Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

The counselor

SUGGESTION AND PERSUASION ARE PARTS OF THE THERAPEUTIC PROCESS 24th, January, Suggestion and Persuasion Are Parts of the Therapeutic Process Introduction The therapeutic process entails treatment of a condition using methods such as reassurance, and instructions. The therapy situation and the expectations of the therapist on the patient greatly influence the behavior of the patient.

Reading response

In that case, the society is bound to experience conflicts and problems based on the different religious perspectives of the people. This is because religion in a society serves the importance of regulating people's behaviour and guides on morals in the society.

1 corinthians 11

In these verses, Paul condemns the act ofabusing Lord's Supper that was evident among the Corinthians. In these verses, he also extents his concerns by telling them the consequences related to what they were doing, which was falling sick evident among some of the Corinthians.

Independente movie review

In addition, the movie offers solutions to the plastic problem and highlights some of the measures people in some countries are taking in order to deal with the problems related to plastic. In addition, the film showed that each one of us is to blame for the problems associated with plastic that affect the contemporary β†’

Old testament/ the odyssey/ oedipus the king/ platos apology of socrates

In the beginning of the Book of Job, Satan and God are looking over the earth, noting the good and evil among men. All of his wealth that is had in the form of flocks and herds is also lost to him through theft.

Analysis of religious accommodation

The defendant had flouted the civil rights of the employees enshrined in the Civil Rights Act of 1991. The defendant had flouted the Civil Rights Act of 1991 which prohibits employers from discriminating their employees.

The issue of stem education

It is an engineering branch that incorporates science, engineering, technology, and mathematics in its functions. It relies on engineering by applying concepts in science in order to develop solutions and identify problems in aerospace science or engineering.


Operations Management Historical development of operations management Operations development in business is concerned with the aspect of proper management of the organizations resources to deliver quality products or services. The computer age is one of the most important development is operations management; this introduced the use of computer systems in the running and management of β†’

Strengthening leadership skills leadership professional development

In this idea, it is clear that a leader with the lowest level of leadership has to remind his subject that he is the boss, which is a sign showing that the leader is not doing much. Lastly, the pinnacle principle that teaches the leader that the uppermost objective of a leader is to create β†’


These truths are the result of careful analysis of ideas and, in the case of the cogito, of the activity of trying to doubt that a person exists. The doubt is a way of rethinking everything from the beginning, so as to achieve the certainty that Descartes is seeking.

Journal article review: when i’m 64 how the boomers will change health care

Journal Article Review The report in question has been produced by the American Hospital Association and discusses how the health care will change as baby boomers come to an age where they require healthcare services to the level of today's senior citizens born during the 40s and 50s. Clogging of the health system and a β†’

Liberty in the united states during the late 19th century

Liberty in the United s During the Late 19th Century Liberty from a contemporary point of view can be defined as feeling of equal rights and as such, liberals advance philosophical arguments as democracy, human rights, freedom to choice to religion, capitalism, and constitutionalism. Patriotism and Liberty Patriotism; a great menace to liberty.

Requirements and quality considerations for writing an assignment

The practical aspect of this assignment is intended to underpin the theory clearly showing the relevance of the latter and any aspects of application thereof. Alternatively, the Harvard method can be used, but it is essential to mention the page number in each citation of a book.

Web literacy for educators

Summary: Web Literacy for Educators Just as traditional researching using paper books and journals requires keenness and care, Internet as a medium of research in the modern era also requires the same level of care and vigilance. These things are important when assessing the reliability of the websites and web pages used for any academic β†’

Entrance letter to a medical lab course

I am very well accustomed to the requirements and all the details concerned with the medical field. I have also made it my hobby to equip myself with more knowledge by reading books on medical research both in the lab and on traversed fields.

Symposium and phaedo determine why socrates is spared the tragic fate of many old greek heroes

Socrates is a philosopher, and he analyzed the dynamics of love in the Symposium; as a result of his analysis, the word " Platonic love" emerged and he is the generator of this type of love. To him, Resource is the father of Love and Poverty is the mother of Love.

