Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

War is a force that gives us meaning

Chris Hedges would view the movie Troy as being an example of nearly everything he discusses in the final chapter of War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning. It is a movie that glorifies the battles of war, while also showing the toil it takes on the survivors.

Adequacy vs equity

In the domain of educational finance, equity means the placement of provisions to assure equality in the distribution of educational resources by a state across districts, and to put in place a system for fairness, so far as the allocation of available resources for funding school education are concerned. The adequacy principle is about placing β†’

Unit 8 discussion

One of the reasons why patients fail to adhere to the prescriptions of the doctors is financial constraints. The patients may fail to understand all the instructions given by the doctor leading to inappropriate intake of the medication.

Globalization and internationalism after the cold war

Globalization and internationalism after the cold war After the end of the cold war, there were intense focus on globalization and internationalism. There is free open trade that ensures export and import of goods and services in all parts of the world After the end of the cold war there were many activities that were β†’

Classroom management systems

Goal 1: All students participate in group work, instead of letting one or a few students complete all of the work.2. Goal 1: Students will have homework assignments ready at the beginning of class.b.

Prevalence of hiv in united states

I wanted to find out if the rate of HIV infections in the U. I was curious to find out the methods that the United States uses to prevent the spread and infections of HIV.

Problem solving teams or quality circles

The team would be mostly within the force, and they would share methods, information, and pieces of evidence, by which the guilty could be brought to the process of law. It is also essential that the benefits derived from the use of such virtual teams should exceed their cost implications, and, to a large extent, β†’

Watergate: the scandal

It destroyed the integrity of the government and greatly eroded the trust of the public. The public trust is the bedrock of democracy and without it, the institutions collapse.

Personal effectiveness report

And The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The way of thinking in the work they will be very close, to better communicate, to develop in line with their plans and methods.3.3.

Article review responses

Teacher Article Response Penguin's case is very reminiscent of Enron and Worldcom where they employ exotic accounting method that is not consistent to GAAP to make the company appear stable and profitable. In the case of Penguin, it removed depreciation from its Cost of Goods Sold which is a standard cost of recognizing wear and β†’

Council of graduate students

of the of the Concerned English 9 June Council of Graduate Since I joined the college, I have been a member of the Council of Graduate Students, a student group dedicated to helping and guiding the new students at the college. The purpose of this group is to offer informed and authentic help and guidance β†’


When we mention " religious experience", it does not pertain to a sect or a denominational ritual practice but rather the spiritual experience which is a universal feeling to all mankind when we are in awe of the creation of our Maker. In the case of William Wordsworth, it was his fascination with Tintern Abbey β†’

Improving communication between healthcare providers and patients

Verbal reports of the patients are extremely important for the care providers to know the acute details of the problems encountered and to scrutinize them later. According to the Interpersonal Communication toolkit identified in, one of the main strategies formulated for interpersonal communication programmes is the deep analysis of the social, economical, cultural and β†’

Zinc and vitamin d

Discuss the nutrients Zinc and Vitamin D and the food sources. It is quite important in the metabolic functions of the body as it helps in improving the activity of the enzymes in the body.

The war on wonga: the church of england’s campaign against payday lenders

In brief, they have ventured into the chance and opportunity to make a business where there was a market gap in the society. I am of the opinion that the advertisement are not geared or aimed at children in any way.

‘cal’ by bernard mac laverty

Written in 1983, in the midst of the " Troubles" of Northern Ireland, by the Irishman, " Cal" succeeded in giving the deep understanding of what was happening within the country at that period. Cal is subconsciously hoping that the matter of Robert's death will arise and he can clear his conscience through confession: " β†’

Claremont college. pitzer college

I am a member of the Latin club, the president of the Celebremos program and the Jewish club. I learnt to take up my responsibilities and keep up my beliefs and convictions in the process.

Major corporation

The other core value that the corporation has managed to employ in its business operations is offering the best service to customers. Therefore, the corporation has been able to make more sales because of the increase in numbers of customers.

William shakespeares macbeth. macbeth character

Macbeth becomes insecure as time advances, and he visits the witches again to know his future where he is reassured that his reign will continue. However, both of these events seem impossible to Macbeth, and he is tormented by Banquo's lineage.

