Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Defending the land of the jaguar

With the evidence cited from the different sources by the author, it easy helps in understanding the main thesis of the book which is based on the history of environmental conservation in Mexico. In conclusion, the author has clearly done a good job of covering his thesis well, which is environmental conservation.

Compare and contrast of

In ' Godfather Death' the son has to be given a godfather, and the choice has to be Death, God or the Devil. Similarly, in " Rappaccinis Daughter" the flowers and the garden represent nature and the flowers that are found with it.

Pay for performance

Running Head: Pay for Performance Pay for Performance [Institute's Pay for Performance Measuring the effectiveness of any planor program involving the process of evaluating that whether or not that plan or program has been able to achieve the goals and targets, which it was intended to achieve. If any pay for performance plan is motivating β†’

How can tax cuts help revive the economy explain

For the US economy, the rate of unemployment was feared to increase to more than 9% by the beginning of the year 2010 due to the lack of a stimulus plan. Pertaining to the reduction of the gap and to take the economy out of the crisis, the package of fiscal stimulus was observed as β†’

Research dissertation proposal

EMPLOYMENT LAW: DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACE Elective area: Employment law Professional Project Dissertation Topic: Discrimination in the workplace Summary/abstract Discrimination in the workplace is a one of the crucial areas covered by employment law. The second part will include the impacts of workplace discrimination on employee and organizations' performance.

The yellow wallpaper 2

The Yellow Wallpaper: An Analytical Summary The Yellow Wallpaper: An Analytical Summary The story en d " The Yellow Wallpaper" is about a woman who is believed to be suffering from a mental disease by her spouse and he decided to take her to a place which was quite and therefore, can help her in β†’

Marketing assignment

The innovative product should seem to be superior to any of the products present in the market. Thus iphone was an instant hit in the market; it was the start of a new type of market the market of smart phones Compatibility Compatibility refers to the degree to which innovation matches the values and experiences β†’

W 3 legal topic

It is out of such principles of health care that Stuart and Showalter, J.D.notes that the idea of managed care organizations was born. This is because managed care organizations have over the years served as a consortium of organizations that use various managed care techniques to bring both affordable care and quality care to care β†’

Reading responds

It is hard for me to tell whether the role model is a man or a woman. On top of that, I think that you should have at least mentioned the relationship between you and your role model.

Overview of experience to gain professional membership

4 Being a leader, my main objective is to ensure incessant progress to the strategic and response to the organization. 2 As a new member, for registration I am required to display proof in the form of action plans for my commitment to the CPD.

Board of directors

The Board of Directors of Capital Management Authority, in Kuwait, comprises of individuals who are appointed by the company shareholders to jointly oversee the affairs of the company. In conclusion, the introduction of Capital Markets Authority, in Kuwait, has significantly improved its governance of its Islamic financial institutions.

Chemical engineering design project

According to the biofuels industry survey of 2011, the rising prices in feed stocks will tend to be influential in stemming or deterring the future viability of biofuels. In an effort to promote the production of essential feed stocks for biofuel productions, the UK offers incentives in form of subsidies and exemptions to farmers.

C-span analysis paper

It is also made-up of several television channels such as;* C-SPAN features live coverage of the House of Representatives * C-SPAN2 covers the Senate and airs Book TV on weekends * C-SPAN3 covers other live events and airs archived historical programming Some are saying that it is a boring show, for it shows information that β†’

Communication activity byp8-5

Internal controls are set up in an accounting system to protect the assets of a company. Currently your company is allowing the cashier and the account receivable clerk to handle this transaction.

Business ethics

Business ethics governs the actions and decisions made by the stakeholders and management of the business. Business ethics helps the management overcome the conflict of interest in the organization since different stakeholders have unique and personal interests in every decision making process of the business.


