Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples


The main challenge in the decision on the rout was whether the railroad was to follow the southern region or the northern region. There was controversy among the legislators because of political and economic rivalry that existed between the North and the South and legislators from each group wanted the railroad in their respective regions β†’

Special education

Learning disabilities are referred to as specific learning disabilities in the IDEA definition, because they are categorized on the basis of their specific to psychological causes, other than physical impairments, and they are different from learning disorders and learning difficulties.2. What is the most fundamental characteristic of students with learning disabilities?

Response week 7

Most notably, the children of illegal immigrants in Mexico are never granted citizenship like in the U.S. S, and they also have to feed their families like the illegal immigrants.

Assignment/ business economics

Discretionary fiscal policy are related to automatic stabilizers in the terms of the times that the policies are implemented and also the main aim of the application of the policies Q.5. Demand pull and cost push inflation Demand pull inflation is the situation that results in the increase in the price of a commodity due β†’

Anything of your choice

Do you have a subject to disseminate to the organization? You have to use the rich editor of a Microsoft Word in order to create a navigable document.

Internet dating and online friendships : harmless or not

Therefore, even if internet dating involves the practice of basic human rights such as freedom of speech and the freedom to chose whom to date, when and where, it is extremely important that the governments step in to regulate and limit this activity for the sake of fighting crime and eliminate harm to society. It β†’

Feminist movement

Additionally, the main aim of the social movements is related to the power inequalities, possession and income of different classes of people. This particular notion, related to contemporary transnational social movements, can be evidently observed with reference to the operations of Redstockings, an active group in the Feminist Movement of United States during the 1960s β†’

Baron falcon dart, llc ( )

Master Schedule for the Month of September and October for Baron Falcon Dart, LLC Given the Baron Falcon Dart, LLC case study, this paper will focus on establishing a master production schedule for the month of September as well as for the month of October guided by the Company's objective of maximization of profits with β†’

The bantu community

The eastern and western Bantu move to areas that they perceived had iron. The Bantu expansion in all areas of Africa was to acquire enormous land and be the leaders.

The best moderately priced choices cars: the toyota prius and chevy volt

Volt Whether a person is buying a car to save gas or save the environment two of the best moderately priced choices is the Toyota Prius and Chevy Volt. Mashing the accelerator on a Prius will turn on the engine but not the Volt; it stays silent until the whisper-quiet engine kick in.

U01d1 the american legal system

Considering the health care systems, it is essential to note that the government has taken over the ' driver's seat' for several organization and the hospitals that are run by the government now hold a monopoly in the markets. What is the Difference between Common Law and Statutory Law?

Principles of accounting course jebel ali merchandising company

Due to different trade " stuff" that they offer, the income statement of a merchandising company and that of a service company differs. A balance sheet is an important document for presenting to those people and organizations that are interested in the financial affairs of a company.

Commentaries for same group members’ polished thesis draft

There is no clear indication in the paper regarding the starting of the Introduction and the end of the Abstract. There is lack of sub heads in the paper.


This was a selfish act but second time when he was about to create another ' she' creature, he realized how selfish he was that without even thinking of the human race, just for the sake of his solitude and his family he was about to fulfill his promise to the creature. Summary In brief, β†’

Identity and culture

I am very conversant with this language owing to the fact that I was born and bred in England. I have spent a majority of my life in England and hence I have grown to be a fluent English speaker.


Although in The Matrix, the ones who control the lives of the people there are robots, I believe that it is us who control our life. Your soul is what directs you to pursue this and that; your soul is the motivation for you to improve in life.

Life physic

In this write-up, predictions on the future status of the world centers on the phenomena of rapid glacier meltdown - its impact on humanity and the Earth as a whole. As temperature on the Earth's surface continues to elevate, the Arctic and other regional glaciers may be lost in 70 years, filling up the world β†’

The relation between adult development and individuation

Individuals varies, this creates a difference in the amount of ego exerted by the individual in the individuation process. In an effort of achieving the individuation goal the social influence from the peers and the society helps them reach self-actualization.


