Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Social phobia

When categorized, social phobia falls into the group of stage fright and panics and are considered to be a form of social anxiety disorder. In addition, the disorder can be caused due to environmental factors which are responsible for shaping the attitudes and behaviors of individuals within a society. Works Cited " Social Phobia ".

Current u.s and indonesian economics

My prediction is that by the summer of 2010 the unemployment rate will be a few points lower than now. 2) Explain the impact of the global crisis in Indonesia, how serious the impact, and what Indonesia has done to cope with it? The global economic lowed commodity prices and export demand which lowered their β†’

Isu’s restrooms and how to keep them clean

Along with hourly visit they should follow a checklist to ensure that all the elements within the bathroom are clean. If they find the bathroom to be in a messy state, they should inform the cleaners about it.

Depending on foreign oil

The primary cause of the rise in oil prices was that the global demand for oil was growing faster that global supply. Not only is America dependent on foreign sources of oil, it is becoming more dependent on foreign sources of gasoline. America is one the highest consumer of oil globally.

Environmental toxicology assgn. 2

00 Question 12 Answer 0. 00 Question 18 Answer 0.

Ecology in taiwan

For this reason, Taiwan has always been open to sustainable energy policy, allowing the importance of research and development strategies and initiatives to back up decision-making process. Taiwan therefore believes in the success of green house gas reduction through sustainable energy development and application of relevant initiatives and policies. The sustainable energy policy is perhaps β†’

How might traditional views toward women in judaism

How might traditional views toward women in Judaism be altered in the Judaism that wishes to incorporate feminist ideas? Judaism, like Orthodox, had strict rules and norms for women to follow traditionally. This has definitely given women a greater right in the legal sense. In conclusion, it can be said that even though the perception β†’

Ocean fishery sustainability

This is in relation to the fact that these factors are the main contributors of overfishing. According to National Geographic , the 90 million tons of fish caught from the ocean by 1989 was the main contributing factor for the current low number of fish in the ocean. The main reason for the failure β†’

Reflection paper

They perceive the joke as a concept that put them in a better position while compared to the others that the joke is directed. The reason behind fun coming from a distasteful joke is attributed to the fact that every person possesses insecurities of their own.

News of the week

The following link is helpful in accessing the entire article in case one wishes to read it; The main idea in the newspaper is the issue of using of Times News Roman as the standard font style for the government since it needs more ink than Garamond. One of the facts in the article β†’

Fundraise to cure autism

Body Problem With reference to autism, most of the children who are diagnosed cannot be given proper management of the disease for recovery due to their parent inability to pay for the cost of the management. Conclusion With the realization of autism dangers, it is imperative that we avoid substances that are β†’

Chapter seven

According to the ideas of Krugman and Wells, inflation simply refers to a persistent increase in the prices of commodities in an economy. In addition, I learnt about the negative impacts of inflation in an economy (Baumol, W.J.& A.S.

Regional services executive for the west region matt marriott point of view

The roundtable discussion featuring executives from the Institute for International Business' Global Advisory Board focused on the imminent thrust toward the strengthening of a company's global workforce to take advantage of today's globalized economies. The main speaker of the event was IBM's Director and Regional Services Executive for the West Region Matt Marriott who gave β†’

Weak anthropocentric intrinsic value by hargrove eugene

Baird Callicott observes that nature has no value of its own unless it is given to it by human beings since values depend entirely on human judgment. It is apparent that all value depends on the subjective feelings of human observers, and that value will hardly exist in nature unless it is given to it β†’

The united states economy

The paper " The United States Economy" is an excellent example of an essay on macro and microeconomics. The United s of America has the largest economy in the world. This brought about a global recession which resulted in a growth in the unemployment rate, dropping commodity prices, and a drop in international trade.

