Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Sakru japan

Through the cultural program, intercultural problems in the company would be solved through cross-cultural training. The problem of inconsistency among employees' productivity is a major cultural problem that would be solved through the cultural training program.

Mock teacher interview on assessment

I would tell the in the start of the lecture that I would be asking questions randomly from any student I like, and would actually do that while teaching. In order to tell slow learners from the fast ones, a teacher should invite the students to reply the questions voluntarily.

Country analysis ( germany )

Introduction The report herein gives an insight on how Germany has proved to be a significant influence of business in the global platform. The report looks at the value of exports compared to the imports concentrating more on the exports contribution to the county's Gross Domestic Product.

Bul case study

Of it is not particularly effective, however, to have them and then ignore because this defeats the purpose of having the regulations in the first place. On the hand, it is simply not enough to have regulations and not follow them.

The sampling methods

The main difference between the two types of sampling methods concerns the basic assumptions that researchers tend to make when assessing the nature of the population under study. The other type of non-probability method is convenience sampling.

International marketing plan part 2

The skate sales have increased drastically in the last couple of years and the distribution within and outside the country has doubled as well. The main reason in such a reduction in the share is the increase in the new entrants in the market.

Course project week 1

Despite much criticism, hydraulic fracturing has affected the economy in a number of positive ways. Techno-economic analysis of water management options for unconventional natural gas developments in the Marcellus Shale.


Human Development Theories Psychoanalytic theory postulates that a person's development is characterized by three key parts, whichinclude ego, superego and id. This theory postulates that early stages of human development through the adolescent stage are highly determined by nurture and nature aspects in relation to the socialization process.

Eritrean refugees

Teacher Eritrean Refugees Situation Eritrea is bordered by the Sudan on the north and west, the Red Sea on the north and east, and Ethiopia and Djibouti on the south. The vested interest of the world powers were in supporting the actions of Ethiopia therefore the voice of Eritrea received no attention.

The intriguing world of soccer

In soccer, anything can happen and all the enthusiasm, spirit and energy involved in the game make the blood of the men rush to their brains. The world cup is the largest sports event in the world, which showcases soccer as a game and the future world cup is being hosted by Qatar in 2022.

Stan sewall case

Primarily the general investors, creditors, Stan Sewall, the law firm and the customers can be harmed. When the law catches up with Stan Sewall, he, the law firm, the third party and the customers would all be harmed for trying their hand at cheating.

Landing on the moon

Despite being the first spacecraft to reach the moon, it was the second to be launched in the direction of the moon after the unsuccessful Luna 1. The reaching of man to the moon was another milestone in the exploration of the moon.

Power the structure of conflict

Abuse of power can be dealt with if the mediator is talented in communication skills, in listening to both the parties, and in reducing the verbal or emotional bullying from the powerful party. But since, Roland wants to use his power therefore he is less understanding and is imposing his decisions upon the others.

Separation of church and state

Separation of Church and Define the concept of " separation of church and Separation of Church and is one of the governing principles under the Constitution of the United States, which forbids any interference of religion in affairs of the state. At the time of the inclusion of this provision in the American constitution, it β†’

Aafia siddiqui – terrorist – future recommendations

In this case, the best rehabilitation method for Aafia Siddiqui is a rehabilitation program that is aimed at reducing the Jihadist or anti-Western rhetoric. An analysis of the terrorist rehabilitation program developed in Saudi Arabia indicates that it is the perfect location and place to rehabilitate Aafia Siddiqui from her terrorist tendencies.

How to reform the united nations security council

The United Nations Security Council holds a very important position in the stance of peace in the world. The " efforts" in the form of resolutions presented by the United Nations Security Council holds the terms of peace.

Three major causes of soil erosion

Sheet erosion is caused by the effect of rainfall on the surface soil. The roots of plants and trees on slopes contribute in reducing the effects of erosion by holding on to the surface soil.

What is redistricting

Redistricting is a form of governance that is concerned about the transfer of authority from central governance to local or counties that have certain geographical power. Redistricting as seen in the newly created districts is a good form of governance since it includes allocation of power and equal distribution of resources/devolution to the people at β†’

How would the us political scenario have been changed if lincoln had not been killed and how were the unfriendly relations of the rebel states tied with the constitution

The author showcases that personalities of Lincoln and Johnson to be contrasting as the former was open-minded and the latter was stubborn and racist. The author states that the rebel states have lost connection with the government because of their illicit actions and is in a dead state.

