Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Ethics in public sector – usa

number Publish Ethics in the Public Sector United s The United s political system allows for lobbying on behalf of a group as long as the lobbyist is fully registered and sticks to certain ethical principles. Lobbying guidelines from the Texas legislature make it clear that anyone taking more than $1, 000 in advantages from β†’

Social representations of native americans

It was therefore commendable for Fryberg, Markus, Oyserman, & Stone to conclude that: " the only way to reduce the negative impact of these constraining American Indian mascot representations is to either eliminate them or to create, distribute, and institutionalize a broader array of social representations of American Indians". One shares the same conviction to β†’

Organizational culture

It includes the set of behaviors and values that guide the success of an organization. Organizational culture would be an important aspect in understanding the performance of an organization.

Reno v. american civil liberties union, 521 u.s. 844 (1997)

American Civil Liberties Union," the court of Supreme upheld a previous lower court decision that the CDA violated two existing provisions of the constitution. Individuals who assist in commission of obscenity crimes are also liable under the federal laws of obscenity.


Question 2 From the video clip, we learn that the world has had deficiency of enough energy supply and perhaps the idea of ocean power could be a solution. Optimal power absorption dictates that the rate of kinetic energy radiated from the device be equal to the energy absorption rate and the primary converter feels β†’

Fair trade is coffee curing poverty

The assessment of problems of fair trade is not well explained. The assessment does not adequately state the successes of fair trade, and this makes it hard to point out its deficiencies.

Academic interests and purpose of study

I find management as an art where I use logic to analyze the internal and external environment of a company and creativity in order to come up with a resolution which is specific to the nature of the business. Recognizing the increasingly global nature of business organizations, I am interested in seeking a position in β†’

The gist of the declaration

It consequently protects the said entitlements of rights by exhorting the people to alter, to abolish, and to institute a new government when it comes the time when the declaration is already destructive with respect to the rights. Lastly, it looks in the past during the time of the former government of the British king β†’

School bullying in california

This is because through the meetings both the parents and teachers get to know the causes of school bullying and as such make necessary recommendations. The studies done on the issue of bullying in this country and abroad have contributed to a growing knowledge that underscores the seriousness of bullying in schools.

City university

Energy development regimes thus come naturally to me as I have learned how to embed energy use with the role of environmental technology ever since I was in my childhood days. I have done my Finance which has taught me how to make the best use of sustainability in the wake of adversity.

The african american must run his community up, not down

This African American President needs to show to the world that he must not let his community down in any way and uphold the rights of the Black community for the betterment of not only this faction but also the rest of the world. He is accountable to his own community and thus he must β†’

Psychological reactance

Psychological reactance Part Fundamental attribution error Also known as correspondence bias, fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency of people to emphasize on internal characteristics of an individual when analyzing a situation instead of considering the nature of the external factors as well. Such a psychological explanation is likely to apply in this context, as β†’

Sports nutrition -cyclists

The body uses carbohydrates in the amounts it needs and stores the rest in the liver and muscles. During low intensity exercise the body uses less fat and therefore it is unlikely to use fats, while in moderate exercise, the body uses fat as fuel and carbohydrates in equal portions.

The nfl’s most valuable teams

Youth Football Fund Grassroots has been initiated by NLF along with Local Initiatives Support Corporation to provide financial and technical assistance in order to improve the quality, safety, and accessibility of local football fields to middle schools and high schools. It can also build up a nonprofit club in the center of the city with β†’

Letter of reference

In regards to office policies and interpersonal relationships with our staff, Mr. He has demonstrated his ability to show respect for our office policies and his willingness to work in a cooperative manner.Mr.

Disposable people, kevin bales

Despite the comfort and wealth that most people in Europe and the United States enjoy at the present time, there is a dark underside to society in many parts of the world. This method is a way of giving voice to the suffering of people who would otherwise not be heard, and it allows the β†’

The assassination of president garfield (document analysis assignment)

That Guiteau was the only one obsessed with President Garfield and disgruntled with the latter's government to the point of assassinating him only points to the fact that he might have been insane. Guiteau's insanity would later manifest when he insisted he was perfectly sane and that God Himself had sent him to kill the β†’

Self-love as motive for murder in my last duchess and porphyria’s lover

Self-love as Motive for Murder in " My Last Duchess" and " Porphyria's Lover" The speakers of Robert Browning's " My Last Duchess" and " Porphyria's Lover" are both men who took the lives of the women who loved them, for somewhat different reasons. That is proof positive of the force of his personality β†’

Decision making process

The public and a special committee for the project will therefore be involved in the decision-making process that. The committee of experts that will be instituted by the tract's caretaker institution for managing the tract will then take the active decision making role.

