Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

History assignment

The greatest beneficiaries of the revolution were White Women and African Americans since the revolution inspired Americans to question slavery and call for women rights. The white men were the least beneficiaries of American Revolution since a large population was now involved in the voting process and public officials were now elected by the people.

Ethical issues in health care

His family insists that he should be treated for the diseases and this brings a conflict between the nurse, family and the patient. The committee will consist of the family member's doctor and the patient.

Liberty and the state

Liberty and the A Meditation of Camus's The Plague In the streets of Oran, part of the French colony of Algeria, a dead rat leads to thousands of rodents rotting in the streets. Blinded by individual circumstances, the people of Oran refuse to see the commonality of their situations, preferring to view their misery as β†’

Arab societies

This is the picture of how most Arabs live in the Middle East as painted by the authors of the assigned readings. Since huge investments on land and real-estate would need the appropriate permits and authorization to operate, with the authority coming from the government, it may be expected that people in government gain much β†’

Why is a greek tragedy

The ancients made a comparison of the drama in the plot as part to the tying and the untying of a knot. An excellent example of the ancient Greek tragedy was the Medea, the title of a book written by Euripides to show the ironic expression for the Athenian disillusion.

Morrisons future growth for the last few years and whats predicted for the next few years . dalton philips

These new stores required investment in refurbishment, however, as soon as the stores were ready to be used the staff and the whole group of Morrisons started struggling to strengthen the reputation of Morrisons for the value and quality of products it offers. The future targets of Morrison are to expand the space of its β†’

Competitive advantage strategies

On the other hand, others inflate their prices with the aim of aligning themselves to a particular group of customers especially those who have a notion that expensive goods or services are of high quality. In addition, persistence, possessing an innovative staff and awareness of the need analysis of customers can skyrocket a firm to β†’

Art analysis: peter paul rubens lion hunt

Art Analysis: Peter Paul Ruben's Lion Hunt Grade. Gardeners art through the ages.

Is david hume’s argument against william paley here a strong one

This argument means that Hume preempts the human mind; the argument tries to negate the working of the human mind in deducing the result of design. The other factor that indicates that Hume's argument was a weak argument is in the design of the universe.

Mktg 4050

To explain the concept of value proposition, one has chosen Coke as the brand that offers consumers the ability to quench their thirst and experience a happy, refreshing feeling after a drink, making one want to drink more. The message is one of unification and living in harmony with Coke to experience and share the β†’

Imitation of life and the idea of racial identity

First she was a child who resented her parentage and then later on, she was a young woman whose only wish in life was to be accepted in the world that she felt she belonged in. Although she was White for all intents and purposes, the secret that her mother is black served as a β†’

European political systems

The foundations of democracy of the European are weak because the decision making amongst the twenty-seven states is difficult. In 2007, Bulgaria and Romania joined the union.

Electric sector in ivory coast

The mission of the country in terms of electricity is to make Ivory Coast the center of the Western African power pool. Recommendations The government should allow private and foreign investors to help in distribution and transmission of electricity.

Piagets four stages of cognitive development

Therefore, the child developed two perceptions of the pet fish; the first is the existence of the fish and the second is that it was alive. However, the child was unaware of the feelings that its father attached to the presence of the fish.

Truth-telling and confidentiality (tt&c) precis assignment

Details Precis: " Why Privacy Is Important," James Rachel In his essay, " why privacy is important", James Rachels states that privacy is a value that is valued by most people who are civilized and it often seems unproblematic until we start to think about it. Also, our feeling that our privacy is nobody else β†’

African american freedom

This was huge steps in the lives of African Americans but transitioning from slavery to freedom required some assistance hence the creation of the Freedman's Bureau. For the first time, African Americans were allowed to seek for jobs in the white color industry.

Marbury v. madison

The decision has provided the definition to checks and balances in the branches of the government. The court held that Marbury bore a right to the commission and had a remedy.