Case analysis: macroeconomic concepts

Consumer's confidence is important in the economy as it is key in attracting investment and hence increases level of economic activities The main macroeconomic concepts highlighted in the article include are aggregated demand, business environment and business cycle. In the article, I have learnt that the consumer confidence is determined by the level of β†’

Monopolies – gas and electric

Monopolizing business sectors like electricity industry and gas industry is both beneficial and detrimental to any economy, thus requires maximum regulation by the government of the given country. Government's intervention leading to monopolization of the gas and electric sectors of the given country will have positive and negative implication to the general economy. Moreover, government's β†’

Income inequality and economic growth

However, once consumption is restricted by the level of disposable income, there is a budget line, which acts a constraint depending on the level of income. In cases of inequality that is brought about by unequal distribution of wealth and resources, the budget lines of the individual citizens are highly varied. In an attempt to β†’

The price elasticity of gasoline in the united states has been estimated to be 0.15. if this is so, should profit maximizing gasoline stations raise their prices explain why or why not

Explain why or why not Arguments One of the important concepts that can influence the pricing strategy is price elasticity of demand which shows the change in the quantity demanded of a certain product due to change in the price of the same product. Another important concept is the income elasticity which refers to β†’

Non specific topics

The Gross Domestic Product is a measure of the total income in the economy. In the equation, export minus imports is attained by the cumulative exports being adjusted by the subtraction of the expenditure that is not domestic.

Herbicide x

Herbicide X Basic Risk Assessment for Herbicide X Introduction The ensuing case study is to assess the risk associated with the use of Herbicide X that is being used extensively in the farms. In view of this, Herbicide X poses extreme threat to the humans as it is used in the same dosages as found β†’

Nickle-and-dimed: on (not) getting by in america

She aced an interview, but she did not accept the job as the compensation was very low and could not at least match the shame that she would undergo during the urine test. After a week, she had created a survey of her coworkers at the restaurant. She also discovered that the restaurant did not β†’

Comm page 186

Exercise Print elements For a good print, I will focus on an interesting headline, lead, and quotes from the officials and residents such as: " I think it is safe to say it is the worst storm in a decade in one of the four or five worst this century," said Brad O'Leary. Another element that β†’

Reaction paper for health communication

The production gives a review of what wellbeing correspondence as a field involves the different interchanges systems that experts working in the wellbeing segment could use to instruct, disperse data, and how the public can maintain safe sex behaviors. It expounds on making the right choices always when seeking to communicate and especially sex life. β†’

Technology evaluation different time, different place

Lotus Live Technology Assessment Questions Assessing the Cultural Practice For the technology selected, answer the questions below: Does the technology: Allow for collaboration between individuals in the organization? Yes No Do not know Allow for collaboration between teams in the organization? Yes No Do not know Allow for collaboration β†’

The pro and con sides to using multiple choice tests at the college level

This paper tends to describe two pros and two cons of multiple choice tests; and, the final paragraph is personal reflection on the topic. Hughes suggests that multiple choice tests benefit those examiners who do not have ample time going through long essays and marking them. These skills are mandatory for success in the long β†’

International macro post

The country has to establish conventional macroeconomics to guide in managing economic growth and economic development instead focusing on GDP and neglecting other economic concerns such as inflation, unemployment and externalities. In their final submission, the article highlights possibility of hope for the' New country'. Since the war reduces the level of investment by the β†’

Masculinity and sexuality in highschool

The effeminate boy and the masculine girls therefore are not being treated fairly which is a shame for such a societal manifestation. It should be tackled in such a way that both gays and lesbians are treated in an equal and balanced fashion without any biasness coming to the fore.

Anzaldua and kingstons feminist arguments against patriarchy

Anzaldua and Kingston examine the topic of feminism in the context evolving in the " Borderland: La Frontera: The New Mestiza" and " Women warrior: China Men" and ending to occupy a nerve at the center of her cultural border and post colonial dialogue. Largely, the works of both authors represent a defensive and generative β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of tax system

The problem with the user charges is that in some cases, it is difficult to determine the specific and proper design and domain of user charges. Further, it prepares the tax expenditure to show its spending and spending via the tax system.

Paper on the glass castle, for communications class

The main purpose of the author to select such a tone in the book is to send out the message to readers regarding communication imperativeness in a family setting. It would not be incorrect to state that the author has been successful in this regard. It should be noted that the author seemed to be β†’

The autobiographies of hughes and army tan

Importantly, they give accounts of moments the two writers remembered the most. Hughes' work points at the salvation of the children as being infatuations.

