Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Fast foods restaurants

As far as the fast food in the marketplace my favorite fast food restaurant is Taco Bell. The quality of their food is higher than other fast food restaurants.

Familial duty and responsibility

In America, the family unit has broken down due to the lack of familial duty. Americans only feel a duty to making themselves happy, whereas those from the east feel duty towards society and others as a whole.

Foundation of scholarship

The End of Nation the Rise of Regional Economies: Book Review 2007 The End of Nation the Rise of Regional Economies: Book Review Kenichi Ohmae's book, The End of the Nation-State, represents a solid attempt to profoundly analyze the relationship between the economic globalization and political developments observed in the modern world. The Cartographic Illusion β†’

Political correctness

Now the concept has to do with the political right in the United States. In the UK there is a website devoted to anti-political correctness -


number Strengths and weaknesses of in-depth interviewing in " Lone Pursuit" and Survey research in Bound In depth interviewing and survey research are essential levels of information that can be acquired by individuals. The strengths and weaknesses of in depth interviewing and Survey research are expressed well in Lone Pursuit by Sandra Smith and City β†’

Reflecting on critique

According to postmodernism, which marks the beginning of the modern world describes the art and the aesthetic movement of the twentieth century. This is evident from the number of tourists who visit France in order to see Eiffel towers.

Entrepreneur leadership speaker series: steve bain

Come up with a strategy, communicate the same to your team and then get results of your plan. This will enable you to learn from best and get a competitive edge.

Senior survey

Program Reflection Assignment Instrutor's Bachelor of Science in Psychology Senior Survey Top of Form With respect to each of the following Program Outcomes, how effective was your University of Phoenix Bachelor of Science in Psychology program content in preparing you to: Not at All Effective Somewhat Effective Effective Very Effective Program Outcome 1: Apply your β†’

Imprints and impressions: milestones in human progress

The Value of the Books by Plato and Thomas Aquinas One of the philosophers whose works have special meaning for me are the ancient Greek philosopher Plato and the medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas. In particular, the texts of Plato forced me to think about the meaning of human life and what place the concepts of β†’

Focusing on financial impact & innovation tlmt 441 forum 2

Financial Impact & Innovation Financial innovation can be defined as the process of creating and popularizing new financial markets, technologies, instruments, and institutions. In other words, financial innovation facilitates the operation of monetary policies.


memorandum [Click here and type [Click here and type Start up of Art business 29/08 cc: [Click here and type name] Start up of ABC art Business Introduction: Galleries and art exhibitions have a wide appeal to all age groups and especially to those in the 35-44 age groups. We aim to acquire, collect and β†’

The book’s name is twenty years at hull-house

of Lecturer 17 October, Hull House Twenty Years at Hull-House is the story of the life of the Jane Addams as she brings the story of her life to the minds of her readers. Twenty Years at Hull House is the story of the social problems and challenges that the people that lived during that β†’

Presentation of a research article

The major purpose of the article by Aneta Pavelenko, " Affective Processing in Bilingual Speakers: Disembodied Cognition", is to analyze the assumption that communication and thinking in a foreign language reduces decision biases due to a greater cognitive and emotional distance provided by a second language in comparison with the mother tongue. Affective reactivity to β†’

21st century america

The rise of Osama Bin Laden that disturbed the nation and the whole world shook mightily the peace, order and economic stability of many nations as the terrorist attacks on America affected the world. As the world watched the deaths of hundreds of people during the terrorist attacks and as people were horrified especially with β†’

Issues of trustworthiness and writing analyses

Issues of Trustworthiness and Writing Analyses Issues of Trustworthiness and Writing Analyses Interpretation of data is an important part of the research process. Analysis of qualitative data is different from that of quantitative data.

Social learning theory and the explanation of crime

The view of this theory is also based on the postulation that predisposition of an individual to antisocial conduct is dependent on the extent or range of interaction between genetic and environmental factors. According to this theory, the social and academic abilities of a child is dependent on parental supervision.

Impact of legislation on internal revenue service

The paper aims to analyze and review the IRS's information security program and its program evaluation programs in accordance with Cyber Security Legislative Proposal of 2012, the Presidential Policy Directive pertaining to critical infrastructure resilience and security and the Executive Order 13636 relating to the improvement of cybersecurity critical infrastructure. Additionally, the measure of expanding β†’

The rape charge filed by the complainant

It is the onus of the Crown to prove a guilt that erases reasonable doubt to overcome the presumption of innocence that should exceed the evidentiary threshold. In cases like these, it is required that the bar of justice be set much higher to avoid a miscarriage of justice.

