Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Critical analysis: stop medical experimentation on our children

The issue is serious but because the FDA has to maintain a balance between the pharmaceutical companies and its public health awareness, little is done to speed up the process of eradication of drugs that cause seizures and skin diseases in children. Pharmaceutical companies need to be brought in limelight for growing lack of research β†’

Analysis of a jury of her peers

From Glaspell's account of the murder case on how the women concealed evidence to abort trial, it is imperative to redefine peers as applicable in the case. It is clear that the trial of Mrs.

Unit 4 a

That is why, the emphasis of a certain value in order to come up with a decision has a role in relation to whose interests will be greatly promoted, which will result in an ethical and acceptable decision. Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development diffuses the emphasis on the realm of what to incorporate by β†’

International business practices – cultural differences

Therefore, if the sales manager is pressing the opinion too much and asks the questions that are not directly related to business, the potential partnership with British representative will become impossible. South Africans expect open face-to-face conversation with the discussion of non-related to business topics.

Article analysis assignment

It also investigated the extent to which the armed officers use the alternative types of arms and also the necessary alternatives that the officers use on tasers Methodology In order to conduct this study, the author used experiment to determine the impacts on the use of tarser. The author also used secondary data to get β†’

Taking fyc to the next level

The intranet will also be useful for the Administration and the operations team as it will improve the admin support of the company as well. Conclusion: The intranet will prove to be very effective for the company as it plays a direct role in each of the departments and the introduction of these will allow β†’

Intelligence testing article analysis

This theoretical framework was developed by Robert Sternberg, and it gives a definition of intelligence as a mental activity which is directed towards a purposive adaption to the selection and shaping of a real world environment that is relevant to the life of an individual. Sternberg further denotes that a successful intelligence comprises of different β†’

Financial decision making

Corporate finance is the division of a firm concerned with the financial operation of a company The money markets deal with bonds, while the capital markets deal with stocks.b) The primary market occurs when a company issues a stock for the first time in an initial public offering. The selling and buying of stocks on β†’

Two types of corruption in the business world and their factors

This type of corruption has been observed to be of serious consequences, as there are reports that the business failure of multinational companies like WorldCom Qwest communications Tyco International, ImClone Systems and Enron have been due to corruption from its senior executives. Governmental systems and international business regulatory mechanisms will have to be strengthened so β†’

A beautiful mind

Beautiful mind Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects the normal way of breaking of thought processes and various symptoms such as paranoid, delusions, auditory hallucinations and disorganized speech in some cases accompanied the mental disorder, it usually experienced in the youthful stages in life of a person In the film beautiful mind, Nash started β†’

Content review 4: digital literacy skills

RESPONSE RESPONSE The aspect of digital literacy points to the direction and line of reasoning where the incorporate and encompass technology in the learning process of the students. Thus, the moral imperative that ought to be undertaken and observed by the learning tutors is to ensure that the learners or the students are acquainted with β†’

Global trade

According to Reimer, by intervening in trade, the governments are trying to adhere to the strategic trade policy. THE TRANSFORMATION OF WORLD TRADE.

Stress test

Stress test According to the result of the stress test I have just conducted, it is apparent that my work is slightly distressed than my home activities while my social life is highly stressed. Therefore, according to the results of this tress test, my social life is poor; hence, there are needs to change β†’

Topics in pharmacology and biomedical science

Frozen Sections tissues are kept in cryo-preservative and in liquid nitrogen and maintain the integrity of the tissue and will be used for this case. Introduction to the theory and practice of fixation of tissues.

Vicarious liability

The plaintiff may substantiate/prove the aspects of vicarious liability in three ways namely: if employee was acting within the scope of his/her employment, the employer was in full capacity to control the acts of its employees. This means that Elil Lilly and company had a vicarious liability due to the tortuous acts committed by Robert β†’

Stumbling over gmail

As it was not done by Sergey and Larry, insertion of advertisements within the private emails in Google's Gmail services is unethical and wrong. Hence, the dissemination of information to the users as to how the advertisement could facilitate their business and personal goals, could have given Google an edge over media frenzy.