Reaction paper

The behavior relates to female psychological adaptations to avoid their fathers during periods of high fertility. I find that women seek to reduce affiliation with their fathers during periods of high fertility that relates to the sexual disgust experienced at this time and the need to avoid inbreeding.

The fourth amendment to the us constitution in arbitrage practice

The Fourth Amendment To The US Constitution In Arbitrage Practice The rule of law governing suppression of evidence seized pursuant to a search is the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution that provides under the exclusionary rules that, " Evidence obtained through a violation of the Fourth Amendment is generally not admissible by the β†’

Job analysis (human resource ) staffing class

Speaking with a fast food manager personally and asking to observe their daily routine and interactions with fellow employees would be a valuable way to figure out the job requirements and rewards for this particular job. In particular, I look for anything that pertains to the job requirements of a fast food manager.

The big stick by roosevelt

Roosevelt believed in the dominance of the American people on both political and fiscal fronts. In the Monroe doctrine, he emphasized the American control of the western parts of the globe.

Es179 writing assignment

There are no people included in the classification that should not be included in the list of engineers. People working in engineering jobs without the degree must be classified as engineering workers, not engineers to keep up with the engineering standard.

The media: the publics perception of prisons in a negative light

The perceptions on the image of the institutions can be addressed if the media focuses on the actual situation in the prisons. The media are integral in changing the negative stereotypes associated with correction facilities.

Master of arts in quantitative analysis for business

I have a desire to make educational and professional progress in the field of business management because of my huge interest in this field. Through the research, I have come to know that the name of university would be the most suitable university, which can help me fulfill my aim to get a high quality β†’

Central nervous system – lab report example

In the Rinne test, with regards to Sensorineural hearing loss, one can expect to find the air condition and bone equally reduced. Finally, with regards to conductive hearing loss and the Rinne test, a person can expect to find the conditions of the bone and air negative.

To what extend the online shopping effected the uk economy and what does it mean for future businesses in the uk

Conclusion From the findings, it's clear that online shopping in the UK has steadily grown across industries with no particular of area and service left behind. With 95% of shoppers going online, businesses in the UK should strive to compete in the online marketplace.

Annotated bibliography example

Retrieved 14 November, 2014 from, The author asserts that different motivational theories are not only used in the seminars and classrooms. How to Incorporate Motivation Theories in the Workplace.

Summary module 7

Module 7 One Lord Jesus Christ Proclaiming the word in unity worldwide Jesus Christ while still on earth instructed the disciples and all the apostles to go in the world to spread the gospel and baptize people in the name of the Father. The proclamation by the church and inter-religious dialogue follows the teaching of β†’

Somali pirates

Somali pirates have a close-knit organization and are connected through land also; they are proud of themselves as they found a way to stabilize themselves when their country's government faced destruction at the hands of a war. In my line of thinking, they are the true masters of deception and entrapment although this includes physical β†’

Learning style and theory

Importance Of Evaluation And Contribution Of Training And Development To A Business As evidenced by stakeholder theory, in such collective learning processes actors within the firm work together internally as well as with actors in the related external networks in the production and consumption system as a whole. The aresource-based theory' emphasises the necessity to β†’


Retrieved from: topicid= 18 The article argues that health communication and health information technology play a fundamental role in health care delivery, public health, and shaping our opinion on health. The source is important and reliable since it depicts the significance of health communication and health information technology on health sciences.

Comparison of solar deities, specifically ra, surya, apollo

Ra is believed to have created himself and to be the supreme deity in ancient Egyptian religion, while Apollo was born from Zeus and Leto and Surya is the son of Dyaus Pita and Aditi. Both Apollo and Surya have siblings: Apollo's antipode and the lunar deity is his twin sister Artemis, and Surya is β†’

Introduction to business law

So in regards to the buyers possibly expecting more, legally that would be a breach of contract so they can only expect to receive the amount the clause states for the repairs. It is only when one party is attempting to breach their contract that the moral and legal judgments come into play.

