Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

International business economics

Regional Economic Integration Regional Economic Integration The scope of Regional economic integration entails an agreement achieved by countries in the same geographical area to engage in exchange of both goods and services freely through reduction and thereafter, absolute elimination of trade barriers. The regional economic integration became a success from the global treaties and agreements β†’

Discussion – dissertation example

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation cyber-crime involves and encourages piracy and intellectual theft and impacts upon the economy of the country in many different ways. From this discussion, I have learned a lot and realize the enormity and dangers involved in Cyber Crime.

See attachment

History The Alamo is a fort that was occupied by a team of Texan volunteer soldiers in December 1835 at the time of the Texas' war. The concept of the noble savage was established in the 1830s to explain a person who is not corrupted by civilization.

Action plan

This should be done continuously in a manner that there are set goals and objectives, there exist continuous assessment of the progress of work and the feedback is meticulously evaluated with an intention of ensuring that the work-force to attain their targets. Wolf must ensure that there is application of a better plan that encompasses β†’

Reconceptualizing cultural identity and its role in intercultural business communication and the business case for enterprise mashups

Reconceptualizing Cultural Identity and Its Role in Intercultural Business Communication and The Business Case for Enterprise Mashups Tutor's Name Date Reflection 1 The article, " Reconceptualizing Cultural Identity and Its Role in Intercultural Business Communication", the authors focus on the influence of intercultural identity in business communication. According to the article, " The business case β†’

Social psychological theories on social inequalities by hollander and howard

The paper " Social Psychological Theories on Social Inequalities by J.A. Social psychology's approach on social inequalities has been met with a number of challenges one is the skewed kind of approach by the social psychologist.

Values and life styles survey

I also think that my ability to adapt to circumstances played a part in my classification as a striver. This does not mean that I do not have ethics as I also believe that things should be done in the correct way.

Fiber optic is reliable with networking. i mean” how is it been secure”

In fact, with millions of fiber optic cables stretching worldwide, it has been the backbone of the Internet and telecommunications systems. With all these, plus the fact that fiber optic cables do not produce electrical radiation, fiber optics has been the choice solution for a better and a more secure means of communication by companies β†’

Positivity from disappointments in life

People usually resort to extensive acts of self sympathies and frustrations to deal with disappointments in life and consider their unfortunate instances as the end of their lives. My father's deceit made me stronger in life and taught me the relevance of staying true to oneself.

Theories of crime causation unit1 db

This is because rehabilitation only prepares the individual to get back to the society and it is the society that accepts the individual back. This implies, therefore, that the main objective of the police is the protection of innocent lives from criminals and prevention of crimes against these innocent individuals.

The prevention of id theft against women while shopping

The prevention of ID Theft against women while shopping Affiliation Characteristics Total Identity Theft Existing Account New Account Personal Information Multiple Types Female 15 13 4 3 5 Male 14 12 4 3 6 Age: 16-24 years old 55 41 16 16 22 25-34 years old 29 25 8 7 13 35-49 years old 19 β†’

Journal entry 11, 12

Flexibility in application of EBPs is both useful and detrimental depending on the level of awareness of a student. One evidence-based practice, collaborative strategic reading, is a practice that is useful in improving comprehension of expository text.

Inquiry brief

Hellsten " Metaphors and Diaphors in Science Communication: Mapping the Case of Stem-Cell Reseach" in Science Communication examine the term " stem cell" and how it varies in different contexts of research, applications and policy debates. Metaphors and diaphors in science communication: Mapping the case of stem cell research.

Modern latin america

Modern Latin America The impact of Free Trade Agreement in the Latin American nations has posed serious debates among the researches in recentyears. Poor performance of economic growth and the stagnant status of economy have forced many Latin American nations to refuse Free Trade Agreement of America even at the verge of losing some of β†’

Ted speech reflection

Although the main aim of the framework has been in addressing the service discrepancies witnessed in the health sector, it is not limited in its application. It is a useful tool that is for planning in the health service sector especially in Maternal and Child Health.