Monetary policy in 2007 recession

The Federal Reserve Bank employed vibrant measures of boosting the economy by lowering the interest rates and skillfully controlling the amount of the bank reserves and offsetting the monetary shocks including the financial panic. In this respect, the monetary policy averted the economic collapse in the United States amidst panics over the solvency of numerous β†’

Impact of rise in price of gasoline

Hence rise in the price of oil is likely to cause the supply of gasoline to fall. Supply curve of gasoline will shift to left and equilibrium price of gasoline will rise and equilibrium quantity will fall. Price S2 S1 E2 P2 E1 P1 D1 Q2 Q1 Quantity Y-axis β†’

The short-run and of the macro economy

The Short-Run And Of The Macro Economy Classical and Keynesian theories are two of the economic school of thought, and each has different approaches to the economic studies that involve monetary policy, government spending and consumer behavior. The long run neoclassical theories deal with coming up with solutions for problems in the β†’

Whatever the artical is talking about something over

I find this relationship in the manner in which the proliferation of homicide, which is a crime under the constitution, is prevalent among the African American communities in America, despite the existence of laws and a criminal justice system to deter and deal with such crimes. In addressing crime from an economic theory perspective, the β†’

Unit iv assessment#1 biomass exposure

Unit IV Assessment Biomass Exposure The calculatingly compare biomass with LPG to designate the adverse effects brought about by poverty and ignorance on the use of fuels. It was also a pertinent comparison of the adverse effects of biomass as compared to LPG, expertly intended to discourage people and governments to avert using biomass. Exposure β†’

Answer question

Therefore, extending my personal brand was a way of broadening my career front. Conclusion In a bid to excel in the publishing of my articles, I have also faced the compulsion of indulging in business research. In the future I am willing to explore new opportunities in a bid to extend my personal brand β†’


This summary aims at evaluating, analyzing and concluding on the planning and continuous development of the city of angels. Despite the constant criticisms and negative analysis of the Los Angeles, the fact still remains that the city was planned and never just happened. The nature is both a love and hate for the city dwellers β†’

Keystone species – sea stars

Sea stars are a keystone species in the rocky intertidal and its existence controls the population of mussels in the middle intertidal to ensure sustainability of other organisms. Absence of sea stars in the rocky intertidal however allows for massive growth of mussels and this leads to extinction of other species in the middle intertidal.

Implementing strategies for developing their businesses

In the course of this strategic direction the company needs to adequately devise marketing and promotional strategies keeping in mind the geographic and cultural factors pertaining to the different regions. Similarly in relation to marketing and promotional activities the firms need to adequately communicate with the social entities to obtain their views in regards to β†’

Pkg 381 #1

When disposed, they decompose over a short period of time. Environmentally Harmful Package: Plastic Filtered water are mostly packed in plastic, these plastics take hundreds of years to break down when disposed and are also expensive to recycle. There should be laws to help us manage our environment and avoid laziness.

Tobacco, alcohol, drugs and prostitution

Guell Robert argues in his book that despite the critics, the fundamentals of the world economy evolve very gradually. Guel argues that though it may not sound realistic to argue that prostitution somehow relates to the economy of a nation, it is true according to studies. Peter: From the four mentioned aspects, prostitution is the β†’

Roles and responsibilities of government, ngos and volunteer organizations. m2s

The purpose of this paper is to examine the roles and responsibilities of government, NGOs, and volunteer organizations in CDRPs. Roles and Responsibilities of Government Political The government must provide an anchor of CDRPs by ensuring an office or ministry provides adequate political authority in ensuring coherence of policy throughout the disaster preparedness β†’

Collapse of oil prices

Collapse of Oil Prices An article posted on the Wall Street Journal on 14th of May, reflects on the IMF outlook regarding the collapse of the world's oil prices. However, in the second phase, the oil prices for the crude oil dropped further to $ 50 and IMF suggests that a decrease in the oil β†’

Current market conditions competitive analysis_365

A marketing analysis is needed to analyze the profitability of this new product. Factors that affect demand supply In introducing the Cola-Krazy, it is important to consider factors that affect demand and supply for beverages that eventually affect the new product. According to the study of econPort there are at least six factors that β†’

Affect of oil on our economy

The cost of oil, permits issued and the numbers of rigs operating in Texas are in the decrease and this means the jobs of many people are in stake. It is expected that 50, 000 upstream jobs will be lost in the Texas as the contraction of oil industry continues, plus additional 250, 000 more β†’

Arguments about oral sex

However, it can be conclusively shown that oral sex is no where as safe as some people might expect it to be. The only thing oral sex can be considered safe for is if the couple wish to avoid pregnancy (incase the couple in question is heterosexual) because the transmission of disease is not stopped β†’

Build a model

The slope represents the change of real interest rate with income tax. Government expenditure is an alternative independent variable in this model. 67 tm 0 2.

