Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Individual determinants of health a 600-word individual writing piece

This stressed behaviour would also prove to be a challenge because it might prompt him to be reckless in his behaviour wanting to find a shorter and faster way to recover from his injuries so that he can get back to work and take care of his family. His depression would make him feel like β†’

Why america isn’t the greatest country in the world anymore

However, the protagonist anchor in the video clip indicates that America is no longer the greatest country in the world. The anchor points out that America is " seventh in literacy, twenty-seventh in maths, the twenty-second in science, hundred and seventy-eighth in infant mortality, forty-ninth in life expectancy, and third in median household income".

People’s health as the most important think in their life

I have always felt that my mission in life is helping other people. With the course of time, as I learnt more about the world and my place in it, the picture started taking shape.

Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine

There are two treatment regimens for Iron Deficiency 1) Dietary intake of iron i.e.educating the patient to increase dietary intake of iron-containing food so that to compensate for the deficiency. In cases of severe Iron deficiency that could even risk the life of the patient, emergency administration on IV Iron supplements is also advised.

Reflective learning

I realize that it is indeed important to grasp what my learning style is. However, I - as a teacher must figure out what the best teaching is to fit all kinds of learning style.

What are rationalism and empiricism: descartes and hume

Since a priori knowledge is essential to rationalists, conceptions of philosophy ought to be formulated in the context of logical rationalization or one that is carried out via deductive cognition. Descartes is suspicious of the senses because for him, in order to fathom a significant truth, one must doubt all perceived knowledge.


The first response isinteresting because of the highlighted element of practical theories of learning. The classroom setting is an ideal platform to evaluate the complex dimension of change.

Role of religion in paleolithic era

The function of religion in the Paleolithic period revolved around establishing a moral code of existence in relation to a communal life. Religion defined the existence of mankind in the Paleolithic era as a lifestyle.

Pediatric epilepsy caused by irregular brain activity

Jerrod's symptoms became more frequent and he suffered daily seizures which affected his right side of the body. The daily seizures left Jerrod disoriented, weak and tired and thus tests were conducted to find the problem Jerrod suffered from.Dr.

Experiential accounting

I hope to gain a good understanding of the four financial statements and learn the significance of GAAP rules. Question #3 A trusted business advisor must be honest, reliable, and have the utmost ethical standards.

Aristotle democracy

This is why Aristotle believes that remaining a middle-class citizen in a democracy is of more value due to the moderation that is borne of more pious living, even though this position is often forced upon lower-class populations. Because of this tendency, the democracy should be developed and molded in the middle tiers of the β†’

Group reflection paper

When we were getting acquainted with each member, there was a high degree of politeness and consideration, each wanting to show respect and hoping the same to be given by the other member of the group. In addition, the attitudes of each member became more evident so that the group was able to choose on β†’


One of the strengths of the company is the volume of sales that the firm generates. One of the weaknesses of the company is its high fixed cost.


Supply of corn substitute will decrease because given that soy beans is used as a substitute it is consequential that it will be sought to replace corn. Given the scenario, the price of corn oil is likely to increase because the raw material for it which is corn was used in a different manner.

History and political science

Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War The Viet Nam War is one of the biggest wars that the world ever experienced and had some serious consequences1. The author of " Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War," is a professor of history at the University of Indianapolis, and makes a combination of three different formats in β†’

Business ethics

The fear that legalizing illicit drugs will only exacerbate the drug problem did not actually happen such as in the case of Portugal and it is just all in the mind. The trouble with drugs is that it is not only unhealthy to the body, but to the society as well.

Wastewater management

The paper discusses the purpose of wastewater management in upholding the safety of public and environment health. Wastewater management is an essential function in upholding the safety of public and environment health.

Advantages of using a team to develop and complete a presentation

Advantages of using a team to develop and complete a presentation Presentations to any type of audiencewhether it be for business, social, educational or other purposes, when produced and delivered by a team effort offer an enormous opportunity to generate a much greater impact than when developed and presented by a single individual. If audience β†’

Experiment for self-reference

The first group of individuals was between the ages of 19 29 years old, which were comprised of 18 females with the mean age equaling 21. 5 yrs and 12 males with the mean age of 21.

Anorexia nervosa

The start of the presentation immediately catches the attention of the audience. In terms of delivery, the presentation is clear and to the point.

Scepticism versus human nature: david hume, enquiry concerning human understanding

This to Hume just goes on to show that human nature is superior to skepticism in the search of knowledge. Therefore, Hume suggests that attention should be on the power of human nature as opposed to abstract philosophical reasoning.