Rhode island v. innis, 446 u.s. 291, stewart j case

Innis himself confessed the crime because of a discussion among the police officers by showing the police officers the shotgun that he used for robbing. The Court found the respondent guilty without violation of his Miranda Rights.

Best practices in health and safety communication

The web page indicates that the Occupational Safety and Health act as enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or an OSHA-approved State Plan requires that employers are in compliance with safety and health standards that are hazard specific. Principles of fluid selection which provides details on how to obtain safety and health information β†’

The entertainment aspects of computers

In a highly evolving world of technology, creative innovations have found their way into the human way of life, with computers considered the most important in the history. Retrieved from " The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer in Human Life"

Child psychology

Although non-parental child care facilities are becoming more of an indispensable option, it is however necessary to keep in view the positive and negative impacts of such facilities on the children. This is regardless of the child care quality, socioeconomic status of the children's families and attachment between the mother and child.

What would you do if youi won 200 million dollar lottery

In winning 200 million dollars one of the first things I would recognize is that I need to preserve some sort of structure within my life. While I do not believe that I would keep working the same job I would attempt to preserve many of the aspects of my current life.

Discussion 1

Culture, as I would define it in relation to the world cultures cyber journeys is the differences in the way of people's lives, and their believes on the various things that they practice in their daily lives. Both the western and the eastern people share in a number of ways.

Drugs in the uk

When a person is caught in possession of an illegal drug, the charge depends on the quantity of the drug, the type of drug, the age of the offender and whether the person is a first offender or not. Home Office Research Study, 224: pp 5-17.

How health care reform will benefit hispanic americans

In order to observe these trends, the US Department of Health Services has established an agency known as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. This finding can be perfectly illustrated in this example where the agency revealed that patients of lower socioeconomic status will be less likely to receive essential diabetic service and thus β†’

Business law

The court was right for refusing Canopy's evidence as it was not part of the written contract. Despite Canopy not being a party to the written contract, it went ahead to give this evidence.

Legitimate businesses

These are some of the most significant reasons behind the improper role of the organized crime making its mark under the aegis of the legitimate businesses in the time and age of today3. What is most worrisome is the fact that the mafias keep on getting increased with the passage of time and the legitimate β†’

Interpersonal attraction

But it was not the case actually; rather, I wanted to spend most of my time in the world of literature, colors, and imagination. I was one of the spectators when I found my class-teacher in a perplexed state.

Contract law

The language of the contract is suffice to identify the mutual intent of the parties in a case where the language used is definite and clear. One of the rules is the Plain Meaning Rule, which connects contract terms interpretation to the subjective notions of a Judge of the meaning of the words and deter β†’

Hollywood ten

This grew the main focus of the committee on the on the only ten members that were German emigre playwright Bertolt Brecht. This led the HUAC to investigate the group more and place a tab on all the members of the group.

Mechanical properties of chassis

Mechanical properties of chassis What is the purpose of chassis in the car? The chassis structure is supported by wheels and Tyre components, which hold the grip of the road and the car.

Electronic arts games

It is world-renowned developer marketer, publisher and distributer of video games and is prominent for promoting designers and programmers responsible for the production of these games. At present, EAs sports games are the most successful products such as Harry Potter, Need for Speed, Medal of Honor, The Sims, Battlefield and the later games in the β†’

Epilepsy – causes, seizures, and treatment

The cell membrane of neurons is also suggested to cause epilepsy due to an abnormality in the inwards and outwards movement of molecules or in the process of repair and nourishment of cell membrane. Besides disruption in the neurological circuits, genes are also suggested to be a cause of epilepsy which is further enhanced due β†’

Civil and criminal punishments

The types of remedies available in civil courts depend on several factors such as the type of claims made, the authority of the court, the defendant's conduct and the harm that has been suffered or may be suffered. Conclusion As seen in the essay, there is a difference between criminal law and civil law.

Attention deficits in schizophrenia

During the experiment answers of the participants and time taken to answers were recorded to the nearest millisecond. However, the correlation between white matter and impaired cognitive functions in schizophrenia patients was not clearly understood.

The domestic craft of knitting

Phillips continued to create masterpieces of art throughout her career and was awarded a fellowship of the American Craft Council in recognition of her merit. Her career has inspired a lot of followers to take up knitting as an art form.


They belong to the sub-order odontocetes of the order cetacea and are classified under the biggest and the most diverse family of this order the family Delphinidae, which comprises more than thirty existing species. Dolphins are usually gray in color and their backs are darker than other parts of their bodies.

