Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples


This paper will focus on the utilization of genetic engineering in the production of insulin and the different steps that are involved. This gave birth to the process of genetic engineering as the demand and need for a constant and more reliable source of insulin was required.

Medicine administration

Michael is only a teenager, and as much as he would want to do everything in his power to take care of his ailing mother, he is not in any position to offer her the kind of medical attention that she so needs. Sometimes, it is hard to administer drugs to persons suffering from Parkinson's β†’

The conspirator

Even though five people were involved in the actual conspiracy of the assassination of Lincoln, this movie gives more focus to the female conspirator Mary Suratt. This paper discusses the conspirators involved in this plot in general and the role of Mary Suratt in particular.

Becoming attached by robert karen

In the present generation most of the mothers in the developed countries spend less time in their homes and with the growth of the nuclear families, the needs and demands of the children remains unattained. The attachment theory mentioned in the book talks about the needs of the children to get attached to adults who β†’

Library process

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of conducting research in a brick-and-mortar library rather than online? Advantages of conducting research in brick-and-mortar library are: Opportunity for consultation: When using brick-and-mortar library, a researcher is in a position to get first hand assistance on their research topic from experienced and trained reference librarians β†’

Mechanistic and organic organizational structures

Organic structures are identified by their fast processing and distribution of information that is to be used in decision making; resulting to a high level ability to counter and react to changes in the environment. Additionally, organic organization structures have a higher integration of departments and functional areas as compared to mechanistic structures, decision making β†’

Listening without resistance and systems thinking

In addition, I have been judging the accent of the other party in the conversation. A dialogue, on the other hand, is a special way of conversation in which one is willing to be influenced by the conversation.

Wide sargasso sea presents an interesting slant on the character of bertha mason. explain in terms of her transformation from the infamous mad woman to a victim of colonial repression

Rhys touchingly describes the intricate relations of oppressor and oppressed through the depiction of the marital relations of the main character Antoinette that has been drawn from the character of Bertha Mason in Jane Eyre. That was the depressing era when the tension over the issue of the racial inequity and hatred was on the β†’

Dealing with challenges in another culture

When I had arrived at the new country for the first time, I decided to go shopping at a large grocery store. While it is not bad to love and respect own culture, the mind should be open for new and different.

Analyze the physiological and psychological reactions to stress

This paper is going to elaborate: a) Physiological reactions to stress, and b) Psychological reactions to stress Physiological reactions to stress include high blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, fluctuations in the chemical composition of body fluids, insomnia, addiction to smoking or alcoholism, and other illnesses. The individual jammed in traffic senses that he is in great β†’

Dwi (the legal and ethical environment of business)

Recommendations to the DWI Board Being the Vise President of the Department of Risk Management of Diversified Worldwide Industries, it is my duty to have expertise in all the matters of business law and also to consult with corporate and outside counsel regarding the legal matters and further make provisions to advise the board as β†’

Responsibilities of non-profit health care organizations

The second step would involve getting the views of the people who depends on the services being offered by the clinic. This would enable the management to understand the value of the services that were being offered to the people.

Business & the role of accounting

This is because all activities and transactions that occur before the balance sheet date must be included in the financial statements. For the given scenario, since the liability was incurred before the balance sheet date, hence it is an adjusting entry and must be recorded in the financial statements.

Network design

Thus, the time took to analyze the network to completing it is dependent on the amount of cash we invest in carrying out this activity. Performance of the network and security tradeoff.

Log501 mod 3 cases assn – optimzing inventory & transportation

The aim of optimizing inventory in an organization is to minimize the total cost and maximize profits. The total cost related to the optimal order quantity is shown by Ch 0.

Business communication what did i learn

In homework related to persuasive messages, I learned that the basic purpose of such messages is to change the perception of the targeted people. In the case of indirect messages, I learned that evidence leads to the main idea of the message.

Definition of security in info. sys

Definition of Security in Information Systems With the advancement of Information technology, more corporations in the world today employ informationsystems to perform basic functions such as input, processing, storage and output of data to convert it into useful information. The first kind of threat that can harm the security of IS is hacking, which refers β†’

Unit 5 individual project 2

Though there have been attempts to update the quality of health care in tandem with the developments and inventions in medical field, the hue and cry for upgrading the system never ceases. Process measure is easy to interpret as in the case of administering aspirin in acute myocardial infarction that is a direct measure of β†’

Marketing communication

Target audience Nothing is more important in designing and developing an effective marketing and communication plan than defining the target audience. Sales Promotion Sales promotion will be a key ingredient in the marketing and communication campaign of Viejas.

