Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Talk about how institutional racism has continue in the fabric of our social structure but how it persist specifically in our government

Institutional racism is likewise existent in the government, most particularly at the federal level; although, it was thought to have ceased after the election of the first Black president in the person of Barack Obama. In fact, " Despite claims that we live in a " post-racial" society after the historic election of Barack Obama, β†’

Analyse how 3 complementary therapies (acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage) differs from conventional medicine

It follows proven scientific procedures and techniques in treating the symptoms of disease, unlike the former where the root cause of the disease is addressed. To promote good health among " Native Americans" " the World Health Organization had encouraged the integration of traditional healing and Western medicine".

Human rights: history and theory(answer the question)

The written sources, the Vedas, the Analects of Confucius, the Bible, The Quran, The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi are the oldest of the scriptures which have instructions regarding the rights and responsibilities of people. The modern documents regarding human rights are somewhat the sequels of the previous documents which declare the rights of people like β†’

Plan of the media watch project:

Plan of the Media Watch Project: The following are the step by step procedure that I followed during the of the media watch project. Based on this I figured a comparison of reactions to the ban in the UK and the rest of Europe is a suitable topic for the project.

First things first

I waited until he got to the bedroom and I quickly ran up and changed the channel to 373, The Word Network. He understood why I wanted him to participate and loved how I explained it to him, but he had already made plans to use the money for something else.

Child observation in an elementary school special education

Case Analysis: Seemingly it can be said that the session durability is much longer for Nicholas and he shows excitement to learn with the aid of activities rather than lectures and discussion. For this purpose, it is probable that the activities should be included during the classroom session.

Change in the codes after the fire in nightclub

The fire was started by fireworks/pyrotechnics which ignited the foam insulation which was installed around the stage Firefighters hurried to the scene of the fire and arrived five minutes after it started but found that the fire had already burned up to the roof. The first code is seen to be the installation of fire β†’

Monetary policy in the united states

In this manner it affects the rate of interest in the market and ensures the growth in credit and money supply. A high cost, in the form of a higher rate of interest, will discourage borrowing.4.

Essay #3: communicating in a virtual world: the paper

Communicating in the virtual world is making us lose our identity as a human being and hence is creating a danger of increase in mental health problems like social phobia, fear, worry and emotional maladjustment. Communication in the virtual world is proving to be a potential threat to the emotional, social and physical health of β†’

How do you envision the city of the future

A Glimpse of the Future Full Envisioning the future may not be difficult or impossible to do with the help of modern technology nowadays. Thus, it could be said that the future city will have many tall buildings which are arranged systematically for the ease and comfort of humans.

Creating shared value: how to reinvent capitalism and unleash a wave of innovation and growth

Therefore, the central purpose of the article relates to unlocking the wave of business growth and innovation through the establishment of shared value between society and the economy. My reaction and evaluation of the article There exists brilliance in the intent of the article especially concerning addressing the interrelationship between business and the society.

Career development

Running Head: Career Development Career Development [Institute's Career Development Career development can be defined as the social economical, mental and physical circumstances under which an individual can design his/her career and follow a sequential path on which he can accomplish his career. A proper career development enhances the educational performance of the individual, self esteem β†’

Seminar in criminology -classmate response 11

For example, as noted in Sykes' study, majority of inmates in prisons get deprived of some of the freedom that people outside prisons take for granted. Rodriguez has made a perfect comparison between the study and the events occurring in the documentary.

International corporate finance and financial markets

International Corporate Finance and Financial Markets International Corporate Finance and Financial Markets Introduction Globalization is increasingly becoming a modern business strategy in the world today as companies as companies struggle to compete for the global market. Regulation of the global finance is another crucial role played by the international corporate finance and financial markets.