Videogames as the thesis explicitly

Children find it amusing and entertaining, thereby they are encouraging market of the videogame, but children do not have the wisdom to check the game rating and content and therefore author wants that parents should use their wisdom to guide their wards. What tone has the author set and how did they establish that tone?

New development in health care

Sur 4 October New Development in Health Care Introduction: This report focuses on the understanding of the " adoption of an algorithm and client pathway for the aged and disabled that has significant implications for the health and human service sectors thus reflecting the new developments in the health care systems". Development in health care: β†’

To what extent have eu member states lost the power to control their borders

The paper " To What Extent Have the EU Member States Lost the Power to Control Their Borders" is a wonderful example of a term paper on law. It is also noted that the number of EU employees in the UK is estimated to be three or four times the number of Britons working elsewhere β†’

Western civilization

Western Civilization Civilization is described as the social process through which a society achieves an advanced stage of development and organization; moreover, it is used to illustrate the state of the society at a place. Renaissance illustrates a period of cultural movement and its spread to the rest of Europe whereas Italy is considered the β†’

Medication administration (research paper)

Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will discuss the nursing ethics in relation to the proper nursing management on the administration of medication on patients. Errors in the Use of Medication Dosage Equations.

Andrew peller limited

In this regards, the costs of goods sold excluding amortization are classified as variable costs. The fact that they vary with the useful life of the property, plant and equipment implies that they are classified as variable costs.

Trait theory

The impact of crime, violence or deviance on the criminal justice system as influenced by biological or psychological theories s Name: Institution: Introduction The argument based on the classical school of criminology would perceive crime, violence, and deviance as influencing the criminal justice system, particularly, when the crime or violence results from the use of β†’

Conditioning for strength and human performance

Variable resistance devices were developed to change the point of application of the load on the weight stack to increase the amount of resistance that the lifter needs to overcome. Examples of variable resistance devices are the universal variable resistance machine, Nautilus and the Hammerstrength range of equipment.

Describe and compare

Peasants were the majority and a time was forced to labor or work in military camps by the aristocracy. The major streets were occupied by industrialists and contractors and they become major towns as civilization swept the region.

T-test and chi-test

T-Test and Chi-Test Unit 3 In the T-Test, the first hypothesis is expected that the mean of tenures between 1 and 2 will be similar. Therefore in the given hypothesis the only inference that can only be made suggests is that the difference between the two means is fairly and statistically significant.

Fin 352 (1)

The financial significance of duration is the measure of a bond's correspondence to the interest changes in the economy. Its approach to the market risk is based on measuring three variables that are the level of potential risk, the probability amount of the specified level of risk and the time frame.

Developmental education for the early years

Early childhood teachers according to the author play an important part in making the lives of children adventurous and helping the children turn out to be good citizens in society. Men seeking to enter this field are advised to study child and human development and to have an idea of the growth and development process β†’

History – north and south

Other North and South Most of the current problems facing international relations such as terrorism, armed conflicts and poverty and human rights violations have increasingly been blamed on the political and social economic divide between the wealthy countries of the North and the poorer countries of the South. With regard to the current economic, political β†’

Festival and events

Our choice of venue for the event is Apple cross Anglican Church where it is possible to reduce the total cost for holding the event while still making the guests to have fun. Sustainability of the event is also important in order for it to be successful.

Psychological and neuropsychological tests

Brief summary of the article you located for this assignment Kaplan and Sacuzzo in their book " Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications and Issues" discuss the different types of psychological tests like the intelligence tests, neuropsychological tests among others and how their validity and reliability can be determined on top of explaining how they are conducted β†’

Theoretical approaches

Since chaos and complexity theories both recognize the importance of implementing organizational change and flexibility within the workforce, it makes sense that this theory can strengthen the development of organizational culture. Similar to the theory of chaos and complexity, the theory of dialectical also strengthens organizational culture in the sense that it promotes " conflict β†’

Reading assignemn

Mahmud claims that some of the reasons why he is involved in acts of violence against US targets include the fact that he wanted to reach the government with the message that they are not tolerating the way the government is dealing with their citizens. Some of the modern Islamic justifications for the use of β†’

Perception and communication

The article " An exploratory survey of professional accountants' perceptions of interpersonal communication in organizations" is written by Maubane and Van in 2011. The main aim of the research is to identify and shed light on the issues relating to the perceptions and perceived nature of communication by professional accountants in their interpersonal communication at β†’

Business ethics

The company was listed on both the Indian stock exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. The SEC also fined the company's accountants, Price Waterhouse, $6 million for allowing the fraud to go on without reporting it.