Book on : the chief- douglas haig and the british army – gary sheffield

The Chief- Douglas Haig and the British Army - Gary Sheffield Douglas Haig stands out as one of the most controversial army commander in the British history and, the history of the World War. Sheffield best captures the controversy surrounding the army general in his book " The Chief- Douglas Haig and the British Army β†’


The manager is also likely to face resistance from the subordinates due to the new kind of leadership. The ability of the new manager to socialize and cultivate a good relationship with the subordinates will give him/her referent power.

Self-evaluation and pay discrimination

If a contractor meets the general standard for self evaluation, the first step that the OFCCP adopts is to assess whether the employer self evaluation program is at par with the voluntary guidelines. The third step is that OFCCP reviews the documents that the contractor keeps to undertake the self-evaluation program.

The effectiveness of relaxtion therapy in the reduction of anxiety related symptoms (a case study)

A Summary of Article: " The Effectiveness of Relaxation Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Related Symptoms " Instructor's Name Date Synopsis: This study explores the importance of relaxation therapy in reduction of anxiety related symptoms. Results were gathered using the application of different relaxation techniques for twelve months and administration of both the scales β†’

Miranda v. arizona

In 1966, Miranda appealed to the Supreme Court, who ruled in his favor, claiming that Miranda's confession could not be used as the police had failed to inform Miranda of his right to an attorney. There was enough to convict Miranda that a breach in the reading of his rights should not have played a β†’

The ultimate lifetime money plan

Question #3 As I begin my professional life and career, I think that a 40/35/25 budget is appropriate. Question #5 I think that parents are putting less value on what the school can actually contribute to the intellectual and emotional development of their child than the value they priced on the prestige of that school.

The importance of technology in a business organization(reflective journal)

Inferring from the title of the research, it is based on the real world application of technology in business which I have I do not have an experience yet being still a student. First, I realized that the use of technology in business is not just a fad but could actually be a competitive edge β†’

Viii of platos republic

The property in the city will be distributed among the powerful and people who worked the land will become beholden to the landowners. The love of money of the ruler will spread to the entire ruling class and money will then become the key pre-requisite for becoming a member of the ruling class, argues Socrates.

Narrative about pueblo revolt

The Pueblos were also directed to render free labor in the plantations of the Spaniards. But the Spaniards were cleverly playing the card of religion to win over the Pueblos." The Franciscans set up a series of missions among the Pueblos with the expectation that they would abandon their religious beliefs for Christianity".

Contemporary issues in financial management-integration management and the pathfinder model for ge capital

Integration Management and the Pathfinder Model for GE Capital Integration Management and the Pathfinder Model for GECapitalIntegrated Financial management is carried out by the use of Integrated Financial Management Systems. The first step in application of the Pathfinder Model is the pre-acquisition stage which starts off with cultural evaluation where there is an assessment of β†’

Work ,retirement and economic status

Work, Retirement and Economic status The video segment " Work, Retirement and Economic status" addresses the plight of the aged in the American society in so far as work, retirement, and their economic status are concerned. The employment trends in the US reveal that more elderly population are choosing to retain their employment or get β†’

How to avoid plagiarism

Academic writing is a skill that needs to be cultured and developed to ensure that one correctly captures essential information when undertaking tasks in academic writing. In conclusion, whenever one wishes to include someone else's work on their own, you should always ensure that you strictly abide by the rules that govern academic writing as β†’

Annotated bibliography

This source is reliable, mainly because it is a peer reviewed article, and the authors of this article hold professional degrees in psychology. This article is reliable and relevant mainly because the authors use examples, and they identify the methods that should be used in improving the treatment of addicts.

Global economy

The price of oil is very volatile and therefore managing it is extremely challenging. Mozes, H.A.& Cooks, S.' The Disconnect Between Physical Gold Demand and Gold Prices' The Journal of Wealth Management, vol.

