Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Discussionanalyzing cost of capital

Analyzing Cost of Capital The cost of capital is the price the company pays to obtain and retail finance. The major decision for company as concern capital structure is to determine the ideal amount to use for debt and equity in order to attain a perfect capital structure, and consequently minimize the cost of capital.

Statute and case law relationship paper

The objective of The Employment Equal Opportunities Commission is to enforce " federal prohibition against national origin discrimination in employment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964". 1, Title 29 - Labor, of the EEOC defines the discrimination on the basis of national origin in employment and regulation 1606.

Chaucers canterbury tales

These subjects are expanded greatly by the fact that the various individuals in the story come from a variety of backgrounds representing as many aspects of medieval society as he could. This also connects Chaucer with these other authors as they also attempted to cover many of the main issues that affected society in their β†’

The economics of end stage renal disease

The strategy of shifting costs has enabled the government to control the costs they incur by revision of the delay of treatment services to patients who are not covered by the medical scheme.2. The Patients Options And Potential Trade-Offs Related To Cost Of Treatment, Quality Of Treatment And Access To Treatment The patients of the β†’

Substance use

One of the main aspects of abuse that continues to be the focal point of this discussion is the abuse of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. One of the key reasons is the fact that amphetamines have a medium severity for high capacity for abuse but can be utilized for medical use.

Criminal law

The crime requires both mens rea and actus reus of the crime.2.a) Here the business was charged with a crime.b) Here the civil law was utilized to address the illegal acts.3.a) Crime against health These are actions that can cause may violate the health issues of the employees of the business. Both the business owner β†’

Employee benefits and services

One view point is that if a person who is not a citizen, but has been working in US legally, is entitled to Social Security Number and subsequently, he can receive benefits almost equivalent to a native US Citizen. A non-citizen can get health insurance, can get paid leaves, and is also entitled to retirement β†’

Democratic candidate

Who Is Likely to Vote For Barack Obama And John McCain For President: An Essay Regarding the Presidential election, people generally fall into one of two categories. Many voters will vote for John McCain out of fear because they will not want to vote for Barack Obama as President because he is black.

Put down that doughnut

Certain food products have hidden trans fat and are labeled free of trans fat because of very little amount of trans fat in them. Major health-care organizations are in favor of inhibiting the use of trans fat in processed foods.

How might a constructionist approach to gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans persons differ from both a biological essentialist and a

Constructionist approach, a biological essentialist and a religious essentialist approaches to gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans persons. From the perspective of the essential nature of a person, it is taken that the sexual preference of a person is natural and important/essential to the personality of the person.

Tinker v. des moines school district

Unfortunately, this decision came to the attention of the management of the Des Moines school where the management decided to suspend any student who wears the armband and refuses to remove it in the school premises. This portrayed that the school and the Tinker's had different values about the norms happening in the society.

Designing babies

In other words, man is a spitting image of a Hollywood movie hero and the women is a spitting image of a heroine. Background of the issue: Advancement in the field of genetics has resulted in a new interest with regard to health and eugenics.

Redevelopment district as land use policy tool

Land use policy tools are used for ensuring that there is an efficient planning for the " scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities, and services with a view to securing the physical, economic, and social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities". As for example, in the " City of β†’

Discussion questions 1&2

One of the priorities of management is to develop an organization culture that adapts to the needs of the employees. Managers can use organizational behavior to implement change management techniques in order to adapt the business to the needs of the marketplace.


Consumerism Question When considering the role of clothing in the 18th century, explain the significance of valuing clothing items for their fashionability versus their durability. This also led to the emergency of more sophisticated designers majoring in trendy products.

Childhood matters

The good thing is, this kind of sociology acknowledges that children exist in a real world and not a vacuum. A new paradigm for the sociology of childhood?