Topic on the assignment sheet

In some characteristic frameworks, human mediation may encourage change in accordance with needed atmosphere and its belongings or surrounding. Adaptation techniques Due to the increasing negative influence of climate change, countries all over the world have started to develop certain adaptive plans to minimize the consequences of the increasing temperatures. For this more extended β†’

Hunger in developing countries

No one anticipated that it would be so swift and hence Brown is optimistic that we can find a way in a similar way. Q3) According to a report in the online version of The Times of India (, a reputed newspaper in India, the country is heading for a food shortage. There has been β†’

Intercultural communication in the film hotel rwanda

The film stages the relationship between the protagonist of the movie, Paul, the manager of the local hotel and Colonel Oliver, the peace keeper of the United Nations. The character of the colonel is portrayed as the character that had to bear the shame of the failure of the international agency to intervene peace in β†’

Hazardous waste management – the latex and solvent based cans

Three, the container may be perceived to be empty if not more than three percent of the weight of the entire size of the container remains if the container is equivalent to or less than 110 gallons in volume. 3 percent of the weight of the entire size of the container is constant if the β†’

Jennifer weltz discussion board

Reason being almost all that pertains to the company is located at one point. The design of the website is very professional and properly done. In addition, the information about presented on the website is appropriate for the purpose of the website.

Uv index forecast

The amount of UV radiation reaching the surface is primarily related to the elevation of the sun in the sky, the amount of ozone in the atmosphere, and the amount of clouds present. The higher the UV Index, the greater the dose rate of skin damaging and eye damaging UV radiation.

Film adaptations of andrei platonov’s prose: visualizing matter

5 GOALS MILETONES AND DELIVERABLES Goal Milestone Deliverable Access at least 30% of the available relevant resources. Library and the internet. A list of references. Read at least three articles discussing Platonov. Online journals Print outs and softcopies of journals. Seek to understand the varying literature styles by Andrie. Books, β†’

Monetary policy and the stock market in china

At the core of the above are the country's economic policies that have been devised using its Five Year Plans that include the use of deft monetary policies to control inflation, interest rates, and currency exchange. The low exchange rate of the Renminbi has helped to make Chinese exports more attractive and to ensure the β†’

Farmer market

The produce sold in the farms comes directly from the farmers' farms. The market provides noteworthy advantages to the farmers. The products are fresh from the farms, and direct sales ease the prices. Some of the farmers owning booths in the market include Max Ortiz and his sister Sally Ortiz and Jose Arreola.

Lovelocks global warming

Lovelock's Global Warming The article puts forward the bold thoughts of the scientist Lovelock on the issues of global warming. The equilibrium of the earth would be altered and even the prevention strategies that have been started will not be of any use because the damage that has already been done is irreversible. β†’


Often times, because of this shortage and the high competition between consumers, prices for the product will be raised in order to maximize profits. On the other hand, if the price of a product is above the equilibrium price, the manufacturers or producers have too much of their product out on the market. Because of β†’


The heading captures the attention of the reader due to the manner of presentation. The leading sentence describes the feelings, heartbreak, and loss members of the Sunni tribe feel due to the actions of ISIS group.

Drilling in the anwr

When the drilling begins it will definitely cause a change in the natural habitat of the arctic. This is because the drilling can cause a lot of problems to the natural habitat.

Casey kasem teaches lessons on end of life

The current discourse hereby aims to evaluate the rhetorical appeal of the article through assessing the rhetorical elements used: pathos, logos, and ethos, in persuading the readers on the message originally intended to be received. The rhetorical element of logos was effectively used in terms of providing facts and legal information that assisted in understanding β†’

Sounding fetish

The attachment is sexual in that people that have the fetishes cannot have sex unless they think about the part of body or the object with which they have the fetish. If only one of the sex partners has a fetish, it may be disturbing and irritating to the other sex partner, or at least, β†’

