Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Personal response

It carries motifs such as prosperity and symbols namely; wings and the spider woman. The story does examine human response towards the weak, the dependant an excreta in moments of cruelty and harshness and callousness in the entire story. For example, upon Elisenda and Pelvo's child recovering from ailment the parents resort to unkindly send β†’

Mass production for ordinary consumers (thesis- i believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk

This may look like as evolution of consumerism as it saves money and guarantees stability of quality but I believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk. Most obviously mass production of food was reasonable and necessary at the times of industrialization when many people β†’

Reading portfolio – summary

Summary The article " Emiratis Happiest in Private Sector" ed by a staff of Gulf Business on 5 November discusses a research conducted by the Abu Dhabi University and the Wollongong University. The universities jointly measured the commitment level between the female and male national workforce and also explored factors affecting the managers' and workers' β†’

Preliminary research: formulating ideas for the rhetorical analysis assignment

The feature in the scene that captured and drew my attention was the type of food that the chefs were preparing. The used rhetoric question was " Do you know how to prepare this type of food?" The chefs were using the rhetorical question to capture the attention of the audience by asking them if β†’

Quotes about education

The minor act of stealing from a freight car without education can be improvised into obtaining a legal hold on the entire railroad with education in addition to acquiring a stronghold in foreign policy. The author was a lawyer and a politician by profession and therefore was in a better position to understand the significance β†’


In order to modify this table, I would revise the presentation by adding colors to the titles, provide exact unit of measure ( dollars or numbers of people enrolled, or the amount of money spent/received) and finally I would provide the information that is to be communicated in its right kind by an appropriate main β†’

Seamus heaney mid-term break

It is a poem that he wrote in the firstperson perspective, making him the speaker in the poem.that speaks of how he learned of and dealt wit the death of his 4 year old brother while he was away at school. The poem depicts the unexpected coming of age for a boy, who now has β†’

The challenges that induce unfavorable conditions

The paper will analyze ways in which challenges can make people grow. How challenges help people grow Challenges can have either positive or negative impacts on a person and the results depend on the person's attitude towards the challenge. While they had not yet thought about such developments, the challenge of New York's vulnerability β†’

The secret

Rose cooked food, did the laundry, cleaned and washed the house, ironed the clothes, and spent time with the children. Bane happily agreed to it as he knew the baby was not his.

Choose one

According to the ethical principle of common good, parents should allow their children to attain both spiritual and human flourishing by encouraging the development of innate talents. Parents and teachers should allow children to develop the innate talents.

Academic report on video game addiction social responsibility

The article goes on to present the argument that there should be a certain amount of social responsibility involved in keeping video game addiction at bay through government regulation, particularly when it comes to overly violent games. The article would be helpful for a research paper on the topic of video game addiction and social β†’

Edgar allan poe’s story and death theme

In the story, ' The Masque of the Red Death,' a disease known to the people as the Red Death makes entry into a nation where it kills the residents fast gruesomely, despite the fact that the disease spreads fast. The narrator is Montresor. In the story ' The Masque of the Red Death,' death β†’

Is a new walmart a good thing for a community

A number of positive attributes make the company suitable for the community, as the company is identified to be offering products and services at economical rates. The company also engages in Corporate Social Responsibility on a regular basis.. Despite such advantages to the community, Walmart is engaged in a number of problems such as exploitation β†’

Global issues

Global Issues The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas The issue of pursuing happiness in the presence of cruelty, pain, and evil is impossible in the contemporary society's culture. It is apparent that the city's culture upholds the challenges faced by the disadvantaged and unfortunate children as necessary to the creation of happiness, a practice β†’

A response paper

Although the author's realization of the need to redesign the high school education system is correct, the rationale provided by him i.e.physical maturity is necessarily linked with mental maturity is baseless. Children in the present age are smarter than those in the past. But being equipped with technical skills does not mean that they are β†’

Trifles dead bird

From the play, we gather that there is a group of characters gathered at the Wright's with an aim of gathering a piece of evidence that is supposed to help with the verdict of Mrs Wright. The belief that women are undermined is presented first when the groups of characters are in the kitchen. The β†’


My response The point of view that the uses is that of the first person, that is in the perspective of Katniss. The story begins with Katniss seeking Prim's warmth only to find that she is absent since she had a bad dream because " this is the day of the reaping".

