Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Private unions

Coherence between employers and employees is realized from balancing their powers in the actual environment of interaction. Unions, alongside other functional ways, are used to empower workers. Due to the fact that the government monitors the welfare of both employees and employers in the various labor markets in the economy, legislations that seek to strengthen β†’

Hand gestures as non-verbal language complementing the oral speech

As a teacher, when you are communicating with the students, hand gestures play a vital role in ensuring that the learners get a somehow real image of what you are teaching. The two different processes are usually done at the same time and are meant to pass a common message, as they simply reinforce each β†’


Austerity Package An austerity package is a set of policies introduced to cut the government expenditure and increase the revenue to minimize the budget deficit. This investment is a key factor in the calculation of the gross domestic product and such a measure will indirectly decrease the GDP of the economy with the β†’

Gender and development

The brunt of the consequences of the difference in gender is mostly borne by the females be it in the private or even the workspace. But because of gender differences, the amount that they earn is different as is in the case in Bhutan.

Economy in the gulf countries

Economy in the Gulf countries: Oil and gas are the biggest and the fundamental sources of revenue for all of the Gulf countries. This accompanied with the fact that all of them except for Saudi Arabia, have considerably smaller populations of indigenous people as compared to other countries of the world, makes the supply far β†’


Communication # Question Cross-sex friendships face a challenge of identifying the type of emotional bond that the friends should share. Male friends rarely disclose their intimate self and friendships are not that intimate and therefore do not develop strong bonds. # Question 5 Female-female friendships are characterized by voluntary relations between the friends.

Suppy and demand

Duopoly is the condition when there are two sellers; and oligopoly comprises more than two sellers but limited to that of perfect competition. The role of economists The role of an economist is highly important in an economy. In order to promote an appropriate market system, one has to identify various factors such as β†’

Chapter one

General reduced demand for guide services, at least in the short run, explains this as the number of fishers will reduce by greatly. Introduction of a new and captivating movie about fly-fishing is likely to reduce demand, regardless of lowered price, because of increased competition from the substitute. Question 2: Costs and benefits Costs β†’


However, with a promising market later in natural gas prices it is advisable to change the purchases in the end after ten years of the speculated changes with the company maintaining both diesel oil and natural gas trucks. In economics, the speculation of changes in the supply and demand levels as different factors that affect β†’

Global ecology and shadow of development at liberating the world from development by wolfgang sachs

Thus, it was during the 1980s that the ascent of a worldwide environmental cognizance was communicated by numerous voices, all regretting the dangers to the world's biosphere and the offense to the eras to come. Until and unless we try and stop ourselves, we will have to face nature's fury at some point in the β†’

Environmental concern in indiana

With the inability to meet care costs, quality of life is likely to deteriorate and escalate problems that could arise from the scarcity of food or the use of chemically processed foods. This could also lead to a high mortality rate, especially among poor members of the society who have been relying on crop farming β†’

International economics

Depreciation refers to the decrease in a country's exchange rate while appreciation is the decrease in a country's exchange rate. The above graph shows that an increase in the Canadian dollar value leads to a corresponding decrease in the value of the Icelandic Krona.

Earthquakes in the county of utah

Assignment education The life science research to be explored in this assignment is the frequent striking of earthquakes in the County of Utah. 5. Despite the danger of earthquakes that Utah County is exposed to, residents of the area should be taught precautions to take to reduce the hazard.


Government Deficit Define the concepts of total government deficit and primary government deficit These are concepts applied in analysing the fiscal policy of a country and refer to the deficit that excludes interest payable which is incurred from the government expenditure. The budgets are designed in a way that they fit within the limits of β†’

The developing child

If this stage is successful, the child gains a feeling of autonomy whereas it leads to shame and doubt in case of failure. The key relationships children have in this stage are with the neighbors and school community while engaging in sporting and academic activities. Stage Five This is the adolescence stage of between β†’

Supply and demand

Supply and Demand Demand is the will of the consumer to purchase or consume a product or service. For example, if the price of a substitute good or service decreases, then it is likely to lead to decrease in the quantity demanded for a specific good or service.