Coy mistress assignment

Coy Mistress Assignment Part A: Topic: " To His Coy Mistress", by Andrew Marvell: Monologue of the mistress He says we have a small world and a little time, To be shy, is it a crime, as we have a huge world and a long time? He is concerned about the material and physical love β†’

Summary langley

His experience of being frisked and detained for twenty minutes by a police officer when skating at the University of California sparked this plea when he realized the vagueness of the rules and regulations about skateboarding. He was surprised for the police officer's treatment of him, being considered like a criminal when he was just β†’


The current goals of the company is to maintain the standing of the company as one of the most recognizes as well as respected brands in the world. Some of the examples of functional tactics of the company include ongoing expansion in the foreign markets, increase in product categories and growth in the distribution channels β†’

Universal access to healthcare in the usa

Project Proposal/ Definition of the Problem According to a research by the Common Wealth Fund, the United s doesnot provide universal access to healthcare. The problem of healthcare access in the U.

Ethics issues

In pursuing these different values in business, there is need to take into consideration the concept of business ethics which is more concerned with serving the ends of human well being. In this way, there is need to identify and implement standards of conduct that will ensure that business does not negatively impact on the β†’


For the better part of last year, it seemed, the Justice Department, the exchange commission, the FBI as well as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority launched investigations on exchanges and HFT firms for violations ranging from insider trading and breach of other wall street regulations. With the exception of the fact that in this case, β†’


Complains About Auto Tariffs The article here is about the U. The article reinstate that the Chinese government is acting soberly on the complaint of America to The WTO relating to the hike in tariff of automobile and midsized cars.

The role of mass media in violence in society, effects of socialization

Gender socialization refers to the process of learning what is expected of us in a society based on our gender. Gender socialization is dominant such that adults think and act based on the confines of what culture dictates based on our gender.

John smith, roger williams, and mary rowlandson present vastly different views of native americans. how do you account for the differences

The difference in how Robert sees the Native Americans can be accounted for by the fact that he was a Christian minister who saw the natives as being equal to the white settlers. Mary thinks of them as mainly being noble savages for capturing her but on the other hand having the ability to survive β†’

Financial management of healthcare organizations

The period of analysis runs from 2003 to the year 2007 and it captured the following areas: combined Balance sheet, consolidated statement of change, combined statement of operations, cash flow statements and brief notes of the organization's financial statements. The audit considered assessment of accounting principles, the presentation of statements and the supporting evidences for β†’

Effects of financial crisis on austria

Effects of financial crisis on Austria The recent financial crisis has destroyed the economic backbone of many countries and Austria is also not an exception. Unemployment and inflation increased a lot in Austria as a result of the recession.

Journal article

20 NUMBER: 6 PAGES: 418-421 SUMMARY OF PROBLEM TO BE INVESTIGATED This article addresses sonographic detection of uterine dehiscence, which is the incomplete separation of the myometrium at uterine scar site. Some of the symptoms of uterine dehiscence may include pain or vaginal bleeding and its significance is linked with the possibility for a complete β†’

The mid-east

Furthermore, the Israel is further right in their claim that Jews probably need a state of their own after the tragedies of the holocaust, where the entire people was nearly exterminated, it is impossible to argue that Jewish safety is not augmented by the state. One of the fundamental problems with conflict in the middle β†’

Tort reform

According to Thomas Gallagher, an official of University of Washington, the goal of the reform is to improve the culture of health care communication with the objective of mitigating medical malpractices and thereby increasing patient safety. The state of Texas successfully implemented the tort reform in 2003 in order to improve the efficacy of the β†’


Also if the communication becomes a general address and the right medium is not used to convey information, it ceases to be effective. Distortion of facts and information can be a huge deterrent to effective communication.