Caring for a dying patient in hospital by katherine e sleeman

Family members should be there for a patient to make them feel important and have someone to chat with in the case of a patient who is still able to talk. They should identify with the signs of end times and have the possible precautions necessary for them to care for the patient especially their β†’

Comparison the education between saudi arabia and usa

The education in Saudi Arabia and the USA are similar in terms of government spending on education, freedom to choose the school and education for people with special needs, while differ in terms of attitude towards education, literacy rate, religion in school, gender roles, grading scales, and stages of education America is one of the β†’

Epic of sundiata

I would not assume an ugly woman like Sogolon to become the preferred wife of a king and the mother of Sundiata, the hero to be. Ideally, the relationship between Sundiata and her mother emphasizes how mother's love, in real life, can be staggering and is a lesson on how a mother's attitude can determine β†’


Research Since the end of World War 2 that led to the reconfiguration of power, the United s has taken up the role of the ubiquitous global leader. To this end, the United States has maintained the role of a global leader through its effective communication strategies that foster relationships with countries, global customs and β†’

Business etiquette for a retail team

If the customers are looking for something that is not on the display, then please do not say that ' I don' know'. The right thing to do is to go to the stock room and look for it.

Global perspectives in business b

Rituals are considered as a way of giving respect to the deceased and the elderly. Several rituals are conducted as a way of ensuring that the souls of the death rest in peace.

Ethics in christianity

Ethics in Christianity The Christian code of ethics can be found throughout the entire Bible such as in the Ten Commandments and in the various teachings and lessons of Jesus. There are also commandments that focus on the the role of God and the purpose of God in the lives of others, making it β†’

How did the economic development of the gilded age affect american freedom

By the time the Gilded Age during the latter decades of the 19th century heightened industrialization and development in American economy, changes in social dimensions of freedom with inequality, democracy, and system of justice had to be drastically coped with. With the abrupt pace of economic development in the Gilded Age, it may be claimed β†’

Living standard of slaves

The focal point of this paper is to discuss the difficulties of measuring the living standards of slaves and explain the contribution that evidence on height or stature has made to the debate. The first one is the evil of slavery where the black community is a harmless and helpless being in the hands of β†’

Power of one iii

Inclusion of the varied perceptions of the society members in the evaluation and elucidation of information will generate additional practicable blueprints and accurate interpretation of the data. In addition, this will lead to the eradication of the eminent social problems and teenage pregnancy.

Enemies of the cross and the qur’an the end of the soul

Interestingly, even though it might be assumed that liberalism, and by extension liberal ideology, has had a standard and normative effect upon interpretations of Islam or Christianity, the fact the matter is that Christianity has fared far worse as compared to Islam with regards to the overall level of impact that it is felt based β†’

Master degree in immunology

After completing my Bachelor studies in Biomedical Science, I would like to take my academic career to the next level by doing a Masters in Immunology from the University West of England. The best field to graduate in is certainly one that coincides with my past professional experience, so I have chosen to do a β†’

The problem of intimidation

Personal ment We live in a world where intimidation exists and is used to the detriment of other people simply because there are those who believe themselves to be hugely powerful and therefore, above the law. In the workplace, managers abuse their positions of authority in order to make their subordinates submit to their unfair β†’

Financial management

For example, the fact that business ethics teaches that the shareholder's wealth maximization, as a goal, is normally inconsistent with the ethical behavior in that particular business. One of the ethical behaviors of managers in a business is that of corporate social responsibility.

Discuss the problems created by high stakes testing, and give testing alternatives

High stakes testing: Problems and alternatives May 31, High-stakes testing: Problems and alternatives A high-stakes test is a test that results in an important decision based on the results of the test by the test taker, such as a diploma from an educational facility or the license to practice a profession without resorting to applying β†’

The fall of the house of usher

In short, the author's interest in abnormal psychology results in the escalation of the element of horror in the work as a whole. Insanity: Insanity is another element in the short-story that leads the readers to suspect the real aim of the main characters.

Seven dimension of wellness – lab report example

Notably, it involves all the process of living, achieving, and growing in life so that an individual can maximally experience the potential to being well being; hence, wellness is living life to the fullest without any form of intolerance. Hence, fulfilling the seven wellness dimension means achieving a healthy and happy life.