Starbuck competitive advantage

Howard Shultz, chairman of Starbuck Corp.has been able to carry forward the aims and objectives and spread the popularity of coffee as one of the most refreshing drinks that rejuvenates the sagging spirit of the person. Indeed, Starbuck's major competitive advantage is its innovative presentation and intense desire to satisfy its customers through coffee that β†’

An adverse effect on the relations between the eu and iran

of the of the of the The Events Taking Place in Iran The recent political crisis in Iran, had repercussions all over the Islamic Republic. This is the reason for my apprehension, regarding the nuclear programs of Iran.

Breach of contract

A breach of contract arises when one of the parties to the contract fails to perform his part and therefore a breach of contract occurs. Essentials for a valid contract For any contract to be valid and enforceable in a court of law, it must have all the essentials of a valid contract.

Studying quiescent cancer stem cells

The study done by Dembinski and Krauss gave profound evidence of linkages between quiescence and cancer stem cells. Moreover, the study of quiescence CSCs is important for the reason that the quiescent cancer stem cells are found to be resistant to chemotherapy and other applied therapies.

Homework # 04

Family Resources Affiliation Family Resources The lesson of family resources is my topic of interest as it has taught me many things concerning my family and others peoples' families as far as resources are concerned. The concept of family resources is not new to as my life experience made me discover that for a family β†’

Managing dyslipidaemia: evolving role of combination therapy

They further note that many patients do not usually achieve the low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol targets established by the national guidelines, which has also promoted the search for algorithms and drugs that favorably influence the lipid profile. From their research findings, the authors then recommend that combination regimes should be adopted for use in patients who fail β†’

Child development

Thus, the main objective of this study was to" determine the relation between housing instability and school readiness among national samples of five year old children".P.104. Results Results showed that on language and literacy, children who had never moved had a mean score of 94.

Could vitamin d make childbirth less painful

However, the main reason for the publishing of the news was to inform the public on how low vitamin D levels in the body could lead to more pain when giving birth. Vitamin D determines the level of pain medication given to women giving birth.

An empirical analysis of islamic online banking in malaysia(with empirical evidences)

MALAYSIA ISLAMIC BANKING PRODUCTS BY COLLEGE PRESENTED TO Malaysia Islamic Banking Products Islamic banking is a financial activity that is in accordance with Sharia or Islamic law, which has become an active part of the global financial industry and has been expanding in both size and stature over time. Islamic banking in Malaysia had its β†’

A reflection on the employment laws

In particular, I have more interested in the labor laws and legislations of the united states that are enacted to protect the employees and employers when they are at their places of work. Labor and Employment Law in the United States.

Mid – – lab report example

Initially, the layout and planning of the building involved the consideration of the strategic location of the various rooms, walls, openings like doors and windows and also the number of floors to be constructed. The layout of the foundation was designed in that it allowed the building to be effectively connected to a suitable foundation β†’

Report about plagiarism is one form of academic dishonesty, although it cannot be assumed that all plagiarism occurs merely because a student is aiming to cheat. discuss

0 Literature review The thin line between plagiarism and cheating led to a study conducted on the UKuniversities by Franklin- Stokes and Newstead that did a research on plagiarism and cheating and found out that while cheating is more intentional. A researches done by the Australian Department of Education, science and Training between 2001 and β†’

Research method spss report

The hypothesis is " As the occupational status rises, the number of visits to the gymnasium also increases". The output of the analysis is shown below: The coefficient of linear relationship between Q3 and Q5 is - 0.

Executive summary – xtreme gymnastics

The Xtreme Gymnastics offerings leverage the health, psychosocial, and developmental benefits of gymnastics programs especially for children and young people, and are relevant to the training needs of children and young adults from age 6 to 16. Marketing strategies and tactics will be aligned with this quality and differentiation-driven marketing objective, and will include information β†’

Electronic policing

Generally, electronic policing refers to the transaction of information and services between the citizens and police via the internet. Electronic policing is critical in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of crime control and provision of services to citizens in a number of ways.