Using assessment and feedback

Assessment and Feedback Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in a Gifted Classroom The modern education system recognizes the differences in cognitive abilities, talent, language, interest, and skills among the students. The Role of Assessment and Grading in a Differentiated Classroom.

Cultural gap

How I wished, I knew it was okay to be who I am and to feel the way I felt. I took a friend to the meeting with me.

Human emotion and motivation

Human Emotion and Motivation A particular definition of emotion is hard to come by but the general direction given by scientists such as Cornelius comes across as a mental state which is affected by changes in the environment or the nervous system and creates a psychological response for the person going through that emotion. β†’

Accident investigation

With the revelation of information such as details of the injured individual, the nature of the injury endured and the body orientation to the particular line of duty, it brings light to the situation, giving precision as to whom or what was at fault. In such a situation, blame and fault may fall on the β†’

Analysis of the book madness: a brief history

Analysis Of The Book Madness: A Brief History What are some of the charges against diagnostic models of mental illnesses? This is a statement on the confusion within the profession rather than making case for the rapid evolution and metamorphosis of the human mind.


This is a fact that there are already the big firms working and earning enough from Japan and those big firms includes the Yahoo, BMW, Tiffany and Co, Louis Vuitton, Mercedes-Benz and Chanel, This fact revealed by the article Misunderstood or Misrepresented which is based on the Japanese culture and business ethics, reflects the integrity, β†’

No, it is not possible to remove our values from sociological enquiry

It is not possible to remove our values from sociological enquiry al affiliation It is not possible to remove our values from sociological enquiry According to Becker sociology plays a major role in the society; that conforms to streamlining the society's morals and values. The values of a society determine what kind of a society β†’


The doctrine of utilitarianism rest on the worldview of maximizing benefits for all members of the society. This contributes to the measure of utilitarianism that measures the net of good and bad from an action or a rule.

Family health

Family Health The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to wit to identify the major traits of a healthy family and the keys to build strong family bonds; and to explain each major trait. A healthy family not only promotes the welfare of the family as a unit but has sense of commitment and β†’

Religious summary

This is pretty true in the case of Islam where Mohammad will pave the way for the Muslims to enter heaven on the Judgment Day and will ask God to allow the followers of Islam to enter heaven and thus seek an everlasting life full of God's bounties and splendor. Thus the religion of Islam β†’

Importance of high school and college sports

From one's personal experience and through various research studies, highschool and college sports contribute positively to the educational process of the institution by assisting in the holistic development of the students and thereby make students equipped physically, mentally and even emotionally in their respective academic pursuits. Active participation in sports and other leisure activities contribute β†’

Austin farrer can myth be fact

The time when the myth was written is not actually significant but rather it is the concept and the idea of the legend that is important. The origin of myth dates to the olden times and it is through explanation that it is learnt that myths are closely associated with reality and it is the β†’

Obtaining a masters in real estate and urban analysis from uf

I am very interested at this point in my life in pursuing a Master of Science in Real Estate at the University of Florida. These skills have helped me a lot as a professional and they will help me as a future student at the University of Florida improve my chances of success in the β†’

The novel passing by stella larsen

The light skinned biracial woman, Clare is the central character of the novel. The real Irene is one who wishes to enjoy the liberal life of Clare.

Monteverde cloud forest

Monteverde Cloud forest, located in Costa Rica, South America, is one of the most marvelous gifts of the nature. The ' canopy tours' of the sanctuary gives the lush green view of the cloud forest from the height and is a big favorite with the eco-tourists.

Projects in production systems

As per the categorization of the projects, the risk of errors and failures go on increasing as we move from a low-tech to medium-tech, medium-tech to high-tech and from high-tech to super high-tech. Reduction in hierarchy & bureaucracy can improve the project management of CoPS.

Characteristics of slave narratives ( african american literature)

The novel depicts Currer as being in the service of Thomas Jefferson who fathers two daughters Clotel and Althesa with Currer. The family is broken up as Clotel is purchased by a white man, Horatio Green, and her mother and sister are sold off to a slave gang.

The conflict theoretical perspective

The basic concept of this theory is the exploitation of the weak and the poor by the rich, as competition for the scarce resources arises. The conflict perspective focuses on the negative attributes, considering the diversity of the society and the conflicts therein.

Peer assessment

Peer Assessment Peer Assessment Peer assessment is an assessment done by on works of other In this kind of assessment, summative grading is conducted to offer results while formative review is conducted to offer feedback on what the students have learned. In order to enhance opportunities for good feedback, it is significant to ensure that β†’

Should foreign domestic helpers be allowed to apply for permanent residency in hongkong after working here for seven years

The first viewpoint in support of the above is because the population of Hong Kong is high within the city, with a population density of about 6, 544 people per square kilometer. The number of deviants in Hong Kong is on the rise, and that is not a good precedence for foreign domestic workers.

