Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

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However, this is possible if the equipment has the capability of accommodating the extra volume and the existence of enough operators. In recovering data system, identifying the critical applications and prioritization of order where they are stored is the procedure.


Slight intelligent modifications in a set of possible answer values enables smart end results that are in accordance with the output expected by the user interacting with the system. CONCLUSION In the light of the above mentioned information it can very well be ascertained that chatbox technology's evolution is increasing for good.

Tablet computing: instructional technology group

As such, it is important to critically analyze the impact that the tablet PC's have towards the enhancement of the learning process in educational institutions. According to ITG Report, the use of tablet computing is of great importance to the learning process and hence the Work Forest University ought to create a flexible program that β†’

How does science create video game

How science creates video game In regards to the concepts of science and modernity, technology is not just a probable fortuitous outcome or consequence of scientific advancement or a form of manifestation of science in the society, but rather a constituent component of contemporary science modus operandi. The concept of precautionary principle in video β†’


We can say so because there are not many levels of positions and authorities in the hierarchy, since it is a small business started only a couple of years ago. The span of control is also less, which means that there are only a few employees reporting to one manager, since it is a small β†’

The use of web bugs at home connection

This is mainly because the use of the web bugs enabled HomeConnection to track information from their customer's web pages through the access they had to their personal computers. The company should have taken the initiative of informing the subscribers concerning their placement of the web bugs on their web sites.


The most important areas of concern include but are not limited to the availability of data of the users of social networking sites to third parties that they can use for surveillance, commercial purposes or purposes of data mining, the availability of facial-recognition software that can identify individuals easily in the photos shared on social β†’

Information policy

Indeed, given the catastrophic impacts that the release of sensitive information by websites can have, it is worth sacrificing ones freedom of expression to prevent the leakage of confidential information, not meant for the public. Hodson adds that the projects might restrict the world's poorest people to access only a narrow set of insecure services β†’

Accounting information systems

Information security controls mostly advices on how to ensure the database of the company is safe, and the passwords are strong enough. However, there is a weakness of tracking the records of the company because the owner admitted she is not on top as far as keeping track and keeping a list of the inventories.


Owing to the increasing significance of technology in the daily lives of mankind, many people share their personal information on the internet which can at times prove dangerous due to web hackers who can misuse the data due to immoral practices. Anonymity is often regarded as the option which can be useful in such situations β†’

Project management exercise question

Your manufacturing personnel inform you that some of the units may be defective, as shown below:% defective 0 1 2 3 4 probability of occurrence 40 30 20 6 4 Defective items must be removed and replaced at the cost of $145/defective unit. 2= 419048 The total cost of manufacturing is $419048, but if the β†’

Case for analysis does this milkshake taste funny

The strategy offers introductory products in a product line at the lowest point in the market thus enable the product to be traded at price lower than prices of other traders in the market. In the plant, why would a choice to run the product without filters be made?


A lot of research has been undertaken in the field of computer forensics inorder to protect data stored in a computer from copying and many companies have come up with a number of technologies which are able to accelerate the process of imaging. The speed of acquiring an image is normally based on both the β†’

Reflection on social media

Since use of social media is a very important element of work in my organization, management assumes huge responsibility of training the workers in the use of social media to ensure that the policies are complied with. My organization achieves this by introducing the new employees to the policy of our hospital on the use β†’

The social class and responses to the video clips

From the clips, I have seen and felt that it is better to be in the higher social class because those in the lower end have many problems that can be easily solved by those in a better class. I have learned that people in a higher social class have a better image, purchasing power, β†’

Lab2 – lab report example

The page also shows the whole department, clearly outlining the coursework provided by the department; which is a two-year associate of applied science degree programs, designed for preparation of students for jobs in the various fields of computer technology. The page also provides links to some institutes of the university like the Institute on violence β†’

New technology

The essay emphasizes the benefits as well as limitations of cloud computing for having a better understanding of the contemporary technology of information management computing. Conclusion Cloud computing is a procedure of storing and managing information to be delivered to the users on the basis of their requirements.

Summary – lab report example

Summary In the analysis of the trace, it was evident that a Network tab is comprised of tow network traffic views: the detailed view and summary view. Opening and closing a capture allows you to gather credible information on the network that one is analyzing.