Berkeley’s perception theory

Berkeley further argues that this is the reason why a person, who is uncertain of the actuality of an object seen, may ask another person, " Did you see that?" Berkeley further supports his argument by stating that, the regularity and persistence of material objects that make the natural world, is not dependent on human β†’

Summary ( proof reading)

The report found children aged 14 and over needed 500mg a day of long-chain omega-3s for optimal health. The EPA and DHA omega-3s in these foods are used most effectively by the body.

Discussion article 5

In the second article titled Physicians and Electronic health records the authors wanted to know exactly what the use of electronic medical records by physicians was on the ground in hospitals as concerns. There were two questions proposed for this study and these asked whether the Electronic health records were available for use and secondly β†’

Importance of cash management in small to medium sized businesses

CASH MANAGEMENT The degree of importance cash management to small and medium enterprises can be summarized in the old adage, " Cash is King". But the amount of profit earned is meaningless if the SME does not experience a positive cash flow, simply because it is possible to spend cash, not 1: The Importance of β†’

A cursory journey: before

As you saunter though the environs that include the Mustill Store and the Cascade Lock Park, Look around and ponder the learning that might take place. An efferent response is a response that " pays more attention to the cognitive, the referential, the factual, the analytic, the logical, the quantitative aspects of meaning"; and An β†’

Of purpose

I completed my master's degree in Toxicology in the year 2015 from Oregon State University where I learnt a lot about identifying and measuring toxic substances and offering advise on how to handle the toxic substances safely in order to avoid the adverse effects on humans, animals, and the ecosystem. The faculty that interests me β†’

Major illness (1700/1800s) – swine flu

It was only in the late 1900s that the World Health Organization led to the eradication of the illness by developing vaccines for the same. The outbreak of Swine Flu impacted the world in 2009.

Contemporary issues in finance

There may be certain defects in the financial condition and structure of markets and there have been fluctuations in prices, bonds, and currencies with turbulence in the financial markets. Recent changes in the financial nature of markets suggest volatility and fluctuations possibly due to rapid globalization and socioeconomic changes.

Art history

The current building was initially built as an audience somewhere around 532 and 537 on the requests of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, and was indeed the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to involve the site. The congregation was committed in 537, in the midst of incredible function and the pride of the ruler.

Historical background that has resulted in there being so many apocalyptic theories in america

Most human cultures have myths and stories about the end of the world and modern America is no different in that respect. The founding of the new colonies by Puritans from England was in part fuelled by apocalyptic stories, and again in the middle of the nineteenth century there was an outpouring of millennial fever β†’

Interpersonal communications (individual work #2)

I think my individual networks of communication are effective for the most part. Nevertheless, because communication can be verbal and non-verbal, there may be times when people from other countries are not able to appreciate the message or information because the context of the information is not common in the culture.

Considering the ohio state university

I am interested in applying my love of mathematics in the field of Biomedical Engineering. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss how I can best apply my math ability and love of mathematics in the field of Biomedical Engineering.

Cultural diversity and a crucial aspect of the contemporary world

This is the question that shaped my decision to view cultural diversity in a whole new perspective, and therefore attribute special personal interest to it. This decision has basically taken an interest that most people do not, placing me at a better position to understand cultural differentials and the underlying diversity.

Creating academic and professional success

As I have moved ahead in life I have realized that with the determination of my kind I can be able to achieve anything. Choosing the path of success in my professional life has become an aim for me because of this very strong determination and I think if I utilize it in the correct β†’

Cci – exploiting new ventures

There may be various types of business ventures but they all conclude into three main categories: In-company ventures Joint ventures Spin out ventures In-company Ventures: In company ventures, also referred as in-house start ups are a new way of managing large and multifarious companies with growing need of drastic modernization and diversification. The day to β†’

Lautenburg act

of Affiliation The Lautenberg act is a Domestic Violence Amendment that was passed to help in Gun Control in matters related to domestic violence. The enactment of the Lautenberg act meant a lot to the American citizens as it brought a new where they could enjoy a gun-controlled environment.

Bikram and hatha yoga styles

Intended research The aim of this proposal is to outline the details of the intended investigation of Bikram and Hatha yoga styles. Data collection The preferred methods of data collection are observation and participation in the two yoga sessions.

