Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Marine biodiversity as a part of public goods

The general worries that scientists and conservationists have on over-fishing and pulverization of habitats are set apart in many parts of the biosphere and the result is that they have harmed the marine environment irreversibly. This is due to the fact that the exact value and benefit of one fish caught by a fisherman cannot β†’

The role of economics in climate change policy

The employment of the right and efficient economic policy is presented by the opportunity of climate change which has since experienced little real action to date. Negotiations on the most modern means of climate change management under the leadership of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has led to the establishment of the β†’

This house support mandatory vaccinations

Previews of the debate to come: From the previous speaker it clear that mandatory vaccination is of high importance to children hence as the government, we have well made adequate strategies and goals to accomplish in order to fulfill the objectives, I would also like to extend my gratitude to my fellow partner that vaccination β†’

Current event on macroeconomics

North Carolina Got It Right on Unemployment Benefits, According to the article that was written by John Hood, North Calorina became the first state to end the extended benefits program that was focused at providing assistance to the individuals who have no jobs. The article indicates that in 2013, North Carolina was the only state β†’

Causes, effects, and solutions to global warming speech

In the past 200 years, ever since the start of industrialization, the earth core temperature has slowly been on the rise. Body 2 Global warming has caused a number of problems to the earth.

Managerial economics and capital budgeting

The paper " Managerial Economics and Capital Budgeting" is a wonderful example of an essay on macro and microeconomics. One such discipline in managerial economics that I found cumbersome is ' Capital Budgeting.' Capital Budgeting is the multi-stage process of analyzing and appraising what resources and whether they should be allocated to existing projects.

Media relations

The main reason being that it is neither important for people in general nor does it have potential of a news worthy story. Cutler strongly believes that these are essential elements of public relation strategy that must be reflected in the press release.

Muhammad ali

He changed his name later, after joining a new religious organization which was called the Nation of Islam, established in Detroit Michigan in 1930, to improve the spiritual, the social, the economic and the general welfare of the Africans Americans in the USA. Through his exemplary boxing skills, and his wonderful character, he emerged as β†’

Why are tropical countries so poor

As a point of clarity, in this case the term Institutions are in reference to establishments such as hospitals, schools, the military, as well as civil and media services that have been set up usually by the government to help in the everyday activities of the nation. Tropical countries are a good example of how β†’

Introduction to media studies

Habermas Thesis on the Public Sphere by Jurgen Habermas in his famous work " The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere" created the basis for understanding of the public sphere in modern society. Therefore the access to public sphere and the possibility of free expression disappeared and became a tool of media.

Discussion 2

Although biological factors play some role in behavioral, psychological, and social lives of men and women, they do not entirely and ultimately determine aspects such as male domination, sex-based division of labor and particular forms of gender differentiation. There are cross- cultural evidences that show that male domination, sex-based division of labor and particular forms β†’

Environmental services

The Fishing Industry is mainly attributed to the Great Lakes and it contributes significantly to the high level of employment in the state. Forest and mineral reserves in the state also contribute to Indiana economy.

Whiteness april reading/questions

In the part of Whiteness as a strategy, they seem to think that their race is privileged as compared to the other races. What if they work as hard as the rest of the other races, and that they get their position legitimately.

For intellectual property rights

Discussion Paper #423, Research Seminar in International Economics, School of Public Policy, Univ.of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan The author argued that the international theory of comparative advantage in trading is an applied benefit-cost analysis. Intellectual property is defined as creations of the mind and preservation of authorship on inventions, literatures, arts, movies, symbols, names, images, β†’

Water pollution

In the end, he reminds his readers that water pollution is a problem that affect us all, regardless of how far away the water pollution problem exists from us. I am glad that such an article exists which was written with the intention of making the water pollution problem understandable to everyone, even children in β†’

Love pitch/proposal on andre jamerson

Andre is the first born in the Spanish origin Jamerson family. Apart from his works, Andre is also a third year student pursuing an undergraduate degree in nursing from Ventura College of Medicine.

