Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Establishing identity through literature task2

This leads to a negative perception of the other which is an incorrect judgment as the other may have very positive qualities. The outsider has a greater possibility of acceptance to the group than the other.


Article Summary The New View of Fiber The article that I would be summarizing in this paper is headed ' The new view of fiber'. The New View of Fiber.

The problem of using restrooms for women in india

Encouraging people to use Restrooms It is surprising that despite an increased number of toilets in India, less impact has been felt as culture drives open defecation making many toilets disused. Elimination of cons attached to this is also inevitable, the Indian government needs to increase safety for women at restrooms.

Function of afterlife

Religions that believe in afterlife in human history and in global societies have continued to teach their followers to develop strong faith in believing that afterlife exists. However, religious beliefs functioning in the minds of their believers is that they tend to hold onto there is the hereafter in heaven that offers consolation and solace β†’

Select a child whose age is 0 to 12 observe the child from 30-60 minutes

Some of the outstanding attributes observable was a conflict of making his points and reconciling this with the inherent social force of discipline in the presence of the parent and interviewer. M, & Newman, P.R.

My experience and passion for business

I also took money for giving out keys to the clients and maintained a strong relationship with the clients for continuous business transactions. The experience makes me qualified to own and manage my own business in the future.

Managers in the modern business environment

This is based on the complexity of the projects they are handling and the communication problem that may arise when informing the backers on how to achieve the stretch goals. While it is the duty of the employees to ensure that the objectives of a firm are achieved, it is the role of the managers β†’

What should medicine do when it cant save your life

I think that this condition supports the argument of Atul Gawande on the importance of Hospice care for patients with terminal illnesses. Due to the nature of the illness, there is an immense need to distress the patient, as well as their families of the anxiety brought about the notion that there is a sad β†’

Discussion 5

A separate ethical issue that is not as relevant to the study at hand but is related to the ethics of pain research is the availability of pain management medications to all study participants regardless of the group they have been placed in for the research purposes. The researcher must be aware of the culture β†’

Pharmacy school admissions

However, I knew that I would be able to prosper in a career in pharmacology due to my natural infatuation toward the sciences though it was not until after working in an actual pharmacy environment that I discovered my ability to connect with patients on not just a professional level, but personal level as well. β†’

Career planning

Career Planning I affirm my intent to pursue a career as a consultant in the real e industry in the short term. In planning my career, I acknowledge that there is a need to observe the emerging market trends in relation to facets affecting real estate.

A theory of justice

Therefore, the original position of justice is the initial status quo that ensures the necessary agreements are fair. In summary, the application of justice encourages equality, efficiency, fairness, and non-discriminatory practices.

Case study

Coke's ability to maintain a proactive stance through continued research, employing innovative and competitive strategies, and responding to the needs of the clientele have contributed to their leadership in a global scale. Coke would have to continue to apply the various competitive strategies as defenders, prospectors and analyzers and maintaining a proactive stance to effectively β†’

Enterprise resource planning (erp)

However, the implementation and maintenance of the ERP system has to be budgeted for. The expected timeline for the implementation of the ERP system is three years.

Literature and crisis. we’ll discuss the specific topic after reading the instruction. thanks

In his masterpiece work published in 1815, " She Walks in Beauty," Bryon expresses the use of romanticism to connect a poet's viewpoint and feelings to that of the readers in literary works. Expressions of attitude and morality to connote beauty also enhance Bryon's use of romanticism in the poem.

Analysis of everyday use story by alice walker

Mama's inability to look into the eye of a white person shows how she has not been able to come to terms with the idea of equality. At the very least, Maggie seems to have an inferiority complex because of the lack of opportunities she had compared to her sister Dee.

Interview ii

My is Robert Wang and I am the VP of Farmosa Plastics in charge of the FinanceDepartment.Q. He has contributed the most to make me a competent Leader that I am today and I respect him for this.Q.

The search for truth in the holocaust

There are a lot of questions raised in this quest for the truth whether in favor of the Germans or the Jews but what matters is not who a researcher is inclined to support but that, the aim of every researcher should be to dig out and expose nothing but the truth. For instance, could β†’

Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals

There are varieties of professions linked to the field, such as creative and designing engineering, experiments conducting in the laboratories of test engineering, development engineering is useful for organizing and expatiating projects, and service engineering is a best option for sales careers by working with people. The most and authentic use of the computer engineering β†’

It in finance industry

If I have to do this project again, I will plan a version management system and instruct the team members to strictly follow it and verify the version of the files before uploading them to the live server. In order to provide uninterrupted service to the end users, it is always essential that the backup β†’

Case 12

Laura cares a lot about how her peer's view her and she wants to be identified as attractive and not as a " geek". The Reflection: Laura seems so concern about how others view her and this is a normal behavior at her age.

