Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Heinrich’s theories

In this law he considered unsafe acts of the person as the main root cause of industrial accidents. In this article the view of Heinrich is not supported and it is suggested that the two myths unsafe act and behaviorof workers are the principal cause of the industrial accidents decreasing accident β†’

Communication study

Babbie reveals that the scales employed by the social scientists in research are normally constructed in the ordinal data level. Likert, semantic differential and Bogardus Social Distance Scales, are the typically examples of scales normally used by social scientists in their studies according to Babbie. Babbie also considers the effectiveness of β†’

Answer questions below

For example the benefits of using coal is the cheap cost and abundance in availability, however the social cost is at a higher end as the amount of carbon elements it releases in the air, while combusting are immense compared to other fuels. The very fact that the price of processed oil is very high β†’

Modual 6 questions see below

Module six Review Assignment of Unit Lecture Q A Soil is the core of civilization from the fact that it is the essential element used in the construction of building, medical uses and is a raw material for artwork. Making the Industrial farming one of the largest enemy of the soil. QC The soil β†’

What is the advantages of having green building and leeds certificate

It is done by an independent party and it brings out the affirmation that the organization operating the building is focused and environment friendly. The future of business goes to those who minimize cost and maximize on sales. Community benefits such as ensure that there is water efficiency which can be used in other ways β†’

Comparison between 2003 wild fire and hurricane katrina disaster

Unfortunately, during the disaster it was noticeable that there was less preparation from the part of the government authorities as to the emergency response and rescue measures to save the disabled people. The Local fire authorities and police agencies were seen to be less alert towards this disastrous event and provided an inferior service to β†’

Describe urban blight

The paper studies the reason for the urban blight and identifies the needs for the people in the shanty town. Reasons for Urban blight: Urban Blight has become a popular phenomenon in most of the developing countries of the world. The concept of urban blight deals with the decay of the parts of the older β†’

Relationship study – psychosis patient in mental health facility

The patient's response was that she probably had already told the therapists, but she understood what I was saying and she agreed to speak with me. I was able to accept the patient as she was however, and able to talk with her.

Effective management

Owing to the costs incurred, the agent might begin to pursue his own agenda and ignore the best interest of the principle, thereby causing the principal agent problem to occur". Ordinarily, contractors will have an obligation to do the work on behave of the one the party that has given them the contractual obligation. They β†’

Perfect competition and the supply curve & monopoly

Therefore, the economics of scale becomes very important in this kind of an industry. This could result to consumer exploitation hence attracting the interest of the government to regulate monopoly.

Sports communication discussion question a

In that regard, sporting has shifted more from being a review to live coverage, live comments, and feeds. Radio media outlet coverage in the sports sector played a vital role in the expansion of this universal career. In the past most of the sport, journalism was a reporting affair.

Israel/ palestine war

Additionally, the Jews in America hold elite positions in the states which hinder the disregard of Israel in any complex situation. The Palestine and Israel war has been significant in the United States due to the diplomatic and political relationship the two nations share. This is because the United States has been a significant figure β†’

The pollution in rivers and lakes by using artificial neural network

In this method, the i is considered as the input parameter to the input-neurons which would be passed into the hidden layer of neuron set after multiplying with a correction weight. This net value is passed into the output neuron which uses a non-linear function, say, f = 1/ to determine β†’

Your pick of this week’s news week8

Hopes were high that the objects found in the Chinese satellite were debris from the missing plane to put closure on the issue. The article was the second find of a floating object in the Indian Ocean which is the best lead to find the missing MH370. The search for the debris is made more β†’

Is excessive food waste an environmental concern

This appears to be true because the Food and Agricultural Organization indicated on 10th January, 2012 that one third of the food produced for human consumption globally, goes to waste every year. They did not know that methane gas produced from food rot is more hazardous to the environment than carbon dioxide.