Dicussion 6

The success of a speech is often the beginning or the end. The introduction of a speech has to catch the audience's attention.

A link between colonialism and development

The authors had stated a theory that different kinds of policies of colonialism resulted to diverse kinds of institutions from settling states and extractive states, settlement feasibility influenced the theory of colonization in regards to the extractive state having unlivable environment, and colonial states and institutions continued after attaining independence. Conclusively, one policy that can β†’

Jerry sandusky-sex abuse case

Although it seems quirky to find fault in media approach as the Sandusky case has been in the news for years but the local media initially downplayed the matter of the case, showing satisfaction over the PR handling by the Penn State's football program. If the print and online media do not cover the different β†’

Critical analysis paper -womens philanthropy board fall luncheon to kick off yearlong commemoration of 50 years of integration at auburn university the speaker was marybeth gasman

The speech was well organized and seemed to flow from the beginning to the end. The introduction transited smoothly to her main speech of the day where she concentrated on the benefits of integration.

Regression report

THE CORRELATION BETWEEN A CAR VALUE AND ITS AGE, COLOR AND BRAND Summary of Fit - Value For starters, a new car costs more than an old one. This is the extent with which value of a car chips in.III.


The terms and conditions applied to the insurance which would not cover if a consumer left the phone on the train intentionally. It would be hard not to inform on myself and other colleagues if the allegations were true.

Why you should not recycle

Benefits associated with recycling include but are not limited to a saving in the Earth's space, reduced requirement of and reliance upon the natural resources and improved environment by way of preservation of trees. The validity of this argument can be estimated from the number of trees that are grown with the intention of using β†’

Gender picture analysis

It emphasized upon existence of a noticeable difference between the gender specific issues in other parts of the globe and those in the transition countries that are in the Europe and Central Asia. The picture speaks of the conventional roles of man and woman in the society.

Palm oil in south east asia

Running Head: PALM OIL Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia of the of the of the Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia Introduction This paper helps the readers to understand the current situation of palm oil industry in Indonesia. For this reason, author has discussed the problems in efficiency that the industry is experiencing at the moment, β†’

Press release

From its humble beginnings in May 1993 as a small group that was started by a few professional musicians and supporters, the Youth Orchestra of Greater Columbus has grown to become the home of the areas young musical talent. Dottie Brown, " The band exists to serve as the community, by providing an opportunity through β†’

Technology and issues with modern communication

Thus, most of the time, we fail to establish the story or the purpose of a message and go directly to the main point which somehow fails to deliver the point to a recipient. Also, instead of the technology being able to not only help deliver a message but at the same time initiate learning β†’

Critical communication event on radio

Media covered the event as the lack of communication between the Airline personal and the Orto but some people believed that Airline personal must let the Orto to board the plane, however, Airline personal have the idea that a person with such size may be a problem for the neighbor passenger. As the communication event, β†’

Manufacturing and production enterprises

Manufacturing and Production Enterprises affiliation Manufacturing and Production Enterprises Introduction Over the past three decades, the United States manufacturing arena faced numerous challenges that lead to loss of its competitive edge in the sector. The future of manufacturing is highly dependent of technological advancements and it is up to individual companies to choose on the β†’

Two key components of trade politics

The politics of international trade policy Complementarities between trade liberalization and the protection of domestic interests form the key determinants of the resulting international trade policy which is a product of both economic and political forces. The resulting international trade policy is determined by the domestic politics which is as a result of the international β†’

Cross-cultural communication: talking drum

Living as a family is a point of orientation in the argument as the author states that the culture was in line with social virtues. This was a positive move that ensured all the people in the community were satisfied with the display in regard to behavior and grooming.

Why is earth geologically active

The cause of Earth being geologically active is that it retains heat in its interior. The inner core of the Earth, which is made of Iron and Nickel, is still in the melted form which retains plenty of heat enough to keep active geology at the Earth's crust.