T. schettler – developmental disabilities

Based on the background information of the article, the importance of the topic is due to the increasing prevalence of related cases which include learning disabilities, ADHD, delays in development and problems related to emotional and behavioral aspects of development. Upon analysis of the article by Schettler, it can be considered that the study is β†’

The knowledge argument

However, the Knowledge Argument goes beyond the idea of physicalism as it has been perceived that there is more knowledge in the world than just having an idea of the physical objects around us. And thus, with the help of this particular example, the philosopher has argued that physicalism is indeed false because there are β†’

Statistical problem

The utilities of the remaining profit projections are obtained as follows: Utility of profit $100000 = + = 0. 95 Similarly, Utility of profit $50000 = + = 0.

The adventures of huckleberry finn

of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Close Reading of Chapter 31 This paper aims tounderstand that important passage from the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain. The religious and moral inclinations that Huck undergoes in the passages of Chapter 31 claim that he wanted to go to hell because he understood β†’

Pasadena city college

The Moral Life of Babies The thesis ment of this article is, " Although the growing body of evidence suggests that humans do have a rudimentary moral sense from the very start of life, babies and young children do not lack a sense of right and wrong. In light of this, he defined a baby's β†’

Was theodore roosevelt a great, average, or poor president in your judgment explain. or

The tragic assassination of President McKinley marked the era under thepresidency of President Theodore Roosevelt; the 26th president of the United States. The actions that made him one of the best American presidents are his economic reforms and his attempt to change the way Americans thought of the environment.

Landfill, civilization, disposability, material culture,

1 Production of disposable materials is a key concept in waste management. Common waste management practices include decreasing overall waste production, production of disposable materials, use of landfill and recycling.

Environmental law as system

The principle of good neighborliness indicates that it is the duty of a state to inform and discuss with other states when it intends to engage in a program such as the construction of a power plant, which is likely to harm the environment of the neighboring state. The principle of due diligence or due β†’

Can freelancers form themselves into a union and successfully seek formal recognition via the rules speled out in the national l

of the of the of the Freelancers and NLRA The National Labor Relations Act was endorsed by Congress in l935. The major aim of the National Labor Relation Act is to characterize and defend the privileges of workers and employers, to boost collective bargaining, and to eradicate some of the performances on the part of β†’

Relationship between fine art and commercial art

This period of his sickness was very significant in the developing his personality as well as in the forming of his preferences and skill-set. He became, and he is still a company's public face and a brand, as well as the core of Pop Art.

Opinion vs. research based resources: obamacare

In the first article, Wilensky focused on the 3 major issues with America's healthcare, the number of uninsured, the rising costs, and the percentage of the low quality of health services being received, Obamacare really only addresses the first of those problems. Using logic and mathematics, the author, determines that Obamacare will be, both, socially β†’

Llustrate how property and motor vehicle insurance impact your financial resources

Secondly, an investment strategy ought to stipulate the relevant undertakings required to ensure realization of the venture objectives. Thirdly, budgeting will permit the couple to establish an investment strategy.

Bp case alaysis

BP case Analysis This is a case of excellent leadership in the digital economy, where the technology advancements are well aligned to fit the mission of the company, while at the same time serving the interest of the employees. Therefore, there is a need to provide the champions of IT with information, resources, and support.

Discuss causes of the protestant the did these causes shape the basic ideas of lutheranism and make it different from catholicism explain how c

Even though it may be factual that the Protestant Reformation had been one of the reasons for the eventual collapse of the Catholic Church at some stage of the 16th century, it as well ushered in countless contributions in the expansion not only of the Catholic Church but the entire Christian Empire as well. In β†’

Advertising media: building las vegas

The Fallacy of Begging the Question: Of Chris Meyer's " Building Las Vegas" In Chris Meyer's advertisement article en d, " Building Las Vegas," several architectural buildings, designs, and colors are vividly shown. In a caption in the said advertisement, it states that the Park Towers in Las Vegas is " the only choice for β†’

Company law

The decision made by the Court of appeal critically influences the legal provisions that govern corporate operations in more ways than just linking subsidiary liabilities to the parent firms as already seen in the Chandler v Cape plc case. The corporate veil between the subsidiary and the parent firm was lifted on the ground that β†’

Academic plan for improvement

In addition, it will discuss my fears and obstacles including my children staying focused, illnesses during study times, and my responsibility of my family that may affect my sleeping schedule. To make my academic wish come true, I have committed to various study habits, which include drawing a timetable for study, sticking to it, and β†’

Children face asthma risk if mothers exposed to pollutants

The author describes the Danish research and comes to the conclusion that polychlorinated biphenyls is directly linked with asthma in children. It is time that we banned more of these products in order to protect the environment and the future of all the species on the planet.