A child study

I observed a child d Ahmed in the setting to decipher the various s of development that Ahmed was going through. One of the more important observations in Ahmed's case comes from his use of language at the start of the observation period and now.

Health sciences and medicine

Implications of Nurses' Shortage to the Stakeholders of Affiliation: Implications of Nurses' Shortage to the Stakeholders Introduction Shortages of clinical nurses in healthcare facilities possess great challenges towards the delivery of service to the patients. In Hallways Hospital, the shortage of clinical nurses has contributed significantly to the poor service delivery in the institution.

Hospital financial management

The results give a point value of 1 and that is way much above the expense expectation of the hospital which was to have an expenditure of 100%. The other reason for better financial performance of the hospital is because of the better turn out of patients both in and out patient, the benefits given β†’

Ancient judaism

The theme of temples and synagogue as presented in the Maccabbees and misnah presents a clear picture of how the temple and synagogue was important to the people of Judah. In addition, it is important to observe and appreciate the achievement of other people.

Interstate banking

Interstate banking makes it possible for banks to offer a wider range of banking services to its clients because of the interstate acquisitions and branches. The liquidity and solvency of the banks improve with interstate banking.

An american gheel

People with mental illness in the community try live a meaningful life and giving them a chance at community integration allows them the context of the recovery treatment model. My neighborhood has the capability of taking on a similar role as the Geel because members of my community are ready to embrace the realities of β†’

Profile a business

Currently, the hospitality industry is in a boom due to the increase in the middle class populations who have been looking for products that would match their interest and class. It took Sean two weeks to get a premise from the Indian family and three weeks to renovate it and start business.

Galinsky’s 6 stages of parenthood

The past of parenting is parallel to the growth and development of a child and thus as the child grows and develops, so are the parents as they move from one particular stage to another. The task in this stage is for parents to the existence of their children to them, and they respond to β†’

The idea of women problem

The conclusion of the statement has failed to follow the premise and for this reason, considered as an incomplete argument. The writer says " The Pope has not yet said much concerning the women and the church and there exists reasons based on his will.

Gender imbalance in the work setting

In Saudi Arabia, not all women have the privilege of studying to the university level. However, a majority of nations that engage in intra-industry trade do not have the same per capita income.

See below journal entry

Motives of ISIL Introduction According to Geneva Centre for Security Policy Paper 5- August it is evident that the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, now referred to as the Islamic State in Iraq and al Shaam, is a religion motivated group. Retrieved Jun 2, 2015 from:


The Memorial for the Murdered Jews in Europe was a great memorial right in the center of the German's Berlin sited in a space the size of a football field. For 12years, she suffered and was found in a coma and liberated at the age of 13.

Seizing computers and obtaining electronic evidence in criminal investigations

Courts have generally held that law enforcers are entitled to search the entire computer device for evidence in the case of a crime. However, if the judicial approval is needed before a search warrant, then the law enforcers should be allowed to have the devices in their possession to eliminate the risk of the accused β†’

Financial management discussion week 7

The exit is the final process where the entrepreneur sells the business to a customer or gives a public offering. The rigorous activity of raising capital for a business is both beneficial and risky.

How effective were attempts to protect soldiers in the war

The soldiers taking cover in trenches as a protective strategy for the soldiers was not successful as it resulted in loss of lives of the soldiers. The vivid explanation of the conditions in which they were kept with lack of enough food and general supplies highlight the lack of effectiveness in the protection strategies of β†’


Discuss the role that narrative and mythic experience have in living a full human life A narrative and mythic experience is essential towards living a life which is filled with implications that are important. What is even more interesting is the fact that narrative and mythic experiences are based on the state of mind of β†’

Article review

The Incredible X-chromosome The main idea in the article is highlighting the superiority of the X chromosome in males than in females. The X gene in males is stronger than that in females due to the strong genes from their father and the Y chromosome factor.

Yourself & your best qualities or leadership skills are

This is because a team provides a collection of unique and varied ideas and perspective that helps to achieve the goal in a better way. I believe that realizing the special abilities of my each team member and my good communication skills made me a good team leader in that situation.

Pathophysiology-acidosis and alkalosis flowcharts and tables

Acidosis and Alkalosis Flowcharts and Tables ACIDOSIS AND ALKALOSIS FLOWCHARTS AND TABLES Alkalosis and acidosis are terms that are used for the description of abnormal conditions caused by excess alkali or acid in the blood. The vital organs used in regulating pH, in the blood, are the kidneys and the lungs.