Great american books (walt whitman)

Thesis Statement The essay intends to understand and examine the thematic criticism or analysis pertaining in the poetry of Whitman with the poem " Song of the Open Road" Critical Analysis of the poem " Song of the Open Road": Problem of Allegory and Comprehension Walt Whitman has celebrated the liberal virtues of America." The β†’

Narrative statement for school of radilogical technology at va medical center

I believe it will give me the opportunity of watching my ambitions and dreams come to reality. I hope that you will consider my application and grant me the chance of doing what I love most: adding life to people's days.

If you could pursue any occupation regardless of education, training, special talent, or expense, what would it be and why (maximum two pages, single spaced,

My Profession as Software Business Analyst of the My Profession as Software Business Analyst If I would be able pursue any occupation regardless of education, training, special talent, or expense then I would love to choose Software Business Analyst in the world of Information Technology. I will pick software business analyst because it looked like β†’

How i integrated intelligence and character to solve it

However, balancing my academic activities and social activities in the time-table was quite challenging; in this regard, I had to think critically to ensure that a balance of the two is achieved. In the process of critical thinking on how to balance my academic activities and my social life, I had to take into consideration β†’

Fogbusters inc

The Fogbuster could be introduced at the leader of your sleek waste water before it achieves the DAF, on slick streams well upstream of the DAF and set up of ebb and flow DAF or other framework. The territory to investigate and give an innovation proposal and settle on a discriminating choice is the assembling β†’

Attitudes of multidisciplinary teams to the introduction of the edinburg depression scale

In the modern world where healthcare delivery is moving towards a disciplinary team structure, the attitudes of the team to the use of scales to measure depression is important to the outcome. H2: Attitudes towards the use of EDS in the measurement of post-partum depression in Saudi Arabia are negative.

Teachers of a bilingual classroom

Successful teachers are those who continuously strive to improvise in their chosen field - that of imparting training in a second language, by enrolling in various courses which enable them to teach a second language in the most effective and efficient manner. While imparting second language training to young learners, a teacher must ensure that β†’

Mini case study

The third question was asked to the store manager about the brand of the electronics products they are using in their retail outlet and it was observed that they deal with the poor quality products and not the renowned brand available in the market. The knowledgeable sales staff in the retail store will help to β†’

Health psychology paper

This report argues that while it's necessary for the hospital and medical establishment to have these clinical pathways in place, in terms of sociocultural and behavioral patterns, it's critical for medical professionals to inform caregivers of children with asthma at the time of their diagnosis the variety of options they have regarding these treatment mechanisms. β†’

Interview on play development

Because I did not go to school, I could only play games with the neighborhood kids. At home I would play with my sisters and cousins, but outside I would just play with the neighborhood kids.

Comparing and contrasting the major theories of aggression

Comparing and contrasting the major theories of aggression Comparing and contrasting the major theories of aggression Aggression is a quality of anger and determination that makes a person ready to attack other people. The Psychology of social conflict and aggression: Atlanta: Psychology Press.

U07d2 laws balancing access and protection

The safety and privacy of the public and their medical records has been considered to be an essential aspect of the healthcare industry. The Practical Guide to HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance.

Trade show promotional ideas

PRODUCT: The name of my brand is Bump Guard and the product that we have launched is a wrap around of solid piece inside of the crib beds known as bumper. They are of the shape of the bump guard and have a slogan " It's safer" and band name " Bump Guard" on them.

Momma mia’s violations of employment law

Doing so would require finding either the employment contract or an advertisement for the job in the newspaper or in a classifieds and indicating that that element was not in the job description. Momma Mia had no right to terminate her for her refusal to do something that was not part of the job description β†’

Why maldoror evil

In this respect, there is a bright example of the literary character Maldoror as a creature, which demonstrates the predominance of its evil part in all of its actions. Maldoror and the Complete Works of the Comte de Lautreamont.2004.

Consumer product safety commission

These laws include: The Consumer Product Safety Act which gives the commission the authority to set standards and place bans on certain products, The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act which authorizes the commission to develop regulatory or enforcement tools, The H.R. Consumer Product Safety Act.U.S.