Editting in run lola run (tom tykwer, 1998)

Later on, when the dialogues were getting intense, the shots used were in close-up to show the emotions of desperation and helplessness on the part of Manni, and the determination and firm resolve to find a solution on the part of Lola. As a whole, the pacing of the film is great since the viewer β†’

Math and the paraprofessional teaching fractions

In this way, they will come to know that four blues would be required to cover the yellow means that each part of the blue is 1/4 of the yellow. With the same concept, in order to give them the idea of 1/2, I will make the train of two cubes and will put the β†’

In pursuit of an education

In Pursuit of an Education Education is the light at the end of the tunnel and a pillar of hope for all races. In the speech, the First Lady celebrates the achievements of the graduates whom regardless of the challenges of life, struggled to complete their education.

Brief on reasonable doubt

Because of the seriousness of such an effect to a person, the other party then has the burden of proving an accused's guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Webster, reasonable doubt has been defined as, " that state which, after the entire comparison and consideration of all the evidence, leaves the minds of jurors in that condition β†’

Role of ngo’s

With respect to this, this paper will hypothesize that NGOs in Haiti and Cambodia have been unable to achieve their objectives because most of the funds that they received from the donors are mismanaged. In effect, this paper will hypothesize that most of the NGOs do not achieve their goals because the funds that they β†’

Question 1

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances The principle of separation of powers refers to the division of governmental authority into the three branches of government i.e. The constitution provides the powers of the legislature, which is generally to make laws and to legislate.

Client letter-acc568

S TAX LAW FOR MULTINATIONALS Globalizing your business operations means that the taxation of your company's income and revenue is going to be subject to not only U. As indicated by the name, the approach involves taxing the income of the globalized corporation regardless of the source of income, whether the source of the income β†’

Unit 4 discussion board

Stockholders of the firm that is about to have another company within its folds as the strategic partner are the ones who are hit financially as well as otherwise in this alliance as they feel neglected in the whole deal. They lose out on the benefits that might entail from the partnership as well as β†’

Response for was sumerian civilization exclusively male dominated

Response for " Was Sumerian Civilization Exclusively Male Dominated?" of the History of the Concerned September 15, Response for " Was Sumerian Civilization Exclusively Male Dominated?" The Sumerian Civilization was certainly not exclusively male dominated as there is ample historical evidence to prove a potent feminine presence in the Sumerian temporal politico-social life and its β†’

Enlightenment or the great awakening

The Great Awakening. Analysis and Information on the First Great Awakening.

Discussion question

Discussion Question of Learning Discussion Question The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is a story of the life of the protagonist whose name is Janie Crawford. There is every reason to believe that the difficulties faced by her, including the death of her beloved Tea Cake have allowed her to β†’

Indigenous peoples day vs columbus day

Teacher It should be called Indigenous People's Day The day should instead be called Indigenous People's Day rather day Columbus Day. Celebrating Indigenous People's day is more reminiscent of America's history and therefore has more significance than Columbus Day.

Theories, concepts, and models of public policy making

The public policy making system must consider both the public and private interests for it to be implemented effectively. It is the role of the government to ensure that both the public and private concerns are met in the policymaking process.

Financial statement analysis

The quick ratio has the same objective, but the measure is more sensitive since it subtracts inventory from the numerator of the formula leaving the most liquid assets available to pay the debt. The financial leverage of Happy Hospital is 10.

Us history

Political Outcomes Political reforms during the reconstruction era changed the governance system of the country. Conclusion Arguably, reconstruction era was a success in American history because of the various social, economic and political advancements attained.

