Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Business law-discussion

Personal thoughts on the benefits of consumer protection laws to the society, Difficulties caused by the laws to the society, and Recommendations to improve the laws Benefits Currently, consumer protection laws play a key role in enhancing availability of quality products to the buyers at fair prices. Arguably, the approach forces manufacturers to trade safe β†’

The american sociological review

The American Sociological Review of Article: Status struggles: Network centrality and gender segregation in same-and cross-gender aggression Authors: Robert Faris and Diane Felmlee Source: American Sociological Review, 76, 1, 2011. In this case study, Robert Faris and Diane Felmlee evaluates aggression from a social network point of view.

Philosophy 101

It is in this regard that he decided to overthrow all his existing beliefs and ideas and use only reason as his sole basis for establishing a permanent truth, i.e.the one thing, which he cannot doubt further. In order for Descartes to be deceived to fall into error, he must exist.

Collaboration in global public health

The future public health challenges include the provision of state of the art health care machinery and medicines, as well as the positive linkages amongst the doctors, paramedics, and the patients. Having their practical incorporation within the public health settings is important as it would save lives and bring treatment domains into a possible zone.

Prenatal care

Effects of Prenatal Care on Developmental Lifespan Prenatal care for the mother and the child lessens a lot of threats that could occur during delivery, and after. Ways of Enlightening the Public on Prenatal Care The public needs to be aware of the significance of prenatal care, thus health specialist can use the following ways.

Ethics: haroun and the sea of stories *study questions*

The perspective of protecting children from the darker elements of stories is really more a modern perspective. For example, the elements of the story concerning the parallels between the villain and the man that stole Haroun's mother are not an aspect intended for a child reader.3.

Understanding context

2020 and Beyond: Future Scenarios For Education In The Age Of New Technologies. Learning, Teaching, And Scholarship In A Digital Age: Web 2.

Property ownership, oral evidence (parole)

Verbal agreement may also be accepted after a contract if one of the parties proves to the court that there was a separate agreement made between the parties. In cases where a written contract is ambiguous, verbal agreement may be used in order to clarify the true meaning of the contract.

Country comparison: demographics

Still considering the two countries on the aspect of the economy, India posts a GDP of 4, 060 in Billion $, on the other hand, China has a GDP of 10, 090. This is probably due to the population growth rate of Japan which has negative growth.

Influence by primitive rome

Since then, Rome somewhat created a new sect of Christianity in which became so influential in the world making Rome the seat and capital of the Roman Catholic religion in the form of Papacy or the Pope who is considered as the leader of this religion. Most of the Popes who were ordained came from β†’


Passing over Iago in the promotion to be a lieutenant by Othello seems to be a justified a justified decision and this paper will illustrate some of the character flaws which could not allow Iago to be a great leader. However, with all the deceit that Iago has, he cannot be trusted to lead his β†’

The importance of sleeping for a student

I have come to the conclusion that to sacrifice my sleep in order to get good grades is a paradox. Therefore, I have decided that I will plan ahead and make a schedule quite a while before my exams start so that I am familiar with the topic that I am studying and will not β†’

The novel, two old women, by velma wallis

The theme of survival instinct To be specific, the problems faced by the two elderly women in the novel can be superimposed to the general context of elderly people. The survival of Sa' and Ch'idzigyaak proves that basic human instinct can help human beings to survive in critical conditions.

Enthusiasm and ability to motivate people

While my heart will always bask in the warmth of the community life and the love of close-knit families back home, I am eternally grateful for my exposure to the ' Great American Dream.' The gift America has given me is the belief that change is possible and the confidence that the power to bring β†’

Degrees of homicide

The dad saw the kidnapper the next day in an interview and in a sudden rage, the dad grabbed a revolver from a nearby officer and killed the kidnapper. Comprising elements such as the killing of another human being was unintentional; the death occurred either during the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to β†’

The current state of the criminal justice system

As institutions evolve, it is imperative that the criminal justice system evolves to respond to the changing concerns and the new challenges that arise. The Police The main challenge that the police force confronts is the constantly changing face of crime and the criminal mind.the criminal mind is constantly evolving and characterizations of criminals can β†’

The economic relationship between the north and the south prior to the civil war

Based on the study of the causes of the Civil War, slavery is considered as one of the main factors that affected the differences in the economic state between the North and the South. But the abolition and the fight of the North for anti-slavery resulted in the clash with the South.

Plot the overcoat

Running Head: Plot the Overcoat Plot the Overcoat s Plot the Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol The Overcoat is a short story written by Nikolai Gogol, who is a celebrated writer and often referred to as the father of Russian realism because of a strong realistic component in his stories. However, the overcoat also serves as β†’

Close reading

The passage slowly grows from a description of the weather to the description of the woman. The first thing is the weather; in the first sentence there is the description of the weather that leads us to the garments the woman is wearing.