Media and military policy of the united states

Indeed, there is a communicative nexus between the mass media and modern warfare as media reporting is known to affect the justifications and means by which officers engage in war and how the military establishes military policies. This paper discusses how the ubiquity of media continues to affect U.S.military interests and how contemporary military policy β†’

Reflection paper education

Reflection Paper Education Financial Crisis of Schools in the District of Philadelphia Caskey and Kuperberg's article in the journal EducationNext explains the reason for the financial crisis in School in the district of Philadelphia. The development of charter school contributes to financial crisis faced by the schools in the area.

Public health microbiolgy: my personal perspective

The TB germs may spray into the air if a person with TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, shouts, or sneezes. Doctors treat tuberculosis with antibiotics to kill the TB bacteria.

Marketing management concepts

We can see that as People's bank utilize the best technology available and apply it to their business sector, efficiency is increased not only on the part of the customer but also to the business. The advent of the internet as well as the creation of software suited to extend banking and investment services has β†’

Social reporting in the tobacco industry: all smoke and mirrors

Moerman and Van Der Laan The authors point out that BAT has utilized social reporting in order to attain legitimacy and social image due to increased pressures from WHO that can set industry standards on tobacco manufacture and advertising. Social accounting and disclosure reflects the conflict that exist between environmentalists like WHO and capital and β†’

Chinese history (east asian studies)

The change from a passive approach to one that actively engages in the political affairs of the world in an active manner signals a change of approach that coincides with the entry of China as a superpower in the political arena. Medeiros see in the increasing number of bilateral relations and the greater level of β†’

Business ba top up in the uk

Personal ment I am writing this ment to express my interest in taking a bachelor's degree in business studies in I feel that taking the course in this institution will be very beneficial to me as I seek to advance my expertise and knowledge in the field of business. In this institution, I worked in β†’

Cause and effect of humiliation in the classroom

and Section # of Cause and Effect of Humiliation in the room Be it any person, in order to succeed in life one needs to feel good about and believe in oneself. The stronger this belief in oneself is, the higher would be the self-confidence and self-esteem and the more one would be convinced that β†’

Anaylsis a movie

It is a classic love-story and tells the tale of Scarlett O'Hara, the manipulative, narcissistic, spoiled, self-centered female lead of the movie and her struggles to protect what is hers in the middle of the civil war. The film is filled with her antics and plays out more like a soap opera.

Week seven discussion topic

Botox treatment for facial wrinkles involves the use of injections to paralyze and block some muscles and nerves on the face. Zelickson highlights that this bacteria can be purified and used in the treatment of wrinkles and other similar ailments through injection of muscles.

Cost-volume-profit analysis for new startups

The analysis helps entrepreneurs in identifying the breakeven point or the point at which their sales and expenditure will be equal to each other. This, in turn, helps a new startup in identifying the number of units it should sell in order to meet the minimum expenditure and investment it had made in the business.

Personal statement for medical universities in uk

I can take up other courses if I wanted to, but I feel that my inclinations lead to this course. I want to study the whys and hows of intervening to make a patient right.

Analysis of look away by willliam c. davis

A key concept in the book is the political structure of oligarchy which describes the patriarchal government style of Southern towns and regions and the way this contrasts with the more formal democratic processes of the North. Davis describes the differences of opinion that were at large in the south, and argues that in fact β†’

Childhood model

Question two Social cognitive theory came about because of the work conducted in the field of social learning theory advocated by Miller and Dollard in 1941. Social cognitive theories are applied in the training of nurses and in their day-to-day responsibilities.

Donaldson study

Good decision leads to teachers effectiveness and improved students learning Quality of teachers is determined by the level of experience of the teacher and the duration of the retention of the teacher within the institution enhancing bonding with the students hence improving the performance of the students. Assignment should be based on the experience of β†’

About skills needed to work in a corporate office/ manager

I believe in others' competencies and know how to motivate them to make the best use of their capabilities. I am proud of my capabilities as a leader and can prove to be an ethical leader in the business I pursue.