Applying to loyola marymount university

The process of selecting a degree course, an exemplary academic institution to enroll in, as well as other options to avail in terms of pursuing the chosen field of discipline, is evidently categorized as critical thinking. The ability to apply critical thinking skills is clearly manifested as I was faced with the opportunity to pursue β†’

International marketing , exam type of question (planning and communication)

A translator can convey the words but only a person who is well versed in the local market will be able to convey the message of the company. It is doubtful that the government would even permit some of the Benetton ads to be published in countries like Saudi Arabia; therefore, the marketing mix has β†’

Many people have learned to dislike a food after eating it and falling ill

The case has it that such individuals depict avoidance reaction whenever exposed to such food having experienced negative reaction in their first encounter. In this case, the mind is triggered to revisit the past experience and causes the body to respond involuntarily producing the same result.

Personal statement example

However, it is known that even the smallest action such as a single flapping of a butterfly's wings has the ability to initiate a cyclone and in my life, this butterfly came in disguise of the young child I mentioned before". She smiled confidently during the performance and this stimulated me and made me realise β†’

Differences between voluntary and involuntary members of the group

As a leader involved with involuntary groups, I would first engage the members in deep discussion about the importance and necessity of being in the group. Having knowledge about the importance of the group, the members would be able to think of relevant goals and rules that can guide the group.

Type 2 diabetes as autoimmune disease

In diabetes II, the body resists the effects of insulin or does not generate enough insulin; hence, unable to maintain a normal glucose level. According to Fox and Kilvert, the main causes of onset-diabetes include insufficient insulin in the blood, and abnormal insulin; thus, does not function properly.

History of design

Wedgewood developed the concept of the division of labor. John Ruskin ideas in relation to labor and work Ruskin questioned the paying of an artist on the basis of hours worked.

Non-human animals can be agents of morality

The basic concept in understanding the ability of animals to be moral agents is the evaluation of how human morality is distinguished from chimpanzee " morality". In conclusion, non-human animals can be moral agents because animals especially chimpanzees and other primates have the ability to express the emotions of empathy and consolation that are associated β†’

What is art

The brain of the viewer is set to cope with the mood portrayed by the art. Art is used to express differences in various cultures of the world, and the changes that occur with time.

Answer the following macroeconomic questions

One of the major factors which led the mortgage crisis in the the failure of the regulations in the and derivative markets. Large increase in excess reserves allows flexibility to banks in the case of unseemly developments.

Native american from the colonial american era

NATIVE AMERICAN FROM THE COLONIAL AMERICAN ERA Events which took place in the United s of America in the of the 17thcentury were of critical significance to the country's history. The relations between Natives and Caucasian colonists varied from one tribe to another, as exemplified by the Indian tribe and the native inhabitants of Narragansett β†’

Corporate level strategy

Focus in this approach is on utilizing the strengths of the organization and doing only such things which fall under the core competencies of the firm. It is critical to understand that both the approaches can be planned and executed at the same time where an organization may focus on developing core competencies of each β†’

Ikea company and its international retailer selling

The origin of the IKEA concept can be traced back to the time when Ingvar Kamprad, an entrepreneur in Sweden whose idea was to create furniture which would be of good function to cater to the needs of the people who struggle hard to make a living and are used to living a frugal living. β†’

Healthy growth

Adulthood is considered as the last stage of human development. Adulthood is divided into early adulthood and late adulthood and each of the development stage has its unique characteristics.

The deadly nature of the aids virus

The second paragraph deals with the mysterious nature of the AIDS virus. The third paragraph focuses on the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Critical review

His main aim in writing this article is to show the role black residents of Tennessee played in the Civil War in Tennessee, and the impact their presence had on the victory of the Union army. Lovett has clearly made a very good case with regard to the involvement of the then slaves in the β†’

The death of a salesman

The play is a story that tells the ruin of a key character as a result of his personal faults. The minor characters in the play areSamuel Kim a friend of Clifford and Nick who pursue law and his father Mike Campbell who is neighbor to Norman.

Personal statement for university application entry

Brunel University maintains a very high quality reputation in Saudi Arabia and in the United Kingdom for its dedication to creating sophisticated business leaders equipped with not only the fundamental skills of business understandings, but with practical life skills offered by trusted instructors versed in multiple domains of knowledge. Later, after relocating to the United β†’

Redundant array of independent disks

The advantage of controller-based RAID is that it is cheaper because it simply uses processors on the disk controllers. However, controller-based RAID is restricted by the power of the processor and the memory bandwidth of the controller, which makes it slower than IOP RAID.

