Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

The experience of hiv diagnosis among aboriginal people living with hiv/aids and depression

The experience of HIV diagnosis among aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS and depression Summary Cain, Jackson, Prentice, Collins, Mill and Barlowauthored the article, ' The experience of HIV diagnosis among aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS and depression,' that the Qualitative Health Research published in the year 2013. The authored explored the effects of lives of β†’

To raise awareness of opportunities for nurses to promote health and well being

To Raise Awareness of Opportunities for Nurses to Promote Health and Well Being This essay aims to raise awareness of opportunities for nurses in promoting health and well-being by identifying one's contribution to the assessment of health needs, opportunities for health promotion, as well as the networks or agencies involved in health promotion. In 1984, β†’

Postmodernism and christinity

Some critics maintain that the spirit of evangelism and Christian leadership has not been fully manifested in the Western church as desirable. Most critics of the church refer to believers' denial of the objective truth and existence of Jesus.

Case brefings on mary tiano vs dillard store

Issue The main issue of the case was termination of employment on the basis of religious discrimination whereby the Dillard Departmental Store did not find the need of Mary Tiano's pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia as sufficient ground for legitimate leave of absence from work. In the review, charge of religious discrimination against Dillard's was reversed β†’

President obama

President Obama When President Obama took over the leadership of the U.S.many people were optimistic. During Obama's presidency, the U.S.has not faced a serious security threat of the kind of 9/11.

Midterm part 3-elvis presley

Elvis Presley To that Elvis Presley was deviant for his period is certainly true. Elvis marked the era of rock and roll to the world and was a significant figure in the transforming era of American sexuality.

Google android analysis

In the year 2005 when Google chose to make the Android company as part of its own the outside world of smart phones was overwhelmed by existing giants like iphone and Microsoft. Google wants to remain in the centre of the business market.

Week 10 journal

I Am Legend Robert Neville, the legend in the book, " I am a Legend", is a character whose story perhaps would be told among the vampire community for a long time. The theme of hard work and dedication is portrayed in the legend character, which subsequently is insisted to the people, that we should β†’

A perfect day off and activities for the day

I like to wake up with a call on breakfast with my family and a smooth and soothing conversation during the breakfast meal is always welcomed. To me, a perfect and joyous holiday is dependent on the company I have on that particular day and then the occasions or events we celebrate together.

The lauderdale paradox

THE LAUDERDALE PARADOX The problem of ' nature' as is advanced through the article in ' Lauderdale paradox' revolves around capital where according to the Marxist position, the interchange between humans and the nature brings about materialistic as well as metabolic approaches. It would therefore be pointed out that the article has main focus on β†’

Forum: health care reform

Health Care Reform THESIS MENT The study represents the main argument of the Obama Administration in front of the US Supreme Court about the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The government also argued in front of the Supreme Court that Affordable Care Act can help the people for affording the health β†’

Understanding social problems

Around 67 percent of employed parents claim that they do not have enough time to spend time with their children, at the same time 63 percent of married workers complain that they cannot spend enough time with their partners. Over half of all employees also claim that they do not even have enough time for β†’

Evaluation report

Another significant aspect of the class has been the manner in which it has imbibed in me a sense of responsibility and the need to submit assignments in time by honoring the deadline. Things I Least Liked in the Class: In view of the major benefits the class has offered me, I have not been β†’

The play fuenteovejuna by lope de vega

These are also an illustration of the theme of abuse of power in the story. The rhetorical device helps in achieving the different ideologies that are concurrently presented in the story.

Eye tracking:the next phenomenon in subarachnoid hemorrhaging management

SAH is attached to familial strong history of inheritable connective tissue disorders and abuse of sympathomimetic substances. Incidence of general headache A phenomenon referred to as " the worst headache of my life" is associated with SAH patients and this calls for immediate stabilization and hospitalization of its patients.


In this paper, we will focus three development theories, which include Freud's Psychoanalytic theory, Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development, and Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory. Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development Similar to Freud, Erikson also believed that human development takes place in a predetermined order.