The event of enron scandal

As for justice on the crimes that were committed, the defendants had to pay for their crimes and were sent to jail. For the rest of the people in society who were not involved in the incident, justice was served as the government had taken action to close the company so as to prevent more β†’

Identify an entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial venture that has leveraged global and social media

Through the social media that evolves with time, Hibbard indicates that Microsoft Company connected with its business owners and focused more on the women. What I liked the most about the Microsoft's approach in leveraging social media is the incorporation of women in their campaigns as the women occupy a considerable percentage of the audience β†’

Business management (forum post and reply)

Planning and organizing are different in the sense that planning involves setting up future goals and actions plans while organizing has more to do with arranging resources in order to achieve those goals. Organizing in management means to assemble resources to implement the action plan that is designed in the planning process.

Article rebuttal

The article I selected to for the rebuttal is The Death of Global Warming Skepticism, or the Birth of Straw Men. The article lacked substance and critical solutions to the problem of global warming.

What are the differences between school performance, operation and challenges before and after the p1 status

The school's previous performances and consideration of all options should serve as the guiding principle on the identification of the most effective strategy to address the identified needs. The education sector in the United States has witnessed considerable changes in academic performance especially after the introduction of P1 status.

Role of regional banks in globalised economies

Threats and opportunities According to Guruprasad, the advent of global service providers resulted in migration of customers from the regional banks and corresponding loss of business. These developments lead to a re-assessment of the role of regional banks to remain in business competitively and to earn profits for survival and growth.

Islamic subject 2

Islamic 2 The novel ' Forty Rules of Love' by Elif Shafak dwells a lot on relationships and love. Their love enables their relationship to transcend the barriers of race.

Rock ‘n’ roll high school

In the context of Rock ' n' Roll High School, this is the very social situation of a handful of hilarious students. This is where the freedom of expression leads to a controlled chaos, and the anarchy exists, but in a systematic way.

Hepatitis a

Hepatitis A Hepatitis A is a very serious and critical disease which affects the liver of a human bodythe most. For the diagnosis of hepatitis A several blood tests are carried out and the entire medical history of the patient is observed so as to prevent from any wrong conclusions because it is a highly β†’

Determining a profitable investment

The entrepreneur will evaluate the risks available and make a choice on the stages of risk he is willing to sustain in finding profitable ventures. Another issue to consider when establishing a profitable business idea is the personality and risk tolerance of the entrepreneur.

History and political science

The Soviet Union is profoundly opposed to the western world and hence makes it rival in the global power domination. In this context, it is Novikov who has been able to make the best case between the two since his argument is better illustrated with facts.

The roman culture: a vast geographical area as well as population

The paper, therefore examines the roman family setup as part of the most held up culture and the significance of these family virtues. The other aspect of family in the Roman Culture relates to " Materfamilias" representing a married woman or and likewise indicating to as mother of the family.

Bilingual issues: crawford article: heritage languages in america:tapping a hidden resource

Critical Analysis of " Heritage Languages in America: Tapping a ' Hidden' Resource" Critical Analysis of " Heritage Languages in America: Tapping a ' Hidden' Resource" James Crawford approaches the idea of multi-lingualism in America as something that need not only be done to preserve the cultural heritage of immigrants, but to expand the capabilities β†’

Ontology/human nature

Mind body identity theory Rene' Descartes takes us through the struggles between perception of the mind and what is on the ground; the physical, which is the human body. The theory of mind body identity is the best in explaining the aspects of a human mind and it explains how they relate to the physical β†’

Classic and modern literature

She had the opportunity to see the work because of the errors that appeared in the work that was first published. In " Before the Birth of One of Her Children," the speaker is seen to express her fears that she might not be able to survive childbirth.

New technology of crime law and social control

Use of Technology by Police Courts and Corrections to prevent Crime and Delinquency Imagine a world where criminals and delinquents are smarter than law enforcers and criminal justice organizations. The police on the other hand work effortlessly to develop the best ways of crime prevention and control.

Legal compliance and negotiations skills

Besides, arbitration offers choice of either formal or informal alternative in terms of the desire of the parties to the dispute. It is strict in terms of offering the parties surety of compliance over the final ruling.

