Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Sylvia plath (who she was, what did she do, why is she remembered)

Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath was born in1932 in Jamaica Plain, her parents belonged to a middle family, and she had good writing skills and wrote her first poem at the age of 8. Sylvia life looked perfect from the outside but she also had to face many difficulties in her life, the first one was β†’

Unions and health & safety – unitarism & pluralism

Union and Health & Safety Unitarism & Pluralism Unitarism and Pluralism can be acknowledged as the most prominent perspective of Industrial relation, that is, the relation between the management and the workers. Available at:" Development and implementation strategies of the national occupational safety and health policy", n.d.

Court of chancery of delaware

The court, consequently, engaged in a detailed analysis of these input assumptions, identifying them as " four principal areas of disagreement the value of ABC's coal reserves, the value of ABC's investment in the VP-5 mine in Virginia, the amount of ABC's excess working capital and, finally, the EME report on the purported environmental liability β†’

Real world example

The primary goal of the show, as designed by the project manager, is not to profit off the products it endorses but to provide a really positive, light, and uplifting experience to the public. The major interesting aspect of the show which went right on the set was related to the way crude facts were β†’

Classic comparative advantage vs. porter’s competative advantage

The industry structure and the positioning within a particular industry are the basis on which Porter has promoted his theory of competitive advantage. He states that the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, and the threats of substitutes and new entrants affect the industry competitors and in turn, the industry competition.

For ucas

My career goals are to finish my engineering course with the exceptional pass mark, and continue to a diverse level of the course. Consequently, I kindly ask for a chance in your learning institution, to increase my skills in the Electrical Engineering field and support myself in further studies of the course.

Newspaper op-ed

The negative effect of the proposed bill to Public health In Turkewitz' s article identifies various efforts by the public in seeking rights to choose whether to use experimental drugs. The essence of any law is to regulate operations in a given manner.

The implications of obesity on health

Obesity has wide ranging serious implications on the health of the children and adults and therefore needs to be addressed urgently. The fast food therefore, is highly detrimental for health.

Elder abuse esclates

Purpose of the Topic: To persuade elders to donate their body organs after death and to act upon their decision to donate despite their increased abuse by community as they are seen as not of importance to the society. Conclusion As you have seen donating organs is a simple process and the best gift that β†’

The moral sense in lord jim by joseph conrad

The moral sense in " Lord Jim" by Joseph Conrad In his novel " Lord Jim" Joseph Conrad tells the story of a ship voyaging across the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. Thus, the moral sense of Jim is vague and incomplete and his moral virtues limited.

Goal statements

GOAL MENT After graduating with a bachelor of science in psychology, I saw the need to pursue my master's degree in mental health counseling. The ultimate goal is to start and operate a non-profit organization in the future to carter for the increasing number of mentally challenged persons.


In Sherry Baker's article, " Children in danger from exposure to common chemicals, new studies confirm," the author divulges into alleged causes of asthma in children, which are the toxic chemicals of common products. While Baker focuses on chemicals as a cause of asthma in children and Miller looks to unconventional techniques to treat asthma, β†’

Book review/summary for lawson b ( 2005) how designers think architectural press

From the book, it is can be established that design can also be used as a noun to describe the final product. The purpose of this study is to understand design education and technology, mostly in the recent future, given that with the growth in technology the design field can also to grow in order β†’

Nancy foner & george fredrickson (editors). 2004. not just black and white: historical and contemporary perspectives on immigration, race, and ethnicity in

Globalization and Poverty Since the devolution of the world economy from 2008 to the present, scholarly inquiry into the expansion of poverty rather than capital have been hard pressed to articulate how this widespread phenomenon previously classified as the blight of ' others.' Indeed, traditional models of the race/class dyad now fall short in confrontation β†’

Physiology and function

But most important function of CCK is contraction of Gall bladder and relaxation of sphincter of Oddi. When food rich in fat reach the duodenum, CCK cause expulsion of bile in the common bile duct and relaxed sphincter of Oddi allow easy passage into the duodenum to mix with the food.