Urban economics homework

Therefore, it is not possible that all the 50 residents can have the same level of utility. c) Capitalization causes the equilibrium, and the price per unit housing may differ following the fact that, equilibrium between the two jurisdictions, and poor households are the majority in the inner parts of an urban area where they β†’

Business process outsourcing

Outsourcing in the US In the United States of America, outsourcing has become a subject of great concern and debate. To the outsourcing business, it is evident that the benefits of outsourcing far outweigh the disadvantages.

Global economic and political development in relation to gender inequality

There as well as the need to describe women not in relation to what they are directly contributing to the global economy but also in other non-competitive facets of social life. There is a need to empower not only the women but the marginalized as well as have them participate in political social and economic β†’


Monopoly Problems of water scar The demand of water is more than its supply because of the rapid growth in human population. As a result, there has been a lot of destruction of water reservoirs in the ecosystem. Tension over water control The global water crisis has resulted in tension in countries having a β†’

Existing nuclear power plants may be renewable energys best friend by pere kelly-detwiler

Since the currently available alternatives to nuclear energy are carbon-emitting, Kelly-Detwiler proposes a reconsideration of closing down nuclear power plants in the US. This is an important article as it fosters the need for balance between the need to resort to emergent cheaper energy sources but which are carbon-emitting and the need to β†’

Corporate debt in india

Corporate debt in India From this article it can be learnt that, due to the reducing in the inflation level in India the government through the ministry of finance and the reserved Bank of India, have decided to maintain the banks interest rates at 8%. Also, the Indian government is looking for a way of β†’

Learning journal focus

In this section, an individual can enter his portfolio name and delete the preset tag lines of the blog and some cookies and may be write your own citation. Thirdly, one can use the general settings so as to select a " Theme". There are other things that one can do to improve the appearance β†’

The relative cost of money

The opportunity costs of earning a college degree will be the time and effort that could be spent elsewhere. The costs that will be considered will be the opportunity cost of your time and the cost of traveling. In simple words, you will have to consider both the explicit costs and implicit costs (which are β†’

It is a discussion post about ocean fisheries sustainability

Some destructive practices should hence be banned round the globe so as to protect all ocean habitats and salvage the lives of the fish. With a familiarity of the threats to ocean fisheries sustainability, it is, therefore, essential to act towards working on them so as to change the face of the fishing industry.

Domestic finance and microfinance

Poor people are lucky with the emergence of MFIs in the market as their requirements are simple as compared to those of their counterparts in the banking industry. They also help them people in understanding the need to do savings through their training forums.

Discussion unit 3 social problems

This includes the family members, friends and the society on the whole. The important question is even with the increasing awareness regarding drug addiction and the threats of it, why do people still get addicted and destroy the so many lives attached to them including themselves. The story is told by a sister who lost β†’

The impact of the dollar depreciation on the u.s. economy

This would make U.S.goods expensive for foreign consumers and equate the depreciating dollar advantage of the U.S. Furthermore, the U.S.economy can benefit a lot if depreciation in the dollar helps to increase exports and decrease imports. That is; a rise in dollar value decreases the price of oil, whereas a fall in the U.S.

Weather and climate: a brief introduction by g. tyler miller

WEATHER AND CLIMATE In the article " Weather and Climate: A Brief Introduction" G. Miller indicates the main reasons and patterns of both weather and climate change.

Sydney as an efficient department of health

Despite the sea being the main driver of the economy, 60% of the employees work in the service sector. In the past, Sydney had higher unemployment rates in comparison to the national average and other regions of Nova Scotia. Language and Ethnicity The ethnic groups that are mostly found in Sydney are mostly French, β†’

Womens equality diminishes men

Women's Equality Diminishes Men Women's equality campaign has increased in many countries with the increasing number of women pushing for empowerment. Key to success in pushing for women's equality has been the various organizations formed to fight for women's rights.

Characteristics of the green roof and how it reduces energy cost

One of the major characteristics of the green roof is therefore its observed nature that distinguishes it from the artificial roof. While the artificial roof is ' non-generic' and inorganic, the green roof is majorly made of living substances in the form of plants.

