Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples


Plagiarism In the article " A Debate About Plagiarism as The Times Investigates a Case" Margaret Sullivan sheds light on the issue of plagiarism and the way it is being widely spread nowadays. She provides a vivid example, pointing on the story of The Times reporter, Carol Vogel, who had written a short passage about β†’

Family stressors

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Bay Area Recovery is an organization that provides rehabilitation programs for drug and alcohol addicts with the aim of enhancing the individual's health, as well as the family and community relationships. Death/Grieving Sesame Workshop is an organization that focuses on helping children to develop the strength to heal and have hope β†’

Sexual harassment

October 27, Sexual harassment laws and policies help prevent workplace conflict because they define sexual harassment, demonstrate commitment to averting sexual harassment, and guide employer and employees on the procedures of reporting sexual harassment cases. People have a responsibility to their co-workers of avoiding actions and circumstances that may lead to sexual harassment.

Women in the yellow wallpaper by gilman

As reiterated in the yellow wallpaper, American society in the context of the black community placed much pressure on women due to their gender and this considerably resulted in people overlooking their potential and even seriousness in their works as explained by the black literary scholars. The literary work on the yellow wallpaper is a β†’

Of paradise and power by robert kagan

Of Paradise and Power by Robert Kagan A book that has had a big influence on my thinking about conflict resolution and identity conflicts is Robert Kagan's book Of Paradise and Power. The success of European integration and solving the " German problem" has a lot of Europeans, Kagan says, to believe that they β†’

Life stage or levinson model

Personally, as a student of 21 years and in a foreign country, it can be considered to be in this phase following migration to a new country that is away from home and following attempts to take a job away from their parents. As a result, the Levinson's perspective evidences one as a young adult β†’

The tsunami that devastated japan

The earthquake was the strongest that hit Japan since the late 1800s. The tsunami resulted in a massive destruction of infrastructure and thousands of innocent lives lost.

Brief critique

The advertisement expounds on the fast meals that are loved by the majority of the people in the world. It is also evident that the advertisement has not unraveled the price of the meal its advertising.

Increased gdp and poverty

Include a description of the problem, a cause of the problem, and one of her solutions with a link to a web resource. In essence, the elite and the rich have continued to impose their will along with other elements that have caused poverty.

Drugs and crime prevention

The core emphasis of 'be a jerk' campaign is to reduce alcohol advertisement tailored to the youth and to change the community's customs associated with tolerability of underage drinking.' Be a jerk' ad is a very effective strategy and the message portrayed in the advert has aided the Hawaii government in the fight against underage β†’

Animal welfare

In the stunning process, the animal is stunned before being blend to lose consciousness and be insensitive to pain. In this consideration, the exemption should be granted only to uphold peoples' religious and social practices.

Examples of economic choices that prolong poverty and effectiveness of social networks in terms of accelerating the implementation of particular financial tools

The paper " The World Bank's View on the Roots and Consequences of Poverty" is a thoughtful example of an article on social science. The main argument of the article is that poverty is not just a deficit of money.

Advantages and disadvantages of primary data

PRIMARY RESEARCH INTRODUCTION Primary Research is considered the heart of the research. Field research is necessary because the information needed does not exist, in contrast to the secondary research in which the information and data are already published so that the researchers need only to find the existing data.

What is normative question and is there a place for normative question

Full On Normative Questions A normative question is, as the word suggests, a question about what have been believed to be right or wrong, the practices and beliefs which are considered norms. People are thinking beings and it is natural for them to ask questions about the things that happen around them.

A discussion of a personal, local, or national issue

6/sq mi, the health issues of the country have remained on the top-notch priority list of the government, since the publication of the National Public Health Reports dated as of 1987. This policy elevates the health issues on the paradigm of national political agenda and makes the process of equity in health policy an agenda β†’

The problem of homelessness

The Problem of Homelessness During my research on the role addiction plays in the problem of homelessness for my ENG101 class, I used Google to obtain my information from the internet. Retrieved July 22, 2014, from The Effects of Sports on Emotional Health.