Undefined and my goals

My decision to continue my studies in the MSc in Human Resource Management programme in Portsmouth University has taken a lot of research and I am confident that Portsmouth University is the institution which will provide the courses and additional knowledge in Human Resources Management that I am looking for. I am responsible individual and β†’

Nutrition labels

They are also decided to help in partnership with food industry to advice and provide vital information so that the problems of obesity can be reduced to a great extent due to the misuse of food consumption by the people. The %DV helps to decide if a serving of food is high or low in β†’

European and native american culture

European and Native American Culture European and Native American Culture The relationship between Native Americans and European Colonialist had its difficulties, at first the settlers we welcomed by the natives chiefs but due to the nature of the early settlers to conquer, nature of the relationship changed. However, but all this kindness from the settlers β†’

The capital buffer and capital planning-banks

The Article Capital Buffer and Capital Planning-Banks The primary objectives of the author of this article are to highlight the capital requirements of the Basel Capital Accord to identify, assess and aggregate all possible types of uncertainties relevant to them and underpin them. The pillar claims that all financial institutions need to improve the β†’

Introduction to business

These advance and diverse need of modern consumer and expansion of market is the major reason of the need to employee-diversified workforce. Recruitment of a diversified workforce and creating a welcoming environment for these employees helps to increase motivation and commitment of employees towards the organization.

Data collection proposal

1 Primary and Secondary Data The difference between primary and secondary sources of data is crucial in social research. Quantitative data will be used in determining the number of patients who responded differently when put under Bariatric surgery.

Assessment of the patient with acute abdominal pain

The focus of this article was the treatment of patients who present with abdominal pain and the role of the nurse in meeting the needs of those patients with regards to taking histories, assessing potential causes of their pain, and pain management. While such thorough questioning may be time-consuming, a complex and possibly very serious β†’

Banking institutions in the u.s

S need to hold the reserves that are the same as a portion of the quantity of the liabilities of banks that is owed to clients, this is popularly referred to as fractional reserve. Banks must keep their Federal Reserve accounts to be in a position of lending their funds to another bank in case β†’

Accounting– annotated bibliography

This article is related to the accounting field since it talks about figures and statistics. This article is very important for business people as it seeks to enlighten them about the important aspect of fair value in accounting.

Discussion: interest rates

As inflation goes up, banks and other financial institutions raise interest rate to serve as a hedge against depreciation of the quantitative value of money. Higher economic output and savings are however associated with lower interest rates because they indicate the robustness of the economy, which gives an indication that the quantitative value of money β†’

Memory processes

This would also be a good way to write the terms into a story that I could memorize and use when I was using the test. Both theories suggest that there needs to be a relationship between the learning and the environment in order to create learning in the individual.

U.s. citizenship

The primary reason as to why children born of parents illegally in the United States should not be granted citizenship is because many of these parents purposely have their children on American soil in attempts to obtain citizenship for themselves. People in favor of granting citizenship to children born in the United States to illegal β†’

Code of ethics

of Ethics of Ethics To serve as a guide to all employees and directors of Brook House, a of Ethicsand Business Conduct is provided to ensure that all employees do business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. All employees and directors of Brook House are expected to follow the Code of Ethics and β†’


Phillis Wheatley's books have several important qualities that contribute to the popularity of these writings and make the works of this author very popular on any book market. It is not very difficult to note that this poet's works include her anticipation of the literary conventions of Romanticism.

How social website are making kids smart

This is because social media is not only a great medium to get up to date news and information but at the same time hones kids' interpersonal skills. This willingness and interest in kids to use social media brought about by the enticing and fun way that social media is marketed is also one strong β†’

Business strategy

In order to ensure that the implemented strategy is working efficiently, it is important for the Cath Kidston Ltd to review and evaluate the strategy outcomes closely. This is the ultimate phase for the organisation to analyse the effectiveness of the strategy implemented and to make proper changes to the strategy if necessary.

American identity

The Identity Since long, United States has been the looked up to by the activists of the entire world as the nation that has optimum respect for the individual rights and liberty. The identity of the United States basically is restored upon the various principles that the country has followed like that of tolerance and β†’

Compare and contrast of technology

The addition of the virtual world and the attachment and detachment from the real world has resonance in it. Bill shared his opinion about the ethical issues stirred up due to genetic technology and hence public has condemned about it as well.