La boheme vs rent

This is the primary similarity between La Boheme and Rent since they both tell the tale of struggling artists who are trying to get by in a world that does not seem to care much for their art at all. However, this does not mean that they are not happy because the process by which β†’

Barn burning

The main characters are an antagonist who gains sadistic pleasure in destroying the elements of law in the society, a protagonist who chooses the right path and in turn shows the readers the right path, and the secondary characters who either are the cause for the behavior of antagonist or are meek observers who do β†’

Career development

Some of the major aspects, which an employee needs to know about a company, include business of the company, major accomplishments, career progress opportunities, financial status of the company, and future of the company. Monster, career builder, and yahoo hot jobs are some of the most famous job search websites, which both employees and employers β†’

Technology in the classroom

Another issue concerns the ability of the students to access and learn the new technology or even the school to fund technological integration. The prohibitive nature of the secondary school environment has oftentimes resulted in the incorporation of such technology to be frowned upon.

Pension assistant

Additional Information for the Pensions Assistant Application: PART D Task: Additional Information for the Pensions Assistant Application According to the person specifications outlined by the board, I provide this information because my personal self-assessment reveals that I have massive experience to meet position requirements. This is a valuable personality that greatly increases my ability to β†’


Globalization case study Globalization case study Outline of the nature of the business The business in question here is the clothes manufacturing industry in the country. Moreover, due to the saturation of the industry, it is important for the organization to choose its globalization integration strategy wisely.

Comparison between the characteristics of citizens of germany and qatar

As it is explained in the book " Culture Smart: Germany", Germans make their best effort to complete a task within the time assigned, and make sure that they do the work rightly the very first time it is done. When I compare that to the trend in my country, Qatar, I find a huge β†’

The journey of scientists and practitioners

The Journey of Scientists and Practitioners The Journey of Scientists and Practitioners Identification of Each Educator and their Main Contributions The article written by Silova and Brehm entitled " For the Love of Knowledge: William W. Brickman and His Comparative Education" proffered pertinent issues relative to Brickman as the instrumental contributor to the field of β†’

Law enforcement interview*

This paper compiles a summary of his responses to the questions of interview and presents an interview report.Mr. Brown said that while the Chinese, Indian, and Pakistani workers speak English in their local accents, it is not as much of a problem.

Fire protection systems

It is rightly said that " necessity is the mother of invention", similarly the damages and distortions related to the fire turned people's attention towards fire protection measures. These systems include Fire Protection systems, Fire Prevention systems, Fire Control systems, Fire Suppression systems, Fire spray systems and Explosion suppression systems etc are now in use β†’

Journal 2

I selected this activity to write about because it is a prime example of how that teacher taught in a way that was encouraging me to learn and how she also made lessons challenging for me. Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum, I learned that it is important to give extra support and practice β†’

Cultural sensitivity and multi-generational awareness

Type of preceptor that would work best with each new nurse In respecting the need for cultural diversity and multigenerational differences, it is very important that the preceptors assigned to these three new nurses are people who belong to their culture and generation; understand their culture and generation; or are ready to accept their culture β†’

Responce to intervention (rti)

Even though all parents want to see their child excel in s such as reading and math and get along with peers and teachers, the emergence of children who have difficulty learning in school is inevitable and Response to Intervention is a technique in addressing this issue." Response to Intervention" refers to a process that β†’

South asian art

The Head of Buddha The Head of Buddha is a sculpture created in the 3rd century in Pakistan. The Head of Buddha Appendix 2.

Jackie robinson’s achievements

In spite of all these discriminations, Jackie Robinson performed his best on the field and earned Rookie-of-the-year in 1947. In Texas where he was assigned as the second lieutenant, Robinson was faced with racial discrimination and predating Rosa Parks, Robinson refused to give up his seat on a military bus and move to the back.

Step by step procedure

Academic Plan Step 1: Once a student is identified and his or her specific needs are identified, conduct a survey calculated to gather information relative to the student's identified area of risk in terms of learning and the student's academic goals overall. The advisor will also be required to monitor the student's academic progress.

Sampling and production

Why India, Turkey, and China for Sampling and Production of Fabrics Leather industry is a well-developed industry in the Indian economy. India is suitable as a destination for the sampling and production of leather garments because leather industry in India has seen a massive transformation and development since the sixties.