Unethical decisions

The paper will then conduct explicit research on the possible ways of detecting and avoiding cases of fraudulence The growing technological advancement has led to integration of the communication all over the world. Fraudsters have used complex techniques to get to know the secrete information of the credit cards of particular individuals and have been β†’

Systems development

One of the recent technologies is the use of the SDLC and generally applied in the IT world. The first step in this is the planning, and this is the understanding of the whole system and its organization.

Active directory hierarchy

The Active directory for the organization will have one Forest that will contain all the domains and trees in the organization. The domains will vary depending on the location of the branch or the agents in the organization.

The decision to use the atomic bomb

The Decision to Use Atomic Bomb How did Stimson perceive the viable alternative to using the atomic bomb? This person was to provide information on the progress of the project design for making the atomic bombs.

Discuss three benefits and three drawbacks of m-commerce in general

Benefits and Drawbacks of M-Commerce M-commerce refers the electronic transaction that is mainly conducted using a mobile device or a mobile network for transfer of goods and services. Some of the advantages and limitations of e-commerce include; Benefits M-commerce allows businesses to reach out to global markets.

Briefly discuss the functions of nat, ics, and wins as well as their uses

NAT ICS WINS NAT In the process of Network Address Translation, a network device such as a firewall or a router, assigns a public address to a computer inside the private network. NAT works on the device that is immediately connected to the Internet and it hides the rest of the network from the public, β†’

Security, privacy and ethics

This paper presents some of the security, privacy and ethical aspects regarding information technology and computer systems. In this scenario, information security, privacy and ethics are some of the most important issues that need to be addressed in order to make best use information technology.

It risk managment

The grouping further helps in understanding the Flow charts and ensuring that the testing and evaluation is performed according to the need of setup. It is the existence of an alternate plan or location that could be used in event of disaster, emergency and system failure.

Sage 50 vs lawson erp

The acquisition of the Layered, an accounting program developed for using on the Macintosh, benefited the organization to expand its product offerings. The Sage 50 Accounting software does not require any special hardware or software, and therefore it is easy for businesses to implement this software.

What are some of the basic components of an operating system

Broadly the operating system consists of the following parts Process management: The process makes up for the program and the programs pile up to constitute the entire operating system. The resource allocation process consists of the function of allocating the workload and the program load according to the capacity of the operating system and the β†’

Information systems design and sociotechnical systems

Complex Socio-technical Systems: The Case for a New Field of Study. Complex Socio-technical Systems: The Case for a New Field of Study.

Explain the difference between a security vulnerability and an exploit

Running head: Security Vulnerability and an Exploit The Difference between Security Vulnerability and an Exploit Insert Insert Grade Insert Tutor's Name 30 June 2012 A security vulnerability refers to a fault in a computer function, operating system, or practice that can be utilized to make application to function in a manner not intended by its β†’

Advancements in is hardware and software

Advancements In IS hardware And Software Introduction The past five years has witnessed immense transformation in the field of information systems hardware and software. The information sector has experienced a number of changes in the last five years and that forms the basis of discussion in the text with a focus on IS hardware and β†’

Identity and nonverbal communication in the virtual world

I have an avatar and account in the game World of Warcraft. Impression and deeds have a heavy bearing in the World of Warcraft, and it is also likely the case with other virtual role-playing games.

Cis204 u4 discussion

For the skiing company in Stratton, a computer network can be created between the company's site and the newly established branch in Stowe. The most recommended technology would be the Virtual Private Network, since it fits the organizational needs and the budget as well.

Identify and classify the information contained in your personal computer or personal digital assistant

As the implies, a personal computer or any other personal digital gadget contains private information of individuals. Besides this, my computer has passwords saved on all the online accounts ranging from Face book to Msn to online log in of the bank and credit cards.

Distributed agile software development

Distributed Agile Software Development Distribution of software development has in the recent past increasingly become common with the main aim being to save the costs of production and a reduction of the time to market. The use of agile methods with distributed software development has had numerous benefits in term of enhanced quality of software.

Is free cash better than dividend per share (dps)

The company may distribute profit to the shareholders either in the form of cash or dividend. Dividends are a proportion of company's profits reported by the business to the shareholders since shareholders are owners of the company and deserve a share of company's profit.

