Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Ostia antica

Ostia Antica Ostia is Imperial Rome's harbor that contains preservations that reflect the ical Roman culture and architecture.ical Roman architecture became evident as a consequence of the departure during the early Middle Ages, and speaks volumes about the way classical Rome looked like1. The Temple of Rome and Augustus is one of the landmarks which β†’

Bauhaus architectural style

Bauhaus Architectural Style Question 2: What were the two main design features of the Bauhaus movement? As an artistic and architectural movement, Bauhaus items had two main designs features; functionality, and symmetry as observed in the Wasilly Chair, and the Bauhaus Cradle.

The english housel development

THE ENGLISH HOUSEL DEVELOPMENT The English Housel Development Henry Russell Hitchcock has enabled the thought process of Pugin to get enhancement as his critical acclaim is one of the most effective address to functionalism concerning rules of art and design in his written piece Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. The beauty of architecture has been β†’

Construction of the golden gate bridge

Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge Introduction The Golden Gate Bridge was opened in 1937 and at that time consisted of the longest main span for any existing suspension bridge. Safety Lesson from the Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge The construction of the bridge was completed in four years in conditions that were β†’


When you are in Qatar do you followthe same behaviour of switching off energy appliances like you do in the UK? Comparing between your life in the UK and Qatar, do you think you are more careful about your energy consumption in the UK?

Icon effects

Case study of four cities and their icons. Brief Essay Outline: Introduction: Icons in the past and in the modern world.[500 words] Literature review: Meaning and use of icons in Tourism.[1000 words] Case Study A.

Norms and security

Thomas Ward in this article discusses in detail, the often over-looked and under estimated policy issue of security, especially security of life of national and most importantly, international political figures. Writer3 Work Cited Ward, Thomas." Norms and Security: The Case of International Assassination".

Importance of following orders

By executing the orders in time and in the manner that is acceptable, one greatly helps in the unit even if he does not know the reason why as everyone is important in making the mission at hand a success. Whenever the objectives of a mission get hurt by failing to follow orders as expected, β†’

Back to the basics in the united states military

First, we must recognize that the Soldiers standing in our formations have performed their duties to the highest standards and have accomplished any and all missions. We have got to get back to the basics, and it starts with you.

E commerce. group project, mis class

The reason as to why I picked social media marketing is owing to the fact that it is highly accessible to the majority population. On the question of evaluation, it is very simple to gauge the success of the project.


Nandkeolyar, the Vice President of the e-commerce, taking initiatives in the company's incorporation of the internet technology has reflected further challenges on the part of the technology on which the entire processes of e-business had to be dependent. Conclusion: The case has clearly reflected that the company has realized the importance of the internet technology β†’

You decide

For this premium service the company is targeting the high end professionals and corporate executives who are willing to purchase these portraits at a premium price as opposed to the normal pricing. This means that the company has to work on building its image in the market through the production of high quality photographs and β†’


This sampling plan results in a random sample, but not a simple random sample. This sampling plan results in a random sample, but not a simple random sample.

Survey on smoking

On the other end of the scale, the lowest number of times that a man smoked was twice. Similarly to the men, the most number of times that a woman smoked each day was 11 times.

Data analysis

In statistics the accuracy of the results is positively correlated to the number of the data variables. In a nutshell; using the sample data the average weight of a football player is 192.

Case study

Case control is a design that uses two groups to find out the answers to the research question, for example, in this study, the case are the transgender people. The aim of the study may be to find out the difference in life experiences.

Cs 2 descriptive statistics part i: normal curves, variability, and plotting

The various measures used to describe a set of data, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and measures of distribution. The made calculations usually cover central tendency, dispersion and distribution of the data.

Selecting relevant research that addresses the variables in the research question(s) of the article

With this increase, the mobile element of the social media continues to spread the adoption as well as the widespread of the social media and digital marketing. In addition to the marketer-directed roadblocks and other online ads, there were other consumer directed actions used via the digital media that increased reach and sales of the β†’

Measures and scale

20 2, 025.00 0.04 9. 60556 6 30 3.1 -0.83 0.2 0.

Week 4

90 R2 = 0.81 d.r = 0. R2 = 0.

Probability assignment

For the first member of the committee, there are 8 possibilities. Therefore, the total number of ways these 5 envelopes can be posted in the 3 mailboxes is 3*3*3*3*3 = 35.