At this juncture, the decision of the treasury team to bring the risks of the entire operation units under a single roof, that is, grouping many risks into a portfolio of risks through an integrated risk management program is praise worthy. Though the new idea of an integrated risk management program by combining all the β†’

Women’s health

Women's Health In the study of the issues that are affecting women's health, there are a number of ailments that can be considered to have the most detrimental effects on the basis of the fact that it can affect the women more than the men. The said risk can be considered as the main reason β†’

Bacterial biofilms and disease

Bacterial Biofilms and Disease A bacterial biofilm is a structured community of bacterial cells enclosed within a self-produced polymeric matrix and sticking to an unmoving or living surface. Figure 1.

Explain why children of the poor are more likely to be poor than children of the non-poor. is that fair or unfair (to whom) be explicit and make your argument

Statistical data is pessimistic; according to Ratcliffe & McKernan, 16% of all children in the US are born poor. Children who are born in poor families where parents are employed have more chances to improve their material status in their adult life.

Human resources management staffing

Once the new employees are recruited, employee retention through the company culture and congruity in values between the company and the employees is necessary to ensure that the best environment is maintained translating to improved performance1. Talent Management Process The talent management process is very essential in controlling talented employees entering and leaving the business.

Health studies

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT By Community Development Introduction Community development is a process where community members come together to take collective action and solutions to common community problems. The sole purpose is starting a change in the social environment by identifying issues that are of great negative impact to the community and developing possible solutions.

Business ethics

BUSINESS ETHICS Business Ethics Business ethics varies from one to another due to differences in culture and value systems. In the United States, for instance, bribery to acquire a business is forbidden.

History what if phase 5 ip

The history of the World War II suggests that the greatest impact this war had in African and Asian countries through the processes of decolonization and modernization coming to these geographical regions. In spite of great evils caused by the war, many developing countries became independent immediately after the end of the war, but the β†’

How products are made: coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages that are derived from the coffee beans. Apart from the conditions of the climate, the soil too plays a vital role in cultivating the coffee beans.

Literary terms sentences

Satiric Poem: The use of the metaphysical conceit, comparing the lover to the beginning and the end of the universe, may be argued to suggest that this poem is satiric, in that it mocks the convention of the metaphysical poem.4. Allusion: The first line of the Frost poem Fire and Ice is a Biblical allusion, β†’

Mgt501 – mgmt. and org. behavior session long project 2 (jung typology test.)

In conclusion I feel that this assessment of my nature and personal managerial competence is very accurate. The ENFJ category of people are referred to as, ' the Caregivers', which I feel is a true portrait of my nature.

Seasonal flu

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has increased its warning to all individuals, especially for us who are the first line in defense of illness, regarding a new influenza virus which began causing illness in people and spreading around the world. In this regard, all employees of Kennedy Health System are enjoined to take β†’

Admission application to uk universities for engineering

The fact that my peers referred to me as an engineer and would come to me to satisfy their needs made me obsessed with cars, which left me with unending crave to become an engineer in the future. My intention to pursue undergraduate degree in engineering is to gain adequate knowledge that would make be β†’

High speed stereo imaging techniques for flame studies

Properties and Behavior of Novel Laser Sources Developing novel laser sources has been one of the active researches since the invention of the first laser more than five decades ago. The inventions of optical systems, laser, and detectors have enabled experts to obtain quality and fast images for diagnostic purposes.

Prosecution and extradition of person having committed acts of terror

and Section # of Prosecution and Extradition of Person having committed acts of terror Introduction The topic of prosecution of terrorism, and terrorism itself, has been under a lot of discussion in the recent past. Another reason to prosecute in the homeland is the difference in terms of the penalty and the actual sentence.

A motivation letter

Your telephone number Individual position of manager, etc.of company Address of company City, Country, etc of company Day Month Year of use Mr / Ms / Individual name, This correspondence is in reference to a position in the auditing department of Your Company that was advertised in This Publication or Job Board. It is my β†’

Understanding the history of community heaath

of the of the of the Community Health Communities can be defined in several ways. Therefore, population oriented health care can be defined as interventions that seek to prevent disease and promote health, in order to enhance the overall health profile of a community.

