Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Business law dis #4

Business Law discussion 4 Question 3 page 315 In the case Guyan Machinery and Albert Voorhees, the issue is if Guyan is entitle to enforce the non-compete clause and if this is enforced, another question that arises is whether this will go against Albert's freedom. In this case, Guyan has a genuine concern that Albert β†’

Should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce

If that is the case, one might want to ask why that is the case. With the trend of things, it is very obvious that there is a need for there to be stiffer measures against divorce because we really need to guard against its high rate.

Proposal and contract

Systemax Inc, founded in 1949 as Global Equipment Company, is considered as one of the leading retailers of private label products and brand names of computers, computer accessories, consumer electronics, industrial products and technological supplies. The company markets its products to both individual and business clients.

South dakota higher education funding policy

The number of students enrolling into universities in South Dakota has reduced significantly due to the current higher education funding policy. The current higher education funding policy only caters for a two-year post-secondary education for the students of South Dakota.

Child psychology vergine suicide

On the other hand, the aspect of the boy trying to understand them by observing the diary book indicates the issue of concern and compassion for the Lisbon girls. For instance, the decision by the mother of the girls to completely ignore the first suicide of the young girls is a clear depiction of lack β†’

Financial management discussion week 10

The road out of debt: bankruptcy and other solutions to your financial problems. The logic and limits of bankruptcy law.

Terrorism’s future

The next biggest terrorist threat Even though nuclear weapons have not been used for terrorism, the trend in terrorism and proliferation of the weapons identify possible access of nuclear weapons by terrorist groups and application of such weapons. Proliferation of nuclear weapons and possibility of the weapons' development by terrorists identifies nuclear weapon terrorism as β†’

The mysterious series 3 problems

ANSWER: The volume of the box to be made is easily taken by the formula, length X width X height. If the total fencing is 200 yards, the resulting length of the whole pen would be /2 and the area of the whole pen would be [/2].

Defining the self

The existence of God is one that has caused controversy in the literary world. This is because it is a belief that a larger majority of the world shares.

Assignment 13

With regards to the case study, the administration of the district schools was keen enough to ensure that the overall performance of the teachers and other staff in the schools were based on the set standards. The administration of the district schools gave more attention on quality supervision in order to ensure that the performance β†’

Eyes on bullying

The three types of bullying are the so called aggressive bullying, passive bullying and the bully victim. The major warning signs of bullying are self-withdrawal nature among the bully victims, depression and fear amongst the victims in the presence of the bullies.

E-adminstration of abu dhabi police (action plan)

However, the current state of affairs suggests that the development and implementation is in its initial phase and there is lot to be achieved in terms of fully utilizing the power of e-administration in order to become more efficient in carrying out the routine tasks. Other departments in other countries have been able to deploy β†’

Introduction to executive tools for decision making

Company President's Grade Bank of America McDonald's Ford Automotive Grade A B C Bank of America receives a grade of A because of its high profitability and liquidity. Ford Automotive receives a grade of C because the company experienced a negative net income and the growth of the company is stagnant.

Food safety; pests and vectors; air quality

Food Safety; Pests and Vectors; Air Quality Air Quality The common health problems associatedwith indoor and outdoor air pollution in urban settings are as a result of the adverse effects of sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and other particulate matter. Several measures can be taken to protect the children from the deleterious effects β†’

The benefits and disadvantages of country living

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Country Living It is true that city life has a lot of social opportunities but country life can give you advantages that prevail over the benefits of living in the city. A significant difference in the quality of education in the city and the country also leads to many β†’

Workplace violence

Problem Statement Recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of workplace violence, and it is believed that violence at the workplace would continue to increase. Stress and violence in the workplace.

Uc is the university of california

Due to my state of sickness which had been an irregular yet acute fever, I was unable to take the final exam in Math 1A and this caused my overall grade to suffer an F-mark for the course when I failed to notify my instructor properly of the unfortunate health situation. In that span, I β†’

Goals of google analytics

Tracking Goals: You can set your goals which serve as conversions for your web site and funnels are the path which you want to take by the user to achieve goals. GA goals section offer reports about total conversion, conversion rate, reverse goal path, goal value, goal abandoned funnels, and funnel visualization Content Information: It β†’

Coding of the interview and theme analysis

CODING OF THE INTERVIEW AND THEME ANALYSIS Coding of the Interview and Theme Analysis Coding refers to a definedprocess, which involves the combination of the data for themes, ideas and categories and subsequently marking unique passages of a text with a developed code label for purposes of retrieving the information at a later stage with β†’