Spirtual belief

Thoughts of end of life make me to wonder the rationale of our existence if we are destined to die and vanish off the face of earth. Religion also helps in enhancing relief from the anxieties and fears that people succumb to because of the fears of the unknown.

Why do men commit more crimes than women

Moreover, men are involved in more activities that are criminal because they have more access to power and resources than women do hence leading to different types of crime. Furthermore, men are likely to commit more crimes than women because they have more social pressure to provide for their families, and less social support is β†’

Abnormal psychology

If the behavior elicits a response, or operant, that is positive, then the consequence of this positive response is that the behavior is likely to be repeated. With behaviorism, people can be trained to behave differently, and that would mean that, in the case of the patient, she can be trained to take her meds β†’

How the model for ethical decision making can be applied to solve the ethical dilemma of removing vicodin from a schedule iii medication to a schedule ii

It can be seen that relieving pain using the drug Vicodin is an ethical principle but this can be violated to produce the greatest benefits to the greatest number of people while producing the least harm to the greatest number of people. However, on a different note, it can be seen that the removal of β†’


ASSIGNMENT, BUSINESS EXCEL ASSIGNMENT By OWNERS OF SIMPLY AIRLINE, 4TH DECEMBER 2014 Dear Owner of Simply Airline, RE: THE PROGRESS I HAVE MADE IN IMPROVING THIS AIRLINE OVER THE PAST 8 QUARTERS I hereby wish to reiterate the progress that i have been able to make in the efforts ad input that I have done β†’

Palestinians refugees in 1947-48

The partitions, however, placed Arab settlements in the areas of Jewish control, and Jewish settlements in areas of Arab control. The city of Jerusalem and its surrounding villages were the site of many of these tactics, with 28, 000 Arabs soon fleeing in order to avoid more fighting or the loss of their lives.

Evaluate ethical approaches

Of the other two, choices, the purchase of the Epsilon 4311 has neutral consequences, while the other, the Epsilon 45 is bad for the economy.b. My decision would be to purchase the Orista 45K, although it is not a very good decision for the efficiency of the company.

Reconstruction after the civil war

As president, Johnson's desire to scale back Lincoln's Reconstruction legislation following the Civil War angered the Radical Republican majority that sought to punish the former rebels of the Confederacy. Stanton, who was sympathetic to the Radical Republicans and who was overseeing the military's Reconstruction efforts.

College application

The internet opens one's knowledge of the different schools and poses a greater challenge for the choosing of a good school because every school claims to be the best. Jain's Choosing the Best Hotel Management School: The 10 Basics helped me a lot in defining important criteria which one should verify when looking for the β†’

Confession room at a catholic church

The small space can be justified by the intimacy that it brings between the priest and the one confessing his sins. The confession room is divided into two portions-the one occupied by the priest and the one for the confessing.

Consider the claims that baudelaire makes and the points of argument that he makes

The artwork in the photography does not represent the reflection of the mental of the mental world of imagination, dreams, and fantasy as is the definition of fine art according to Baudelaire. The photograph is not a representation of a kind of dream that one would want to put across as an art and expect β†’

Stallings culture of the savannah river valley

Kenneth is the author of book, Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley. The first argument of the author is to present a story about the fall and rise of the Stallings culture.


Resistance The gendered and racist nature of violence has been a topic of interest for sociologists since the dis s connecting identity and politics had emerged. On the contrary, resistance is " a reflection of the potential for subversion and contestation" within the premises " of established order".

The role of race and class in the antebellum south

The Role of Race and in the Antebellum South The living conditions for southerners changed after 1820due to the proliferation of slavery. The living condition among the southerners was influenced by the agricultural development of the area.

Planning next step/journal activity

I would also meet some professionals in my field of choice, and would ask them to suggest me about which school would be best for me. They also told me about the web links of many graduate schools so that I may be able to visit the websites and collect all required information.

Cultural customs

In their homeland, children and adolescents are geared toward achieving the goal of higher education and have lessons taught about the importance of holding onto traditional Chinese cultural values. In their homeland, Chinese often marry with the idea that it will be a life-long bond and put a great deal of emphasis on the value β†’

By the time i get to cucaracha

The tone is very personal, even to the point of the including the information that her own mother was a housekeeper. From this perspective, of course, her use of coarse language, slang phrases and a blog-like tone contributes to the argument that it is an effective piece of writing in terms of being geared to β†’

Human resources dilemma

Didi is compliant with the provisions of the FLSA since; veronica is entitled to keep all her tips. Furthermore, the tips of veronica exceed the minimum tip of 30$ per month required by the FLSA so that an employee can be given less than the minimum wage of $7.