Illegal pay discrimination

As a result, call centers usually offer their employees incentives for performing their job well, though the boost in the employees' performance will, most of the time, only last long enough to gain the incentive. Incentives can motivate employees to be more successful at their job, but the boost in performance will only be short-term.13.

World business culture group presentation

MEXICAN LANGUAGE AND GENDER CULTURE Mexican Language and Gender Culture Audience: Peers and Purpose ment: To inform the audience about Mexico language and gender cultures as it is important to know of these before exploring business opportunities in the foreign country. As such it is important to remember that patience and time is needed to β†’

The 1993 family and medical leave act

D, & American Bar Association. M, & International Personnel Management Association.


The deception that these imitations are giving to the consumers makes them believe that they will get the same value of the product in buying an authentic one. This ethical dilemma in Havaianas marketing is something that will not be easily controlled as there are a lot of players in the industry today that had β†’

Desire/passion for writing and pursuing journalism major and career

Instead of opening myself to others, I used to share my thoughts and feelings with my diary. I enjoyed writing my version of different stories that I used to read.


The world depicted in Sunjata is deterministic world where the supreme being has already carved the destiny of the heroes. The common people's destiny is attached to the fate of the hero.

Expereince attending a regaee party or concert

The people around me are blending into one colorful unity with the interior of the club, which is oozing a sort of a 60's hippie joyfulness and ecstasy. This is where the whole world is united through music, they are one and I am a part of this divine unity of color.

Why an organization should implement an in person group facilitated patient orientation program for patients diagnosed with cancer

Such programs have been demonstrated to improve mood and enhance quality of life in these cancer patients. Other studies have indicated that the methods of delivery of such orientation programs are important since these methods may contribute to higher levels of satisfaction and lower levels of anxiety in patients with newly diagnosed cancer and in β†’

How to make oral presentation

It is also easier to replace the words on the report with the student's own words for as long as the student understands the thought of the presentation. Do one last review and dry run of the subject matter to be presented a day before the presentation.

Unit 1 forming cohorts and academic integrity

Forming Cohorts and Academic Integrity Forming cohorts and academic integrity Part I Academic integrity Academic integrity is the honest and responsible presentation of academic work. Part II Ways through which I can ensure that I fulfill the standards of academic honesty and integrity One of the ways through which I can ensure that I fulfill β†’

Trends in contemporary trade union membership

5 Male 16 to 19 6.1 6.4 5.3 4.0 7.0 4.7 5.4 5.3 4.7 4. 9 Female 16 to 19 3.7 4.1 2.7 2.7 3.5 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.3 1.

Summary (maple syrup)

Firstly, the fact of the matter is that maple syrup is only produced within two nations of the entire world; Canada. One of these professional organizations that helps to monitor the production of Maple syrup in Canada is known as the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers.

Briefing note: for the forthcoming east asia summit

The other key partners in the East Asian summit are Japan and South Korea, both not having very healthy relationship with the North Korean dispensation, for a variety of reasons. Bajoria, Jayshree.' The China-North Korea Relationship.' Available online at 2.

Pathogencity and immuneology; host resistence and the immune response

The virulence, resistance and the antigenicity of the microorganism are the most important in my view to determine the spread and severity of the disease that it may cause 2. Infectivity is a measure of the ability of an agent to multiply and cause a disease.

Provide an example of one of the forces in porter’s five forces model – the threat of the entry of new competitors

The high entry barriers show that the threat of new entrants and thus for any competitors for Boeing is quite low. The threat of new competitors for Boeing is quite low it is because barriers of the knowledge and expertise required for the business as well.

Being a retail analyst

Obviously, the retail analyst also should have strong mathematical and analytical skills because it is his duty to figure out the meanings of charts and numbers and how that information affects the success of the business. The job is quite enormous but to one who is inclined to the task, it is quite simple and β†’

Why i want to be a doctor

My experience in the hospital and the medical missions also highlighted my limitations in helping the sick. My heart and my body are prepared for the great mission, but I need to have God's instrument crafted and calibrated and this has got to be done in the best medical school.