Problem set 2 Γ— 3 between s factorial

During the first half of the spring semester, 120 male students and 120 female students in grade 10 at a public high school in a large metropolitan area in the southwestern region of the United States were randomly assigned to one of three study environment: study in front of the TV, at the library, or β†’

Data interpretation practicum

Hypothesis The correlation test will test the level of association between injury rate and number of hours worked will be investigated consequently, our hypotheses are as follows: Null Hypothesis, H0: Injury rate and hours worked are correlated Alternative Hypothesis, H1: Injury rate and hours worked are not correlated A scatterplot of the data is shown β†’


Jerry Ciacho November 3, Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded British journalist, explorer and geologist Simon Winchester delves into and explores the lasting and the ever so powerful consequences and results of the disastrous and shattering explosion in the coast of Indonesia of the planet's most devastating super volcano island, Krakatoa. Winchester portrays the violent β†’

Geography of minnesota

Geography of Minnesota Spatial distribution refers to the phenomenon of movement across the earth's surface to different places. They immigrated to Minnesota in search of work, business and an education.

Migrant workers to saudi arabia

Migrant Workers to Saudi Arabia: Outline This paper discusses the following aspects about migrant workers to Saudi Arabia: Nationalities Migrant workers to Saudi Arabia are mostly from South Asian countries including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Cultures Migrant workers to Saudi Arabia generally come from conservative cultures, so they find it easy to adjust in the β†’


This is a time of considerable joy and anticipation for many, equipped with the knowledge, experience, and lingering positive impact of the dedication of well-trained staff members that ensured we could stand together on graduation day ready to tackle the challenges of new careers and other personal ambitions. I would like to compare my experience β†’

Latin america

The pacific coast, the amazon basin and the Andes are the three major regions of early development. This allowed the Incas to dominate the western part of the continent.

Case study example

The business venture Dwayne and Fred started is currently in a tough situation due to the fact the bank loan they had approved for $300, 000 was reduced to $175, 000 by the bank. A second option is to incorporate the business in order to be able to sell common stock of the company in β†’

What is the israel lobby

The success of Israel Lobby, as it was argued by Smith, is in tandem with that of Mearsheimer and Walt; the Israel Lobby focuses on influencing the Congress, the executive, manipulate media, and policing academia. Smith, Mearsheimer, Walt, and Frankel claim that the work of lobby make Israel gets direct foreign aid every year.

Discuss the factors between denmark and solomon islands that responsible for increased and decreased growth rates within populat

In relation to the case study of Denmark and Solomon Island, it is construed that the population growth rate is unique from one place to the other. The growth rate in population is the percentage increase in the total population of a given country; it is calculated as the ratio of the increase and previous β†’

Te lawrence fundamentals of an insurgency

E Lawrence Analysis of the Taliban guerilla movement in Afghanistan The Taliban insurgency is an Islamic political movement operating in Afghanistan. In order to understand the activities and nature of the Taliban guerilla movement, it is vital to analyze it based on T.

Why people join an insurgency

Body One of the reasons due to which individuals join insurgencies is that they perceive that by joining insurgencies they can gain a better status within the society. Individuals belonging to a community may join the insurgency in order to prove that he/she is someone who should be respected as compared to other members of β†’


The speaker takes a bath, washes the pans and plates, and spends idle time sitting by the window.2. On a Sunday evening, the cars that spent relaxation time in the countryside return to the city to bring their passengers back to work/school again.3.

Chapter 9 poetry questions

Chapter 14, The Sounds of Poetry Pages 785-788, Edgar Allen Poe, " The Raven What is the frame of mind or soul of the speaker at the beginning? In paragraph 17 of his essay " The Philosophy of Composition," Poe draws his reader's attention to several aspects of the poem, especially the refrain, the progression β†’

Managerial finance

P2-15 a) The company has a very effective sales collection system in place and as per the figures the company has a defective rate of 12. 67% of the 75% sales that it is making which is a huge problem for the company.

Mgm600-0803b-02 applied managerial decision-making – phase 4 discussion board

An investigator wanting to know the effects of price increase in the demand for a certain product or the inflation in the price level will be benefited through the use of this technique. In the regression equation, the dependent variable is modeled such that it is a function of the independent variables, constant, and an β†’

International finanicial manager (slp 5 bus)

The determinants of the way in which transnational corporation acquire, organize and manage those assets is of critical importance, not only to the success of those corporations, but also to the development and industrial restructuring of nation states. The role of the financial manager, particularly in business, is changing in response to technological advances that β†’

Discussion forum #1 – becoming human

The core aim of the video is to answer the question; how did we become us? Scientists claim that changes in climate boosted the brain to grow.