Trade dispute: of japan

In the year 2010, Japan filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization regarding Canada's tight measures concerning domestic content requirement in the feed-in tariff program. During the resolution by WTO, USA and European Union requested to be enjoined in the case and on 1 June 2011 Japan requested the establishment of a panel.


I would love to hear in the next few days that some companies make a new ideas to protect our environment. Actually, I think Styrofoam is not good for the environment in light of recycling, but it was a good point to recycle it in many ways.

Aspects of adaptive leadership

Aspects of Adaptive Leadership This case study provides a meaningful insight into the key aspects of adaptive leadership and introduces/highlights a novel approach to guiding the employees towards the successful accomplishment of their collective goals by allowing them to utilize and capitalize on their individual strengths. In conclusion, one of the most valuable lessons β†’

Economics of canadian immigration

An understanding of the political culture in Canada requires an in-depth analysis of the Canadian system and a clear dissection of the numerous political imperatives that define Canadian social and political life. The fundamental concept that arises in the Canadian political analysis is the concept of immigration to Canada and its effects in shaping the β†’

The rising rents of unfurnished accommodation have been a source of concern for the government. it proposes to introduce a ceiling on rents. examine how this might affect the accommodation markets

In the recent years particularly after 2013, housing and accommodation cost are again rising and this rise is causing problem for the UK government. For example, after the imposition of rent ceiling, the tenants will be in a position to control their cost of accommodation and this will enable them to provide more money to β†’

Reaction paper 6

The companies had implemented the strategies in order to cut back on the cost of labor and improve the companies' profitability levels. The reason for this major reorganization is the constantly increasing cost of labor in countries that once provided the cheapest labor in the world.

Trade case studies

The development in the field of geography led to his work crediting especially since it helps to explain the core periphery pattern of urbanization and migration as witnessed in much of the world. The ignorance of the possible job losses in the dry-cleaning business has the overall effect of raising the prices and costs associated β†’

Raise or lower tuition

Therefore, an increase in tuition, in this case, would result in a rise in revenue for the university. However, if the price elasticity of the demand for college education is price elastic then increasing tuition fee would not always result in higher revenue.

Compare & contrast

Furthermore, the individual GDP of India, China, Germany, Japan, and the United States has surpassed the total GDP of the 22 Arab league countries. 99 39720 Source: CIA World Factbook This second table compares the total GDP of Israel with the total GDP of the Occupied Palestine.

Duke ellington biography

However, he began to attend concerts and was enthralled by the work of ragtime pianists and from here he began working on his musical style. In 1924, Duke Ellington made his first eight records, and in 1925 began contributing to the Chocolate Kiddies revue, which was designed to introduce people to African American music.

The warning video about financial crisis

The Warning Video about Financial Crisis The unregulated over-the-counter derivate fund was the major cause of the financial crisis that was experienced in 2008, causing the economy of the USA and the operations of the major financial institutions to be adversely affected. Although the CFTC is meant to play the role of government oversight β†’

Population & migration

Developing countries are characterized by limited opportunities and resources whereby increase in population stretches the capacities of the available resources to sufficiently suffice the needs of the population. Population Poverty and sustainable Development: A Review of the Evidence.

Discuss the circular flow diagram and what you feel the government’s role should be in maintaining its balance. does the government have a role to play at all or should the government keep as much distance from the process as possible

The Circular Flow and the Role of Government The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the Circular Flow of Income and Expenditures and what role government plays in maintaining its balance. Thus, government has certainly failed in maintaining balance in the circular flow of income and expenditures.

Relatioship with smart phones; mass communication

Thanks to iPhones, people can communicate with others without being physically present, and this has led to them relegating the importance of face-to-face conversation in interpersonal communication. 7, no.