Ethical issues and tactics

One theory is that people behave as they do because of a complex interaction between different parts of themselves, of which the conscious mind is one, and the subconscious is the other. In this thinking there is a complex relationship between three things that make up the human mind in this understanding: the id, the β†’

Financial management

Debt Equity Ratio It measures the ratio of the Company total liabilities to shareholders equity. This ratio to investors indicates the risk involved in owning shares of a company.

How to make the good products

A case in example is the phenomenon of exclusion of youth that occurs due to political, economic and social factors. It means that one can be CEO of a firm that is headquartered in the US but has manufacturing facilities in South East Asia but, the leadership team is committed to CSR wherever they have β†’

Minor assignment #2

Retrieved June 20, 2006, from, The Nizkor Project. Retrieved June 20, 2006, from, THE NON SEQUITUR HOME PAGE.go comics.

The best presents are those that cost the least

For this reason, gifts and presents play a significant role in human lives, and few experts believe that the gesture of giving presents in the unspoken language of feelings in humans that allows them to converse with each other emotionally. In such significance of presents, and especially in this era, people believe that expensive items β†’

Class discusson

Undercover Agent The role of the undercover agent is to safeguard the interests of his inside and outside the Inside his he triesto discover the people or institutions indulged in conspiracies against the state and the system. The role of the undercover agent is extremely necessary as in his absence, the state will have to β†’

Melissa algranati being an other

In the majority of these countries, there is a division of groups based on economic levels with some being in the rich, middle class and the poor. In most cases, it is stipulated that an individual taking any action to personality gain and improve their economic status without involving the other members of the group β†’

Globalization law

Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East. Networks of privilege in the Middle East: 1st ed.U.

Microsoft to issue record number of patches

Entering a value into the cell causes the value to be visible in the formula thus enabling it to be changed without edition of the formula. To create a pie chart, one highlights the data to be included in the chart, clicks insert, then clicks chart, then clicks pie on the chart type column, and β†’

Financial accounting

Financial Accounting 22 - $500m Lawsuit keeps Foster's hopping: Explain how Foster's should disclose the lawsuit in its financial ment or the notes thereto: As Foster's has failed in the bid to get the law suit thrown out by the Supreme court, it is essential that the information is presented in a clear and reliable β†’

Economics trumps ideology week 3 dissc 1

The peasants and middle class laborers represented the lower class of the US society, while the republican and democratic parties represented the upper strata of the US society. The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow.

Mrs.turner cutting the grass

The banality of her existence brings the reader back to the realization that whatever adventures Mrs. Turner may have had in her life, she is at the end of it all, just another old housewife, whose life is a litany of mundane chores.


The Apology that Plato gives may be witnessed as a continuation of Phaedo because here, he defends himself with regard to the charges of him corrupting the young people with his philosophy and not believing in the gods of the Greek cities. Both Cebes and Socrates are able to put forth their arguments regarding the β†’

Minnesota curriculum integration

One of the structures that are emphasized a lot is the academic planning for the student in additional to the issues that face the student when studying. The set structures which exist are part and parcel of the institution model where they are followed to make sure that the student will benefit and study abroad β†’

In-person interview tips

The scripted response often gets easily identified and nullifies the chances for success, so the response should be made on the spot and should be natural. Instead, the candidate should maintain a positive approach and be cool, calm and confident.

Write a eulogy

He was confident in all his endeavors, a character that was highly encouraging to all the family members. Baba was a motivation to every member of the family to strive for success and dedication in life.

Starbucks questions

Hanft argues that from the kind of furniture and fixtures used in the stores of Starbucks to the name of the drinks and messages on the cups, Starbucks completely focus on social and cultural values of the region. Therefore, alliance and localised image are the two major marketing strategies of Starbucks which have helped the β†’

Crude oil prices

Qualitative research: There are many methods to get the required information, the important things that should be kept in mind while gathering information are, the information should be practical, cost-effective, accurate, credible to the decision makers and the nature of the audience confirm to the methods. Observation: The aim of the programme is to gather β†’

Pros and cons of managed care plans

Pros and Cons of Managed Care Plans Managed care plans refer to a collection of systems that are interdependent and that integrate financial and delivery of the right health care services to individual who is covered. Competition among managed care plans may lead to a decrease in the quality of health care services provided β†’

Addictions theory

Addictions Theory Addictions Theory Although there are several theories that can be used to expound on the issue of relapse, the most appropriate theory that explains relapse is the Tiffany's model of drug cravings. This is one of the best ways of explaining relapse mostly because the automated part of the theory that maintains a β†’

Roe v. wade, 410 us 113 (1973) (opinion of blackmun, writing for the majority, parts 5 11 or v xi )