Ethical scenario

Ethical Scenario The APA Division draws its ethical guidelines from the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. However, the APA's ethical guidelines state that psychologists have an obligation to protect confidential information obtained by any medium from their clients.

Strengths, areas to develop more fully, 2 important accomplishments

However, there are areas that I have to develop more fully to further my success in life and to achieve satisfaction. Aside from this, I feel that I have to further improve my sense of meaning.

China manufacturing

The goal to perform a successful negotiation is to please the business owner and establish a friendship. Whenever a western businessman begins a negotiation, the Chinese businessman will relay the deal to his/her boss.

Tools of organizational change

Tools of Organizational Change Tools of Organizational Change One of the tools that a leader can use in leading an organizational change is the three components of organizational change. Leadership requires that the leader demonstrate the importance of the change to his staff and involves leading by example while appreciating each of the workers' efforts.

Integrating ethics into practice

Going concern perhaps this is the most significant of all FASB concepts because this meant the continuity of a business enterprise. Going concern keeps my eyes set on the ultimate goal as a professional to always keep the business functional and viable.

Foreign exchange market

So as mentioned in the first paragraph, the more of that currency is supplied to a country, the lower its value. So what are the basics in foreign exchange market First is the forex trading or what we also call as currency trading is always done in pairs.

Business decision making in car sales

Assuming that a suitable plan to procure the cars from the manufacturer will be worked out to take care of the purchase of the complete supplies from the manufacturer, the company forecast and the maximum supply the manufacturer could make will form the controlling constraints for the sale. The final set of constraints for the β†’

Compare and contrast national athletic association (ncaa)

Regardless of all these funds, athletics associated costs rise at a fast rate such that expenses surpass the obtained revenue in all except 20 institutions in division I-A, for instance, the annual median proceeds from 2012 to 2013 augmented by 3. Most institutions that fail to qualify are the typical ones and they fail to β†’

Ethical leader

Ethical leaders embody the values, purpose and vision of the organization; hence the organization constituents. This is a key attribute in the definition of ethical leaders.

Flight test: a350 singapore-segura

During the Singapore Airshow, the new Airbus and Boeing took the center stage. Before the two airlines presented the airlines in Singapore, the A350 was presented to Qatar Airways in Doha.

English technical writing

Depending on the type of environment and the specific step-by-step activities or function that an organization is attempting to document, the labor investment or job activities should be audited by individuals familiar with the function or environment. The strengths of these guidelines have been mentioned since accuracy is key to ensuring that the manual has β†’

Marketing cultural icons

Other countries also have their own cultural icons that influence people in the United States. People in the United States who have a Zen garden are seen as spiritual, simplistic and calm.

Abraham lincoln as a prefect leader

He is, rather, a person who helps and guides others towards carrying and creating the environment in such a manner that the members of the team get totally involved in the process. 0 Attribute of Leadership Model Abraham Lincoln exemplifies the servant-leadership model of leadership.


The presence of protein in F2 and F3 fractions due to the formation of antigen-antibody complex is confirmed by the development of precipitin lines. The aggregation of protein increases with increase in the concentration of ammonium sulphate.

Clara barton and the civil war

In 1861 Clara Barton, she was appointed as the Superintendent of Nurses and in the year 1869, she again served the soldiers in the Franco- Prussian War. In 1881, Clara Barton achieved her dream of establishing the first Red Cross branch.

Supply chain memo

The minimization of the use of these resources is a common motivational procedure in the logistics of export and import business. It is possible to denote that in the logistic system and process, a reduction in one cost, would either increase or reduce the cost of another logistic subsystem.

The myth of secure computing by austin and christopher

Austin and Christopher in their article, " The Myth of Secure Computing", inform about the state of digital security in companies nowadays. The IT department of a company needs to be highly efficient in identifying all kinds of threats and the level of security that should be provided to each and every asset.

Marijuana: the legalization tussle

Marijuana: The Legalization Tussle Smelled openly in the suburban neighborhoods across the entire United States, the controversial legal status of marijuana is no doubt in limbo. Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, 17, 43-82.

Ethics and professional responsibilities

The ethical as well as moral decisions that engineers make in their professional assignments have very critical impacts to the life of the public. Therefore, it is important for engineering students to have ethics as a part of the curriculum so that they are prepared to make decisive decisions in their professional careers.

The crisis in the teaching profession

The advocates of crisis within the teaching profession believe that teachers are widely overvalued and underpaid due to which they are not able to earn social recognition and status and eventually there are many people especially males do not view teaching as suitable and bright career choice for them and despite their passion and desire β†’

Abstract for the paper

The focus is on the leadership styles, organization structures, culture and processes of socialization among employees at the company, human resource practices, changes in management and the effect of external changes and decision making at Apple. The findings are that Apple keen to hire and retain quality employees.