History of globalization

Feminism significantly improved the position of women in the society and boosted their access to economic resources, social welfare a political voice. This blend of a widespread campaign to economic freedom and socio-economic reforms marked a transition that bore the 20th-century experiences and the general modern structural milestone in various global aspects.


Mind-Body Issue In philosophy, the mind-body problem examines the relationship between mind and the matter and in more specific the relationship between consciousness and brain. Plato's contribution According to Plato, as the body emerges from the material world, the soul emerges from the ideas and is therefore, immortal.

Improving the presidential election process

Running Head: CAMPAIGNS AND ELECTIONS Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission Essay on how to improve the PresidentialElection Process The American system of presidential elections includes a series of presidential primary elections and caucuses. Results collected from primary elections and caucuses are used to determine the number of delegates to be assigned to the national β†’

Kincaid’s girl

20 March " Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid Part-I: The Story " Girl" is writtenby Jamaica Kincaid and it expresses a mother's feeling and how a mother brings up her daughter as a respectable woman in the society. The power of the women is not limited to a level.

Sir francis drake

Why Sir Francis was important Sir Francis was important to Britain for his achievement in bringing more wealth to the country in terms of gold and silver. Sir Francis was considered important since he gave his country a chance to gain more power which the leaders were ambitious about for many years.

Wk 3 final project matrix

The child suffers from inattention, but not from impulsivity and hyperactivity in the preceding six months. 02 ADHD of a hyperactive-impulsive type: The child suffers from impulsivity and hyperactivity, but not inattention in the preceding six months.

Personal statement

Law is a career that can be used as a wheel to drive the society to become better by changing the lives of better from worse to better and ensuring justice and fairness is availed for all and enjoyed by all who deserve it in society. I would like my experience and my legal position, β†’


They think that in urban area the quality of life is high and they need not have to struggle like in rural region. In city health and security is less and in village people can get fresh air, food and water.

Music appreciation: piece analysis

The structure of the music follows the classical style of the concerto. The melody in each section is repeated with the main form in each movement, such as A, B, A, C, A in the Rondo movement.

Importance of effective research

Using the Work System Method as described by Steve Alter in his article " The Work System Method for Understanding Information Systems and Information System Research" has several distinct advantages for all involved in the Work System. In each example, the amount of overlap between the Work System and the Information System determines the role β†’

Physician ratings -new york state

Physician Ratings- New York al Affiliation Ratings and Disciplinary Actions of Physician and Physician Assistants'OPMC which is Office of the Professional Medical Conduct, monitors the qualifications, operations, and conduct of physicians and their assistants. There is also a data column under a physician's profile showing " none-reported" that comes throughout the physician profile.

Fighting fire in a high-rise structure

Most of the deaths during the fire occur due to the suffocation created by the smoke. It requires a greater number of crews and equipment to extinguish the fire as compared to the low rise buildings.

Parliamentary and presidential system

The main difference between both the systems of governance is the fact that under Parliamentary System, the Chief Executive of the country is accountable and responsible to the legislature and has the power to dismiss him whereas in case of Presidential System, the Chief Executive of the State is not accountable to legislature and in β†’

Discussion question response

I also completely agree with what you said about dealing with a challenging person in terms of gossip and jokes. I think that is a good idea because it lets this person know that you care about their thoughts and ideas and are open to suggestion.

Why do i think that i deserve a scholarship

That is why I am doing my best to afford my educational needs and, I am not ashamed to ask for help when I know I need it. Coming to you and asking for you to take a chance on me is a chance I am willing to take in the name of my future.