Media theory

James Webster 11th October, Television and Its Niche In Society Television certainly has implanted itself as an important and major part of oursociety and as it was twenty years ago, so it is to today and will be in twenty years time our major source of entertainment and information. Television has become part of our β†’

Us long-term unemployment

Harvard Professor Robert Barro holds that unemployment is not the cause of the prevailing high levels of unemployment insurance benefits, instead, unemployment is the result of long-term unemployment. He believes that employers, who are predominantly oligarchs, play a huge role in the high levels of long-term unemployment.

Holy water by joan didion

She is not cynical of people that do not share her intensity of love for the water, she merely shows in a very subtle and delicate way that people consider water another commodity, they take it for granted whereas it is a force of nature, and in some parts of the world, it is extremely β†’

Gdp does not perfectly measure well-being of a nation and its citizens’ welfare

It is the commonly used method that measures the economy output hence it is termed as a measure of the magnitude of the economy. Therefore, GDP is equal to the total investment, consumer and government spending, plus the value of exports; takeaway the value of imports ).

What determines the distrbution of income between wages and profits

If the cost of production decreases, wages can be high and if the cost of production increases, wages can be low. The bargaining power of the workers is another significant factor that plays a role in the determination of distribution of income between wages and profits.

Chinatown: the written by brian j. godfrey

Through the groups struggle, the community has used ritualized strategies effectively to oppose to the spatial threats within the town. From my perspective, what the future has in store for Chinatown is very uncertain.

Stream process

In class, we actively engaged in experiments to determine how water moves in the sand depending on the level of size of the encompassing elements. Looking at the effects of climate to rivers, it is noticeable to conclude that high temperatures lower the volumes of water in rivers and this might lead to the river β†’

Media article

However, the long awaited dream of Alan Lomax has been given a real existence to spread the traditional music and culture of different nations from around the globe. Analysis of the Article: Alan Lomax was the first American folklorist and a prodigious traditional music collector who dreamt of creating a global jukebox, even before the β†’

Rating the news sites

In contrast, the other two news sites, Fox News and MSNBC, both revealed the identity of juror number 3, Jennifer Ford. Also, unlike the other two news sites, Fox News has no links to other related articles.

The tendency of the firm in a monopolistic market

In a perfect competition, marginal revenue is the same as price and this reflects the optimum utility of goods as price is also equal to marginal cost. Production is also at its optimum in perfect competition as shown in Q2 where price is the same as cost and the demand meets the supply in an β†’

Gcc common currency

There have been speculations that there will have to be a replacement for the U.S.dollar in light of the global currency crisis of 2008, which has greatly destabilized the underlying economy supporting the dollar. Conclusion There is no doubt, from the foregoing discussion, that a common GCC currency will contribute much to the economic and β†’

Scientific mythconceptions: msg=headaches

Scientists have highlighted that Monosodium Glutamate comprises of amino acids and is a sodium salt of Glutamate. Efforts to identify evidence suggesting that the Monosodium Glutamate is responsible for triggering headaches have been unsuccessful.

American economy the article by crutsinger

"American economy not healthy yet, but it's healing", discusses the expert opinion of different economic analysts concerning the growth and expansion of the U.S.economy in the year 2011 and the predictable growth in the year 2012. However, the growth rate needed for a full recovery of the economy is much larger than the present rate, β†’

Chomsky, propaganda

As such, it is the in-born ability to learn new languages and the development of the universal grammar, which will aid in comprehending the computer language. The campaign against teen drug use is a new language that children can easily learn and adapt in.

Gay & lesbian rights

With regards to the given case in point, the central issue is with regards to the best means of how to allocate the limited resources that the particular human rights campaign has with regards to the litany and full range of programs that could benefit the gay and lesbian population. As a function of this β†’

Micro-finance in bangladesh

The following stakeholder map illustrates how various stakeholders of a similar project would be brought under a single map for the analysis of links within and without the project. Stakeholders might have different levels of interest in a project depending on the level of impact on them.