Social networking

Advantages of Social Networking: Keeps individuals up-to-date with the latest happenings throughout the world. Gets you glued to all the status updates of your friends without having the realization of the passing time and other valued tasks.

Cyber security, network and computer systems administrators, and computer programmer

This article describes the trends in the field of information technology as well as the reasoning for the current increase in the cyber-security field. Human errors and violations in computer and information security: The viewpoint of network administrators and security specialists.

What are referential integrity constraints provide an example

When one database table comprises a FK to any other table, the idea of referential integrity outlines that we cannot insert a record to the database table that holds the foreign key unless there is an equivalent record in the associated table. Referential Integrity.2011.

Individual project 2

Film and other equipment are always cheaper in the United States, so be sure to purchase all of your equipment before you leave. Be sure to think of World Wide travel, the next time you are planning a trip.

Develop a framework to summarize the literature in enterprise architecture

This architecture framework follows the essential structuring of TOGAF and particulars the domains in architecture construction blocks to give a complete summary of all components of enterprise architecture. The application architecture offers a general idea on all applications behind the process of the business with the structure blocks applications, entry and information organization policy, statistics β†’

Data mining and big data

The data hub is composed is of data mining engines integrated to aid in easy handling of data. Thus, this makes it clear that although the data is large, it is realistically the simplest and easily tolerable data volumes in data mining.

Assessing reliability of network

Computer Sciences and Information Technology By: s Assessing Reliability of Network Lecturer's Benchmark ofMeasuring Network Reliability In order to develop a secure network, it is vital to view the fundamental features of a network such as the speed of data transfer, the security of data and reliability of its traffic.1.1. Network Security The security of β†’

Problems and disadvantages of agile software development

Limitations of Agile Software Development According to Dyb and Dings yr, creation of agile is as a result of reaction towards the then predominant but currently infamous waterfall model. Limitations on the size of teams Agile is considered a highly participative style of software development hence affecting efficiency of the processes owing to the number β†’

How technology, with particular emphasis on the internet and computers, has changed world culture

The increased potential for communications across vast distances at instant speed has allowed millions of people, especially in the developed countries of the world, to have a much wider circle of contacts and friends than was possible before. In Africa, for example, and in some deprived inner city areas of the developed world, there are β†’

Role of the internet in business

The ways of doing business in the twentieth century and the current ways of doing business are entirely different because of the intrusion of the internet related technology into business circles. It is difficult to manage a business in the twenty-first century without internet facilities.


ALL SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATORS FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER CHANGE MANAGEMENT POLICY Effective immediately or uponreceipt of this memorandum as evidenced by your signed receipt of this memorandum, you are hereby directed to stop the following activities: Change the configuration of any or all of the production operating system and parts in the β†’

It asset management upgrade

The management of the IT assets is important during the project since it ensures security to the IT infrastructure. The project of IT asset management will involve gathering the inventory of network, software and hardware assets then the use of that information in making an informed business decision on IT redistribution.

Custom chip, inc

After the collection of orders, the work is sent to the engineering department that designs the approach to be used to meet customer's specifications. The engineering department then sends the work to the production department that undertakes the process of producing the items ordered by customers.

Peer-to-peer and client-server networks

The server software's cost is another disadvantage of the client-server network. On the other hand, peer-to-peer networks are cost-effective to develop as there is no need for a high-end machine to serve as a server.

Short listening assignment format

The drums and bass play a similar role of maintaining the rhythm for the rest of the performers. The light and upbeat melody of the entire piece is rejuvenating.

Film fido

The paper will look into the succinct analysis of the film with regards to the given guidelines. The major characters of the film are Timmy, Fido, and Hellen.

Listening assignment

The entire composition set a new milestone in the world of Jazz with a new style of bebop introduced by the two composers. All I can say that the composition is melodious with a soulful performance by Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker.

Read the instruction

All of the music played was piano pieces, which I really liked because I enjoy listening to the sound that a piano gives. I did like this concert because although the music was from the same era, there were many different styles from all of the composers.

About andre crouch (famous gospel singer)

Reed mentions that gospel music has played a significant role in changing the outlook of the black American religious institutions. Gospel music, he notes, has played a significant role in transforming what he calls " the American culture".