Professional values for the bsn student

They are highly devoted to the cause of alleviating pain and providing an encouraging environment of hope for the patients and their family. Human Dignity Human dignity broadly recognizes that ' inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace β†’

Gangs in society

Gangs in Society al Affiliation Gangs in Society The National Criminal Justice Reference Service website: https is a highly informative and beneficial source of authoritative information especially to someone in Criminal Justice and studying Crisis Intervention and human behavior, in general. As such, the official website of NCJRC is extensive and comprehensive in providing β†’

Religion in american experience

Task: Religion in American experience The Protestants were committed to a mission of strengthening the ethical values of all the ethnic affiliations caught by the tragedy of slavery. According to Protestants in 1860s, the civil war marked a period of their influence in United States; however this also marked the end of the domination of β†’

Secrets of sense and sensibility

The reason why I mention the movement of sexual discourse from the public sphere into the domestic sphere is that these are the means in which Jane Austen conveys her meanings through secrets and especially through Sense and Sensibility in which the two primary characters, Elinor and Marianne are conveyors of Sense and Sensibility. The β†’

Cyprus dispute

Since the 1990s, the dynamics of the dispute have been changed as the European Union decided to open negotiations with Cyprus for a settlement. The best possible solution to the Cyprus dispute in which the interests of the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots is obtained is by the UN plan put forward by Kofi Annan.

College degree

It even depicts the completion and attainment of the knowledge, skills and abilities that are associated with a college level program. Another major benefit of attaining a college degree is that a college degree increases the probability of an individual to gain employment.

Landlord and tenant law

Landlord and Tenant Law No: Landlord and Tenant Law Introduction Landlord and tenant law is an important ingredient of common law wherein the rights and obligations of landlord and tenant clearly spelled out. Relationship between the Landlord and the Tenant The relationship between the landlord and tenant establish that the landlord has entrusted the rights β†’

Rapid industrialization

Teacher Rapid industrialization between 1840 to 1850 The period from 1840 to 1850 in the northeastern part of the United s marked the rapid industrialization of the country. This opened up new markets and increased immigration of European workers and farmers to the Northeastern part of the United States where the manufacturing sector was booming.

Summary the impact of corruption on liquidity, execution risk, and foreign equity investments in international capital markets

The implication of its bad effects reaches the international economy in two ways, one is as such it disturbs the liquidity of foreign economy and the other is, foreign investment port folio a corrupt economy is always considered as a risky market for investors. The authors summarize the impact of corruption into three ways; possible β†’

Causal-comparative design & descriptive design

1129039 - CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN & DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN Casual-comparative research design and descriptive design are sometimes used interchangeably due to the similarities that they have but in actual fact, the two are noted not to be the same thing. The confusion arises because both casual-comparative research design and descriptive design are used to describe conditions β†’

Managing working capital

The working capital of Syndicate clinic measures the amount of the liquid assets available to the company and available in developing the clinic. On the other hand, the working capital cycle is the time taken to convert the current assets and liabilities of the clinic into cash In the healthcare industry of today, the leaders β†’

Implications of the supreme court ruling

The ruling which opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate and union spending in elections was a major victory for the groups which wanted to participate in the campaign process but had been barred from doing so by the laws. The contributions the groups make towards the campaigns should be regulated and the names of the β†’

A favorite item of clothing

From the smoothness to the familiar creak of the leather as I slide it on, I love describing my leather jacket. The heaviness of the jacket on my shoulders reminds me I am wearing leather.

Discussion questions

As such, the individual might choose a profession such as music, owing to the fact that most of the people in his neighborhood aspire to be musicians and rappers. Primarily, one of the theories of change is Lewin's Three-Step Change Theory.

Theodore roosevelt

The Philippines was fortunate to have Roosevelt Jr.because he " deeply sympathized with the cause of the poor and advocated the improvement of the welfare of the masses" through the inauguration of the first community assembly. He passed several Acts to the legislative body that contained his goals for the Philippines, and as a sign β†’

Dandaneau summary

Sociological Imagination al Affiliation Sociological Imagination Dandaneau's text is a book that is a current, accessible and uncompromised introduction to the sociological imagination that C Wright Mills had once cited. Sociological imagination incorporates in individuals the flexibility and mutability of the society.