Economic growth

Economic Growth Economic growth is known as the increase in economy's capa in order to produce sevices and goods and is compared from a time period to the other. The resultant turnovers are as a result of lack of low income growth that is contemporaneous and is not found in government change propensity that is β†’

Responsiveness to global and local consumer culture positioning: a personality and collective identity perspective

The global Collective identities and all national identifications are related strongly to how the global and local consumers respond to positioning. Openness traits of personality to experience are related to national and global identity.

Life of jay greenberg and others

Greenberg felt attached to music since the earliest years of his life have started to play the cello at the age of three or two. The glass was born in Baltimore to Jewish immigrants and studied at the University of Chicago as well as Julliard School of Music.

Broadcast news story

Fox Sports 1 appears to have accepted the challenge and it aims to set new standards of sports telecast by introducing the newly emerging idea of " Jockularity" as part of their regular telecasts. We are very much the underdog, and we have to convince the sports-viewing public that what we have on offer is β†’

Assignment example

A blue ocean strategy refers to the efforts that a company puts when it's faced with high competition that threatens to eliminate it from the market. A red ocean strategy differs from the blue ocean strategy in that in the red ocean the company looks for ways to fight competition in the market rather than β†’

United states trade deficit

United s Trade Deficit The existence of a USA merchandise trade deficit since 1980s is due to the existence of a strong economy. S economy shows that, the country has been doing well internationally despite the existence of trade deficit.

Imposition of the pigouvin taxes

In the United States, the support for a tax on junk food is now spreading and as a result, the Congress are considering to tax sugary drinks in order to help pay for planned expansion of health-care coverage1. But the government is still worried whether imposing the tax on junk food will affect the behavior β†’

Informative speech: how tones are important in public speaking

First, audience should be concerned about the importance of tones usage in public speaking because it is the recipient of the tonal characteristics of a message. It is also essential for the audience to be concerned about the importance of tone in public speaking because they are participants in public speaking.

Raise or lower tuition

For the Nobody State University, whether a tuition increase will cause an increment in the total revenue relies on the elasticity of demand of the student. For instance, one can consider the impact on the total revenue of an increment in tuition from $5, 000 to $6, 000 annually when the demand is not elastic.


s P-value, Inflation, Coefficient and Regression In the field of arithmetical implication testing, the p-value can be defined as the probability of attaining a test arithmetical outcome at least as extreme as the observed values. In case the p-value is less than or equal to the threshold value previously set, one discards the neutral hypothesis β†’

Environmental managent

This form of environmental management is also guaranteed to protect the aquatic environment for the sake of future generations. New York subway cars are dumped in the sea to create artificial reefs for millions of fish.

Mergers and acquisitions: leveraged buyouts

Leveraged Buyouts Leveraged Buyouts Leveraged buyouts involve the acquisition of another company, funded mostly by debt and a smaller proportion of equity. However, they have high yields to offer, which the investors consider as compensation for the high risk of investing in these companies There are various types of leveraged buyouts.

London olympic games attracting foreigners

Setting the images at the top of the page, which show the main topic of the story. Putting a story article in the website page and providing the author's name, time and word size, and typeface of the article.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the united states of america

of Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United s of America The greenhouse effect is caused by the depletion of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and the increase in the carbon dioxide content in the same. The importance of reducing the emission of greenhouse gases in the United States of America hardly needs β†’

Part 2 – health promotion edit

Even though homosexuality in Lebanon in rejected by the government and the public, some parts of the country support it and view it as a natural relationship like the relationship between a male and a female. In one of the cases the MIRSAD defended protested against the police operation as they arrested and integrated with β†’

Obituary story

Everyone who met Fletcher, a notable local dietician, and a generous community volunteer loved her as she was a kindhearted woman and would never let an opportunity to make the society a better place pass her by. She was a patriot of her home area and, therefore, a longtime cast member of member of the β†’

Ecological footprint exercise

By making this change, I reduced the number of planet Earths needed to support my lifestyle to 3.8. It was fairly surprising to find that the lowest amount of Earths needed to support someone in this country is 2.