Drilling oil well design

Oil Wells have no specific design, but there are strict standards when it comes to the good design, drilling of the well, and their completion. In this case, it is important to analyze and specify the kind of drilling fluid to be used including the type of casing strings to be used as well as β†’

Logic and thought

In Defense of Astrology: A Case is not Made The article " In Defense of Astrology" attempts to establish the notion that astrology should be taken asa serious art on the grounds that it is more reliable and efficacious than a medical diagnosis. The first argument is based on the claim that, until the eighteenth β†’

Japanese americans during wwii

Japanese Americans were moved to camps in the interior of the country, far from potential contacts with Japanese agents that could solicit their help for the Emperor. Many of the bunkhouses were not insulated against the biting winds of winter in northern states such as Utah and Montana.

Entrepreneurship questions

To begin, this factor relies heavily on the state of the economy as well as the overall performance of the economy. Earning Based- Valuation Approach This mode of business valuation is based on the concept of predicting the probability of a business to make profits and more wealth in future.

Budgets and performance of guillermo

From Guillermo's accounting decision perspective, he manipulated the sales; the variable cost per unit, and unit sales in order to attract the outside companies, like making the figures attractive for the Norwegian company. What accounting information is most relevant for Guillermo to consider when making decisions Guillermo should consider the following accounting information, as it β†’

Extra credit

It is admitted that health care professional are in need to perform everything possible for the health and comfort of a patient. The department of Health and Human Services is considered to be " the main sores of regulations that affect the health care industry".

The first battle of bull run

The First Battle of Bull Run Following the failure of Union troops at the First Battle of Bull Run, Lincoln decided to pursue a bold strategy by emancipating the slaves in those states that had left the Union. The most important battle of the Civil War was Antietam because it marked a turning point in β†’

Qualificaiton framework

Level 2 qualification recognizes the competency to attain understanding and knowledge of a subject area of study or work. Level 3 qualifications are quite appropriate for the students who wish to go to the universities or the people who wished to work independently in an organization.

Article summary

In the twenty-first century, the fundamental constraints of air transport are the environmental impact aviation has on the environment. Despite these, the effects of the air transport are increasing as the economy and demand for aviation services grow globally.

Seminar on marketing

Central to the discussion is the strategic planning of how the each of the four Ps can contribute value to the product, create the image that the business organization wants to convey, and serve the needs of customers. Another concept that I hope to apply is the creation of brand image through promotions and communication β†’

Movement for black liberation

Three of the most important figures in the movement for Black liberation across the world are W.E.B. Du Bois is celebrated as an American civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, and historian and he is noted as a key leader in the movement for Black liberation who has attempted virtually all the possible solutions to the β†’

Business ethics

The " the reception was generally favorable", and most people liked the new bus system over the old one. The third consequence of the scandal was the effect is had on GM's image.

Of shrouds and hidden motives

Indeed by conducting hearings that appeal to everyone's heart, they can shift the people's attention from the very core of the problem down to the ones that bob in and out of the social strata. It is indeed amazing how the writer combined pathos, logos, and ethos to succinctly and satirically convey his message and β†’

Peer reviews lesson plans

It may be easy to point out what is required of the plan in each section providing the rational for the same section could be a difficulty in many lesson plans. The reviewed lesson plans in this paper are the " Multicultural Lesson Plan" and the " Social Studies Differentiation Lesson Plan".

Christianity in the context of the times

Jesus in the Context of the Times Jesus in the context of the times came during the period of two Jewish factions, the Sadducees and Pharisees. The Pharisees believed in the oral tradition of the history of the Jews, which included the Ten Commandments and the first five chapters of the Bible.

The cask of amontillado

In the end, the Tell-Tale Heart also acknowledges the conscience within man by showing how the relentless heartbeat of the old man bothers the murderer. As opposed to The Tell-Tale Heart which tackles paranoia and guilt, the main theme of the story is revenge.

How social media have changed the world

How Social Media Have Changed the World al Affiliation How Social Media Have Changed the World Twitter is a social networking site whose mission is " to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers". The customer is buying perceived value of wellness through the information disclosed in the β†’

Nursing for 2011-12

Scholarship essay I have always cherished the dream to pursue a career in nursing due to the interest I have in serving patients. Hence, I kindly request you to grant me the scholarship and enable me to complete my studies in the nursing field.

My reflection

In the article Jeffrey Trawick-Smith highlights the different types of disabilities, their characters and the different approaches required to understand their magnitude in early childhood development. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 defined the critical aspects of the rights and benefits of people with disabilities.