Additionally, I am aware the professors in the school consist of the best minds in their various fields of business and finance not to mention the frequent exposure to real life business leaders I expect to get from the institution. One of my greatest strengths that has proven to be invaluable in both my professional β†’

Employee discipline policy (human resource) employee labor and relations class

When implementing this policy, the employers must make sure that the policy is legal and according to the federal and state laws. The employers should also make the policy known to the employees before fully implementing it.

Week 10 tw questions 13&14

In mediation, an attorney selected by the court facilitates a process in the settlement of the dispute. These are ways of resolving disputes by avoiding the courts in totality hence decisions by these methods of resolution are binding and final to the parties.

The history and applications of head-to-head comparisons method

While Borda's method has found applications outside the realm of elections, the Condorcet method has not received much popularity anywhere in the world. However, a number of public and private organizations are starting to take an interest in the method.

Housing policy

The specificity of the policy program was to help provide information on the level of homelessness in the mentioned areas and Identify the additional housing options and the help need to cater for the needs. ConclusionThe above essay is an elaborate explanation on the housing problem in the United Kingdom and the subsequent formulation of β†’

Objective vs projective

According to the Ethical Principles of Psychologists & Code of Conduct, the first ethical standard Keith should consider is Standard 2 which stipulates that he should practice within boundaries of competence regardless of his role. In this case the language of a student should be considered and not be a hindrance in assessing the student β†’

The comparison of the matrix with the readings from plato and descartes

However, in his betrayal of Morpheus, Cypher implies that it is better to live in the artificial world of the Matrix. Which is better: the harshness of reality or the " ignorance is bliss" of illusion?

Biracial idenity development

Biracial identity development is different from the monoracial identity development because such people are undergoing an identity crisis of race because they do not know where they belong. This becomes a problem and makes them different from the monoracial community where people have a common identity because of their lineage.


Physical Therapy Introduction Therapy of Osteoarthritis The results of the treatment of osteoarthritis offered new information about osteoarthritis such as proposal on therapists' assessment, incorporating internal and external factors that cure the disease. Logic and Form of Findings Readers were able to hear and understand the phenomena studied, since the participants talked about physical therapists β†’

Parliament as a symbol of democracy

The subsidy is for the public and not for the government and the people who are part of it. But MPs consider their position as money breeding opportunity and not as a responsibility to serve the public.

Elementary-age students identified with adhd receive

Elementary-Age Students Identified with ADHD Receive The main setting in which elementary-age students identified with ADHD receive their education depends on such factors as the time of diagnosis, the presence of other disabilities, or their eligibility for special education services. It is ambiguous and makes it so difficult to determine the main setting in β†’

Social cognition

A schema usually contributes to stereotype and this makes it difficult for people to retain information that is not conventional to the renowned ideas in the world. In this case, a change on beliefs and behaviors is required to minimize the dissonance.

How do you keep a secret: the history of cryptography

Cryptography has been used for a long time and it has reached the level of encryption now, where the trapdoors are such that it is next to impossible for code breakers to decipher the message without knowing the key. In the transposition cipher, a rectangle of a certain dimension is used to write down the β†’

The different strategy hierarchies

In such organizations where hierarchy is the preferred management strategy, key decisions and polices designing is dominated by the top management organs by involving in the execution and formulation of the organization's hierarchical strategies. The Distributed Mode Like porous-hierarchy mode, distributed model is also a less orthodox management strategy that entails decoupling of execution and β†’

Graduate program in counseling at loma linda university

My goal is to pursue the Master of Science in Counseling at the Loma Linda University. As a Saudi Arabian national with previous academic experience studying in Houston, Texas in my elementary years, I have acknowledged that pursuing a graduate degree from an American university would appropriately assist in the achievement of my future goal β†’

Influence of china on its neighbors

Influence of China on its Neighbors China is without a doubt the king of Asia. In addition, there is an urge in the Chinese people to return China to its original position of power it once enjoyed in the history.

