Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Leadership group communication

Leadership Group Communication Leaders in a business organization are people who are to have the greatest role to play for the success of the company. The staff was able to be mobilized by their leader; they were able to work in a team for the success of their organization.

Cnn news and fox news

CNN News and Fox News Login into these two websites it is quite interesting to understand that the main focus is the international news and in this case it is about the US soldiers who had been held captive in Afghanistan being received by their families back home. Besides that it is also important to β†’

Responses to classmates – changes in attitudes toward sex

Part I: Response to Megan: The argument that the contemporary era US society looks more tolerant towards extra-marital heterosexual as well as same-sex relationships between the individuals, though both of which had been strict taboo for the last several centuries in almost all regions of the globe, and hence used to be observed in closet. β†’

Wgs 12

WGS 12 In Creating Change, I have different opinion towards various issues that face women in the society today. I also visualize women as a subsection of the entire society and that they are only victims of different circumstances based on their gender, history, class, race as well as their sexual orientation.through proper vision and β†’

Upgrading of the public safety system of rosa county

It is under this premise that the upgrading of the public safety system of Rosa County has been necessitated into such a level that adds a computer-aided dispatch system that allows agencies within the municipal governments to collaborate their efforts in the fight and combat of emergencies and risks among residents. Under this circumstance, the β†’

Some aspect of distribution theory

Marketing Blog al Affiliation) There are various methods of distribution of goods and services; in the lessons learnt this week, it is evident that business practitioners employ the use of various methods and channels to make sure that goods and services are accessed to their clients. An example of a real life scenario where technology β†’

How effective is emirates airline promotion mix

Comparing the objectives of the promotion mix and the responses that customers give on the promotional activities of the airline will be very important, as it will help them in aligning promotions to the needs of the customers, therefore, gaining a niche in customer satisfaction over other airlines. Primary research The primary research tool that β†’

Consumer bahviour class

The consumer behavior problem that exists at IKEA is the fact that the consumers will have a wide range of products that they should choose from and that become a problem. The other consumer behavior problem that exists is the availability of information that regards the products that are found in an IKEA store.

Perfact reflection for a refer dissertation

Personal strengths and weaknesses As I reflect back on the entire process of conducting the research and even writing up the dissertation, I am also able to evaluate myself and take note of my personal strengths and weakness, which I exhibited during the process. I discovered I have poor time management skills because of the β†’

Arbitration on buyer-seller disagreement

Owing to the existence of a conflict between the individuals over the inappropriateness of the transaction undertaken, due to the existence of unmet specifications, then the dispute has to be resolved. In predicting the likely ruling that the arbitrator is going to give, the paper seeks to underline the basis of the arbitrators ruling.

Marketing cases analysis

The management has to compare the benefits that are attributable to each of the available choices and that implies that a critical analysis has to be made on the available choices. Advertising will be aimed at ensuring that the company products become known to a wide population.

Intro and conclusion

Athens doubles in population to the next largest city in Greece and portrays the lifestyle of " on the go" with city dwellers. MEDIA The types of media uses in the country of Greece are television, internet, radio and the press.

Short answers on merchants of cool

4) Marketers have embraced the anthropological approach to study and analyze the teens' trends in their search for the next cool thing. 9) To overcome the resistance, marketers have to embrace the challenge and market the products in spite of their inadequacies.

Today, two of the most compelling issues facing b2b marketers today is how to not only reach buyers but how to get buyers engage

This element is related to the abilities of a business to apply the products of the company as a strategy of creating market or business dominance in their area of interest. The ability of a company to share or allow its customers shares its values and vision is a marketing sustainability strategy in B2B marketing.

The impact of congruency of ambient scent on static advertising recall

The use of scents to capture the attention of the consumer in the corporate sector dates back to the 1990s. The various research works carried out on the test subjects exposed them to unscented environment versus a scented environment to conclude on the effect of scent on the purchasing behaviour of the consumer.