Strategy implementation – smart water

For instance, Smart Water is one of the company's products whose production and marketing strategies are consistence with the company's organizational practices and policies. The Smart Water packaging is designed to conform to the company's policies and practices.

Johansen under the employment law

By notifying the justice system, she is covered by Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, and therefore, she should not be compensated in any way by the company. The company's decision to fire her is, therefore, a violation of Title VII and hence a breach of contract since Momma Mia did not have a reasonable cause β†’

Red capitalism by carl walter and fraser howie

In the book ' Red Capitalism', Carl Walter and Fraser Howie investigate and analyze the intricate relationship betweenthe Communist Part of China and the financial institutions which are the base of the Chinese economy. These authors of this book also show the lack of proper principle and agent relation in how the financial institutions have β†’

The model of strategic communication

In modern day, the integration of communication with technology, as well as the knowledge of how to communicate to people from diverse backgrounds is some of the prerequisites of successful communication. Thus, a suitable understanding of the situation and context, coupled with setting the goals for communication, selecting the right channel to achieve communication competence β†’

Qualitative and quantitative research design

In most cases it is assumed that at post graduate level, the students and supervisors need to be au fit with full spectrum of the research strategies and be in a position to link the appropriate design to some specific research objectives and question. The author is able to discus the qualitative research applications of β†’

Active time

I am the sort of person that cannot relax by relaxing or giving something a half-effort. In the end, I am a better more relaxed person because of the effort needed to overcome the challenge.

The case colomo vs bonds

Under this, the courts ruled that if the ' harasser' acted in a way that makes the ' harasser' be denied of the rights to proper education, school management and the board would have acted in differently if they had full awareness of the happenings of the case. However, the student had maintained stable grades β†’

The chicana feminists movement

Chicana Feminist Movement The middle part of the 20th century witnessed number of far-reaching and radical movements initiated particularly by the minorities in the United States. The women from Mexico and other Latin American countries who immigrated to the United States or were born and brought up in the United States were referred to as β†’

United states v. angevine

All companies that provide such equipment to their employees also clarify usage criteria and regulations, monitoring schedules, and any other policies attached to the usage. Therefore, employees cannot expect to have explicit assurances of privacy on usage of such equipment and are thus obliged to follow the regulations set forth by their company.

Business across the globe

In the contemporary environment of recession and high competition, the businesses across the globe are increasingly adopting alternative media as one of the key components in their market strategy. The wide scope of alternative media has therefore, huge potential to penetrate and create a credible and long term market position for the goods and services β†’

Discorse community (obseration community)

Cultural Dis of African Americans Cultural Dis of African Americans Introduction Culture is the collective mindset of the entire group of people, which act as the set of guiding principles for the decision making of a particular community. In parallel, the African American version of English assisted law enforcement agencies in terms of effective communications β†’

Challenges to financial planning and budgeting in health care

Advantages and disadvantages of Fixed and Variable costs Fixed costs do not change with production of the organization; therefore, these costs are easy to account for. The variable costs unlike the fixed costs depend on the production or sales volume of an organization.

Reflection paper: am i a persuasive writer

I think my passion for healthy living shows through the essay I was inspired to do it because I was genuinely interested in the subject. If I compare myself now to the writer I was weeks ago, I would say that I am proud of what I have achieved.

Occupational daydream

I will work in my own lab with all the latest and up to date facilities. My home will be located near a lake and I will have a green grassy ground in front of my house.

Application for leadership program course

My level of experience and position has earned me the status of a mentor for medical students and fellow nurses in the emergency department; I hold great pleasure in guiding people this way and helping them to improve their performance. I believe that this program will facilitate the development of my skills to tackle challenging β†’

Reading stories with children

While I was reading this book, the child was not quite interested and I took it that the fact that the book was depicting the story of the princess more did not please him and there are many times that the child lost concentration and was distracted by some simple natural events taking place while β†’

Why do i want to study in the us

Alongside my communication skills, the experience of studying in a foreign land has taught me the value of understanding multiculturalism. I will be grateful if I am granted the admission in the Master's program and given a chance to play my role in the advancement of the field of human resource development.