David brins conception of surveillance society

The mainstay of Brin's argument on surveillance society is the technological environment that makes the emergence of a surveillance society not only a concrete possibility but also a reality in the making.III. The problem is that Brin, in his rush to reach the conclusion of " surveillance society", has been overwhelmed by the recent developments β†’

Claire of the sea light

Claire of the Sea Light story is told with a piercing lyricism and the economy of a fable. Review: Edwidge Danticats's " Claire of the Sea Light" a moving story of love.2013.

An image of africa: racism in conrad’s heart of darkness by chinua achebe

Achebe is specially disturbed by the fact that Conrad's novel " The Heart of Darkness" completely dehumanizes Africans and treats them as brutes, savages and mere props to give his novel a convincing touch in complete disregard of the sublime and enlightened values an author of his stature is supposed to espouse. He is also β†’

The brief history of the globe theater

What is meant by the line in Act II of Hamlet " The play's the thing / Wherein I will catch the conscience of the king"? Polonius is a counselor to King Claudius and the father of Ophelia and Laertes in Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet.

Worst day in school

As I was leaving the class the students hooted and taunted at me but as I was so embarrassed that I did not dare to reply to them. This was it and I could not take it anymore and I also started yelling at the boys and started cursing them.

Personal statement example

Of particular interest to me is the opportunity to write a dissertation based upon my personal experience and case-studies of my workplace. My background provides me with an ideal foundation for study at your school and, in turn, I would be able to bring a diversity of experience and knowledge to the school's programs.

Love your problems,

These fears could include meeting new people, putting your money in some risky investment, trying to get the grasp of a new skill and the fear of speaking in front of an audience. Like many other people I also have the fear of public speaking and I find it difficult to get out of my β†’

Class inequality: theory

Weber's belief of class, status and party indicates the approach in which the material basis is related to the ideological sense. The emergence of a new class is affected by technical intelligentsia and humanistic intellectuals.

Between a rock and a hard place

Due to the rising criminality in the area, several of the women wanted to leave, but the terms of their housing subsidy restricted their mobility to Meadow View due to a political clash of policy between county and local housing authorities. The women consider this an insult and a hypocrisy, because rich people do not β†’

Existence of god by thomas aquinas and st. anselm

Aquinas focused on the infinity of time, reason, existence, qualities and movement, and how God is a necessary being to defeat the concept of infinity, a concept of God's necessity. Aquinas and Anselm point out that God is the endpoint and the start point of everything.

Cultural analysis of baha’i faith

Ideals of unity and the oneness of religions advocated by the Baha Faith The Baha Faith is a monotheistic religion that puts emphasis on the divine unity of all humanity. The main principle of the Baha Faith is the oneness of humankind.

Leadership and business

A business plan outlines the complete information about a potential business and how it is going to achieve its objectives. One of the interesting aspects of an effective business plan is the identification of the target market and how it is going to be tapped through effective marketing strategies.

Mans qualities and their role in life

Locke represented a developing trend in the European community during the 1600s and 1700s to deploy cause for the last opinions of all humankind, including the conduct of governments. The shared assumption of governance stated that a common society is a submission of power by the state to support agreements and so forth." An essay β†’

Classical theory of crime

The theory uses this notion to assert that criminal acts with painful results are avoided and those with pleasurable results attract criminals. Cesare Beccaria He is considered the founder of the classical school of criminology According to him, crime punishment should be: Certain, swift and sure Not exceed the levels necessary to deter Beccaria is β†’

Genital warts

Failure to treat genital warts increases the chance of transmitting the disease to a person's sexual partner. During childbirth, genital warts can hamper the ability of the vaginal tissues to fully stretch.

Procedural steps involved in bringing a case to the docket of the supreme court

Part I Procedural Steps Involved in Bringing a Case to the Docket of the Supreme Court All the cases that make it to the docket of the Supreme Court must come from the courts of appeals in the country. It is the Clerk of the Supreme Court that keeps the records of the cases.

Roadhogs pursuit

Would the community need to be involved in the design and implementation of community policing If so, how Yes, there is a need for the community to be involved in the design and implementation of community policing. In order to reduce the hostility and promote the cooperation of the community, they should be included in β†’

Health concerns across a womans lifespan

The issue of domestic violence especially against women is not new and infact the domestic violence movement is atleast 3 decades old. According to the ' National Violence Against Women' survey, about 25% of women reported sexual domestic violence at some time in their lives.