Article review

Article Review: " Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior" al Affiliation " Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior" Explanation on the Rationale for Picking the Article The article entitled " Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior" was written by Greitemeyer and Osswald and published in the Journal of Personality β†’

Reading response 6

RESPONSE TO CHAPTER 15: ATTENTION AND AWARENESS IN SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Almost every theoretical research garnered from the body of existing works on cognitive science and linguistic studies indicate a direct relationship between attention and awareness in second language acquisition. The effect on the input and intake of the second language learner in terms of β†’

Global health priorities

Global Health Priorities Global Health Priorities The current global nursing shortage is going to affect the future of healthcare administration in hospitals first through the loss of noticeable nursing leadership and decreased access to medical nurse professionals. This spreading dissatisfaction will certainly hamper hospital administration as it attempts to implement solutions to the nursing shortage.

Leadership skills for the criminal justice professional

The present study focuses on the leadership skills that are required by the criminal justice professionals and the ethics and virtue needed to be followed in the criminal justice leadership. Thus the ethics and the virtue also prove to have significant importance in the profession of criminal justice and security.

Research paper

In order to ascertain the real performance of a company, the auditors have to establish the different audit risks and performance factors that are associated with a company or an industry. To illustrate, through the provided information, one can come up with a horizontal and vertical analysis of the company that could be of great β†’

Marketing practices

It also has to keep in mind the satisfaction of the organization, which translates as the profitability of the firm. Today internet marketing and e marketing are the emerging trends, which add to the definition of marketing.

Discussion: sexulality – the hook-up culture

Sexuality The hook up Culture The hook up culture, common as it has become, is a fairly new phenomenon in the world. Response 1 The hook up culture, in all logical is based on the desire to satisfy one need; sex.

The of sarver elementary school

He has to keep proper attention to both the reports submitted by the Task Force and the Committee in order to come to a conclusion regarding closing of Sarver Elementary School. All the Board members, Committee members and the Task Force should be assembled in order to decide on the issue of closing Sarver School β†’

International criminal matters, policies, regulations, standards,

The first formal adoption of a resolution to fight against global terrorism by the international community was in the year 1937 when the then League of Nations adopted the conventional for Prevention and Punishment of terrorism. The terrorism prevention branch of the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime, as mandated by the General Assembly β†’

Rapid release capsules: hydroxycut hardcore

The product is scientifically researched and multiple human trials have been conducted to authenticate the effectiveness of this product.f. In my opinion, since multiple studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this product, the use of this product is likely to bestow therapeutic benefit to its consumers.


The History of Anagrams As long as humans have used letters and words, people of all cultures have enjoyed creating gamesand puzzles with their languages. The Greek poet Lycophron used anagrams in a poem about the siege of Troy entitled " Cassandra" in which he used anagrams for the names Ptolemy and Arisone.

U.s. is ready to lead on climate

An article from the NY Times revealed that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton would like to create a global warming treaty on behalf of the United States. Ironically, the United States was never a signatory to this treaty; however, the United States is trying to lead this new treaty that would aid in the constant β†’

Liberal art studies

In regards to a career path, a professional should also be willing to accept life-transforming changes. A modern professional's career journey is similar to the spiritual journey of Augustine.

Minority parents and child discipline

In the United States, for example, parents from minority ethnicities tend to hold their children to a different standard of discipline than their Caucasian counterparts. The parents are of the firm conviction that they are the best judges of what is good for their children and resolutely act to attain those goals.

Stratification systems

The level of access of class and status is dependent on the transferability of the factor that accords the class and status, for instance prestige. In view of bureaucracies and their origin, Weber identifies the authority of the state as the only legitimate party to apply force and violence in carrying out its roles.

Exhibit advertisement

The time that you will spend in our museum will be the time you will enjoy the treasures of Chinese calligraphy and painting at the best. Chinese Flower Art Japanese art Your visit to our museum's Japanese art exhibition will be an unforgettable experience as you will be presented with an introduction to the Museums β†’

Summary a psychology experiment

In other words, the authors wanted to examine whether the motivations for self-punishment for engaging in NSSI are the reasons for the high pain thresholds and tolerances among the victims. The results of the study showed that those self-injurers who took part in NSSI with the aim of regulating their need to self-punish tolerated pain β†’

Primary and secondary sex characteristics

Primary sex characteristics are the physical sex organs that have a direct link to reproduction. Tightening of the voice Hyperextension in the elbows Softening of the skin and hair Lengthening of the shoulders Conclusion Both the primary and secondary sex characteristics help in determining the gender roles in a society.

