Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Social stratification and social inequalities. we attempted to answer the following question: can democracy exist in a socially

The concept of democracy refers to equal distribution of all the resources in a society, and the common people constituting to the source of political authority, owing to the absence of hierarchical system in all the institutions. One of the most important features of an egalitarian and a democratic society is the prevalence of social β†’

Read phaedo-wisdom and the soul and socrates about to die in plato: the last days of socrates

2 April Phaedo-Wisdom and the Soul and Socrates about to Die in Plato- The Last Days of Socrates Of all the living souls in the universe, contemplation of thoughts and propensity to reason is the prodigy of the only few. Phaedo, one of the followers of Socrates is a visitor to the place and becomes β†’

Justifications for audits of financial statements

It is of significance to note that the returns after borrowing are quite impressive and without a doubt, this is a good attribute. Furthermore, in the long run, the servicing of these debts is not a major problem to the firm since there are adequate revenue returns to service the debts.

No hunting here please by denise knight

No Hunting Here, Please In the essay, " No Hunting Here, Please," Denise Knight discusses the challenges of trespassers or hunters threatening and disturbing her private properties. Hunters in New York defy signposts erected at the facility discouraging from trespassing Knight's private property.

Questions detailed below in criteria

In light of this a project to get ladies to swim would be beneficial when taking into consideration safety concerns in relating to flooding and the ability to swim to safety in the event that such an event occurs. The preparation of a financial budget is therefore critical to the success of the project.

Banquo and king hamlet the friendly ghosts

Insert Insert of the supervisor Insert of the Insert assignment is due Banquo and King Hamlet, the Friendly GhostsThe use of supernatural elements such as ghosts plays a key role in both the plot and atmosphere of the two famous Shakespeare's tragedies, Hamlet and Macbeth. In both Hamlet and Macbeth, Shakespeare uses the supernatural element β†’

Finance and accounting issues outline

There are also debts where a company, individual or group may decide to transfer a debt previously incurred to a lending institution or individual. A company, individual or business may choose this as a source of funding when they require money urgently and mostly the decision is arrived at, as a last resort.

Cost element structuring

The procedure is in the form of a list which contains information on the needed items like the equipment, supplies, expenditure of the resources among others. Appropriateness of the tool/method The costs in health care are not fixed and hence a list cannot be made of the necessities in advance.

Corporate crisis: cbs & time warner

Outline of the Research Paper on the Conflict between TWC and CBS Introduction: As power and control shifts between cable providers and content owners, the latter are gaining ground because they have other options to use in delivering content to viewers. Companies and Industries: The CBS blackout was a horror show for Time Warner Cable.

The importance of higher education

To a larger extent, I think the level of education of a particular individual should be used as a measure to design the job. It is widely believed that education is the gateway to success and I strongly believe that better paying jobs should be reserved for people with higher qualifications in their area of β†’

Human resources development

Occupational Safety and Health Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill The New York Times of 3 January provided a comprehensive article that sought to update the public on the latest development concerning the devastating oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. The article highlighted the response of the responsible company to the β†’

Research manuscript critique part 2

Apart from the topic and the type of study, other notable aspects of the research article include a clear discussion of the sample size, which includes 11 participants. The have also clearly identified the population, the demographic variables, the recruitment and the location of the study.

Stress and the neuroendocrine response

The hormones that are produced in this type of situation assist the body to deal with the situation that the individual is facing. This signal is in form of a hormone, the pituitary and adrenal glands that are both in the kidneys and the brain are responsible for receive the stress alert.

Unit 3 discussion board

Core Strategy As discussed in our earlier discussion, the unique selling proposition of our product will be the healthy nutrient added to our seafood products so that not only we provide tasty sea food but also the healthy and fresh food which can be taken as an alternative to the mainstream food supplies. Since this β†’

U.s government : federal vs. state – dissertation example

The debate of the power of the federal versus the government has been occurring since the Revolutionary War. This shows that the federal government is the stronger of the two and has significantly more resources to make change and it still receives input from state legislature.