What is job analysis

Running Head What is Job Analysis What is Job Analysis Inserts His/Her Inserts Grade Inserts 03May 2009 Job analysis is an important issue in recruiting process as it helps managers and HR professionals to determine main requirements and characteristics of the job, identify the main professional skills needed and individuality of a potential job seeker. β†’

Presidency/ executive branch revisited

He is the creator of the destiny of the Nation in those chosen, selective moments in the history of the Nation. That vagueness in the specifications of the powers of the Presidents provides the latent strength to the President to act.

About fdi in china – labor

FDI in China: Literature Review Historical overview and origin: Foreign Direct Investment in China has been one of the greatest achievements of the recent decades, whereby the country successfully managed to surpass almost all the developing countries in attracting maximum FDI over a relatively short period of time in a short duration of time. Current β†’

Contrast of antagonists in titus andronicus and the merchant of venice

The antagonists are shown as the " other" in the entirety of the pieces, and their distinction from the remainder of the society is accentuated in the progression of the plays. The usage of the outsider and his viewpoint is a substantial subject in both literary art creations.

How does blood pressure relate to the level of stress

Define systole, diastole and list the ranges of excellent, good, fair and poor. Systole in general is used for the contraction of heart muscles and diastole is used for the relaxation of the heart muscles.

The way we think about charity is dead wrong

The Way We Think about Charity is Dead Wrong Dan's five points about non-profit world are Using money to lower talents away 2) Failure to advertise 3) Taking risks to increase profits 4) Time 5) Profit to attract risk capital The non-profit sector is at an extreme disadvantage due to the large number of limitations β†’

Sexual harassment scenario

We have certain concepts in mind as to how the boys are much better in Science and Mathematics so the teachers ask them the related questions and not the girls. On the other hand, if the topic is literary related, then the girls are encouraged to answer and the boys ignored.

Major challenges

Major Challenges Facing Retiring Athletes ID] s Major Challenges Facing Retiring Athletes Transitionchallenges faced by retiring athletes are many and far from easy. The following are some of the major challenges faced by retiring athletes: One of the most prevalent challenges is depression.

Melodrama and tv serial in guiding light

In the scene, Jonathan and Cassie deal with emotions, and it is one of the reasons why it is considered a melodrama. The storyline is a catharsis because the characters in the scene are faced with the same emotions.


Unity in Polarity: Various Aspects of Bertlet's Persona in The West Wing The West Wing portrays a vivid picture of the routine life of an American President through fictional characters and settings." On the Day Before" offers a variety of situations that depict the complexity, polarity and vitality of the president's role and responsibility. The β†’

Playing god in the garden-planting

The article " Playing God in the Garden" by Michael Pollan points out a multitude of reasons to be wary of the new class of genetically engineered foods. The public needs to hold Monsanto and the scores of other biotechnology companies financially and socially responsible for their products.

Reflection of stock market project

REFLECTION OF STOCK MARKET PROJECT I made the decision to invest in four company shares in the stock market. Therefore, in anticipation of the increase, I will keep the shares and sell them when the new iPhones premiers in the market.

Commentaries on two other students application projects week 3

The participant observation process that was therefore delved into by Smith complied with the research method as presented by Macionis in terms of satisfying the noted criteria: observing people within the drivers' training and joining in their routin activities as an active and collaborative participant. These knowledge, abilities and skills were shared through the experiences β†’

Set of economics problems

Corruption: Introduction: Corruption is considered one of the greatest obstacles to social development and economic growth of a country. In case if the citizen accepts the bribe then it will include in corruption on the part of the public official as well as the citizen to maximize their own benefits.

Differences between work motivation and job attitudes

The writer also supports Herzberg on the idea that in order to have employee perform better the employer should apply negative motivation. The advantages of taking objective testing and subjective testing should also be included in the posting.

Ncaa athletic arms race

The athletics departments require large and growing subsidies from the college and universities in order to balance their budgets. There is a growing divide between the have and the have-nots in college sports due to the commercialization of intercollegiate athletics.