Simple 1 page journal entry on kate chopin

Chopin revealed that women of that time had less freedom and they used to fulfill their desires using unconventional means. A Respectable Woman In this story, Chopin revealed that women of the late 19th century although had sexual desires but they used to keep their desires hidden because of the respect and esteem they β†’

Student performance objectives

In this text, I will discuss three of these objectives and how I managed to attain them. Interpret and Critique Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Firstly, the third objective of this course expected learners, the end to be in a position to interpret and critique deductive and inductive reasoning. Contrarily, inductive is that which starts β†’

Prayer in public schools

However, Schools will greatly benefit from prayer because it will not be a hindrance in achieving academic excellence; instead prayer is believed to be one of the tools in reaching academic excellence. The United States was established on freedom, and one of the freedoms was the freedom of worship or religion. Whereas, the Union of β†’

Program theory : 3

This evaluation question is critical in the sense that it will determine whether the diagnosis previously carried out before the program theory was proposed was indeed correct or not, and whether the program theory is proposing solutions that will correctly tackle the root causes of the problem.b) Are you aware of any development that is β†’

Array manipulation

Array Manipulation of the Task The array manipulation is basically a computer programming where a task can be performed with the help of various variables. The data provided for the task will be the off season expenses of those ten resorts. Pseudo Code of Task Tasks usually have a pseudo code attached with it.

Parents and their children who suffer from obesity

The best way of knowing that the lesson plan has been well implemented is when we find out on the implementation of the working plan through observation. Observation is effective in monitoring the behaviour of obese children and their parents in relation to undertaking the lesson plan.

Sometimes nurses are forced to hurt the patient in providing medical care – thus the standards of care conflict with ethical principles and patient’s bill of rights

Analysis of Newspaper Article Letter to the Editor: Hospitals Are not Hotels To the Editor: The author has read the editorial article of Theresa Brown entitled " Hospitals Are not Hotels" in the opinion pages of the New York Times. In the field of medicine, a number of procedures are done in this β†’

Critique of king’s theory of the goal of attainment

The critique of King's Goal of Attainment Theory: Background: Imogene King was the first to introduce the Theory of Goal Attainment in the early 1960s. This extensive work in the nursing field contributed greatly in the theory because of her experience in the nursing field research. The Theory of Goal Attainment describes the relationship between β†’

Jr observations and sentiments

This includes an inclusion of a humanistic and altruistic value system in the nursing care. Another important aspect of the caring theory in Jean Watson's is the element of faith hope which is also important in nursing care. This is vital in creating a lasting relationship with the patient during the time of nursing care β†’

Home visit with sallie mae fisher

Do you check your weight? Sallie Mae: yes, I check my weight and I have discovered that I have been gaining weight at a very high rate. Nurse: weight gain is an indication that the body is retaining extra fluid, which is common in patients with congestive heart failure. Are you following the discharge instructions β†’

Discussion board post response

Hader posits that social sites within a department can be used to " Share information, dialogue, and receive feedback and input from others". Therefore, you could allow the nurses to give their input through social sites and then incorporate their opinions and views in creating the schedules.

What my reason is for wanting to become a nurse

Perhaps you will understand what I feel inside, and be inclined to honor it. I was a child who attracted stray dogs, a small turtle who would not eat for a week, a butterfly with a bent wing, and a runaway lizard I tried to comfort while it was re-growing a lost tail. My calling β†’

The healthy care dilemma

The affordable care act, or the Obama care - the way it is referred to by many people, had looked like a pleasant and highly effective deal that many borrowed without thinking twice. Later on, the Supreme Court stated that the Obama care had forced the state to register illegally for a Medicaid expansion together β†’

Nursing as a critical aspect of healthcare industry

She is like my grandmother and I regularly go her place to take care of her during evenings. I sincerely believe that the college would equip me with necessary knowledge and skill so that i can realize my dream of becoming a good nurse.

Theory practice gap

Theory Practice Gap March 9th Nursing refers to the use of clinical judgment in relation to the provision of care with an aim of restoring or maintaining heath to a patient. The nursing theory illustrates a systematic articulation of the knowledge used to support the nursing practice including the duties and responsibilities.