Personal statement example

I have earned my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue School of Engineering and Technology in Indianapolis in which I secured a CGPA of 3. I chose to study the course of Financial Engineering at the University of Southern California because I see USC as a leader in the very field as well as β†’

Shane , by jack schaefer

of the of the Shane - Theme and Character Analysis The story revolves around Shane who is the main character of the story. Shane had loved the Starett family and everything was back to normal but he, being a man of his words leaves the town and the loving family behind.

What role should businesses play in solving social/environmental problems

Through the combination of input factors and the use of output, the business meets different needs of the society. In this respect, business ventures have a duty and capability to resolve some of the social issues directly or indirectly.

Public health and the law

The laws on insurance These laws ratified by the legislature necessitate the covers on the motor vehicles against accidents and the relevant liabilities connected to the incidence of the insured peril. The laws defined the relationship between the human, the motor vehicle, and the highway to reduce the possibilities of crashing.

Sediment dynamics on mixed beaches

The diagram in the paper helped further illustrate the physical process. Subtitles throughout the paper were also helpful in focusing the readers' attention.

Social science/social policy

Thematic Analysis of the Interviews The purpose of research is always in the evidence it produces, is it valid and does it relate to the hypothesis being tested We know that knowledge is presented by what we see and accumulate about what we think the answer may be and we know that in order to β†’

Historical words

This laid the foundation for a dynasty that was not accountable to anyone and this resulted in a rule that caused hardships for the masses until they rebelled and started the French Revolution which led to the killing and abolition of the French monarchy at the end of the 18th Century. This made the revolution β†’

Freed slaves

The concept of freedom for these families only meant that they were no longer owned by someone; they continued to live their lives in familiar places doing what they had always done. For them, the transition from slavery to freedom made little difference in how they eventually led their lives.

A theme related to ambition

The major theme in the play is the theme of ambition and it relates to the theme of temptation. In the play, ambition and temptation is developed throughout the play as Macbeth strives to make himself a king and prevent the occurrence of fate.

Andrew johnsons impeachment

The President has pardoned many of the top Confederate officers and generals, allowing former Confederate soldiers to vote without fully pledging allegiance to the Union, and other senseless acts. Now to top it off, the President blatantly and willfully broke the Tenure of Office Law, which requires all the President's cabinet members to be approved β†’

The best solution for pmi

It is therefore critical that the firm must employ intelligent technology to not track individual transactions but also the selling and buying patterns and behaviors of its members. In this regard, it is also critical that eBay must further refine its organizational business model to accommodate increasing demands and threats.

Nature vs. nurture

This paper briefly analyses the importance of nature and nurture in the development of a child. In short, both nature and nurture play an important role in the development of a child.


Your Full Your 21 February Anthropology As per Robin Kelley, by " conceiving black urban culture in thesingular", anthropologists or other social scientists and researchers generalize all African-Americans, lumping them together, so to speak, and giving the image that there is no complexity in the cultural practices and beliefs of the urban black population. For β†’

Assignment 4

According to the report published by Center for Disease Control and prevention, it can be viewed that the non-Hispanic whites are likely to possess better health condition as compared to the other group of population within the US. Therefore, with this concern, the primary objective of national health reform would be to provide effective healthcare β†’

Discussion questions

The steps I might take to repair and maintain the trust after the family is advised of your report As a professional, my role is to protect the rights of the child to the latter. Therapeutic letters and the family nursing unit: A legacy of advanced nursing practice.

Restorative justice policies in american criminal justice

On the other hand, restorative justice involves the victim, the offender and the community in a meaningful journey of healing, renewal, and recompense. The use of conditional sentences is justified when the courts embraced restorative justice as an approach to sentencing.

In cold blood section 3

They were then taken to the opposite sides of the jail and brought to trial. They were shown the evidence of the case which included Floyd's testimony and footprints found in Clutter's house.

Presidential election of 1796

It is because of his experience that I would have voted for Adams over Jefferson. It is for these reasons that I would have voted for Adams over Jefferson.

Indian raw honey as a green product

Indian Raw Honey as a Green Product Indian honey has sustainable demand both in domestic and global market. The World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting.

Leadership principles

I would employ the principle of team work and cooperate with others in discussions and academic tour. In case of any conflicts in the course of my education process, I would employ the principle of good problem solving skills to ensure that the situation is well handled.c.

The historical jesus

However, Jesus explained to them that he is not sent in the world to destroy the law but to fulfill it. The message of Jesus is contained in the parables that He speaks and in His sermons.

