Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Lion and the jewel

Through the characters of this play, Soyinka illustrates the clash between African culture and Western civilization. First, the play illustrates how African culture and western civilization differ when it comes to marriage and family life. In the play, Sidi represents the traditional African culture while Lakunle represents the western civilization.

Black like i thought i was/ no name woman/ mixed messenger

She decides to derive her happiness through her own choices and decisions just like her aunt did before drowning herself and her child. Draw conclusion about identity and about how we can change over time People do not always have to follow the designated path of life or he life choices being made to β†’


Dystopian Society and the American Culture Today Dystopia refers to an idea where the society is seen to be in a repressive state in which it is under the control of the state. One of the characteristics of a dystopian society is the fact that the citizens and members of the society live in a β†’

A summary of

" The Meaning of Friendship in a social Networked World" by Alex Pattakos Summary Pattakos draws detailed information fromthe allegations of Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher who first explained on the relevance of friendship. The Meaning of Friendship in a Social-Networked World." The Huffington Post.

Mangement on personal planning

Exploration is imperative when it comes to conception your financial plan, particularly when it comes to financing money for your upcoming and your family. The best part of individual financial arrangement is that your future will be more protected. Setting a little extra money away in your budget can deal you harmony of mind that β†’

Slp 2 writing about issues and using third person

I asked Aunt Hilda how she manages to cook and to keep her house in order all the time. I make sure to give Aunt Hilda money every week for food, since she feeds my children most of the time, or I do the grocery for her.

Summary of eniest martinez artical

All of us do such things and are not caught only because we are lucky enough to get away with them, while the prison in-mates are not quite as lucky. It is wrong to conclude that prison in-mates are people different from us. There is a shortage of skilled and talented people out there in β†’

Creative writing/narrative writing on fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a science or a speculative fiction novel that tries to examine, " If this goes on...". Many have thought of the world becoming unsociable because of the mobile and social networking sites. Montag, " The society can be hopelesswithout education since books contain great philosophical truths, Books!

How to write a letter

These include: a) Initial Tasks: The first and initial step that needs to be undertaken by the researcher is to list out the main ideas of the essay. This step is to try and find all possible errors in the essay. Once an essay is completed and proof read, it is ready for submission.

Learning to read and write by douglass and rodriguez

The master in Douglass's case opposed the desire to educate the slaves and influenced the wife to do the same because they never considered it efficient to train a slave. The masters knew the power of learning to read and write and the consequences they would face had the slaves managed to do so.

Ad analysie

Sometimes additional image creates mental images in the mind of the audience which may make them to experiment. Images have great psychological effects to the buyer as well as to the audience. In this ad, there are various images that have been integrated to offer the audience a clear message on all the actualization the β†’

Negative letter

The parking sticker will be part of the town council's initiative to reduce the grievances pertaining to the parking of vehicles. The sticker is expected to appear in the rearview mirror of every vehicle.

Marxist analysis

In literature, a Marxist perspective combines the power of literary works to convey the extent and illustrate how capitalism shapes society and divides it between the prevailing bourgeoisie and poor class known as the proletariat. The story " The Destructors " by Graham Greene tells of the exploits of a group of adolescent boys who β†’


From a psychological perspective, man is the consciousness of the natural world. Regarding the psychological viewpoint, man is the only being that can understand the natural world.

Meaning of my emotions

However, unfortunately, I experienced, this is not always the case. A recent, very strong emotional reaction I exhibited led me to re-evaluate myself and question whether I truly am as rational and immune to ' silly' emotions as I believed myself to be. I even skipped out on handing her the gift, thinking to myself β†’

The disease of hiv/aids

The Disease of HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS is one of the most dangerous and fatal sexually transmitted diseases. The social treatment of HIV/AIDS requires counseling and behavioral therapy of the patient. References: Nettleman, M..