Market size and future demands

The fact that Superdry only uses the Internet to advertise means that they are designing mostly for the younger generation; the old and the very young are neglected. The fact that the company relies solely on the Internet and electronic social networking for advertisements could prove to be dangerous and detrimental to the growth and β†’

In addition to the exclusivity agreement, speed fitters have question whether tyrius would be open to changing the tyres brand name from tokyoto to speed fitters. assuming flexibility in the current contract, would it be in the interest of tyrius to suppl

Branding of only 60% of the shipment with Speed Fitters brand This option is not viable because it will be costly for Tyrius in terms of promoting and advertising the Tokyoto brand within the UK market. Conclusion Tyrius can save on cost, time, and money by giving Speed Fitters the full exclusive national dealership and β†’

An outline for the product – palmers cocoa butter formula skin therapy oil

Awareness of the actions of other players in games is a key feature of social gaming. I, therefore, believe attitudes toward advergames are directly related to attitudes toward the brand in games with a high thematic connection to the products of the brand.

Ben and jerry’s

Ben & Jerry's Japan Entry: Management Orientation and Recommended Entry 22 September Ben & Jerry's Management Orientation toward Global Expansion Ben & Jerry's management orientation and view toward global expansion are geocentric because they do not believe that they should leave major decisions to their partners in Japan, and they also do not think that β†’

Article summaries the right way to manage unprofitable

First an organization needs to identify the reason due to which the customer was causing losses and assess their overall relationship with the organization. Next the organization needs to provide more information to the customers and teach them how to use the organization's goods and services properly and this will decrease the cost of dealing β†’

Marketing and promotionbuilding the image and the brand

Second, the logo is timeless. Reason being; it has fully utilized the qualities of a good logo.

Spain and portugal

Section One: Background History of the clients In May of 2012 the three Luna brothers will be the ones to experience a trip of a life time; it will be a great trip full of adventure. Now that we have given clients the basics of how to get around in both Spain and Portugal, it β†’

Buyer behavior

The knowledge of how often customers make purchases may also be helpful when the business is making the decision on the form of product or service to offer in respect to the decision making process of the customers. When the decision making process of the customers is understood, it also makes it easier to identify β†’

Challenging customers in the marketplace

Such customers are challenging customers and shopkeepers find it difficult to deal with such customers. Shopkeepers can deal with challenging customers by listening to them properly, asking questions, showing concerns towards the needs of the customers.

Case study example

The overall mission of Toyota is to contribute to the society and the economy by producing high-quality products and services. Thus, Toyotas concept of sustainable mobility is key to achieving the Toyota way, which believes in respecting the atmosphere, and taking care of it.


Analysis of Data: Details of the data set investigated and analysis of findings Analysis of Data The integration of four businesses by Virgin Media meant that the company more than doubled its data volumes, making the existing warehouse technology inadequate. According to Froggatt, the most important requirement of the project was its seamless nature to β†’

Analysis of talent seek

Analysis of Talent Seek For a recruitment process to bear desirable outcomes, it needs to be comprehensive and reflective of the needs of the clients. However, the lengthy process is bureaucratic and to a great extent, it prevents the organization from keeping up with the market pace.

Porter’s five forces model for luxury goods industry

Louis Vuitton has been the luxury brand that first supported this trend; Richemont Group, the owner of popular brands such as Cartier, had followed - L Popular luxury brands have taken action against those who try to develop cheap substitutes of their products; for example, in a relevant lawsuit the courts ordered the owners of β†’

Marketing in the textbook industry

In the textbook industry, the factors that are driving change are the very factors that affect the supply and demand of the textbooks. The number of libraries in the world, for example that are electronic textbooks only, are hardy a handful and almost unknown even to the academicians.