Aristotles aphorism in hamlet

It was obvious that Hamlet did without a doubt have a character emergency because of his clashing inward and outer encounters and the weights and desires from those in the Royal Court of Denmark. He perseveres through clashing inside and outer encounters, for example, the phantom of his dad asking for him to correct reprisal β†’

Goals and interests

Observation of how people with different cultures interact in the company, I got specifically interested in studying the Canadian culture that I found interesting. My goal is to further my education in English and to obtain in-depth knowledge in Canadian culture.

Essay example

The Black Panther Party aimed at ensuring that the blacks were empowered and that they would enjoy equal benefits as the white. They believed that the government has been robbing the blacks by exercising unfair treatment and as a result they were demanding an overdue debt as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of β†’

New yorks two great waves of immigration

These many ways or approaches to immigrants that also serve as a challenging environment to them are the prejudices that in the past have hindered progress from the newcomers. The role of immigration to American history or to New York history specifically, is as significant as to understanding the purpose of the immigrants' existence.

A better society

Waiting on the World to Change Waiting on the World to Change Dear John, It is with great pleasure that I receive your concern on the state of affairs in the world today. With dedication to the course of changing the world, there are a variety of qualities that should be evident in the society.

Steps for doing research

Information and data will be analyzed and studied thoroughly and its findings will be synthesized with the paper itself. During this process, the paper's structural form will be put into place to keep the research organized and clear to understand.

You decide week 7

Week 7 You Decide The paper aims to evaluate the given scenario assuming that as Bob Yeader, Sales Manager of a small printing company, a rundown of alternative courses of action would be determined to solve the issues concerning Pat Lawson, one of the company's sales persons. In this regard, in the capacity of Bob β†’


Sources from the Past: Readings in History February The caste system in the Aryan social structure 4. The caste system is described in the Rig Veda, which reflects the views of the Brahmin priesthood among the Aryans.

Reforms of frederick 2 and emperor joseph 2

Some of the domestic reforms initiated and implemented by him were: 1. Consolidation of power by providing to the territorial princes a place in the bureaucracy of the government.2.

Informative speech – continuation career path

To come to my career plans in this business, I want to use my education as an IT major to contribute to the success of the company. I believe that with the use of IT in business, it would be possible to manage inventory and sales and purchases in a better way.

My favorite university experience

This was a very amazing event to me because it was the first I witnessed besides that attracted many people including some from the neighboring community. Additionally, it had a programmed, unlike many other such ceremonies that I had ever attended before besides was followed to the latter.

Personal statement example

Resultantly, there is a need to link management tools with financial instruments so as to operate in the diverse and ever-changing environment. The business operates in a financial environment in which there are a constant inflow and outflow of money.

The film gasland

THESIS STATEMENT This thesis intends to focus on the perspective presented through the film, " GasLand" and makes an attempt to build a different bent of mind and school of thought regarding the prevailing system of hydraulic fracturing and the aversive effects it brings on the ecology, environment and society in the United States. GASLAND β†’

Nonprofit governance wa 2

According to a report published by the Charity Watch of the American Institute of Philanthropy, AFM's revenues in 2009 increased to $1. Breach of Ethics: White specifies that the four essential concepts that form the backbone of ethics in non-profit organizations include disclosure, transparency, avoidance of conflict of interest, and oversight.

Quality management

The training, the information shared with me, the interactions I was able to have with staff, and the environment all contributed to my being able to learn and experience more. The " hands-on" nature of much of the learning was very valuable, as I was able to see how instruments worked and experience the way β†’

U07d1 three reform models

The three reforms chosen for the study include, a) Introduction of DRG's by Medicare, b) State Childrens Health Insurance Program and c) Mental Health Parity Act. The paper will provide a brief about each of the three and the success and failure factors will be included within the explanation of the reforms.

Article analysis

Study 2 presented the same situation to the children though the experimenter's goal in case two was to investigate whether the children could identify the dysfunctional objects to be thrown away. The study on paternalistic helping in children revealed the ability of children at this age to reason and makes the appropriate choice towards helping β†’

Deciding to decide review

In the event that the Supreme Court does not necessarily have to be involved, then higher courts more or less apply the same process in justifying the certworthiness of certiorari cases. The importance of the certiorari case is another justification factor considered in the process of determining the certworthiness of the case.