In the video the presenter notes that the BCR-ABL fusion protein phosphoralates a subtrate or target protein which allows changes to occur in the shape of the substrate protein thereby stimulating growth of the cancer cell. Consequently, Gleevec stops the phosphorylation of the substrate protein by preventing ATP from attaching itself to the BCR-ABL protein.

Introduction to the humanities

The change in the painting styles, including the articulation of human emotion as well as the emphasis on the unnatural aspect of religious center figures such as the Virgin Mary shows Byzantine influence. A common theme of the art of that period was its preoccupation with death and salvation.

Sustainable development at starbucks

The Starbucks Mission Statement and Guiding Principles as spelled out by the Company reflect its commitment to sustainable business practices that are conducive towards enhancing the quality of life and environmentally productive practices. This award was given in recognition of environmentally sustainable practices followed by the Company in terms of its coffee production.

Current events in business research/351wk1

Running Head: essay Current Events in Business Research of the of the of the The Business Research Process Business research is an integral part of conducting a business as it seeks to suggest solutions to routine problems and aid business sustenance. The Steps in a Business Research Process.


The staff should expect the audit to provide information to investors and lenders that will boost the degree of confidence in the financial statements. The impact of this is that it enables the assurance to the management of fulfilling their duties in the organization and to its stakeholders.

Applying concepts

The increasing influx of Chinese firms to operate in United States is at the centre of this discussion. Foreign direct investment in the United States: Benefits, suspicions, and risks with special attention to FDI from China.

What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing the mba on a fulltime basis versus attending parttime and continuing to work fulltim

Though studying for an MBA qualification on a full-time basis may help you learn as much as you can during the degree, you may not have the opportunity to practically apply what you learn. As opposed to full-time MBA, while handling a full-time job and studying MBA on a part-time basis, you may not have β†’

Lab report 2: on the significance of correlation

The Significance of Correlation Correlation is a measure of the strength of the association between two sets of variables. The closer r is to +1 and -1 the stronger the level of association while the closer r is to 0 the weaker the level of association.

What will happen vs what should happen with government warrantless surveillance

Warrantless Surveillance will continue to be a mode of operation by the Federal Government. There will continue to be court cases which will challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation.

Ecology: keeping wild animals as pets

In all ecosystems, it resides in; the tiger is at the top of the food chain. The tiger is in the upper part of the food chain in all ecosystems it lives in.

Domestic violence

The Future of Domestic Violence The future of domestic violence lies in the ability to provide equal opportunities to men and women and remove inequalities that cause the violence. Conclusion Domestic violence is a serious problem in society and a common cause of injuries in households and women are the most affected.


In the martyrdom of Perpetua and her companions and that of Abraham, God's will surpasses man's comfort, desires and aspirations. Again, the revelations in the martyrdom of Perpetua and her companions and in God's relation with Israel in the wilderness also find a point of similarity.

Clothes by chitra banerjee divakaruni

Although many aspects of the story are expected and even gratuitous, a particular sentence of the author's analysis near the end of the story stands out as a jolting representing of the reality that grips Mita as a function of the lost dreams and expectations that now explain her life. In such a way, the β†’

The main objectives of studying accounting

The main objectives of studying accounting The main objective related to a greater breadth and depth of the study of accounting is to provide learners with the knowledge of how to measure, process and communicate financial information about organizations. A wide and deep study of accounting equips the learner with the knowledge of the interdependence β†’

Third journal entry

Based on the above description, the audience addressed comprises of English Language learners with the purpose of introducing the personality of the professor as influenced by career choice, physical appearance, tutoring approach, and mastery of subject. Thus, by introducing the professor's personality and expectations within his career, the purpose of composing this profile was to β†’

Compare and contract

Compare and Contrast: Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies Compare and Contrast: Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies The study of human beings uses multiple research designs and methodologies to investigate and examine social phenomena. Depending on the research design and objective of the study determines the method and approach.