Close reading: the key episode of beowulf

I take the passage from Beowulf in which an ageing Beowulf fights a dragon beginning with " Pouring forth in a hot battle-fume, the breath of the monster burst from the rock" and ending at " For the son of Ecgtheow, it was no easy thing to have to give ground like that and go β†’


It was a symposium wherein one of the government ministers was delivering a speech with regards to sustaining the economic performance of the country. Its population is small and the dynamics of the relationship within its society is easily recognized because of it.

Home work

Philosophical The author's reference to the wearisome style of the current elegies where a " feeling of despondency has consumed all else" brings in a discussion of romance without mentioning this term. About literature and contemporary culture in Pushkin life, literary characters, and genres The vagueness of genre highlighted in the subtitle in sustained in β†’

Summary the lecture

Although the religious is considered to be one of the most followed religious around the globe, it has been viewed that the people who follows the practise are faced with numerous challenges regarding their identity and other aspects. It can be argued that Jewish people in many parts of the world are under served.

Environmental science

According to the encyclopedia of public health, demography is defined as the study of changes in population and this means entrance into population through fertility, mortality, migration and the effects of these processes on the makeup, growth and the size of the population. In this stage the birth rates and death rates are low and β†’

Business administration in finance – resume/cv example

I am convinced that I am moving in the right direction owing to my background and skills. I believe that the information you gave will help me make great advancements in my profession and career.

Auditors responsibility for detecting fraud

The Act hopes to establish sweeping reforms in Audit reporting in order to bring back the confidence of investors to the financial investments. Reuters carried news report that the accounting firm of Ernest & Young helped to hide financial problems of Lehman Brothers that led to its downfall Ernest Young was motivated to commit fraud β†’

Importance of managing the firms weighted average cost of capital (wacc)

Importance of managing the firm's weighted average cost of capital The WACC of a firm is the best indicator of its profitability. If the cost of capital of a company is high, or it has a high WACC, the chances of its success are lower.


Theories of Personality Theories of Personality The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is one of the common tests that the globe relies on in analyzing different personalities. This paper will examine the personality types of Martin Luther and Opra Winfrey and offer a comparison of their personality traits to that of the self.

Development styles in psychology

The development of the brain and the body of the foetus will highly depend on the woman bearing the child. The eventualities to this kind of parenting is children with absolutely no self-esteem and control over their lives.

Gary kulesha

of the of the Gary Kulesha Gary Kulesha is a very famous in the list of composers. In 2002, he took part in the international Double Reed Convention and co-directed Chamber Orchestra Program of the new Banff centre.

Lessons the u.s system should learn from the swedish model

In the Sweden model, their programs use the universal and the social insurance system in the old system and universal system in the new systems. Earnings-related to the old-age, the old system gives to age 65 covering at least 3 years.

Session long project module 5 total rewards (usaa insurance company)

Here the company will be able integrate the organizational culture, business strategy and also the human resources strategy and draw them towards one main focus, i.e.the total rewards system which focuses on includes all aspects like the compensations, benefits, work life, recognition and performance of the employees and also the overall development and career opportunities. β†’

What issues were resolved by the compromise of 1850 who benefited more from its terms, the north or the south why

Why? Slavery became the most significant point of division between the Northern States, and those in the South and the Compromise of 1850 was intended to resolve this issue, and thus also other potential sources of potential conflict between North and South. The Southern States, represented in the feelings of John Calhoun, felt as if β†’

Working with employees

Since employee behavior affects the output and image of an organization directly or indirectly, it is important to ensure that behavior is checked for excellence. They also point out undesirable behavior in order to correct it and yet improve the image and productivity of an organization.

Eplain lenski

Lenskis Theory of Social Evolution Lenski mainly focused on the cultural and the social elements of the society ensuring that he maintained evolutionary perspective macro sociology. He viewed the society as something of a particular process of transition and change involving some level of transmission, innovation and technological advances.

The reason for the crisis

The Reason of the Crisis I believe that if there's to blame for the United s financial crisis, these would be the policies that the U.S.government had taken. The " easy money" policy can be said to have contributed to the U.S.crisis but cannot be blamed solely for what happened." Easy money" policy created the β†’

Therapeutic approaches

In this sense, disabled people of often strive to act out of wishes of other people and the mere fact that they are used to doing it over a long period they often face a major challenge of determining their real self. Terminally ill people, unlike healthy people, are always faced with the biggest challenge β†’

Cause and effect

By the time the party was over, he was heavily intoxicated and was not even in the state to drive. He was not in a very conscious and alert state and did not realize when he crossed the speed limits.