In the book, A Separate Peace by John Knowles, Gene does feel guilty about having pulled Finny into accident, though he does not have the courage to confess it for a long time because he fears that his confession would speak bad of his moral conduct and would also tarnish his relationship with Finny. In β†’


Neuroscience Review The article chosen for the review is " Treatment of depression using sleep electroencephalogram modulated repetitive transcranialmagnetic stimulation" published in the Chinese Medical Journal. The article is about a study by Ming-li et al in which the researchers examined the efficacy and also the safety of sleep electroencephalogram modulated repetitive rTMS for the β†’

Amended patient protection and affordable care act

David Eisenberg, of Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School, which showed that 85 million Americans are using alternative methods for their health care needs, most of which is not covered by their insurance, and furthermore, the number of times they used alternative medicine practitioners was considerably more than the number of times they used β†’


This information is very substantial to all entrepreneurs since it is highlighting some paramount aspects in the business world. This is very essential information to every person who is cautious about the future hence an important site for knowledge purposes.

Observational, analytical and research on henan province in china

The given paper will provide the information about two famous and very different places of China: the province Henan and the city Beijing. It is interesting that the word-for-word translation of the Henan is " south of the river".

Understand a range of techniques to analyse data effectively for business purposes

400, 600, 700, 800, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1120, 1140, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1560, 1560, 1580, 1600, 1740, 2000, 2160 The median in this case is the mean of the two numbers appearing in the middle of a list in numerical order /2= 1170 The mode is the number that has been repeated most in β†’

Finance & law for engineers

The strategies to achieve the organizational objectives appear to be working due to the positive results reported in the financial year ended 2013. The company is seeking to identify with the technology and be a major dealer with this M2M technology in the short run.

Quality improvement milestones

Quality Improvement Milestones The essay aims to focus on the milestone of the creation of the Joint Commision formerly known as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations with the objective of addressing the following concerns, to wit: to evaluate how this milestone has influenced health care delivery; consider positive outcomes, failures, and unintended β†’

Statement of purpose

Factors such as understanding the logic behind simple behaviors motivated me in my previous course and I have always desired to advance my studies in order to understand more about the human nature. I understand that the course requires massive research and I will be devoted to backing up my lecturer's information with extensive research.

Quantitative article critique

The abstract accurately describes the key features of the report by describing the problem in general, the methods that the research used, the results and the conclusion of the study. The hypothesis is also explicitly stated in the research, and it sufficiently expressed the study variables and population.

The expansion and settlement of the us from the atlantic to the pacific

The expansion and settlement of the US from the Atlantic to the Pacific was encouraged by newspaper publishers by the United States government, and by most of the citizens of the country. Those who advance this reason, hold that it was America's God given responsibility to extend the US from the Atlantic to the β†’

Interactive processes and cognitive development

There are many theories and ideas regarding the process and stages of the cognitive process of child development. The significant point of Piaget's theory is that because of this growth in knowledge the learner's or child's logic and methods and approaches of thinking are at the start completely different from those of adults.

Learning team research proposal

Learning Team Research Proposal Elements of the Study The study design explores the question of whether television programming has influenced and potentially encouraged teenage pregnancy through depictions that glamorize it. Ethical Considerations There are a number of ethical considerations that are involved in the research design.

Origin stories and religion

In Islam, the primary text is the Quran with Hadith as an additional text. Further, The Smruti or otherwise known as the Vedas is the main text in Hinduism, with the support of Suriti.

Software engineering

CHAT APPLICATION PROJECT JAVA THREADS Introduction IEEE Computer Society through its SWEBOK 2004 defined software engineering as The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software"; and 2." The study of approaches as in the application of a systematic, disciplined, β†’


Technical: If we look at the Bollinger band we can find out that the share was overbought on April 3, 2008 so to bring the price at the normal level the share price dropped to the level of US$35. 11 on 15th April 2008 to the level of $37.

Unmapping the golden triangle or the world on drugs passages

The production and the supply of most of the drugs are made from this area for decades. All kinds of drugs and heroin are produced and transported from this area to different parts of the world.

Discussion: foreign projects

Having been in the business for some time, I, as the director of new business development for our company, am experienced and equipped with the required skills and capabilities to develop our business overseas. In addition to that, the existing staff might have to be trained and facilitated in adaptation to the culture and laws β†’

Interstate agencies: the port authoritys birth and operation

The New York port authority: An interstate agency to develop the facilities of the greatest harbor in the world. In this book, Galvin seeks to outline the impact of the constitutional provision on business and economic environment in the United States, especially in New York.

Dream to be a doctor

I know that becoming a medical doctor is my destiny because I am talented enough to succeed in this vocation. On my SAT II, I received a 760 in Chemistry, 750 in Biology, and 800 in Math II.