Prison terminal

The hospice in the penitentiary where Jack was incarcerated was however humane enough because it provided a place for a person to die with dignity. These volunteers provided humanity to Jack in his dying days despite his conviction as a murderer and Jack died as a human being.

For quality education and research

With such passion, I believe that Boston University is the right school for me because I can foresee a training that will not just propel me to a successful career but one that will also make me a positive influence in my community. Enrolling in the medical field, I believe that BU is just the β†’

Short answer questions

In October 2001, Evaluation of Health and Nutritional Properties of Probiotics in Food held in Argentina, there The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations briefly defined Probiotics as " The living organisms which when consumed in a sufficient quantity bestow a health advantage on the host". Microbes are found to have healthy effects β†’


The effects of a stated organizational policy on inconsistent disciplinary action based on salesperson gender and weight. In search of sustained competitive advantage: The impact of organizational culture, competitive strategy and human resource management practices on firm performance.

Contiuum of care

Afifi, Rice, Anderson, Rosenstock, & Kominski explain the importance of the provision of a continuum of care. There is a description of the various stakeholders and the components of the continuum of care, therefore, making it relevant to use when making the presentation.


The Beat Generation The word ' beat' generation in this context is used to mean an unrewarding generation of many young people who are continuously being lost in the world of drug use and abuse. They migrated to Europe in the face of war, unsure of whether they were looking for the ' orgiastic future' β†’

History and political science

She confirmed that the Federal Reserve has soft data for over the last six weeks and is alert on the upcoming data that will help ascertain the effect of the severe winter weather. Just like Bernamke, she believes that the economy is getting stronger enough for the Fed to gradually reduce its purchase of monthly β†’

The importance of trust in human relationships

The Importance of Trust in Human Relationships: The underlying theme in the story Desiree's Baby by Kate Chopin and the poem In Response to Executive Order 9066 by Dwight Okita is that of trust. Both works of literature leave a lingering poignancy in the mind of the reader, probably because all can relate to the β†’

Movie/book the secret rhonda byrne

The Secret My opinion The Secret is a Book and the movie on the same by Rhonda Byrne which is a latest success on self help. Rhonda in her book referred the words of many teachers from Buddha to Bob Proctor to Fred Alan Wolf who spoke elaborately about the secret revealing to us that β†’

Failure experience, its effects and lessons learnt

During the interviews, I confidently answered all questions and in the end felt that I was the right person for the job. I really got stressed up and could not stop consoling my heart that the real results had not been announced and went ahead to buy the best clothes in preparation for the job.

Poverty and welfare in american society

The film demonstrates children suffering from the rapidly rising poverty levels in the U. In addition, he goes to the extent of desiring to get into the TV to have a taste of the food.

Slp – 5 entry international market selection and market

This study looks into the entry strategies that the company employs in new markets, especially the strategies that the company used in selecting the Chinese market. According to Wang, coco cola entered the Chinese market in 1979 and ever since has been one of the most trusted brands in China China is one of the β†’

Developing a business model

The company should allocate at least 50 percent of future American capacity to small and medium-size cars, so that it can adapt to what is turning out to be a permanent transition to a smaller and more gas-efficient cars. The firm should implement several business practices with its suppliers, aimed at maximising collaboration, supporting data β†’

Interview a teacher leader

Interview The interview with the high school teacher was helpful to know more about the importance of instructional, professional, and organizational-level leadership in schools. Besides, this interview was helpful to analyze the teacher's leadership activities and to describe its effect on the teacher's role as a teacher, among her colleagues, in the school, and among β†’

Bullying and depression

With today's emphasis on bullying and bullying prevention and zero tolerance in schools, there may have been a different outcome today to this tragedy, if there were some form of anti-bullying education, awareness, or school policies implemented at Columbine and grammar school, to prevent Harris and Klebold from reaching the boiling point. Seeing the amount β†’


Despair which is conscious: It is the despair that a person is aware of and is in two forms: weakness Defiance. Defiance is the despair of individual wishing to be destined on their own.