Fuel prices

Assignment on Fuel Prices Executive Summary- This report analyses the recent prices of unleaded regular gasoline, unleaded premium gasoline and diesel in all states across the US. Part 1- The state by state average fuel prices for regular unleaded gasoline in the US as of 28/02/2009, along with the corresponding histogram, are as follows- Mean β†’

Major current international intrest

Soaring international oil prices due to Libya crisis After Egypt's civil unrest that ousted Hosni Mubarak, the long term President of Egypt and ushered in the democracy within the country, Libya, a prominent oil producing nation in Middle East, also saw the start of political crisis. Saudi Arabia, the prominent member of OPEC has also β†’

Inside the teen brain

The prefrontal cortex is the area of our brain that causes us to react rationally in the face of emotional situations.True." The prefrontal cortex can be referred to as the part of the brain that performs the executive decisions of an individual. The frontal lobes in teens are not fully developed.True." Studies have shown at β†’

What is federalism

Through the use of various academic sources, this paper will help others understand what federalism is all about and why it is important to respect the history of federalism in relation to the growth of our nation today. The pre-federalism period in from 1775 to 1789 saw the building blocks and foundations for the union β†’

The early development and history of movies

Griffith was one of the leading filmmakers of his, and arguably in all of filmmaking. In this era of silent films, the director had to find creative ways to express and get across the messages inside the movie.

Discussion: design-thinking inspiration and ideation

School: DESIGN-THINKING INSPIRATION AND IDEATION Lecturer: DESIGN-THINKING INSPIRATION AND IDEATION Workspaceobservation The current workspace has the following features as observed from a very objective perspective as a neutral observer: The workspace is an ideal one that satisfies most working needs that are I am posed with at work, where I do most of my work β†’

Personal statement example

In your university I will have access to the best business books in the world as well other sources of information like high speed Internet. I will also join business clubs and other empowering societies that will make my stay in the university a success and when I graduate I will be competent enough to β†’

Proposal for a small-scale research project: the study of a specific misconception in secondary schools

Research Proposal: Study of " Floating and Sinking" in Secondary Schools: Introduction: tend to come with preformed conceptions about floating and sinking that are based on their years of observation. Much of this can be attributed to the lack of teachers' own understanding of the fundamental concepts of science that are involved in the phenomena β†’

Describe the two levels of cognitive processing

Therefore, our brain is aware of the things we are conscious of. The brain is aware of things that we are conscious of.

Research methods & analysis in psychology

Since the constant remains the same for all, it is more important to define the variables since they are the things being investigated in the research. The commonest way to design a psychology experiment for the effects of classical music on memory is via the division of the participants into two groups.

Dejong and berg about their practice in interviewing for solutions

The second technique is asking the miracle question, where this technique is to help the client know what he/she wants to be done differently in that the first attempts chosen to solve a problem did not work out; therefore, another approach is needed. The last technique is to understand the structural component of feedback to β†’

Bailout plan: $2.5 trillion and a strong hand

The article is disapproving of the way in which the government is silent on " specifics" on how and where the money from the stimulus package is going to be spent. The article discusses the cancellation of the appointment of an ombudsman to oversee the restructuring of the Big Three automakers: GM, Ford, and Chrysler.


In many situations, the employee who is offered the severance package or early retirement option is not replaced within the organization, offering questions regarding whether these are considered to be unethical practices. This shows that severance packages or early retirement options can have very high benefit to the local community, to the employee and their β†’

The role of african american black in the history of new york

The documentaries also highlighted the role played by the African slaves in the preliminary development of Manhattan. The enslaved black people, primarily from Africa were subject to oppression and were forced to work for the colonial empire.