The Effect of Changing Gender Relationships on our Families Your College/School's In the USA, the traditional family dynamic is a nuclear family that is headed by the patriarch, who is the major bread earner, with the matriarch considered to be the head of household chores and activities, including most of child rearing. More and more β†’

Developing and transitional economies

The difference between a developed nation and a developing nation is easily visible; people of developing nations earn low incomes at an average, the rate of population is very high, there is lack of education and less expenditure is done on the well being and education of the population because of low savings which is β†’

Valuation of biodiversity in economics

Activities by human beings have played a part and still play a part in the unexpected rates of biodiversity deficiency endangering the stability and permanence of the ecosystems together with their availing of goods and services to people. This encourages assessment of benefits of cost of the biodiversity strategies. There are four types of biodiversity β†’


Task: Feminism Feminism holds into the belief that women should assume the same equal social, political and economic rights as men in the society. The reason that female oppression goes unnoticed among many in the community is the fact that women are not actually a minority group which makes it hard for many people to β†’

The concept and components of business cycles

In economics, the term business cycle in basic terms refers to the economic growth fluctuations that are witnessed in the country. 5% decline in employment. Components of the business cycle The expansion and recovery phase relates to the period in which the business is rising, and consumer confidence is growing in the economy.

Us economic performance

US Economic Performance US Economic Performance To keep up with the global challenges the nation is facing, the Bush administration has set national economic targets for the current year. The increase in GDP is attributed to the sustainable consumer spending.

Globalization and the maritime world in the twentieth century

Globalization and the maritime world The work by Miller is one that is closely linked with the work of Marc. In the research conducted by Miller, the author is of the thought that the development of globalization cannot be alienated from a discussion of maritime history.

Organization and planning assumptions for the community disaster relief plan.m1s

This plan is necessary because the town is quite ill equipped to deal with major emergencies; the nearest referral hospital and response units are far away by 50 kilometers. Chloe-land is a sleepy town, far from the city, and is an administrative center. There are two major disasters that these people are most vulnerable to, β†’

Excess supply concept

A price below B means a shortage because suppliers are not willing to produce more and demand is high. EQUILIBRIUM POINT OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND There are instances that there will be no excesses of supply despite increase in price because of the need for the commodity. Markets, Demand and supply, and the Price β†’

Gender gap between male and female obstetrics and gynecology

Gender gap between male and female ob-gyn Why there is gender gap in the section of gynecology According to Higham and Philip , the gender gap between male and female obstetricians and gynecologists has been on the increase. This gender gap is not only in Britain but in the United States β†’

How a weak currency effects exports vs. imports

The long effect of a weak currency is that it augments the economic crisis and less spending because of high prices of goods. On the other hand, a strong currency declines the quantity of exports that a foreigner's demand and in turn, reduces a nation's export production.

Roberto cavalli to open the first cavalli club in dubai

The Big Apple will soon get to experience Italian opulence in the s newest and most happening club with the opening of the Roberto Cavalli Club. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel will be host to the latest addition to the Cavalli Clubs after the success of its predecessor at the Fairmont Hotel in Dubai which debuted β†’


Moreover, what catches the audience's attention regarding this story is that the same Obama promised to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, and those who were to remain were only to be involved in training the Afghanistan soldiers, and not actively helping them in combat missions as the new deal states. Moreover, the authors seem to β†’

Basic hazardous waste management

Basic Hazardous Waste Management essay 1 The notification by the attorney that there is a gift from my late Uncle is an indication that I have inherited the property. It is clear that there is the need to remove petroleum products and refill the well with pure water for human consumption as β†’

Leadership communication

Leadership Communication in Organizations Leadership communication is significant for the accomplishment of the goals of leadership. It allows the leader to help members of an organization to realize its competitive advantage. Open communication in leadership is one of the motivating factors for effective performance.

The euro currency: before and after

The Euro Currency al Affiliation) The euro currency, before and after. Question topics. Which countries are expected to exit the Eurozone? What influenced various countries to adopt the Euro as their currency? What did European countries use as a standard currency before the creation of the Euro? Why the Euro not at an unsurpassed low β†’

Communication with the media

This paper provides suggestions of how to release three types of information to the media. In the case of releasing information about the troublesome player, the organization should use interviews and anticipatory contacts to release information about that player. At the end of the session, the manager should once again point out the good side β†’

Article resposne

The first is acceptance, and this refers to the ability of an individual to understand and appreciate differences in culture. The second stage is adaptation, and people at this stage develop habits and behaviors that are appropriate to that other culture.