Lee Marshall explains: The only appropriate judge of the work becomes the artists himself because only the artist knows whether the work is true and the audience can only abide by Romanticism's ' first law [which] is the will of the creator.' The artist pours themselves into a piece of work, which in turn allows β†’


Usually, these are musical scores for vocals and piano, and the most popular of these musical adaptations is that of Franz Schubert's. However, " Erlkonig" is also performed vocally with an orchestra, portraying a concerto-style of musical performance, common in Western countries, particularly in Europe." Lost Your Head Blues" is a blues song popularized by β†’

For admission

The university was one of the best music conservatories in Korea and was located in Seoul Art Center. It would make my academic ground stronger and it is for this purpose that I wish to enroll in the doctoral program at the University of Michigan.

Concerto genre

Particularly, I will work on piano concerto by Frantz Liszt. I really like his piano concerto No.

The song la huasanga by los camperos de valles

This effect offers the rhythmic basic melody of the music and creates a unique appeal to the ears. While listening to the song, it is a unique piece of art.

Music: imagination & technique

Lecturer Summary of Creativity The summary illustrates a brief overview on the concept of creativity in the arts like music and literature. The creativity is illustrated through the perspective of several artists and authors.


Using Music to express different Emotions For a long time, music has been defined as a form of art used to express a diverse range of emotions. Music psychology has been developed in a bid to analyze the psychological aspects of music in terms of the emotions conveyed and those elicited in the listeners.

Select your favorite section in the orchestra (woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings)

As such, the jazz, the soul, and even the reggae and ska would not have been able to do justice in their intended lyrical rhythms and peculiarity without the life and spirit of the horns or equivalent wind device. It is specifically notable to have recognized the art and sharp goodness of wind instrumentation upon β†’

The power of music

I am sure that my mind and body are in harmony and the power of music reduces my pain and stress for sure. I am sure that it is art to analyze the music and have a chance to penetrate in the secret intentions of the great composer, who created their musical masterpieces.

Air vs freight forum 352

The route can also play a deciding factor in making this decision and a combination of both air and sea fright might be the best choice. The carbon fingerprint of Airfreight is much higher than oceanfreight.

Ted talk response

This stood out because a significant portion of the American population has remained poor and continues to do so in spite of the country having such large coal reserves that could have changed the lives of these Americans. This is because people tend to protect their resources because resources determine their individual futures and the β†’

Who gets what from imported oil

The countries and governments set the taxes and earn from production as opposed to oil producers. In graph one, OPEC shows that countries make huge gains from taxing oil and oil products, while graph tow shows the generated revenue from both taxes and revenues from oil.

Oligarchy in the us

Jeffrey Winters and Benjamin Page's article " Oligarchy in the United s?" explores the oligarchic nature of the US political system. Works Cited Winters, Jeffrey and Page, Benjamin." Oligarchy in the United States?" Perspectives on Politics, Vol.7/No.4.

Presentation summry

The decision arrived at should be agreed upon by all the board members. Checking all the time what makes the members of the board to perform or not perform their duties.

The effects of immigration policies

The right to legally move to the United States is accompanied by a long process that most people do not have the patience for. Unlike many, some individuals are convinced these immigrants came to the United States to cause a huge amount of complication in the economic system.

Close relationships sometimes mask poor communication

One way to make sure this miscommunication will not recur is to make myself very clear with regards to my intentions, meaning and maybe even need to repeat a message for the sake of clarity. I have to ask my listener if he or she got the full meaning of what I had just said.

Ethical standards

The welfare of humanity forms the basis of ethical conduct and seems to override the general perception of society. In this respect, the informed judgment must always be made by an individual to achieve the maximum results on the grounds of ethical expectations.

Palestinian settlement

Palestinian Settlement The refugee problem of the Palestinians started out around the 1948 Israeli Independence War The Palestinian Refugees This war as well as the refugees' flight known as Nakba in the Arabic language were the main formative events that have not only defined the national character of the Palestinians and Israel but have also β†’

Do people choose whom they are attracted to

However, human beings make many different choices and not only partners but they do choose what is right and what is wrong, i.e.they make decisions. The meaning of attraction is good-looking and it is not the only appearance but what they do or how they behave.

The conflict between science and religion in matters of the creation of the world and man, and unity – in discussions about charity and humanity

The paper " The Conflict Between Science and Religion in Matters of the Creation of the World and Man, and Unity" is a thoughtful variant of a term paper on social science. Religion and science form the basis for man's view of the world.

