Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

The concept of fear as it relates to terrorism

For any issue to be considered of importance in the society, it should be brought up to the residents. Residents will now be confident and will work with the various departments in discussing the concept of fear and how it is related to terrorism and how people should respond to fear.

Bilateral mastectomy

Bilateral mastectomy is a pre-emptive surgical procedure to completely remove the glandular breast tissue in patients with high risk of breast cancer. Honyoker Press.2010.

Business enviroment and society

However, a universal language in secondary education system should be taken so as to make research work easy countrywide and researchers should write it in a simple language that all students understand including those with low and high understanding capacity Universal language in secondary school system will also allow students from different parts of the β†’

Importance of education

In line with this, it is crucial to point out that one of the reasons that the current advancements in medicine and technology were not possible in the past was due to the value that people attached on education. In the contemporary world, it is evident that the strides that humanity has made have been β†’

Health informants and their importance

Health communication and information provided by health informants have really been applied in hospitals in a number of ways. By health informants providing information on the effectiveness of certain drugs, doctors eliminate some prescription mistakes they commit.

Supply chain management

In the event, the ministry fails to even meet the set criteria; there is no sending of the request to the budget department for more scrutiny. In the occurrence of additional request, the ministry of finance should push the request to the next budget year.

Thinking about the human experience

Thinking about the Human Experience Thinking about the Human Experience The humanities are a cluster of s that are offeredin academic centres to learners. The humanities are vital tools in enabling individuals bring logic to their lives, and the entire human experiences they might encounter.

The aesthetic images and wonderful meaning of ”in praise of a snail’s pace”

HERE HERE YOUR HERE HERE Aesthetic Images, Wonderful Meanings, and Rhetorical Devices of " In Praise of a Snail's Pace" INTRODUCTION In her article " In Praise of a Snail's Pace," Ellen Goodman attemptg to show hee audience that the world has become busd that aspects of humanity are disappearint.cClose and dear friends, who were β†’


The example of blood clotting is the an example of the positive feedback system in the human body which becomes activated immediately after the damage to the blood vessels in the human body. Because of this variation in the number of protons, the mass of the isotopes of the same element also differs.

Admission letter to the qatar university

The social skills will come in handy in my efforts to form new friendships in the UK. These skills will be imperative in my interactions with other students from diverse backgrounds.

Globalization and training document

Globalization and Training Document Globalization and Training Document Supply Chain Management is the organized, strategic coordination of companies and the tactics across business functions within a given company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purpose of expanding and improving supply chain management. It is important to note that globalization influences all activities β†’

A proposal for the richmond hill fundraising activity

A Proposal for the Richmond Hill Fundraising Activity The aim of this paper is to present a proposal for the Richmond Hill fundraising activity in order to source funds for the mentioned program. There is requirement for materials, financial and human resources for the conduction of this fund raising program.

History of the republican party in texas

History of the Republican Party in Texas The Republican Party of Texas was found in the spring of 1867, as the people of Texas reacted to the Congressional Reconstruction Act, which was passed on March 7. Blacks are one of the groups that strongly supported the Republican Party in Texas in the early days.

Packed distillation column

Once the measurement is achieved, there was changing of the reflux values to 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 with the help of reflux divider situate on the control panel and the rate of feed flow altered to a maximum value of 70 cc/min. To obtain the heat loss rate of the initial experiment for β†’

Critical review

Stabilization of the GHG could reduce the anthropogenic impact to the climate system and lower the expected global temperature spike in the future by 1-3 degrees. For stabilization of the GHG, concentration in the atmosphere to be at a low level requires the reduction of emission into the atmosphere.