Explaining management decisions (sports management)

This is section will focus on the steps that management take in the culmination of a decision-making. According to Nienaber, the reason competent management takes time here is that the definition of a problem will shape the next process.

Let’s be lefties for a day

And there are times when it is not a diversity in itself that puts a person in the position of being discriminated and disadvantaged. That is why it is so important to make an effort to learn about diversity of people in the workplace, acknowledge the differences and learn to appreciate them.

The seven habits of highly effective teen by steven covey

7) Sharpen the saw simply means that we should continue to develop ourselves by engaging in productive activities that will improve our skills and overcome the fatigue of the same busy life. Through Covey's " Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teen" I learned how to take control of my own life by making choices and β†’

Blood for sale

The British system better promotes freedom and respect for people because of the value that it develops between the donor and the recipient, and the social independence that it has on the donor. Such a treatment limits life to the value of commodities and implies that life can be valued while this is not the β†’


The law of nature and the will of God take precedence in the final consequences of the actions of the characters in this play. The play Antigone, serves as a guide for a solution to the eternal questions of the individual versus the community or, God's rule versus man's rule through the foreboding of Sophocles, β†’

Leviathan by thomas hobbes

Though it may be expected that a natural equilibrium would be reached in such a state of nature with the strong triumphing over the weak, it is noted that this can never be so due to the peculiar nature of power; a state of equality exists in nature where even the weak can kill the β†’

Technology at work

Technology at work The advancements in the field of technology have facilitated the learning of English as a second language and efficient teachers can very well employ technology in teaching, motivating and assessing students in pursuit of their English as a second language. Laborda & Royo reviewing Dudeney & Hockly's book How to teach English β†’

Variability of blood glucose concentration

In the initial portion of the discussion section, the researchers present their conclusion that " variability of glucose concentration was a significant and independent predictor of ICU and hospital mortality and that it as a stronger predictor of ICU mortality than mean glucose concentration". One major deficiency in the study, that of not considering the β†’

Statistics about coffee consumption in the united states

Two of them named Jane and Rena will provide the capital for the initial setup of the coffee shop and the third friend named John will get 20% of the profits but he will not participate in the management of the business as he is the owner of the place where the shop will be β†’

Dating paragraph

My family and friends mean the world to me and the comedies I enjoy are diverse that is including animations such as Despicable Me, I feel it is important to have a sense of humor and indulging one's inner 10-year old from time to time is allowed. That being said, I should point out that β†’

Engineering management

I hope to complete my graduation in Dec 2014, after which I am willing to continue my education in the field of Engineering Management at a reputable university. I am of the opinion that learning is a lifelong process and the only way of bringing improvement in one's life.

Standard normal distribution and potential ambiguity on the t-distribution

I share the initial assertion that there is predominant general knowledge of the standard normal distribution and potential ambiguity on the t-distribution unless students or researchers had been provided with courses on statistics and probabilities. TAs such, the post illumined contentions that despite the popularity of the standard normal distribution, there are true, some areas β†’

Types of roommates

The three most common roommates are the quiet type, the fun-loving party roommate and the dependent roommate. People have different behaviors and preferences, and these determine the type of roommates one is likely to encounter.

Hum m3 jak

According to Branden, moral values guide people towards the achievement of self-esteem and pleasure. On the values scale, I scored medium importance in terms of power and achievement.

Report* need sensitivity analysis(ms excel data tables) and break-even analysis(ms excel solver or goal seek)

However, when making the purchase for most of these items, the personnel may attract discounts that may reduce the overall cost estimates depending on the supplier Table showing the cost estimates of building the house Figure 1 showing the breakdown of costs as per the material types used with possible percentages. Estimate the required return β†’

Why rebalancing could be a huge mistake

As per the advice of the article, the author indicates that during a rising stock market, the individual investor should seek to sell stocks and by bonds; with the expectation that the rising stock market will ultimately result in a sudden or rapid reduction in stock price thereby decreasing the overall amount of money that β†’