Bhs 400 – module 1 slp (stress management)

Stress Education Running Head: Stress Education Stress Education Stress Education 2 Stress management techniques have much importance in everyday life especially in the current century because of immense pressure and competition from all corners of life. Stress Education 4 Conclusion Stress management is the key factor of success for a person in his personal or β†’

Human resources internal and external recruitment

Internal recruitment is employing persons from inside the organization to acquire the vacancies left in an organization. Conclusion Recruitment is a crucial process that involves the cooperation of both parties in an organization.


AGENCY CONFLICT IN COMPANIES Question Agency conflict occurs when an agent, who is appointed to act on behalf of the principal, goes against the interests of the principal. In this case, the principal are the shareholders of a company while the agent are the managers appointed to act on behalf of them.

Distributive justice: access; rationing; futility

If it is found to be possible, the hospital then takes the further step of helping the patient for a transplant. As this proved to be successful the hospitals can come forward and adopt this to help a patient who is in need of an organ transplant.

The pan african movement

Reaction Paper to Williams: The Pan African Movement Synopsis In summary, Michael Williams' article, The Pan African Movement, discusses this multifaceted movement, which is thought to have played a vital role in the decolonization of Africa. The article is divided into sections that discuss Pan-Africanism, characteristics of the early emigration attempts of Pan-Africanists and also β†’

Character evaluation

In one of the most memorable scenes in the film, a flower vendor offers Sara a bright yellow flower and utters the phrase " For the princess". What makes Sara a remarkable character is her ability to overcome and survive the struggles of her life.

Jim crow 1.0

Jim Crow 0 The term Jim Crow 0 is used to refer to the Jim Crow laws that were enacted during the period of 1890s and were finally repealed during the period of 1965. The Jim Crow laws that were enacted during the 1890s were discriminatory laws that were based on the notion that the β†’

Managing information technology

This is because they need to make proper use of this data and analyze different research avenues and information perspectives that are derived from this data in the first place. The managers can make this data become useful for them if they share it in a wise manner with the publics that are present within β†’

Brazil and mexico – relative levels of development

These are as follows: It is clearly observable from the data sets that except for the " per capita income" set, which belongs to the economic category, the rest of the three sets belong to the demographic category. It is to be noted that Mexico is the last country to be categorized under the high β†’

Unit 1 individual project 2

What are the challenges that you have faced in this position and how did you overcome them? 6. What makes you think that you are the most qualified candidate for this job? 7.

Police effectiveness

COPPS emphasizes a partnership between the police and the members of the community in tackling crime, and advocates an approach that focuses on identifying the problems faced by a community and using methods tailored to that specific locality to solve the problem. Police Effectiveness: Community-Oriented and Problem-Solving Approach Police Effectiveness obviously depends on the ability β†’

Pathophysiology case analyzation of tumor

Furthermore, tumor stage can also be identified by carefully assessing the length by which the cancerous cells have spread in the breast because in stage 2, cancerous cells are not yet seen infiltrating the surrounding organs as they still remain largely limited to the breast itself. The doctor would order ultrasound scan of the breast β†’

American politics

Media plays several roles for the American political system including the role of a vehicle as it assists politicians in connecting them with the common population and in the presentation of an image of the politicians in the minds of the citizens. The most commonly and overplayed function of media is the role of being β†’

Instructional tool/resource

One form of graphic organizer that can be used to promote retention of the lessons is the Snakes and Ladders board. Snakes and Ladders on Changing the Ethics of an Organization

The giver by lois lowry

The Giver The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, is about Jonas who is a young boy selected by the Elders to be the Receiver of Memory. According to Graison-Johnson in his book review of the Giver, it states that the book definitely entertains, shows true emotion and portrays a good message.

Special business forms

Any move to partner with either of the two companies is poised to result to big losses to Bateson Corp.this follows that Bateson Corp is not familiar with the way such businesses operate. In such a case, forming a partnership with such business ventures may most likely result to losses on the side of Bateson.

Various cultural rituals and languages of different nations

The idea of apocalypse is spread in order to instill fear in people so that they learn how to do good in order to survive death. In other words, it is the feeling that there is the existence of a supernatural being that controls nature and this happens everywhere other than sacred places.

Late 20th century united states history

This left the United States and the Soviet Union as the two dominant forces on the planet. Thus, the United States took upon a policy of containment, a policy, which was meant to stop the spread of Communism.

Hdl cholesterol levels

Question 5: Both butter and margarine have about the same amount of calories and they have a fat content of about 80% each and water content of about 16% each. Butter has dietary cholesterol and a lot of saturated fats which are minimal in content or lacking in margarine.