Business to business marketing & supply chain management

Business to Business and Supply Chain Management MSc in Marketing 14 Vasitti Tejagupta ID 139039659 Submitted: 14 May Word count: 3, 007 Table of Contents Introduction3 Discussion4 Supply Chain Management4 Key Players of a Supply Chain and the Challenges they Deal With in Business-to-Business Marketing5 Main Issues in Managing the Supply Chain in Business-to-Business Marketing: β†’


Pricing is one of the elementary factors in financial modeling and one of the P's of 4P's of marketing mix. Most likely the question is not whether retailers have the ability to influence to increase price, but rather the extent and the implication of that influence.

Winning marketing campaign for zara jacket

The success of the company lies in its ability of offering the latest range of clothes with the shortest lead time and the fastest inventory replenishment framework. In order to successfully cater to the demands of the customers, it has decided to launch the jackets for them.


Some of the chapters include topics such as marketing value to consumers firms and society, marketing strategy planning, evaluating opportunities in the changing market environment, focusing marketing strategy with segmentation and positioning, and final consumer and their buying behavior, the book is overly influential to marketing. I also learnt the marketing value to consumers firms β†’

Social media

Social Media Social Media Indeed social media has a substantial contribution to the prosperity of a company, whereby it has altered the mode of decision making by customers in various markets. There some of the negative influences of social media to the company, whereby it can make information that the company does not want to β†’

The marketings portfolio strategy

The Marketing's Portfolio Strategy group develops a " Monthly Lead List" which is used by the marketing department for the purpose of identification of customers that are part of our portfolio. Interaction with legal and compliance department for approval of the marketing material that is under development for the purpose of compliance to relevant laws β†’

Explain a marketing concept

For that one needs to focus not on existing wants of the customers but it becomes important to understand the underlying needs of the customers. The company continued to offer innovative products such as Gillette Mach3 Turbo, Gillette for Women Venus in the shaving segment year after year to meet the needs of the ever β†’

Marketing metrics in the context of marketing

Instrutructor Marketing metrics in the context of marketing Identify and explain the role of marketing metrics in the context of marketing The role of marketing has been widely identified as the use of metrics to communicate the marketing functions spending to the top management. The marketing department, assess the potential market and the product attributes β†’

Amazon prime

The unique features of the service is that it offers free two day shipping on the items purchased in the online shopping stores along with access to Amazon Prime's video service. With the price hike of $20 in the recent times, the subscribers for the service will have to place a total of 25 orders β†’

Consumer behavior and the marketing manager

Consumer Behavior and the Marketing Manager Consumer behavior is an economic term defined as the process in which the consumer i.e.the or the buyer makes decisions about the products available in the market. Marketing strategy is employed by the businesses to make sure that it is their goods which are most in demand amongst the β†’


2: Needs and Requirements 2.3. 2 Marketing Objectives 3.

Market trend analysis for art gallery

MARKET TREND ANALYSIS FOR ART GALLERY The Art Market has seen a revival of epic proportions in the FY coming out of the shadow of the gloom that was omnipresent after the financial debacle of GFC. The story of resurrection is one that rides on the back of the major trends as prolific use of β†’

Pricing strategy

The utilization of national guests is the institutional utilization of geographic division, despite the fact that geographic sections may be grouped by recognized land districts. Demographic Segmentation Demographic division is isolating markets into diverse gatherings as indicated by their epoch, sexual, pay, ethnic group or religion of the commerce segment and the life cycle of β†’


Persuasion on personal trash emptying Presently, the business division incurs a considerable cost on trash emptying service, which is performed by janitorial staffs who on weekly basis usually pick the trash from the desk of faculty members and then dispose them off in the large dumpsters at the basement. By emptying our own trash in β†’

Business mission

However, in the long run the company is expected to venture into international markets making it one of the chief players in information and technology solutions industry. In short the company will be a one stop shop for all information and technology solutions for any business establishment.

Brand creation and advertising

In the era of rapid globalization, global advertising is important element of creating and maintaining enviable market position of products across the globe. While ' brand building is needed because products are the same', advertising creates the necessary awareness amongst the segmented market to promote and influence the buying decisions of the public.