Critical thinking

However in order to understand what it means to think critically one must look at the components of critical thinking and the attributes of people who think critically. The best description of what it means to think critically is the ability of the thinker to take charge of their own thinking.

Industry life cycle model

The strategy of the business should be such that it is able to adapt to the changes in the environment. In the previous stage of the life cycle of an industry the rate of growth increases at an increasing rate up to a point where the rate begins to decline.

Harvard business review

May 20, Harvard_Business_Review 1A: Design thinking Qualities Checklist New technology-based designs fill the current needs/wants of the prospective users. The article indicates new products/services should fill the current and future business customers' needs/ wants.

Technological innovation

In addition to this, requirements for diffusion of technology like the knowledge, attitude, the decision to adopt or reject implementation and use and the confirmation of the decision, needs to be put into consideration for effective management. Innovations and Organizational Change Innovations are meant to bring institutional change through knowledge and application of ideas in β†’

Discussion question response

You reflected on the historic days when business communication used to take days. Thus, we can conclude that though technology has improved business communication, it has also brought many challenges to the modern business.

Written assignment

The key information directly related to love, involves service and monetary contributions to the individuals in need. Love entails caring for each other in times of need, and also being concerned about the interest and welfare of our neighbors who are experiencing challenging situations and in need of help.

Chapter 11

Technology is the set of processes and techniques that are employed to improve efficiency and scale of operations of a business. Some of the characteristics that can be used to assess it are: the competitive advantage it offers, its upgradability, and its impact on quality standards of the product or service.2.

State judicial systems

Most of these bills are passed because of the benefits the benefits that they have to citizen of a particular nation. A bill prohibiting any person from smoking tobacco should be passed into law in order to minimize on these impacts.

Teaching turkish through turkish novels

Teaching Turkish through Turkish Novels The Turkish culture is specially endowed with novels for the purpose of teaching and learning the Turkish language. Aims and Objectives of Using Novels in Turkish Language Learning To aim and objective of this paper is to teach the Turkish language by the use of Turkish novels.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

Under the manual guidelines published by WHO and the American Psychiatric Association, the term ' drug abuse' is not official anymore; instead, they have opted for the term ' substance abuse' that in its nature and scope includes the term drug abuse. According to APA, the term drug abuse can be applicable " to the β†’

Domestic violence

Domestic Violence Instructions: It would help if possible to use the text book " Understanding Social Problems" fifth edition/Mooney, Knox, Schacht/chapters 4 & 5 to:" Contrast the arguement that the primary goal of the justice system should be rehabilitation with the arguement, that the primary goal should be incapacitation and apply the arguement to the β†’

View the film: unfaithful, starring richard gere and diane lane

Review of Unfaithful Unfaithful, a movie directed by Adrian Lyne and starring Richard Gere, Diane Lane and Olivier Martinez, tells the story of Edward and Connie Sumner, a couple who had a happy live in the suburbs of New York City with their son Charlie, until Connie had an affair with a young and seductive β†’

Precognitive dream interpretation

An example of such kind of dreams is when Andrea dreams of her aunts death particular of a road accident, and it precisely turns out to be so in the following day. This is a psychic kind of a dream because after the idea it turns out an exact outcome and of the same reason β†’

Unit 3 theoretical criminology anomie theory

Merton notes that deviance and crime are mainly as a result of imbalance seen in the social order whereby individuals use the most convenient and efficient ways to achieve their goals including crime. This is based on the fact that the theory tends to explain why crime occurs and as such this can be used β†’

The challenge of cultural relativism

Challenge of Cultural Relativism The Challenge of Cultural Relativismpresents both arguments of cultural relativism. For instance, British drivers drive on the left side of the road while it is the custom of American drivers to drive on the right side of the road.

Current issue

The participants walked past the vacant lots three months before and three months after some of the lots received the greening treatment. Further analysis concluded that the total net reduction in heart rate when near and in view of green vacant lots was more than 15 heart beats a minute".