Dell computers – supply and demand

Dell Computers-Demand and Supply Task: Factors affecting demand in regards to Dell Computers The main factors affecting thedemand of Dell computers include customer experience, preference, price of the product, customer service and consumers' income. Furthermore, the price of the product has a substantial effect on the demand of the products.

Weather forecast for michigan

They claim to have an accuracy of around 82%. The experts from the third web site predicted that the winter of 2011-2012 would be extreme than the normal with more than usual snowfall. The accuracy to which this website works with is 85%. It can be concluded from the research that the state of Michigan β†’

Starbucks: just who is the starbucks customer

With a new team and with the desire to succeed, Starbucks did exactly what their CEO Schultz had dreamt of. They captured the market with a simple and well rehearsed phenomenon and that was by capturing their customer. With the emergence of hundreds of coffee chains of Starbucks and with an increase in the variety β†’

Nike shoes

The company should also consider the poor people in the society and produce brands which have the comfortability and shows a sense of prestige. This will have the company increase its sale across all people in the society hence increasing its. In addition to flexibility, quality and transportation issues should be addressed by the company β†’

Casino questoin

Casino Management Question Technological advancements and its impact on marketing casino targeting both new and existing consumers is the front-and-center for the gaming industry marketers. The casino employs skilled workers with the similar values and objectives as of the business. Question 4 The advent of casinos on tribal land has improved employment and social β†’

Individual 4

As the case study that was reviewed indicated, one of the ways that this has been accomplished within the realm of human networking has been the renewed emphasis that firms have placed on networking directly with the source or directly with the customer as opposed to prior models of integration that focused almost exclusively on β†’

Consuming want

Advertisers, on the other hand, target our vulnerabilities to build within us the desire to buy a particular product or try a particular service. Or some ad campaigns would want us to believe that a particular prestigious brand is available not only to the rich and famous but also to ordinary people.

Cause related marketing

Cause-Related marketing is a two way process in which a business is approached by those whoa re working for a cause and so in collaboration, the company markets its goods or services using that cause and end of the day a decided portion of the profits goes to the cause. On the other hand, It β†’

A new campaign for the grape growers

A New Campaign for the Grape Growers Billboard The purpose of this paper is to provide a creative brief summarizing a new campaign for the Grape Growers of America. According to research conducted by the Grape Growers of America, it is the case that Grapes may have cancer fighting properties. From this β†’


The Wal-Mart You Do not Know" By 06 July 06 July " The Wal-Mart You Do not Know Wal-Mart's Role in its Channel Network: Wal-Mart is a giant in the retail business and has been the leader in its field showing highest sales figures year by year". The rationale of affording such low prices is β†’

Green acres seed company

The company uses test messaging to convince the farmers about the seed company explaining the different varieties of seeds available with their prices. The market structures of Green acres seed Company is the seller concentration, the degree of buyer concentration, the brands differentiation and the condition of entry to the market. Green acres seed Company β†’

International marketing

The global market needs accurate articulation of foreign markets, with effective and efficient management of a company's resources to satisfy the needs of the diverse cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the skills that a company requires to operate effectively in the international market should relate to effective planning, accurate conception and timely execution of the production, promotion, β†’

The future in the food markets

Nestle' is one of the biggest consumer packed products firm in the planet that concentrates on augmenting the nutrition food value that, is consumed whereas raising the taste. Similar to Unilever, the marketing strategy of Nestle' is focused on the future of their commodities.

Create and market a brand

For one to ensure that their marketing strategies reflect their brands is by the uses of relevant and the valuable information that will attract the potential customers to buying the products that are in the market. If this is done in a collective manner it will on the other side engage the company's target that β†’

Promotional strategies for kit kat

I would refresh and rejuvenate the pack design rather than re-invent it because it is not necessary for loyal consumers to appreciate a pack transformation. To really get creative with the pack design I would replace the brand name with seasonal messages as well. For example, on Mother's day I will design the packs creatively β†’

Marketing mix: westin hotels and resorts

Its style includes more of a relaxed kind of fun that is in extremely distant from the noise and the pressure of a city life filled with diverse groups of people. This market involves people who are probably tired of life in the city - the noise and the pressure of interaction with a diversified β†’