The dikikka child and homo floresiensis

The fossil caused a rethinking of human evolution due to several of its features. Discoveries such as Floresiensis, Lucy's baby and A.sediba challenge the conventional notions of human evolution.

Summary for an

Murphy's article en d " Signs and Symptoms" describes the universal human experience of ageing, and the need that everyone has to come to terms with the finite nature of human life, and the limitations of the physical body. As an anthropologist the author has much to say about the social and psychological construction of β†’

Jane goodall what separates us from the apes

Goodall probes the diverse cultures that exists between humans and apes such as the chimpanzees. According to Goodall's findings, chimpanzees can adapt to the culture of using technology similar to the tribes in Ecuador forests.

Health & healing in cross cultural perspective

In getting my associate's degree I have been exposed to many aspects and facets of civil engineering. Though I will be personally rewarded by earning a degree in civil engineering, I hope to also offer the institution my own diversity, culture, and life experience.

What do we mean by navigating another culture

When people from another culture interact with that particular society, they have to understand the cultural behavior of the host society and refrain from offending them by any indication that they do not respect the other culture. When dealing with people from other culture, it is necessary to keep the open mind and learn the β†’

Discuss the roles of power and social stratification

On the contrary, Lia's family believed in the Hmong beliefs, and in it, was confused by the medicine administered by the doctors together with the Hmong rituals they were still holding onto. On the other hand, the statuses of the Hmong were also affected by their arrival to America.

Navigating another culture

I belong to the district of Gangnam that is located in the country of South Korea and the culture of Gangnam has been highly influenced through various elements. Education is given immense importance in my region mainly for the purpose of the development of the self of the people of my region.

Anthropological analysis and conceptual synthesis

The article also explores the various difficulties the male saints had to go through in order to protect their identity, regardless of the norms of the society. The theme of male dominance is further shown by the linearity of mobility and recreation in which are based on social hierarchies.


Internal Control Characteristics Affiliation Internal Control Characteristics Introduction Internal control refers to the process in which the aim of an organization is to comply with the rules and regulations, achieve the objectives financial reporting reliability, and provide timely feedback on the strategies achievement. Situation Missing internal control: Supervision control or assignment of duties Possible problem: β†’

Math203 – applications of discrete mathematics -phase 4 db

The automation is able to read in the string one symbol each time from left to the right. The automation begins to calculate immediately as the start state begins and it continues to read the initial symbol of the input string.

Real world quadratic functions

When the parabola opens downward, the vertex is the point where the relative minimum of the function occurs and when the parabola opens upward, the vertex is the point where the relative maximum of the function occurs. This paper will determine the maximum possible profit for the chain store and the number of clerks that β†’

Towards an accounting view on money, banking, and the microeconomics

The concepts of accounting were constituents of the technology that was controlling the economy. In conclusion, financial activities can be taken as a type of accounting for the actual activity.

The benefits of the universitys agricultural patents

The same study indicates the benefits of the university's agriculture patents. Department of Agriculture's 2006 yearly report, the U.S.government's Agricultural Research Service and researchers from the University of Illinois have a partnership patent.

African american ( country ghana )

The primary composition of the religious groups in Ghana is Muslims, Christians and the traditionalists. The emergence of Christianity in Ghana is credited to the arrival of the Portuguese missionaries during the fifteenth century.


For instance, these religious books play a vital role date in observing holidays such as " Yom Kippur", which is the Jewish Day of Atonement, Ramadan, which is the holy month that Muslims fast and pray, and Easter, which is the period where the Christians celebrate the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It β†’

Project management

Consider the following: The current temperature of the production vat designed to create computer software chips is to be maintained at 412 degrees F in order to secure the bondings between gold fillings and the iron composite used to develop the chips in a manner that secures their longevity in personal home computers. At certain β†’

Project management scenario

In this project Janet implemented all the types of communication methods and technologies to discuss the status, technical issues, and responsibilities of the project. In case of such risks, the delay in the project time can lead to increase in the project cost and causes project failure.

The american revolution – war for independence

It is a relevant piece of literature and the address is a useful speech to the history of America. It is useful to analysts and lovers of history in retelling the antiracism evolution.

Art and its context

It looks as if the clay is fresh and wet: so the idea has ' just occurred' to the artist - but the tiaras on both the dog and the woman, and her careful hairstyle suggest a long consideration of the subject, which at first looks beautiful, but is then confronting because of her position.D. β†’

Vietnam war: important events 1962-1969

And a second reason cited for failure of America in Vietnam was the way media in US turned the people against the war and the US government. America and the Vietnam War: Re- Examining the Culture and History of a Generation.