Unethical behavior in the workplace

Unethical behavior in the workplace can be defined as any action that does not conform with the standards of conducts established by the organization, this unethical behavior can occur between the employees. The leave was marking 5 working days of the month, I explained to him that in this month it's almost impossible to apply β†’

Dangerous business and workers safety

The movie profiles the cases of seven employees who have acquired injuries in the course of their employment. A former engineer with the company, Ron Howard describes the company's policies that safety is sacrificed to increase productivity and make profits at the expense of humans.

Positive action in the judicial appointments process is essential to address the lack of diversity in the judiciary of england and wales

A Debate on Judicial process and selection Positive action in the judicial appointments process is essential to address the lack of diversity in the judiciary of England and Wales I therefore, support the motion on the judicial process, being an essential element in the effort to curb the problem of diversity in the arm of β†’

Anorexia nervosa on women in the uk

According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 95% of people suffering from anorexia in the United Kingdom are women. It is estimated that 10% of women in the United Kingdom suffering from anorexia succumb to it every year.

Education: what is the best age to start

Learners who start learning a second language at an early age i.e.age 3 years and under and are exposed to two languages at the same time are referred to as Simultaneous learners. While in terms of speaking and imitating native speakers, the younger learners behaved as semi-natives when exposed to a second language in during β†’

Motherhood as resistance

Response Paper and Summary Stephanie Li's essay ' Motherhood as Resistance' specifically considers the articulation of motherhood in Harriet Jacob's novel ' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl'. The article considers parts of Jacob's novel where the narrator affirms her motherhood; in this way the article claims that the novel eschews traditional perspectives β†’

U.s. history civil war-present

History civil war-present The aspect of economic change is a transformational norm that takes place in an economic situation of a given nation and this comes because of sustenance, increase, as well as depletion of a country's economy vitality. This in turn resulted into the creation of Interstate Commerce Commission, Federal Trade Commission, and the β†’

Thus spoke zarathustra

Because of this " death of God", Zarathustra views the nationalistic state as ' the new idol.' He teaches that the nationalistic state is the " new idol" and " the coldest of all monsters" because it was informed by the death of God. In the book therefore, the nationalistic state becomes " the new β†’

Costing of zara

When the company is in a position to generate more revenue from its operations, that is if it is operating to capacity, it is able to expand its operations. Over and above, it can be concluded that operating below capacity is a disadvantage to the company itself.

Answer questions

In such a case, the business cannot leave the sector with an outsider who might be influenced by the competitors to affect the quality of the products. The approach of developing a strategy, and then employ the specific suppliers to carry out well-defined portions of the strategy would be effective when the company knows the β†’

Why is it unhealthy for children to grow up spending their time on electronics

Social interaction is an important part of a child's development, and spending too much time with electronics can cause this to be missed. In addition to this, too much time spent on electronics can cause obesity, insomnia, and bad grades at school.

Socrates and euthyphro

Socrates and Euthyphro Socrates and Euthyphro Socrates and Euthyphro disagree on the meaning and the definition of holiness and religiousness, as presented in the Euthyphro dialogue. Having noticed the logical inconsistency, Socrates challenged Euthyphro to substantiate if something is holy because the gods approve it, or the holiness of something makes the gods approve it.

Supply chain management

The NPV calculations at 10% discount rate, indicates that the current value of the investment is $18220. The required IRR for the investment is 15%.

Joes fly-by-night oil company

5% of the total assets of the firm. 5% of the firm's assets.


The article by Bartolotti focuses on the suitability of parent education in regards to the development of a child. In addition, the article explains the assumption that the psychological development of a child is determined by the development of their age.

An obstacle by c. p. gilman

The matters the storyteller has to achieve are not only for herself but also in the ability of all of these duties, which she plays. According to the speaker, this was a form of " prejudice".

Chronic eczema

The knowledge to make proper use of the technologies available to the patient are also not guaranteed. For this reason, relying on the patient's technologies may impair the process of offering equitable health services.