Paper does not have a topic you have to pick it yourself

The Road not Taken is very similar to Aria: A Memoir of a bilingual childhood, it is similar because both the poem and the Memoir present aspects of life which have not been discovered by many, this paper will shed more light upon the similarities between the two. Thesis Statement: The poem has hidden meaning β†’

The chocolate war assignment #2

The students, as well as The Vigils and the administration are astonished the moment they realized that Jerry declined to accomplish the assignment. However, the moment the students realized that Jerry was going to face violent consequences; they abandoned him and went ahead and sold their chocolates.

I am awesome

I am Awesome I am Awesome Working harder probably for many hours in a week to climb the ranks to senior positions is not usually an easy feat. Awesome managers listen to the staff since they offer insights on how to run the property better. I always share what I know with my staff not β†’


Women possess physical freedom only; mentally and spiritually they are still manipulated and oppressed; sometimes they even have to conceal their brilliant mind in order not to stand against men. A discrepancy can be observed between the behavior required by the society as a homage to the received education and the natural, non-inhibited aspirations and β†’

Why i want to be an engineer

I have been breaking, examining, and resetting my toys right from the age of 3. This is the right time to muster all my strengths and lay the foundations of my professional career that I would like to be associated with throughout my life.

The personal food

During a time when pizza was only a delicacy to the upper class, it was a special moment for me to share a piece of pizza with my family. In my younger years, pizza defined birthday parties and was a central part of the friendships I formed during those days.

Effects of eating disorders

Anorexia This is the condition where the victim develops fear or resentment to food due to fear of gaining weight or even becoming fat. This is practiced for diverse reasons, like political protests and religious practices. Hunger strike practically leads to lack of essential food elements in the body.

Explanatory synthesis

She evades putting events in her own life in a sequential order in order to share her stories through application of several dissertations that cover the concept of family identity and structure. She believed that women are the backbone of a family.

Lecture review

He was a burden to his family and the doctor advised that he would be best suited in a nursing house. James Perdue was very insistent on the importance of determination and passion in whatever one did.

Explain the importance of purpose, audience, tone, and content in academic writing

The importance of purpose, audience, tone, and content in academic writing The structure of academic writing stands on four pillars, ly purpose, audience, tone and content. Tone of academic writing is consistent with the purpose of writing.

Writing on skin

One could inscribe on the desks, on our arms the names of the people we admired and loved. On the other hand, cinema and photography, largely, have taken them on board because they have concerned themselves much more in depth and often criminal sectors in the secretive, the yakuza, prostitution, delinquency and what is marginalized β†’

Memorable childhood experience

I was too young to have watched Joe Montana in the 1980s, but it was impossible to escape the legend that had built up around him and the San Francisco 49ers. Jerry Rice, perhaps the greatest receiver in the history of football, was still one of the premier players in the game.

How should a person be

Nonetheless, this novel primarily explores the life of Sheila and her friends. This therefore, gives the meaning of the title of the novel.

Youve just visited the doctor, and she has given you one week to live. how will you spend your final week on earth

If I were told of imminent death within one week by a doctor, I would tabulate the people I would like to meet, the places I would like to see and the sights and sounds I would like to hear before I disappeared like a tear in the rain. I would begin immediately by visiting β†’


The use of the low key light in the film also enhances the meeting of the director's objectives which are to create suspense and fear in the audience. The use of the low key light contributed to the creation and advancement of the theme " horror" by setting the tone and mood as well as β†’

Peer review

However, the argument that you presented would have more substance if you supported it with examples, specifically the changes in the English language that you are pertaining to. If it is not technology alone, you could have expounded on the other factors which impact on the changes in the English language.

Reflective autobiography

The online dictionary, as well as the oxford dictionary, have a series of synonyms as well as explanations to explain the word, and the most simple explanation agreed on is ' a difference'. Straight from a young age, I have come across the word several times and in each case, it has been used in β†’

Do you consider yourself to be stressed?