Potentials of artificial intelligence in terms of humanity

As a virtue, humanity refers to the tendency of befriending others.I.e.humanity and social intelligence, the acts of love as well as altruism are typically interpersonal strengths while else fairness is expanded to all. The modern robots that have been developed have the ability to replicate the actions and movements of mankind.

Case study example

Ethics: Case Study The theory of utilitarianism, which s that a person should act in such a way to produce the best consequence, can play a critical role in decision on the investment project. Choosing to invest in this project will have an implication on the surrounding due to the gases released from the energy β†’

Food and service

The edge of the knife is usually sharpened to make the right cuttings in the preparation of food. A Paring Knife A paring knife is one of the most common knives in a food lab or even in the kitchen.

Socio-cultural, personal and psychological factors of rape

Available statistics demonstrate that an estimated 15 to 38% of women in the United States experience a sexual assault or rape during their lifetime, and that college women are more susceptible to rape and other forms of sexual assault than women in the general population due to the dynamics involved. In rape, the perpetrator seeks β†’

My speech -effective organization

If the components of the speech are assembled properly, it can function like a well-oiled machine and have the right effect on the audience. An effective organization can mean the difference between a speech that is understood by the audience and a speech that is not.

Evocative production about aging care

The policy for the aged in Australia safeguards old people in the society from fearing the young as well as feeling misplaced. If the aged are offered the necessary attention and care, their life is prolonged and opportunistic ailments in old age may be avoided thereby reducing the cost of care as well as the β†’

Andrew sullivan: society is dead, we have retreated into the iworlds

Though the main theme of the article is not entirely original, the article is well written and emphasizes the isolation that results from listening to portable music. The picture he creates attracts attention and the readers are also able to relate to the scenario he is discussing.

Major middle east events of 1978-1979

Major Middle East Events of 1978-1979 This paper presents a critical review of the reason and the way the Christian Zionists in the United States, the Jewish Movement within the Soviet Union, and the Islamic jihad in Afghanistan maintained a common goal of defeating the Soviet Union. The move by Christians, Jews, and Muslims to β†’

In what instances of your own life has malleability been a factor in success or failure

As a personal quality malleability means being able to adjust to all circumstances under varying degrees of pressure or high levels of expectations to achieve the desired outcomes and results. There are potentially weaknesses to having the personal attribute of malleability when involved in academic, social, and employment situations.

Analysis and your opinions

Gaddafi would be called a servant of his desire, who would jump from one desire to the other to gain happiness and would eventually end up being more frustrated instead of contended. When one person has dissuaded his soul with persistent torturing and violent acts, how would he be able to feel joy or pleasure β†’

Petition letter

Petition letter I am expressing my intent to transfer back to Broward Community College in spring of 2007 due to my goal which is to obtain an Associate of Arts in preparation for my further pursuit for an Associate of Science and a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. An Associate in Arts degree in Broward β†’

Breathe-taking experiences

The shopping experience not only gave me more time to bond with my friends, but I also appreciated the value of a deserved break to have the opportunity to relax and reenergize my brain and body to handle the final part of the semester. We spoke about different cultures with regard to their foods and β†’

Learning the importance of responsibility

After a few minutes, I realized that I could request the security personnel to open the door for me. We had a nice chat about the upcoming hurricane and I was very surprised to hear that he still had to work for 12 hours.

Attraction in interpersonal relationships

Eventually, we got used to each of our differences, but it also developed the way we were to adapt to each other. However, instead of swinging extremely to the opposite side, personality-wise, we developed a more balanced character between us.

Is chronic stress our inevitable companion

Pressures from the parents to perform well as well as time management and concerns about securing our future are some of the ways which create stress for the students. We need the support of our parents and teachers to overcome and reduce our stress levels.