Admission for prelaw program

Task Admission for Prelaw Program The Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago has a school of law known as the Kent School of law. This three week program scholars at the IIT Chicago Kent enroll in a number of core courses that include a combination of guest speakers, lectures, and booked visitations to court buildings β†’

Interview with a psychiatrist mr sheikh abdul-karim

He talked about why he chose that particular hospital he worked in; what challenged he faced in the hospital; what opportunities he met there; and, what the future prospects of psychiatry were. I got to know him as a person, and he got the opportunity of talking about the difficulties he faced in his job, β†’

Feedback and its importance

Feedback is the message or response, which is given to the source from where the original message came." Feedback is an important component of the formative assessment process". Different Types of Feedback There are four basic types of feedback, which include effective feedback, evaluative feedback, descriptive feedback, and motivational feedback.

How to use truth tables to analyse arguments

The premise 1 is TRUE thus if you invest in any international oil and mineral corporation, then you get rich. The premise 1 is TRUE thus if you invest in any international Oil and Mineral corporation, then you get rich.

Computer-based information system

Computer-based information systems of AT&T Telecommunication Company Computer-based information systems of AT&T Telecommunication Company For the last two decade, it had been considerably challenging for companies as well as individuals to get organizations that are willing and capable of providing both telephone and telegraph systems. This paper will discuss the kind of information systems that β†’

Questions 1-5 games people play

Answers to Questions 5 Games People Play The four elements of a game are: the players; the rules of the game; thealternatives of the game; and the players' preferences on the outcomes of the game. In this game, the players are the masked man and Vizzini, the rules of the game is to choose which β†’

The theme of illusion and fantasy in the play streetcar named desire

The Theme of Illusion and Fantasy in the Play Streetcar Named Desire Illusion is referred to misrepresentation of situation to provide a deceptive appearance of an act or event. Blanche tries to stick to her pure and innocent illusion of herself throughout the play.

Final cap

In the end, this type of study will attempt to accomplish the goal of providing parents, educators, and other adults who influence the lives of children with the tools they need to positive impact the development of children. Chapter 4: Results of the Study Introduction The stated purpose of this research study was to identify β†’

Application for doctorate degree in health education

I have completed the Masters of Arts as well as the Masters of Science in the field of Health Education, the same field on which I intend to complete my doctorate now. In the nine years of my work experience in the different health organizations and five years in different administrative job profiles, I have β†’

Profiles in courage

of the of the Concerned 20 March Profiles in Courage Profiles in Courage is a Pulitzer acclaimed biography, celebrating the matchless courage and integrity of the eight senators hailing from the United States, culled from the entire history of the US Senate, as it existed in the times of President John F Kennedy. Of the β†’

History and doctrine of the wahhabis

The Wahhabis desire to destroy the tombs and graves of the saints was met by several objections. Additionally, they strived and still strive to be the embodiment of God's law.


Optimal monetary policy with staggered wage and price contracts Data The independent variable in the research study is the wellbeing of the population while the dependent variable will involve the national income level and its determinants. The research will be interested in identifying the determinants of national income and the way the income correlates with β†’

Discussion board 1.2

The fact that formalized assessment tests the cognitive ability of a child means that it is difficult to use it as an assessment tool for an ASD child and this is where the limitations of the use of formalized assessment with an ASD child arises. It would therefore be appropriate to use formalized assessment with β†’

The whiskey rebellion 1791

Congress agreed and President Washington chose to appoint Henry Knox as the Secretary of War, Thomas Jefferson as the Secretary of State, and Alexander Hamilton as the Secretary of the Treasury. The appointment of Jefferson and Hamilton would later have a great impact as the two had conflicting views about the future role of the β†’

Alternate assessments w9 esol

The practice of alternative assessments has been introduced in many ESL rooms across the country to make the process of assessment more efficient for the teachers as well as the ESL students. In addition, portfolios enhance the communication between the teacher and the students, the teacher and the parents, and the school administrators as well.