Organizational buying behavior

Some of the factors that may influence the organizational buyer behavior include competition and staying ahead of the competitors, regulatory changes than happen often, the organizational key goals and objectives, a change in the government policy, the changing societal practices, technology levels, and the policies and the procedures involved while purchasing in the organization. Additionally β†’

Zara social media

However, Zara does have some problems in the realm of earned media, as controversy surrounding the company is instantly apparent. Zara's website anchors its digital presence, and its expansive global reach is clearly apparent by the number of countries and languages that users can access the site in. Zara boasts an active Twitter handle, a β†’

Project 5

This is aided by superb sales of the cigarettes in the country the industry account for 10% of the tobacco industry in Europe, with cigarette covering a whopping 95 per cent of the total market. The marketing share of the company stands at the market share for the company is 55 Euros as β†’

Word of mouth in marketing

For instance, it is highly unlikely that the typical consumer would rely on word-of-mouth for very big purchases such as cars and houses. This all the more underscores the fact that while word-of-mouth is a powerful juggernaut, it does not cover all bases and there are numerous situations where different types of communication should be β†’

Integrated marketing communication

For instance, according to American Association of Advertising Agencies, IMC is an aspect of marketing communication planning that recognises the added of a comprehensive policy that evaluates the specific duties of a variety of communication subjects. One of the vital aspects that have contributed to sustainable growth for integrated marketing communication is the coordination between β†’

Engagement on the social web

The World - CHANGE THE WORLD: Silicon Valley transfers its slogans and its money to the realm of politics. Retrieved July 23, 2013, from Medea Maimo University.

Mark-to-market accounting

Another benefit for companies of using such accounting treatment is the recording of unrealized gain on mark to market of financial assets the case of investment in shares, the unrealized gain would be the difference between the cost price of those shares and the market price of those shares on which it is currently β†’

Omm 615: week 6 dq 1

As such, Public Relations becomes an integral part of the ICM since the realization of most of the goals of ICM will significantly depend on the effectiveness of PR. With public relations, people become well acquainted with interactive technologies and databases and thus there is an increase of two-way communication between the organization β†’

Letter to client

While this concept may be new to you, the need of having an accurate information of where to locate the fish is always vital to fishing experience. We get our fishing report from Lake Michigan Captains from Milwaukee, Wisconsin all the way to Portage, Indiana and these reports provide the most accurate information on where β†’

Creating a promoting plan

When the sales pick up and the company matures, the focus of advertising should shift from generating trial purchases to inform people about the business and its strengths. Once the company gets older it should start advertising in newspaper and specialist magazines to inform people about its existence and its purpose of conducting the business.

Competitive advantage

Barnes & Noble is the industry leader in the book industry. Due to the size of the company the firm is in a better position to offer lower prices.

Principles of marketing

The other stakeholders include Feeding America, the National Network of Food Banks apart from volunteers who give their support for the cause. Primary beneficiaries of SPFB are the person in need of food which is channeled through other NGOs and churches working towards the benefit of the society. As most of the programmes are done β†’

Individual 6

Individual Assignment The successes in advertising products rely on the producers' understanding of the characteristics of the majority of the population that would be watching or hearing the advertisement. The idea of standing out is rather unheard of in feminist and collectivist cultures. On the other hand, highly-individualistic and masculine cultures are much more impacted β†’

Air compressor set

A small control panel would be fitted alongside the platform, and the whole set would be enclosed in a fabric glass case. Transmissions would be sealed in PVC, and the whole interior of the set would be lined by the same material.

Hypotheses and evidence (spss)

Most of the values were concentrated above the mode, which despite some other variables showing normal distributions, advised my use of non-parametric tests on the data. The sample comprised 30 participants, 56. From the sampled population, 60% were consumers of hard drinks, which include vodka, whiskies , and brandy among other drinks.