These affairs include: sharing balance sheet and income statement with employees; encouraging them to utilize financial information in their day to day official work; training them in understanding financial figures; and sharing financial results of the company. There are a number of benefits that exist when a company or hospital share its financial information with β†’

Core competencies

Besides the involvement of the health care professionals and the patient, the strategy may extend to the close family members to secure benefits to the ailing individuals. Several adjustments take place in the nursing profession to aid the success of the patient-centered care. Availing information to the patient takes place through printed and electronic media β†’

Chronic renal failure and dialysis

A graft is usually the access of choice when a patient needing dialysis has small veins. Several health care providers are needed in the care of a patient undergoing insertion of a dialysis graft. A laboratory technician is also of importance in the care of such a patient to carry out blood tests so as β†’

Phenomenological, ground theory and ethnographic differences

Both approaches enhance the validity of the findings by analyzing data from the perspective of the participants. One of the differences is based on sources of data and method of data collection.


In addition, Lorcaserin is used by patients exhibiting at least one weight-related health problem such as hypertension and type-2 diabetes. Nursing implications: Efficacy and safety In 2006, Phase III of the lorcaserin development program was started, and this involved three main trials: Behavioral Modification and Lorcaserin for Overweight and Obesity Management trial, β†’

Registerd nurse interview analysis

Sometimes they can be demanding and grumpy but as a nurse, she has to understand the situation of the patient that they just want to feel better. Analysis The resource person narrated that nursing is not just an eight to five job where you punch in and get paid. A nurse has to understand β†’

Corticosteroids use

The nurse should be prepared to educate the patient regarding the inevitable side effects of corticosteroids and how to deal with them. However, the nurse should be prepared to guide the patient in the usage of the drugs to minimize the side effects. References Burke, S..

Healthypeople 1

Out of the many goals of Health People 2020, health policy framework two of them relates to consumerism that is public infrastructure and determinants of health. The spirit and intention of Healthy People 2020 policy was to ensure that every citizen access quality healthcare regardless of the social and economic status. Another fundamental point that β†’

Reply to this student post

In this post, a number of significant facts are provided concerning the work of Lillian Wald before her demise. According to the post, Lillian would be shocked by the current healthcares systems considering the efforts she made in trying to make healthcare accessible and affordable to all without biasness. However, I fail to agree with β†’

Emr information system

Moreover, the data from the EMR can also be used alongside statistical reporting which can assist in quality improvement, as well as resource management and public health disease surveillance (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2003). EMRs can also facilitate the reading and writing of patient's records through the workstation but also through mobile devices. β†’

How would scholarship funds help you

A scholarship fund will help ease the anxiety of not being able to finish my nursing studies because of lack of money. Scholarship will remove the burden of finances in my studies and will enable me to focus in school. Being able to take care of the patients' well will also be good to my β†’

Breach of contract and informed consent

This discussion explores the legal scope of Harvey's case and notes that Harvey should not win a lawsuit in the case. Harvey should not win the lawsuit because the facts of the case do not identify breach of informed consent and breach of contract under the patient's condition. Harvey later recovered and sued. The issue β†’

Specificity and sensitivity

However, Tappen further noted that these tests are dependent on the limiting value above or below which the test indicates positives results. According to Lovallo et al , sensitivity of a given clinical test refers to the ability of a test to accurately classify those patients with disease while specificity refers to β†’

Childhood immunizations

In particular, the contribution and impact of nurses has been increasingly realized in immunization-related practices. The nursing fraternity has increasingly created awareness and supported childhood immunizations over the years. This has subsequently made childhood immunizations a traceable and effectively and efficiently managed health issue. In conclusion, the role played by the nursing fraternity in addressing β†’

Respons post

There appears to be a connection between obesity and Type 2 diabetes specifically, and since Type 2 diabetes seems to be on the rise, I think it is fair to link the high fat and high sugar diets of Americans to the rise of this disease for the most part. I think that what you β†’

View hartford institute video:

The diagnosis of delirium is basically clinical and is founded on cautious bedside observations of major signs, but its recognition is the first step. An implication for nursing practice Nurses and other health providers find it difficult to assess delirium in older adults who have dementia and in hospitalized ageing adults because of overlapping β†’