The factors in economic boundaries

In order for firms to compete globally, it is important for managers to understand the nature of global markets. In global markets, the prevailing exchange rate is as well important when computing the cost of production, because it ultimately influences the costs of exports and imports. Another important factor is the competitive market condition.

Global banking issues

As there was trade development the goods exchange was not able to the meet the requirements of people as the goods that was being exchanged was not able to maintain the initial value. The supply of money comprises of three essential components such as the first one is M0 that relates to monetary liabilities of β†’

Effects of media on communication

Full Effects of Media on Communication Communication is an important aspect in life and as the world virtually becomes smaller each day, it becomes more and more essential. Therefore, it is the decision of a person if media will destroy his communication or improve it.

Diversion rate of california

With this view, California's diversion rates have continually increased since 1990 due to enactment of stiff laws on waste management. In California, there is a national state agency called CalRecycle, which has authority on matters of recycling, waste reduction and waste reusing. It demanded relevant agencies to ensure 25 percent diversion rates by the year β†’

See instructions

Essay, marketing The marketing process involves making sure that the s get to know the kind ofproducts and services available in the market in order for the manufacturer to make sales. In triability, we include products such as shampoo and lotion while with observation are products like clothes and shoes. The product life cycle in β†’

Module one discussion board

The data is collated to address the needs of business and customers. Hence, enforcing strict code of ethics becomes very important part of market research. The companies can enforce ethics in market research by getting feedback directly from the participants and double check their responses to check the authenticity of data that is to be β†’

Case study example

Phil understands that purchase for the extended warranty is not justified but he dishonestly convinces customers to buy it, action that contravenes integrity ethics. Question 4: Phil's confidence of interval for predicting buyers and impacts on his incentive sales Phil should be more adept in predicting customers' probability of purchasing the extended warranty because β†’

Fake brands

The consumers in different parts of the globe have different motives of buying fake products and the trend differs in different parts of the globe. Luxury brands are in most cases the victims of counterfeit trade mainly as a result of the fact that they have premium prices that are beyond the reach of many β†’

Ikea case study

The operations managers and researchers are left with the responsibility to respond efficiently to the ever changing business environment in order to gain the much needed competitive advantage in the market. IKEA's products are designed and produced by the best personnel of the company. The most innovative design is passed for production. This has led β†’

Fashion brand feedback

The Existing clients have stopped buying our collection because they feel that the new collection is not consistent with last season, the characters used in the collection make the clients feel too Asian. 2 Comments on style and fabrics Generally, The designs are interesting in terms of shape, lengths, and volumes, but some of β†’


The SWOT analysis to be described in this project will help Garnier Company to come up with more processes in developing their products. Analysis of Garnier market plan The whole growth rate of the product in the year 2006-2010 was eighteen percent. Strength of the product is the good financial background of the company β†’

Term project

The user of the treadmill has to either walk or run on the platform in correspondent to the speed of the treadmill. The user has the ability to control the speed of the conveyor belt in order to conform to their desirable speed of walking or running.

Swot analysis

In addition, the positive characteristics are considered as strengths from their capability to sustain the organization's competitive advantage and the positive aspects of the human resource. Consequently, these factors reduce the expected value of an organizations operations and leads to a decrease in their competitive advantage in the markets.

International marketing plan guide

However, for a new entrant in the market the prices have to conform to the levels of pricing to the Qatar market, owing to sensitivity to new universities in the region and the need for quality education. After some time, the prices can be adjusted upwards when Marywood University has established a high acceptance in β†’

New factory

Analysis In the process of establishing a manufacturing company in Saudi Arabia, the government and all other authorities have to be notified of the intention such an idea. The growing market share of locally produced switches and sockets compared to the export is a sign that the new company is going to perform well in β†’


Case Study The macro environment of the airline industry that BA and the airline industry operates in can be classified to be of duopoly. Connected to this, the environment, due to the growing need to carry out businesses and that of people to fly, really had a lot of opportunities for more airlines to operate β†’

Case study example

Hint: this relates to the hypothesis of the experiment. The article comes to the conclusion that most people are base their sense of satisfaction and consumption on visual cues. In this form of advertising, the advertiser depends on the internet where the ad is placed in the context considering in mind the users experience.