Resolving workplace conflict

Facilitation of open discussion, establishing of rules or guidelines, creating an environment of mutual respect and stressing the importance of working toward a common goal are all methods that limit and effectively handle conflict. A study by Fortune Magazine in which several CEO's failures were studied, revealed the " in seven out of ten cases, β†’

Law dis6

How realistic and achievable the business plan is, the borrowing history of the partners, the values of the collateral provided by the partners, the ability of the partners to offset the loan in the period provided should the business fail and the ability of the guarantors, if any, to offset the loan should the partners β†’

Essya for admission in an executive mba

Although I possess strong leadership skills, I feel that a more focused program as offered by EDHEC would help in allowing me to understand the theory and practice of leadership at all levels. As a leader, I also have complete faith in rewarding performance and the process of differentiation.

Personal reflection on education

By participating in the educational program at Strayer University, I would be able to polish my existing abilities and would learn to use the new concepts in my practical life. I also expect to use the concepts being taught and the experience gained in my regular life.

Aberdour rocky shore

Comparison between the Zonation Patterns of Site A and Site B Site A and Site B do not appear to have similar zonation patterns. But in Site A and Site B, varieties of fucus are preponderant and hence the numbers of snails are significantly high.

Death penalty

This source provides detailed statistical information about the count of individuals who have experienced death penalty from 1977 till 2011, this source even provides statistical information on how these individuals were brought to justice through death penalty, and focuses on information related to the race, sex and colour of the individuals who faced this sentence. β†’

My favorite game

For me, my favorite game is the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 because of its realistic environment and interactive online gaming design. Indeed, there is a solder in every man's heart and the Call of Duty just keeps on inviting me to play.

Midterm – hist

On the other hand, the liberals were of the idea that time was ripe for the establishment of national government. Secondly, there were differences based on the economic state of the region in the period.

Play (the zoo story)

In a way, Jerry is so out of tune with the world that he cannot live in it anymore. I want to experience more of it in the future.

National museum of the american indian (the smithsonian institution, washington, d.c.)

The National Museum of the American Indian The much celebrated building of the National Museum of the American Indian was established by an Act of Congress in 1989 and is the sixteenth in the world famous Smithsonian museum series. The stream was honoured with the creation of a fountain and a wetland area and the β†’

Statement of purpose

These and many more are some of the reasons why I want to continue with my studies and gain more knowledge and skills for the betterment of the society. The success of my evidence-based practice is attributed to the experience I have in guidance and counseling.

The media system

The media has a large influence on the choices and influences of the general public. Individuals can access information on the economy, politics, and all other general information because of the Internet.

Group assignment team members emotional intelligence results narration

The Emotional Intelligence of the group members have a great impact on the group's collaboration which led to excellent group performance for the last two years. The impact of this to the team is that we realized that all of us are potential leaders.

Explaining my motivation to get into the mba program, my professional and goals

In addition, my success in the MBA studies and subsequent placement in a good job would prove to myself and my family that I can succeed in this new journey. In addition, the MBA program will deliver a better, more integrated business network that I will rely on in future management position to source for β†’

Opinion paper

In fact, my town citizens were painting on the floor when I visited the area; thus, I saw the art form in a different way that day. Because of this, I was inspired to write about this activity in the hope that I could influence people to try it.

Islamic art history

The Islamic calligraphy entailing sections of the Quran or inscriptions of the holy books in the Islamic religion are examples with which the use of artwork was employed in the legitimization of the theme of religion in the society. The shift in the nature Islamic artwork was used in the representation of themes in the β†’

Engineering in an economically challenged society

As a forensic engineer, I would help the community in Investigating materials, structures, and products which do not or fail to function or provide services as in intended. I would help the community in determining the origin and cause of the failure.


The purpose of the analysis is to find an experience or idea that is vital in providing me with a new perspective about different situations of my life especially managerial issues. However, the route to personal meaning is a very hard task, which requires time and different tools of analysis.

