Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Business law

Business Law The evidence about the market value may proof decisive in a summary judgment if Nine Mile Mine can demonstrate that it is a genuine issue of fact, if it necessitates termination of a contract whenever it arises. Both Nine Mile Mine and Lewis can defend their position; in support of the motion or β†’

Jim brandenburg personality

In 1988, Brandenburg was named the Wildlife Photographer of the Year by BBC Wildlife and The Natural History Museum. Brandenburg also used his popularity for to help others by establishing the Brandenburg Prairie Foundation in 1999.

Critically discuss how the work-place be analysed and why the devil is in the detail

Careful and continuous review of the work place environment and the processes, policies and procedures in place is beneficial and is imperative for the success and survival of an organization. The workplace design to be reviewed and updated should be analyzed on the basis of the volume and the variety of the product the organization β†’

My investment choices

Also, it is possible to minimize the integration of culture and organizational structure. The main emotional and personal reasons to start a business is to obtain a high social position in society and respect.

Hollys risk for the female athlete triad

One of the factors that influences Holly's risk for the female athlete triad is her disordered eating patterns. The final risk factor is osteoporosis because of Holly's poor nutrition.2.

A midsummer night’s dream by william shakespeare

The ultimate theme of the play is based on love and affection and how this finally leads to a triumph no matter what the situation might be. It is this very aspect of love that drives all the characters around in their quest for ultimate peace and happiness and with time, they begin to understand β†’

A qualitative analysis of the types of goals athletes set in training and competition

A Qualitative Analysis of the Types of Goals Athletes Set in Training and Competition The purpose of this study is to use qualitative approach to find out the specific types of goals that are set by athletes training and competition. This study will therefore fill the gap in the existing literature by giving a complete β†’

Business law

One of the most ethically ambiguous practice evident in the story is the fact that the most prevalent victims experiencing financial downturns are some of the poorest individuals. The practice worked in the sense that the rich folks controlled the market.

Safety net providers after health care reform

The project was able to assess the impact of National Health Reform Law to the safety-net hospital providers especially for ambulatory and inpatient care. Despite of the reform, still problems arise in the rising demands for services of health care centers because of hard access to health services from private practitioners and hospitals especially on β†’

Importance of pre-planning a building and its impact on fire-fighter safety

These series of coordination ensures the safety of life and property and maximum protection of the building in the event of a fire outbreak. Planning a building for the prevention of a fire outbreak assists in providing the fire fighting officer with adequate information about the building structure and allows the fire fighting officers to β†’

Assignment 6

of the Destination Management Companies Introduction Destination Management Companies generally termed as DMCs or DMOs play a vital part in marketing and proper management of tourist meetings and visits that result in meeting and sometimes exceeding visitors expectations. The intention of this paper is to stress the importance of the destination management in the contemporary β†’

Financial planning

Financial Planning TEN YEAR LEVEL PLAN A ten year level term insurance is atype of insurance that offers a stable, assured premium in the first ten years. Financial planning.

Letter of complaint

If you fail to take action on the basis of this complaint, I am afraid I will have to move to the next step and file a case for damages. I would like to pursue the good relationship with you and order more furniture from you in the future if you would maintain the trust β†’

Learning from the bible

For me, leadership and prayer go hand and hand as it is important to have guidance and be directed through prayer. She taught me to take the hardest things in life, discover them, and understand the difference between good and bad.

Schomburg research center visit

Schomburg Research Center Visit The Schomburg Center, located in Harlem, is a research library of the New York Public Library. In 1925, the library opened a division specializing in Negro history, literature and prints.

White collar crime

The concept nowadays is often related to the socio-economic status of an individual involved in the crime. The only thing that distinguishes the white-collar crime from a low-class crime is that it is implemented in a different way and at a different level.

Racial discrimination among the students

Case Study In the given story, racial discrimination among the is found to be the central problem. In short, the primary and secondary problems as a whole can be attributed to discrimination.

Health and well-being 2

The authors have been successful in bringing forth the discrepancies in the national and regional data on obese population. This, yet again questions the reliability of data of the agencies and forces one to identify the causes so that it can be addressed and evaluated in the appropriate context.

Directors’ remuneration packages

Directors' Remuneration Packages Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Directors' Remuneration Packages 3 Reference 7 Directors' Remuneration Packages Academic scholars have pointed out that companies need to give deeper look at the issues related to director's remuneration packages in order decrease scope for controversies. RC should create remuneration package for directors of the company β†’

Compare shopping online with traditional shopping

As a result, on-line shopping offers a sense of relief and peace of mind which many people are lacking in the current world. References Belew, S, & Elad, J.