Vietnam war: lessons learned

A very little known fact has been that it was the United s itself that initially gave military training to the small communist group in Vietnam, named Vietminh led by Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh, for fighting against the Japanese invaders. The strategy of training the communists in Vietnam can be seen as β†’

Things that garbage can reveal

Moreover, the kind of the garbage depicts a lot in regard to the socioeconomic class of the underlying household, the number of persons within the household, economic welfare and culture. In sum, the kind of garbage normally depicts the socioeconomic class of the underlying household, the number of persons within the household, economic welfare and β†’

Archaeology home work

Aside from the excavation of fossils and other historic items, archaeology also involves interpreting the purpose that these valuable items had in the life of early man and relating such purposes to the existence of man today. Archaeology, on the other hand, is about studying the history of man, which is the origin of humanity β†’

Pick and discuss 3 specific personal examples that you feel contributed to your gender sure to include at least 2 sources that help explain what occurred or that supports your claims

One day I had a chance to hear his/her voice when it was the student's turn to give a presentation. I was busy analyzing all the information to fit the student in one of the two categories: male and female.

Prime-time television program

Coca-Cola Company, the market leader in the soft drink industry is one of the companies that emulate extensive traditional as well as modern methods of advertisement. The speed with which the Coke bottle was emulating depicts the haste at which Coca-Cola Company is putting in place modern technology as a way of ensuring that the β†’

Realism and liberalism

Realists place states in a position of having to observe the action of neighbors closely to effectively trying to resolve problems without regard to the moral concerns. Realists believe that the creep of morality into the international relations handicaps in a way that they fail to cope with the new conditions.

Paper #4

This soliloquy is there when Hamlet's father is dead and his mother marries Claudius, her husband's brother within a short span of time and Claudius takes the charge of the state as a King. This soliloquy and the feelings expressed in it are indicative of Hamlet's sorrow and depression that are there because of his β†’

Biggest threats to the assets and inventory of companies

The problem is that often the biggest threats to the assets and inventory of companies comes from within. A third type of fraudulent disbursement scheme is the expense reimbursement scheme.

Boots entering china analysis

The company is dedicated to the provision of quality healthcare and pharmaceutical products to the local community. The company seeks to enter the Chinese market for diversification and the creation of new opportunities and pharmaceutical products.

Corporate social responsibility and sustainability

Entry into the Saudi Arabian market has necessitated the need to provide products which meets the need of the residents of Saudi Arabia. All the operations of the company aim at meeting the unique needs of both the Western culture, and the Middle East or Arab culture.

Statistics: correlation between retail online sales and total retail sales

Statistics: correlation between retail online sales and total retail sales To calculate the correlation coefficient for quarterly retail online sales and corresponding total retail sales for the recent few years, we use the formula: Let Xi be total retail sales, and Yi - retail online sales for period i. Correlation is widely used in the β†’

Work experience at an alzheimers center

While I worked in the center I observed that the patients were normally aware of the condition they were suffering from. But these individuals could not cope up with it when the disease worsened and I primarily took care of the individuals who were in the latter stages of the disease.

Rising gas prices by jeremy w mattson

The role of market speculation in rising oil and gas prices: a need to put the cop back on the beat: staff report by the United States. The impact of rising gas prices on America's small businesses: Hearing before the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, β†’

Night, mother play scene analysis

Jessie is a divorced woman in her late thirties, who stays with her mother, who is deceased, and has some medical complication, and her son, who seemed to be her only hope, turned out to be a thief, which really hurts her. As such, on the fateful day, Jessie asks her mother where the riffle β†’

Employee assistance program

As a matter of fact, the supervisors in the company should encourage EAP and resorting to EAP when behavior of a person is not in line with his usual performances. Since the advice given is from professionals in the trade and they do not cost to the company or to the employee, the EAP will β†’

One page summary of latest technology in battery for electric vehicles

Latest Technology in Battery for Electric Vehicles Latest Technology in Battery for Electric Vehicles Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular due to the certain positive features of the electric vehicles. Estimation of Residual Available Capacity for Lead Acid Batteries in Electric Vehicles.

Fortified food product

The research indicates the nutrients of the fortified food. In terms of the vitamin fortifications, the milk product supplies a portion of the body's daily vitamin needs.