Secondary legal sources

In Samantha's situation, the grocery store was supposed to be responsible for the wiping off of the spill, through constant inspection of their floor. On suing Delgado, her case was dismissed on the grounds that Delgado was not permanently liable for causing the wet floor and the rain that caused the wet floor.


Initially the Sony PlayStation and Microsoft's X-Box were not as big a threat to Nintendo's gaming empire, but with their upgrades in the form of PlayStation 3 and X-Box 360, it's a whole new ballgame. It would be assumed that Nintendo would face a world of adversity given that it was the last entrant in β†’

Internation business: corruption and totalitarianism

Prior to globalization corruption was thought of as a problem restricted to the pockets of the developing world, with the developed world considered clean from the stain of corruption. Cragg, A.W." Business, Globalization, and the Logic and Ethics of Corruption.

Talk about one engineering ethics case or issue in the last 4 months

The government of Japan must launch a full investigation of the matter in order to get the truth. The nuclear system in Japan was responsible for providing 25% of the electricity of the entire country.

Article summary

Plastic Sex-Roles in the Common Goby: The Effect of Nest Availability This study of Borg, Forsgren, and Magnhagen is about theeffects of nest site availability on reproductive behavior in the common goby. Thus, the researchers concluded that the differences in the reproductive behavior of the common gobies in two bays were most likely due to β†’

Creative actors of the third age – when old is new by jennie keith

As they reach the " third age" bracket, it is noted that they tend to concentrate more on their family life. From this, we can, therefore, say that people of the " third age" can be as promising as the youth and all other people from all walks of life.

M. twain, midwestern literature regionalism

The beauty of the landscape and the storms, as described in the literature, highly initiates the readers' desire to visit the physical location of the described regions. The information on the people of the area is clear from the description.

Alternative benchmarking

Toyota is a firm constantly looking to negotiate deals and to get involve in project that will add value to the company. The motivation for the move is to hurt other exports of cars into the US which are hurting Toyota's competitive position in this marketplace.

The secret life of bees

The unfolding of occurrences at the household of the Boatwright sisters and the community of worshippers of Our Lady of Chains, the Black Madonna, accorded opportunities for Lily to find what she was looking for. The primary character and narrator of the story is Lily, who was searching for answers regarding her mother's past, prior β†’

Social problems in society

Hence, if the problem affects an individual but not the majority of the population, there is little probability that it will be defined as a social problem. Domestic violence is seriously affecting the social well-being of the society as it can lead to depression, loss of productivity, unemployment, and murder.

Van gogh starry night

Van Gogh Starry Night The Starry Night is Vincent Van Gogh's most famous painting and it was produced in 1889, a year before his death. Starry Night is a great painting that depicts a pure and great form of reality as Van Gogh did a very great work in bringing out the beauty in nature.

Statament for bsc drama school (acting and some applications mucical theatre)

I feel I am able to capture the attention of the audience and through the knowledge I will get I will be able to perfect my skills and work to achieve better results. So, I feel that now I have the maturity and experience to make this turning decision in my career and I also β†’

139 db wk4 ed

Cirque du Soleil Success of Cirque du Soleil Guy Laliberte, the founder of Cirque du Soleil has risen from the grass roots. Cirque du Soleil's mission is to ' provoke the senses and to evoke the emotions of people around the world'.

Reflection 3

It is also important for me to be fair and for people to be the same on the basis of justice. Daniel leadership style is effective in accordance to the Path-Goal Theory because he incorporates the connection of the demands that the task will require in relation to the kind of employees that he has.

Business: information technology malware

When examining this issue one of the overarching concerns is the intention of the technicians involved in the creation of the malware. There are a variety of concerns related to the future of malware.

The university of maryland is propelled by fearless ideas

What eventually completes me is the amalgamation of these parts because this is what is considered my true self. I seek happiness and satisfaction when I combine all of these parts together, and thus gain confidence and trust of the people around me.