Mis assignment – making database design: conceptual model me

This class diagram includes 5 main classes that are given below: Customer Guest Booking Payment Room In this scenario this system is able to handle the online booking and handling of the FDU Enterprise Limited hotels booking and customer dealing process. One of the main complexities in this design that someone can face is about β†’

Summary critiq 1 feb5

However, I am now in the middle adulthood stage, and I can prove that the perception about this stage is all wrong. In fact, I love being in the middle adulthood because it offers the best opportunities in life including self-focus and clarity of the direction one is headed.

The opportunity to perform a leadership

So I taught her how to group her things in boxes and mark them for specific use and area of the apartment. So I taught her how to group her things in boxes and mark them for specific use and area of the apartment.


In " Father and Son" as well as " The Portrait", the poet expresses his feelings for his father and each poem reveal the speaker's bond with his father. In the poem " Father and Son", there are several instances and evidences which suggest the poet's feelings for his father and the language, imagery, and β†’

The effect of us military aid on political conflict

I have got to witness more attention being given to equipment and machines that the military has to their disposal over and above the people who use the equipment and suffer consequences and loss of wars. For instance, the war veterans, victims and their families are accorded least of attention despite the emotional turmoil and β†’

Cognitive psychology

If we have to start with one important milestone that could help us explain the development of cognitive psychology, it would be the point of how this field has finally come to the level of challenging behaviourism. Cognitive psychology: In and out of the laboratory.

Methods case1

The steps involved with conducting a research include: identifying the problem at hand, setting a hypothesis, planning methods of collecting data, collection of data, analysis of data, stating the findings, drawing of the conclusion with respect to the findings and finally presenting the research work. Being a combination of both qualitative and quantitative techniques is β†’

The concept of e-healthcare information security and issues in e-healthcare information security

There are several issues linked with the security of electronic healthcare information such as the inconsistency between the laws that govern healthcare and the policies of different healthcare institutes. Other than that the internet and other technologies have further added to the challenges of securing and managing healthcare information that is electronic in nature.

Prevention of infection ivc

They should also drape the patient with the full body drape and maintain a sterile environment during the insertion. The health personnel should inspect site for erythema, swelling or drainage and review lines daily to prevent delays in removing no longer-needed lines that increase the risk of infection.


However, he was not determined to create a new religion, but to revive and interpret the unnamed religion of the Zhou dynasty. Confucius believes that the basis of a unified, stable, and enduring social order is not based on nature spirits, like God, but on the rituals that lie in Zhou religion.

Pilosophy of community policing

Philosophy of Community Policing 2007 Community Policing is an absolute break from the traditional approaches to policing. Measuring Performance in the Era of Community Policing.

Writing academic english

The texts are therefore diverse in terms of content, style, register, and their proposed audience, and are compared and contrasted in terms of the linguistic properties pertaining to the number and length of sentences, the number, and type of dependent clauses, and the use of contractions. The purpose of this is that the number of β†’

Explanation and implications of information asymmetry

Information Asymmetry Internal Memo Explanation and Implications of Information Asymmetry Explanation of information asymmetry Information asymmetry refers to a situation in which there is imperfect knowledge. Implications of information asymmetry for investors To the current investors, information asymmetry makes them incur losses on their investments.

Depression and what you learned about it

DEPRESSION: What I learned about it ID number: of Human Resources s Name: Name of University Location of University: Date of Submission: February 02, 2014 Estimated Word Count = 598 Introduction Depression is the state of feeling down due to a low mood that causes a person to avoid any meaningful activities. However, it stops β†’

Reaction paper: its funny because its true (because it evokes our evolved psychology)

These two factors have blossomed considering that; evolutionary psychology has the exceptional ability of exploring the humans' nature in relation to the globe. Evolutionary psychologists have studied some of the stages in romantic relationships, in conjunction with humor.

Managing information technology

The decomposition process of a system comprises of sub systems that are most likely to form more sub systems. The hierarchical sub system is a procedure to split a system in to succeeding level of sub systems.

My attitude to the god is dead phrase of friedrich nietzsche

He however did not follow the traditional biblical understanding and questioned existence of God and His powers that people believe in. This therefore means that he believes that God has supernatural powers that created the universe.