In the second trimester, medical practitioners argue that the abortion poses a threat to the health of a woman and thus state could protect the women by regulating abortion. During the third trimester there was a need to protect a foetus by restricting abortion but Blackmun argued that since the moral and medical status of β†’

Thomas nagel

Thomas Nagel Q1 Functionalism theory is a doctrine that suggests what forms mental of something depends on the function or role it plays in the cognitive system that it forms and not on the constitution of the material. Q2 Functionalism theory separates the brain state from mind state and concentrates on the mind to elaborate β†’

Compare india and the middle east

Compare India and the Middle East The Middle East has an important role in worldwide politics and finance since the concentration of globe's hydrocarbons in this topographical region means that on the view that the contemporary economy rest on the source of oil and natural gas. The gentleness of the Indians has sustained till this β†’

Judgement and decision making

The rule is a component of social and persuasion influence that forms part of judgment and decision-making. Therefore, Madoff should make the investors focus on the current performance of the business but to disregard the past and the future of the business.

Assignment example

Assignment With the kind of career I plan to pursue, almost every medical decision I have to make involves using a couple of systeme internationale units. The three measures and there conversion factors that might assist me in converting the US system to SI in medical practice include Alkaline phosphatase Units) with as conversion factor β†’


Your Full Your Teacher's April 14, Necessity of Unity of Productive Forces Across the World Karl Marx, in the section " The Development of the Productive Forces as a Material Premise of Communism" of his work " German Ideology", explains why communism can only work with the cooperation of working class over the world. This β†’

Assignment 5

Question 3 Based on the study one of the major constraint that leads to lack of attainment of the curriculum goals is the factor of having less time in designing a curriculum. Based on the studies, the core components of a good curriculum are those that enable the students to participate in.

Dq 6 dq 7 week 5

What was the criteria for selecting the Project's population and sample selection The population sample must be truly representative of the population to be studied. What was the criteria for determining the sample size What was the sample size The sample size depends on the population size and the accuracy needed from the study.

Business ethics

The best theory to apply in this situation, which pertains to affirmative action and " reverse discrimination", is utilitarianism. The theory of utilitarianism, best supports the position of affirmative action and " reverse discrimination" because it focuses on bringing benefit to most individuals from both groups, which are the majority and the minority.

Determining finacial variability

Managerial accounting is a qualitative type of accounting that examines and depicts economic reality and focuses on incorporation, grouping and analysis of the acquired information to make it usable by executives in making decisions. In conclusion, accounting could be said to give information on business operations with the end product being declarations like balance sheets, β†’

Origin of christianity

Origin of Christianity Origin of Christianity Christianity and its origin came about as the embodiment of the Messiah and His people. During the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples of Christ, many believe that the proclamation by the disciples was the beginning of the church.

Website improvement of

Firstly the cars are expensive and it would be much better that a customer selects exactly what he or she wants, secondly the car specifics and attributes would invite more people to view the website. Another new feature that would make the website more interactive and innovative can be added by the name of car β†’

Week 6 leadership

He or she must be able to explain why the decision was made and the purpose of the decision.ii. Relevancy: the decision maker must be able to articulate the procedure and criteria used for the discrimination of alternatives of the decision.

Buying decision making process

The buying decision making process The buying process starts through identification of need by the consumer in the potential market before, during and after purchase of product and involves certain stages like: Participation: Participation or decision making is nothing but the behavior of the consumer of buying and using the product. A number of criteria β†’

Concept of learning

The concept of learning has much to do with the interaction of information or experiences and how it is manifested in the subjects' actions. They are said to have learnt the subject, conversely, performance requires one to have both cognitive and motor skills in the subject and to apply the concept learned in a more β†’

Feasibility of hotel to implement changes in strategy

The strategy of the hotel to cope with influx of guests is feasible because the hotel has already moved to a system of having multi-skilled works to cope up with the needs the hotel has proved this also by having them call stuff from other hotels and restaurants to the do the job. The atmosphere β†’

Principles of managerial accounting

Equivalent units of production are necessary for a process costing approach because it facilitates allocation of costs to unit elements of a production process. The equivalent units are then used to derive a cost per unit of products.

Cognitive psychology

Dual-process models provide accounts of how individuals process information in a quick-and-dirty manner, how they process information when willing and having the ability to engage in critical thinking, and conditions that enhance effortful processing. According to Adler & Rips, it is more likely for an individual to arrive at wrong conclusions if an individual fails β†’

Spinal manipulation for back pain

The experts have raised serious apprehensions on the efficacy of these practices and propose detailed research to investigate the reliability of spinal manipulation for the treatment of low back pain. The process of spinal manipulation concentrates on the musculoskeletal structures and functions of the body, particularly of the spinal column and the nervous system, towards β†’

Crisis in ukraine

The only option United States of America is the backing of European Nations and the strength it gains and enjoys in the form of NATO. United States of America is now resorting to diplomatic activities and actions hoping it would break the standoff to an end.