W 8 discussion

In line with this, a number of stakeholders of healthcare are recommended by the organization. Two of these stakeholders are voluntary health insurance and health care providers.

The 6 marketing metrics your ceo actually cares about

The trend in the effectiveness of marketing metrics, cost of application of the metrics, and trend in usage of the metric by competitors are the salient factors to decision making. The trend in the effectiveness of the metrics is important in determining whether they are significant in the contemporary marketing environment.


The CEO of Dell Company was still hopeful that the company was able to increase their profitability from $6 billion in the year 2002 to $60 billion by the end of year 2007. In President and Fellows of Harvard College, for Dell Company to attain their target they should expand their market beyond US to β†’

Marketing research on kudler fine foods

Marketing Research Kudler Fine Foods: Virtual Organization Kudler Fine Foods: Virtual Organization Introduction Regardless of the size or structure of the business, marketing is an important tool for every organization. At this juncture, various elements of marketing research would assist the organization to clearly define the marketing problem.

Industry environment

The company has devised various ways to deal with the changes in the macro environment such that it stays favorably competent compared to other companies. Competition on the football footwear records the highest rate followed by the athletes among the products of the company.

Marketing plan

How Starbucks uses the Service-profit Chain to Drive Revenue Growth and Profitability How Starbucks uses the Service-profit Chain to Drive Revenue Growth and Profitability The Starbucks Company is a leader in the beverage industry with more than 20 thousand stores in different parts of the globe. According to the description, in the book, the service-profit β†’

Context planing article

Context Planning: The Door to Media's Future Context Planning: The Door to Media's Future Today popular brands strive to keep consistent customer relationships more than ever before. The emergence of countless organisations in the same industry increases market tension and thereby the responsibility of media agencies or context planning professionals to ensure consumer contact.

Free topic

This area of research is extremely significant because if a mobile service provider enters the market well, it will increase competition to other players, and this will, consequently, reduce the prices to the customers. I would urge all players to adopt this proposal since it will help ease the high network tariffs in our market β†’

Brand attributes and consumer motivation

This is by relying on the products and services features to differentiate the company's brand. While positioning our brand, we need to consider the company's market share and market size.

Owning a electric car

The current average price of gasoline in the United States is $3. Electric cars are a new product that is going to have a growing demand in the future.

Week 3 marketing

First of these is the issue of demographics of targeted segmented markets. It would therefore be important to base the segmentation on demographics that best meet the business orientation of the hospital.

Market research for (verismo machine) by starbucks

Market Research for by Starbucks Table of Contents Profile of the Market Area and Company Overview 3 History of Verismo Machine 3 Product Overview3 Competitive Advantage3 Market Size and Share4 References5 Profile of the Market Area and Company Overview This study aims at evaluating the characteristics of the market area for Verismo Machine, due to β†’

Smart goals

Setting the time period of graduating in four years is also is also my time bound goal in finishing college. SMART Goals also helped me to get back on track of my goal when I am being sidelined by distractions in college.

Summaries of the articles

The Human Factor in Business-to-Business Marketing The significance of B2B marketing is highly valued considering the volume of anticipated sales. Odden is of the assumption that one way to increase the human factor in B2B marketing is by developing timely and relevant consumer service communication.

Marketing is every thing

Known to have been a vital capacity revenue driven producing of the organization, marketing has demonstrated itself deserving of the consideration it is currently getting in the academe as well as in the different commercial enterprises themselves. Main Ideas According to Mckenna the first thing which I understood is that technology is converting decision, and β†’

Aramex distribution strategy

For this reason, a new dimension has also been introduced to the system whereby the use of new media and particularly the social media have been adapted with an objective of bringing the services of the computer to the doorstep of each and every existing and potential customer. The first of these has to do β†’