Pop-culture media critique

The fact remains that the director and writer of the film Jennifer Siebel Newsom has used female politicians within the documentary to depict that women have not just been considered as a subject on the level of modeling but also at the serious level of political representation. The documentary claims that the self-transformation method of β†’


From the excel output, variable c represent the intercept and it is the point at which the regression line cuts the vertical axis whereas the coefficients of the variable represents the slope of the regression line, the coefficient of price is 22. 49817 and this implies that for every increase of 1 in the x-axis β†’

Answer question

Additionally, the paper studies the implication of the law on the rate of employment. Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fat-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Fashion journalism and scholarship

Running Head: Fashion Journalism and Scholarship Lecturer: Fashion Journalism and Scholarship Fashion journalism facilitates communication about the creativity of various designers through magazines, newspapers or computers. Fashion journalism plays an influencing role on peoples response to fashion willingly or unwillingly due to the captivating information and pictures so that people incline their consumption to the β†’

George adams: president of sa recycling

Running Head: George Adams - President of SA Recycling of the of the George Adams- President of SA Recycling Description about George Adams George Adams is a member of County Bar Associations Of California, apart from being a member of American County Bar Association. What George Adams did While holding the position of president of β†’

The cove critique

Film Critique of ' The Cove' The documentary d The Cove, which was released in 2009, was the work of the director Louie Psihoyos. The theme of the documentary is a campaign against the hunting and slaughtering of dolphins in Japan, although the activism applies to other countries as well.

Environment 110

Demand for oil and gas in the state is high to establish significance of the commodities and their service to the economy. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources." Oil and gas in Indiana".


The graph below shows some variations in the level of exports and imports made by the UK for the period of 1993 to 1998. The graph below shows the variations in the levels of imports and exports produced by France between the periods of 1985 to 2005.

Shorashim groups facebook campaign

The group therefore saw it unacceptable that a city that had a bigger reputation as Tel Aviv had some individuals who lived in isolation and silence Their new campaign on face book commenced in February and pushed a digital firm in Israel us the effectiveness of Facebook campaign. In a nutshell, Shorashim group thrived in β†’

Shark tank as the next-step reality show

Shark Tank as the Next-Step Reality Show ABC's show " Shark Tank" depicts aspiring entrepreneurs presenting their business ideas, companies or opportunities to a cluster of high net worth businesspersons." Shark Tank" is considered one of the best reality shows on television today owing to the millions of viewers it attracts. More constriction that β†’

Consumer price index, retail price index and gdp deflator

According to Grant and Vidler, Gross Domestic Product deflator is a principle in economics used to measure average prices of all new and final products produced locally in the economy of a given country. References University of Wisconsin 2012, What is the consumer price index and how is it used?

Why has the uk’s productivity lagged behind that of its major competitors and what can be done to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the uk economy

Lagging of UK's Productivity Introduction Productivity in UK is lagging behind productivity of countries such as Germany And United Stated which are the major competitors of UK. The indicator to the productivity decline in the country is that the country is not performing at its true potential and this result to lower incomes and high β†’


This is because migration has a lot of disadvantages and advantages depending on the motive behind the migrating decisions as well as the impending results of the migration. In its content, ' the Bridge' journal looks at some of the reasons why gender has been one of the core reasons for migration in many parts β†’

Blog post about: social media influences teenagers’ body image

02 March Shattering effect of social media on teenagers' body image: It is no hiddenreality that everyone is busy nowadays in trying to fit into an ever narrowing social ideal because that is how others want them to act. This practice of social media to impose an ideal on our teenagers is highly objectionable in β†’

Supply chain of coffee

Distribution The processed coffee is distributed to the consumers through various depots in accordance to the marketing strategy and capacity of the firm. Production cost: The cost of production is directly proportional to supply.

Taxes and policies

Everyone agrees unanimously that the nation needs a clean energy a renewable energy, which keeps our air and water clean and it is high time that US government continues to extend their support by providing more and more incentives for the cause of developing renewable and clean energy. The US hydropower industry has metamorphosed into β†’