The issue of exerting self-control to overcome the temptations

Defining self-control and willpower, the author quotes that self-control is the ability to set goals while willpower helps the individual to attain those goals. However, the author ascertains that it should also be borne in mind that self-control is a virtue and that it cannot be considered lightly.

Martin luther king jr

The of humanity of being just and fair has changed since the days of the late Dr. This paper builds and proves that the same principle applies to the history of the US from 1877 up to the present.

Effects of glucose/insulin perturbations on aging and chronic disorders of aging

The paper " Effects of Glucose/Insulin Perturbations on Aging and Chronic Disorders of Aging" is a perfect example of an assignment on medical science. Therefore, manipulation of diet targeted to influence the glucose/insulin system may indeed affect lifespan in a positive manner and reduce the incidence of age-related chronic disorders.


Playing to the modern culture's Cinderella dream for a better future and our insecurities regarding who and what we are in relation to the rest of society, the consumer culture both reflects and magnifies a need for constant change through the use of this type of programming. Weintraub quotes Dancey as saying " As a β†’

Management information system

The Queen Mary 2 and Partner Ship The Ship Partner information system provides the passengers of the The Queen Mary 2 with all-integrated entertainment and communication network. With the help of the Ship Partner there is no need to communicate to the cruise ship personnel concerning the reservations - it can be done conveniently and β†’

Health care reform in the united states

Only the immigrants legally in the country can buy the health insurance through the exchanges, these include the refugees, people on workers and the student's visas, and the immigrants with green cards. The article provides solutions for the immigrants to avoid losing their health insurance; these include the provision of immigration and citizenship documents by β†’

Self-reflection many me’s

Of the identities identified, the one I am strongly committed to is my devotion to my family. My devotion to my family is of high degree, and nothing can change that.

Bhs 455 (computer & information systems) module 3 slp

This report will provide the basic table design for the system and main data constraints for the table design and data. Application The health informatics is a huge field that comprises verity of the system and working support for the management of the health data and information.

Fifth section

That combination, a system of production which gives the company a particular advantage in its chosen market segment, a world-wide reputation for product quality, and a brand which immediately identifies the aims and aspirations of its customers, will make Able Corporation one of the most profitable manufacturers. Five-year strategic objectives are: to develop innovative products β†’


I dissent with the opinion of the majority that pursuant to the Constitution, the federal government should not rule out physician-assisted suicide where a legislature has decided to consent the process because letting medical doctors to take part in assisted suicide would cause more damage than good. Therefore, Gena is liable for the damage because β†’

Analysis the case

Number Case Study In this case, the major ethical issue is that the firestones tires in the Ford Explorer track were defective as they caused several accidents where lives were lost, according to the study; the threads in the tires were faulty to a point of peeling of and making the truck to veer off β†’

A hole in his parachute

Knight-Ridder Corporation Case Study A corporation is a structure or an organization that is created by a group of people that is under an operation of law and succumbs to succession, powers, properties, and assets to reach its ability to produce more wealth or enlarge one's stocks as a company. Another point that would support β†’

Banking – interest rates

This paper reports on the effects of the low interest on the Japanese banking sector through discussing advantages and disadvantages of the low rates on banks. One of the effects of the low interest rate on the Japanese banking sector is reduced productivity.

What is the difference between presidential and parliamentary form of government

The fact that he is not subjected to the legislature in the selection means that he can choose wise men and women with extensive experience. Parliamentary leaders often depend on others to perform their duties because they lack the knowledge of the changing world.

Terrorism and organized crime

Terrorism and Organized Crime Lecturer Terrorism and Organized Crime Terrorism is defined as the illegal utilization of force by a person or group against other people or their property with the aim of intimidating or forcing a given government to perpetuate particular social or political aims, and it can either be domestic or international. The β†’

Inventory & inflation

The Relationship between Inventory Management and Inflation Inflation refers to the increase in the prices of services and goods. The increase of prices of goods and services determines the units to be purchased since this is influenced by the money at hand.

Doesn’t matter

The presentation of the modern human situation in a culturally problematic world is the main purpose of the poet who skilfully illustrates the universal characteristic of the human condition in the modern world through the geographically, historically, and linguistically wide variety of cultural, literary, and spiritual settings. Therefore, the manifold settings and symbols of the β†’


The rise of Christianity The rise of Christianity began during highly chaotic time; the Herodian period. Nonetheless, the works of Josephus finally fell in the hands of the then Catholic church and several scholars concur that the Christological references used were not in the initial version of Josephus.