Cotton was the rapist that she exhibited physiological symptoms that further accentuated her belief that he was the one. They believed that she had not made any mistakes, and so their memory when they got back to the jury room was that he must be the one, he was identified as such.

Summary of democracy in america by alexis de tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville's " Democracy in America" Tocqueville's observations that are no longer relevant to American society In Tocqueville's observations on American society, he established the role of Puritans in setting up the America's democratic ideals of equality. Tocqueville also observes that many of American legislation of the time had been borrowed from the β†’

Why do i want to be a teacher

In addition to the learning environment, teachers play a vital role in shaping the personality of their students apart from teaching the subject and hence play a dual role of both an educator as well as a counselor. With such a strong inclination in the teaching profession, I believe that I can be an able β†’

The catholic church

Further erosion of the spiritual righteousness of the Catholic Church occurred through the corrupted clergy of the Catholic Church exploiting the pious laity, as a natural consequence of a corrupted papacy. The Council upheld the basic structure and dogmas of the Catholic Church, but also tacitly identified the presence of legitimate complaints.

Darwin assignment

It points to the fact that evolution is a cosmic accident at the most. The drawback in the evolutionary theories is that it is not able to provide the evidence of how the organisms were formed or how the different species came into being.

Strategy statement for bank lloyds

Strategy ment for Lloyds Bank Part1: Lloyds Bank Strategy ment Lloyds Bank endavours to become the most responsive bank to the needs of the UK customers and shareholders. Prioritizing the needs of the customers through making the Lloyds Bank simple for the customers to do business with is a positive step towards the bank realizing β†’


This ever evolving behavior forms the basis of community life and inculcates in a human being the necessary demeanors that are in reality the requirements of the prevalent society. Another aspect of socialization is the persistence of a culture and traditions which form the basis of a society.

Extra assignment

The US government is putting extreme pressure on the Swiss government to provide them with information of the American citizens who have Swiss bank accounts. The Swiss president has assured the US authorities that they have set up a panel to deal effectively with this potential problem of tax evasion.

Care provider order entry

First of all, it is recommended that there should be clinical approach to the clinical systems that ensure the delivery and implementation of the Computerized Physician Order Entry. By this, team members should be paired according to their areas of expertise and each should be given a specialized role to plan in the implementation process.

Analysis of man and nature by roger rosenblatt

Man and Nature by Roger Rosenblatt Outline Human existence is related to nature and without nature, human existence is not possible. Nature is very powerful and keeps the capacity of destructing man-made world.

Memory consolidation

Timothy and Nelson delve into convolutions of how much the duration of retention and the presentation method of memory items and the difference it causes on the rate of forgetting. The result of this experiment indicated that forgetting in simultaneous presentation of memory items is much greater than sequential presentation.

Concept mapping for complex thinking by bob coulter

For young students, the mind map and the systems-based thinking can be quite simple as discussed in the article, but for more mature students, the system can be as complex as required. Thus, with regard to the content of the article, a question can be asked if such liberties and a rather independent approach to β†’

Hedging a eur exposure (direct hedge, cross hedge, maturity hedge)

022205 D) Forward rate = Spot rate D) Scenario: 1 F = 341000 * / Scenario 2 GBP/EUR F = 341000 * / Scenario 3 GBP/EUR F = 341000 * / Scenario 4 GBP/EUR F = 341000 * / Scenario 5 GBP/EUR F = 341000 * / Part 2: Gross hedge The following calculation of β†’

Sum 1

The objective of the research was to find out whether the writer could survive on the lowly earned wages and still save some of it to pay his bills at the end of the month. The specter that is haunting Europe in this case is the specter of Communism.