The legend of silver heels by riedy and adams

Upon reaching the abandoned cabin to hand over this token of gratefulness, the survivors became convinced that Silverheels had hidden since the plague had thoroughly scared her. Many years after Buckskin Joe was pummeled down, there were multiple accounts of a woman in black veil gracing the graves of those who had perished in the β†’

Tools of the trade

Project Management: Tools of the Trade Ask any ten project managers what is the most critical component of any project and you will likely get ten different answers. How does the successful manager keep a complex project on schedule and under budget This is where the project manager turns to modern project management tools to β†’

Interest in joining the college

With the experience, I know that the college has brought me to my future because through it I have a permanent opportunity to follow a passion for computer software engineering. In addition to studying software engineering, I am attracted to the college since I am looking forward to working with the diverse group of persons β†’

Discuss the personal qualities and attributes hat you think will be useful, as well as, those that you feel need further develpoment in preparation for the nurs

I love what I do and I am very much determined to gain the necessary skills required for me to excel in this career. I believe that returning to school will furnish me with a more adequate theoretical knowledge of the nursing practice.

Personal statement

I want to pursue this program because it would add to my education and career growth thereby expanding my knowledge of the workings of the business world and provide me a higher platform to prove my worth in giving a new direction and leadership to the business world. The subjects taught during the course of β†’

Movie review example

A good movie about the environment and environmental degradation is the film entitled The River that Harms. Having documentary films like The River that Harms is necessary to increase the awareness of the public about the importance of safety and environment.

Immigration to canada

The paper " Benefits of Immigration to Canada due to the Geographical Location of Canada" is a fascinating variant of a research proposal on politics. I am interested in explaining that immigration to Canada is beneficial, both for the immigrants and the country.

Male divine

The author draws his evidence from a close analysis of elements of the plot, the script, the acting and the way that the films are produced visually. The author reads a divine message in the secular American nationalism of Superman, and reproduces and promotes a patriarchal religious heritage.

Critical issues

Psychological Debriefing The need for critical intervention after a traumatic event occurring to a victim is usually sustained by the risk of onset of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and similar conditions in the victim. From the research indicated, it is evident that post traumatic psychological debriefing is more harmful that beneficial to the survivor or β†’

The airline industry labor relations & deregulation

The airline industry in the U.S. This was commonly used in cutting down transaction costs on the airline industry.

The barrens quest: film summaries assignment

In the issue of the Canadian industry, some species of birds and animals are found on the brink of extinction. Documentary " The Barrens Quest" reveals the concepts and main notions that are contained in the course of Tourism.

Political science or views of madison

Du Bois, on the other hand, rejects the notion and idea of the tyranny of the majority and instead just wants individuals to focus on equal politics and democracy and forget about the division between the minority and the majority. This ideology was what he based his notion of tyranny on and hence the advocacy β†’

Three major causes of the american civil war / which one cuases was most important and why

State as well as federal rights was supposed to be the other factor which gave rise to the American Civil War as the Southern Region of America desired to be entitled for increased state rights instead of the rights in relation to the federal government which was further disagreed and denied by the United States β†’

No returns no problem by hale sheppard

Prior to the rule of law, the IRS would proceed to levy the property to the amount corresponding to the tax arrears. The jurisprudence behind the nomocracy depicts that the IRS issue the notice to inform the taxpayer of his or her right to a pre-levy Collection Due Process hearing.

Reasons for cheating in schools

One of the main reason due to which there has been an increase in cheating is that parents, as well as educationists, have stopped trying to promote anti-cheating sentiments and conducting cheating has become easier. Perez-Pe a reports a study that states that due to the increase in technological advancements and ways to access the β†’

Policy making in carbon capture and storage

The captured energy is then stored in the geological repositories. The coal usage is without releasing large volumes of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The conflict of managers and stakeholders entitlement and needs

This happens because one of the parties which comprises of the managers of a company are expected to act on behalf of the stakeholders best and prioritized interests. This motivates the managers to work hard and make decisions that lead to maximization of the shareholder's wealth.

Engineering ethics

Consequently, he can not reveal to the competitor the pitfalls ahead of that project, as he would be disbursing the important information of his client's project. It is important for engineers to consider the issues of public wellbeing as well as that of the employees.

Jornal 4

This paper seeks to discuss the main features of the Hellenic Polis and some political and cultural innovations of the Greeks. Major political innovations of the Greek are the concepts of a democratic form of government and the rise of the city-state.