Karen armstrong’s does god have a future

But God is simply the belief that we each hold that defines the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil. This is not a dead God; it is a living and growing God.

Ethics of means and ends

I will not allow my personal life to get into the way of my duties as I am needed to stay focused on resolving all problems by ensuring the means to an end is based entirely on the truth, honesty, and moral values. As a criminal justice profession, I aim to look into these issues β†’

K12 virtual schooling, learning

The state assigns a certified teacher to assist the parent in the administration of assignments and supervision of the student's work. The parent in such a system plays the role of a learning coach.

Assignment example

The role of religion in governance therefore is to provide the guidelines that community leaders should apply to lead the people, based on the religious principles. It is also through religion that the duties and responsibilities of the leaders and the subjects are stipulated, as well as the repercussions for the failure of any party β†’

A reflection on a book chapter

While the specific start of modernity remains a diverse debate, comparative politics in the modern times dates back to the emergence of various social science disciplines like sociology and political science. Political analysts of the contemporary times argue their case of comparative politics in relation to the political environment that prevails today.

Mission statement

I endeavor to see myself in the next sixty years as an individual that can comfortably say like Paul in the Bible that ' I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith'. In so doing, I will have made a step towards readiness to equip and impart knowledge to the young generation, β†’

Nella larsen describe the individual and the obstacles they faced, their contribution to the harlem renaissance

Nella Larsen The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 30s was a considerably significant period for African American as it was a major step towards their fight for equality. Nella Larsen, one of the major contributors of the Harlem Renaissance literature, was a famous novelist who is renowned for her two novels, Quicksand and Passing.

Impact of family and work on an individual

The health of an individual is also put at stake as stress among these women becomes a daily thing as they try to cope with balancing of both domestic and work issues. Both their physical and emotional well being is affected as a result of continuous exposure to the stress brought about by work and β†’

The effects of divorce on children

With such gravity of the consequences of marital conflicts, teenagers must be given value and a lot of understanding within their family and institutions they are into. A lot of resources and studies were made in order to use such a delicate time towards the development of each and every child.

Gay marriages in the united states

The people that agree with gay marriage also argue that by not allowing gay marriage, homosexual couples are being denied the rights that are written down for them in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The argument for gay marriage can easily be summed up to the equal rights that these homosexual couples β†’

Sigmund freud

He realized that the father was standing between him and his mother and he tried to replace his father. When he thinks of his mother, talks about her love and affection to him and goes with her in his private car, his mind often touches the dream that he had several years ago.

Week two

Many parts of the world are entering an age of exponential increase in the old-age population, creating the need to account for mass retirement and support concerns. A comparison and contrast of perceptions toward the elderly in Japanese and American societies may allow for insight into the future faced by the aging population.

Due process rights

Due Process College: Due Process Due process is a constituent of the law, intended to ensure that all people who are subjected to the justice system are not deprived of their rights to life, liberty or property. One of the aspects of due process is the procedural due process.


The initial stages of the twentieth century were characterized by the rapid technological advancements in the second industrial revolution. Nietzsche, a German scholar, and cultural critic, argued that civilization and its consequences is the price people have to pay to control the ego and its wants.

European satellite system

This system is designed for the civilian users and will suit the requirements of the users that the present system cannot provide. Once the system is in routine operation, Galileo will provide a navigational accuracy that was not provided during the systems used before.

Starting a computer retail business overview

The name of the business is called Computer Heaven. The company is dedicated to the sales and repair of computer devices.

Danforth donnalley laundry products company integrative problem

DANFORTH AND DONNALLEY COMPANY of DANFORTH AND DONNALLEY COMPANY The proposed new product of Blast, a stronger form of liquid detergent to be launched by the company, should be charged for the use of the excess production facilities and also unused building space within the company premises once plans push through and production starts. The β†’


This led to the discovery of the DNA, which appears in the genes of all living organisms. The first application of DNA in the course of law and justice was in the 1980s, whereby the prosecutors used DNA evidence to solve a rape case.

Bonehead in a society

In the case of the " bonehead," its meaning and formation are based on the fact that a human's head is composed of bone and brain. Since the brain symbolizes knowledge and intelligence, bone is connected to its opposite.

Cpi valuation

The purpose of this report is to compare CPI's price-to-earnings ratio to that of its competitors and as a result show that CPI is being undervalued and why. This is not to say that P&G runs in the red, however, the difference between P&G and CPI is that CPI is running completely in the black β†’

Compare and contrast

The Impact of the Home Environment on Ability to Function Academically April 11, Though there are exceptions to almost every rule evidence suggests that to a notable extent there is a relationship between the home environment and academic performance. Unlike the child in the stable home, the child in an unstable home environment on the β†’

Colonial history us history

On the night of the 18th and 19th of April just before we could see the light of day, Lexington was under heavy gunfire from the British forces who were on a mission in the town. The general's forces are said to be overwhelmed by the effect of the conflict that started in Lexington.