Global marketing project

Next they would want to identify whether the company has the internal ability and strength to meet the demand of the consumers of the market they are going to pursue. They would even want to know about the political environment of the nation and the rules and regulations that govern the nation, including rules and β†’

Heightening market competition at oregon company

The company is sinking deep in the pit of financial anguish facing the economy and its clients are struggling for their survival. However, differing opinions in the company's management board concerning what strategies should be adopted presents a challenging situation in choosing the best path for the company's recovery and survival in the future. 2.

Electric jacket

This is because the product is intended to reach a wide number oftargeted customers in nearly all locations where the product will be sold. Additionally, the product is relatively low priced implying that most people will need it. This product will be available in a number of retail stores, which include cloth stores and sporting β†’

Brand of yogurt

As for Bango Frozen yogurt, it has low calories, and the free wifi service in an inconvenient location will not serve my purpose apart from the important disadvantage that the yogurt is not tasty. Interview: My fascination for yogurt Frozen yogurt is my food. The majority of my friends like frozen yogurt and I β†’

The role of consumer behavior in marketing decisions

Your firm currently has on the table a project proposal for the introduction of a new line of men's and women's suits. The introduction of the new line of suits has tremendous potential to improve the financial performance of the company.

On lever, ltd*

One thinks that advertising budget should be allocated to the area where one's target market is greater in number. Chen is convinced that since there is intense competition in the Ontario market, that is where they should invest more in terms of advertising.

Blog post for public relation

While there are millions or even hundreds of millions of articles or just short posts on the internet that speak to the sale of a product that is either similar, substitute, complementary or supplementary to the brand that a business offers, it is only through the creation of unique content in relation to the product, β†’

Corporate accounting, financial statement analysis of 3 publishers

In this paper we will use the ratio analyses in analyzing the financial statement of the three publishing company, and establishing the performance of the three companies. In conclusion ratio analysis has facilitated a comparative study of financial position and the performance of the company in the industry.

Life style assignment

You should be demanding and should bring changes in the products in order to fulfill the demands of the customers that are changing with the dynamic world. The secrets of a company should remain to you.

Decision analysis

3, P Probability to obtain the license = 0. 7, P If the license is obtained; Probability not to obtain a defense contract = 0.

Assignment questions

MARKETING al Affiliation) Strategies for the Marketing Plan One of the strategies for the marketing plan would be identification of a target market. In relation to the marketing of the bicycles, the three stages would involve the following activities: Planning: Identification of resources needed to market the bicycle; identification of target markets for the bicycle; β†’

Social responisbility and marketing ethics

Much as a firm wants to make fair profits, it must also be aware of and protect the environment in which it operates-customers today anticipate and require more from what they buy, including safety, value as well as quality. Employees also require more than just a paycheck and the society generally requires the firm to β†’

Target market for one card

Notably, Point.coms' clientele pay certain charges for the management of their accounts with the organization and conversion of the rewards and mileage. has a specific target market, which is constituted by the clientele of airlines and hotels. However, accomplishment of's objective to dominate the market depends on its capacity to manage the clientele's β†’

Kraft foods

Corporate information presented on the website introduces the website user to the actual business line of the company, highlighting the products and services offered by the company. The effectiveness of using this website as a marketing tool depends on the extent to which it achieves the desired goals and objectives set by the company. In β†’

Radio advertising

Moreover, due to split " of national and local radio stations", the advertisers have several options for reaching the target audience , which also makes radio a very flexible advertising medium. Modern mass media industry offers a great range of both local and national radio stations broadcasting music of different genres aimed at different β†’