Assignment medicare/medical

He had greatly appreciated the genuine care and psychological support extended by the nurses and doctors. Answer 2 Medicare includes emergency hospitalization, nursing care, inpatient care in hospital, including critical access hospital, hospice care and medical prescription at the time of hospitalization. The healthcare had covered all types of medical prescription, emergencies, dental care β†’


They also discuss available alternatives for treating hypertension and the alternatives' goals that are in line with the provisions of Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. According to the article, hypertension is an important risk factor of coronary heart disease, alongside stroke and heart failure and many β†’


Until stem cells can be collected in a more ethical manner, they should not be used for medical advancement. Many supporters of stem cell research agree that the stem cells obtained from abortions would be destroyed anyway. This means that the cells also should die and it is not ethically correct to use them as β†’

Innovation and sustainability

In the past two centuries, urban sprawl has surfaced as one of the outcomes of industrial revolution, as more people have moved to the urban areas in search of better opportunities and improved lifestyle. Timber is also used as support for raising tents and fixing the wooden framework for concreting slabs. Habit 2 Urban β†’


Most of the Osteosarcoma cases come from a single area within the region of a long bone referred to as the metaphysis. A computer linked to the x-ray machine is responsible for the making of the scans.

Scientific method to an everyday problem

Jay only realized that his watch was missing an hour after we left the cinema place. Hypotheses: Jay's watch might have slipped, falling on the sidewalk of the park when he attempted to get something out of his pocket which escaped our notice; The watch could have, in the similar manner, β†’

Country paper 2

The species in the island have to adapt to the climate for survival. There are a number of endangered species in the present island with different causes for their threat of extension. The habitat of the white dolphin is the sea, which is bordering the island.

Protein diet in athletes

In highly physical activities such as athletics, the adequacy of Recommended Dietary Allowance and the role of the amino acid on performance are debatable. Protein Dietary Requirement for Athletes Protein requirement in athletes depends on various factors including the type of athlete, body weight, total energy intake, training status, intensity and duration β†’

Evolutionary development

Your Inner Fish is one of the most invigorating, intellectually articulated thoughts, and convincing systematic scientific explorations; it is a chronicle of true voyage, potentially changes the outlook about the human body. Your Inner Fish establishes the similarity between the humans and fish and elucidate that any human body is a live example of the β†’

Classifying chihuahuas and saint bernards

Species ification of the Saint Bernard and the Chihuahua The dog, canis familiaris, is among the 38 species ified as members of the Canidae family and the Carnivora order and is believed to have descended directly from the wolf, canis lupus (Galibert, Quignon, Hitte, & Andr , 2011, p.191). This creation, although leading to different β†’

The relationship between biology and psychology

The thesis statement of the essay is based on the relationship between biology and psychology, which is a study of the biological bases of psychological behavior and processes. The chronological development of biological psychology can be comprehended with the fact that humans along with the animals can change their behavior according to the changing environment β†’

Opinion about contagion

The review was incredibly thorough and it covered a lot of aspects that many moviegoers would not pay attention to, such as the clashing of the director with the screenwriter. The writer of the review is a good writer and was very excellent in his details.

Find a web site about a vernacular dance forms. it could be anything to do with ethnic, folk, ballroom, jazz, or tap dancing

It incorporates a wide variety of material in regards to this particular topic, everything from information on how to learn the dances, variations on the dances, how to do the basics of each dance, offers dancing lessons, has a shopping section, a classifieds section, a directory, and a forum, as well as a members area β†’

The motion picture industry value chain

It is important for exhibitors to change the business model to a cost and differentiation model, by lower ticketing prices and finding other means of revenues. The theaters should also be differentiated in terms of benefits, such as adding places for family and dating entertainment purposes.

Impact of new technologies

Impact of New Technologies I can justify the artworks of the artists above is fine art at par with conventional methods ofart making by arguing that it is simply an extension of conventional art books. The above artists employ digital methods of creating art, thereby producing digital works of art.

Apple pay at walgreens

While card payments are still widely used, the momentum is fast moving towards mobile payment due to their convenience and retailers are taking note. The Walgreen Company, the largest drug retailer in the United Stated is one among many companies which has implemented the latest payment solution in the world and the results are clear. β†’

Your privacy on facebook

The changes in the privacy settings allow for the user to choose an audience that one intends to reach to. Facebook, pushes the users to use the " everyone" button to allow sharing of information worldwide.