Long-term and short-term goals

Moved in part by his success, and in part by my own desire for a thriving career, I have chosen to continue my postsecondary education. Consistent with what I feel to be a fact about my life so far, I am not satisfied with reaching the minimum standard of performance and instead, I am driven β†’

Teacher as a learner

The idea of " teachers as learners" is founded on the fundamental notion of education as more than the transmission of information and ideas to s, but the development of students' intellectual capacities, their thinking, and their reasoning. In this respect, effective teachers must also be effective learners who understand the evolving process of education β†’

Groups process and practice of discussion

The counselors usually approach the counseling process from a technical perspective considering the delicate experiences and feelings of members of the groups. According to Corey and Corey, short-term goals of groups of HIV/AIDS, college student and perpetrators of domestic violence is usually to prepare members for the actual activities of the group and involve encouraging β†’

Cola wars continue:coke and pepsi in 2010

However, only a few people understand the history behind Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola; the two soft drinks that have defined out lifestyle with Coke being a product of Coca-Cola while Pepsi-Cola is a product of Pepsi. In line with this, decline in prices of CSDs makes the soft drinks affordable to a majority of consumers, which β†’

Psychological disorder

In Bateman A.W.& Tyrer P.'Psychological Trement for Personality Disorders' Advances in Psychiatric Treatment.2004. In Bateman A.W.& Tyrer P.'Psychological Trement for Personality Disorders' Advances in Psychiatric Treatment.2004.

Peer review of the proposals

The points out each part precisely, including the hypothesis, purpose of the study, the main topic being covered, subjects, research methods, and possible conclusions of the study. The content of the proposal is clearly expressed, and the focus of the study stated clearly.

Defining social justice

Shookner defined social justice as, " Distribution of the social and economic resources of society for the benefit of all people". Therefore, Hawkins considers social justice as a phenomenon that is of great importance to the disadvantaged and the marginalized groups in society.

The advertisement of an insecticide spray

To get ahead of the competition, they needed an advertisement that would really show off the good qualities of an effective insecticide spray. They could not show Baygon taking out a dinosaur or a crocodile, the product is made for insects and such a concept would be wrong and disturbing at the same time.

Conclusion for a business proposal for jamba juice

In such an environment, the best investments opportunities are awarded to the brand that has ingenuity and creativity to be able to meet the needs of the airport customers. For the business to achieve the status of the industry leader and the number one store in the airport, it must secure the initial capital.

Six main perspectives in psychology

The psychology of health care: A humanistic perspective. The social psychology of aging: A cognitive perspective.

Ch 10 boeing

This would help the company to attack the problem in a different way and come up with a better strategy." Management worries too much about Airbus, and to hell with the stockholders". Their strategy was to maintain their market share of 60% and deny Airbus of any business, and in the process the management failed β†’

Corporate covernance

Whil th cds cnvrg nd th stndrds imprv f th invstrs lk bynd frnk cnfrmity 2t sk th fctrs which cntribut t th crtin f in th lng run vlut. Whs intrsts thy srv th ffct thy hv n wlth crtin nd risktking nd th frms f ccuntbility thy mbdy r vitl t th functining β†’

Election of 1860

The Republican Party was advocating for the expansion of the slavery into the western nation. It was however Lincoln's victory that provoked the session crisis that later sparked the war that followed.

Profile of world food organizations

The main funding source for the organization's programs comes from the contributions from the members. GAFSP The GAFSP headquarters is in Washington D.C.the management team members include the voting and nonvoting members.

Interest of statement for pharmacy school

I am more certain today about the direction I want my future to take than I have ever been before in my life. Within two years, I volunteered to go to Iraq where I was able to give something back to the public, which I feel is an obligation that I have as a citizen.

Overview of a poem when i heard the learnd astronomer by walt whitman

He stresses upon the word ' I' five times in lines 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7, which shows that he is stressing upon one-to-one relationship of human beings with nature." The proofs, the figures"., and " the charts and diagrams" explained by the astronomer might have been informative for the rest of the people β†’

Professional soccer or accountant

I was prompted to act because I was good in figures and changed my mind to pursue an accounting course at the higher level. I promise to attain my accounting course dream if given a chance at one of the prestigious colleges.