Juvenile sex offenders consequences

Young sex offenders are not getting the punishments that they need to change their ways. They will be under the impression that what they are doing is not too bad, due to the lack of decent punishment, and continue to do it.


Evangelicals do not necessarily attend the church though most are said to have had profound conviction in Christ and the doctrine of salvation by grace and if their count is combined with the number of believers who are basically parishioners, roughly about 33% enter into divorce whereas among the atheists and agnostics, 30% are reported β†’

International business

International Business International Business An analysis of International business in terms of regional trade blocs International Business 2 " International business is a term used to collectively describe topics relating to the operations of firms with interests in multiple countries. But the small local companies are unanimously opposing the entry of MNC's because of their β†’

In what ways were racial tensions intensified in the south during the jackson era how did the political parties respond explain why

" The Jackson's Era" In chapter 4 of A Short History of the United s, Remini describes a series of events and changes that occurred during Jackson's tenure. The changes that occurred during this time include; the agrarian revolution in the southern states, which led to increased slavery especially in the cotton farms, and the β†’

Political science

Political Science Affiliation Political Science Scientific theory refers to a summarized hypothesis or a collection of hypothesis that have been backed up with more than one tests, in cases where there is ample evidence to support a hypothesis, it graduates to being referred to as a theory in the scientific method and thus can be β†’

An undergraduate at boston university

I have my own set of objectives and somehow I feel that Boston University can accomplish all the objectives in the course of satisfying my requirements. Eventually it can be said that with a numerous subject options, proficient faculty and unique extra curriculum features Boston University has become the most ideal choice for me, where β†’

Journal abstract

This research aims at analyzing, investigating and explaining the various ways in which the preschool mentors can provide special children with the special support they require in their education. This research is of great significance to the preschool education and academic nurturing of children.

Introduction&background part of three museums

The museum prides as the first federal art collection and includes a collection that captures the aspirations, character, and imagination of the American people. The museum's collection is presented in six collections that include among others the ' American experience' and the ' American art through 1940'.


Beyond plants and books, I agree with Pressly and Heesacker in that the counseling environment should include warm colors so that it carries the warmth throughout the time that you spend in counseling. I think that when the environment matches the counselors attitude and personality that it is easier for a client to stay focused β†’

Review on depression

All these have helped in the recognition of depressive symptoms as apposite subjects of research in adolescents and as such the number of studies on the subjects has exploded. B, Stemmler, M, Ey, S.& Grant, K.E.

Henrys intelligent investment, for the love of portia

He made his experience, good will and sincerity count and found the love of his life with a status of a millionaire. He won the bet, and presented the bill to the old gentlemen, in return, he secured his intelligence, honesty and fear of losing Portia, made him a rich businessman.

Regional economic integration (blobal business)

Free trade area, for instance the North American Free Trade Agreement presents the simplest form of economic integration where all member states cancel all trade obstacles between them. Regional integration creates trade and employment opportunities for member states and also promotes cooperation between them.

Early care in germany

Early Care in Germany Early Care in Germany Child care refers to taking care of and supervising a child or children. Findings of positive correlations between process quality and perceived job stress hold up the theory that contextual and structural qualities make a difference to quality process in child care.

Holocost audio reflection

The audio file that I have listened to is the speech of a woman surviving the holocaust. I believe that the holocaust took place because of prejudice and hatred to the people of the Jewish nations.

Employment interviews as a selction tool

In the structured interviews, interviewer analyzes the skills of interview through a preformed set of questions. In the semi-structured interview, the interviewer may make the conversation apart from the questions as well.

Recommendation from it department to ceo about sars virus-2013

Thus, in order to contain or aid in the containment of the SARS virus, the employees, as IT workers, can provide intellectual assistance to contain the situation. This approach would ensure the company can conduct a diagnosis process to isolate the health stakeholders from the infected and to contain farther spreading of the virus.b.

Why am i interested in pharmacy

My interest in pharmacy began when I was twelve years old when I had to move in with my grandmother who lived in. However, throughout all this, I held on to my interest in pharmacy; I got a part-time job as a pharmacy assistant in my neighborhood pharmacy.