This leads to some form of stress. 2) Were you surprised by the results of your self-assessments? I was a little bit surprised by the Perceived stress scale that was able to help me understand how a different situation affected my feelings and my perceived stress. I was also surprised by the frequency of the β†’


May 11, Deliberate plagiarism refers to the purposeful intention to pass someone's work as one's own Is It Plagiarism Yet?"). They engage in accidental plagiarism because they do not intend to copy any work and do not have the explicit will to make it look like they originally own it. Plagiarism is not worth the β†’


For instance, in a bus if all the seats are filled and a white person get into the bus, the black person who is already sitting has to give his seat to him. Men and Women struggled for their peaceful lives when they had a choice of living freely or to be scared all their β†’

Spanish-influenced varieties of english

In a way, it is the diverse history of their groups and cultural backgrounds that seem to have a merging effect on the relationship of these two groups. It would seem that the Latinos have a problem letting go of their heritage in order to embrace a new one.

Ben franklin

A reader can establish that Franklin had a logical writing style because of his use of logic in his virtues, as well as the manner he carried them out. In " Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America," Franklin states, " But you who are wise must know, that different Nations have different Conceptions of β†’

The ideal global citizen

The ability to acknowledge that citizens are part of one universal family but recognizes individuality, privacy and confidentiality makes the concept ideal and global. Since one recognized that the concept of idealism is analogous to absolute perfectionism, an ideal global citizen, apart from acknowledging universality of being a citizen of the world, should likewise accept β†’

Research proposal memo

PROPOSAL MEMO ASSIGNMENT Re: Purpose: This memo is to ask for permission and additional resources to enable us carry out a research on the population of petty drug offenders in your prison and produce a discussion as to whether they should be kept in prison or taken into a rehabilitation center with the later more β†’

Salvation by langston huges

The little girls were in tears and hurried to be saved, and finally, all but the author and his friend Westley remained, still waiting for Jesus to come to them. Finally the author describes how his friend Westley, gets tired of waiting and decides to be " saved".

Character analysis

This character defines the direction that the play takes and also is the person who will die at the end of the play, posing the important questions that the play has to offer. This paper will look at the character of Wily Loman and his strengths and weaknesses. The play progresses through the ambition of β†’


Packer, is an account of a young boy, Spurgeon, who is in continuous conflict with his father, Ray, who is inappreciative and indifferent toward the physical and emotional needs of his son. But, he is confused because he has the burden of his father on his shoulders which he cannot throw away because of his β†’

What existentialist artists attempt to communicate through their respective work

After thinking about my own thoughts and reading Waiting for Godot and watching Garden State, I believe that existentialist artists are attempting to communicate the message of how people let others control their decisions instead of deciding for themselves what to do in the future. In Waiting for Godot, the story revolves around the life β†’

Create an inductive and deductive argument

Therefore, in deductive arguments, the premises and inferences are the basis on which the conclusion is formed. In inductive arguments, the basis of logic relies on a probability that one of the premises offers support to the conclusion.

Price drop of crude oil

In the recent past, the prices of crude oil have experienced a rapid decline in the world's oil market. According to the economist in the oil industry, a combination of factors has played a significant role in scaling down the prices of crude oil.

Cover letter

I would like to work for Goodwill Industries because of its good public reputation and also its non-discriminatory recruitment criteria against persons with disabilities. I am finalising my degree in Business Administration this December 2014 at the University of San Diego. I gained these skills during my university internship and also when I was working β†’

Journal #8

These functions were found to be better with elite players than the less elite players. The claims that top soccer scorers have superior brain functions and capabilities have been justified by the fact that they have to make very crucial decisions before scoring top goals. The non-players that underwent the test finished behind the top β†’

Eng 105

As responsible citizens of our countries it is extremely important to help the downtrodden but in reality very little is being done to uplift the standard of the people who belong to the lower strata. Africa is referred to as the " Dark Continent", it is said so because the inhabitants still live in darkness β†’

Peer review form 2

Follow these instructions: 1) Receive a classmate's paper from your professor (in class if on-ground; by e-mail if online). 2) Copy the Peer Review Feedback Form from the Appendix. 3) Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form. 4) Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmate's β†’