Respond to the discussion about aristotle (for online class-introduction to ethics)

I agree to you when you said that every individual has a certain goal in his/her life and that the goal should be positive so that it may benefit the society as a whole in some way. However, I disagree with you when you tend to define rationality in the context of criminality.

Kill a mocking bird 1.2.2

Her fear and her anxiety at the possible result of the fire and the people it may attack is evident in how she tries to shield herself from the scene. Though Scout is yet unaware of the details of the case her father is fighting, yet hearing insults against her father anger her and rouses β†’

Product helath claims in the media

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine In an online article en d Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Strongly Protect Us from Cold and Flu, Melissa Sokulski explores the solution to colds and flu, which is through acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The author used this strong Chinese finding to back up her claim that acupuncture and Chinese medicine prove β†’

Is pinterest right for your business by jacquelyn cyr

Hence, Pinterest has proven itself to be one of the leading marketing and social listening online social networks. People not only market their products and services through Pinterest, they also involve in social listening and content sharing.5.

Strategic management: mission, vision, and stakeholders (slp)

At the same time, Southwest airline aims to improve its technological knowhow and continue improving the quality of services. Retrieved November 16, 2011 from Southwest Airlines Fact Sheet.

Leadership for mortals: developing and sustaining leaders of learning by dean fink

The instructional approach and method that should be used should cater to the needs and capacities of students to make learning more fun and engaged and harness the creative spirit of children. As a consequence, students and parents focus on the marks; but I think there is more to education than ranking and marks.

Pelamis (wave energy system)

Pelamis One of the greatest strengths of the Pelamis wave energy converter is the fact that it has minimum impact on the environment. The converter is also a great relief to the impending exhaustion and reduced reserves of fossil fuels, and the geopolitical issues related to the control of reserves, and which have been the β†’

From what frequent activity do you derive your greatest joy why is this activity meaningful to you, and how does it shape your perspective on life (500 words or less)

I like baseball because it is a meaningful part of my life that makes me feel needed by my community and enables me to realize my potential in life. Growing up, I was becoming more and more interested in the strategy of the game and baseball coaching seemed to be the best role I could β†’

Eth501, business ethics, mod 2 session long project

The Coca-Cola Company may be the biggest brand in the world, but its employees also experiences same problems as experienced by the employees of any other company. It is the company's duty to inculcate such an environment in the company and practice such ethical behavior that employees have nothing bad to say about the company.

Business plan – (investment)

Therefore the investment choice is in shares and bonds. Therefore the investment choice is in shares and bonds 900000 shares @ 10 9000000 119, 948 in bonds 119, 948 Total 9, 119, 948 From the cash flows of the year 2011 2012 In the financial period 2011 2012 the cash flow on the closing balance β†’

Reinventing knowledge: from alexandria to the internet by ian f mcneely

This is due to the inability of humans to keep the moral law, which Christ kept throughout his life on earth.13.a) In the first chapter of " Reinventing Knowledge", the library used was that of Alexandria because it is one of the oldest libraries in the world built in third century BCE and has a β†’

Social capital

The non-participant and the larger society share the benefits of social capital. Social capital is the foundation of a thriving society.

Business it a professional issues group report

Either medication or psychotherapy could serve as the initial treatment for patients with mild or moderate depression.*Improved patient outcomes in collaborative care programmes goes down after the withdrawal of the mental health specialist and systematic monitoring of treatment.*Psychologists have significantly contributed to patients on depression in primary care and thus there is a rationale why β†’

How did jawaharlal nehru and the top inc leaders modernize the political systems of india according to subrata mitra (2009: 31, 45)

Second, cite the sentences that contain Mitra's first thesis about the model of the Indian state system and his second thesis about the model of the Indian party system. BODY The Topic Sentence: Going through Mitra's account on the political institutions and policy process in India, I cite the following sentences as containing Mitra's thesis β†’

Clinical population and people with mental disorders

To deal with the dilemma relating to the difficulty of obtaining informed consent, a researcher can contact and persuade close relatives such as parents or guardians of the subject to give and sign consent. According to Bordens and Abbott, deception refers to giving false information to the participants in research.