Roles you play

For effective functioning of the group, it is necessary for the members of the group to undertake positive task and maintenance roles, so that the objectives of the group are achieved in a pleasant atmosphere, avoiding negative roles that have hidden agendas within them. It was decided to form a group of my community members β†’

Environmental law, the regulation of air quality

ENFORCEMENT OFAIR QUALITY REGULATION STANDARDS Enforcement of Air Quality RegulationStandards Regulation of air quality across the United s has been the product of the observed increase in particulate matter and volatile or greenhouse compounds in the atmosphere, contributing to various environmental problems such as deaths resulting from living in areas with high rates of air β†’

Review on wood, goffman, and gergen’s reading

Identity, therefore, consists of views and opinions about us, other people and the social life that develops out of interactions with others. If one identifies his/herself with a tribe, the behavior or actions will reflect who or what an individual is. Information about the identity of someone helps one to define the situation, it also β†’

Michael ray charles

Mammy, as shown in the appendix, symbolizes an African American woman taking soothing care of a white child. Furthermore, he was unafraid of the consequences of his convictions. Michael Ray Charles had abused stereotypes from advertisements and magazines that often kept both whites and African Americans on the edge of their seats. In addition, He β†’

Kenneth clark, katharine hepburm, harvey milk, and fred korematsu, and all tried to create social change in areas of sexual or racial discrimination

Harvey tries harder to get people to understand and appreciate the sexual preferences of gays in the community. How did they try to solve the problem? Kidd presents Dexter with an opportunity to get closer to Tracy. The parties involved to the re-union of Tracy and Dexter ends up devastated.

Global warming

This essay will discuss about global warming. Ecology experts argue that the world suffer the debilitating impact of global warming with the escalating emission of greenhouses houses that destroyed the world's protective layers which supposedly protects the environment from the heat waves of the sun. The sea level has also risen at 25 meters and β†’

Life of martin luther

Under the Catholic Church, the power was placed solely in the church. Of course, the Catholic Church did not like this because politically they would lose power over the people.

Rent control

In the United States, rent controls date back to the 1990s when laws related to rent and eviction controls were implemented. On the same note, the pros and cons of the implementation of rent control were not mentioned.

Creative brief

Likewise, from a single parent viewpoint, however, it is essential to view the larger picture. First, demographic information is fundamental because it will furnish IKEA with all the required details pertaining to the customer's age, geographical location, and sex among others in improving products. The information is equally vital in determining emerging lifestyles, habits, and β†’

Why smoking should be banned from public places

Why Smoking Should be Banned from Public places To give a choice to the non-smokers to not to inhale the smoke This argument is based on two premises; a) one is of a personal choice and the other is that b) second hand smoking or passive smoking is equally or rather more harmful than smoking β†’


The mediator is responsible for setting the stage for mediation by establishing a friendly relationship with the parties involved in the mediation process. The second stage is where the mediator identifies the concerns presented by the parties in a conflict.

Capital exemption for a startup

Small snow blower for walkways The cost of the pickup truck is within the budget range and would contribute to significant cost savings. Mobile advertising with decals on the side. The truck would be used as a marketing tool and thus would have to be purchased and converted into an asset for ROP.

Environmental toxicology. oil spills

Long-Term Ecological Effects of Oil Spills Following the American Psychological Association Guidelines One of the largest witnessed oil spills in history happened in the Bay of Campeche of the Gulf of Mexico as a result of explosion on at the Ixtoc I platform in 1979. Until that moment around140 million gallons of oil had gushed β†’

Nonverbal communication – people watching

Most importantly looking at how they persons in the restaurant sitting in twos or threes were talking and chatting. I noticed two men in the extreme corner of the restaurant. The body movement can also indicate how much someone is listening and concentrated in a conversation.

Outcomes of gender bias

The better the educational opportunities and social class, the greater will be the political participation by women, whereas poorer women often get involved in grassroots organizations. Unfortunately, women are acutely underrepresented in leadership positions and in the political arena in most political systems.

The collection of solid waste

Stationery trailers may also be used for the collection and disposition of solid waste. The collection of solid waste can also take place through such processes as mulch and compost.