A man and a woman according to deresiewicz

The writer gives an account that in historical times friendship between the opposites sexes was not a norm. The writer suggests that the new kind of woman is responsible for the companionship and friendship among men and women.

Decisions within ca state assembly

Issue ' The California Supreme Court allowed law practicing license to an undocumented Immigrant.' The CA Supreme court granted a proposal submitted by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California to allow admission to an illegal immigrant to the State bar. The Committee of Bar Examiners investigated the entire issue and β†’

Critical thinking and ethics

For instance, some doctors and police force in the china are deviating from the rules and principles governing critical thinking and ethical reasoning. Performing this act is deviating from the moral principles of critical thinking and ethical reasoning.

Life span development

The relationship of a person with parents, the marital status of parents, and a number of other factors related to different stages of development, have a significant effect on the romantic love of young adults. Love and Divorce in Society Selecting a life partner is one of the most important decisions of young adults and β†’

Protection of intellectual property, confidentiality, and freedom of expression on the internet

I am also an internet-user but I am in favor for restricting free speech on the internet to minimize the possibility of acquiring problems, most especially for the cases that can ruin the life of others. The act of hate speech, pornography and the like are very alarming in the country as it can affect β†’

Development of working relationships with children

In fact, according to Wright, Turner, Clay, & Mills, it is evident today that there is increased acceptance and participation of children in the development of children services and social care. It is the role and duty of practitioners to enable the participation of children, by directly working with them through listening and responding to β†’

Become a model

Whether you are a professional or not, if you are confident that you have what it takes to be a model, please do not hesitate to contact us. Studios and model agencies Are you a professional photographer or are you new to the industry?

Definition of racism

Racism can be defined as the physical, cultural, social and intellectual superiority of a race in comparison to another race. For example Racism is rampant in almost all aspects of American society between the whites and the Blacks.

How life is influenced by science

Testosterone levels in the body should not exceed the normal level, this is the basis of the testosterone test. This test tends to find out the reason for higher performance than usual especially to the athletes who are suspected to be using synthetic testosterone.

The effects of race

Both Hurston and Staples share similar and contrasting views about the effect of the color of their skin, the different ways of coping with discrimination, and the time that they realized they were different. Both Hurston and Staples realized the difference that their skin color made when they went to school; it was just at β†’

Character above all and the three words to live by duty, honor, and country

Every individual on the planet is associated with one country that provides him an identity upon his birth; duty and honor towards such a country are no less than spiritual conduct for one of his character traits and values are in accordance with purity and honesty. The character remains as the foremost essence of one's β†’

Writing for different cultures and audiences

It was, therefore, an opportunity for readers to appreciate realizing that contemporary art could still present and highlight ancient art as a means of sharing the legacy to the current generation. As such, one was intrigued by the information noted through the personal insights and interpretation of Julien's artwork.

The various images of buddha, a good society in the past

A good society in the past entailed the social bonds between the people. A good society entailed the upholding of morals and beliefs of the community as a whole.

Juvenile justice system

It is in this hearing where it will be decided whether the accused is to be released or detained until the preliminary hearing is held, and then the adjudicatory hearing in which guilt will either be established or not. Based on a personal view, the process shown in the flowchart is fair, and there is β†’

The role of the un during the could war

The Role of the United Nations during the Cold War Apparently, the United Nations was formed soon after the League ofNations was discredited due to its failure to handle security issue that was paramount immediately after the Second World War. Similarly, the United Nations was engaged in the role of ensuring that Soviet Union was β†’

Every child is born a poet

What is your assessment of his message regarding the use of creativity to create a better life, in his case, to leave behind a life of violence and crime? I strongly believe that this is so because of the reality of the experiences of his previous life of violence and crime which actually led him β†’

The life review interview

I am proud of various accomplishments like the fact that when I came to the United States I enrolled in high school and eventually graduated and started doing a part-time job to sustain myself. My kids have been a great blessing in my life and I have and still do my best even at this β†’

Discussion questions

This is because; the flag was established by the governor to represent his opposition to the civil rights of a given group of people in the region. On the other hand, the heroes represented by the flag were against the civil rights which promote racism in the region.