Analyze jealous husband returns in form of parrot

Butler begins the story with the feelings of love that the husband felt for his wife in his former life; enjoying the sight of her beauty, and the touch of her fingers as she ruffled his feathers. Butler relates similarities in the two lives of the husband, where he is as helpless, where his wife's β†’

Skills gapping

Skills Gapping Applied to Health Care Setting BY YOU YOUR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATION HERE HERE HERE Skills Gapping Applied to Health Care Setting Skills gapping involves examining the demand versus the supply within the business environment and then determining how best to apply talent and training to areas which require better development internally." Organizations determine what β†’


In the process of feeling and understanding what she was feeling, it was so much easier for me to help her go through the emotional and psychological pain she was at that point experiencing. In fact, there is a strong possibility that my long-time friend has been hiding the emotional and psychological burden she was β†’

Corporate social responsibility and the tobacco industry: philip morris

Responding to the legitimacy problems of big tobacco: An Analysis of the " People of Philip Morris" image advertising campaign. This article will aid in the identification of communication problems specific to the tobacco industry, particularly to Philip Morris.

Top-down model

Firstly Business Layer is this level of the top down approach, Intertex Corporation requires to work on the basic areas of the business which include the strategic business plans, process reengineering, and also the identification of the major business functions, processes and opportunities. This stage is essential in the overall determination of requirements for the β†’

Environmental law

Congress has delegated authority to the agencies to make rules governing the behavior of business and labor deemed to be in concurrence with the interest, necessity, and convenience of the public. In informal rulemaking, an agency starts the process by publishing the proposed law in the Federal Register, together with a justification of the legal β†’

Why marry

Running Head: WHY MARRY Understanding the reasoning behind the of Marriage Understanding the reasoning behind the Institution of Marriage Augustine believed in the 4th century that " Tranquillitas Ordinis" which means " peace is the tranquility that is produced by order". It is a fact that nowadays a marital contract is merely reduced to the β†’

Financial basics: a money-management guide for students

The book narrates the story of Jason and the journey with credit card and how they are lured to overspend. In this chapter, the author reiterates on the need for budgeting and some of the steps on how to manage expenses.

Hormonal disorders

The changes that occur in humans and cause adenoma are as follows: abnormality which comes as a result of excess production of hydrocortisone, a steroid hormone involved in reaction to stressing and energy steadiness. It is true to say that the patient had acromegaly because of the symptoms the doctors found.

Heaven and hell

When trying to recall what Heaven would be like, the pictures that conjured up in my mind are that of a very beautiful place, way up in the clouds, that is so serene and peaceful and where angels and the people in Heaven are in constant praise of the Lord Almighty who is seated on β†’

Statement in support of application

To Whom It May Concern: I would like to take this time to give a short history of my considerable work experience, all of which has been centered upon working within the media, as well as to present some of my other skills and accomplishments. As I said before, I also have experience and skills β†’

Health and aging

Health and Aging Summary - Relation Between Racial Discrimination, Social and Health Among Ethnic Minority Groups BY Saffron Karlsen, and James Y. There is no way this can be measured accurately and the relation between ethnicity and health is often ignored.

Corporate environmental ,social and sustainability reporting

The paper attempts to explore why it has become so necessary for public sector organisations to embrace sustainability accounting and reporting to their stakeholders; the difficulties faced by them towards its implementation and how the process of reporting in public sectors has progressed so far in last few years. Public Sectors Need to Adopt Sustainability β†’

What is and what is not science

What Is and What Is Not Science Both the methods of natural science and methods of social sciences involve use of experiments and observations. In early 1950s, Erwin Chargaff decided to work on the work of Avery in order to determine the number of nucleotides in the DNA.

Free speech coalition

Issue The constitutionalities of the clauses " appear to be" and " conveys the impression" that children were engaging in explicitly sexual activity and the abridgement of valuable speech. The Free Speech Coalition Et Al, 5353 U.S.

Respond what you agree with and disagree with and why

People often cannot make sense of war conflicts and even though no war was conducted on US soil since the Civil War, Americans have suffered the consequences of war far and beyond. I disagree with Auchincloss statement that after the World War II, the US felt obligated to intervene in the world affairs.