Dental experience

I have had a good experience as well as academic background that has provided me with a good foundation for my admission for an international dental program at your university I have worked as a dentist in India for about two years at Anu dental care where I learnt a lot under the senior dental β†’

Paramedic care

Essay Plan Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Thesis: Certified First Responder, as paramedic professional, needs to possess basic skills of understanding of his duty and human psychology and should be able to confront emergent situations and deal with them through proper evaluation and quick response. β†’

Analysis of citizen kane

The Citizen Kane: An Analysis of the Movie Introduction The movie Citizen Cane depicts a scene of comedy, mystery and suspense and with touch of classics. The Citizen Kane film was tagged by many as sophisticated, fresh, and a classic, masterpiece, and ' over-fictional'.

Bipolar disorder in silver linings playbook

The film taught me the symptoms and treatment options for bipolar disorder, and I felt empathy for Pat and Tiffany because they are trying hard to manage their illness by accepting it as part of who they are and developing strategies to be more in control of their behaviors. The major disorder in the movie β†’

Federalism and the exercise of national power

Federalism and the Exercise of National Power Federal government and the right to ban marijuana under the commerce clause of US constitution The federal governments do not have the right to ban marijuana under Commerce Clause in US constitution. In the case of the woman, it was wrong for the federal state to take marijuana β†’

Cultural influences & impact of military life on individuals and families

Cultural Influences & Impact of Military Life on Individuals and Families al Affiliation) Cultural Influences & Impact of Military Life on Individuals and Families Thesis Mental health aspect in military life receives great devotion from the federal government and different states that have implemented measures to secure the psychological well-being of individuals and families. The β†’

Press release on bhp billiton issue

Media Release Number 08 18 August Embargo For Immediate Release Bhp Billiton Set to Take-Over Woodside Petroleum Bhp Billiton Chairman Jacques Nasser has recently announced that Bhp Billiton is set to close the deal on the take over of Woodside Petroleum at a grand celebration this coming Friday at 4 p.m at the Sofitel Australia β†’

Finance discussion questions and exercise strategy questions

The disadvantages are that employees cannot consider that they have much authority to control outcomes and they will be disillusioned when there is no turnover, which results in no profit sharing.- Gain Sharing System Contains " a financial measurement and feedback system to monitor company performance and distribute gains in the form of bonuses when β†’

Comprehensive financial document for a small health care organization

The method that will be used in this report is zero based budgets and some parts will be based on incremental budgeting principles, The main advantage of Zero based budgeting process is the fact that the previous inefficiencies in the budgets are removed from the equation; a clean slate is used when conducting this sort β†’

Strength of material 2

When loading the maximum tensile stress occurs at the midpoint of the bottom edge of the beam and the maximum compressive stress occurs at the midpoint of the top edge. Unlike beams, the loading capacity of a column depends less upon the strength of the material of which it is made than upon its stiffness β†’

Gotta go right now

Intake of a lot of water increases the amount of the urine contained in the bladder and as a result, the urge to urinate increases. This approach involves drinking a lot of water that equals to the lost one.

Evaluating vodafone’s competitive position

In the United States, Vodafone owns majority control of the company Verizon Wireless giving them exposure to a wide range of competitors and customers. In April, Vodafone sold its deteriorating Japanese affiliate and made the president, Jim Morrow head of the new European market.

Impact of culture on international business

IMPACT OF CULTURE ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Impact of Culture on International Business Common Cultural Mistakes The Pitfalls of Cross-Cultural Business, written by Jared Wade identifies some common cultural mistakes which executives may commit while interacting with people from different cultures. It is considered disrespectful in Japan to present a gift with one hand and it β†’

Oil dependence is a dangerous habit

The United States helps support unstable governments by importing oil from countries such as Nigeria and Iraq, which have oil-related conflicts. The United States also imports oil from unstable countries such as Syria, Pakistan, Algeria, and Colombia.