Theories of harnold innis and the internet

Innis would have analyzed the Internet as something else because it promotes both oral and written traditions; however, it also diverges from these traditions and presents an opportunity for balancing them, if only content producers, distributors, and consumers focused on using the Internet for preserving the positive characteristics and ends of oral and written traditions. β†’


There is therefore the need to adopt the use of efficient energy sources in order to save on the resources that are wasted. In addition, they also ensure that there is a reduced water cost. Energy Efficiency and Renewable in Home Retrofits reduce the production of contaminants that can harm the health of occupants.


Greenpeace also boycotts companies which pollute environment and cause damage to it. Green peace deals with many issues on national and international level to upgrade the sustenance of planet and global peace. As per " Green peace is committed to the principles of non violence, political independence and internationalism".

Key events in financial crisis

The Causes of Financial Crisis Key among the causes of global financial crisis was the credit crunch in which US investors lost confidence in the value of sub-prime mortgages that in turn led to a liquidity crisis. The event of September 14, 2008, when the Lehman Brothers collapsed, profoundly contributed to global financial crisis. β†’

Australian economy positive growth

This paper, therefore, aims to make an analysis of the economic and cultural situation in Australia and examine the various factors that have contributed to the positive growth in Australia. Introduction part 2 As already seen in paper one Australia is one of the world's biggest markets and therefore entering Australia for investment requires β†’

Oligopoly and how it deals with competitive forces it faces

Oligopoly and how it deals with competitive forces it faces Oligopoly refers to a market structure where few firms are dominating the market, while there could be several other firms operating in the same market, which are also sharing the same market with the few large firms. This strategy shifts the prices from the β†’

Human resource management discussions #2

In this case, the employee takes all the necessary steps to ensure that a business; interests and reputation are advanced in all work practices. Employee engagement practices have become important assets belonging to the relationship between the employees and the organisations itself. In this case, organisations that have high rates of employee engagement perform much β†’

Short-term company outlook: citigroup incorporated

Consequently, the interest revenue generation from the credit offered to the customers in the banking has increased that has seen the profitability growth in the banking industry increasing. Consequently, the monetary policy been adopted by the government has the potential of increasing the demand for the banking industry services in the market.

Finance review ( annuities: suitability changes and challenges)

Section III Main Issue of the Article Annuity sales in the United States are growing and there many different types of offering in the marketplace. Section IV Relationship to Course A concept that was taught in the course that was emphasized in the article is that the consumer is the most important stakeholder in the β†’

Assignment #2: tragedy of the commons

In addition, this practice is detrimental to the environment, and despite the fact that only the illegal loggers benefit from this, the larger human population is exposed to the environmental risks this practice brings. In relation to the tragedy of the commons, oil drilling is not classified as a tragedy to the commons because of β†’

Buchanan and gordon tullock: economic theories

This was the book that he considered most essential yet to the Nobel Committee it was ' The Calculus of Consent'. According to Buchanan, decision-making in Economics involves selecting among alternatives; and costs can surely be recognized as personal and subjective assessments of the corollary of cost.

Why does privatization seem to be more successful in some countries than in others use some examples of your choice to illustrate your argument

In most states that have realized unsuccessful results with regard to privatization has been associated with political and institutional factors that normally complicate the success of implementing goals of privatization. In summary, it can be said that less developed countries have been victims of failure of privatization initiatives as compared to their counterparts in developed β†’

Lender of the last resort of the european central bank

This hypothesis is referred to as a positive hypothesis, from the article; this was rejected at the expense of the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis held because the research findings proved that if the European central bank becomes the lender of the last result it may not safeguard the value of the euro. The implications β†’

Urban water cycle

The latest enforcement of the matter in Ohio is between the State of Oho and the City of Akron in a consent decree that addresses the sewer overflows that involves the Cuyahoga Valley National Park that is an ecologically sensitive area, thus the enforcement priority. 5 percent of the $ 3 billion-25-year plan would be β†’

Why in turkey, foreign tourists pay for shopping more than tourists from the cis

However this demand has made turkey relatively expansive and one has to spend more in terms of local currency of a particular visitor compared to the central Asian States such as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and other states in the region. The stable currency of Central Asian states economy and secondly its rate comparison to U.

Book and movie 2

The Navajo tribe in Hillerman's novel became infected with the pneumonic plague after exposure to the fleas on the infected animals they hunted for food. Migration patterns are responsible for the shift in vectors, which spread the pathogens in different regions. Inoculation soon after contact with an infected human, animal or dead tissue proves useful β†’