Metaphors we live by george lakoff and mark johnson

The various aspect of human life incorporates ideas and concepts that are instinctively used in relation to our interaction with other people. Indeed, the book is designed to acquaint the readers with the metaphors that are able to convey diversity of expressions in day today human interaction.

Catholic school 2000

The leadership is clear hear that the emphasis is on the importance of promoting and continuation of religious faith as the primary focus of Catholic schools. Catholic schools emphasise the contribution of education to the common good of the Australian community.

Inflation and monetary policy

Zero Inflation Inflation is concerned with the rise in the price in the goods and services in a local economy, which reduces the buying power of the individuals. This means they do desire the inflation to be the integral part of the economy, and tend to avoid the state of zero inflation.

Math tutoring center

Secondly, the one to one approach in learning mathematics supported in math tutoring centers makes it possible for the tutor to understand the personal weaknesses in particular students. Whereas the benefits of a Math Tutoring Center are many, it is the responsibility of the students to use such facilities appropriately.

Cyberpunk development in the narration to demonstrate the virtual world reflecting decline of human culture on the background of technological progress in the computer age

The paper will seek to elaborate on cyberpunk criticism and how it is used in stories, and the potential issues it encounters in the present world, as well as, the technical imagination for social commentary in the future. Assessment: The book is comprehensive on imperative issue pertaining to cyberpunk and the virtual world in which β†’

Models of teaching paper

With the cognitive models, Joyce, Weil & Calhoun argue that teachers are in an enhanced position to present their learners with an opportunity to grasp concepts in the classroom setting. Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun also argue that, through constructivism, learners are able to get in contact with the reality, through provoking thoughts of the learners.

Blooms classic critical reviews

The old man, eye, and the narrator, I, maybe the same person; and the story represents the inner turmoil ending with severing the head from heart. Tucker is also well cited, and the Southern Journal is a reliable source.

Come up with a research topic

The thesis statement for this topic is the position that: harassment of Latino immigrants by state and local law enforcement authorities is strongly linked to the anti-immigration sentiments of people in the United States and this prevents Latinos from getting any form of protection under US laws in the face of these harassments. This will β†’

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

The names and description of various mental disorders as contained in the DSM enable counselors to understand particular behavioral conditions in the client, which guides in the selection of proper measurement tool. With proper isolation of the behaviors, a DSM allows counselors to think of possible tools and strategies to tackle mental cases.

School councils

They suggest that student councillors and their teachers feel the councils benefit the school as a whole." The youngsters involved also learn about society and citizenship as well as developing their personal skills." In a separate survey by BT and the charity Childline, only 47% of the children questioned said adults listened to what they β†’

Tesol vocabulary

TESOL TESOL is a programme that guides the teaching of the English language to people who wish to learn English either as a foreign language or as a foreign language. TESOL has numerous programs designed for the TESOL students, which help in keeping the attention and interest of the students using TESOL.

Definition and meaning of parenthood

However, to be considered parents of a child does not only involve the similarities and the possession of biological factors that the two generations share. He is one who is expected to provide the financial needs of the child and the other parent, which is the mother, especially in a conservative society.

Health issues of family

Review of the previous assignment enabled in the identification of two prominent trends in their conditions which have been discussed as follows: Trend 1: Stress and Depression Pattern The first thing that was observed in the information collected by the relatives was that out of the sample of 15 relatives, 6 were suffering from stress β†’

Problem based learning activity

We discussed the education area of Lamar, the administration governing the schools and the number of schools in the region. This will be compared to the results of other classes in the area.


R, his acute condition can be identified by the electrocardiographic changes such as T-wave tenting or inversion of the T-waves in the 12 leads with the principal R-waves. However, cardiac troponin T, and I are the most common marker of myocardial injuries due to their high specificities and sensitivities for diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.

Middle east business

Therefore, any company that intends to succeed in the Middle East should appreciate the existing disparities in terms of the people and other defining social issues. On that account, more sensitization should be extended to companies doing business in the Middle East in terms of seminars and workshops to avoid the aforementioned pitfalls.