When you are old

But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; Human being is considered to be made of body, mind and spirit. The love demonstrated towards the soul is the everlasting one since the soul believed to be last forever and hence only that love can be termed β†’

Information extraction(remote sensing and image analysis)

Microwave signals are using in such process because of these wave's ability to penetrate clouds fog and rain.' The atmosphere has a big influence in satellite and high altitude aerial remote sensing.' Because of the scattering property of light by atmosphere the image obtained through remote sensing may not be clear.' Variations in platform altitude, β†’

Individuals who suffer from depression are more likely to use drugs

Even though there is nothing that could prevent un-depressed people trying to hit a high with the use of drugs, according to the research work available and psychological treatment records on drug abuses and depression, it is the depressed lot who turn frequently towards drugs, although the drug-induced depression too could be equally true. Still β†’

Final assignment

First of all, Christen will be made aware about the fact that autism is in no way related to mother's love or affection. She will be made aware about the fact that heredity is the reason behind 40% of the autism cases, and in the remaining case, the reasons are still unknown.


That is when law comes as a social control for the society in question. Nevertheless, it is challenging at times especially for the court to determine the exact purpose of the law at some instances.

Bus law wk3 dq

Unknown to Doris, Felipe gives the photograph to Malina because he has accepted another commission to paint the portrait of the president, and Malina completes the portrait. Since the buyer entered the contract by customizing the computer, and there is no defect in the product, that the buyer cannot return the property according to exclusions β†’

Inside job by charles ferguson

Insert The Inside Job, narrated by Matt Damon, produced and directed by Charles Ferguson, is a documentary movie about the financial recession of the late 2000s. The film won the Academy Award for Best Documentary feature in 2010 and was aired in the Cannes Film Festival in the same year.

Royal portraiture

Royal Portraiture The portrait of Queen Elizabeth was used to indicate the monarch's work in that era that spread across the world and shows how she looked like. The symbols of imperial majesty indicate the queen's power while and common in both the Kangxi Emperor portrait and the Queen Elizabeth portrait is the throne and β†’

139 db wk8 ed

The Importance of Accountant and Financial Manager In every organization, there needs to be a strong team of accounts anda financial manager. Nevertheless, while discharging their duties, accountants and financial manager should comply with the codes of ethics governing the preparation of financial records.

Women and their race in usa media

Women and their Race in the USA Media Outline: Women and their Race in the USA Media Introduction a. Portrayal of Women in the Popular Media.

Gps and its use in modern surveying

GPS And Its Use In Modern Surveying The Global Positioning System is a system of satellite navigation that is space-based, and provides information about time and location of a region in all kinds of weathers provided that an unobstructed line of sight is present to at least four GPS satellites." The technology operates on β†’

Steel design

Design typical structural elements of the chosen arrangements in sufficient detail to enable a contractor to prepare a budget quotation. Sketch, to scale, fabrication details of: a principal column on the periphery of the main assembly shop; the proposal for the central support.

War on vitamins/ consumer chemistry

1 The vitamin family consisting of several water and far soluble vitamins are organic compounds that are required in small quantities in the diet of human beings. With the exception of vitamin D, the human body is unable to produce these micronutrients, and depends on Mother Nature to provide them in the food consumed.

Legal fictions (plato, xenophon and henry david thoreau)

Ans According to Plato's " Apology" Socrates questioned the politics, poets and artisans in his quest to prove the truth of the Oracle. As they live and rule only by their servility, and appealing to the worse, and not the better, nature of man, the people who read them are in the condition of the β†’

The savages (2007, tamara jenkins) on aging related discussion

Movie Review- The Savages " The Savages" a movie that is eye opening about the predicaments of the old age and also the eternal relationship between the siblings, wonderfully nuanced, a tragicomedy movie about two wallowing souls and their ailing father. The movie sends the message that ole age is the age of helplessness when β†’

Anishinaabe social movement

The spelling of the name Anishinaabe varied greatly with variants ending in -eg/ek for example in Anishinaabeg and Anishinabek) originate from plural of Algonquian, while those that end in an -e originate from a singular of Algonquian. The primary cause of loss or decline of indigenous language such as Anishinaabe in North America is the β†’

The usefulness of marketing for media and entertainment companies such as disney

The Usefulness of Marketing for Media and Entertainment Companies such as Disney To compensate the rapid dynami of the current age, it is crucial to recognize the importance of marketing strategies to survive and sustain. The role of marketing is nonetheless comparative to a bridge between the offerings and the people and the way how β†’

Health economics

Number: Term and Year Health Economics of the Submarket of Long Term Care Facilities In our society, there are some people, who cannot take care of themselves. The impact of aging on long-term care in Europe and some potential policy responses.