Strategy in the world package delivery business

As emphasized in Operations Strategy and Competiveness, " the business strategy of FedEx, the world's largest provider of expedited delivery services, is to compete on time and dependability of deliveries. To compete with FedEx and DHL, UPS must review and evaluate the strategies of both organizations to gauge their strengths and weaknesses.

Global interdependence

Global Interdependence The dominating news items from the recent past to the current times, have been the global war on terrorism, global economic meltdown and of course, the global interest in the US presidential elections in the backdrop of the two preceding factors. Retrieved from: Summary The central idea of Simon's article is the β†’

Field report

The museum is located in the remote Island of New York City and is open every day of the year. The museum has established a favorable relationship with the software company, Adobe Inc.with the possibility of encouraging the use of software products made by the latter.

Structural health monitoring

Instrumentation of monitoring types of equipment within the rotating parts requires the design of temperature resistance sensors with the ability to detect slight changes in flaws within the engine. Such sensors would significantly assist in reducing aircraft accidents through effective monitoring of rotating components of the plane.

Education leadership

Rather than building a type of fortress in which everyone is suspected of some type of infraction until verified otherwise, Clark's model relies on the personal responsibility of the individual participants within the system to administer the policies that ensure a safe environment to all involved.3. 2 Plans for the accomplishment of strategic goals The β†’

Beach wedding dresses

She explains that a long flowing wedding dress is not very practical for a bride who aspires to have a wedding on the beach. In view of the fact that a beach wedding is more informal as opposed to a traditional church wedding, one should choose a style that agrees with the ambience.

Juvenile focus

Juvenile Focus Juvenile Focus The article emphasizes on the need to protect and safeguard children rights and in particular keeping children and the youths at risk pre-occupied by initiating programs such as compulsory schooling among other alternatives, which the stakeholders can apply in order to mitigate the juvenile menace. By addressing issues on children and β†’

Values and beliefs in business

The identification of business values is a great step in the achievement of this. These values and beliefs are some of the principles essential are running a successful business.


Income inequality in America The income gap between the poor and rich in America has been rapidly increasing to its highest level in recent decades. The income inequality experienced in America is mainly triggered by the regressive tax system used in the American economy.

Confucianism (analects)

He sought to establish a way of life that exhibited a high morality level in his efforts to bring about a restoration of the moral code that a preceding leader Zhou had established. Kong was well aware of the virtues that the Chinese culture had advocated for, and he admonished the people to adopt such β†’

Fixed pricing policy

Fixed Pricing Policy The knowledge of pricing policy to apply is very essential not only to the firms who are the producers of various goods and services but also to the consumers in many ways. The strategy and tactics of pricing: A guide to growing more profitably.

Mastring management 4330

This situation is worsened by the fact that there are a number of time management principles that are being violated in the process of ensuring that Chet meets his managerial obligations. Chet is caught up in a mix of things he wants to achieve and those that he wants to do.

Constitutional convention

Constitutional Convention By the fall of 1786, reality downed upon the Americans that the Articles of Confederation, the underpinning document for the new-fangled United States approved in 1777, had to be significantly customized. A small number of delegates from undersized states were objected to it by voicing their concerns that the plan would award larger β†’

Scientific notation

Basically, equations consist of variables that are normally combined with constants to form a specific relation between quantities that possess individual meanings such as cost, number of years, population, number of items, or even revenue. In everyday life, when equations are solved, one is able to find out exact solutions of two functions whose intersection β†’

The spotlight effect in social judgment

In the third study the aim was to investigate the spotlight effect on behavior. The method of study was a mixed design in which both the participants and the observers were located within the study.

School of medicine

My head is on my shoulder and I am really dedicated, I would love to serve the SOM student body. I will ensure that I give my best and I am not someone who expects things in return, which is another quality which I can be proud of.

Usa patriot act

Section 215 gives the government power to look and search records of an individual's activities that are in the hands of a third party. The USA Patriot Act is a violation of civil liberty, first it gives the government power to conduct search and spy on individuals at will.

Literacy features when i whistle by endo shusaku

Literary Features in the novel " When I Whistle" Outline: The theme of the novel is the changes in the thought of the two generations as depicted by Ozu and Eiichi. Edno has used the father and the son as a metaphor to describe the change of values of the post and pre war generations.