Discussion board

I think that the Bible trains Christians' intellectual strengths and abilities by urging them to learn from experience and experienced elders and to use their hearts and minds in understanding how the Bible applies to everyday living. In Proverbs 1: 1-5, the Bible says: The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for β†’

Definition of accounting

As per the convention of consistency, the same accounting methods should be adopted every year in preparing financial statements. Whenever a change in methods is necessary, it must be disclosed by way of footnotes in the financial statements of that year.

Marketing transportation

Task Marketing transportation Question Corporate level strategy serves as the highest level in strategic decision-making andencompasses activities concerning the objective of the corporation, acquirement and allotment of resources as well as synchronization of strategies in order to ensure best possible performance. The capacity of logistic function to effect the triumph of a corporation grounds from β†’


This is also an advantage to the business, as management skills are essential in daily operations of a business enterprise. Since the coffee shop will be a new business in town, the two partners will need to carry out some advertisements.

Interracial friendships

Key Communication Issues of Interracial Romantic Relationships Several, if not most of the dilemmas and challenges confronted by partners in an intercultural romantic relationship are indefinable, such as communication dilemmas with each other and with both parties' loved ones, the approval or blessings of their immediate families, gender stereotypes, individual aspirations and values, rearing children, β†’

Nobel peace prize winner muhammad yunus

The value that Grameen Bank gives to the people offers it the breathing ground to permit itself to look at the potential and capability of an individual to improve his/her life. The reliance it gives to the people becomes a leeway for the building of confidence of the people it serves.

Legitimate authority

In the practice of authority relationships in school, the answer is no, the student does not have the right to challenge a command, and yes, the teacher has the right to essentially coerce the student into following it through the threat of a failing grade. The words " accept" and " agreement" both work under β†’

Demographic trends in the united states

Over the years, researchers have observed a variety of changes in the demographic structure of America. A variety of scholars and researchers has carried out a research on the demographic issue of the United States of America.

Public opinion survey paper hurricane ike before and after it made its landfall: evacuation procedures

The goal of this study is to gauge the public opinion in Texas pertaining to the evacuation procedures pressed into service, both before and after the Hurricane Ike made its landfall. As per this study, nearly 65 percent of the participants were found to be satisfied with the evacuation procedures pressed into service, both before β†’

Pharmacy application

Some time in 2010, I decided that in order to feel better about my good fortune, of having come to the land of plenty, I needed to give back to the community in memory of those ill people I left in Vietnam. Here I was tasked to do my part at the In-Patient Pharmacy.

Reporting benefits

In the end, the purpose is to closely examine the workload responsibilities and the deployment of the law enforcement personnel. The local community gets concerned with such criminal cases and reports the matter to the Department of Justice to come in and address the problem.

Violence in the media

As such, parents need to take it upon themselves to limit their children's exposure to violence in the media. When children are subjected to images of violence and negative and aggressive behaviors as seen in the media, they take on the behaviors for their own use.

History of policing

The most recognizable phrase today in most policing institutions is " protect and serve" which is a direct reflection of the first principle of Peel; " The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder". The 4th Peel principle implies that the members of public are resistant to use of β†’

Environmental science – (over the counter drugs) —((easy_

273606 No.of pages: 2 1st 6530 Definition - A substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.list 5 categories of over the counter drugs Anesthetic, antibiotics, diuretics, narcotics, intoxicants.give 5 examples of over the counter drugs - a) pentoxifylline, Trental β†’

Othello paper the heroism of othello

It is because of where he's placed his love that he behaves the way he does. He is a hero because of his ability to act according to what love dictates and is brought to his ruin because of where that love had been placed.


I earnestly enjoyed playing the leadership role, but perhaps, however, I never truly understood exactly what it was to be a leader until the time I helped lead my team to a win during an important team match game. I believe that on this occasion not only did I rule, guide, and inspire others, but β†’