Generation change

With the number of internet users escalating by the day, DasGupta indicates that a lot of youths can be indicated to have mastered the internet language as opposed to the aged who up until recently, have issues dealing with this novel technology. Social networking can in this case be indicated to have a taken a β†’

Pricing strategy for the launch of products in the market

The paper presents some components of the proposal such as appropriate pricing strategy for the launch of products in the market, planning and operating decisions of the business, current credit markets and the effects of current credit markets on planning and operating decisions. Planning: As the costs of the company increase with the launch of β†’

Marketing services versus products

In terms of similarities, the marketing of both products and services require the presence of a market segment. According, whether a company is marketing a product or a service, it is important to have a specific market segment that the product or service is prepared for.

Coca cola around the world

The only way for Coca-Cola to increase its market share in the mature USA market is to employ strategies to steal the rival's share. Additionally, Coca-Cola Coke brand ranked third in the rural market.


Business Market A business market is one that deals with selling products and services to other businesses, governments and intermediaries who will then sell them to the final consumer Question 2 Domestic Marketing: Domestic marketing depicts marketing activities that are limited to governmental boundaries of a country. Modes of Entry into International Markets: A mode β†’

Master in integrated marketing

After a careful analysis of the units offered by NYU School of Professional Studies in brand marketing, I am confident that the course will help me achieve my professional goals through the acquisition of creativity, academic, and professional skills that I can use both as a student and afterward. The program will give me a β†’

The marketing of osteoporosis

For the value perceived by customers who aim to purchase drugs for osteoporosis, the value is the relief, the cure, the improved health condition that is to be received upon the use of the product. Focusing on this product feature would ensure that the customers would be satisfied with the drug, and would essentially purchase β†’

Delivering innovation and inspiration

For example, the raw materials used expose the employees and the environment to toxic substances; in addition, the working conditions in the work stations were questionable which in the end hurt Nike's image although it was the fault of the contractors. The use of resources in the chain also negatively influenced the organization's performance in β†’

Marketing plan development

The increase in the retail food chains in believed to be the key reason for such growth. This is because the consumers in the UK starting to treat shopping as a process of outing.

Discussion question wk5 dq2

Is direct marketing effective? What is the disadvantage of direct marketing?


Product Analysis of Athletic Shoes for ZIP 94545 Analysis of the most common segments of the zip 94545 critical insights Population by age 21-34 is the highest. Out of the most common segments for the selected zip code, segment 04 Young Digerati belongs to wealthy young family mix.

Understanding consumer needs

Mission of a company is one of the aspects of the company's promotion strategy. It also fulfills the safety aspect indicating that the customers have trust in the product, believe that it is of the best quality and safe for their health.

Product and brand life cycle management

PRODUCT AND BRAND LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT PRODUCT AND BRAND LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT After seeing over 10, 000, 000 pieces of Apple iPhone 6 in its first weekend of introduction, it can be certain that the Apple iPhone 6 brand is in its growth stage of the PLC and that there could be a very long β†’

Can netflix regain lost ground

In July of 2011, Hastings announced to his customers that Netflix would be attempting to focus more on online streaming of movies and television shows and less on physical DVDs. To make matters worse, Hastings did not properly inform his customers of the price and service changes, which led to a lot of confusion.

Marketing trend (internet and online marketing)

By satisfying customers' needs and wants, online marketers are well on their way to ensuring that internet, or online marketing becomes the new age in the purchase and sale of products and services. Impact of online marketing on a business purchasing process Once a business is interested in purchasing products, it is crucial for the β†’

Case study example

Manufacturers of products used by children have special obligations and responsibilities to the children and society. In addition to the meritorious use of factors of production and other facilities belonging to the society, manufacturers must ensure that they are socially responsible by producing products that are not harmful to consumers and particularly children.

Personal statement

My reason for choosing marketing is influenced by a number of factors, major among which is the need for me to take total advantage of booming oil and gas riches that is currently in place in Qatar. I currently have so many experiences, interests and background that make me very suitable for my ambition to β†’

Trip to oregon

My parents are missionaries and they wanted to spread the word of God among the natives of Oregon. The road was horrible especially during " spring when the melting snows and the up-heaving of the frost made mud" that buries the wheel of our carts.