U05a1 project annotated outline and bibliography

The introduction part of the paper will provide a complete overview of what the paper will consist of and provides the readers with a chance to understand what to expect from the paper.II. This website provides details of the organization in question and provides a clear insight into the world of Tuft Medical Center.

Chp 22 dis

While the claim by Haddad is right, the reasons that made Jewel-Rung not to cover are critical to account for. However, Jewel-Rung is likely to question the quality of garments manufactured by Olympic, since this is a different company from Haddad.

Should kin be the first choice as adoptive parents

This is mostly emphasized in foster homes, but in cases where the child is under the attention of the relatives the roles of welfare workers is minimized. Kinship is essential in the adoption process as there is more understanding of the child needs, behavior and other sociological aspects.

Primary source analysis

The source is written in the historical context of the suffering experience of African Americans during the New York City riots. Q3 The document tells about the pain and suffering experience of the African Americans during the riots in New York City and the solutions that were implemented to try and curb it.

What has been the thinking of scholars on beard’s thesis 100 years later

Beard's Thesis 100 Years Later For the first century of the United s' history, history scholars admired the work of the founding fathers. However, a hundred years after 1913, Charles Beard's argument became the most widespread explanation and justification of the economic effect of the Civil War.

Current issues – workplace bullying

The more people who know and understand what is happening in the nursing community as a whole, the better chance there is of something being done about it. The prevalence of horizontal violence in New York state registered nurses.

Therapy of osteoporosis

Of importance, the realization of a product that seeks to heal a controversial disease means that as the product gets known to the public, the company's reputation is promoted. Additionally, chances of other realizations are extremely high meaning that the growth of such a company is guaranteed.

Apples overall strategy

As of the year 2008, Apple Inc was the third-placed in terms of market share in regard to the PC market. Due to Apple's continuous innovation and focus on the end-user, the Company has gained an edge over some of its rival competitors in the PC industry.

Organization design of the great divide brewing company

The organic structure is less efficient than the mechanistic structure. In addition, since the organization is decentralized and using the organic model structure, mutual adjustment is also common in the organization and plays an important role in the company.

Why and how was neo-liberalism able to establish itself as the dominant paradigm in the 1980s

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s and the shift in policy framework of several developing countries, the nature and complexion of geo-economics had taken a different form. This was the rationale behind the founding and flourishing of neoliberalism during the 1980s.

Nvestment strategy report for investment analysis class

In terms of return goals, the very nature of this theory is such that it seeks to beat the market. Generally it's understood that this method of technical analysis is a short-term investment approach as the investor seeks to capitalize on specific market moves in the short-term as a means of gaining immediate profits.

Nike strategic fit

Mission1 of the company is, " To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world". The acceptability is bound to grow with increasing involvement of Nike in a number of community programmes and activities as part of its corporate social responsibility.

Barriers to communication

1 Gender differences between nurses and patients: The difference in the gender of patients and nurses leads to many awkward and natural difficulties in communication, and magnifies in cases when the patient has sensitive needs to be taken care of. 5 There are many barriers to effective communication between nurses and patients, and most of β†’

Detention of juveniles and their at high risk suicide

Detention of Juveniles and their at High Risk Suicide The article is about how the juveniles taken to detention centers are at high risk to commit suicide as a result of the detention. The conclusion of the article is that the juveniles who are locked up in detention centers are more prone to suicide β†’

Nutrition – ask and answer – characteristics of life

A study was carried out to find out the role of nutritional factors in relation to simple obesity in children. Simple Obesity in Children, Study on the role of nutritional factors.