Role of gender

Although they point at the negativity of the said roles, gender is also responsible for positive roles assigned to people in the society. In different parts of the world, different cultures will have different gender roles and what is said to be wrong in a certain culture could be accepted in another culture.


Summary of the article " Socotra: paradise quickly becoming lost" of the of the The article reveals the story about one of the most wonderful places on the world, with untouchable by mankind beauty and diversity of flora and fauna. UN conservation plan was implemented in order to prevent the destruction of Socotra; according to β†’

World religion

World Religion World Religion Tantrism is a term of yoga which exists in both the religions, Buddhism and Hinduism. It is performed in Buddhism for the followers to experience the true Buddha nature, before they tend to achieve the enlightenment In the psychological study of religion, considering postmodernity, Erickson has given very much importance to β†’

Psychology-victims of crime

Exposure to Verbal Violence Here s Here Exposure to Verbal Violence Verbal abuse is often considered to be a featureof emotional and/or psychological violence. While the perpetration of verbal violence offers a possible avenue of study, we will instead focus exclusively on the exposure to this form of abuse.

Passage 14:1-6

The Book of Job - 14 6 The Book of Job is arguably one of the most beautiful and emotive segments of the Bible. Job's plea to God in Chapter 14 is a moving admission of his weakness and need for God's indulgence.

Social conflict view

The situation developed when one social group took advantage of the incapacitation of another group to acquire the same class of goals. The capitalistic approach implies that a great percentage of income in the region is under the control of the well to do in the community.

Global finance

The performance of Lloyds stock is perceived by investors as an important indicator of the direction of the financial markets within the UK as well as Europe and thus is the subject of widespread coverage. The Decline and Fall of Banking.


There is also a lack of commitment towards the achievement of the goals and the objectives of the group. The team leader provides the guide to the members about the need to achieve the goals of the group.

Protection from self incrimination

Because of this attitude, the prosecutor went further and told the jury that the reason for Salinas' silence was the fact that he felt guilty for the actions he had taken and that the silence was a sign of admission to having carried out the crime. This was a sign of great ignorance, and consequently β†’

Law – emigration law

The court found a violation of the right to value for the family. In the case of C and the local authority, the local authority has legal facts to seek an injunction from the court considering that the land is part of the green belt.

Court cases

By this, Blackman directed judges to evaluate the reliability of the evidence in terms of the validity of the scientific methodology used, and not on general acceptance of the conclusions. This was the case in Carmichael v Kumbo Tire the expert testimony of the tire expert was not allowed.

The gripping effect upon the reader by the book

However, the general weakness of such an approach is the fact that the author does not have a broad enough subject matter in order to engage the reader with an undifferentiated narrative approach such as the one that has been employed without risking belaboring the point and losing the attention of the reader. By employing β†’

Reaction paper about blackfish documentary

The film sparked controversy about the company and it did so rightly given the depth of the analysis of the criminal issues it addresses especially in relation to the treatment of wild animals. The lack of clear laws that govern the handling and use of wild animals is a fundamental factor that could have led β†’

Introduction of the role of csr in oil industry , focusing on british petroleum

Role of CSR in the Oil Industry: Focus on British Petroleum Introduction The dynamics of the oil industry ensure that it is always in the news no matter what happens. Oil firms generate a lot of controversy through environmental damage, and therefore, CSR is one of the key approaches to managing negative perceptions of oil β†’

American culture has infiltrated and marred china culture

Considering that English is the language of communication in America and many other countries across the world, the American culture has a much greater possibility of infiltrating Chinese culture than the vice versa. It is indeed true that American culture has infiltrated and marred Chines culture in many parts of the world.


Legal Concepts and Procedures used by the Plaintiff to argue the Case The plaintiff presented a complaint to the court and served the accused corporations with a copy of the complaint. Substantial evidence helps in demonstrating and proving to a court the sufficient link between the corporations accused and the pollution and associated deaths.