Hard work vs hardly working

Partly, the statement is true depending on the social situations for the persons undertaking hard work to achieve triumph and happiness. However, the lower-class individuals though working tirelessly have little chances of success due to limitations in the available resources.

Strategic management

000 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 3 2 1 0.15 0.15 0.60 0.30 0.60 0.10 0.40 0.15 0.25 0.05. As a matter of fact, the non US revenues of NC is much higher than that of its US earnings, which is one of the main reasons that it has sustained itself in the β†’

Children with asthma who take budesonide and who take nedocromil

Importantly, it is necessary to discuss the relevant terms used in this study. Key words that have been used in this study include; sodium cromoglicate and budesonide.

Early childhood philosophy

Personally, I like the idea of Montessori about a controlled chaos wherein the classroom is designed to foster learning among the children at their own interest and pace. The soul of the child of course never changes regardless of era and that is perhaps the very reason why Montessori's principles are quite effective to various β†’

The moods of the people and tv

The moods of the people and TV shows are analyzed here for the in-depth understanding of ANOVA. The independent variable in this analysis is the type of TV show and the dependent variable is moods of the people.

American us history to 1877

The Declaration of Independence: In the year 1774, the Declaration of Independence was written by the thirteen States of America in response to the tyranny of the then King of Great Britain who was known for his injuries and usurpations that he forced on the states. While it could be expected for the government and β†’

Reporting results

In order to determine the depreciation expense on a given asset, an organization has to establish the initial cost of the asset, its book value, and the period taken for the value to depreciate from the cost to the book value. Therefore, even though accurate stating of an organization's financial position requires that the book β†’

Engineering ethics

To the best of my knowledge, no one has stolen French nuclear fuel to make a weapon, no one has mounted a successful terrorist attack on a French nuclear plant, France is a leader in technology that actually recycles some nuclear waste, and most French citizens have a favorable or at least neutral view of β†’

The franco-prussian war

The other cause was that the French emperor Napoleon III wanted to regain French influence and prestige both France and internationally that have been lost during various diplomatic issues especially those experienced in the hands of Prussia during the Austro-Prussian war of 1866. The initiating event that led to the war was the candidacy of β†’

Major engineering challenges faced in palm island in dubai

The offshore, ocean and marine engineers had to face a lot of problems in the Palm Beaches project in Dubai. Therefore, the first and the foremost challenge the developers of Palm Beach Islands had to face was realizing the effects of their construction on the environment.

Power and ethicsthat’s related to timhortons

The behavior of the employees and the employers in the organization therefore plays a vital role in the operations carried out in the organization towards meeting the organizational objectives and aims. Garry and Saks argue that for the success of any set of organization to be guaranteed, the behavior of the employees is a key β†’

Hamlet, prince of denmark: shakespeare’s philosophy of life second

Young Hamlet, who is watching the action, comes to comment on the skull, saying that he knew Yorick well, allowing himself to indulge for a moment in childhood reminiscence before he lapses back into the philosophical ruminations about the nature of life that are the primary subject of the play. In this scene, Shakespeare relays β†’

Presentation about drugs found in driking water

Wencong states in his report that Liangjie Dong, an expert in heavy metal pollution in water at the University of Hawaii, mentions in the Journal of Environmental Sciences that " China has high levels of estrogen disrupting compounds or EDC in its drinking water".1.3. Since estrogen is found not only in birth control pills, but β†’

What types of problems do you think ntsb might encounter when dealing with an international investigation involving several icao members what about involving non-icao members

1) One of the problems of including ICAO members into an NTSB investigation can be drawn from the objectives of the organizations themselves. This might not be achieved if a number of members of an NTSB investigation are from the ICAO, as they would try to influence the results, thereby making the investigation faulty.

Indigenous australians

The paper will also outline the prospects of success of this kind of constitutional recognition with regards to the case of Australian indigenous people. First and foremost, it can be observed that the Report of the Expert Panel, suggest that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the first people to live in Australia β†’