Critical response paper:charlotte’s web

In Charlottes Web two characters that contrast well and bring out a great deal of each others qualities are Wilbur, the pig, and Templeton, the rat. Static characters are rarely heroes, because the point of a story is to see how the good characters change and learn throughout the plot.

Sales letter

The performance of XYZ Body Shop Company has been fabulous in the previous financial year and I, on behalf of my company, ABC Insurance congratulate your colleagues and you for your tremendous performance. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that ABC Insurance would take every possible ways to come up with β†’

Intellectual property law

The concept of " originality" in copyright is a contested issue Originality in copyright is one of the most important concepts of copyright law in that it serves to distinguish original work from copies. This paper also analyses the legal aspects of originality in terms of the originality requirement for copyright protection and the originality β†’

What are some of the techniques or processes that can be employed to evaluate health policy as opposed to evaluating a specific health intervention

Evaluation is also defined as " the use of the scientific method, and the rigorous and systematic collection of research data to assess the effectiveness of organisations, services and programmes such as health service interventions in achieving predefined objectives". Community participation in the evaluation of any health policy is of prime importance and deliberative approaches β†’

Apperendi v. new jersey

The case was determined by a trial judge in New Jersey but was appealed on grounds that the judge did not prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant committed a racially-motivated crime. The Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed the decision.

The forgotten group member

Because of the stage that her group is currently in, Christine needed to educate her group members more by communicating with them in ways that she would be understood. Because of this, Christine was not the best choice for the role of group leader simply because she does not have the skills required to perform β†’

T & m wk3&4

Significance/Use of the Normal Curve The normal curve is often used in a variety of settings including education and psychology. As an example, IQ scores are an example of how the normal curve is used.


Therefore, to motivate or gift an introvert, it is very important that it is done privately and kept as quiet as possible. Introverts value their privacy and really appreciate things to be done low key, this is due to their shy nature.

The business of the r&d team

One of the collaborative tools that the company uses is information systems and software. The size of the company has influenced the collaborative capabilities of the company.


Leadership Robert Kelly asserted that there are five different kinds of followers and they are further divided by factors such as those who are independent and are critical thinkers and then there are those who are dependent and no critical thinkers. Or they can fulfill and help in fulfilling certain needs of their followers which β†’

W4 disc trace salary

99 From the figure and applying the model to the U.S. And to do these, resources are needed as incentive for the soldiers to do their tasks and responsibilities in the most effective manner.

Soc 201 mod 1 slp

Step four The process of socialization in the organization has to be as it is in society. This is since everyone has a role to play in the growth and development of the organization, as they do in society.

Summary of a chapter

of the The Clans Beliefs and Christian Beliefs This page continues to explain how the clan has problems understanding the Christian's beliefs and this is unfair when the missionaries declare the clan's beliefs as false. Brown to use and the context, there is disrespectfulness especially when Mr.

Film report

Incident at Oglala The film incident at Oglala involves a group of Indians engaging in a shootout with Americans solders in a village in South Dakota, in Indiana. The cause of the high tensions between the Americans and the Indians dates back to 1890 when a group of US soldiers massacred and killed the native β†’

Human resource management roles

Role of HRM in healthcare industry Role of HRM in healthcare industry Recruitment, retentions, training and development of the employees are some ofthe major functions of human resource management." Human resources, when pertaining to health care, can be defined as the different kinds of clinical and non-clinical staff responsible for public and individual health intervention". β†’


Thus they have to work longer hours with the minimal pay and this leads to turnover or the conducting illegal businesses in prison.2. This will reduce the number of inmates to be supervised by one officer.


Civil Disobedience Democracy is thought to be the best method of choosing legitimate form of government; and political representation is cherished to be one of its key features. Regardless of the utmost virtue, governmental decisions are often subjected to the interest of majority groups.

Reflection on personal culture – (middle east- saudi arabia)

Arabs' Culture in Saudi Arabia Every society in the world has its unique culture and the term culture relates to collective beliefs held by a group of people in terms of language, religion, traditional foods, and social morality among others. The only problem is that we have is religious discrimination as the non-Muslims do not β†’

History before 1877

History Before 1877 Factors that contributed to Great Britain's debt Enactment of quartering act that forced the British government to sustain the basic needs of soldiers greatly hindered the nation financially. The consequent effects of heavy taxation initiated the existing debate, caused resistance and revolution of American colonies.