The author attempts to compare actions of both the old and the new NAACP Hollywood bureau and cautions the new bureau against the consequences faced by the old bureau. According to the author, Walter White's attempts serve as the lessons of history to the pioneers of the new NAACP Hollywood bureau.

Germany issues

Such technological intelligence has enabled them to be the leaders in some of the most cherished brands of automobiles and machinery in the world. The culture of beating around the bush and hiding the truth is totally news to them.

Business strategies implemented internationally

Yes, setting up subsidiaries in each of the international market is one of the best ways to manage business outside the local market.3. Hence, the company decides to open of subsidiaries in each of the international countries and then transfer authority to these subsidiaries.

Final exam

Thus, managers would be expected to fully grasp the human psychology and behavior applied in the context of the workplace. Based on the given readings about groups and teams, I learned that it is important to ensure strong cohesiveness of the team.

Explain how a company can operationally manage environmental issues

Life Cycle Design Coulter describes life cycle design as a ' cradle to grave approach, which provides the most complete environmental profile of goods and services'. It provides an integrated systems approach to managing the environmental effects of using energy, materials and capital in industrial ecosystem according to Richards and Fullerton.

Literary legacy

The use of satire, imagination and prose in writing by most contemporary literary authors is a clear reflection of T. A comparative literary review on the works of T.

Three important lessons: plato’s apology

The background of the Apology is that Socrates is being charged with the corruption of the youth and disrespect towards the Gods. He also wishes to emphasize that it is his wisdom and knowledge that make him persecuted, but this wisdom and knowledge will be of much use to the city of Athens.

Originlists/non originlists

The originalists necessarily give focus on a puritan interpretation of the Constitution according to how it was formulated and a strict compliance on the original intent of its framers and its wording. I believe that the latter is favorable and the times unavoidably demand that the Constitution must be so construed to support the ultimate β†’

Humanities and western civilizations

The new idea that I encountered concerning the Judeo-Christian religion tradition is the similarity of the value system between the two religions. Both Islam and Judaism believe in one supreme God, not the Trinity of Christianity.

Type 1 diabetes, recommended range of blood glucose levels

Pathophysiology Diabetes type 1 develops due to the immune system of the body attacking all the entire cells that are in charge of the production of insulin in the pancreas. A result of the cells inability to take up the glucose, the effect would be an increase in the quantity of sugar in the blood.

Main argument section of psychological survival book review

What comes to focus is how they will survive inside and outside the prison. They long for the touch of a loved one, or just to see them.

Illustrating the ways which media covers the european crisis today and before five years in greece and france

Comparatively, the French media was more critical about economic policies of countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece while Greek media was more concerned about the issues affecting the Greek economy and the possible benefits that Greece as a country would derive from the economic collaboration in the euro zone. Greece: International Conference, The Greek β†’

Manipulation of humans by the goverment/media in the brave new world

Discussion of the events in the ' brave new world' 1) The use of the drug soma 2) The theme of manipulation C. The government in the society of Brave New World employs the use of drugs and technology to control the thinking capacity of the citizens.

To any would-be terrorists

To Any Would-Be Terrorists - Naomi Shihab Nye The Arab-American Naomi Shihab Nye wrote the essay d To Any Would-Be Terrorists to get the attention of would be terrorists, concerning the damage that terrorism had on humanity and the negative effect it had to the Middle East due to being instantly connected to the area β†’

Behavioral, cognitive, and group therapy activity. case study

Client: " Does it have a cure?" Therapist: " That is dependent on the cause, as there are several causes of the same". Client: What are the causes and which is the one involved in my case?" Therapist: " The causes vary from clinical impairment, distress in social, occupational, and other important areas of functioning".

Law in a changing society

This paper seeks to discuss the various aspects of the Australian legal system and decide if the processes are keeping up to date with the changes in the society. The Adversarial System The adversarial system in Australia has always left it to the parties involved using their resources to collect evidence.