Generally, surveys and correlational research are the effective form of descriptive studies that can be used to measure crime. Measurement Generally, the choice of data source used in crime measurement may assume the basis of understanding the facts source's purpose and the research methodology applied.

Curriculum mapping

Curriculum Mapping Task Curriculum Mapping Introduction The collection of information concerning the teacher's curriculum, based on the school calendar, is known as curriculum mapping. A guide to curriculum mapping: planning, implementing, and sustaining the process.


We are in the process of canvassing for the best alternative we could provide to our students and your ad in the University Management Magazine caught our attention. We would also like to know the specification of your microwave ovens to determine it ease of use.

American airline

Information To understand how the airline maximizes profits and selling amount needed to determine the optimal mix of fare for this flight, the super 80 jet with a carrying capacity of 125 to calculate was provided. The best formula for calculating the profits is total revenue acquired minus spoilage and over-sale costs.

Nyc department of education teachers of speech improvement

In your plan include:-3 language straregies students will acquire and use to access their classroom curriculm.-Describe a proffesional development activity that you would want to present to the middle school/high school staff to help them work with students that present with speech language deficits. Eye contact also enables the student to acknowledge the body language β†’

The three dimensions of power

The article chosen for evaluation here is Jane Meyer's men of zeal, which is part of a larger book that describes the nuances of power and relations in and around the Bush administration especially during the years of war. The second facet of power is exercised through the limitation of the scope of what is β†’

Gastrointestinal disorders

These include the following; Upper endoscopy The endoscope is inserted through the mouth and down the stomach to look for the nature of the gastric mucosa. Blood tests The red blood cells count is determine to rule out anemia that can be a complication of gastritis due to excessive mucosal bleeding.

What are the main points of debate that arise for you after completing the reading

Main points of debate Christopher Anderson and Christine Guillory's article " Political Institutions and Satisfaction with Democracy: A Cross-National Analysis of Consensus and Majoritarian Systems" explores the concept of democracy through the eyes of winners and losers of a democratic competition. It is true that political institutions determine the relationship of the majority and minority.

Accounting and finance will send you fquestions file

ACCOUNTING QUESTIONS ACCOUNTING QUESTIONS ANSWERS Task two Calculation of the cash flow for each ofthe five years Annual cash flow year 0 -100, 000 year 1 20, 000 year 2 40, 000 year 3 60, 000 year 4 60, 000 year 5 40, 000 Calculation of Cash Flows: Sale price per unit= 12 Variable Cost β†’

Small investors and stock market investment

Most of the small investors are of the view that investing in the stock market is only beneficial for the professional and institutional investors. Small investors have to learn the art of overcoming these hurdles and developing a diversified portfolio in order to be successful in the stock market.

Management and leadership

Shetrone the CEO and President of Vision Technologies has played a major role in the success of the company. And finally the collaborative leader constitutes of work related characteristic to show his dedication and drive to excel.

The age of absolutism

Frederick the Great Among the prime reforms that Frederick the great sought was to modernize and unite the otherwise disconnected lands. In addition, he sought international alliances with other leaders across the globe so as to strengthen his control of Prussia and surrounding regions.

Reading analysis of the article memory flexibility by sadie f. dingfelder, monitor on psychology, sep. 2005

This working-memory or short term memory plays a significant part in our lives, whatever the scenario, ranging from our interaction with the bystanders on the street, or with the salesperson in a shopping mall or with our class mates or the teacher in the class room. The broad types of memories that the psychologists have β†’

China doing business in venezuela

China doing business in Venezuela The reason why China is investing in Venezuela is because of China's increasing demand for oil. As Venezuela is one of the largest producers of oil in the world, it makes sense for China to build strong bilateral ties.