Counterfeit luxury brands and high-status consumers

However, Giffen goods and inferior goods might not be interpreted as an effect in the consumer choices under this construct because such consumers with a willingness to purchase counterfeit luxury brands think only of the potential social status and not the genuine economic welfare associated with the good. As a result, those consumers tend to β†’

How our customers buy the product

According to Grewal , this process is invaluable because it provides a comprehensive outlook of potential markets and clients and acts as a yardstick for moving forward. A potential employer should feel that I am ready to make a positive contribution to the company and enable it to realize its goals, vision, and targets. β†’

Primary models of international marketing

Contrary to ethnocentric approach or model, the polycentric approach dwells on the uniqueness of each region it is unveiling its products in. On the negative aspect, modifications to fit into each setting may dilute the originality of the initial product and prove expensive for the company too.

Pg 194 case

This therefore builds on the persuasiveness of the information to the benefit of the company that own the product seeking endorsement. Consumers will therefore agree with any message that is passed to them as the gospel truth following the credibility of the band. Source attractiveness, on another hand, makes the recipient of the advertising message β†’

Robert mondavi corporation (rmc)

In keeping with the greater focus and unabated competition of the present US wine market, the primary purpose of this report is to critically analyze the business strategies of Robert Mondavi Corporation , a renowned wine manufacturer and marketer in the global wine market. In relation to the case scenario, it has been witnessed β†’

Artical analysis

The investors and other users of the financial report will not have to take the help of a third part to extract important information about the company, as the relevant information will already be mentioned by the company in the report. It is certain that communicating the critical audit matters to investors and other stakeholders β†’

Edward snowden: hero or traitor

Edward Snowden- Hero or Traitor After leaking high profile information about NSA's surveillance, Edward Snowden sparked a debate over the morality of his actions. According to Jarvis, considering that official oversight of information privacy in the US and the UK have failed, the two countries can only rely on the protection of last resort who β†’

Definition paper for visa (international student visa for staying and studying in us which is f-1 visa)

If a student visa expires while still living in the United States, the next time he wishes to travel abroad he must apply for a new F-1 visa before going back to United States. For a native, there is no criterion in application of the visa, and as long as an international student wishes to β†’

Discussion 3

When I tell her that starving is not dieting, she argues saying that both are the same, and goes on to say that I am not a nutritionist, so I better keep my opinion to myself. I find this argument poor as it is an example of appeal to authority.

Public speaking

Clueless we can see the main character's makes an effort to provide the answer to the question " Should all the oppressed people be allowed refuge in America?" Cher pointed out that there is a strain on the resources and used a metaphor of her father's birthday which should be the, but β†’


Intimidation and frustrations are some of the features of the journey to success. The element of success in one's life makes the person set example to the society and receives much respected compared to other ordinary people.

Corruption in the congress

Summary: Corruption in the Congress The SAVE System - Secure Architecture for Voting Electronically " Revolutionizing the Voting Process through Online Strategies" by Smith, Alan and John Clark tends to provide practitioners of information management with challenges of electronic voting and the need to adopt internet voting. In general, the authors believe that I-Voting will β†’

Shame by. dick gregory and the professor is a dropout” by. beth jonhson

This shameful feeling made Richards to lack the motivation he initially had to go to school. Contrary to this, the professor is a dropout is a story of encouragement where Quadalupe Quintanilla strived to be successful in life even when people termed as retarded. Her motivation was her children and with the skills for reading β†’

Why we should send a manned mission to mars

The President is looking to decrease missions to Mars in the hope of reaching a planet that could prove vital for our future. Manned missions to Mars can recreate the achievements of that decade and even surpass them.

Instruction paper (by own words). subject: blueberry muffin

For approximately 18 muffins, the following quantities of ingredients should be used: 3 cups of flour 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1 cup of sugar 2 cups of blueberries 1 egg 2 cups of milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla 240 grams β†’

Sexual harassment of women in india

Sexual Harassment of Women in India In the second decade of the 21st century, women's issues have sustained in different forms throughout the world, ranging from AIDS in Africa to sexual harassment in India. One of the factors responsible for this is sexual harassment of women in India.