Castro and/or fukuyama

This is because the United States currently has a view that is very similar to that of Fukuyama and it will stop at nothing to ensure that revolution does not hit the country and that nothing will threaten its democracy. The reason for this is that the American government did not want for these revolutionary β†’

Do video games impede adolescents cognitive development

Violent video games are proved to cause deviations in adolescents' behavior as a result of desensitization and stereotyping. Depending on a type of a game and a time of playing games can have different impact on adolescents.

Early religion worksheet

Early Religion Worksheet Christian Traditions and Beliefs God is the Maker of Earth and Heaven and they embrace the Holy Trinity ly; three persons in God, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those subscribing to Christianity belief that it establishes the right relationship with God This form of religion believes in life β†’

Leaderships nature and prerequisites for development

Wherever he goes, whoever he is with and whatever the events would be, a leader is one who always has the initiative to help others, look out to the attention of other people's needs and not result to abuse of power and status to profit for himself. Justice is always in the hands of a β†’

Discussion responses

Organizations also affect individuals that are in the organization. The habits of individuals in a business setting are likely to be repeated.

Call vs put options

Put Options I find call option quite beneficial to the stock owner who wishes to buy stock at a future It cushions them from any fluctuations in stock prices, as they will not be affected. Perhaps a major disadvantage of the two options is losing part of, or the whole contract price.

Mutlicultural competency

Such severe attitudes are costly and given the role that governments have of protecting the lives of its populace, the conflicts would accelerate to dire levels. We do not have control on the people we interact with, should situations warrant it that I am to share audience with people of varied cultural backgrounds; it would β†’

To spy or not to spy

Facts of the Case The facts of the case as relating to the key decision makers identified above revolve around the incoming CEO, Schwartz, whose intention to transform the company proposes a series of changes among them an openly refutable suggestion to spy on employees. Top management such as Photo, Thuy, and Ali Khan did β†’

Attitudes towards work: sakuntala and the ring of recollection

Attitudes towards Work; Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection The story is about a king by the name Dyshyanta who goes hunting in a forest. The king displays a negative attitude towards work when he goes on a hunting mission which to a man of his statue is luxury.

College – math problem example

If the coefficients before one of the variables in two of the equations are the same, but have the opposite sign then it would be more practical to use the elimination method. If such a transformation is easy and one of the variables can be quickly expressed as equal to some combination of other variables β†’


Understanding the characteristics of the future in the health field may help organizations anticipate movement in an out of the health field. This is so as to try and fill the number of spots that retired nurses, physicians, and professionals leave after serving in the health field.

A therapy model in

A therapy Model in Study A therapy Model in Study Dynamics of the Lowndes family The dynamics of the Lowndes family can be best explained using experiential therapy model. One of the potential benefits of using experiential family therapy in solving Lowndes family case is that it allows the therapist to observe each of the β†’

Fundamentals of international business

Fundamentals of International Business Ever since the North American Free Trade Agreement came into effect in 1994, economists and politicians are divided as to the real effects of the agreement on the economies of member nations as well as the other countries not included in the trade agreement. Proponents of free trade assert that the β†’

Reaction paper #1

Being a proficient and competent journalist, she decides to enter and join the poor workers, with an initiative to prove her due phenomenon. She ingeniously formulates her study and inclines it to only provide a plausible explanation regarding the intricacy and adversities that meagre wage workers face.

Outliers by malcolm gladwell

The matter is that the best players are born in the first three months of the year, which means they are biggest in the team and, consequently, have more experience. In the second part of the book, its author discusses cultural legacy as one of the factors that contribute to success.

Chanticleer review

Its presence at the Ellen Eccles attracted thousands of fans and music enthusiasts who wanted to catch a glimpse of the famous and sensational singing of Chanticleer. The unique feature that Chanticleer offers are the feeling of uncertainty that they bring out in their performance.

Outline president kennedys foreign policy problems as they related to cuba

President Kennedy's Foreign Policy Problems as They Related to Cuba Elected, in the year 1960, as the 35th presidentof the United States, 43 years old John F. Kennedy's foreign policy was heavily influenced by the cold war, the continuing conflict of the Soviet Union as well as conflicts in Cuba.