Presidential appointment analysis

From a close evaluation of the judicial appointments made by Bush, it seems that Bush just tried to obtain an edge over Democrats in terms of court decisions rather than improving the performance efficiency of the federal judiciary. In total, Bush paid particular attention to the appointment of conservative judges during his presidency period so β†’

Mfis stand tall against cold winds by kathryn tully

Basically, the idea of the authors is to compare micro-lenders with commercial banks operating in the same country. The tentative conclusions, because of the limited available data on micro-lenders, suggest that micro-lenders are less correlated with equity indices than are commercial banks against one or more parameters.


I need cell phones for precisely this purpose, so that I can make a call when I want to. Right now I need to carry two phones: even though I do not like phones, this is the only way I can make my life easier.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs)

An evidence to show that the compounds found in vegetable can reduce cardiovascular disease which are the heart disease and stroke is the one conducted as part of Harvard-based Nurses' Health Study and Health Professional Follow-up Study which has been the longest and the largest study on this to date. Fruit, vegetables, and cancer prevention: β†’

Library research

CSA, which is now merged with Proquest, serves as an online access to information sources in the form of newspaper articles, journals and other periodicals, theses and dissertation as well as a host of databases for researchers and academics engaged in scholarly writing. For example, if the source is a dissertation, the complete material is β†’

Character and effects in neonatal institutes

The extent of the effect was determined by using the clinical patient index hence relay the scale of the effect. Procedure and data The study was hence based on an Australian incident that involved the assessment of patients in the ICU.

Marriage and the family- psychology

of Lecturer 20 April Marriage and the Family- Psychology The days when women were restricted to the house chores alone and men were made to cater for the responsibilities of the family through their earnings are fast gone. Several families witnessed these problems in the past and these have made married women to stand in β†’

Week 5: forensic assessment of adults i

The R-CRAS consist of two parts where the first part comprises 30 selected psychological and situation variables that are in a sense relevant to a judgment about the defendant's mental state at the time of the offence; these are then rated by an external examiner based on a a thorough review of the data. The β†’

African american history

There are different versions and sectors of the history with the strong belief being that African Americans are the descendants of those that were captured for slavery in America. The history of this group of people is celebrated in the country each and every year.

Week 8 705

Ordering of tests and prescription of medicines originates from DNPs and the professionals are the right source of information for budgeting for the necessary resources. DNPs' knowledge on budgeting can facilitate accuracy in resource allocation and availability of the required resources.

Legal research

A civil Suit can be instigated against a Spouse According to legal research done in different s in the united of America, litigation can be brought by a spouse. The Act further provides that ".........the degree and nature of privacy to which a person is entitled to in a circumstances or in relation to a β†’


The customers' prices will influence the demand for the company's products. Moreover, the market test will show the current demand for the product.

Absenteeism in the workplace

Absenteeism in the Workplace Absenteeism or low attendance at work place is accounted as one of the most persistent obstacles to productivity, profitability and competitiveness. There is loss not only in terms of productivity and economy, but also in terms of credibility and confidence of the employees.

Practice behaviors workbook: love and commitment

Hank's actions including going out with other women, making no commitment to her, having no love for her, and not taking her out would form the other reasons for her to quit the relationship. The result would be a break up of their marriage, and it is then that she will regret having made the β†’

Case study and 3questions help me

Carr's position seems to be that the nature of hardware and technological infrastructure is not as pressing a concern for companies in recent years as the general climate of the market is such that existing hardware is largely adequate in supplying adequate competitive advantage through information. Do you agree with the argument made by the β†’

Social movements

Members of the Christian Patriots group are expected to participate in the reformation of the world, " in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord". This design is appropriate because the close scrutiny of the lived experiences of the Christian Patriot members is the focus of the study.

Your own reality

The incident that included not seeing birds when they were there all along stems from the inability to completely focus that could have helped in watching the organisms in the tree. The being analyzed work is discussing a reality that humans tend to see what they cardinally expect to see and therefore, they do that β†’

Buying a car scenario steps for evaluating an argument

Steps for Evaluating an Argument: Buying a Mobile Phone Scenario Recently I was involved in an argument whereby I wanted to buy a mobile phone HTC Z to be precise after a friend of mine who owns a similar one advised me to purchase it since it had fantastic features. My personal judgement on the β†’

International business case #3

It can be established that a big section of the population prefer to buy popular brand and from stores with a popular name. For a company to be able to penetrate the international market, they have to be able to identify the opportunities or gaps and be able to fill them.

Reflective piece about week 1 placement in the acute psychiatric unit

The use of music therapy can help improve the physiological, emotional and psychological needs of the patients by making their mood more stable. Occupational therapists can use art therapy to encourage the psychiatric inpatients to verbalize their hidden thoughts and feelings.