Determinants of capital structure in developing countries

The long-term book debt ratio is defined as total liabilities minus current liabilities divided by total liabilities minus current liabilities plus net worth. The long-term market debt ratio is defined as total liabilities divided by total liabilities plus equity market value.

Mph502 – introduction to public health module 3 – case

The article highlights five major issues are: government responsibility toward public health sector, population based perspective of health, the bridge between government and populace, Objective and services of public health system, the power to coerce individuals and businesses for community's protection. Public health law focuses on governmental responsibilities to the community and individuals health.

Developing the charter

The team of the Product Distribution will responsible for the effective delivery of the product. PROJECT SCHEDULE Here I will present the main schedule of the project and we will follow this schedule throughout the development and production of the product and software.1.

Study case (misrepresentation)

In this case, the complaint of Najbar was related to the letter that she sent to her son in September 2006 through US Postal Service and after few weeks the letter were brought back to her with the red ink stamp and word " deceased" on it in Capital letters. The postal matter exception was β†’

In the awakening, edna pontellier is closely associated with two other women who represent opposite extremes of acceptable behavior for women of her social class: madame ratignolle and mademoiselle reisz. discuss how either woman serves as a foil for edn

How Madame Ratignolle Serves as a Foil for Edna and how poorly suited Edna's aspirations are in the Awakening In the Awakening, Edna Pontellier who is a in her late twenties awakens to her identity and sexuality. It is evident that Ratignolle is Edna's foil since she is an epitome of the woman's perceived role β†’

Public health

Public health Public health is thought to have emerged in 1800s as a result of the outbreak of infectious disease in cities such as cholera, small pox, and yellow fever. Before the evolution and use of public health in health care industry, in-house confinement and quarantine were the only means use to curb spread of β†’

Political thories of thomas hobbes

Thomas believes that the absolutist government is the only government that can guarantee peace for humankind. The second treaty is Locke's definition of power as the right to make laws for the protection and regulation of property.

Health and circumstances

However, ads have enlightened the public on the effects of smoking on their health. Ads should be displayed to empower people, irrespective of age and gender.

Case study

CASE STUDY Resolving the case Ethically, as a nurse in this situation, I have to think of the risk of harm, and the best needs of the client. I may have had a stereotype of the mother being able to hold her infant in this case, but the reality of the case subverts this.

Cognitive psychology

Cognitive Psychology: Cognitive psychology is one of the disciplines in psychology that focuses on studying internal mental processes. Eric Fromm, The anatomy of human destructiveness ISBN 0030075963 Neisser, U, Cognitive psychology.

Juvenile justice in america

These challenges have been attributed to the myriad social factors that exist in different social dimensions According to Bartollas and Miller, social factors are that societal facet that influences the behavior of an individual, his personality, lifestyle as well as attitude. The essence of abusing drugs and substances among youths that are struggling to recover β†’

How does odysseus progress through his adventures

Although he had lived alongside the sea, Odysseus had never come across the wrath of the god of the sea. In the voyage, he experienced the wrath of the god of the sun.


As discussed in Martins 2011 book, there is a gender bias that exists in virtually every aspect of science instruction This results in the under-representation of women in related industries, including education, which only serves to further the problem. These methods should help all students by setting the example that they do not need to β†’


Proponents of drilling have argued that drilling the oil in the reserve will secure for the US a local energy reserve, effectively reducing America's dependence on foreign oil. In addition, they argue that the amount of oil that would be got has not been verified and it might prove to be so small in the β†’

Discussion questions iii

Culture is referred to as the ' silent language of overseas business' because it is a non-verbal form of communication but one that has a great depth of meaning and significance. Incidentally, the French are also quite proud of their language and culture and may be reluctant to negotiate in English.

Maslow’s hierarchy of motives

Maslow's thinks, that the basic need for human being is to get food and comfort and which has the highest priority, lack of these needs will jeopardize all other needs and can change people behaviour. However in the stories of prophets and mystics, the basic needs such as hunger, safety and sex are suppressed, and β†’

Criminal justice

Criminal Justice: Issues in the CJA Issues in the CJA Introduction Crime issue requires a discernible urgency. Apparently, all the stake holders in the criminal justice system i.e.administrators and public policy makers are radically responding to the issue of crime.

Further exploration assignment

1 2 3 4 3) I think about how sad I feel. 1 2* 3 4 3) I think about how sad I feel.

M. butterfly is the perfect woman for gallimard

Butterfly Through out this story we have a sense of feeling that Gallimard was never the man he wanted to be. For Gallimard the " Perfect Woman" was M.