My future career plans

In order to reach where I want to be in the future, I need to devise plans and strategies so that my work flows are facilitated with the passage of time. My college career plans are therefore very direct and comprehensive as I plan out to shape up my actions and behaviors in line with β†’

Plato education

In this regard, he states that similar to a properly educated guardian, an educated judger is comparable to a later learner on the precincts of injustice. In this regard, the capacity to differentiate between bad and good irrespective of direct exposure to the crime is the required result of education by the guardian.


USA Patriot Act As a component of its reply to the experiences of September 11, in the year 2001, Congress enacted the Patriot Act of the U.S.A. A section of the Act inflates constraints on the ownership, exploitation and right of entry to biological agents, pollutants and deliverance systems.

Toy central – assessing the possibility of fraud and illegal acts

The points described under the section " definition of illegal acts" make the clients aware of situations that may hold them liable. The next part of this section discusses with the " auditor's consideration of the possibility of illegal acts".

Gender, race, and philosophy

Philosophy of women Number Philosophy of women Philosophy of women, especially during the 20th century contributed immensely towards their emancipation from male dominance in society. Apart from de Beauvoir, Schick and Vaugh said, Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most prominent 20th century figures in India who is credited for acknowledging women's efforts as imperative β†’

Assessments and children

The advantage of this assessment tool is that it makes children to be keen on the things learnt in class and promotes the relationship between the teacher and the child. In conclusion, early childhood education has been vital in molding children about life and the teachers in early childhood education should be committed and use β†’

Midwest cars

In the lower levels of moral development, the focus is on self at the pre-conventional level and others at the conventional level. From the above analysis, it is clear that some and not most organizations function at lower levels of moral development.

Ida industrious – tutor – resume/cv example

English Tutor Flex College Prep Monrovia, CA Sept 2018 - Mar 2019 Assisted teachers in teaching the necessary concepts to students within the designated units Instructed students in English within a small classroom environment and 1 on 1 situation Communicated with AR teachers, advising them on the conduct and performance of their students Monitored student β†’

Competetive strategies

On the other hand, PepsiCo tries to maintain sustainability in organizational culture, society and environment. On the other hand, PepsiCo tries to maintain sustainability in their business process, society and environment.

The developing of other criteria

The trainees are likely to apply some of the ideas and findings from different researchers. Psychology as a profession may be improved by some of the ideas got from the research findings.

Hps strategy and economy

Running head: HP'S STRATEGY AND ECONOMY In keeping with the changing trends in the high-tech industry, HP is changing its strategy in favor of software business especially that related to mobile and cloud computing areas. Economy and strategy This strategic direction initiates a change of emphasis from hardware and related software solutions for individuals and β†’

Natural disasters as incredible challenges for individuals

But in more modern economies, a natural disaster actually appears to have the potential to improve the economy of a nation. In a way, natural disasters can be a sort of economic boon if some of the aid money is directed and used with an eye to the economic future of the nation.

Pan-indian confederation

Pan-Indian Confederation Tecumseh's war for retaining the identity of his tribes, after the Treaty of Greenville, marked an era of great significancein the history America. But an analysis of the series of events following the signing of the Treaty of Greenville and strategies of the U.S.military forces seems to be favouring the U.

Love poetry

The section of the poem that deals with " red heart-/shaped vacancies on the page" reminds the reader of the commercialized kind of love that is promoted as part of the St Valentine's day tradition. This is an oblique reference to the sexual side of love, but it is deliberately shocking in order to contrast β†’

Blue horizon

But really, how well do the communities of the United States stack up to each-other and the rest of the world? Here we will take an in-depth look at a particular metropolitan area, the Twin Cities, to browse through and compare the various health indicators and how we can improve them, as well as comparisons β†’

Construction contract law

In the JCT 2011 contract, the master programme refers to the critical paths that the project must undergo during the course of the programme. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Module 4 bhs427 health care finance cost of capital (case)