Discuss the risks associated with the flow of water below dams and define the critical hydraulic gradient

On the other hand, the weight of the dam itself and the weight of the dam sub surface soil would tend to exert a downward force on the soil particles. In itself, the critical hydraulic gradient depends on the composition of the dam sub surface soil, the available head at the dam's bottom wall and β†’

Who done it business communications assignments

The system does not post the deposits made by the close of the day. Consequently, the management has audited the system and discovered the causes of the flaws.

Replacing miracle berry for sugar in food

The increased consumption of sugar is largely associated with the increased consumption of processed foods. M, & Kern, M, ' Miracle fruit improves the sweetness of a low-calorie dessert without promoting subsequent energy compensation.

The little princess

However my parents are forward looking and they instilled in me a desire to acquire knowledge and for this they supported my decision to move to the US for higher education. When I landed in the States I got a taste of freedom and for the first time I was on my own.

Health care law

Maxx could be held liable for negligence because he removed the mole from the wrong arm, He failed to conduct a biopsy scan to ascertain if the lump was cancerous. Mentalis defense is that the wife was a Jehovah witness and based on her belief she would not want to determinate her life under any β†’

Shaken baby syndrome literature review

Similarly, the Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect provided a technical report regarding rotational cranial injuries in shaken baby syndrome. Further insight into the contribution of parents and caretakers to shaken baby syndrome as well as the involvement of the community in management becomes evident in the report.

Veterinary population medicine

The authors address the spread of diseases in wild animals and the effects of the diseases on the animals, wild animals' contributions in illnesses that individuals suffer from or the health of tamed animals, safety, financial side, trade, and how to take care of the environment when it comes to globalization. The authors left out β†’

Fundamentals of economics

Standards of Living and Rise in prices: There are so many elements in the standards of living. We have seen the factors those are affecting the standards of living and those are not affecting.

Seminar in criminology classmate response 7

In my opinion, it is not clear whether these are the authors of another article or researchers that are mentioned in Kalven and Zeisel's article. In my opinion, it was also difficult to tell whether these were researchers in the article by Kalven and Zeisel, or authors of a new article.

Theology arguments that the bible is the word of god

333271 No.of Pages 6530 In Elmer Town's enlightening book containing " Arguments that the Bible is the Word of God" we come to understand the importance of finding out the authenticity of these arguments if we are going to believe it is true. Empirical studies about the Bible being the Word of God shows evidence β†’

Ethics of policing:knocking before entering

This is something that the police want to avoid at all costs but due to the underlying circumstances they sometimes have a very difficult time of ensuring the stability of their actions and those of the offender. On the flip side of this coin we of course have those who would state that if the β†’

Crucial role in healthcare

It would be a great feeling to be a part of the health care team to deliver respiratory care for patients suffering from life-threatening disorders like heart and lung disorders. I would able to provide support to patients in accidents and emergencies and, confer pre-hospital respiratory care and treatment.

Mother natures daughters

The state and local officials' responses to the Hurricane Sandy disaster was reportedly significantly better than the state and local responses to Hurricane Katrina. On the other hand, the federal and state officials' response to Hurricane Sandy were deemed to be far better since the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina enabled legislators to make the β†’

What i want my words to do to you

Overwhelmed with pain and emotional distress, she asked the man why and how could he do what he had done to her, and the man seemed indifferent to all that pain. Keila could not take that inhumanly behavior particularly when he came to her with a knife and was about to rape her again.