The death of ivan illych by leo tolstoy

Ivan Illych's superficial, egoistical attitude towards life is mirrored in the attitude of his family and friends towards his death and it is only when he accepts the falsity of his own attitude that he is able to come to terms with his death. Ivan Illych's attitude towards life is reflected in the attitude of β†’

Owens corning

In addition to the inaccuracies that the product had with respect to the existing processes in the company, the new release of the software also came with a certain number of bugs which needed to be cleared before proceeding on with further implementation successfully.3. This way the complexity of the problem will be broken down β†’

Should olympics have permanent home

The permanent home would mean that the standards would be upgraded each time the Olympics are held and also that there would be fewer costs per se as far as the organizing country is concerned. If the Olympics are held at a single place, this disruption would cease, allowing the inmates of the chosen land β†’

Application of research in human services

Human Services Discuss Human Services and Explain Why it is an Essential Field of Study As a discipline, human service is a broad field covering all forms and manners of social technologies. In addition, human services promote the autonomy of individuals as this makes the human service systems better and more efficient.

Philosophy class: decarte’s meditation 2. there are 2 questions to answer and explain

In pursuing absolute certainty, Descartes essentially completed a logical loop that continues to prove itself, but which introduces a completely new way of thinking to the world. However, in coming to this clear and distinct impression, it is necessary to depend on the senses as a means of identification.

Business property and antitrust law

Impact of business property law on decision-making and operations at Microsoft Corporation In regards to the nature of Microsoft Corporation's business, the business property law affects their decision-making process and operations, as they cannot integrate patented intellectual property into their range of products and services, and a violation of this law can make the corporation β†’

Tourist attraction site visit

I asked about hotels in the city for comfortable stay during the events. Mayor said, " Houston Dynamo" and " Dallas" are the best teams of the event.

Brief of maple farms, inc vs city school district of elmira

They settled to supply the milk to " City School District of the City of Elmira" for the year 1973 to 1974. The change in the market was not contemplated by the plaintiff as they had committed to a Fixed Price Contract with the defendant.

Art (fauvism)

From the characteristics of Fauves described earlier and the objective of the era, which is for the artist to express his state of mind, it could be said that Matisse was expressing or communicating carnality. The color is used as a means to emphasize the meaning of the painting.

Part 1 of the document gaudium et spes

Marbacher points out that Gaudiun et Spes is the concrete expression of the desire of Vatican Council II to " explain to everyone how it conceives the presence and activity of the Church in the world of today". Dialogue it to be the basis of the relationship between the Church and the world.

Information diet-based on clay johnson

This is determined by correct media diet factors such as proper time to consume the information, the right media channel to source the information from and the reason and correct purpose for the consumption of the media information. Consistency is to be considered a fact in the consumption of media information.

Forum 5 constitutional law

United States is a case presided by the Supreme Court that discusses the nature of one's " right to privacy" and the constitutionally accepted definition of a " search". In the case of the United States v.

Louis vuitton in india

Case Brief on the Case Study d Louis Vuitton in India Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 0 Issue of the Case 3 2. 0 Issue of the Case The case is about the entry of Louis Vuitton, the luxury fashion unit, in India in the year of 2008.

Unit 3 taxation and representation

The political rights belonged exclusively to the colonists included the right to vote, order or proceed whereas, the power and authority over the British parliament remained confined to the concerning authorities. The above stated rights regarding the power to vote, order and proceed were only agreed upon by the legislation and the Parliament in terms β†’

What were the main features of the african slave trade, and what effects did it have on africa restrict your answer to the period before 1800

The passage to the European continent would make it almost impossible for the slaves to reach their destiny since the ones involved in the trade knew it was contraband and thus their aim was to conceal their trade as much as possible. Then, the Europeans would reap all the benefits of slave trade as they β†’

The american approach to sport and physical education in the 20th century

The American Approach to Sport and Physical Education in the 20th Century While two of the famous sports including basketball and volleyball have been invented in New England, baseball, football and hockey are more popular in the region as compared to the home invented sports. Gender and equality factors played a great role in the β†’

Arts & cultural policy:chinese cultural policy

Arts & Cultural Policy: Chinese Cultural Policy Arts & Cultural Policy: Chinese Cultural Policy The Chinese culture is in a of movement. Cultural Policy in the People's Republic of China.

Current events

One of the great problems with juvenile boots camps is the danger of abuse at the hands of camp directors and staff. The problem with this situation is the power that is taken from the juveniles is then turned over to the staff at the camp.