Interpretation of xinhai revolution of 1911 in contemporary popular chinese culture and politics

Among them is Wang Hui, who described the revolution of Chinese in the past and the future, saying that the Revolution of China was not to be misunderstood as the Farewell to Revolution portrayed it. It was concluded that the Xinhai revolution lacked meaning in the revolution of China for it failed to give a β†’

Colonial america to road to revolution

However, the slaves were considered the members of society and slavery was not shifted to their children. With the passage of time, Europeans were in need of labor due to which, they moved towards Africa for black gold, a term that they used of African slaves.

The arts -renaissance and reformation, 13001650, enlightenment and revolution 1550-1800, the idustrial revolution 1700-1900

The paper " The Arts of Renaissance and Reformation of 1300 1650, Enlightenment and Revolution of 1550-1800, the Industrial Revolution of 1700-1900" is a dramatic example of a term paper on history. The cause of the reformation was the excessive power that the church wielded on the people.

Desire to work with a licensed professional counselor

I am writing to request for an internship in your institution to help in the development of practicum knowledge starting September 14, 2015. I believe that after reading this email, you will be able to secure me a place within your organization as per the provided details.

Human resource issues in knowledge management

Human Resource Issues in Knowledge Management and Section # of Knowledge management can be defined as any organizations efforts to enable the handling of knowledge that it possesses in an effective and efficient manner and in such a way which gives the utmost advantages and benefits to the human resources that exists within that organization, β†’

Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in saudi public sector

Participation information sheet Name: ______________________________________________ Subject: _____________________________________________ It is to invite you to participate in the study that is conducted to determine the impacts of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi. The main purpose of this study is to determine the impacts of work imbalances and its influences on the performance β†’

Love, forgiveness, and trust: critical values of the modern leader

It is one of the most universal emotions that are displayed by human beings, and it is found in all the cultures of the world. Such activities are always extremely valuable to such individuals, and they involve an immense deal of dedication and these can be harnessed for the benefit of the organization.

Failing to build effective team and teamwork

The article also uses RIM to illustrate the effect of weak leadership and management in organizations. The two leaders failed to build effective teams and offer the right leadership to the company.

Hearts and minds (1974)

This documentary relies on interviews of many common and important people related to the Vietnam War, interviews of a number of soldiers and policy makers, and many important civil and military leaders directly linked to the Vietnam War. It exposes the prejudices and biases of the American civil and military leadership that managed and conducted β†’

Employment testing and human resource management

Ajila and Linus Okafor explore the historical antecedents of psychological testing, basic testing concepts, the types of tests used in industry, and the relevance of these tests in the field of Human Resource Management. While Ajila and Okafor give a detailed and informative account of employment testing, the relevance of such testing in Human Resource β†’

Dispute between workers union and employer

During one of the union meetings and prior to the elections, one of the organization's supervisors passed by the meeting point, repeatedly, and the union eventually lost in the elections. The union claims threat of reprisal but the management defends itself from the supervisor's acts, claiming that the supervisor was just curious about the size β†’

Evaluations on talent requirements, timing of the best estimate and data for a self evaluation

Some of the steps for monitoring the Voluntary guidelines consist of assessing the contractor's self evaluation program, and if it is found that the program is not as per the guidelines then writing to the contractor to make specific modifications in the program. Discussion The procedure required in OPCCP self evaluation guidelines are:- A compliance β†’

How gender affects experiences in the workplace

According to the Gender Gap Report of 2013, Canada ranks 23rd in terms of gender inequality and 9th in terms of gender inequality on the basis of economic involvement and opportunity. It is also important to point out the fact that, customers in my place of work are more willing to talk to a guy β†’

Admissions application for a graduate program 500 words

I am drawn to this profession because I have had a lot of experience in the work sector, and so can tell the skills that are lacking in most organizations. A certification will allow me to be able to put all the skills that I have acquired to work in areas where they are most β†’

Two questions

This is due the fact the mentality of team member is the one that drives the progress of their work and the organization in general. Q2, In most organizations, the performance appraisal is basically the center of performance; most firms apply personal appraisals as a strategy of their performance management programmers.