A small descriptive story

The Great Wall of China remains in the annals of past and present history as a grandiose marvel of man's innovative capacity. Despite, sections of the Great Wall giving way to wear and tear, much of it stands as a testament to China's rich culture, military strength and architectural innovation. Work Cited UNESCO." The β†’

Word journal on the bluest eyes

Instruction: Task: Alcoholism and family abuse The book The Bluest Eye has a number of themes which include alcoholism and family abuse, seeing versus being seen, the power of stories, sexual initiation and abuse, satisfying appetite versus suppressing them, season and nature, and dirtiness and cleanliness. This essay will look at alcoholism and family abuse β†’

Why the drinking age should be lowered

Argumentative essay on why the drinking age should be lowered Drinking age within the teenagers need to be lowered because they have every right to pick and choose what they feel like. The need is to comprehend how the drinking age has to be adjusted in the first place.

Discussion question

Sections of them are victims of circumstances, such as the death of guardians as for the case of the kid whose grandma was shot. Therefore, the nation must stop violence. Over the years, the number of violence has increased.

Lead discussion

The whole scenario outraged the natives because the Euro-Americans saw them as inferior and they started to treat the environment in a way that the natives did not like. Because of this, the chief Seattle tries to persuade the Americans to treat the natives with utmost respect because they were feeling the effects of harsh β†’

Precis paper

Pension Overhauls in New Jersey Pension Overhauls in New Jersey In the Governor of New Jersey Mr. Three years since the effecting of the new pension scheme, the Governor raises concerns of whether the government will beat the time scheduled to pay the $1.


In this narrative the author has used imagery this is one of the best elements of a writer's craft that any author can use. The author gave me a clear visual image of the occurrences, at some moment I felt like I was in the story seeing the suffering of the people.

The importance of phonetics and phonology in english

These distinctions usually go unnoticed within the community if they occur regularly, but can attract attention by those of the non-English speaking community, or those learning English. The effect of delay on articulator movement can be seen in English words such as more and now, where the beginning of the vowel is nasalized, partly because β†’

Should animals be used for scientific researches

He has presented the fact that the invention of antibiotics for the treatment of infections, insulin for the treatment of diabetes as well as the introduction of vaccines for the prevention of polio and cervical cancer is all attributable to the experiments that were conducted on animals. He also highlighted the fact that the transplantation β†’

Communication change challenge

This is because I am not used to leaving tasks in suspense. I did not choose the statement I cannot accuse my parents in any wrong they do in the I do not know how to. This is because the statement is about something that I cannot do.

Home cooking: the barriers of poverty and middle class blinders

Home Cooking: The Barriers of Poverty and Middle Blinders Home Cooking: The Barriers of Poverty and Middle BlindersIn " Joy of Cooking", the author has highlighted what cooking entails and how people can make sure they cook delicious and tasty meals. The debater also says that they enjoyed spending time in the kitchen with the β†’

Elements and genre

It fulfills all expectations of romantic comedy movies without crossing genres. The movie The Imaginarium of Parnassus is an example of a science-fiction movie. This movie fulfills all expectations of the movies of this genre.

Living with diabetes

She did get remission from diarrhea; however her family physician asked her to get blood checked in laboratory for parasites, hemoglobin, leukocytes count and cholesterol level. On seeing blood report, doctor said that her fatigue was not due to lack of hemoglobin. Since she was suffering from shortness of breath and no infection was apparent, β†’

Lindas and the womans stockings as a motiv of play death of a salesman

In this essay we would be analyzing the motifs used in the story with special focus on the motif of the woman's ' stockings'. The first time the motif of the stockings appears in the play is when the characters are younger. The image of the stocking portrays his infidelity and his deceit towards Linda β†’

Conflict assesment

The fact a member of the family had a great opinion regarding avoidance; it means I have a lot to work on regarding my conflict resolution. Regarding competition, it was a fair score because the scores of the two people did not deviate much from my score. This means I am averagely aggressive compared to β†’

Nova callege

The Story of an Hour " The Story of an Hour" is a short read which eluci s the story of the presumed death of Mrs Mallard's husband. 04 Apr.2012.. The Lottery The plot of " The Lottery" is an intriguing narrative of an old village and their practice which captivates the reader and β†’

Com 4

Any further inquiries can be forwarded to our HR at [email protected]. Application to the Required Job 1. Once you are short-listed for the job we will send you an email.