Informative Secondary School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Earth day

Earth Day Earth Day As the largest civic event in the world, earth day bears a very significant influence in environmental protection. At a time that there is rapid pollution of the environment, the day is used to highlight the effects and raise awareness about the consequences of the pollution on the environment. Earth day β†’

Difference between alain city and abu dhabi city

The growth and establishment of the city depend on the oil in the region. Presently there are about 568221 people in the garden city.

In africa

The workers undoubtedly have to deal with plague-like conditions in which pesticides are exposed, lack of accesses to toilets is hindered, drinking water is not available, and to efforts are conducted to protect the workers through a union. The majority of the current and former farm workers interviewed about these conditions said they had been β†’

Country size

It is found in French Riviera on the Mediterranean, has an estimated population of 36, 037 people and covers 1. Tuvalu covers an area of 26 kilometers square; she has a population of 10, 441 people, and it found in the south of Pacific.

The best measure of a japans progress

This is because many think that such an association will threaten the dominance of the US in the global market and political sector. This is because it is able to capture the changes that have occurred in the economic sector over a specified period of time.

The work world: perception vs. reality

As we got to know each other, I became curious and engaged the ex-soldiers, Joshua and Caesar, in a conversation. In our informal interview , I came to learn that Joshua had a degree in Law and decided to join military after graduation. I have come to acknowledge that military career, just like any β†’

Travel postcards

This is also evident on the Mexican, Caribbean image, where the sea is extremely painted blue, surrounded by perfectly green vegetation. Aesthetic value of the places indicated on the postcards is another characteristic that has been given a high sense of emphasis. Another image that indicates a higher emphasis on the aesthetic value of the β†’

The devils bermuda triangle

In spite of the high standards of advancements made in the areas of science and technology, these mysteries in various corners of the world still are a source of questioning and curiosity for the humans. The Bermuda Triangle is one of these locations of the world that has been a source of curiosity and attraction β†’


I am currently enrolled for majors in the field of geography and this relates to my particular interest in the geographical diversity that is found all over the world. The field that I believe particularly suits me is to be a geographical analyst who knows as to how things are working in accordance to geography. β†’

The nutrition status of haiti

Improvement is noticed in as little as a few weeks as the children's hair become shiny and black instead of the dullish orange hue that is symptomatic of malnutrition. Known risk factors which are associated with malnutrition include the size of families; smaller children may not be able to compete with older children in getting β†’

Week 11 exercise

By building the city at an interior and central position, the government desired to draw people away from the coastal strip and develop the interior parts of the nation. The region is the fastest growing and developing area in the city and has a population estimate of 65, 000 people.

Questions about election maps

The main reason of using maps in an election result is due to the fact that maps are simple to read and interpret too.. Let us therefore look at the examples of election maps commonly used. The first type of such maps is referred to as the online maps.

The geography of north america

North America Physical Geography North America is made up of two countries: the United s, which has 50 s and the District of Columbia; and Canada. North American culture is also all about equality and exchanging of gifts. Economic Geography The wealthiest countries in North America are Canada and the United States.

Population geographies

While major cities are a focal point of public attention, urbanization will be concentrated in the smaller cities, which have inadequate resources to cater for the needs of the new urban population. In most countries, the total number of urban dwellers continues to swell at a higher rate than the cities' or towns' capacities to β†’

Northern spotted owl

The wing span of the Northern Spotted Owl is about 45 inches. Habitat The Spotted owl is mostly found in the mixed conifer and conifer-hardwood forests in Western Oregon. This could be because of the fact that these trees provide a good environment for the dusky-footed woodrats and northern flying squirrels to flourish both β†’

The inuit in the age of globalization

Geography The Inuit in the Age of Globalization The Inuit people are those people who have lived across the top of the North American continent within the reaches of the Arctic Circle from basically Greenland west all the way to the Bering Straight. Regardless of their means of subsistence, hunting and fishing remain an important β†’

Indonesia’s clean-water scarcity

Even though floodwaters may have become subsided with the passage of time, but somehow there has been a huge issue related to the availability of clean drinking water with the people of Indonesia. Clean drinking water has, therefore, become a problem for the people of Indonesia which again leads to a number of issues and β†’

Coursework example

Association between Israel and the United States in continuing their oppression of Palestine is shown in this article. It is where orientalism comes in, Palestine is considered dangerous and a threat to Israel who is allies with the United States.