She has extensive understanding of the topical issue since she has been at the center of the implementation of the entire project. Key among the benefits of the audience is the fact that she is a professional in the sector.

Reading of story

Looking back at their home a one bedroomed house at the end of the LumumbaStreet, you will wonder why he takes such a long walk to the library. Like many children in this society, the culture of reading is a self-motivational one.


In response, the Cleveland Indians Baseball Team has responded to the racism critics by backing itself up for having recreated its current logo as a throwback to its Indians blue ' C' logo that the team used between the 1915 and 1927. In 1933-1938, there was a change of the logo to a mascot with β†’

Freedom and my story

This is mostly because of the freedoms that I get to enjoy in America most of which are not at my disposal in my home country. When I am here in America, I can leave my house at anytime I wish to attend my friends' functions and other events since the country does not restrict β†’

The notion of success in writing life by annie dillard

Since the very beginning of the story, Dillard provides the readers with the comparison between the lives of successful and the lesser successful people in life which also inspires an individual to work harder and better to prosper. Dillard also explores the psychological impact of fear that leads to failure and the insecurities an individual β†’


Varghese is a research paper found on the web page of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Varghese is a Professor and former Head of the Educational Planning in New Delhi.

Brighton seaside

The history of Brighton seaside entails fishermen and farmers as the main inhabitants in the village of Brighton before any other invasion. In the 21st century, Brighton and Hove have grown into a world tourist attraction.

Difference between jobs in saudi arabia and in the u.s

Your full October 28, Comparison Essay Just like the American and the Saudi cultures are different in many social and cultural aspects, they also differ when it comes to jobs and workplaces. And if at all they do work, they are only allowed to join workplaces that are exclusively for women.

Literary theory

Analysis of the poem " last night" by Sharon Olds The poem concentrates around the theme of love. The great height of security that comes with the love experienced in the last night is also shown.

How to use groups effectively

In addition, I focused on summarizing the findings and progress of the group at each stage and presenting them to the rest of the groups in the class and the instructor in order to provide them with an insight into what we were doing as a group. In addition, each member was assigned to a β†’

Letter about a product

I am looking forward to hearing from Emerson Process Management because I feel that I am a strong candidate for the vacant position. I have almost 12 years on the job experience as a Materials Analyst having had the opportunity to work for ABC Processes Incorporated in the same position up until the time of β†’

Japanese public schools

Difference between Japan and American schools The education system of Japan is far much better in comparison with that of United States of America. The number of days that a student in Japan attends to school is much higher in comparison to the number of days that a student in United States attends school.

Domestic violence

number The Nature of Domestic Violence in Modern World Domestic violence is one of the most acute and widespread problems of modern society. There is a number of researches attempting to discover the causes of domestic violence.


A skill such as this will ensure that I maintain and further develop the quality of my performance in public service in stressful situations. This experience in public service equipped me with the skill set to ensure an organization survives a crisis.

One event it had improve my english language

We were a bit relieved to realize that the agents in the airline were from Bahrain and they told me to leave my luggage as I was taking my board to Minneapolis via Chicago which connected to London from Bahrain. This was quite a harrowing experience for a person like my Shalan and I who β†’

A rhetorical analysis of the video of the new iphone 5’s keynotes

Module A Rhetorical Analysis of the Video of the new iPhone 5s Key s The speakers' goal is to persuade as well as motivate the audience to purchase the new iPhone 5. The message is being delivered by the Senior Vice President of Worldwide product marketing to instill confidence to the audience about the quality β†’

What determines choice of meaning or form

What is the meaning of: The door's wide open" in the following contexts? The family is being welcomed back home instead of the speaker using the form welcome, he uses the form the door is wide open which implies the same.