Biology 2

The discovery of giant squid in Ogasawara Islands Link: http I am always with huge deep sea creatures that I thought their existence were just a product of our imagination that the closest I could get to know them is through film such as the movie " Lochness". This discovery made me believe that β†’

Financial analysis

The leverage ratio of Johnson & Johnson at 1. The interest coverage from continuing operations for Procter & Gamble is not as good as that of Johnson & Johnson.


However, the success and the experience of the daycare provider, as well as the experience of the child, will enhance the relationship between the childcare providers and families. Therefore, as a care provider it would be necessary to create a comfortable environment directed towards the parents and their children.


Paper Due The Five People You Meet in Heaven In the dedication of his book, Albom tells the readers, " Everyone has an idea of heaven, as do most religions, and they should all be respected". The expression " Kingdom of Heaven", is employed as the indistinct reference for the afterlife and its state with β†’

Why societies collapse

There are different and numerous reasons for the demise and the fall of societies and for most of these societies and civilizations, the causes are the same and similar. One of the main reasons for their ruin was the wars and the invasion and attacks by different groups that resulted in the weakening of the β†’

The supporting of bilingualism language in education in u.s

College: The investigation on the official Language of movement in U.S.indicates that the majority of Hispanics immigrated to United States in 1908 as well as in 1924. The supporting of Bilingualism language in Education in U.S.involves many programs.

The american model of judicial selection vs. the civil law model of judicial selection

The American model of judicial selection vs.the civil law model of judicial selection Task American model of judicial selection vs.the civil law model of judicial selection Introduction The American model of judicial selection entails the appointment of judges through an election process. Similar to the American model, there are consultations prior to the appointment of β†’

Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals of freedom could coexist in north america

Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals of freedom could coexist in North America.of Instructor][Course Title][Date] Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals of freedom could coexist in North America. The black president of white America, President Obama recently reacting to a comment to a β†’

International business class (discussion board)

The four factors that porter also calls the diamond of national advantage are factor conditions, demand of product, relations with supporting enterprises and firm strategy, rivalry strategy. The Texas cotton growers did this by improving the machinery they used in the production process.

Individual project (continued)

From this piece of work, I have learnt that immigrants to another country like Canada in this case face numerous problems that can affect their endeavour to settle in that particular area. The main thing I have learnt from this study is that language barriers can negatively affect the immigrants since they may not be β†’

Case memo 03

This convertibility criterion restricted the growth of money in the system to the level of hard-currency reserves. Due to the Peso-Dollar pegs, Argentina was susceptible to external shocks in the form of trade liberalization and currency manipulations.

How important a first impression is in an interview in todays economy

It is necessary for the candidate to prepare for the interview beforehand so that he can make a good first impression. In conclusion it can be said that in an interview these days it is important for the candidate to make a good impression.

Intro to measurements and statistics

You record the number of seizures in each of the 20 subjects for one month. 0 what would be the lower apparent limit of the lowest class interval? -0.5 c.

Cover letter

According to the article " J.P. P Morgan.

Exemplifying sociological social psychology perspectives

This essay uses five examples of " real" life scenarios from movies and literature to explicate the ideas proposed in the perspectives of symbolic interactionism, social structure and personality, and group processes. The SSP perspective, according to Rohall et al, states that the connection to social life is between the individual and larger societal conditions.

Reading journal3

Reading Journal Summary The article, The Singer Solution to World Poverty by Peter Singer talks about how giving to charity can help to reduce world poverty. In fact, Rogoff reckons that developed countries could easily afford to triple their aid budgets for education, health, and infrastructure without running the remotest risk of a catch-up by β†’

Case study example

Second Recommendation The other recommendation would be for the firm to embark on an implementation plan to enable the top and middle level management to dialogue. In this phase of planning, the I.T.department has established the tasks that will be carried out to ensure success of the development.

What is critical thinking

Critical Thinking According to Moore and Parker, critical thinking involves skillfully and actively applying, conceptualizing, synthesizing, evaluating, and analyzing information gathered through experience, reflection, observation, communication, or reasoning. Critical thinking involves the application of logic and reasoning to new ideas, situations, and opinions.

Article summary and reaction paper

The incidence at West Palm Beach, Florida involved violation of the Florida Insurance Fraud Statute. The 2014 Florida Statutes: Florida Insurance Fraud Statute.

Software process models

Throughout its operations, Maarly M, has felt the need to adopt a new television network methodology in line with its strategic plan to improve its competitiveness in the industry. For Maarly M, the spiral methodology is most suitable to solve the issues experienced from the current system.


Physical activity and happiness affiliation Due The problem that will be addressed is that physical inactivity can have a largeaffect on a person's degree happiness. This research will seek to investigate the problem of physical inactivity and come up with the recommendation on how to increase the level of physical activity.