The formation and processing of pearls

Later on, there are special machines that the farmers use to separate the soft tissues of the oysters from the pearls. The machines separate the pearls from the remaining soft tissue parts of the oysters after removing the edible parts. The pearls are heavy and, therefore, settle at the bottom of the container.

Syria and the dictatorship

Syria and the Dictatorship Current Event: In Derra, a town in Southern Syria, resorted to a peaceful yet fuming demonstration against the dictatorial rule of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but was suppressed through force. Though no retaliatory action has been taken by the Sunni rebels on other religious groups, the scenario is changing, and β†’


Fixed and Variable costs Fixed costs of owning an automobile are the costs that do not vary with mileage while the costs that vary with mileage are referred to as variable costs. Fuel, food at stops, amount of traffic on the road, are the variable costs to be considered for travelling by car while car β†’

Microeconomics: cost analysis

The article is about how mining sector is responding to the changes in the supply and demand dynamics and the impact of same on global prices.outlines that though the overall output is decreasing in mining industry due to different factors however, the decline in the output is actually supporting the industry because of higher prices β†’


The Circular Flow Diagram Circular flow model attempts to explain the circulation of income between households and firms as well as the link between money and resources. The households in turn spend the money paid to them by firms in the form of wages and salaries to purchase finished products from firms.


The United States is one of more renounce members of the G8, a nation that even though its people live in good prosperity the rich control over 90% of the internal wealth of the United States, while the rest work hard everyday to provide good shelter, medicine, food and education to its family nucleus. The β†’

Strategic planning with the hoshin

Strategic planning is the forecasting of the character and ways of development of the macro-system, tendencies of the industry development and their impact on the enterprise, its perspectives and stages of development, and that is determination of the business strategy for the enterprise. Operations Strategy, being the combination of the philosophical and operational levels of β†’

Forest fire danger

It is through such systems that scientific knowledge of the potential of fires can be synthesized and integrated with practical experience in the management of fire incidences that may occur in the future. One such successful system is the CFFDRS. Key to the success of CFFDRS has been the cooperation that has been between territorial β†’

Thanksgiving holiday

The researcher in question suggests that the nature of the latter is ambiguous: it is not based on any religious doctrine, yet has a similar effect on the people. Therefore, Bellah would note that Thanksgiving does not convey any specific religious message, but it provides a common ground for the people of different backgrounds. That β†’

Astronomy issues

Accordingly, " larger worlds also have more erosion because their gravity retains an atmosphere".In addition, the closer a planet is to the sun, the hotter it is disabling rain, snow, and ice to occur and affect erosional activity. In this regard, these planets and the moon do not have significant erosion as compared to the β†’

Anthropology of humor and laughter

The sense of humor acts as the main source of laughter for any individual. The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach.

Hand and wrist positioning for imaging

The four-view wrist series includes semipronated and semisupinated oblique views, Posteroanterior and PA in ulnar deviation and the three-view hand series includes the semipronated oblique views, PA and Lateral view. In the lateral view for hand, the positioning of fingers is like an okay sign so that on x-ray each finger β†’

The description of the picture

This is particularly true with the use of eyes in both sides and a not so obvious eye in the middle. The deer in the picture would have been just a regular deer had it not been paired with all-seeing eyes. The deer complement the deep religious undercurrent of the eyes it being a symbol β†’

History of performing arts

In this paper, two of the so many societal changes that influenced the development of art will be discussed and how these changes gave an impact to the changes in art. Evolution of art has made its mark in the history and will still continue as time goes on.

Archaeology think-piece

The main objective of archaeology is to study the human past and finding out how it affects and connects with the present and the feature of human being. As indicated above, archaeologists seek to learn and understand more about societies in the past and how human race developed from the earliest simple form of life. β†’

New figurative realists visual arts and film studies

How the artists project a realist image of the world According to Marter , the new realists tended to see the world as an image, which they could split into various parts, and incorporate the parts in their works. The paintings of these artists According to Hills and Tarbell , the paintings of β†’

Performing and visual arts

Performing and Visual Arts Performing and Visual Arts Definition of Visual and Performing Arts Visual and performing art can be defined through music with elements such as rhythm that comprises of divisions of beats music, which is shaped through patterns and meters. A Guide to College Choices for the Performing and Visual Arts.