Ryan vs gonzales

The legal issue in the aforesaid case depicts the murder conducted by Gonzales for which he had been taken to the court for the trial sessions. Before the judgment by the trial court, Gonzales tried unsuccessful attempts to disqualify the judgments of the trial magistrate.


Acting like a normal wife is the wife's goal to try and persuade the husband into thinking the wife is someone she is not. A specific example of this is when the two are advised to kill one another.

Learning profile

My previous clinical experience has helped me to use the critical thinking skills to provide patient care and will help me in this perceptorship.2. Goal for this Clinical Experience I want to learn the policies and guidelines used in the hospital for infection control.

Humanities:world cultures (week 1)

The Law of Hammurabi The Law of Hammurabi are based on a society following a caste system which is not applicable to the present day. In the present day, the society follows a more civil protocol in terms of resolving the rights of the people, which is the main reason why we have labor laws β†’

Journal # 5

History and Political Science Journal #5 With the expansion of technology the recording of history was made easier and more accessible. In response to the instruction, the expansion of technology, particularly the invention of the printing press was instrumental in allowing greater number of people to " receive news, read books, and attend school...


The ability as well as the experience to deal with challenges in the sales management is a key to success of the business. The attached resume highlights some of my particular accomplishments in the field of marketing and sales management.

Auditory functions

In such models, it is either implicitly assumed that when a listener is comparing the pitches of the two sounds, the pitch of the two tones if first extracted, and the two pitches are later compared. The second factor which creates variability is the understanding of sound in speech derivers from the person speaking.

Deaf in prison

According to recent research due to the lack of adequate policies to protect inmates, many deaf prisoners are exposed to abuse from the other inmates as soon as they enter prison. FACT: Abuse of deaf prisoners is manifested in the form of a lack of access to basic services.


Secondly, people in rural areas are less educated than those in urban areas, and tend not to comprehend the importance of health care in elongating their lives. Lastly, people in rural areas have limited access to health care and must travel long distances to acquire medical care.


As a vast system of mountains in eastern North America, the lands west of the Appalachian height are protected by the crown as the hunting grounds for Indians. It was not included in in the colony because colonists were forbidden to enter into the land and the Crown reserved to itself the exclusive right to β†’

Earth science wk7

The need is to comprehend how successful the whole journey has been for the Empire State Building in its quest to go green and how it can be replicated to other buildings and structures in the future as well. This project thus brought interest within other high rise owners into the philosophy of going green β†’

Discussion board 2 edu 626

Instructional Media in Instructional System Design Your School Instructional theories are designed to make the learning process more goals oriented to satisfy the needs and requirements of a learning process. It may be used to get the participant's attention, to invoke the imagination of the students, to or to explain the explicit/implicit instructional goals.

Both obsessive-compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder are linked under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. what a

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the fourth edition of the diagnostic manual that is put out by the American Psychological Association which is meant to be used by psychologists as a desk reference in the diagnosis and treatment of clients. The most common forms of treatment for this disorder is through β†’

Addreall (the smart drug) and the college student

The hypothesis of this article is that the media increase the use of drugs for neuro-enhancement. The concept which is being discussed in the article is that the increasing reference of non-medical use of neuro-enhancement by the researchers is increasing the reference of this drug in the news media.

Gotham city the residents reported that the street prostitution discussion

It, therefore, translates that the arm of government that is given the mandate to provide security to the sovereign people of the state must do its work ultimately. Some of the tactical skills that can be applied are; apprehension of the offender, suppression of any opportunity that the offender may have and hardening the situation β†’

Globalization has helped the world in technology

Prof's Globalization and the Advancement of Technology Globalization has both its detractors and its fans some argue that it has increased the economy of the world overall, some insist that it is almost a new form of colonialism, allowing rich countries to get richer without doing much to help the world overall. But the fact β†’

Apple’s winning strategy: lower prices

The company also adopted a strategy to market its product worldwide and not restricting it to a particular place, which helped the company to gain significant market share. Apple took strong care of this aspect and with quality services to the customers; it earned a reputable position in the industry.

Good test takers and diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic assessment provides the teachers with a way to map out a route or chart a way using the existing knowledge of the individual children. Diagnostic assessment also provides the teachers with an opportunity to identify misconceptions or gaps in the prior learning of the students so that they exactly know what the children know β†’