Education versus looking after younger siblings

Since it was her life and she might have had the desire to relate positively with the environment, the girl had the right to apply every possible technique to persuade her parents to let her continue with education. In case the parents failed to understand, the girl could have sought the intervention of a carrier β†’

World history/ world war 1 and the long term effects

This war was given the name of the World War because after the war began major nations of the world all around the map became involved in one way or another and it laid long term effects on the entire world. The signs of democracy rose after the world war and major nations of the β†’

Participative leadership & empowerment – dissertation example

PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP & EMPOWERMENT Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Comment on the methodological problems in establishing the effectiveness of participative decision procedures 3 What is the purpose of the Vroom and Yetton model? 3 Comment on " It is not natural to ask questions of employees when he already knew the answer, to β†’

Comparions- healthcare

Assignment 2: Effectiveness of the Proposed EBP Guidelines A multicentre RCT evaluating the effectiveness of a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program to improve the quality of life of elderly patients with HF stages II and III will determine the effectiveness of the proposed EBP guidelines. As such are the following objectives: to identify the needs of β†’

Homework # 5

While the oil price shock is in action, Canada is also going through a phase of major economic growth. The press release also reveals that an uncertain outlook is the result of lower oil prices.

International business practices

The penetration of the company into the global market is facilitated by its market entry strategy which is licensing. Similar with Coca-cola, McDonald also has a highly decentralized organizational structure in order for each manager to decide about significant matters on the operation of the company.

Whistle blower articles

The fact that most of the hospital bills defrauded government funded programs such as Medicaid and Medicare aggravated the uproar from the government and the general public. According to whistle-blowing protection laws such as the whistle-blowing protection Act and the Ethics in Government Act guarantee the freedom of speech for workers.

Health care access

The Effective Health Care Program is designed to uphold the general mission of the AHRQ, to improve the " effectiveness and safety of American health care".. History of the Effective Health Care Program AHRQ Effective Health Care Program.

Lanes english as a second language

The author views the English language as something that can easily be passed from one individual to another through the constructive learning process. Teaching should, therefore, move from simple basics to more complicated ones to allow the learner understand the logic and structure of English as a language.

Democratic or undemocratic

Because it was only the wealthy and the privileged were the ones who can afford to run for public office, as opposed to the poor, the hopeless, and the uneducated, one need not wonder why such provision is so. Public treasury were used to create private capital and credit for huge investors, thus debit payment β†’

Israel-palestine conflict

Reply #2 I agree with you the conflict that characterizes Israel-Palestinians sour relationship its basis is not purely religion but instigators incline to blaming it citing as the source of differences between the two sides. However, instigators of these conflicts are only out to realize their political interests but hoodwink the masses into deeming religion β†’

Factors influencing online shopping behavior of the consumers of thailand – dissertation example

1 Conclusion of the research As we can see in the introduction, the topic we are dealing with is the behavior of the shoppers in Thailand with respect to online shopping. It can be recommended that for the purpose of establishing online shopping as a useful mode of shopping in Thailand the business houses can β†’

Introduction to critical thinking

This is the most reported case in terms of cancer making an approximate of 75% of all the cancer diagnosis. It is worthwhile noting that ultra-violet radiation from the sun exerts aging and carcinogenic effects on the skin through the oxidative stress, inflammation and damage of DNA.

Behavior change

Week 7 In my endeavor towards stopping the habit I embraced optimism and knew that I would succeed. Week 11 I would purpose to set a definite date on which to stat my new life and avoiding procrastination.

Information processing theories of development

The neo-Piagetian theorists agreed with the core of Piaget's theories but also placed attention on non-psychological influences such as biological, social, and cultural factors, making their developmental approaches malleable depending upon the physical environmental situation of the child in question. Cognitive evolution theory and the connectivist approach are similar methods that center on the progression β†’

Vermont teddy bear

For this reason, the proposed research will include analysis of mission, objectives, and value statements of Vermont Teddy Bear along with their comparison analysis with existing strategic processes of the organization. Environmental Analysis Besides values and mission of the Vermont Teddy Bear, it will be very important for the proposed research to include external analysis β†’


Divorce The topic of the effects of divorce on children remains the popular one with much research being conducted in this regard. Children and Divorce, Retrieved from Niolon, R.