Twitter’s role in coverage of the penn stage saga

Moreover, because a journalist has focused on framing as a practice to shape what people perceive of the news, it has become efficient for this to happen via Twitter because it targets a specific group of people. It thus has become convenient for both journalists and the consumers as it does not require too much β†’

Forensic handwriting analysis

Scientific analysis has been designed to determine the authenticity of a signature or document as everything about that paper can be a potential clue and therefore, questions about the legitimacy of documents are probably as old as documents themselves. The field of scientific handwriting analysis determines the authenticity of a signature or document.


Conclusion This article provides an analysis of the online branding techniques adapted by the various fashion retailers in UK. The author provided a comprehensive analysis of the online branding strategies of the fashion retailers in UK.

Comtemporary sociology

However, democracy and capitalism remains a mismatch, and this raises the question of who is in charge of the political economy. There is a growing tension between democracy and capitalism in relation to the current political and market organization.


Water is essential for the body functions this is because every organ on the body depends on water. For the body to function properly, water is an essential element.

Positional parameters (unix)

2 Page 198 The first exercise involved interaction with the user in the form of giving the user instructions to enter five parameters, the positional parameters are used here and the user is prompted to enter the correct number of arguments. The first terminal window is my script, displayed by typing " cat scriptname".

Emotional intelligence and stress level

This study advances the hypothesis that individuals with lower stress level would report higher scores of emotional intelligence while those individuals with lower stress scores/level, would report low scores of internal work locus of control. The reason why individuals with lower stress levels would report low internal locus of control is that stress is usually β†’

Mgt-3320 – case 2

Based on the EEOC definition of sexual harassment, I think there is definitely a case to hear because Lewiston created an extremely hostile sexual environment.2. No, I dont think intent or motive should be considered because it does not matter if he did not mean to offend because the reality is that he made Gilbury β†’

Smes entry into china

According to Dunning, the opposite of internationalization is to sell or give in license their own advantages to foreign firms. The quest of internationalization towards China by the modern ambitious SMEs needs to be complemented with Dunning's OLI paradigm.

Love,sex, and family

This change affects the children emotionally if they were happy with their both parents, but in the case that it was a relationship with a lot of conflicts, the divorce also helps the children. This change helps in the positive growth of the economy.

Langusge and thematic analysis of the excerpt form the rover

This theme is apparent from the line, " is all this heaven of beauty shown to move despair in those who cannot buy?" as Hunter.also states, " in the Rover the chaotic, unrepressed " other" body of woman is idealized to allow Behn to express a cultural longing for a prelapsarian Golden Age where sexes β†’

Week 5 discussion 2

In light of this, it is crucial for state policy makers to ensure that education policies implemented account for the needs of the diverse population from different cities. Policies standardizing assessment procedures, teaching strategies and methods also allow policy makers to monitor and regulate education across the different schools spread out across the state.

Ethical prinicles

The patient has the right to make decisions about the plan of care prior to and during the course of treatment and to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action. What to talk of β†’

Modern standards of beauty and attractiveness

With the emergence of strong and responsible men as painted by the film industry, the perspective of black men as threatening is changing and more American and Asian women are relating to the image of a black man as beauty. Women, especially the black woman, discriminate against both the white and the Asian men, because β†’

Kate chopin’s story of an hour

The setting of the story is in the nineteenth century where the role of the woman is set beside the man. The chains of indignity are seen to shackle her even after her husband's death, and this is seen in the manner in which she lives.

Writing assessment

Write Your Essay Here Public service pertains to the direct addressing of the problems of the may also deal with developmental processes, administrative actions and all those measures that entail social sector responsibilities and welfare. Hence public service is a mix of privileges and pre requisites.