Feminism, environmentalism, and postmodernism

The second wave was a continuation of the struggles of the first as well as the awareness of the female's personal life as absolutely joined to the politics of the day. The third wave denoted a response to the apparent failure of the initiatives of the second wave.

1- is history fiction, ch. 9, 2- global history of modern historiography, ch. 6, pp. 281-306; 3- phillips,ch.1 4- brown ‘(excerpts)

Summary of Global History of Modern Historiography-Chapter 6 Chapter 6 of the book entails a discussion of postmodernism and linguistic turn, development of contemporary historiography in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America history, subaltern studies, and post-colonialism. In explaining the definition and relation of history to other disciplines, the chapter focusses on African history.

Week three learning team assignment

Supply Chain Needs Supply chain needs of GM's motor vehicles products General Motors is specialized in the sale of motor vehicles. The needs of engineers and suppliers are also considered as the key supply chain needs of motor vehicles, especially in General Motors Company.

Jain symbol

Dot inside the semi- circle The dot inside the semi circle depicts the abode of Siddh Loka or the abode of the liberated soul.2. The semicircle The curved arc or the semi circle depicts the abode of the Siddhas.3.

Biology really matters

Apart from these key biological differences, the other biological or physical biological difference, which impacts the behaviors of both men and women, is the size of the brain. So, it is clear that the physical biological difference between men and women, particularly in the case of the brain, clearly impacts their behavioral patterns.

Highlight various classroom and extracurricular activities

I will inform them of their role in helping the children attain the specific components through play and interactive learning and how this helps children attain components such as phonological awareness and comprehend the meaning. They would like the teacher to give personalized attention to children with learning difficulties and give them the opportunity to β†’

How does diversity of employment affect the welfare(income per person) in cities of america – dissertation example

The effects of employment diversity on per capita income Introduction The fact that diversity of income and industrial diversification greatly effect per capita income and the level of unemployment has been a matter of great concern for both economists and researchers. The Influence of Economic Diversity on Unemployment and Stability.

Field trip to apple store in canada

Such field trips serve educational purposes that are necessary for the development of student's professionalism Field Trip to Apple Store Use of time within the business premise The very friendly management team allows each event within the premise to accommodate a total of 25 students. This is since the organization has a number of promotional β†’

Family strengths, functions and structure

A family structure is the membership and composition of a family. Studies done in the past 30 years have revealed that family accord and pride greatly contribute to the strength of a family.

Psychology writing assignment

The given article is based on the research that was conducted with the aim of investigating implications of the authoritative parenting style for the performance of students, their self-efficiency and level of motivation in education. The influence of parenting styles, achievement motivation, and self-efficiency on academic performance in college students.

Death at an early age

Hispanic and Black students are put in schools where they comprise almost the whole of the student body. Stephen is just one example portrayed in the book but it is the story of many ' Colored' children and of teachers like Kozol.

Management structure, carbon footprint, and employment policies of hershey company

The firm has R&D facilities that develop, test and launch new products that are customized to the tastes and preferences of the consumers. However, in 2013, the firm opened a research and development center in Shangai as parts of plans to expand its operations in the Asian market.

International search for distribution partner

As of November 2005 they have 766 stores in the U.S.and 166 in Canada. They have 56 stores in China, 88 in Germany and 315 in the UK.

Detecting media bias

Answers 1) The article published in The Washington Times evinces a conservative bias in the sense that it adheres to the traditional conservative stand of correlating the right to possess arms with the right to self defense and a lower crime rate. 2) The article published in The Wall Street Journal is more persuasive in β†’

Mba at university of southern california

I want to pursue a higher degree in the field of corporate finance to become a highly qualified professional from a reputed university, as well as to gain an in-depth understanding of all issues and concepts related to this field of study. I want to gain a good amount of knowledge regarding different managerial and β†’

Wal-marts vision statement

Over the past years the company has been able to gain the position of the world's largest retail company and is thrice as big as its closest competitor. The aim is to understand the current situation of the employees and whether the company's vision is helping the employees achieve the objectives.