Capital Asset Pricing Model: CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model: CAPM Introduction Capital Asset Pricing model is a model that is used to determine the viability of an investment based on the expected return of a bond. Under CAPM the expected return of a bond or security is equivalent to the sum of risk free rate β†’

Oppression and slavery

Oppression and Slavery All the documents may be called bright, illustrative examples of the oppression of black people, revealing atrocities of the Antebellum South. Finally, one of his statements seems to be a quintessence of cynicism and absurdity ' The negro slaves of the South are the happiest, and, in some sense, the freest β†’

A comparison between china and south korea

South Korea Aspect: Socioeconomic Issue Purpose and Significance This paper focuses on the socioeconomic and political situations in China and South Korea; comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences between the two. The assumption is that the social and political situation in a country extensively influences the economic activities and thus the GDP.

Week 3 conference

Military Tribunal Military tribunal Military tribunal is machinery that gives ity to the military officers to determine and hear cases that involve the violation of law of war against the United States. I do not agree that the military tribunal provide constitutional right fully because they do not provide tor the right of the due β†’

The spanish enconter the native americans

07 September The Spanish Encounter the Native Americans The Spanish encounter of Native Americans was probably one of the most significant events in the history of humanity. More civilized and developed, Native Americans encountered by Cortes in Meso-America exemplified the next, more advanced stage of evolution, compared to their counterparts living in the Caribbean.

The importance of high academic achievement and the pursuit of a career

The goals should always be in line with the set aims and objectives and for all these things to take place; it is of paramount importance to plan accordingly so that a proactive look and feel could be awarded to the aspect of career development and indeed management. The implications that stand in the way β†’

Early childhood education

Early Childhood Education Introduction Early childhood education can be defined as the official training and care given to young children by nun-family members or relatives, and it mostly takes place outside the children's homes. Those trained in early childhood education have the chance of becoming nursery, kindergarten and elementary teachers.

A report regarding the attractiveness of alternative countries

Prospects of FDI in China Inserts His/Her Inserts Grade Inserts Contents Contents 2 Potential return on FDI in China 3 Tax benefits 4 Special Economic Zones 4 FDI confidence index 4 Bibliography 5 Potential return on FDI in China China's persistence in attracting FDI is one good reason why future investors are attracted to its β†’

Standard deviation and concept of risk, the capital asset pricing model

The realized return is the amount of money that, from the investment WITHOUT having dipped into its initial value. With that stated, the expected return on this portfolio is halfway between the expected returns on the two individual securities; however, the standard deviation is less than halfway between the standard deviations on the two securities.

Using these historical documents does congress solve problems or, does it create more

Another illustration of the role of the congress is the Boulder Canyon Project Act which was constituted to protect and develop the Colorado River Basin. The contribution of the congress to boost the lives of Americans was the Social Security Act which benefited retired workers, the unemployed, and single mothered families.

Instructional methods

Instructional Methods of the of the Instructional Methods Introduction It is integral to know and understand the students or adults that you are planning to teach or train in order to be a good and effective teacher. In addition, it is also very important to determine the training needs of audience, required skills and knowledge β†’

Why a current television show or movie is so popular

The sculpture found its way in the edifice when the cathedral's developers hold a decorative competition in the 1980 wherein children has to come up with the face of evil. The movie appealed both to children and adults alike because of the combination of the superhero tale and science fiction.

How did the events and ideas in your primary source reading reflect broader changes in american history for this period

This was against the fundamentals of the war that was intended to defend democracy and the right of self-determination. In the early 20th century, there was a general wave of calls for the liberty of African Americans that led to the formation of Universal Negro Improvement Association and the African Communities League.

The technology of medicine & how its shaped the nation over the last century as it pertains to war battlefield effectiveness

This specialises in the research and development of medical solutions for the army and providing the best and latest preventive medicines, treatment and rehabilitation for the wounded. Medical technology has today increased the life span of soldiers by almost 70%, and is striving to do more.