Parental involvement educational outcomes

Parental Involvement Educational Outcome Schneider, Keesler and Morlock in their article effects of family on children learning and socialisation state that the family represents the first social system where children obtain elementary cognitive and social skills that prepare them to the challenges of schooling. According to Berthelsen, parents are in a better position to identify β†’

The first opium war 1 question

This paper explores the first opium war and the role of the Western powers in spreading and controlling the use of opium in China and other regions in the period". The British facilitated the influx of opium in China and other regions by importing large quantities of the commodity to China.


Valuable related thoughts and views of different authors have been considered in this part of the research to meet the developed research objective. Conclusion and Recommendations This part of the research work will conclude the overall research work including methodology, data collection, and analysis and finding process.


The case study, ' Making Microfinance Work for the Poor: The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh' has discussed the rural banks of Bangladesh which are exemplary examples of successful micro-credit institutions. They have empowered the under privileged segment of the society and significantly helped raise the living standard of the poor.

Remix justification

In the development of my project, I made use of a number of rhetorical strategies, which describe the different ways I sought to persuade the readers. I decided to begin by building a sense of friendliness, as well as receptivity with my audience by cordially welcoming the readers.

Week 8 discussion

Seminar Content From the onset, one can acknowledge the fact that the content in the seminar articles do have a strong correlation to the doctoral study it delves on international finance, the current market trends in a dynamic global world, the capital markets of various economies, and the financial dynamics of running international businesses. Enhancing β†’

The disassociation of the writer from the text

It will be really worthwhile to take the example of a celebrated writer like Shakespeare, to deliberate on the concept of the death of the writer. Infact the death of a writer is the only way to set a writer free from the onerous burden of lending an interpretation to the text.

Significant event

In the afternoon of the same day, I came across the book ' Starting Strength' by Mark Rippetoe. The iron game had truly begun in real earnest and I soon became familiar with the lingo and lore of this activity that segregates the weak from the strong.

Does economical crisis effect consumer behavior – dissertation example

To find out the long term impact of the economic crisis Rationale of the study This study will greatly benefit different parties for instance; current investors, potential investors, scholars, the government and consumers themselves. The Impact According to Smith, as most consumers struggle to fit in the economic crisis, most companies have realized the opportunity β†’


Facebook and Twitter are such social networking websites, which provide many benefits not only to the public but also to the politicians. Apart from using social websites for interacting with people, politicians also make use of emails, blogs, and personal websites to share information with the public.

Professional and academic reflection

I have an undergraduate degree in Sociology and a graduate degree in Public Administration specializing in Political Science from the University of Arkansas and Texas A & M respectively. I worked at Accenture for four years but later moved to work at a high school as a world history US history and psychology teacher after β†’

Government 2 – dissertation example

Democracy: Freedom of Expression Freedom of expression is the foundation of democracy. Violators of this section of the Patriot Act are penalized of more than 10 years imprisonment and a fine for those who will not be able to prove their reasonable usage of such agents.

Literature review paper

The trend is however changing as the deaf embrace their culture and technology supports the deaf with equipment and devices to aid their living. There has been existing disconnect between deaf people and the rest of the society leading to a dissociation with the deaf people.

Homework26 27

A History of the United s The United built a National Security by; Developing Atomic Weapons- the US developed several different nuclear weapons but Soviets followed the same strategies therefore ending the US monopoly on the nuclear weapons. Voters enumerated their confidence in Eisenhower's ability to end the war and this gave him a 55 β†’

Health and safety

The effects of poor health and safety practices: Effects on employee motivation and morale First, the employees stop feeling proud to be associated with the company. Lastly, they can lead the employees to question the company commitment to their safety and wellbeing.

Pest analysis environmental

According to the 2000 official census of the United Sates, there are a total of 656562 people in Austin out of which 337569 are males and 318993 are females. This is in the wake of labor agitations and cry for fairness in trade.