The effects of alcohol on teenage

The Effects of Alcoholism teenagers Owing to its legality, alcohol is ubiquitous in many societies around the world and many individuals engage in alcohol consumption. Seeking to explore the ramifications of alcohol use and abuse teenagers within society, the following will analyze the negative ramifications of teenage alcohol use.

Crjs420 u1ip

Clearly his father was on the wrong side of the law and needed to be apprehended, for the sake of justice. Normative ethics on the other hand, is based on determination of our moral behavior's content and theories of normative ethical nature seek to offer action-guides processes for responding to what one ought to do.

The love song of j alfred prufrock by t.s. elliot

Modernism and the development of a city culture brought with it feelings of losing ones self, and many writers began to question the previous ideas of a society and how to function within it. The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock is a perfect example of Modernist Literature because it brings into question the ways β†’

Family story associated with historical events in the 19th century

The cases of racial segregation were very intense in those days, this was a law that was passed from the 1880s to the mid-1960s, most of the African American found it hard to cooperate and feel like they were part of the system, my grandfather explained. While in the military, he got encouraged, he even β†’

Financial article summary

Despite these, there have been opportunities to focus on soy and organic food products due to increased consumer demand and growth potentials related to increased consumer confidence in the health benefits of soy and organic foods. Investment Opportunity With opportunities in the organic food and soy products, Dean Foods has been focusing on making investments β†’

Conflict vs. symbolic interactionist grudge match

The apparent oppression by the ruling elite in Syria in terms of economic and social status is an example of interests that spurred the conflict. This is in the sense that Syrians' perspective of their political leadership changed over time with respect to their leaders.

Code of ethics

Your hair or face, going to the bathroom, or any other contact with yourself or another person, the person should immediately wash their hands. Putting up signs for the employees to remind them to pull back their hair, and remove any visible piercing such as from the nose, eyebrow, lip, or tongue.

Hamlet act 5 scene 1

The death of Ophelia becomes a real tragedy for her family and Hamlet. The evolution of the emotional perception of the world and values is depicted through the state of grief and madness.

Udl solutions plan: step four

The aim of UDL solutions plan is to design learning solutions that will integrate the needs of kids like Chris who has reading difficulty and unwillingness to follow instructions. Conclusion The UDL Solutions, namely: books on laptops, social activities and educational games focuses on enhancing the learning processes of the learner.


Uninformed parents choose the abortion option at the first sign of there being an abnormality with their unborn baby, causing a major decline in the birth rates of babies with abnormalities such as Down Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis. The author further says that cystic fibrosis is no longer the threat it was once considered, thanks β†’

Urinary system

URINARY AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM URINARY SYSTEM The urinary system is a part of the excretory system in the body that removes toxic materials in the form of urine. Kidneys and the associated organs are responsible for the control of the amount of water, blood volume and salts in the body.

Health promotion planning background

Health Promotion Planning Background Health promotion is an important element in health care and refers to enabling people to increase the control over and to improve their health. The seven areas of responsibility of health education specialists relate to asset needs, assets and capacity of health education, planning health education, implementing health education, conducting evaluation β†’

Clive wearing

Virus that damages the brain causes the amnesic condition and causes holes in the brain, and then interferes with the normal functioning of the brain. Clive have retained the long-term memory because he can recognize his wife of whom he has had a long relationship with, a few relations, childhood family and facts about childhood β†’

Case study

Significance: The Barr v Bernhard case served as a catalyst for the human rights movement to have the legislature change statutes that do not correlate with the legislative's intents in a constitution. The court held that suspending students from public schools without a hearing was in violation to the due process clause, stipulated in the β†’

Reflection on aspergers college

Running head: Reflection A Personal Reflection on Aspergers College First and The purpose of this paper is to reflect on my personal experience with the project of implementing and designing a College for Aspergers students. By looking at how this college will help the students with: career and professional education, personal development, and the student's β†’

President obama’s innauguration address

Response 2 The philosophy of collective action to meet the challenges of time is integral to the inaugural address of President Obama. He is actually referring to the realistic values of American democratic process that is able to acknowledge change and innovate to ensure the fundamental values of freedom and equality to the people.

History about elizabethan theatre

William Shakespeare's Influence on the Elizabethan Theater History The history of the Elizabethan Theater can be traced to the time period, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Shakespeare influenced the Elizabethan Theater by determining the theme of the plays, drama and other performance as well as the role of different people in the theatre.