Dietary(nutritional) recommendations for hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

Therefore, dietary recommendation is to maintain a healthy iodine intake instead of avoiding soy foods. Though iodine supplements may still be required in some cases, levothyroxine is usually considered sufficient for safe treatment of hypothyroidism.


Individual natural rights should take precedence over the collective and cultural rights in advanced economies due to the dangers of hegemony and the powers of the State. Nevertheless, a review of the broad nature of human rights and their protections, both in the individualistic sense and in the collective, show that there is a strong β†’

Social welfare in america

The use of nanotubes and rods is a new technological advancement in the 21st century. Some of the sectors in favor of the new technology are medicine and industries especially the energy sector.

Emergency contraceptive pills

For this first part of this paper the focus will be on whether or not ECPs should be in the available in the cabinet of every childbearing woman? It could be argued that if ECPs are only available by prescription and not kept in the household that this would most likely reduce the risk of β†’

Read the attach and do writing part and i will do a video

Script Outline and Narration Script Since majority of the videos or movies have the same structure, the video will be exceptional by employing the following outline in the script. The second is the use of inciting incident that leads the audience to the midpoint.

Education in master in public administration

I believe that a post graduate degree in Public Administration would better enable me to respond to the administrative and leadership demand in the areas of leadership, human capital development, policy, and governance within a public sector environment. While my undergraduate course had been indispensable in carrying out the duties of my current job, I β†’

Discuss how and why lycurgus was forced to reform sparta. explain what the lycurgan reforms were and how they came to forge spartan identity

Although people could vote in order to cast their opinion the ultimate decision was of the senate as they had the power to decide if a vote is required. To solve this Lycurgus took over all the land and everyone was given an equal piece in order to ensure that money does not become a β†’

Customer experience management

Customer Service- Customer for Life discussion For companies to succeed in this very competitive world, they need to be able to attract many customers. In order to do this, with all the new e-commerce and social tools, companies need to place their customers in control hence manage the customer relationship.

Essential tips for becoming a better swimmer

Before diving in the water, one of the precautionary measures is to fill air in the stomach because the air filled stomach prevents a swimmer from drowning and helps the swimmer keep close to the surface. The real challenge for a swimmer is to reach the surface of water in such a condition.

What factors would influence your vote

John Adams is better known as a political philosopher than a politician as he thinks of the people when he said, " People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity". He led the movement for independence during his stint in the Continental Congress and is a signatory in the declaration of Independence.

Feminist if intel property

The translation of such a situation means that the ownership of rights in relation to quilts is challengeable in the court of law. The case of the women covered in the article is a good pointy of reference on ambiguity of the law when it comes to matters rating to property law.

Micheal kors

The Role of Business in the Economy Business plays a great role in the economy. Moreover, businesses pay taxes to the government thus allowing the government to work on the taxes collected, which help in the development of the country; hence, the business plays a fundamental role in the economy.

Rational emotive behaviour therapy and other cognitive approaches

The use of REBT acknowledges the essentiality of other cognitive approaches. The underlying interest of all of the existing cognitive approaches is to foster the psychological welfare of individuals in their lives.

The concept of freedom

I am free to avail the luxuries of life and sooth and comfort myself by the bounties of the Lord and the beauties of the world. This is my concept of freedom, and I am proud to say, " I am free and enjoy being free".

Reading on a scandal in bohemia by sir arthur conan doyle

It is linked to the extraordinary talents of Holmes of which Watson admired and after the marriage he somehow failed to be in touch with him. The phrase ' dark incidents' refers to the interruption that happened in the association of Holmes and Watson.

The art or propaganda debate between du bois and alain

He called on the Negro Art to help in the effort to emancipate the Negro to be equal and therefore, for art to have value, it has to be used for Propaganda. Du Bois on the other hand is a " pragmatist" in the treatment of art seeing it as a tool to advance the β†’

Academic pursuit in financial engineering

Depending on the context in question, academic records can be both accurate and inaccurate measures of personal ability and potential. My academic history is rich and I am therefore exposed to vast information and knowledge.

Study of world cultures

The factors contributing to the emergence of boundary problems in organizations relate to Cultural Communication Dimensions and Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions. Masculinity is common in Arab countries as they clearly stipulate the roles of males and females.

A campus/community event

A typical example of a person with generalized anxiety disorder is the one who has misplaced his watch and insisted that the housekeeper stole it. He believes that these neighbors are conspiring to get him out of the neighborhood and take over his wife and property.