God exists or god doesn’t exist or we should believe in god or we shouldn’t believe in god

An Essay Discussing the Existence of God and How His Presence Defines the Universe The existence of God has been the of debates for many generations. The existence of God provides the most compelling explanation for the existence of the universe, the order of creation and the presence of creatures, both living and non-living, on β†’

Pacific northwest history

For purposes of history, the American Northwest starts at lands west of the Missouri River that begun during the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and continued with the acquisitions of Texas, the Oregon territory, the Mexican Cessions and ended with the Gadsden Purchase in 1853. Another important fact when considering the history of the US Pacific β†’

Abortion, right and wrong

The Roe decision essentially addressed this question by asserting the government's concern for the life of the unborn does not outweigh the constitutional rights of the born and thus their decision to allow pregnancy terminations. Those opposed to abortion claim that the fetus, viable or not, is a living being much the same as a β†’

The interactionist view of crime

Criminology The Interactionist view of crime explains delinquent gang behavior in a very elaborate way because it is according to this view that laws banning murder, rapes, and robbery have political undertones. All the three perspective views have good points but I think I would go for the conflict view of crime to explain β†’

Analysis of the present and the future based on history

According to his sweeping and audacious survey of contemporary geopolitics, in the book " The Second World" he argues that the United States, the European Union and China dare not call themselves imperial powers as they are busy reshaping the globe to suit their interests. Khanna in the " Second World" argues that the United β†’

Aryans and dravidians

The Aryans and Dravidians India's ancient civilization emerged in a markedly separated sub-continent bordered on the north by the chain of the Himalayas. The Aryan civilization was a new beginning in the culture of India.


A stress can be defined as the body's reaction to any kind of mental or physical tension. Most of the time stress is thought to have only harmful effects on a person but this is not entirely true, a stress can be both negative and positive.

Heart and lungs

The oxygenated blood flows to the body from the lungs as the deoxygenated blood flows from the body into the lungs. J, Kappel, F, Schneditz, D, & Tran, H.T.

Trade-off between expected return and risk

Trade-off between Expected Return and Risk Expected return is the guess of an investor's regarding the returns from an investment while risk is a possibility of deviation from the expected returns. Due to the high rates of volatility in the stock markets, many investors are risk averse and would only risk investing where there is β†’

Summary of chapter 5: breakthroughs in medicine

Regardless of the different opinions that exist, the majority of individuals agree that there has been an improvement in wellbeing due to technological advancement. In short, technology in the medical world can be defined as the use of procedures and devices with the aim of achieving useful and measurable outcomes for humanity.

Metaphor criticism in case study

Research Question: To study the use and effect of metaphors in editorial or political cartoons Thesis ment: Use of metaphors to depict many and complex issues in Hillary Clinton's 2008 US presidential election campaign. Bill understands that he is a burden on Hillary and is trying to help Despite the burden he is carrying, Bill's β†’

Leighton prescott morrison 1995

Psychotic disorders like neurosis are tendentious behaviors that do not enable the sufferer to identify and acknowledge the existence of the disorder. Psychotherapy based on CBT suggests ERP to be the most effective treatment method among a host of methods for OCD patients Visit Amazon's Deborah Roth Ledley Page Find all the books, read about β†’

Analyze the case: coody v. northwest arkansas times

When the case was taken before the Washington County Circuit Court, the jury eventually ruled in favor of the defendant. The politician was therefore given a libel since the action had actually damaged his reputation in the eyes of the public.

The way forward suggested by jeff gates is feasible and/or desirable

In relation to Jeff's article " The Way Forward", it is evident that he does not like the collaboration existent between Sayanim and Mossad. He provides an example of Sayanim who have massively infiltrated various criminal agencies and giving Intel back to U.

