that they can easily understand what the client is trying to communicate. This can be possible through the usage of intelligent computers that allow voice commands.

Insurance: rateable clause and non-contribution clause

To determine in the first place if Jane is entitled to any insurance claim, it is crucial to know if she has an insurable interest in the property as a mere expectation of loss from the destruction of the property would not be enough. In the case, the fact that Jane has insurable interest means β†’

Legal and ethic considerations in psychological testing

Ethical considerations for carrying out testing and measurement, in any psychological context, from a participant perspective should include informed consent obtained from all the participants, voluntary participation and adhering to the confidentiality of participant information like identity. According to the International Test Commission, " A competent test user will use tests appropriately, professionally, and in β†’

Descartes – dissertation example

As opposed to the philosophers who preceded him, like the Greeks, Aristotle and Plato, and the later philosophers, he did not believe in the theory that observation of empirical phenomena would be useful in the understanding of the world and in the accumulation of the truths that he was searching for. This was said to β†’

Egyptian cultural values and beliefs

Women take care of their homes and should not engage in adultery besides they have the right to education, employment and right to own property. Some of the Egyptian elements that I may like to emulate and advocate in my family or community encompasses how women tend to be responsible in taking care of their β†’

My dreams is an iconic it professional

All the years of my work, I was analyzing the strength in my inner- person to explore the possibilities of information technology with an addicted passion to find a support mechanism to ensure Information Security. With all my humble submission, I seek your approval for my candidature as a research fellow in the course of β†’

Identifying themes in a case conceptualization

An interpersonal relationship is another theme, in this grouping, the clinicians evaluate the patient's stableness in maintaining a relationship with peers, workmates and even at the family level. The clinician also explores the sexual relationship and the intimacy of the patient.

Research methodologies and personality

The general consensus appears to favor the identification of behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes as factors that can be observed as components of personality. This variability is due to the role of both biological and environmental factors in the manifestation of personality on a case to case basis.

Candide’s garden

While this characterization constitutes satirical elements in itself, as the novel progresses one recognizes that they are a largely one-dimensional character. This is significant as the Pope is supposed to be celibate.

Police and cultural diversity

One of the first challenging issues that police professionals could encounter with regard to working with diverse populations has to do with a lack of cultural appreciation that can be exhibited by the police. Although this stands as a brief overview of to troublesome approaches and one potential solution, it must be understood that there β†’

How can i be a good writer

The writer should think of the material available for essay writing and also get the material from the internet and books. The second step is analyzing the relevance of the topic and the matter available.

Freshman college admissions paper

This paper is for my admission essay to Illinois I have applied to ISU as I feel that it is the right place for me considering my background so far and that it would launch me into a career after my undergraduate program. I have sought information about the intramural program at ISU and I β†’

Jackson and the cherokee

Jackson and the Cherokee Prior to the Treaty of New Echota, Cherokee land was in northwestern parts of Georgia amongother territories in the northern boundaries including parts of Tennessee. The formulation and the subsequent implementation of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was the culmination of a series of cultural conflicts between the indigenous American β†’

Responsibilities of nonprofit health care organizations

In the preamble of the ACHE's Code of Ethics, one should utilize moral attitudes towards people who are in need of health care. Taxes play a vital role in the government as it is the source of funds, part of which goes to welfare.

Financial analysis of verizon wireless

The same report compared the company's performance to that of the average for the top 500 companies in the American economy. Demand for the products and services that Verizon provides is increasing with time, as more and more consumers turn to using smart phones, and using laptops in many locations where other sources of wireless β†’

Challanges for the sme’s ( small and medium size enterprises )

This criterion is based on the structure of ownership, the type of industry, the number of employees, and the revenue that the organization gets. Most entrepreneurs of SMEs normally lack experience, and this plays a role in the failure of their business enterprises.

Wake forest university school of business

Early in my academic career, I learned that I have a gift for logic and a strong attention to detail that naturally drew me to the accounting profession. I have the background and enthusiasm for new technology that will allow me to become a future leader in my field.

English class

Paragraph 2: The ethical concerns that will be highlighted will touch on what the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 says, the effects that underage drinking has caused and what 18 year olds are constitutionally allowed to do. Paragraph 5: In this paragraph I will show the significance of other decisions that 18 year β†’

Depends on the movie

The stated movie shows the availability of alternative ways of reproduction, implying today's solutions and possibility to have kids in same-sex union. But when we see Nic's and Jules' clenched hands in the end of the movie, there is no doubt that two women " are going to get through this" as Nic has mentioned β†’

Vietnams declaration of independence

Vietnam's Declaration of Independence Vietnam's Declaration of Independence The service Ho is referring here is the help he accorded the United States' Office of Strategic Services as the U. Since the United States had tried in futility to defeat the Japanese, the OSS turned to Ho to assist them in organizing an intelligence network in β†’

Hea 409 business plan

Services description section provides a deeper understanding on the services that the proposed organization is likely to be involved in as planned. Service Description Section The healthcare organization that is to be formed, HealthCo Organization will provide premier healthcare services especially to home-based care patients.

Marketing and business operations

MARKETING AND OPERATIONS BUSINESS UNIT The main aim of this project is to have well operational machine that will be dispensing coffee, the project is dabbed Costa cafe which means that passengers can find the service on the train. The machine will be designed to fit and occupy a smaller portion of the train.