The accountability strategy read chapter 8

Collection of data is meant to evaluate effectiveness of methods of teaching and the resources allocated to the teacher, as well as the time taken to teach. The difference between accomplishments and activities is narrow as there is activities can be used as indicators of success.

Analysis of employment websites: and

I found that the outlay of the websites was similar to one another with dialogue boxes for typing in the job one was interested in. For example, I searched for database administrator jobs in Chicago and I was able to get the necessary information needed.

Motivation pleasure

They need to feel that their income and benefits equal the value of the time and energy they invest in their work. This is not to say they are only after the big bucks; their main concern is having the money to afford a specific lifestyle that gives them the drive to succeed.

What is authentic leadership

Leaders should express themselves in order to create value and trust in their associates or followers. An authentic leader should be true to oneself and express his or her stand.

Quality of life issues at greenfield police

In a discussion with the officers of Greenfield Police Department, in conjunction with confirming the statistics of crime incidence in the Senior Citizens' Center, it is evident that there is no crime problem in the area.2. Suggest a community policing strategy to reduce the fear of crime at the Senior Citizens' Center.

Is hrm a new concept

HRM a new concept Contents Contents 2 HRM a new concept 3 Functions of HRM 4 Reference 5 HRM a new concept a) Human resource management can be das a holistic way to manage employees. In the current scenario new dimension has been given to human resource management in order to stay competitive but it β†’


Workplace romance Workplace Romance Workplace romance is one of the products of employees' interaction in an organization. Problems that we experience in a relationship may extend to the workplace.

Hr assignment for bp

A line manager, sometimes referred to as a direct manager, is in charge of functional and administrative management of the employees in their charge. Line managers and IT training are thus two different sections of a business, but that does not rule out the fact they work harmoniously in order to achieve the goals of β†’

Case study

Compensation management system makes the organizational systems transparent and induces a constructive and productive competition among the employees to make the best out of their capabilities considering their specific roles and positions within the organization. An efficient compensation management system inculcates a motivation in the less skilled and inexperienced employees to make the best use β†’

Selection tests: advantages and potential problems

For instance, selection tests may be accurate in predicting a potential employee's ability to perform the work, but they are not effective in indicating the degree to which the person will be motivated to perform the job. The selection tests are also not reliable in testing the anxiety of the applicant.

The salary system

Case 2 The bank as to present daily registry, the contact form, the term of the contract the white employee is under that is, is she fully trained employee or is she under training, employee handbook procedure spelling chain of command within the bank? The decision that would that is appropriate, for this case is β†’

Freedom of expression in the workplace

Freedom of Expression in the Workplace The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech. Sutherland, Karen." Freedom of Speech in the Workplace: The First Amendment Revisited".

Professional discipline

The expert discipline team and the Executive council in the behavioural division conduct investigations. Transparency Transparency is provided for in the disciplinary Schemes at various stages of the disciplinary process.

Human resources development

In addition to these steps, close monitoring and supervision of the survivors are also necessary to ensure that they are making correct use of the organizational resources, though management may consider showing flexibility in terms of time schedule; making the employees sit in the office does not necessarily mean that they work full time. Productivity β†’

The team player style assessment

Diane is, however, a communicator with contributor style as the second dominant style. Collaboration is the secondary dominant style.

Training and employee development

Training and worker development are basically functions of the training department that is under the human resource. The fundamental aim of training is to develop the capacity to realize and accomplish a company's aims.