Consumer behavior paper

The significance of this process is the fact that the item is of monetary value, and the potential consumer will take time evaluate various alternatives before buying. Stage one - Recognition of the problem The buyer recognises that he has a need that requires to be fulfilled. Additionally, the psychological motivator was the need β†’

Thinking outside the big box

Jim Sinegal justifies Costco's generosity to its workers, and low prices to its customers, on the grounds that, unlike the analysts, who are in the line of making quick money and think only in the short term, Costco's strategy is based on long-term consideration. Sinegal is aware that Costco is doing the right thing, in β†’

Krause corporation investigation

Krause Corporation Investigation In the given case study, Steve Rothel, the supply manager for the Midwest division of the Krause Corporation has to take a suitable purchasing decision; whether to purchase the pipes from outside and fabricate an extra joint or to fabricate the full HVAC system in house. In my opinion, Steve β†’

Marketing plan: phase iii

HP Photosmart is of the product included in the portfolio. The main marketing objective of the company HP is to provide its product in the major or we can say the super stores in the world.

Marketers invading privacy

of the of the Concerned English 27 February Marketers Invading Privacy The article How Companies Learn Your Secrets, published in The New York Times is revealing and positively shocking in the sense that it indicates the dawn of an era where the privacy of the customers is open to the invasiveness of the marketers interested β†’

Learning team segmentation, targeting, and positioning paper

For a business to be successful, it has to understand consumer behavior; hence, it has to satisfy consumer needs. Marketing can be related to advertising, and in many occasion they are used interchangeably to mean the same thing. This is because the market is an extremely competitive place, and for consumers demand to know the β†’

Perceptions that consumers have for the different marketing messages

A drop in the share prices would affect the consumers and they may apply the selective exposure process. Selective Retention The selective retention process observes that consumers tend to retain those marketing messages that are of interest to them and also are favoring their opinions as well. The marketing messages that are against the β†’

Classic airlines care study

The Objectives and Obstacles of the Marketing Department It is clear that the objective of the Marketing Department is to connect with the customers, get their suggestions and feedback and then implement a Customer Recovery or Retention Program that address these elements. They would have to get the buy-in of both the CEO and the β†’

One analyses and make the recommend marketing strategies to the relevant cloths industry on your analysis of the chosen phenomenon

The United States, in the last few years, has seen a spike in online clothes shopping. The findings of a survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center are pretty heartening for the online retailers. The apparel has to be in unused condition and must be supported by the original bill for a full β†’

Products, brands & their distribution

In case of tinned tomatoes and auto repair, the customers do not have a relationship with its brand. He will not develop a relationship with a particular brand. Question 4: The distribution strategy for Hunts is to provide their product through many distributors and to as many grocery shops as possible.

Tim’s coffee shoppe

Moreover, the placement of the new products fits into the already existing market, and promotions could be employed in marketing the new line of products at the Coffee Shoppe. The menu board at Tim's Coffee Shoppe is commendable, but essentially in need of some improvements. Instead, Tim's Coffee Shoppe should identify its customer segments and β†’

Product placement as a new method of advertising

In the veiled advertising that appears on TV or in the movies, there is, obviously, a distinct advantage: the advertising message is embedded in the gist of the work of art, but people - no matter they like it or not - certainly perceive the information and keep it in mind; it comes out when β†’

Mkt week 3 db sa

For example, it is hard to understand how such software will be used for the purpose of discharging patients as well as doing a follow-up for the patient's home care and it raises the question as to whether this software will be installed at the patient's home in order to gather information about his recovery β†’

Website evaluation

The site emphasizes on correcting grammatical errors as its main service, then continues to outline at the bottom that it is also a plagiarism checker. Firstly, the homepage has lots of information that the users might not get to read all of it.


Salto's population as of 2013 was 104, 000. Number of Cars As of 2013, Montevideo has about one million cars in total. Salto had about 90, 000 cars as of 2013 (DS Word's Lands 1; World Population Review 1). Number of mileage driven within the two cities Salto is located on Route 3, β†’

The bp and toyota cases concern companies that acted in ways that would clearly cause harm to the public and/or the planet. to do so, individuals at many levels played a part. if you worked in the marketing department of bp or toyota, explain your departm

These pickups are already in the market and this shows that the marketing department failed to identify that their products have faults before delivering the products to the customers. It is even the ethical duty of marketers to ensure that they do not provide wrongful information to their customers.