Philosophy assignment

Later, Claggart lies and complaints to the Captain Vere that Billy is involved in an attempted mutiny. The Captain is also sure that Billy Budd would never resort to involve in a crime of mutiny.

Is hamlet really insane… do i think hamlet is insane

Hamlet is quite a rational character but he is unable to fight with his circumstances that are all against him. Hamlet has seven soliloquies in the play that confirm to the fact that he is not mad at all.


Mothers of East Los Angeles were one of these grass root coalitions formed in the Latino community in the 1900s and included over 400 Mexican American women. The chapter discusses the activities of Mexican American women in Mothers of East Los Angeles.

My unforgettable person

While I was assisting my grandfather set up the tent on the grounds where the party was to take place, I faced challenges fastening the tops due to my height. This is when I came to appreciate that my grandfather was tall.

Utilitarianism. evaluation of the objection

Utilitarianism Introduction Utilitarianism is a theory of ethics that holds that: the best course of action maximizes the greatest overall " good" for the largest number of individuals. A course of action that maximizes the common good of the greatest number of individuals is difficult to assume in modern society.


In the second paragraph, the writer has been justified in defining the meaning of Sarbanes Oxley act, which proved the article and writer to be professional. In the third paragraph, there is also statement about the merits of the Sarbanes Act on the financial and investment sector Further, more proceeding into the later paragraph, it β†’

Scholarship application

I also hold a Bachelors Degree in Nursing from the York University in Toronto, Canada. In addition to the above achievements, I have a strong desire to learn and share knowledge.

Film : food, inc

The scenes and images show the contradiction of healthy food and the realities of what is in the supermarket, including processed and a false sense of food. Food is a corporate structure and is not based on helping the health of familiess

Meaning of life

I reflected on the way I felt restrained by my strict parents and by the high moral standards that I was required to live up to as a practising Muslim in a respectable family. I found the requirement to be obedient to my parents to be too restrictive and imagined all the things I would β†’

The ethics & standards committee

I have given it my all to be accepted back into the society and it is very painful for me to realize that no matter what I do I will never be so accepted; whether it is an application for a job or health insurance, I am always turned down based on my conviction. That β†’

Case scenario: fictitious business description

Generally, the Small Business Administration classifies the size of a business depending on either the number of employees or average annual receipts with the average number of employees of 500 is needed to be classified as small business. HRIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT An HRIS is deemed as crucial for Castle's Family Restaurant to facilitate the processing β†’

Describe both the general and specific social conditions that existed for nat turner in southampton county, virginia, in the 1830s

of Lecturer 25 July Nat Turner Nat Turner was an African American slave that had the belief that he had been ordained by God to save his people from freedom and this was the reason that he led a black slave revolt in Southampton County, Virginia in the 1830s. It was the anguish that was β†’

Cheap food, poverty and obesity — is there a correlation

Cheap Food, Poverty and Obesity Poverty can be defined as a condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and other basic necessities to enjoy a minimum life standard and well-being that is considered acceptable in society it is deprivation of basic human needs which are food, water, clothing shelter sanitation and β†’

Financial management

number: & Discounted Cash flows Analysis Net present value - p at i)t, wheret is time, ct is the annual net cash flow, t= 1 i is the discount rate p is the planning horizon Internal rate of return - p The value of r such that at / t = 0 t= 1 Payback β†’

Leadership & change

An argument against this point of view that I think is important is the fact that in most cases the manager and the leaders who are in the organization's higher positions are the drivers of change. They can also minimize the anxiety of the employees through sharing the information and discussing the needs and the β†’

Case 37

Also, it preserves Connor's self-esteem because Connor was telling the jokes to get his peers attention and the more he tells his jokes the more his peers laugh and he gets attention. Devenney realizes the reason Connor is telling jokes, he uses this strategy to help Connor build up his self- confidence when he interacts β†’

Moral responsibility of helping starving children

It is, therefore, the responsibility of each person to ensure that no one is starving when one has the ability to help. In conclusion, it is the mandate of each person to ensure that starving images of children in developing countries are eliminated completely.