Christian (faith based) article for a newsletter

As Executive Director, my most important duty will be to join the dedicated team of volunteers, donors and staff in contributing to the restoration of the communities we serve and reaching affected persons. The work we do under the aegis of the Nehemiah Center is one defined and inspired by our collective Faith in God.

Statistics problems-week 5

42 Find the 99% confidence interval of the mean score for all golfers if this is a sample of 105 golfers instead of a sample of 134. Find the mean and standard error of the distribution The mean of xbar is the same as the population mean.= 64.

Efficient market theory

In other words this means that the price at which a particular asset or stock is trading in the stock exchange are based on the quality and the quantity of the information regarding that stock. This event occurs when traders in the stock exchange make decision regarding the purchase and sale of a particular stock β†’

Evaluation speech self

There do not appear to be three main points in her speech, but if there are three main points, they would be her aspiration about what she wants to do, her independence from her parents' decisions, and the fact that she is aspiring to be a doctor in order to fulfil her desire to help β†’

Economics case assignment module 01

First, it has been said that the greatest improvement in the productive powers of labour, and the greater part of the skill and dexterity, seem to have been the effects of the division of labour. The first one shaped and cut the cloth; the second one made the collar, the third sewed the sleeve and β†’

Module 3 td-hrm 401 – recruitment

There is need for managers to evaluate and determine the performance of the staff. The human resource will be compelled in designing formulas that will enhance individual performance and at the same time maximize on the potential of each individual.

E-mail spams

Explain the extent to which the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 meets the suggestions in Element One of the OECD toolkit on spam and analyse the policy reasons for any differences between the Act and the toolkit. The focus of this analysis is to review how far the Act has gone to implement the recommendations β†’

Student responses only

The similarity between Wilson's and my post is that both shed light on humanitarian logistics and their underlying challenges whereas the difference is that Wilson explained the differences between relief supply chain management and strategic partnerships in more detail. Further questions for discussion are; are strategic partners the sole driving actors of relief supply chain β†’

Lit 9

Death and disease:' The problem death and disease' is the website that deals with the topics of death and disease. One of the main features of the novel concerns with the presentation of its content in such an honest way that the readers feel nothing exaggerated with the characters or the setting." The mood is β†’

Foundations of laws and rules

In proceeding to an alternative dispute resolution or arbitration the parties present the facts to arbitrators that are trained experts familiar with the industry practices thus their assessment of the issue may affect the nature and outcome of the dispute. Binding arbitration holds parties to respect the decision of the arbitrator as final even if β†’

Analysis of the quote by ellie wiesel

Analysis of The Quote by Ellie Wiesel To begin with, the quote by Ellie Wiesel states as follows: " The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference". To conclude, the quote by Ellie Wiesel is a circumspect estimation of a simple truth of life.

Allied dumbar national fitness survey

With regard to exercising and fitness, most people are likely to believe that they are okay and that physical exercise is for other people. This category of people tends to believe that physical activity is sporting and therefore do not consider the health aspect of it.

Why detaining terrorist in guantanamo bay was against american philosophy

The lawyer, Charles, Swift, was assigned the defense of a detainee during which, seeing how the American philosophy and the rule of law was being violated, " sued the president and secretary of defense over the new military-tribunal system", Brenner writes in her article. American philosophy respects and honors human rights, while what has been β†’

The northeastern university in boston

I completed my schooling from an international school in Switzerland and I had realized by then that I wanted to pursue my career in the field of business. The lifestyle in this part of the world along with the classes is not an all round atmosphere and thus I believe that my aim to outshine β†’

The culture of overwork by judy rebick

In this essay, Rebick has talked about the impacts of long working hours. She has also mentioned about existing laws in countries like Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands that reduces the working hours of employees.

Project management and palm island dubai

This, therefore, necessitated scientists to alter the initial blueprint of the breakwater crescent and thus they built 2 openings in the breakwater. An example of an unpredictable risk in the Palm Island project would most certainly be an earthquake occurring.