The money

Every desire of mine was fulfilled, I never saw my father taking much hassle to earn money as it was inherited form my grandfather and I thought with money I would be in a position to acquire every happiness in the world. As I never witnessed any struggle for money, I thought money comes easily β†’

Character analysis

She is described as a crazy girl who has snippets of sanity more when she is angry like when she declared " That was not a successful intervention, Ferret Face" after he declares that the family reaction to Rose's behavior is " something that the whole family agrees upon". Through Violet's eyes, we can see β†’

Long day’s journey into night

The writer depicts a family that is in jeopardy in all spheres and only has themselves to blame for the problems they are facing. The play, however, does not cover well the theme of gender. Therefore, the writer has failed in the gender balance in the whole play. The play also fails in addressing the β†’

The yellow wallpaper journal

Secondly, the woman felt that she was a burden to her husband, which could be an effect of her inability to raise the baby herself and not to be able to perform her role and duty as wife and mother: " I meant to be such a help to John...and here I am a comparative β†’

Reading journal

The story is covered in the dailies, it is assumed that the dead person seemingly died of starvation. In chapter 12, the character of McCandless is questioned.

Improving one’s writing skills via mastering literal skills

I believe I hold good potential in bettering my writing skills to a higher level of communication and interaction with the readers of my works. In addition, I hope to improve vocabulary and grammar as English, being my second language, challenges my communicative ability in writing.

Argument summary

Therefore, government legislator and the airlines should provide enough time for the crewmembers to rest. REASONS Ensure that pilots' performance is 100% proficient. Decrease number of airplane crashes, thus the number of deaths. Save lives of innocent passengers. Decrease rate of insurance policy Pilots are human and therefore prone to errors. Pilots lose β†’

The cask of amontillado

His depiction of the method by which the human mind process jealousy and pride into an act of revenge and murder becomes so compelling that the reason behind the actions of Montresor need not be explained in full detail. Jealousy and pride are two of the most basic human traits that it oftentimes drives a β†’

Youth camp at ymca camp kern

This article relates to the social concept of altruism on all aspects; be it the donors to the children, the counselors and the camp employees to the children and the children among themselves. In this example, the prime motivation for helping the burned children is no other than to relieve them of their distress and β†’

Internet and education

Internet and Education The infusion of the Internet into modern day culture has shifted perceptions and ways of knowing in significant ways. For Postman, such a notion means that Internet technology has not increased our knowledge in a significant regard, as new technologies do not add wisdom, instead the nature of education has been structurally β†’

Gun control

In addition to that, all the soldiers, who are at the border defending their countries from invasions, have guns as well but they do not use it for the evil. So guns are not the only cause of crimes. Some people think that by banning guns crimes would be removed but this may not be β†’

Life of pi review

The main attraction of the movie is the manner in which the director has utilized the ferociousness of a tiger and aligned it with a young boy who is tender and less defensive. In total, the movie" Life of pi" is a complete entertainer which has crossed the imaginative boundaries and skill of directors and β†’

Trading goods and jobs

This means that sweatshops are not such a good thing when someone views it from the perspective of the effects it has in the lives of those hired in the shops. Due to this, most of these people are forced to include the whole family in the work. The other major problem with sweatshops is β†’

A process analysis for writing argumentative paper

The introduction is always the first step of writing an argumentative essay, here the writer locates the thesis statement of the argument being analyzed, and the writer will present the statement after giving a brief introduction on the tropic of argument. The second step involves the writer writing a statement that will advocate his stand β†’

Internet fame

What are the potential consequences should personal or compromising information fall into the hands of someone who bears a grudge? These days, with the ubiquitous presence of online social networking and telecommunication devices, we all face threats to our privacy and confidentiality. She is now very hesitant to post or share any sensitive information in β†’

Technical description

On the other hand, the propellant is the matter used to get the product out of the can. The pressure drives the product out of the can through the dip tube to the nozzle.