Do video games cause (or not) cause violent behaviour

Video Games Cause Aggressive Behaviour Video Games Cause Aggressive Behaviour The entertainment industry has, over time, evolved owing to the advancement in technology. Video games with violence provoke teens and children to act aggressively.


Zinc The appendages and the skin are rich in zinc although it is present in all other organs, fluids and tissues of the body. Zinc is absorbed in the ileum and the jejunum where control mechanism of the body makes it complicated to take in too much of zinc.

The real university cost in a free higher education country

The study explains the correlation between preparation for entry to the university, socioeconomic status, and the cost of free education. The results proved that there is a relationship between the preparation for entry to the university, and the amount of money the students required for free university education.

Discussion board

This changed the conquest story because the reduction in population caused a decrease in the benefits of the Columbian exchange. Even if the settlers had left, the continent was permanently changed by the settlers due to the introduction of the diseases and other exchange materials.

America and the first world war

America and the First World War The First World War was initially declared in Europe, and America sought to maintain a neutral approach to it. Wilson Woodrow was actively engaged in all matters pertaining America's foreign policies and saw no need to engage in the war as he acknowledged that none of America's interests β†’

Tragic and epic hero

The Role of Humiliation and Punishment in a Hero's Quest: An Analysis of Oedipus the King and Sundiata. Introduction Oedipus the King is a tragic story/play about Oedipus who was king of Thebes, when the god Apollo cursed the murderer of the previous king.

In which place have you felt most inspired and why

It was cold, we were hungry, and even the most basic act such as turning in your sleep was impossible. We were all in the same bed, and NO one could turn".

Communication field study

In order to promote communication, it is mandatory for the administrators to solicit opinions and make ways to listen more willingly to the problems of the staff and other management employees. When working for solutions to problems, it is required for the language to be objective because judgmental and factual thinking can work against the β†’

How do men and women use language differently

How do men and women use language differently? " Men grow up in a world in which a conversation is often a contest, either to achieve the upper hand or to prevent other people from pushing them around whereas women often speak for confirmation and support". Women and men have different purposes in a communication β†’

Investment in nike

The Discounted Cash Flow Analysis in Exhibit 2 demonstrated that, at a discount rate of 12 percent, Nike's current share price was overvalued at $42.09. All of this points to the fact that Nike is a good investment because it is undervalued at the discount rate in terms of WACC.

Reflective analysis of for the living: the story of the u.s. holocaust memorial museum

What I particularly like about this movie is the fact that it is a two-in-one movie in that not only this movie narrates the various events and causes that led to the opening of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, but also the audience can find good amount of information regarding the people that wither lived β†’

Corporate compliance plan

While the company is committed to being at the top of the industry and maintains that leadership, it also obligates itself to conduct its business in the most ethical manner in accordance with existing, pertinent and applicable laws. In addition, he/she is also charged with the periodic review and risk assessment of company processes, performances, β†’

High-quality care and education in the reggio approach

Parents are an active part of their children's learning experience and they take many forms such as day-to-day interaction, work in the schools, discussions of educational and psychological issues, special events, excursions, and celebrations. Parents have the right to be involved in the life of the school.

The journey to be oneself

On a daily basis we are faced with the risk of living because to live is to risk dying, to love is to risk rejection and to succeed is to risk failure. A third risk is the risk of failure to remain true to myself and true to what I am capable of doing.

What is karma and how does it work

In the end it all has an effect on your life and fate in the future. You can call it karma or any other word you like but there is a system of justice in the world and sooner or later everyone gets what he deserves.