New business plan – organic oil

Advertisement and promotion will be performed extensively to publicize the company and establish a niche in the oil market. Therefore, the oil company will be able to coordinate production activities in morocco as well as undertake marketing and distribution processes in America.


Whole Foods Market's corporate mission statement states that the company aspires " to improve the health, well-being, and healing of both people and the planet". 2-Is Whole Foods strategy well matched to recent developments and conditions in the natural and organic foods segment of the food retailing industry?

Strategic choice and evaluation paper for garmin company

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Paper for Garmin Company Best Grand Strategy for Garmin Company Grand strategies provide a broader and long term action plan to companies. In this manner, it would be difficult for competitors to compete with Garmin and it can also direct the company to the position of market leader in a period β†’

Project management

Planning of the project starts with the arrangement of the mobile truck which would be used to carry the tacos and burritos to the factories. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.

Knowledge management

Knowledge management Differences between information management and knowledge management There exist several differences between information management and knowledge management. Knowledge management strategy is primarily in the domain of human resource director, IT director, and HR director Knowledge management strategy is primarily the domain of human resource director and its significance to the director explains this.

International management competencies

International Management Competencies Task: Steps to Take as a Manager From the article, I am capable of deriving useful skills as a manager in order to work in the position efficiently. Through this knowledge, it is easier for me as a manager to understand the manner of reaction of all customers to diverse ideas prevailing β†’

Information security planning

And that these criteria and the milestones are in line with the cost and budgeting dictated by the management of the company and to develop a comprehensive information security education policy.4. Out of the list of jobs that need to be done for the security betterment a priority list is to be made in order β†’

Contsrains, risks, and ways mitigating them

The financial constraints can be mitigated through presenting the procedure in different phases that will not incur the firm large amounts of funds. Employees may take longer than expected in the training lessons due to their perception of manual and aged technology.7.

Build team effectiveness

Building Team Effectiveness Team effectiveness can broadly be defined as being the capa for a team to be able to successfully work together and eventually attain the various objectives and goals that have been set for them by the organization. To build team in a new team that has never worked each team member must β†’

Masters in program management

" The aim of education is to enhance the endeavor to knowledge; the perpetual knowledge which makes its possessor immortal" Since the time I have grown up and understood the concept of management, the facts associated with this concept have been fascinating me. My short-term professional objective is to augment my possession of knowledge β†’

Comparison between the initiatives

The company also aims to boost its profit as well as ensure the welfare of the community. However, it lags behind in its effort to foster the welfare of the society in comparison with UPS.

Share your perspective on leadership in the workplace and describe how it has been shaped by the increasing influence of globalization

Leaders in contemporary workplace embody these implications in the form of aggression in their business conduct, growth and aspirations. These leaders also live and lead amidst pressures of globalization, and possess the wisdom to lead.

Human resource management information information systems

Human Resource Human resources dynamics have been characterised by the need for professionalism in the industry, andadoption of new technology in managing work force in relation to the current dynamics in technology. HRIS, Is basically a system where data and information of the employees in a company is captured and kept in a controlled manner β†’

Hospitality management

As service organization whose products being offered contribute directly to the health and nutritional status of its clients, restaurants have the obligation and responsibility to adhere to prescribed standards as defined by government agencies like the Food and Drug Administration, as well as local state health organizations to ensure that the food that these restaurants β†’

Strategic quality and systems management

Additionally, a strategic implementation plan will be launched to improve on the quality of the food produced to ensure that it is unique and acquires a larger market share. Systems design to monitor the implementation of a strategic quality change in an organization Performance monitoring of the implementation of strategies should be put in place.

Hypothetical evaluation of alan mulally, ceo of ford motors

In this similar concern, the lifecycle of an individual can be taken into concern as a relevant instance depicting the recognition of ' memes'. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the aforesaid factors such as greater organizational development and the exploitation of different beneficial aspects within the context of ' memes' β†’