The chicago manual of style online

The MLA has the page number for the references and the MLA also has no cover page. APA documentation requires a shortened title and page number on each page in the running header.

Overcoming the challenges faced in job interviews

The three things that I intend to do are: create an interview script that would be like a guideline to keep me focused, relate the topic of discussion to my skill area and the job profile, and try to stay calm and relaxed. As a result, I cannot project my talent and skill to prospective β†’

Criminal procedure ( 1)

Harris Kamran Law Case Studies 24 October Due process of law According to the U.S.constitution, the term due process of law can be defined as the nature of the law and the reason for its implementation. In the case of Brown v.

Using disputants metaphor in mediation by thomas h. smith

Similarly, when the mediator adopts a metaphor that " being in a conflict in not being in a war", then the parties will strive to make an assumption and find a solution to their problem. I agree with the author, over these two claims, that police are frequently called to solve even minor conflicts, in β†’

Technology in upstream industry: the of exxon mobil

In 2005 it announced that it was able to develop an " optimization process that consistently reduces the time required to drill oil and gas wells by up to 35%". The technology has significantly increased drilling rates and reduced downtimes as it uses of real-time, computer analysis of the drilling system's energy consumption.

Donatos new product development

Testing refers to evaluating the qualities of the new product to meet the standards of the company. The change in the market and tracking of the new product is also monitored by the workers.

Celebrating halloween

On the one hand, Americans are very pious, and they are the nation of believers, but on the other hand Halloween, notwithstanding the fact that the official Church condemns it, is really widely spread in the society. However, in order to answer this question, it is important to have a look at how the feast β†’

Pwc job opportunities

The student may apply for positions advertised by the organization as posted in the school's career centre. How to Apply for a Job at PWC The student may apply for positions advertised by the organization as posted in the school's career centre.

Reliability and validity in human services reseach

Discriminant validity and convergent validity, as well as external validity are all indicators of the value of a test, and should be considered when evaluating any research in human services or otherwise. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Perceived Social Competence Scale are examples of data collection instruments that may be used in a β†’

Writing a response letter to the author

Nonetheless, I would still appreciate your guidance on the matter as your views are principal in the matter. Your cooperation in the subject of editing your article is highly esteemed and I am willing to effect any changes you will authorize.


The Rise of Neo-Conservatism in the 1970s Neo-conservatism is an ideology which has been gaining more and more popularity in the modern United s, but where did it come from, and why? The 1970s neo-conservatism was also a reaction to the liberal counterculture of the 1960s.

Steelworker by trudy pax farr

She was assigned to work as a burner in BOP. As a ladle liner she has to help in building the floor and wall of firebrick inside the ladle.

My kinsman, major molineux by nathaniel hawthorne

Such include the expansive use of the moonlight background in the introduction and the successive artificial sources of light such as the torches and bulbs hanging out of the shops and shopping malls. In this discourse, the analysis is on the basic use of light to illuminate scenes as the author narrates the short story.

Wall in and the lives of others

Its first erection was done during the hours of the night and it was seen to curb the fleeing of Germans from the East to the West. The fall of this Berlin wall, which was rather quick happened due to the weakening of the Communist bloc and the eventual disagreement of the citizens from the β†’

Business organization

A limited liability company is a type of business ownership combining several features of corporations and partnership structures, but is neither a corporation nor a partnership. One of the benefits of an LLC is the limited liability characteristic of a corporation.

650 questions 1 and 2

Because a corporation usually has most of the legal advantages of a person and is considered to be " citizen of its ofincorporation", quoting the textbook, it stands to reason that the firm would also be held to the same standards when it comes to illegal activity. But a look at the trends coming for β†’

A taste of honey

The storyline focuses on the life of the women and their problems in the setting of the 1950s. The play shows the nuances and miseries of the nuclear family and the lack of male support in the women's' lives.

W.e.b. du bois

Forty years after gaining freedom from slavery and nothing has changed in the work area, the culture or even the liberty of the people. They still feel like rejects and their work not taken as seriously as that of the white people is taken.

Asian americans small business participation

Asian Americans' Small Business Participation Asian immigrants who own large number of small business in America contribute significantly to the economy of the nation. The family loving nature and cultural traditions of Asian immigrants encourage them to engage in their own small sector businesses with the participation of family members and relatives.

Christopher columbuss 1493 expedition

At first, he was cheerful and felt like he was on top of the world. For this reason, he believed that he was the chosen one because of his discoveries.