Love is a theme long explored by poets whether it is love won or lost, unrequited love, erotic love or familial love. show how poets work within this classic theme in at least two poems

This jarring contrast between the artifice of rhyme and the immediacy of pain seems somewhat problematic in this poem. Yeats's poem, however, uses rhyme to much greater effect. While Auden is able to use rhyme to make a aurally compelling poem, the artifice of the rhyme creates a mentally jarring effect in the reader.

United states in the 1960s

United s in the 1960s At the start of the 1960s, many Americans have confidence in the systems and sectors of the USA. This is because the book was written within modernism, and illustrated change form modernity to postmodernism in urban planning issues. Part of the cold war phase was experienced in the 1960s in β†’

Comparison or contrast between two of the poems listed below in the instructions

English 22 April Comparison and Contrast between " Mother and Son" by Langston Hughes and " Because I Could Not Stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson Theme: In the poem " Mother and Son," Langston Hughes talks about the knowledge that a mother imparts to her son. The mother in this poem explains to β†’

The roles played since high school

From the time I finished high school, I have been engaged in a raft of activities and played different roles in different communities. I have volunteered in a school, hospital, and engaged in full time employment as well.

Why some crave authority and some obedience

The paper " Why Some Crave Authority and Some Obedience" is a wonderful example of an essay on English. In the last two paragraphs where Milgram talks about " a fragmentation of the total human act", I believe he is referring to a problem of obedience that is not wholly philosophical. He takes orders from β†’

Midterm report

The Best American Essays Book Report The collection of essays The Best American Essays carefully selected and edited by Cheryl Strayed represents American contemporary literature in its best colors. The most important in the book is the topics it addresses; it is anthology of life in the USA because it traces local understanding of basic β†’

Ethical dilemma

So complicated is the issue of abortion that until today, there has not been a general agreement by society as to whether the decision to have an abortion should completely be on a medical basis without considering the rights of the unborn child. Many religions condemn the ending of life, especially of a defenseless unborn β†’

Annotated bibliography for africas hunger

It contributes to hunger as it increases the rate of hunger in the population due to poverty. Pantaleo, C.and S. Print. Rice, Xan." Hunger Pains: Famine in the Horn of Africa".


The narrator realizes his loneliness, his lack of communication, and his use of alcohol and drugs to overcome these shortcomings through this meeting and thus the story ends on a positive note that there is still hope. The first hint of the narrator's loneliness is when his wife says to him " You do not β†’

Japan and the pacific rim

Reunification of the North and South Korea Reunification of the North and South Korea For decades, the way to reunification of the North and South Korea has been a controversy between political analysts, policy makers, and governments. Together with the evaluation of other people's thoughts on reunification of North and South Korea, I will in β†’

Viewpoint against childhood obesity

When the BMI measures to the 95th percentile or above for children between the age of 2 and 19, a case of obesity would be reported as noted by Barbour. Green, Hargrove and Riley indicate that type 2 diabetes has been on the increase among African American children as a result of obesity.

Advantages and disadvantages of capital punishment

English 4th April, A Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Punishment Capital punishment refers to the killing of criminals guilty of grave crimes as a way of punishing them for the crimes that they have committed. This is because, although, capital punishment relieves governments of the economic burden of meeting the economic needs β†’

Advocacy organization

First Sur Advocacy Organizations The National Book Foundation website has a mission to celebrate the best American literature, expand its audience coverage as well as enhancing the cultural values and award the great American writers. 7 June 2015., The Pulitzer Prizes | Whats New.N.p., 2015.Web.

Smart phones

It is critical to go through some of the advantages and disadvantages of these mobile phones in order to gain a deeper understanding. One of the advantages of these mobile phones is that they have more capabilities when compared to the other mobile phones. It is critical to understand that despite the widespread positive regards β†’

Define tolerance

However, this is a false accusation because people need to be tolerated no matter what religion they follow; others need to understand that just because they follow the same religion as the terrorists did, they are not part of the same way of thinking or way of life. Americans as such are losing out on β†’


In addition, he also edited and contributed to an article in the UCLA Law review. The professor's first question was what type of law I wanted to write. He said that the authors in such fields should stick to what is factual and not speculated of fictional.