Operating system software and application software

The paper " Operating System Software and Application Software" is an exceptional example of an assignment on information technology. Operating System software is the software of a computer system which guides one computer user to perform his computer functions from the time he switches on the computer until he switches it off. A β†’

Wireless networks and pervasive computing

When using TCP, the computer sending data connects with the one receiving the data, and remains connected for some time until the data is sent correctly and safely, and then they disconnect. FTP server is a server that helps to transfer and receive files from remote computers, on the same web server.


Before outsourcing, the Data Manager needs to establish an internal assessment process in which they will evaluate the pros and cons of outsourcing for the organization. Project analysis The purpose of outsourcing this project is to reduce the costs, which may be associated with hiring IT managers within the organization. It provides the organization β†’

Use of it in supply chain management

The constraints on Sunsweet Growers's supply chain included the inability to control both the supply and demand by the organization, considering the fact that the supply was purely based on the weather conditions in the regions the dry fruits were produced, while its demand was solely based on the market forces. Scheduling the production and β†’

Hackers broaden their attacks against business

The situation is changing rapidly, and the CEOs, CIOs, and CTOs of different organizations are facing unexpected challenges in the sphere of IT security. It is vital to have a methodology to analyze the impact of cyber threats and subsequently make the current and future computer networks resilient.

Your interest in security management

Topic: Security Management Understanding security management Prior to this I considered security management as the manner in which activities of keeping various aspects of an organizations are conducted to make sure that the organization or aspects of the organization remain protected from outside threats. In security management, the prevention of loss emphasizes on the critical β†’

Storage and displays

Presently Solid Disks are finding attention from manufactures for number of reasons. 1-They are being considered more reliable in terms of their architecture. 2-Speed is always an important factor that is considered with regard to storage devices capacity.S.S. What do you prefer? Flat screens are in demand for the following reasons: 1.

Estimation techniques – work breakdown structure

Each activity is represented as a block over time and the performance recorded as time and then related to the planned deadlines. Advantages They are useful in planning time scale for projects and estimating the required resources They are useful in planning, coordinating and tracking particular tasks in a project They are β†’

Unix shells

Undeniably, UNIX serves a critical role in the current technological knowhow though to date it has undergone varied and essential developments that give it an advantage over, which this study seeks to highlight. What I like about it and its history Compared to other operating systems as well as varied computer technological enhancements, what β†’

Information technology: history and practice

The paper " Information Technology: History and Practice" is an excellent example of an essay on information technology. The advent of the computer and the progress in the world of information technology has brought a major change in each and every industry. The objective of information technology is to make work easy for the organization β†’

Analysis and evaluation of peer-to-peer search methods

Another difference between peer to peer networks is based on file storage and access; Client-server networks depend on a central dedicated server for file storage the clients then access the files from the server whereas in peer to peer networks file storage is in the different peers on the network. The security of the files β†’

Wan technologies

It can be incorporated with other software products to increase its functionality. System performance High performance High performance High performance High performance High performance Range of compatible hardware Moderate Moderate Moderate Very wide wide Market Share Wide Wide Wide β†’

The changing interaction of finance information and technology

This writing will assist management in understanding the system at upper level to take decision whether they can go for the implementation of this Kauli Financial Systems. Kauli Test Drive The test life cycle of the system is divided in different scenarios from 1 through 11. This information can help the managers to have β†’

Responses to students posting

The injustice that happened on 9/11, the lives that were lost, as well as the crisis that the terrorist attack led to, should be constant reminders to the people of United States on the importance of security. Many are the times we hear cases of illegal aliens found in the country and one wonders how β†’

Thucydides, the peloponnesian war, the melian dialogue ( book 5, chapter 17)

Athenians used violence to evict the Melians from their territory and this made the Melians change their attitude and became hostile. In the Melian dialogue, Athenians demanded the Melians to give up on their city and compensate them for the destruction caused in the city. The Athenians responded and stated that the debate was not β†’

Reasons why smoking should be prohibited

Although there is an obvious demand for smoking, the activity should be prohibited because it encourages wasteful spending and has proven unhealthy effects for the smoker and those around him. The first reason smoking should be prohibited by the government is for health reasons of the smoker. Numerous studies show that smoking has so many β†’

Difference between beneficence and nonmaleficence with examples

In the context of medical treatment, the process of beneficence denotes taking effective actions towards serving the best interests of the patients. In contrast, the aspect of nonmaleficence signifies refraining physicians to provide ineffective treatments to the patients. The concept of beneficence is recognized as a core value of healthcare ethics.