Steps, research tools and artifacts

STEPS, RESEARCH TOOLS & ARTIFACTS Steps of writing the memo The memo to be developed will be used to solve the problem as presented to the paralegal by the attorney by giving a feedback to the attorney on the gaming matter. The memo will follow the following steps in its preparation:- analysis of the audience, β†’

Contract provision

The Client hereby authorizes Span Systems to access this account, and authorizes the Hosting Service to provide Span Systems and its designer, Fawaz, with " full access" to the Client's account, and any other programs needed for this project that are included as part of the Client's service agreement/level.2. Span System technology and the Client β†’

Opm 300 mod 2 ca

In case the baby is not en route or imminent then the mother can directly be sent to the Labor and Delivery Triage. Once ready for delivery, the mother can be taken to the labor and delivery room or the operation room.


If the two individuals had formed an agreement that established a firm price and agreement that such a price would be paid, this would represent an enforceable contract implied by law. Even if the individuals had come to an oral agreement for final price and anticipated payment and delivery, Crockett would still have the burden β†’

Dwc supply chain

The commercial city will become the nerve cell of DWC, catering to all the markets of Dubai and the Middle East. Structure of DWC The entire area of DWC will be subdivided into the following prominent regions: Dubai World Central Logistics City Dubai World Central Enterprise Park Dubai World Central Commercial City Dubai World Central β†’

Annotation / tao te ching / lao tzu

He is known to have authored many poems, which today, comprise of the great book known as Tao Te Ching; a collection of his greatest poems of all time. Among his powerful quotes from Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu grants that knowledge is one of the greatest assets of life.

Ensuring a safe workplace

Therefore, it would be wise to support the enhancement of the working environment for the employees. Employees are and will continue to be the engine of an organization, and regardless of the level of input they add to the firm.


Reputation in the market: Conduct an assessment of the image, brand, and the member service reputation of the merging credit union. This is through review of the major SEG and garnering the stability of the industry.

My last duchess

It forces the reader to understand the complex nature of man that is blinded by jealousy and makes him so cruel that he can put an end to the life of a woman who disobeys him and does not act according to her social status. He refers to the painting as his personal belonging and β†’

Government regulations – propose regulation change

Government Regulations - Propose Regulation Change The industry that is currently the of a regulatory change is in the business to business e-marketing sector. PDF The Proposed Change From the Federal Register The Fax Ban Coalition has asserted that California's recent change in its Business and Professions Code has lifted the exemption of the Existing β†’

Ancient greek political thought

Through the said goal to achieve goodness and happiness, one of the main concerns is the subjectivity of the views of the people. For that matter, it can be considered that in the quest for one's happiness, it is important to consider the needs of other people.

Discussion board

The Parable of the Workers The Parable of the Workers The parable of the workers talks about employees in a vineyard. In the end, he paid the workers equally irrespective of the time one started to labor based on previous agreement before they started.

Deming’s 14 points

Following this, in the Study stage of the SDSA Cycle, the efficacy of the best practice methods are evaluated through an analysis of key parameters. Finally, in the Act stage of the cycle, managers attempt to ' formalize' the best practice methods that have stood the scrutiny of trials.

Law report review

Law Review Schwartz: In the matter of Babybelle Pty Ltd [2007] FCA 1469 In the case of Schwartz: In the matter of Babybelle Pty Ltd, the Federal Court of Australia makes a decision over the application Mr. Schwartz to serve as director of the corporation.

Violations of securities laws

Violations of Securities Laws Under Rule 10b-5 of the Securities Exchange Act that was implemented in 1934 makes it illegal for any person to make false statements of material fact or omit material facts that necessary in order to make the statement made, in light of the events under which they were made, not misleading β†’

Case study

This will help in determining how the function focuses the dynamism of the course work. The approach reports the successful practices and barriers for the identification of participants affecting the educational principles functioning in the lives of children under my care.


ZERO INFLATION The word ' inflation' has the dubious distinction of being the most widely used economic word in the Presidents, namely, " the fundamental aim of the Fed is maximum sustainable growth over time; the primary role of monetary policy in the pursuit of this goal is to foster price stability".

Reasons to live in the suburbs

Therefore, I humbly ask Derek to consider the opportunities in the outskirts and move from the city. Leo will also have a clean and spacious background to run unlike in the squeezed city apartments.

Module 1: criminal law/civil law (slp)

According to the facts of the case, Courtney diluted fifty doses of Gezmar that were administered to eight of his patients. With reference to the number of crimes that Courtney was involved in, the case of diluting cancer drugs shows a breach of contract law through misrepresentation.

Questions on fracking

Instead of being passive and just accepting it as an acceptable norm, we can gather and actively pursue to minimize if not totally ban the use of fracking. One pluralist alternative is to bombard our legislators to minimize if not totally ban the use of fracking because it harms the community and environment.