Changing water cycle

Changing Water Cycle The research projections indicate that the current reduction in the snowpacks and streamflows remains a major concern to the American society with the prospects that the Southwest's population will hit 94 million by 2050. Further, the region's alternative use of substantial and eco-friendly energy production alternatives will reduce the rate of water-levels' β†’


There is a history of different phenomena behind the development of the whole range of mountains, volcanoes and the valleys we see on the Earth. I ponder over the state of equilibrium between the internal forces of the Earth and the external factors and forces that instigate them.

Work,energy,and efficiency: pulleys – lab report example

The increase the efficiency of double movable pulley followed by single movable pulley the lastly single fixed pulley. Each pulley in the system cause friction and hence increases the total energy applied in the lifting of loads; double movable pulley has the most friction which has four pulleys followed by single movable pulley then lastly β†’


The uplifting took place in a manner that saw the folding of the volcanic rocks in a relative design to the synclinal valleys. In the years that followed, fluid deposition and intracanyon flows accounted for the existence of basalt in the river channel.

Fresnel lens – lab report example

Fresnel lens Fresnel lens is a thin plastic lens that is flat on one side and has ridges on the other; it is thick inthe middle and reduces in different zones gradually tapers to the edges. In comparison to the conventional lenses, Fresnel lens is much lighter as it reduces the amount of material required.

Length, mass, volume, and density – lab report example

Method This part of an experiment outlines steps involved in the study of the said phenomenon. Result The outcome of the study is determined by the results.

Sun journal

The appearance of such colors is practically attributed to the way the sun's light is refracted during the day whereas the sky is preparing to welcome the morning light. The warmer colors of the sky during a sunset are attributed to the dimmer setting of the atmosphere as the night covers the surroundings.

Properties of brick and block materials – lab report example

Basically, the smaller the pore the greater the suctional pressure, but also the larger the number of pores then greater the overall amount of water is absorbed. Weighing the mass of water absorbed by the sample when one surface of the sample is immersed in water does this.


563167 Magma forms with material derived from the mantle at divergent plate boundaries where the intense heat melts the geological material into the liquid magma. The type of rock that is formed from magma that picks up material as it flows is called intrusive rock.

The big bang theory the beginning of the universe

The Big Bang Theory the Beginning of the Universe According to astrophysics, all the matter that is present in the universe today i.e.people, animals, plants, stars, earth was created about 13 billion years ago at the very first moment of time. Inflation is considered to be a very significant process for the big bang, β†’

Lab report example

The angle with the longest distance was noted and uncertainties calculated for distance and angle. The maximum distance was realized at 600 for both catapult and launcher.

Harmonic motion-elastic spring – lab report example

The mass used in the experiments was changed in a subsequent manner through the addition of 10 grams weight to the initial 100 grams weight of mass. Statement of conclusion The hypothesis was that there is a dependence period in the mass of the oscillator.

Anything related to radioactivity or the nucleus

15 August Analysis of Article: Effects of Radiation from Fukushima Dai-ichi on the US Marine EnvironmentSummary: The article, " Effects of Radiation from Fukushima Dai-ichi on the US Marine Environment," written by Eugene H Buck and Harold F Upton, deals with the problem of likely concerns on the US marine environment as a consequence of β†’

Parallel dc circuits – lab report example

The peak to peak Voltage and the peak voltages were determined from the graphs obtained, and the periodic time of the waves determined. The period of the sine wave was determined using equation 1 in the introduction.

Unit6: considering the albedo of various surfaces, how might temperatures differ between urban and rural areas which setting tends to be warmer on a given day and why also, are there any factors other than albedo that might affect the temperature differ

At any given time temperatures at the urban areas are higher than in the rural areas and this is attributed to the urban heat islands. The tall buildings in the urban areas provide surfaces for sunlight reflection and absorption leading to an increased heating rate of the urban areas.

Bottled water

This is why bottled water is commonly believed to be healthier with a better taste and mineral content than tap water. The escalating consumption of bottled water is further backed by the aforementioned perception along with the widespread awareness of risks associated with contaminated water and waterborne diseases.