Decision analysis task 1

For example, the results of the assembly balancing decision analysis tool revealed that the efficiency of the workflow at the assembly line can significantly be improved by reducing the number of workstations from the current 8 to five and combining certain tasks at some of the workstations in order to minimize idle time. Justification Based β†’

Individual for taxation

The situation in 2013 is that the purchase of the new home eased the couple's filing of their joint return owing to paying the deduction of acquisition mortgage and unreimbursed employee business costs. A standard deduction should allow the couple to go into itemized deductions in the future.


Modern Art tended to use caricatures and abstract methods of describing the complicated emotions that existed in the first part of the 20th Century, based on the presence of ongoing international wars and fights to regain human dignity and equality. It is the use of color distinctions to show her terrible emotional state and the β†’

Market segmentation

Psychographic: The products of Oral-B can also be divided on the basis of psychographic market segment. Just for Men Geographic: The products of Just for Men can be best categorized as per geographic market segmentation as it is available nearly at all places all over the world.

Topic: longitudinal study

One of the outstanding challenges is the long period required to study the participants before conclusions of the study are made. This is a fact that limits the efficiency of longitudinal studies because the logistics required to sustain the study over a long period of time are far much beyond the budget of many researchers.

Integrating freedom democracy and human rights

The most important way to solve the scarcity is to increase the price of water to be in line with the increased demand. Additionally, the number of patients waiting for a kidney transplant is the highest.

Using deductive and inductive logic

Deductive Logic The decision of the surrogate decision maker is also similar to the decision of the incompetent patient; the idea centers on the scope of time: past and present. Death is the last option when life seems to be not the kind of life one perceives it; for in death, there is life as β†’

Invention of computer

Computers Computers are one of the most remarkable inventions of all time. In the start, computers were very basic and lacked all the complexities and functionalities that a modern computer is capable of performing.

Psychology/ intelligence

The other characteristic for me that would entail intelligence is the sense of humor. For a friend, intelligence is also the capacity to acquire new skills.

Anishinabee social movment

Since the arrival of the light skinned men in their lands, native Indians have had to grapple with the huge influence that the foreigners had on their culture. In order to control their influence of western values in schools, the new crop of Indians is busy building schools predominantly for teaching Indian history, values and β†’

Lesson plans

In order to help the students understand the various shapes and forms, the students will be asked to identify various figures and their predominant shapes. Pre assessment Will students be asked to identify shapes and forms be able to make clay forms during the lesson.

Eating disorders

Binge eating disorder affiliation Binge eating disorder In recent years eating disorders have caused great concerns in the health of many individuals. In the treatment of binge eating disorder there are two separate approaches.

Gender differences in crime rates and gun control methods

Gender differences in crime rates and gun control methods Gender differences in crime rates and gun control methods Introduction Male and females commit crimes but there is difference between males and females in terms of the crimes they commit. As compared to young women, most of the young men commit most of the serious violent β†’

Aviation security

The three methods are good and have worked in many parts of the world but choosing the best option is the challenge.IV. The first disadvantage is in the delays in the implementation of projects.

Executive report

The construction of the EOS lends itself to gathering data on a wide range of topics. The EOS would increase the likelihood of a higher response rate if it would permit the executive to complete the questionnaire in a shorter amount of time.

Marbury v madison

In deciding the case the court stated that Marbury had the right to have the appointment however the court had no power to force him to do so. This explains the careful decision of the Supreme Court in Marbury vs.

Birch paper company

Though the Birch Company allows the other division to purchase boxes from outside companies, the other divisions were interested in the enhanced by Thompson division. The significant result of the decentralization is the enhancement in the design of the boxes.

Critical paper for the film lars and the real girl

Critical Paper for the Film " Lars and the Real Girl" The important thing in the film is the respect and unity that the townspeople show Lars in his quest to live with Bianca. The other important thing in the film is the relationship between Lars and his family members who are also supportive of β†’

Problem and solution: alcoholism

Problem and Solution: Alcoholism ID: Submitted Problem and Solution: Alcoholism Our society faces a lot of problems that are related with the concepts of alcohol consumption and cocaine usage. The amount of people who want to take refuge from the pains that the world has plunged into with the passage of time is immense and β†’

The miracle video

As much as both the parents and the teacher were being so much involved, Helen was bright and could easily learn. The teacher was also able to manage her time.