Two visions in the heart of darkness by edward said

Therefore, in a reflective analysis of the impact of colonialism and imperialism on the colonized nations as well as the visions provided in the novel Heart of Darkness, it becomes lucid that the author makes an important point when he refers to a network of interdependent histories. As Edward Said maintains in his article " β†’

Physics lab

Torque. In both tree cases different magnitude of torque are applied. This observation is true and can be explained by the equation where, is the absolute torque applied, is the absolute radius, the absolute force applied in the direction of push and is the angle of swing. Conservation of Angular Momentum As the β†’

Energy and society

This has led to the creation of a vehicle-to-grid system in which grid operators treat the shifting network of functioning hybrid, fuel cell, and electric car batteries as a single distributed energy source. In managing the various elements of energy supply and demand, grid operators have to compensate for alternating levels of electricity production from β†’

L2 maths and physics short task

Remember to reference your sources. Equations to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, Fahrenheit to Kelvin and Kelvin to Celsius. One graph with two lines that shows the conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Fahrenheit to Kelvin. An explanation of how these equations are related to the straight line equation, y = mx + c, including what β†’

The great pacific patch

The Great Pacific Patch Grade The garbage dump in the sea is a collection of marine garbage that ends up in the sea and other large water bodies. Increased number of plastic wastes in the seas and large water bodies has increased egg concentrations in the gyre area because the plastic garbage provides surface for β†’

Reflection of light on a water tank

Sur Lecturer Reflection of light on a water tank Reflection is the change of wave front direction at an interface between two different media, so that the wave returns to the medium where it originated. From the reflection experiment, light typically shined upon the water and illuminated a white sheet of paper directly placed below β†’


Compressing the air by squeezing the bottle was accompanied by an increase in the temperature of air inside the bottle. 2. The cloud forms when the pressure acting on the saturated air lowered and the temperature decreased. 7.

Gene cloning (the construction of a cdna library…)

The Construction of a cDNA Library from an Extract of Human Brain Cells 909 words The Construction of a cDNALibrary from an Extract of Human Brain Cells A complementary DNA library refers to a blend of reverse transcribed mRNA pieces inserted into a group of host cells.cDNA is made from wholly transcribed mRNA β†’


This paper discusses some of the physical and chemical properties of benzene, its uses and hazards. The Chemical and Physical Properties of Benzene Benzene is a nonpolar molecule with a molecular weight of 78. Petroleum products are the major contributors of benzene in the environment. Other aromatic chemicals such as phenol and toluene, are β†’

Chemical reaction paper

The most common type of bleach used in the world today is made of chlorine compounds. The chemical bond in the chromophore is broken which converts it to a compound that has no color or cannot reflect color in the normal spectrum.

Prpperties of an element

You will submit the softcopy to [email protected] The project must contain in the order listed: 1)A cover sheet with the element name or formula and your name. 2)The hardcopy must include this original page (duplication of this page will result in no credit for the project). 3)All the data listed in the β†’

Homework: week 7, chapter 7

Out of the sample, 338 votes were in favor of an issue on the ballot. Confidence Interval The 95 % confidence interval for the proportion that favored the issue is the set of values within the interval, 0. 4299-0.5025. This interval defines the estimated range of the population proportion with a probability of 0.95. β†’

Discussion #3 stat

Although the website gives sufficient insight into the topics of probability and statistics and the contents have been made very easy to understand, yet the website does not have all components of the course taught at MIT. Advanced search is another option that can be used to find a particular topic. " Probability and Statistics in β†’

Global managerial economics

Global Managerial Economics IMF s that it " provides low-income countries with policy advice, technical assistance, and financial support" and that " low-income countries receive more than half of the technical assistance provided by the Fund, and financial support is extended at low interest rates and over relatively long time horizons" (How the β†’