Print advertisement

One example of this would be a the image of a family standing around a BBQ with a father at the grill looking sternly out towards the reader utilizing a bold text indicating that home cooked is better than an expensive gourmet food. A final tag line should be given and an example of this β†’

Part 3

Improving Flexibility in Each Joint of the Body Improving Flexibility in Each Joint of the Body Some of the exercises used in improving the flexibility of body joints include Yoga, Pilates, Swimming and Stationary Rowing. Swimming is another exercise that is safe and efficient in improving the flexibilities of all the joints of the body.

Importance of mba degree

The degree broadens the minds of people on risks and profits that are involved in a business and how they are managed. Syracuse University is important and perfect in the development of skills that are needed in the fast-developing global economics.

Management plan

Framing of the problem The problem identified here is the lack of recognition in a work place for the staff who pours out their efforts to bring out the best to the organization. Solution The best solution analyzing all the possibilities is that she has to stay back in the same organization till she shifts β†’

History, lyndon johnsons great society

LBJ who took the office of the presidency after the shocking assassination of Kennedy was a man with extraordinary ability to get things done by either pleading or threatening people. Economically, he pushed for economic act of 1964, which was aimed at fighting poverty, cutting tax, training for the poor and use of federal funds β†’

All by myself by mercer mayer

The tasks and items in the book are common to a child at this stage of learning, enabling them to recognize the words for items and tasks in their world. The repetitive nature of the text leaves the items and tasks highlighted in a sense for the child to recognize.

Data collection and analysis

It is important for the researcher to comprehend the principle of the research by designing or formulating a research question, which will be used to gather data from people. Further, the qualitative approach enables the researcher to assess the depth and intricacy of any phenomena when gathering and analyzing collected data.

Land use & religion

Land Use and Religion Introduction: The Religious Land Use and alized Persons Act, was passed and became law during the administration of President Clinton, and was meant to provide the right to assemble for worship, which lies at the heart of the free exercise of religion. Airmont maintains a zoning code that prohibits religious boarding β†’

The article of confederation as a guide for successful democracy in the united states

The step United States has made in terms of democracy is as a result of the article of confederation which was its first written constitution. The congress is composed of representative of various states that are a party to the article and this means that the diverse interests of each state is addressed.


The first things that I would like to do with an amount of one million dollar are spend it in such a way so that I can reap its benefits over a long period of time. 23 Feb.2014.

Development study

Development Study: Research Proposal " Development Study: Research Proposal" The research study that will be the focus of my Master's Thesis in Development Study will be tentatively titled " The impact of Ebola crisis on distribution and effectiveness of financial Aid in the West African countries". The world around is changing in a myriad of β†’

The guest

It demonstrates, too, a contributing factor to the downfall of colonialism: the occupying country's ignorance of and disregard for the culture of the occupied country. Balducci is a gendarme, which is defined in the Encarta Dictionary as " a police officer in France and French-speaking countries.

A randomized clinical trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus unrestricted services for health anxiety

The study is weak in the sense that it has a small group of participants that are used to test to methods of dealing with health anxiety. Therefore, the research can play a significant role in the clinical field of psychology when it comes to dealing with health anxiety-related issues.

Seeking an mba from the university of chicago graduate school of business

Bearing these in mind, here I am seeking admission into one of the best schools in the world, aiming to make a substantial contribution to the organization and further hone my skills for the years to come. With this, I am sure that I would be of assistance to my co-students as I am rated β†’

International business (ch2, ch3, and ‘gung ho)

Various responses looking for a 2 -3 paragraphs that summarize the movie and second part of the question: how is this relevant to the concepts of global business today. The movie tells the story of the challenges the Japanese executives, employees, and townspeople encountered during and after the reopening.

Salem manufacturing

SALEM Considering the case of Salem manufacturing company, it is hard to choose among the options of remaining unhedged, hedge in the forward market, hedge in the money market or hedge in the options market. Considering the Forward marketing hedge would not really be appropriate for this context as this is considered to be an β†’

Atlantic computer pricing strategy

The problem is to choose the best pricing strategy and convince Atlantic Computer's veterans to follow this new strategy. The proposed strategy will help Atlantic Computer to improve its brand image and competitive position on the market, but it will not have a great impact on sales and revenue.

Experiemental psychology – lab report example

While there is a slight differential, it was not significant enough to deem the results of the study conclusive that there is a marked advantage in word memory when heard through the right ear. It's possible that the simplicity of the word lists did not acutely test the right ear advantage strenuously enough to determine β†’

The professional working procedures in every organization

The old-age pension scheme, those who are of little value and have shown an inclination towards self retirement may also be considered for a layoff. The annual budget values must also be taken into account against the given set of a number of employees and the subsequent decision of downsizing.