Explain how the non-poor label the poor and engage in othering. argue whether or not the poor internalize undesirable values and beliefs

The non-poor who are also considered as the upper middle class and the rich tend to label the poor as inferior and lazy. With regard to internalization of the values assigned by the non-poor to the poor, the poor in general do not internalize the values assigned to them because they are not what the β†’

For pharmacy school

When I attended my first pharmacy workshop at UCI, I realized that pharmacy is the only profession that I wanted to adopt because it brings the best of me. Ever since, I conducted intensive research into the area, I was able to gain knowledge that helped me to identify the key areas for specialization in β†’

The sunk cost, status quo and frame traps, that of confirming evidence, and implementation of a decision-making model via account of the bse veterinary services

Upon a thorough analysis of the business requirements at the company, it is important to outline that I would use the seven-step decision-making model to aid me in ensuring that I come up with the best decision for the company. The second decision-making trap that is likely to cloud my final decision is the status β†’

Reaction paper

As David Cole, a Jewish researcher stated it, " The holocaust is an event that seemingly grew in importance since the end of war. However, the killings cannot be deemed as systematic as ' Gassings' and the magnitude of the Holocaust is vastly overestimated.

Journal critque

The paper is aimed to present one of the issues in the society in related to the concept that man is created in the image and likeness of God. The article is leaning on the importance of human's social responsibility in showing the image of God since in the totality of the man, the environment β†’

Tort review

For instance, if the Peter Koz is determined to be 80% at fault and the group of swimmers is determined to be 20% at fault, the swimmers can collect for the damages because they were less than 50% at fault. The insurance company found out that its insured was more than 50% or more at β†’

The fundamental reasons people eat organic vegetables

He argues vociferously that this study is the more valid of the two, and makes many good points along the way. While Benbrook's review did address the idea that the Stanford study failed to examine all aspects of food and health, he did not pay enough attention to that point.

The truth behind the creek wars

The said war is known as the " bloodiest war waged by the Creek Indians against the white people throughout the history" of the country. The group involved in the Creek War was composed of different branches of Indian stock namely Creeks or Muscogees proper of the Upper Creeks, the Hitchitees of the Lower Creeks, β†’


Client's 29 February To whosoever it may concern, Over the last couple of weeks I have realized that one can operate virtually and yet manage to accomplish everything without having an office. I have taken this hard decision to bring down my expenditure, I would love to have an office but honestly, it has become β†’

Human resources

The public sector often is at a disadvantage in terms of recruiting in comparison with the private sector due to the fact that private companies have the ability to offer higher compensation packages than governmental entities. One of the best sources of recruiting new personnel is to recruit new graduates from college.

3 questions in criminal justice and deviance

Ermann and Lundman also offer some suggestions on how to reduce occurrences of corporate deviance, such as " changes in corporate chartering, the protection of whistleblowers, and the punishment of executives involved in corporate criminality". Yes, I think there are common threads apparent in the four articles in the book by Thio, Calhoun and Conyers β†’

How well do we know the arab culture

Given this, it becomes important to understand and respect Arab culture in order the bridge the gap of misinterpretations and conflicts particularly when one is dealing with business and or visiting the Arab countries. This finding belies thinking that all Arabs are Muslims because there are Arab Christians found in many places of the Arab β†’


Racist Language Over the years, language has played a significant role in race relations with some words being used offensively and others honorably; shockingly, it is through this that up to date that people still argue as to whether the 'N word', popularly used to describe people of the African American background should be used. β†’

Employee communications (just paraphrase)

In lieu of the above offer by the United Food, we would like to inform you that we strongly feel that there is no need to form a union in our company. We believe that a union is not the sole solution to management-employee misunderstandings.

American indian history

American Indian history affiliation American Indian history Introduction The lands inhabited by Native Americans were very rich and productive and this lured the interest of many colonies to the region. In another similarity, all the three colonies wanted to change the cultural and religious preferences of the Indians which the American Indians were against.

Animal rights

Both human and animal lives are saved due to the rights of the animals used in the lab. The rights of the animals used in the lab have made it possible for the achievement of human safety without harming the animals.

Hagar in the stone angel

The protagonist of the novel is a ninety years old woman who refuses to adjust herself according to the circumstances. By all means, The Stone Angel is a tragic tale of Hagar Shipley whose tragic flaw, her pride, led her to her destruction.