Meditations on first philosophy

Descartes goes on to say that the proof should be so certain as to rival the certainty of geometry and that just because the originator of an idea may not be perfect, it does not mean that a characteristic of the idea itself is not perfection. Averroes asserted that the individual portion of the soul β†’

Film blade runner: how humans create themselves and the machines that mimic their imperfections

The replicants in the movie serve as a mirror, or a reflection of the wrongdoings done by humanity for their own survival not minding the impact that their actions might create to those people who do not wish to live a life that is full of complexities. In the movie, the main reason why the β†’

Medieval history significance

There are at least five major events which fall into this category: The so called " Great Schism" of 1056, the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, the wave of Crusades that started in France in 1095, the formation of the Hanseatic league in Germany throughout the 1100s and the signing of the Magna Carta β†’

Fluency reading plan

Reading Fluency Unit As an overview of the Unit of 5 lessons on Reading Fluency, it is important to that reading fluency is " the accurate and rapid naming or reading of letters, sounds, words, sentences or passages".. In the 5 lessons, the foundation of students in early grades reading skills serve as the starting β†’

African american co-culture

Speech and dialect differences between the African Americans and other subcultural communities in the US become more evident in the social and public situations than informal situations. Having heard my family members talk like that as I grew up, I can identify with this style of talking and it has become part of our identity β†’

Slip & fall

The store procedure is such that cleanliness and hygiene must be ensured at all times and placing the wet floor sign is in accordance with such undertakings which the store is indeed following. Now it is up to the customers to make sure that they understand how to follow the rules as the wet floor β†’

Payroll and account reconciliation

The function of the software is to manage payroll, absence and time as well as attendance of the employees at the workplace. Conclusion It can be concluded that with the use of QuickBooks Payroll and Kronos Workforce Central, organizations are able to manage data and calculate payroll taxes effectively.

Danforth donnalley laundry products company integrative problem

NPV = /{123 } Initial Investment Initial investment = 2, 000, 000 + 500, 000 = 2, 500, 000 Rate of Discount = 10% PV factor, year 1 = 1/ ^1 0. 5 8 315, 000 0.

The impact of european influence on the sioux and iroquois nations

The Impact of European Influence on the Sioux and Iroquois Nations Prior to the discovery of the " New World" by European explorers, Native Americans of many different tribes and nations inhabited the land. The land of the Iroquois was rich in a variety of natural resources which were traded within the Nation as well β†’

Occupational safety and health administration

The mission of the OSHA is to make sure all workers are safe, and that the conditions of the work place are as well. The OSHA has over 200 offices across the country, and uses the available staff to help work places adhere to the strict standards and work codes that the OSHA puts forward.

Self-declared engineering specialty: motorbike repair engineer

One of the greatest achievements in the field of aeronautical engineering is the creation of the X-47B future drone. Yet another disadvantage of taking mechatronics engineering is the risks associated with creating and working with dangerous machines.

The business benefits of visa debit cards

A Visa debit card is not a Visa Credit card. The Visa debit card enables an individual to make the payment from his/her personal money via the Visa network.

Tv industry – factors in change, changing face of the industry

The television industry has not been left out in these changes and has suffered a considerate change, forcing the industry to restructure its systems and change their strategies so as to keep up the trend. These factors include; the threat of new entrants in the market, bargaining power of the suppliers, bargaining power of the β†’

State of economy before the civil war and its grounds

Conclusion Personal Reflections Civil War in Liberia Prior to the 14-year civil war in Liberia, Liberians used to look forward to an even improved quality of living with the knowledge and experience of an economy that flourished with the help of industries in iron ore mining and natural rubber which had since brought in enhanced β†’

Kelly virtual school

Defined as the number of dollars that will be spent in maintaining the cameras, lighting bulbs, and sensor gadgets. More is better.$ 1000 Analysis COA 12 failed the criteria because it will exceed the $5000 limit Conclusion The course of action for putting lighting in the rear doors did not meet the criteria regarding cost β†’

First aid treatment for burns, cuts, fractures

In the event of the burn, ensure the fire is put off and the patient safe from it. In the first aid of 3rd-degree burns, washing the burnt surface with cold water, cleaning it dry, then dressing it.

Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for egregious violations. your response should be approximately 200-300 words and include a reference citation for your sources

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules on egregious violations might result in multi-million penalties for employers because instead of combining the violations and issuing an aggregate penalty for such violations, the OSHA now issues separate penalties per violation. Egregious violations are serious violations.