Assignment example

This paper explores and discusses the sovereignty claims of the native tribes in Alaska and Akaka in Hawaii. Sovereignty Rights in Alaska Natives of Alaska, a land purchased by the United States from Russia have gone through a tumultuous period of political and legal up and downs before the recognition of their self-government status β†’

Communication climate supportive defensive

The success of our presentation and discussions was much dependent on the capacity of us to work as a team and this meant that the hierarchy in responsibility s either being the chair or just a member had no place in the communication. Supportive climate of communication requires high degree of flexibility, open mindedness and β†’


The shipping news by Annie Proulx Annie Proulxs novel " The Shipping News," is set in contemporary Newfoundland, where there is certainly a lot of drownings. Quoyle is lastly freed from the marriage when his wife dies in a car accident together with one of her lovers. Quoyles aunt comes to assist him together with β†’


The Number 30 September Animals " The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated". Mahatma Gandhi It seems that a lot of people today do not fully realize the value of animals. The Endangered Species Coalition. EndangeredSpecie.Com.n.d.Web.

Analyze a film

The education has led to the exclusion of the brothers from the rest of society. On the other hand, the community is affected by trial, as it is perceived to have neglected the brothers. Discussion 4 There are variations of the perspectives in the documentary.

English composition

As they say, a smile could be epidemic, so joy could be more infectious. Joy could also be a person or thing which is a source of happiness and satisfaction. Joy involves longing because it is a wonderful feeling that makes a person to be in that state always.

Evaluation of product; apple’s macbook pro

On the other hand, outside the manufacturer environment, MacBook Pro is a fast moving product in the market. Consumer Reports ranks MacBook Pro as one of the best laptop computers in the market and a quickly moving product by consumer choice. The evaluation of this product in terms of market and consumer setting involves three β†’

Drinking age

According to Hanson et al, a drinking permit shouldreplace the minimum legal drinking age as a solution to the problem. A balance between drinking restriction and drinking permits should be used to address the problem. Works Cited Hanson et al.

Informative summary

Lecturer The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved The sports article was ed in 1970, by Hunter Thompson, during the derby in Louisville. This derogatively illustrates the white social group in the American society. A lot of slang language is applied in the literary work.


Many children who have won in sports recognize the value of hard work and are willing to exert more efforts in other sectors of their lives. In different games, children require competition so that they may find the find the games exciting. Competition in games introduces children to the realities of life, which is defined β†’

Globalisation,multinational enterprises(mnes) and free trade

The process of international integration with regard to exchange of views, products and cultural aspects is illustrative of globalization where national and regional economies, societies and cultures are unified. Integration fosters the removal of barriers such as trade restrictions, quotas and tariffs, which attracts economic stimulation through economic drives. In this sense, new markets emerge β†’

Examine three literary elements in one of the stories, such as, but not limited to, irony, imagery, style, tone, language, plot, setting, symbolism, theme, point of view. how are these techniques employed and/or contribute to the story

The plot interestingly starts with Muriel, Seymour's wife, sitting in the hotel and talking to her mother over the phone who is insisting Muriel to spend the vacation with them. The plot then turns to Seymour who is out at the beach when a young girl, Sybil, come over to him and he takes her β†’

Peer feedback

Then give feedback to a second rough draft. Writer's name: Rachelle Ellis Reviewer's name: _________________________________ Present the author's thesis in your own words and discuss whether it is persuasive and whether it provides an accurate guide to the direction of the paper. The thesis of the author is that alternative medicines are effective β†’

Using the internet research the topic effective study strategies

To make sure that I do not fall victim, I choose to adopt measures to improve my skills in reading, writing and test taking. When taking tests, the proposition of Mach et al.would be helpful as I will read the questions, understand what it seeks to answer and leaving none unanswered.