Internal analysis and swot analysis slp 03

The chapter provides the basics of the topic and is simple to read and understand. The website is one of the most reliable sources of information for the company and to gain the all financial figures.


Besides this, the ad touches a controversial aspect of the society which may not be welcomed by the masses. Bibliography, " BANNED Adam and Eve, the gay version".

Written about educational psychology (human development)

I want to establish my career in the field of educational psychology, and that is only possible if I get an opportunity to get a master degree from a prestigious university. I want to complete my education under the guidance of well-experienced faculty of the University of Colorado, as it will help me become a β†’

Learning from lifes experiences

I have excelled in a wide variety of roles: in legal, communication and business consulting fields. In recent years, I have had the opportunity of working as a Legal Administrator/PA, and an Interpreter with the GREC.

Fashion history etruria and rome

Estrcuans and Greeks of the archiac period had similar clothing; the Greeks in the archaic period wore a sort of robe noted at the front which later gave way to the tunica in Etruscan society. Compared to the Greek costume, the Etruscan costumes were more shaped in the sleeves, and they flared out at the β†’

Listen deeply and effectively

This can be displayed as Albert being uninterested in what she has to say, and this is the opposite of the objective that Albert is trying to achieve. Hitch tells Albert to stand up straight because it shows that you have interest in the other person.

Disney and gender: discuss zipes & video clip: the mouse that roared

Running Head: Disney and Gender Biases Disney And Gender Biases Discussed With Respect To The Video " The Mouse That Roared" In The Light Of Jack Zipes' Philosophy Customer Name University Name Abstract This paper aims to discuss the gender biases and dominant gender ideology propagated by Disney in its entertainment works. Disney And Gender β†’

Critique of a given research article

Lamb assessed the importance of integrative impetus in the study of English amongst students of varied cultures and groups. He concedes to this fact and acknowledges the fact that his study did not cover the process of identification.

Flying for peanuts

It is important to mention that while reading the book, one would learn about Irma, the person who formulated the customers' service policy of the organization which has made them the favorite airline among virtually ordinary America in the United States. It is about Herbert Kelleher, the former Chairman of the Board of Directors and β†’

Flow state results

The tabulated statistical mean and standard deviation of the flow state was 25. The use of such a video therefore impacts more flow state on females than males.

2 minute monologue

In such a way, it is necessary, in order to achieve a positive result, to follow a rigid set of instructions and a definitive list of ingredients, as well as a particular technique so that the finished product will turn out to the best degree possible. In such a way, approximately 10 to 15 minutes β†’

Clinical trials for intiviral in general

The goal of clinical trials is to produce data that shows the safety and efficacy of a drug, leading to the approval for marketing by a regulatory body. Phase I trials are meant to determine the metabolic and pharmacological actions, and the maximum tolerable dose of the drug in 20 to 80 volunteers.

How to: recover from a social media pr disaster

This is because when posting is done on the social media, the public tend to assume that it is the position of the company. Sneiderman advises that, in the event of a social media disaster, an organization needs to act quickly and honestly so as to correct the error.

Outlining the main research challenges

Data analysis is another key challenge that I would face because of the involved technical approach and tools. I also lack experience in the research method's application of software for data analysis and this would limit my ability to develop my conclusion and recommendations.

Common law rape and modern statutes describing sexual assault

Common law on rape is the traditional statute that guides the crime of rape and describes the sexual assault that is qualified to be called rape. Thus, common law stipulates that a case of rape cannot exist between husband and wife, while modern statutes stipulates that a man can force his unwilling wife to have β†’

Baz luhrmans romeo and juliet

He revived the ideas and themes of Shakespeare and gave them a new touch while keeping the mood and confidence high of Shakespeare's original play by making one of the most genuine and honest versions of " Romeo and Juliet". Bibliography The themes of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet [Internet] DocShare.

A streetcar name desire and death of a salesman

In his interpretation, his funeral is that of a successful salesman, an interpretation of his illusion, and his desperate need to escape from the reality that his life was not successful. His past reshaped his present to be a famous person and an achiever, as these are the things that he hoped for the future.