Explain how demands translates into capacity management, production scheduling and materials requirements

The current demand will be an input in the form of historical data to forecast the future demand, estimating which is important for planning other activities of the production cycle. Demand is the factor that contributes to the planning of the entire production cycle for a particular time of year.

Daewoo shipbuilding and marine engineering

The first major business crisis in the development of Daewoo occurred in the year 1987 whereby the shipbuilding in the shipyard was almost terminated. In countering the competition problem, Daewoo had to borrow and learn the skills and concepts of their business competitors.

As a mercerian, what do you consider the most importasnt leadership quality and why

Intelligence appeals to me as the core leadership quality because it arouses and supports all the other requisite qualities for successful leadership. It is out of intelligence that a leader would be able to communicate sense to the audience, understand the desires of the followers and appeal to their support for the intended course.

Investment diversification in the middle east

Despite the politically fragile state of Middle East, investors can still enjoy the advantages of diversification in investment. The investors in Middle East can reduce the volatility by investing in bonds and currency as they benefit from the growing economy of emerging markets like Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Oman.

Unit 5 discussion board

On the other hand a revenue center is a responsibility center whose members control revenues but do not control the cost of the product or service they sell or the level of investment in the responsibility center. Lastly, we come up to the investment center that is a responsibility center whose manager and other employees β†’

Reconstruction in tennessee after the civil war

Reconstruction in Tennessee after the Civil War Reconstruction in Tennessee after the Civil War was aimed at creating a social and political revolution in a state that was experiencing economic and opposition challenges. Some of the ways in which the reconstruction managed to solve the problems that resulted from the civil war include allowing β†’

Culture competencemodel

As discussed in the article written by Campinha-Bacote, awareness gives a nurse the tools to understand cultural differences and to appreciate how different cultures view the health process. Thus knowledge becomes the binding factor of cultural competence since the more knowledge a nurse has about culture and how culture affects the patient; the more able β†’

Never let me go

Never let me go The novel never let me go is written by Kazuo Ishiguro with the aim of reflecting on various themes but all related to the main themes which are love, life, care and death. The story uses both reality and fiction to portray the four major themes which are love, life, care β†’

Strategic management competitive advantage paper summary

Second, the business has to evaluate its resources and capabilities and its business environment, so that it knows where it is and what it can and must do to compete. This model: helps a firm identify the attributes of its industry's structure that constrains the firm's strategic alternatives and performance, helps it decide how to β†’

The impact of education and political equality blacks have achieved

The Impact of Education and Political Equality Blacks Have Achieved, 1619 by " " " " " number]" " Name]"[Date] The Impact of Education and Political Equality Blacks Have Achieved, 1619-2011 Black slavery in America actually can be traced from the earliest days in America, but most people elect the year 1619 as the real β†’

American industry during the war

WWII led to the reawakening of the American Industry, as well as having the greater part of the sectors in the US being concentrated on the production of defense. Therefore, despite the fact that numerous Americans feared the return of the depression that had hit the nation before the war, after this war, they got β†’

Short answer

The ability to see the reasoning behind the different reactions of the two individuals to a same situation is known as social imagination. Social imagination is also the ability to see the different views or perspectives of a situation that one is involved in.

Today’s architecture

The Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Architecture First of The Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Architecture Introduction Architects play a monumental role in the lives of people through the structures they design and in many cases chart the way for a society or a city. The angle of the research will β†’

Topic: validity and its influence

Construct validity is the reliability or the trustworthiness of the scale to test a theoretical concept while content validity refers to testing of the actual elements in a study using a specific instrument. This implies that the use of different sale scores affects the content validity of the instruments which in turn influences construct validity.

Global value chain and domestic value chain

Example 1: Global value chain in marketing and Sales Managers of marketing and sales in the Global value chain are likely to face the challenge of diversity in cultures, religion amongst other factors that show diversity in the society. Example 2: Domestic Value chain in Marketing and Sales The challenge of the diversity of preference β†’

Reading journal

of unit Poverty and Globalization Summary In the article, Poverty and Globalization, Vandana Shiva describes the difficulties that Indian farmers are facing due to globalization of agriculture. However, the situation changed completely due to globalization of agriculture in the region.