Application of descriptive statistics

Using the business environment at Daimler, the paper explores application of descriptive statistics in ' decision-making'. Descriptive statistics offers a summary of distribution of data. Standard deviation is then used to provide for a range within which the company can expect to meet demand for each of its products. Descriptive statistics offers features of data β†’

Marketing on women

Women have emerged as the main decision makers in buying a large number of products1. Factors: Many factors have acted as a catalyst for change and these include an increase in the number of women with jobs, rise in single women and single women with children and an increase in the number of women entrepreneurs β†’

Media advertising

Since the identified marketing medium is through online selling on Facebook, the best tactic to use would be to display unique features about the product using creativity that is difficult to copy. There are risks that are associated with social media marketing and they include; Legal implications when using the online advertisement, any breach of β†’

Marketing in the 21st century

The loyalty of customer increases with personalization as customer feels that company cares about his values and preferences.Nowadays it all depends on how well the company can understand its customer and the better it knows its customer the better product and services it can provide to its customers. Customer trust level decreases when the price β†’

Description of the current brand

The strategy has allowed them to have multiple variations of the brand and sub-brands that has enabled it to cater to different market segments. The organization has eleven brands. In addition, it enables it to compete in different parts of the world due to differences in consumer needs. In addition, the organization has sub-brands.


This makes it easy for the business to expand its operations in the market. Custom marketing is cost effective. This is because it informs and persuades the customers to purchase the products or services. With the increasing levels of competition in the market, custom marketing is the best strategy for business-to-business market.

Principles of marketing

According to Kotler & Armstrong , a company may choose brand extension, which involves the use of renowned brands to introduce others in the market; line extension, where the successful brand names are used to design more product in the same product line; it can also introduce multibrands which means creating a number of β†’

History of wal-mart

In 1968, Wal-Mart stepped out of Arkansas with inception of its operations in Sikeston and Claremore. The company was incorporated in 1969 and it was listed in NYSE in 1970. Vance and Scott have rightly described Wal-Mart as a retail phenomenon in the corporate history of USA.

Billboard influence on social issues

Billboard Influence On Social Issues In response to evaluating the effectiveness of advertisement, it is no doubt extremely vital to include all evidence when evaluating the advertisement. The author of study is failed to make logical arguments in the study.

Case study

Countries in Persian Gulf believe in heavy breakfast and consequently a wide variety of food groups are available to choose from during breakfast. Problem and solution The main problem that Kellogg faces in the Gulf of Arab countries is the notion with the consumers that breakfast cereals are goodies for babies and not adult β†’

Brand integrity

The authors of the article are of the opinion that if the focus is only on profits, the brand may lose its customers. A quiz comprising of ten questions that helps examine how connected the employees are to the brand promise is also mentioned in the article. The article puts forth a potentially controversial argument β†’

British airlines

Moreover, the airline has increased the internet usage thus creating awareness and interaction among the customers (British Airways 2010a; 2010b; British Airways 2010c). For the threshold capabilities and resources, the company has tangible assets of a fleet of 245 aircrafts, which access more than 550 destinations worldwide (British Airways 2004b; British Airways 2004c; British Airways β†’

Interactive marketing

Is e-marketing coming of Age An examination of the Penetration of e-marketing And firm performance. About the Nature and Future of Interactive Marketing.

Burberry case

Because of these factors, the brand gained recognition and received the Contemporary Design Collection of the Year award and the Classic Design Collection of the Year award. This creates a competitive advantage over its competitors and thus any more restrictions to the use of the signature check would demean Burberry market position.


The marketing strategy employed in marketing the same diabetes drugs is a pull market strategy that bases on the needs of the patients. The strategy ensures that the promotion that is done on the product reveals an in-depth need for use of the product by diabetics. The product helps diabetes patients that require monitoring constantly β†’