Review of current newspaper article ( business law )

1 How does this case related to the article The case is related to the article as it is a decided case that questions the legality of the policies of Home Building Warranty Schemes and ruled that the deeds of indemnity could be characterized as contracts of re-insurance and that " there was a genuine β†’

Experiences from my life

Experiences from my life To lead a peaceful and healthy life it is necessary to follow certain moral values and ethics. I have also faced several setbacks in life but the moral values and principles that I believe in have given me the strength and courage to face them with a positive spirit and overcome β†’

Statistical significance, hypothesis testing, type i and type ii errors

According to the article entitled " Statistics Tutorial: Power of a Hypothesis Test," " the probability of not committing a Type II error is called the power of a hypothesis test". Alpha and Power The concept of alpha in statistics is important to hypothesis testing as it allows a person to see the likelihood of β†’

The marketing mix promotions

This is also important due to the fact consumers, over the period of time, have learnt a great deal about what Tide can do for them thus there is a need to be a more innovative as for as the consumers are concerned whereas the revised focus should be on the promotional activities with the β†’

The life and works of o. henry

A reflective exploration of the life and works of O. The death of his mother at the age of three left William Sydney Porter at the caretaking of his paternal grandmother and aunt, and he worked in a drug store after he left his school at the age of fifteen.

Health law and ethics

Lack of access to inexpensive health insurance and the rising of health care is of prodigious concern to many American citizens. The cost of health care and health insurance is rising at a rate faster than inflation and wages.

Free resopnse to a lasik eye surgrey in sports cheating like

However, this use is strictly clinical; the use of steroids personally is not only unlawful in sports but also poses many health risks to the user, such as overdose, medicinal mismatch, and other such problems. The advantages of steroids do not make them legal for use in sports, as their use give an added and β†’

International tourism and hotel management

This involved pre-purchase evaluation and the guests' decision may be influenced by various factors such as prior experience with the hotel, promotional activity undertaken by the hotel, word-of-mouth advertising from friends, colleagues and others, the hotel's goodwill and most importantly the ease with which reservations can be made along with the attitude and efficiency displayed β†’

Denver art museum

It portrayed, at least to me, the mix of thought and feelings of that period, and the inner struggles that people had to endure at the time. It was definitely an interesting piece, and the least favorite of mine.

Latin american relationships

This happy meeting, rather than being a view of things to come, was actually the end of a fleeting era of improved relations between the region and the United States. This skewing of national governments to the left side of the political spectrum has affected Latin Americas relations with the United States and the world β†’

Process analysis the abcs of cpr

Put the fingers of the other hand on the bony part of the chin. If breaths still do not go in check for a foreign object in the mouth.

Critical review

Critical review Kenneth Tobin, Gale Seiler, and Mackenzie W Smith undertake an important interpretive study of the preparation of science teachers for urban high schools in " Educating Science Teachers for Socio-cultural Diversity of Urban Schools", in which the authors explore the extent to which the methods courses facilitated learning to teach. This paper undertakes β†’

Aristotle, nicomachean ethics, mullen, hard thinking about values

However, to this end Aristotle argues that the action of living, which consists of elements like nourishing and providing nutrition to the body, goes the same as that of other living matters like plants. Aristotle states that apart from the previous two conditions of simple living and the ability to perceive the external world through β†’

A modest proposal

However, the suggested reforms differ or contradict with Swift's " modest proposal" as other than sacrificing the children of the poor, it will call for the wealthy sacrificing part of their luxuries. Swift's suggestion is trying to encourage the Irish to promote the local produce, products and industries.

Elizabeth cady stanton

This paper features the life of Elizabeth Stanton showing important examples of her work as she worked towards activation of the rights of women. In the year 1848, Elizabeth Stanton assisted in the organization of the world's first rights convention of women, with her counterpart Susan Antony.

Theories and role in life development

Moral conscience is governed by the super-ego aspect of the mind while the ego is the balancing part that ensures that the desires of the id and the superego are balanced. Although Piaget proposed four stages, that is, the sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational and Formal operational, it is in the concrete operational stage that I β†’

Expensive weddings are an obscene waste of money

The Futility of Expensive Weddings Marriage is a sacred union but is also a joyful celebration of a couple's love for each other so that people have celebrated wedding ceremonies for centuries quite liberally. With the practice becoming more of a show than a sacred celebration, the sanctity of the matrimony is set aside and β†’