Dictionary translates ancient egypt life

In addition, the article quotes many prominent Egyptologists and historians, who maintain that the dictionary is a significant for the modern people to understand the ancient Egyptian culture and for " mastering the texts from the Egyptians themselves" and not through their rulers.Dr. From some of the findings, the Egyptians believed that life after death β†’

Joseph mallord william turner i

It was through the influence of the deceased landscape writer, Cozen and Richard Wilson from Wales that Turner was able to become more imaginative and poetic in his landscapes. Turner: 1775-1851: the world of light and colour.

Effects of not getting enough sleep

Therefore, good quality of sleep can contribute to loss of weight since the lack of sleep leads to the rise of appetite associated with the hormonal changes. In fact, the increase in the appetite results to rise in the ghrelin, while the person is getting sufficient sleep the appetite is suppressed due to the production β†’

Home work

The purpose of the prose is to inform readers in a matter-of-fact manner the characteristics and causes of fog, most probably written for academically-engaged individuals like science students. The prose provides scientific information necessary for the audience and not consisting opinions, as in technical writing.

Analysis of the business environment of vodaphone – introduction + porters five forces analysis

By the name Vodafone, it means voice data fone and it aims at the good quality supply of voice and data services in the world of telecommunication. SERVICES AND PRODUCTS PROVIDED: Vodafone offers wide range of products and services within the vast range of telecommunication circle.

The wedding banquet by ang lee

The Wedding Banquet by Ang Lee The lack of acceptance faced by homosexuals is a burning issue in the mainstream society because the public considers the same as immoral. Review: Homosexuality In the film, the director makes use of the main characters as his mouthpiece to share his opinion on homosexuality.


Research Methods Decision of Using Composite or Summated Scale Score The notion of summated scale score is regarded as a group of collected questionsthat are internally related with each other and focus on measuring the constructs. Thus, the notion of composite scale score can be used in this situation.

The caning of charles sumner

After reviewing the circumstances that led to Sumner's beating, and analyzing the cultural pressures to defend the honor within Antebellum in the Southern Society, it shows that the Caning of Sumner event represented a microcosmic instance of the cultural motivations of the civil war. This code prescribed punishment to the Northerners therefore, Brooks only acted β†’

Toni morrison’s the bluest eye

The failed seeds represent the lack of growth of human beings, because of their racial discrimination and self-loathing, and the emotional and spiritual death that accompanies these attitudes and actions. Morrison establishes the sense of racial self-loathing through the symbols and personalities that Claudia and Pecola love and loathe, and how characters see and treat β†’

School counseling

Responses I like how the has clarified the definition and the severity of learning diseases simultaneously and then moved on to understanding the various aspects that a learning disability can extend to, ending with providing an approach to handling the problem. I agree with the writer's holistic approach towards addressing the physical impairment of a β†’

Interview with harold bloom blood meridian

BLOOM AND BLOOD MERIDIAN Harold Bloom, the eminent literary critic, begins his discussion of the novel Blood Meridian by describing the horror at the heart of the story as being an accurate depiction of the genocide of the native peoples of America over the years. In the course of the interview, Bloom explicitly compares the β†’

Part b- cross cultural management (student’s review of a peer’s posting)

Overall, this point is significant, as evidently managers need to be well aware of the dynamics of the negotiation process and the influence of the culture they are dealing with, to maximise the result in the negotiation process and to solve any conflict that may arise because of the cultural differences. Sara has also explained β†’

Risk register

Therefore, the level of accuracy is definite, which grants the project manager an easy time in provision of solutions to the risks. A risk register database system to aid the management of project risk.

John fudge modern artist

His 1981 painting, which he referred to as Sex Change Operation, is a good example of is ruminations of these subjects. In this great work of art, Fudge features two identical squat dogs standing akin to guardians of the gate on a romantic, moonlit beach.


In the lower strata of the organization, black employees are insulted in front of its employees and are told to be grateful for having a job. Also, the tendency of the mores of the locality where the restaurant is located to influence the norm of the restaurant to be equally bigoted against employees and restaurant.