Honoring Mary is a deed of affection that always converts to God's glory, which further shows the masculine nature of Catholic doctrine. Question 3 What surprises me most about Songs of Solomon is that the Shulammite woman kept her virginity and purity for Solomon whom she honestly looked forward to be her future husband.


Based on the fact that the two business owners deliberately committed the offence with the aim of fraudulently getting financial assistance from the insurance company, this resulted to hard fraud. This means that even though the actual cause of the firefighter's death was the fire, Andy and Tara had no intention to commit a murder.

The choice of research design

Q 2 Type of Research Design The survey research design that would be suitable for this work is in person or personal questionnaire type. The second significant issue with this kind of survey research design is cost in relation to time and resources needed to conduct the research.

Psychology, sleep theories

327155 October ' 09 Theories of Sleep It was only in the twentieth century that the subject of sleep became a topic of interest and scientists began to research on the sleep process and explored some of the major problems associated with sleep. This paper will outline some of the basic facts about sleep such β†’

Health issue of aboriginal

Health Issue of Aboriginal Affiliation: The aboriginal are aware of their health issues based on the number of illnesses they have as well as the numerous visits they make to the health centers. They however blame the government and the issue of racism on their predicament and not the fact that majority are uneducated hence β†’

Smart parking-management system for commercial vehicle parking at public rest

The study has helped to show that there is a shortage of parking facilities, hence the need to develop a technology that will help in the management of the existing parking facilities. Engineers lead in the design of parking facilities that adhere to modern technologies.

Accounting of enron

An employee such as Sherron Watkins can act as a whistle-blower to the outside authorities with regards to the on-goings within the company in the event that the company engages in a breach of law or poses a threat to public interests. With regard to the market, Machan further goes on to note that government β†’


However, the device has no impact in an individual's body fat index as science indicates that the device transfers the shift of water in the body to give an illusion of fat loss. However, it is certain that the companies prey on their consumers that these so-called transformations will leave their audience in awe and β†’

Rebt and treatment of anxiety

REBT and Treatment of Anxiety Rational emotive behaviour therapy is the active, time-limited, directive, present-centred structural approach to treating various disorders which include depression, anxiety and phobias. Using the two forms of thinking, the innate tendency of humans to interpret and the strong biological human motivation to change and improve things for the better β†’

A danger to fourth amendment rights 302 wk3

A Danger to Fourth Amendment Rights A Danger to Fourth Amendment Rights The majority's dismissal of the dissent is not satisfying not only due to possible growing tensions with minority community but also because it implies more value on the law enforcement officials' constitutional rights compared to the rights of the people they serve. In β†’

Personal statement

I decorated some handmade brochures and posted them all over the school to market the business. In my opinion, it is one of the best ways to express your feelings and I love how challenging it is, the way you keep on adding details till you reach a clear result.

Emotional development in adolescents

Emotional Development in Adolescents Emotional Development in Adolescents Emotional development in adolescents is frequently distinguished by rapidly changing emotions. When teens of the opposite sex come together, the way they talk, pause and carry out themselves, in general, is different with the way teens of the same sex will behave.

The outsiders and saints and roughnecks/reaction paper

A reaction to the common issues highlighted in " The Outsiders" and " Saints and Roughnecks The reaction ment: " The society tends to punish only the poor for their visible crimes, although the invisible crimes of rich are more severe and heinous than those of poor". Reaction: The society in which we live can β†’

Talk about philosophies and theories behind entrepreneurial behavior

Reference to the profile of the entrepreneur and academic environment, it was concluded that the selected entrepreneur is specialized in multimedia and web design. In reference to marshaling theory, the author concurs that the entrepreneur must possess entrepreneurship knowledge and business environment.


DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DRY HEAT AND MOIST HEAT As mentioned above dry heat and moist heat can both provide sterilization but they differ in some manners. Due to its slow mechanism of action sterilization by dry heat is done at 171 degrees centigrade for 1 hour and the time may increase depending on volume.