Path of light – lab report example

The property of light travelling in a straight line is known as rectilinear propagation. Considering that the sizes of the holes are to be reduces, the light will continue travelling in a straight line but in a more restricted.

Lab report example

If the mass of the book is doubles, the velocity is decreased since the impulse from the car remains constant. Again the average velocity of the car is recorded.

Energy wedges – lab report example

From the 15 strategies in the Wedge Table we chose one wedge strategy at a time to fill the 8 spots on the wedge game-board, V. Using a combination of strategies will be needed to build the 7 wedges of the stabilization triangle.

Hazardous properties of chemical substances

The first property is that polymeric materials are stiff because they are constituted of very high mechanical features to their density. This is because they are organic materials and further, cellular materials constructed of the flammable matrix such as polymeric foams, are more susceptible to fire than their equivalent concrete materials as a result of β†’

Lysol as household product

If the consumer thinks Lysol will prevent H1N1 the more Lysol will be sold. Lysol has been around for a long time, but so have the others.


Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin is one of the major and oldest pain killers used in the medical science. Acetyl salicylic acid is the chemical name of Aspirin and C9H8O4 is the chemical formula of aspirin.

Element that undergoes radioactive decay

The radioactive tracer is absorbed by the muscle of the heart in proportional direction to blood flow, then to the muscle area, during rest and in the post stress. The variation in myocardial absorption of technetium after and before stress identifies heart muscle areas that are considered ischemic or short of the flow of blood, β†’

Applied chemistry: rbst and chlorpyrifos in food

In relation to the commonly used food chemicals, this study aims to closely examine the nature of rBST and the chemical composition of Chlorpyrifos. About rBST As a type of artificifical growth hormone, the rBST is actually a kind of peptide hormone that is normally produced the the pituary gland of a cow.rBST can be β†’

Gas law

The independent variable is temperature whereas the dependent variable is pressure From equation y= 0. Plotting the values of pressure against the inverse of the volume gives us Boyles law that states that at constant temperature the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to the size.

Energy wedges – lab report example

However before we expect the opportunities to occur it is important to plan and execute a mission that is likely to reduce carbon emission by half in the next 50 years. The increasing emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is mainly attributed to production of energy, which is required to β†’

Radiation protection process

Radiation protection is the process whereby the individual working in a place where radiation is emitted are protected from its harmful exposure. Basically, the protection gears are meant to eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of radiation emissions.

Of purpose

I believe the University of has the resources I need, right from a dedicated faculty to a vibrant student community. I also believe that I will not only be gaining from the university but will also be a worthwhile and useful addition to the student community.

Applying to king abdullah university of science and technology

In the same year, I was selected by my university to meet the Norwegian ambassador in order to convince him to contribute to the development of Kabul University. By increasing my knowledge in Analytical Chemistry, I will be able to perform the necessary analysis and help my country import good quality medicines.

Drilling fluid

With the advancement in drilling technologies, drilling fluid also known as drilling mud is being used to provide buoyancy, cooling and lubrication during drilling operation. The drilling fluid clogs the pores reducing the rocks permeability.

Evaluation of three different types of spectroscopy – lab report example

There is a direct proportion between the number of atoms and amount of light absorbed, therefore, we can determine the concentration of the sample by measuring the amount of light absorbed. To calculate the x values of the blood plasma and reference standard, the quadratic formula was used.x = unknown Lead concentration Y = absorbance β†’

Problem solving exercise (home banking)

Home Banking Certain primary-demand strategies could be used to build demand for " home banking". There may be certain suggestions for Noxell's advertising agency with respect to its message." Clean and healthful" is good but perhaps not enough.

The place to work in the bank

For this to happen, you need to put your best foot forward and we would expect you to adhere to the rules and regulations that govern the professional conduct here. There are yearly trips to the zoo for you and your families and the bank would bear all expenses towards this.