Reimagining the ottoman legacy by orhan pamuk

Assignment, English In the chapter " Reimagining the Ottoman Legacy" a detailed analysis/review of " The Art of the Book as Blasphemy: My name is Red" by Orhan Pamuk is made. Mention is also made about the book " Hallide Edib's Gendering of Ottoman Modernity: The Clown and His Daughter and the author makes it β†’

Exercise & activitiy

I had little vitamins yesterday, so today I endeavored to compensate for the short today. I also watched TV in the evening, and afterwards assisted my mother to wash the utensils after dinner.

Investment strategies

Buffett states that forty dollars in 1919 is quite different from forty dollars in the current world.he states that despite the rise in inflation, rise in the price of sugar, the world war and the great depression that targeted the financial market investigating in the coca cola company was still the best idea as the β†’

The history of communication media

Effect of Advancements in Communication Media Friedreich Kittler focuses on an analysis of the scientific history of media tools, and he criticizes the formal model of communication. The move from writing to media led to the separation of the arts of communication and storage of information.

Arguments for and against abortion

Thus, considering that a fetus does not have the capacity to solve problems on its own, and considering that a fetus does not have the ability to make independent decisions that are devoid of external control, then, it does not qualify to be a human being. Therefore, he argues that it is morally wrong to β†’

I’m a manager in a large global manufacturing

Changes in Management in the Modern Times Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Changes in Management in the Modern Times Globalization and the consequent transformation of the nature of economies in the modern world have caused several changes in business concepts and their applications in the β†’

The bbc version of hamlet

So overall this scene is one in which the drama of Hamlet is seen as internal, as it will continue to be for the rest of the play. Branagh also sets the film in an actual castle, and there is the vast expense of the mountains, apparently real fog and the sound of an angry β†’

Malaria in africa

Malaria In Africa The author of the article has defined malaria as overtly dreadful disease. Describing the victims in the introduction had provided a perfect description of how bad the disease had afflicted Africa.

Fun with math at home

Help your child look for numbers 1 to 100 in the newspaper. Have your child say the numbers to you and practice counting up to that number.

Job loss: how to cope

While making this decision, I would think of my children's education and my family's welfare. If I decide to go back to college to get a degree, it will certainly affect my children's future as I will not have sufficient funds to take care of my family.

Religious culture

Basing on my faith and culture, the paper below gives the details obtained from is an interview with a Native Arab and a Muslim who I meet on her way to the mosque while on tour of Maryland. The The lady was age 38 coming from the Arabic race natively from Yemen and classified into β†’

Answer sheet for hd4

Answer to Question 2: Mean is the average of a set of data collected. Answer to Question 9: Collect data of the preferences for the students and establish the standard deviation.

Psychological development

Psychological Development during Puberty Puberty has a lot of influence on the psychological development of an individual. Although they have a lot of tendency to be impulsive, yet the teenagers in the stage of puberty develop a sophisticated reasoning ability and they can develop opinions more maturely than children in the stage before puberty.

Discussion 4.1

Incorporating the writing process in assignment delivery Incorporating the writing process in assignment delivery The writing process involves the stages taken by a writer in the aim of developing a study delivering information to the intended audience in the right, form, and structure to meet the desired purpose. Incorporating the writing process in professional writing β†’

The patriots victory at saratoga

of the of the HIST101 American History to 1877 The Patriots Victory at Saratoga The Revolutionary war was one of the greatest battles that that have ever been fought in America. The Battle of Saratoga was a long struggle of the British army to take control over the Hudson River.

Juvenile justice

The third grouping of juvenile substance users is the group that spends an inordinate amount of time obtaining drugs or alcohol however, is still able to function within society. The fourth group of juvenile alcohol and drug users is the hard core user who is unable to function within society, and may present a much β†’

Leadership and performance in the workplace

Leadership and management affiliation Leadership and management Most people consider leadership and management as relates concepts, and often falls as victims of using the words interchangeably. It is based on the power vested in a person, and the ability to be called a boss.

Mid-life crisis

Mid-life Crisis: Mid-life crisis refers to the observed phenomenon of depression, low motivation and lack of purpose seen in the middle of adult lives. Mid-life Career Crisis: the Case of Frank.

Changing gender dynamic

The name Hillary is commonly used by a male and a female in the above case. It is impossible for a male to become a female or vice versa by the standardization of gender usages in languages.

Public health

Surveillance is an important element of modern public health and as such, the lack of surveillance systems for chronic diseases has led to an unprecedented increase of these diseases around the world. This paper will therefore articulate the contribution of modern public health and clinical practices towards treatment and prevention of chronic diseases.