The american political system

The American Political System I have learned that the American political system is one that is based upon the concept of equality and justice for all. The principle of American politics is one that is unique from other governments across the world because it is based upon a constitution that has taken all concerns, needs, β†’

Power point presentations

POWER POINT PRESENTATION: POWER POINT IS EVIL PowerPoint can be one of the most excellent communication medium which can be used in pitching sales, but at the same time, it can be one of the most horrible medium of presentation. PowerPoint presentation, by design, compels the presenter to adopt a specified presentation medium due to β†’

Critical thinkning / reaction paper

The main conclusion of the essay is that the insanity defense has to be studied with reference to the recent advancement in human psychology/psychiatry. It does not diminish the significance of the insanity defense in any way, but focuses on the need to strengthen its implications with the help of a well thought out interdisciplinary β†’

Your creative thinking profile

Your Creative Thinking Profile Introduction The prime intent of this essay is to describe and analyze personal creative thinking profile, followed by a job role, which best suits with the profile and the process through which the colleagues and others would be able to have a better collaboration with distinct styles of creative thinking. The β†’

Global management

The city is in the middle of Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and is eight miles from the DFW airport. Like the other areas in Texas, the people of Arlington also celebrate varied cultural heritage festivals because of the diversity of its population in terms of background and culture.

Practice paragraph

Ethnocentrism is considered to be the foundation or bedrock of prejudice and bigotry in society. The classic example we can glean from ethnocentrism is Hitler's idea of the superiority of the Aryan race as enforced by his Nazis.

Athlete and (a type of supplement)

Cribb et al, 2007, aimed to examine the effects of whey protein and creatine monohydrate, on body composition, muscle strength, fiber-specific hypertrophy, and contractile protein accrual during a 11-week structured, supervised RE program. The effect of whey protein supplementation with and without creatine monohydrate combined with resistance training on lean tissue mass and muscle strength.

Discussion topics

The United States began to monitor the affairs of the rest of the world; economically, technologically, politically, militarily, socially and culturally. The America became restless to defend this position to appoint involvement in war as seen in the Persian Gulf War and the craving to influence the Middle East and its oil supplies.

Social mobility

If society were to move back to a feudal age in which socioeconomic standing were still the primary determinant of adult lifestyle, there would be many repercussions. It is hard to imagine a society in which wealth and social standing is the primary determinant of importance, and it is difficult to imagine how society would β†’

Seatbelts in school buses

Seatbelts in School Buses Aura The usage of seat belts in school buses has been a topic of discussion and great debate over the years. The usage of seat belts in school buses would make the usage of them a routine in the lives of students.

Cardio vascular activities

Cardiovascular fitness refers to the ability of the muscles to be supplied with oxygen from the respiratory system while ensuring that the oxygen is absorbed into the body muscle system. Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the muscles to withstand a substantial amount of force over a given span of time while muscle strength β†’

Is marriage a dying institution

The legitimacy of marriage between two people often depends on the degree of authoritativeness carried by the derived definition of marriage. Few believe in the traditional words of the Book of Common Prayers that marriage is meant to last till death part the two partners.

Conclusion and decisions

The debt ratio of Sysco is 1.59. The current ratio of Sysco is 1.69.

Bronchoscopy medical report

INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: The 57 year old male patient with a significant history of smoking. The attending doctor had treated his COPD and referred him for lung cancer bronchoscopy.

Police science,, 2 page criteak

The article tries to probe the rightness of the legal system where the profiles of the children as young as ten year old are published on the internet. The article has also researched the chances of the child sex offenders turning out to be adult offenders later in the future.

Walt disney

The alliance between Jobs and Disney appears to be very promising in terms of Disney's future vision and strategies. The vision of Disney was to become the leading laboratory for media convergence and the alliance could facilitate Disney to achieve this vision by adopting the strategies which Jobs had adopted at Apple and Pixar such β†’

Eithics in history

His paradox of the idea and view advocating the concept of conflict and bitter views towards the each bench group is supported by and defended through the views of the social standing at present. His model is relatively help with regard to the understanding of the split and segregated outlook that the world depicts at β†’

Crime mapping concept

The report further explains the different types of crime theories, as well as, how they can be depicted on the maps. The most interesting thing about the report is that it informs the reader on how crime mapping can be used to understand patterns of recidivism and incarceration.