The adam aircraft work group/team

This is depicted in the manner in which everyone takes part to ensure the achievement of their goal of construction A700 and have it appear at the Oshkosh air show. It is palpable that the task of building a personal jet perpetuated a higher performance in the A700 team.

Football vs soccer

To the Americans it is Soccer and to the rest of the world, it is football that is enthusiastically played and enjoyed by over 200 countries. The American National Football League is extremely popular as it is the chief professional League in the world.

Sibling rivalry

But it needs to be understood that sibling rivalry is an issue that should be dealt with carefully to prevent the stress and strain it can leave on children as well as on parents and the long term effects that it leaves on the relationships between siblings. It can result from undue attention being provided β†’

Individual project 1 edu 620

Hence, instruction is a science and instructional design is a technology based upon the science. Instructional design as a technology Instructional Design considered a technology as it is based upon the scientific research about instruction.

Ratio analysis

Financial ratio analysis affiliation Financial ratio analysis, simply ratio analysis, is the data contained in the company's financial statement. From such parameters of the company, it possible to evaluate company's performance with regards to efficiency, possibility of liquidity, profitability, and solvency of the company.

Employee rights, managed care and patient safety

According to the it has been seen that integration of both the insurer and provider functions been in the increase. The major essence of this model is the negotiation of charges between the payer and panel providers whom the terms are on contract basis.

Family business

It is vital for the family and the owners of the business to implement efficient governance through policies, meetings, and strategies that help business flourish without any governance issues. Personal learning objectives: Issues related to family governance and how to solve the conflicts.

Applied project capstone: project

Control Measures and Policies to Improve Security & Emergency Management Control Measures and Policies to Improve Security & Emergency Management Abstract Getting homeland security and meeting various emergencies whenever they arise has become a challenge, not only in US, but also across the world. The study uses focus group of 12 members and 5 selected β†’

Elements of governance reform

This also damaged the integrity and trust of people across the world on the nonprofit organizations along with the benefit of the nonprofits organizations. If the nonprofit sector wishes to retain its higher extent of self regulation, the board and top management of the organizations need to put accountable effort to improve the organizations in β†’


The main association with this partnership is based on providing funding to those who are suffering from HIV and AIDS and which are below poverty level, which is 40% of those who have the disease. HIV Testing, understanding of the disease, prevention and events to assist with stopping the spread of the disease is all β†’

Philosophy – marx – capital, volume 1 (1867) – ch 1, sec 1-2 ch 2

The Evolution of Personal Worth: Karl Marx's ' Capital' The Evolution of Personal Worth: Karl Marx's ' Capital' In Chapters One and Two of Capital, Marx is relentlessly, thoroughly analytical in setting the stage for his famed socio-economic critique. Today, the world economy is made more complex by the advent of the Internet, over which β†’

Why stem cell research is right

American liberals support the embryonic stem cell research because they consider embryonic stem cells treatment as one of the workable options to treat many diseases, injuries and malfunctions. On the other hand, the Pro-stem cell research groups consider embryonic stem cells as one of the best workable options to treat many diseases, injuries and malfunctions.

Nonprofit sector assignment 2

Nonprofit organization and theories The great diversity of organizational forms and activities in the nonprofit sector, be it in U.S.or elsewhere has posed a great challenge in trying to understand these institutions. The theories that will help understand the nonprofit sector include Lohmann theory of commons, which categorizes goods into three groups namely; public goods, β†’

Operations management

Nike Adopt Differentiation Strategy Nike Adopt Differentiation Strategy Multinational corporations across the globe are adopting different strategies to be at the top in the business world. It is having a piece of their pie across the globe in selling accessory products, footwear, and heading research in their products that ensure they are superior to competing β†’


The death of one's beloved grandfather was regarded as a personal experience that influenced my life. When my grandfather died, I realized that it was just his time to leave a life that was lived to the fullest.

World hunger

World Hunger World Hunger In the present world, hunger in the developing countries is a rising issue that affects a large number of people and is the cause of many deaths every day. Poor countries that are in the process of developing do not have enough economic reserves and human capital to provide for the β†’

The future of qualitative research

Summary The article is about the future of qualitative research. The significance of the article is that it has explained various issues that touch on the future of qualitative research.

History of mathematics

His father, Nicholas Gabriel Galois, was an important man in their village and in 1815 was appointed the mayor of the village. Galois attempted the entrance examination to Ecole Polytechnique a year early and without the required course in mathematics.