Success of kennedy administrations in the cuban crisis

Reasons for the Success of John Kennedy Administration's Handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis Reasons for the success of John Kennedy administration's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis This crisis is probably the closest the world ever came to a full blown out nuclear warfare. The president then made a public announcement of the discovery β†’

High school students

It should be compulsory for high school students to study a foreign language at school for at least two years because it will give them an additional skill, help improve their thought processes, and give them self-confidence. Additionally, high school students should be required to learn a foreign language because it will improve their grades β†’

Observation of 5th grade science class

The environment of the class was encouraging; the teacher was interacting with the students in a very positive manner. The atmosphere was full of enthusiasm and students were willing to learn.

Psychology scientific articles summary

The demographic factors that trigger stress are the age of an individual, the relationship status and sufficiency of income cost of living. Demographic factors in individuals that trigger stress, which are, the cost of living, age and relationship status of students; have to be controlled to prevent the factors from becoming stressful on students.

Annotated bibliography

The results of two international outreach programs, China Honors Immersion Program and Institute for Latin American Concern where students were sent to the Dominican Republic, were analyzed to gauge the effect of international settings on student learning. It was discovered that the cultural immersion in international settings has significant effect on the main categories of β†’

Performance management and awareness

The launch of Performance Management System is qualitative approach to address the weaknesses and refine the strengths of the team. The improvement in the process conditions and pattern is essential, and modifications will be introduced to support and favour the team.

Attitude and self-esteem in bussiness

The character of a person is made by the attitude he carries. Self esteem is related to the type of attitude one possess.

Mechanical engineering for innovation

Personally, I want to become a Mechanical Engineer because I believe I have the inclination and interest which I want to nurture not just for my own benefit but for the good of others as well. I am fascinated with machines that make things move and I want to someday make my own invention that β†’

Bus 234 ac p1

Lecturer Bus 234 project: Needs Assessment of Logistics Exel Logistics Exel working alongside DHL is providing excellent services to the clients through the supply chain management solutions in America and around the globe. It is also observed that the introduction of technology in the company has helped the company improve its services and expand even β†’

Bilingual education in kindergarden

Literature Review: Conclusion Conclusion In reviewing literature concerning the essence of bilingual education in the kindergarten with English as a second language, it was found that the biggest challenge facing research into the phenomenon is that bilingual education consists of more than one language in the UK due to the country's diversity. In reviewing literature β†’

Summarize chapter 23 and 24

Summary of Chapters 23: Aircraft Ground Operations And Chapter 24: Airports and Heliports The chapter on Aircraft Ground Operations focused on addressing problems that occur in the grounds of the aviation environment. The aim of the chapter was to enhance awareness on ground operations to prevent accidents and ensure safety through effective flight line operations.

2ed life

The business believes that virtual worlds innovation will greatly impact the daily operations of the company, IT, personal lives, and the larger society in the near future. Even though second life is one of the greatest platform for collaboration for IBM, Berger says that other models of visual applications will be implemented later on.

Relating better to others

S, it is not necessarily true that all Mexicans are in the U. This is because his or her stereotype or prejudice to the Mexicans does not change the fact that there are both legal and illegal Mexicans in the U.S.

Which cultural values matter to business process management

According to the article, sustainability is the ability of a business organization to fully engage its production factors in the short run and hence maximize its profit, and making sure that the company will meet its future goals and objectives, Hightower. The strategic decision-making process requires to be aligned with the vision and futures goals β†’

Majority of life aspects in poems

At the end of the poem, he makes it clear that if he does not get the love that he wants, he will be nothing more than a slave to his heart and his need for love". All My Pleasure," tells about the author's love for the woman he is with, and how he wishes β†’

History of the english language

Origins of the English Language When the British Empire was ruling over the better part of the world, the language of the rulers was often adopted by the ruled." History of the English Language".

Literary terms

1.verse William Stafford uses a style of short verses in his poem entitled " Ask me".2.paraphrase Within John Updike's story entitled " A&P," the narrator paraphrases when he calls one of the girls " Queenie" which is a simpler restatement of her regal and snobby characteristics.3.summary A summary of " My Last Duchess" would be: β†’